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! Copyright (C) 2001-2016 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine incdrhoscf_nc (drhoscf, weight, ik, dbecsum, dpsi, rsign)
! This routine computes the change of the charge density due to the
! perturbation. It is called at the end of the computation of the
! change of the wavefunction for a given k point.
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
USE cell_base, ONLY : omega
MAJOR restructuring of the FFTXlib library In real space processors are organized in a 2D pattern. Each processor owns data from a sub-set of Z-planes and a sub-set of Y-planes. In reciprocal space each processor owns Z-columns that belong to a sub set of X-values. This allows to split the processors in two sets for communication in the YZ and XY planes. In alternative, if the situation allows for it, a task group paralelization is used (with ntg=nyfft) where complete XY planes of ntg wavefunctions are collected and Fourier trasnformed in G space by different task-groups. This is preferable to the Z-proc + Y-proc paralleization if task group can be used because a smaller number of larger ammounts of data are transferred. Hence three types of fft are implemented: ! !! ... isgn = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential ! !! ... isgn = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions ! !! ... isgn = +-3 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions with task group ! !! ... isgn = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) ! !! ... isgn = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) ! ! If task_group_fft_is_active the FFT acts on a number of wfcs equal to ! dfft%nproc2, the number of Y-sections in which a plane is divided. ! Data are reshuffled by the fft_scatter_tg routine so that each of the ! dfft%nproc2 subgroups (made by dfft%nproc3 procs) deals with whole planes ! of a single wavefunciton. ! fft_type module heavily modified, a number of variables renamed with more intuitive names (at least to me), a number of more variables introduced for the Y-proc parallelization. Task_group module made void. task_group management is now reduced to the logical component fft_desc%have_task_groups of fft_type_descriptor type variable fft_desc. In term of interfaces, the 'easy' calling sequences are SUBROUTINE invfft/fwfft( grid_type, f, dfft, howmany ) !! where: !! !! **grid_type = 'Dense'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the dense grid (dfftp). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Smooth'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Wave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'tgWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f with task group !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Custom'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'CustomWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **dfft = FFT descriptor**, IMPORTANT NOTICE: grid is specified only by dfft. !! No check is performed on the correspondence between dfft and grid_type. !! grid_type is now used only to distinguish cases 'Wave' / 'CustomWave' !! from all other cases Many more files modified. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@13676 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2017-08-02 04:31:02 +08:00
USE fft_base, ONLY : dffts, dfftp
USE fft_interfaces, ONLY : invfft
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
USE spin_orb, ONLY : domag
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : npol, nspin_mag
USE uspp_param, ONLY : nhm
USE wvfct, ONLY : npwx, nbnd
USE wavefunctions, ONLY : evc
USE klist, ONLY : ngk,igk_k
USE qpoint, ONLY : ikks, ikqs
USE control_lr, ONLY : nbnd_occ
USE qpoint_aux, ONLY : becpt
USE lrus, ONLY : becp1
USE mp_bands, ONLY : me_bgrp, inter_bgrp_comm, ntask_groups
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
USE fft_helper_subroutines
! I/O variables
! input: the k point
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: weight
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rsign
! input: the weight of the k point
! the sign in front of the response of the magnetization density
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: dpsi(npwx*npol,nbnd)
! input: the perturbed wfcs at the given k point
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: drhoscf (dfftp%nnr,nspin_mag), dbecsum (nhm,nhm,nat,nspin)
! input/output: the accumulated change of the charge density and dbecsum
! here the local variable
REAL(DP) :: wgt
! the effective weight of the k point
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: psi (:,:), dpsic (:,:)
! the wavefunctions in real space
! the change of wavefunctions in real space
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: tg_psi (:,:), tg_dpsi (:,:), tg_drho(:,:)
INTEGER :: npw, npwq, ikk, ikq
