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! Copyright (C) 2023 Quantum ESPRESSO Foundation
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE rhoat_mod
!! Variables and routines for atomic charge density
!! Contains generation of interpolation tables in reciprocal space,
!! interpolation routines and other utility routines
!! Code moved to upflib and restructured by Paolo Giannozzi, 2023
USE upf_kinds, ONLY : dp
USE upf_const, ONLY : fpi, e2, eps8
PUBLIC :: init_tab_rhoat
PUBLIC :: interp_rhoat
PUBLIC :: scale_tab_rhoat
INTEGER :: nqx = 0
!! size of interpolation table
REAL(DP), PARAMETER:: dq = 0.01_dp
!! grid step for interpolation table
REAL(DP) :: qmax = 0.0_dp
!! max q covered by the interpolation table
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: tab_rhoat(:,:)
!! interpolation table for atomic pseudo-valence charge density
SUBROUTINE init_tab_rhoat (qmax_, omega, comm, ierr)
!! Compute interpolation table for atomic charge density
!! tab_rhoat(i,nt) = \rho_nt(q_i) for atom of type nt, on grid q_i
!! Output in tab_rhoat
USE atom, ONLY : rgrid, msh
USE uspp_param, ONLY : upf, nsp
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
!! MPI communicator, to split the workload
!! return code: ierr = 0 if interpolation table (IT) was allocated
!! ierr =-1 if IT had insufficient dimension and was re-allocated
!! ierr =-2 if IT was already present and nothing is done
REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: qmax_
!! Interpolate q up to qmax_ (sqrt(Ry), q^2 is an energy)
REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: omega
!! Unit-cell volume
INTEGER :: ndm, startq, lastq, nt, iq, ir
!! Various indices
REAL(dp) :: q
REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: aux (:)
!! Work space
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED(tab_rhoat) ) THEN
!! table not yet allocated
qmax = qmax_
ierr = 0
ELSE IF ( qmax_ > qmax ) THEN
!! table ìs allocated but dimension insufficient: re-allocate
!! (with some margin so that this does not happen too often)
CALL deallocate_tab_rhoat ( )
qmax = qmax_ + MAX(dq*100,qmax_-qmax)
ierr =-1
!! table already computed: exit
ierr =-2
nqx = INT( qmax/dq + 4)
ALLOCATE ( tab_rhoat(nqx,nsp) )
!$acc enter data create(tab_rhoat)
ndm = MAXVAL( msh(1:nsp) )
ALLOCATE (aux(ndm))
CALL divide (comm, nqx, startq, lastq)
DO nt = 1, nsp
tab_rhoat(:,nt)= 0.d0
DO iq = startq, lastq
q = (iq - 1) * dq
DO ir = 1, msh(nt)
IF ( iq > 1 .AND. rgrid(nt)%r(ir) > eps8 ) then
!! check above prevents divide by zero
aux (ir) = upf(nt)%rho_at(ir) * &
sin(q*rgrid(nt)%r(ir)) / (q*rgrid(nt)%r(ir))
aux (ir) = upf(nt)%rho_at(ir)
CALL simpson ( msh(nt), aux, rgrid(nt)%rab, tab_rhoat(iq,nt) )
tab_rhoat (iq,nt) = tab_rhoat (iq,nt) / omega
CALL mp_sum ( tab_rhoat (:,1:nsp), comm )
!$acc update device (tab_rhoat)
END SUBROUTINE init_tab_rhoat
SUBROUTINE interp_rhoat( nt, ngl, gl, tpiba2, rhoag )
!! Calculates the radial Fourier transform of the core charge.
!! input: atomic type
INTEGER :: ngl
!! input: the number of g shell
REAL(DP) :: gl(ngl)
!! input: the number of G shells
REAL(DP) :: tpiba2
!! input: 2 times pi / alat
REAL(DP) :: rhoag(ngl)
!! output: the Fourier transform of the atomic charge
! ... local variables
REAL(DP) :: gx, px, ux, vx, wx
! the modulus of g for a given shell
! variables used for interpolation
INTEGER :: igl, i0, i1, i2, i3
! counters
!$acc data present_or_copyin(gl) present_or_copyout(rhoag) present(tab_rhoat)
!$acc parallel loop
DO igl = 1, ngl
gx = SQRT(gl(igl) * tpiba2)
px = gx / dq - int (gx/dq)
ux = 1.d0 - px
vx = 2.d0 - px
wx = 3.d0 - px
i0 = INT(gx/dq) + 1
i1 = i0 + 1
i2 = i0 + 2
i3 = i0 + 3
rhoag (igl) = tab_rhoat(i0, nt) * ux * vx * wx / 6.d0 + &
tab_rhoat(i1, nt) * px * vx * wx / 2.d0 - &
tab_rhoat(i2, nt) * px * ux * wx / 2.d0 + &
tab_rhoat(i3, nt) * px * ux * vx / 6.d0
!$acc end data
END SUBROUTINE interp_rhoat
subroutine scale_tab_rhoat( vol_ratio_m1 )
! vol_ratio_m1 = omega_old / omega
real(DP), intent(in) :: vol_ratio_m1
if ( allocated(tab_rhoat) ) then
tab_rhoat(:,:) = tab_rhoat(:,:) * vol_ratio_m1
!$acc update device (tab_rhoat)
end if
end subroutine scale_tab_rhoat
subroutine deallocate_tab_rhoat( )
if ( allocated(tab_rhoat) ) then
!$acc exit data delete(tab_rhoat)
deallocate (tab_rhoat)
end if
end subroutine deallocate_tab_rhoat
END MODULE rhoat_mod