MAJOR restructuring of the FFTXlib library In real space processors are organized in a 2D pattern. Each processor owns data from a sub-set of Z-planes and a sub-set of Y-planes. In reciprocal space each processor owns Z-columns that belong to a sub set of X-values. This allows to split the processors in two sets for communication in the YZ and XY planes. In alternative, if the situation allows for it, a task group paralelization is used (with ntg=nyfft) where complete XY planes of ntg wavefunctions are collected and Fourier trasnformed in G space by different task-groups. This is preferable to the Z-proc + Y-proc paralleization if task group can be used because a smaller number of larger ammounts of data are transferred. Hence three types of fft are implemented: ! !! ... isgn = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential ! !! ... isgn = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions ! !! ... isgn = +-3 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions with task group ! !! ... isgn = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) ! !! ... isgn = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) ! ! If task_group_fft_is_active the FFT acts on a number of wfcs equal to ! dfft%nproc2, the number of Y-sections in which a plane is divided. ! Data are reshuffled by the fft_scatter_tg routine so that each of the ! dfft%nproc2 subgroups (made by dfft%nproc3 procs) deals with whole planes ! of a single wavefunciton. ! fft_type module heavily modified, a number of variables renamed with more intuitive names (at least to me), a number of more variables introduced for the Y-proc parallelization. Task_group module made void. task_group management is now reduced to the logical component fft_desc%have_task_groups of fft_type_descriptor type variable fft_desc. In term of interfaces, the 'easy' calling sequences are SUBROUTINE invfft/fwfft( grid_type, f, dfft, howmany ) !! where: !! !! **grid_type = 'Dense'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the dense grid (dfftp). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Smooth'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Wave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'tgWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f with task group !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Custom'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'CustomWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **dfft = FFT descriptor**, IMPORTANT NOTICE: grid is specified only by dfft. !! No check is performed on the correspondence between dfft and grid_type. !! grid_type is now used only to distinguish cases 'Wave' / 'CustomWave' !! from all other cases Many more files modified. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@13676 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2017-08-02 04:31:02 +08:00
INTEGER :: ibnd, jbnd, ir, ir3, ig, incr, v_siz, idx, ioff, ioff_tg, nxyp
INTEGER :: ntgrp, right_inc
! counters
CALL start_clock ('incdrhoscf')
ALLOCATE (dpsic(dffts%nnr, npol))
ALLOCATE (psi (dffts%nnr, npol))
wgt = 2.d0 * weight / omega
ikk = ikks(ik)
ikq = ikqs(ik)
npw = ngk(ikk)
npwq= ngk(ikq)
incr = 1
IF (dffts%has_task_groups) THEN
MAJOR restructuring of the FFTXlib library In real space processors are organized in a 2D pattern. Each processor owns data from a sub-set of Z-planes and a sub-set of Y-planes. In reciprocal space each processor owns Z-columns that belong to a sub set of X-values. This allows to split the processors in two sets for communication in the YZ and XY planes. In alternative, if the situation allows for it, a task group paralelization is used (with ntg=nyfft) where complete XY planes of ntg wavefunctions are collected and Fourier trasnformed in G space by different task-groups. This is preferable to the Z-proc + Y-proc paralleization if task group can be used because a smaller number of larger ammounts of data are transferred. Hence three types of fft are implemented: ! !! ... isgn = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential ! !! ... isgn = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions ! !! ... isgn = +-3 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions with task group ! !! ... isgn = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) ! !! ... isgn = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) ! ! If task_group_fft_is_active the FFT acts on a number of wfcs equal to ! dfft%nproc2, the number of Y-sections in which a plane is divided. ! Data are reshuffled by the fft_scatter_tg routine so that each of the ! dfft%nproc2 subgroups (made by dfft%nproc3 procs) deals with whole planes ! of a single wavefunciton. ! fft_type module heavily modified, a number of variables renamed with more intuitive names (at least to me), a number of more variables introduced for the Y-proc parallelization. Task_group module made void. task_group management is now reduced to the logical component fft_desc%have_task_groups of fft_type_descriptor type variable fft_desc. In term of interfaces, the 'easy' calling sequences are SUBROUTINE invfft/fwfft( grid_type, f, dfft, howmany ) !! where: !! !! **grid_type = 'Dense'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the dense grid (dfftp). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Smooth'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Wave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'tgWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f with task group !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Custom'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'CustomWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **dfft = FFT descriptor**, IMPORTANT NOTICE: grid is specified only by dfft. !! No check is performed on the correspondence between dfft and grid_type. !! grid_type is now used only to distinguish cases 'Wave' / 'CustomWave' !! from all other cases Many more files modified. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@13676 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2017-08-02 04:31:02 +08:00
v_siz = dffts%nnr_tg
ALLOCATE( tg_psi( v_siz, npol ) )
ALLOCATE( tg_dpsi( v_siz, npol ) )
ALLOCATE( tg_drho( v_siz, nspin_mag ) )
incr = fftx_ntgrp(dffts)
! dpsi contains the perturbed wavefunctions of this k point
! evc contains the unperturbed wavefunctions of this k point
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ(ikk), incr
IF (dffts%has_task_groups) THEN
tg_drho=(0.0_DP, 0.0_DP)
tg_psi=(0.0_DP, 0.0_DP)
tg_dpsi=(0.0_DP, 0.0_DP)
ioff = 0
CALL tg_get_recip_inc( dffts, right_inc )
ntgrp = fftx_ntgrp( dffts )
DO idx = 1, ntgrp
! ... dtgs%nogrp ffts at the same time. We prepare both
! evc (at k) and dpsi (at k+q)
IF( idx + ibnd - 1 <= nbnd_occ(ikk) ) THEN
DO ig = 1, npw
2017-12-24 22:24:26 +08:00
tg_psi( dffts%nl( igk_k( ig,ikk ) ) + ioff, 1 ) = evc( ig, idx+ibnd-1 )
tg_psi( dffts%nl( igk_k( ig,ikk ) ) + ioff, 2 ) = evc( npwx+ig, idx+ibnd-1 )
DO ig = 1, npwq
2017-12-24 22:24:26 +08:00
tg_dpsi( dffts%nl( igk_k( ig,ikq ) ) + ioff, 1 ) = dpsi( ig, idx+ibnd-1 )
tg_dpsi( dffts%nl( igk_k( ig,ikq ) ) + ioff, 2 ) = dpsi( npwx+ig, idx+ibnd-1 )
ioff = ioff + right_inc
MAJOR restructuring of the FFTXlib library In real space processors are organized in a 2D pattern. Each processor owns data from a sub-set of Z-planes and a sub-set of Y-planes. In reciprocal space each processor owns Z-columns that belong to a sub set of X-values. This allows to split the processors in two sets for communication in the YZ and XY planes. In alternative, if the situation allows for it, a task group paralelization is used (with ntg=nyfft) where complete XY planes of ntg wavefunctions are collected and Fourier trasnformed in G space by different task-groups. This is preferable to the Z-proc + Y-proc paralleization if task group can be used because a smaller number of larger ammounts of data are transferred. Hence three types of fft are implemented: ! !! ... isgn = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential ! !! ... isgn = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions ! !! ... isgn = +-3 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions with task group ! !! ... isgn = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) ! !! ... isgn = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) ! ! If task_group_fft_is_active the FFT acts on a number of wfcs equal to ! dfft%nproc2, the number of Y-sections in which a plane is divided. ! Data are reshuffled by the fft_scatter_tg routine so that each of the ! dfft%nproc2 subgroups (made by dfft%nproc3 procs) deals with whole planes ! of a single wavefunciton. ! fft_type module heavily modified, a number of variables renamed with more intuitive names (at least to me), a number of more variables introduced for the Y-proc parallelization. Task_group module made void. task_group management is now reduced to the logical component fft_desc%have_task_groups of fft_type_descriptor type variable fft_desc. In term of interfaces, the 'easy' calling sequences are SUBROUTINE invfft/fwfft( grid_type, f, dfft, howmany ) !! where: !! !! **grid_type = 'Dense'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the dense grid (dfftp). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Smooth'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Wave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'tgWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f with task group !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Custom'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'CustomWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **dfft = FFT descriptor**, IMPORTANT NOTICE: grid is specified only by dfft. !! No check is performed on the correspondence between dfft and grid_type. !! grid_type is now used only to distinguish cases 'Wave' / 'CustomWave' !! from all other cases Many more files modified. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@13676 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2017-08-02 04:31:02 +08:00
CALL invfft ('tgWave', tg_psi(:,1), dffts)
CALL invfft ('tgWave', tg_psi(:,2), dffts)
CALL invfft ('tgWave', tg_dpsi(:,1), dffts)
CALL invfft ('tgWave', tg_dpsi(:,2), dffts)
MAJOR restructuring of the FFTXlib library In real space processors are organized in a 2D pattern. Each processor owns data from a sub-set of Z-planes and a sub-set of Y-planes. In reciprocal space each processor owns Z-columns that belong to a sub set of X-values. This allows to split the processors in two sets for communication in the YZ and XY planes. In alternative, if the situation allows for it, a task group paralelization is used (with ntg=nyfft) where complete XY planes of ntg wavefunctions are collected and Fourier trasnformed in G space by different task-groups. This is preferable to the Z-proc + Y-proc paralleization if task group can be used because a smaller number of larger ammounts of data are transferred. Hence three types of fft are implemented: ! !! ... isgn = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential ! !! ... isgn = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions ! !! ... isgn = +-3 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions with task group ! !! ... isgn = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) ! !! ... isgn = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) ! ! If task_group_fft_is_active the FFT acts on a number of wfcs equal to ! dfft%nproc2, the number of Y-sections in which a plane is divided. ! Data are reshuffled by the fft_scatter_tg routine so that each of the ! dfft%nproc2 subgroups (made by dfft%nproc3 procs) deals with whole planes ! of a single wavefunciton. ! fft_type module heavily modified, a number of variables renamed with more intuitive names (at least to me), a number of more variables introduced for the Y-proc parallelization. Task_group module made void. task_group management is now reduced to the logical component fft_desc%have_task_groups of fft_type_descriptor type variable fft_desc. In term of interfaces, the 'easy' calling sequences are SUBROUTINE invfft/fwfft( grid_type, f, dfft, howmany ) !! where: !! !! **grid_type = 'Dense'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the dense grid (dfftp). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Smooth'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Wave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'tgWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f with task group !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Custom'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'CustomWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **dfft = FFT descriptor**, IMPORTANT NOTICE: grid is specified only by dfft. !! No check is performed on the correspondence between dfft and grid_type. !! grid_type is now used only to distinguish cases 'Wave' / 'CustomWave' !! from all other cases Many more files modified. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@13676 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2017-08-02 04:31:02 +08:00
do ir = 1, dffts%nr1x * dffts%nr2x * dffts%my_nr3p
tg_drho (ir,1) = tg_drho (ir,1) + wgt * (CONJG(tg_psi (ir,1) )*tg_dpsi (ir,1) &
+ CONJG(tg_psi (ir,2) )*tg_dpsi (ir,2) )
IF (domag) THEN
MAJOR restructuring of the FFTXlib library In real space processors are organized in a 2D pattern. Each processor owns data from a sub-set of Z-planes and a sub-set of Y-planes. In reciprocal space each processor owns Z-columns that belong to a sub set of X-values. This allows to split the processors in two sets for communication in the YZ and XY planes. In alternative, if the situation allows for it, a task group paralelization is used (with ntg=nyfft) where complete XY planes of ntg wavefunctions are collected and Fourier trasnformed in G space by different task-groups. This is preferable to the Z-proc + Y-proc paralleization if task group can be used because a smaller number of larger ammounts of data are transferred. Hence three types of fft are implemented: ! !! ... isgn = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential ! !! ... isgn = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions ! !! ... isgn = +-3 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions with task group ! !! ... isgn = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) ! !! ... isgn = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) ! ! If task_group_fft_is_active the FFT acts on a number of wfcs equal to ! dfft%nproc2, the number of Y-sections in which a plane is divided. ! Data are reshuffled by the fft_scatter_tg routine so that each of the ! dfft%nproc2 subgroups (made by dfft%nproc3 procs) deals with whole planes ! of a single wavefunciton. ! fft_type module heavily modified, a number of variables renamed with more intuitive names (at least to me), a number of more variables introduced for the Y-proc parallelization. Task_group module made void. task_group management is now reduced to the logical component fft_desc%have_task_groups of fft_type_descriptor type variable fft_desc. In term of interfaces, the 'easy' calling sequences are SUBROUTINE invfft/fwfft( grid_type, f, dfft, howmany ) !! where: !! !! **grid_type = 'Dense'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the dense grid (dfftp). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Smooth'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Wave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'tgWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f with task group !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Custom'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'CustomWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **dfft = FFT descriptor**, IMPORTANT NOTICE: grid is specified only by dfft. !! No check is performed on the correspondence between dfft and grid_type. !! grid_type is now used only to distinguish cases 'Wave' / 'CustomWave' !! from all other cases Many more files modified. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@13676 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2017-08-02 04:31:02 +08:00
do ir = 1, dffts%nr1x * dffts%nr2x * dffts%my_nr3p
tg_drho(ir,2)= tg_drho(ir,2) + (rsign) *wgt * (CONJG(tg_psi(ir,1))*tg_dpsi(ir,2) &
MAJOR restructuring of the FFTXlib library In real space processors are organized in a 2D pattern. Each processor owns data from a sub-set of Z-planes and a sub-set of Y-planes. In reciprocal space each processor owns Z-columns that belong to a sub set of X-values. This allows to split the processors in two sets for communication in the YZ and XY planes. In alternative, if the situation allows for it, a task group paralelization is used (with ntg=nyfft) where complete XY planes of ntg wavefunctions are collected and Fourier trasnformed in G space by different task-groups. This is preferable to the Z-proc + Y-proc paralleization if task group can be used because a smaller number of larger ammounts of data are transferred. Hence three types of fft are implemented: ! !! ... isgn = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential ! !! ... isgn = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions ! !! ... isgn = +-3 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions with task group ! !! ... isgn = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) ! !! ... isgn = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) ! ! If task_group_fft_is_active the FFT acts on a number of wfcs equal to ! dfft%nproc2, the number of Y-sections in which a plane is divided. ! Data are reshuffled by the fft_scatter_tg routine so that each of the ! dfft%nproc2 subgroups (made by dfft%nproc3 procs) deals with whole planes ! of a single wavefunciton. ! fft_type module heavily modified, a number of variables renamed with more intuitive names (at least to me), a number of more variables introduced for the Y-proc parallelization. Task_group module made void. task_group management is now reduced to the logical component fft_desc%have_task_groups of fft_type_descriptor type variable fft_desc. In term of interfaces, the 'easy' calling sequences are SUBROUTINE invfft/fwfft( grid_type, f, dfft, howmany ) !! where: !! !! **grid_type = 'Dense'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the dense grid (dfftp). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Smooth'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Wave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'tgWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f with task group !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Custom'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'CustomWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **dfft = FFT descriptor**, IMPORTANT NOTICE: grid is specified only by dfft. !! No check is performed on the correspondence between dfft and grid_type. !! grid_type is now used only to distinguish cases 'Wave' / 'CustomWave' !! from all other cases Many more files modified. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@13676 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2017-08-02 04:31:02 +08:00
+ CONJG(tg_psi(ir,2))*tg_dpsi(ir,1) )
tg_drho(ir,3)= tg_drho(ir,3) + (rsign) *wgt * (CONJG(tg_psi(ir,1))*tg_dpsi(ir,2) &
MAJOR restructuring of the FFTXlib library In real space processors are organized in a 2D pattern. Each processor owns data from a sub-set of Z-planes and a sub-set of Y-planes. In reciprocal space each processor owns Z-columns that belong to a sub set of X-values. This allows to split the processors in two sets for communication in the YZ and XY planes. In alternative, if the situation allows for it, a task group paralelization is used (with ntg=nyfft) where complete XY planes of ntg wavefunctions are collected and Fourier trasnformed in G space by different task-groups. This is preferable to the Z-proc + Y-proc paralleization if task group can be used because a smaller number of larger ammounts of data are transferred. Hence three types of fft are implemented: ! !! ... isgn = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential ! !! ... isgn = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions ! !! ... isgn = +-3 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions with task group ! !! ... isgn = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) ! !! ... isgn = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) ! ! If task_group_fft_is_active the FFT acts on a number of wfcs equal to ! dfft%nproc2, the number of Y-sections in which a plane is divided. ! Data are reshuffled by the fft_scatter_tg routine so that each of the ! dfft%nproc2 subgroups (made by dfft%nproc3 procs) deals with whole planes ! of a single wavefunciton. ! fft_type module heavily modified, a number of variables renamed with more intuitive names (at least to me), a number of more variables introduced for the Y-proc parallelization. Task_group module made void. task_group management is now reduced to the logical component fft_desc%have_task_groups of fft_type_descriptor type variable fft_desc. In term of interfaces, the 'easy' calling sequences are SUBROUTINE invfft/fwfft( grid_type, f, dfft, howmany ) !! where: !! !! **grid_type = 'Dense'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the dense grid (dfftp). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Smooth'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Wave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'tgWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f with task group !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Custom'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'CustomWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **dfft = FFT descriptor**, IMPORTANT NOTICE: grid is specified only by dfft. !! No check is performed on the correspondence between dfft and grid_type. !! grid_type is now used only to distinguish cases 'Wave' / 'CustomWave' !! from all other cases Many more files modified. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@13676 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2017-08-02 04:31:02 +08:00
- CONJG(tg_psi(ir,2))*tg_dpsi(ir,1) ) * (0.d0,-1.d0)
tg_drho(ir,4)= tg_drho(ir,4) + (rsign) *wgt * (CONJG(tg_psi(ir,1))*tg_dpsi(ir,1) &
MAJOR restructuring of the FFTXlib library In real space processors are organized in a 2D pattern. Each processor owns data from a sub-set of Z-planes and a sub-set of Y-planes. In reciprocal space each processor owns Z-columns that belong to a sub set of X-values. This allows to split the processors in two sets for communication in the YZ and XY planes. In alternative, if the situation allows for it, a task group paralelization is used (with ntg=nyfft) where complete XY planes of ntg wavefunctions are collected and Fourier trasnformed in G space by different task-groups. This is preferable to the Z-proc + Y-proc paralleization if task group can be used because a smaller number of larger ammounts of data are transferred. Hence three types of fft are implemented: ! !! ... isgn = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential ! !! ... isgn = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions ! !! ... isgn = +-3 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions with task group ! !! ... isgn = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) ! !! ... isgn = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) ! ! If task_group_fft_is_active the FFT acts on a number of wfcs equal to ! dfft%nproc2, the number of Y-sections in which a plane is divided. ! Data are reshuffled by the fft_scatter_tg routine so that each of the ! dfft%nproc2 subgroups (made by dfft%nproc3 procs) deals with whole planes ! of a single wavefunciton. ! fft_type module heavily modified, a number of variables renamed with more intuitive names (at least to me), a number of more variables introduced for the Y-proc parallelization. Task_group module made void. task_group management is now reduced to the logical component fft_desc%have_task_groups of fft_type_descriptor type variable fft_desc. In term of interfaces, the 'easy' calling sequences are SUBROUTINE invfft/fwfft( grid_type, f, dfft, howmany ) !! where: !! !! **grid_type = 'Dense'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the dense grid (dfftp). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Smooth'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Wave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'tgWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f with task group !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Custom'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'CustomWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **dfft = FFT descriptor**, IMPORTANT NOTICE: grid is specified only by dfft. !! No check is performed on the correspondence between dfft and grid_type. !! grid_type is now used only to distinguish cases 'Wave' / 'CustomWave' !! from all other cases Many more files modified. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@13676 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2017-08-02 04:31:02 +08:00
- CONJG(tg_psi(ir,2))*tg_dpsi(ir,2) )
! reduce the group charge (equivalent to sum over the bands of the
! orbital group)
CALL tg_reduce_rho( drhoscf, tg_drho, dffts )
! Normal case: no task groups
! FFT to R-space of the unperturbed wfct's evc
psi = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do ig = 1, npw
2017-12-24 22:24:26 +08:00
psi (dffts%nl (igk_k(ig,ikk) ), 1) = evc (ig, ibnd)
psi (dffts%nl (igk_k(ig,ikk) ), 2) = evc (ig+npwx, ibnd)
CALL invfft ('Wave', psi(:,1), dffts)
CALL invfft ('Wave', psi(:,2), dffts)
! FFT to R-space of the perturbed wfct's dpsi
dpsic = (0.d0, 0.d0)
do ig = 1, npwq
2017-12-24 22:24:26 +08:00
dpsic (dffts%nl (igk_k(ig,ikq)), 1 ) = dpsi (ig, ibnd)
dpsic (dffts%nl (igk_k(ig,ikq)), 2 ) = dpsi (ig+npwx, ibnd)
CALL invfft ('Wave', dpsic(:,1), dffts)
CALL invfft ('Wave', dpsic(:,2), dffts)
! Calculation of the response charge density
do ir = 1, dffts%nnr
drhoscf(ir,1)=drhoscf(ir,1)+wgt*(CONJG(psi(ir,1))*dpsic(ir,1) + &
CONJG(psi(ir,2))*dpsic(ir,2) )
IF (domag) THEN
do ir = 1, dffts%nnr
drhoscf(ir,2)=drhoscf (ir,2) + (rsign) *wgt * (CONJG(psi(ir,1))*dpsic(ir,2) &
MAJOR restructuring of the FFTXlib library In real space processors are organized in a 2D pattern. Each processor owns data from a sub-set of Z-planes and a sub-set of Y-planes. In reciprocal space each processor owns Z-columns that belong to a sub set of X-values. This allows to split the processors in two sets for communication in the YZ and XY planes. In alternative, if the situation allows for it, a task group paralelization is used (with ntg=nyfft) where complete XY planes of ntg wavefunctions are collected and Fourier trasnformed in G space by different task-groups. This is preferable to the Z-proc + Y-proc paralleization if task group can be used because a smaller number of larger ammounts of data are transferred. Hence three types of fft are implemented: ! !! ... isgn = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential ! !! ... isgn = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions ! !! ... isgn = +-3 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions with task group ! !! ... isgn = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) ! !! ... isgn = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) ! ! If task_group_fft_is_active the FFT acts on a number of wfcs equal to ! dfft%nproc2, the number of Y-sections in which a plane is divided. ! Data are reshuffled by the fft_scatter_tg routine so that each of the ! dfft%nproc2 subgroups (made by dfft%nproc3 procs) deals with whole planes ! of a single wavefunciton. ! fft_type module heavily modified, a number of variables renamed with more intuitive names (at least to me), a number of more variables introduced for the Y-proc parallelization. Task_group module made void. task_group management is now reduced to the logical component fft_desc%have_task_groups of fft_type_descriptor type variable fft_desc. In term of interfaces, the 'easy' calling sequences are SUBROUTINE invfft/fwfft( grid_type, f, dfft, howmany ) !! where: !! !! **grid_type = 'Dense'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the dense grid (dfftp). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Smooth'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Wave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'tgWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f with task group !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Custom'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'CustomWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **dfft = FFT descriptor**, IMPORTANT NOTICE: grid is specified only by dfft. !! No check is performed on the correspondence between dfft and grid_type. !! grid_type is now used only to distinguish cases 'Wave' / 'CustomWave' !! from all other cases Many more files modified. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@13676 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2017-08-02 04:31:02 +08:00
+ CONJG(psi(ir,2))*dpsic(ir,1) )
drhoscf(ir,3)=drhoscf (ir,3) + (rsign) *wgt * (CONJG(psi(ir,1))*dpsic(ir,2) &
MAJOR restructuring of the FFTXlib library In real space processors are organized in a 2D pattern. Each processor owns data from a sub-set of Z-planes and a sub-set of Y-planes. In reciprocal space each processor owns Z-columns that belong to a sub set of X-values. This allows to split the processors in two sets for communication in the YZ and XY planes. In alternative, if the situation allows for it, a task group paralelization is used (with ntg=nyfft) where complete XY planes of ntg wavefunctions are collected and Fourier trasnformed in G space by different task-groups. This is preferable to the Z-proc + Y-proc paralleization if task group can be used because a smaller number of larger ammounts of data are transferred. Hence three types of fft are implemented: ! !! ... isgn = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential ! !! ... isgn = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions ! !! ... isgn = +-3 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions with task group ! !! ... isgn = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) ! !! ... isgn = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) ! ! If task_group_fft_is_active the FFT acts on a number of wfcs equal to ! dfft%nproc2, the number of Y-sections in which a plane is divided. ! Data are reshuffled by the fft_scatter_tg routine so that each of the ! dfft%nproc2 subgroups (made by dfft%nproc3 procs) deals with whole planes ! of a single wavefunciton. ! fft_type module heavily modified, a number of variables renamed with more intuitive names (at least to me), a number of more variables introduced for the Y-proc parallelization. Task_group module made void. task_group management is now reduced to the logical component fft_desc%have_task_groups of fft_type_descriptor type variable fft_desc. In term of interfaces, the 'easy' calling sequences are SUBROUTINE invfft/fwfft( grid_type, f, dfft, howmany ) !! where: !! !! **grid_type = 'Dense'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the dense grid (dfftp). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Smooth'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Wave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'tgWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f with task group !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Custom'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'CustomWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **dfft = FFT descriptor**, IMPORTANT NOTICE: grid is specified only by dfft. !! No check is performed on the correspondence between dfft and grid_type. !! grid_type is now used only to distinguish cases 'Wave' / 'CustomWave' !! from all other cases Many more files modified. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@13676 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2017-08-02 04:31:02 +08:00
- CONJG(psi(ir,2))*dpsic(ir,1) ) * (0.d0,-1.d0)
drhoscf(ir,4)=drhoscf (ir,4) + (rsign) *wgt * (CONJG(psi(ir,1))*dpsic(ir,1) &
MAJOR restructuring of the FFTXlib library In real space processors are organized in a 2D pattern. Each processor owns data from a sub-set of Z-planes and a sub-set of Y-planes. In reciprocal space each processor owns Z-columns that belong to a sub set of X-values. This allows to split the processors in two sets for communication in the YZ and XY planes. In alternative, if the situation allows for it, a task group paralelization is used (with ntg=nyfft) where complete XY planes of ntg wavefunctions are collected and Fourier trasnformed in G space by different task-groups. This is preferable to the Z-proc + Y-proc paralleization if task group can be used because a smaller number of larger ammounts of data are transferred. Hence three types of fft are implemented: ! !! ... isgn = +-1 : parallel 3d fft for rho and for the potential ! !! ... isgn = +-2 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions ! !! ... isgn = +-3 : parallel 3d fft for wavefunctions with task group ! !! ... isgn = + : G-space to R-space, output = \sum_G f(G)exp(+iG*R) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) ! !! ... isgn = - : R-space to G-space, output = \int_R f(R)exp(-iG*R)/Omega !! ... fft along x using pencils (cft_1x) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_xy) !! ... fft along y using pencils (cft_1y) !! ... transpose across nodes (fft_scatter_yz) !! ... fft along z using pencils (cft_1z) ! ! If task_group_fft_is_active the FFT acts on a number of wfcs equal to ! dfft%nproc2, the number of Y-sections in which a plane is divided. ! Data are reshuffled by the fft_scatter_tg routine so that each of the ! dfft%nproc2 subgroups (made by dfft%nproc3 procs) deals with whole planes ! of a single wavefunciton. ! fft_type module heavily modified, a number of variables renamed with more intuitive names (at least to me), a number of more variables introduced for the Y-proc parallelization. Task_group module made void. task_group management is now reduced to the logical component fft_desc%have_task_groups of fft_type_descriptor type variable fft_desc. In term of interfaces, the 'easy' calling sequences are SUBROUTINE invfft/fwfft( grid_type, f, dfft, howmany ) !! where: !! !! **grid_type = 'Dense'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the dense grid (dfftp). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Smooth'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Wave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'tgWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f with task group !! on the smooth grid (dffts). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'Custom'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of potentials and charge density f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **grid_type = 'CustomWave'** : !! inverse/direct fourier transform of wave functions f !! on a custom grid (dfft_exx). On output, f is overwritten !! !! **dfft = FFT descriptor**, IMPORTANT NOTICE: grid is specified only by dfft. !! No check is performed on the correspondence between dfft and grid_type. !! grid_type is now used only to distinguish cases 'Wave' / 'CustomWave' !! from all other cases Many more files modified. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@13676 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2017-08-02 04:31:02 +08:00
- CONJG(psi(ir,2))*dpsic(ir,2) )
! Ultrasoft contribution
! Calculate dbecsum_nc = <evc|vkb><vkb|dpsi>
IF (rsign==1.0d0) THEN
CALL addusdbec_nc (ik, weight, dpsi, dbecsum, becp1)
CALL addusdbec_nc (ik, weight, dpsi, dbecsum, becpt)
IF (dffts%has_task_groups) THEN
CALL stop_clock ('incdrhoscf')
end subroutine incdrhoscf_nc