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! Copyright (C) 2002 FPMD group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE descriptors
INTEGER ldim_block, ldim_cyclic, ldim_block_cyclic, ldim_block_sca
INTEGER gind_block, gind_cyclic, gind_block_cyclic, gind_block_sca
EXTERNAL ldim_block, ldim_cyclic, ldim_block_cyclic, ldim_block_sca
EXTERNAL gind_block, gind_cyclic, gind_block_cyclic, gind_block_sca
! Descriptor for linear algebra data distribution (like in Cannon's algorithm)
! Remember here we use square matrixes block distributed on a square grid of processors
TYPE la_descriptor
INTEGER :: ir = 0 ! globla index of the first row in the local block of the distributed matrix
INTEGER :: nr = 0 ! number of row in the local block of the distributed matrix
INTEGER :: ic = 0 ! global index of the first column in the local block of the distributed matrix
INTEGER :: nc = 0 ! number of column in the local block of the distributed matrix
INTEGER :: nrcx = 0 ! leading dimension of the distribute matrix (greather than nr and nc)
INTEGER :: active_node = 0 ! if > 0 the proc holds a block of the lambda matrix
INTEGER :: n = 0 ! global dimension of the matrix
INTEGER :: nx = 0 ! global leading dimension ( >= n )
INTEGER :: npr = 0 ! number of row processors
INTEGER :: npc = 0 ! number of column processors
INTEGER :: myr = 0 ! processor row index
INTEGER :: myc = 0 ! processor column index
INTEGER :: comm = 0 ! communicator
INTEGER :: cntx =-1 ! scalapack context
INTEGER :: mype = 0 ! processor index ( from 0 to desc( la_npr_ ) * desc( la_npc_ ) - 1 )
INTEGER :: nrl = 0 ! number of local rows, when the matrix rows are cyclically distributed across proc
INTEGER :: nrlx = 0 ! leading dimension, when the matrix is distributed by row
SUBROUTINE descla_local_dims( i2g, nl, n, nx, np, me )
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: i2g ! global index of the first local element
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nl ! local number of elements
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n ! number of actual element in the global array
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nx ! dimension of the global array (nx>=n) to be distributed
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: np ! number of processors
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: me ! taskid for which i2g and nl are computed
! note that we can distribute a global array larger than the
! number of actual elements. This could be required for performance
! reasons, and to have an equal partition of matrix having different size
! like matrixes of spin-up and spin-down
nl = ldim_block_sca( nx, np, me )
i2g = gind_block_sca( 1, nx, np, me )
nl = ldim_block( nx, np, me )
i2g = gind_block( 1, nx, np, me )
! This is to try to keep a matrix N * N into the same
! distribution of a matrix NX * NX, useful to have
! the matrix of spin-up distributed in the same way
! of the matrix of spin-down
IF( i2g + nl - 1 > n ) nl = n - i2g + 1
IF( nl < 0 ) nl = 0
END SUBROUTINE descla_local_dims
SUBROUTINE descla_init( descla, n, nx, np, me, comm, cntx, includeme )
TYPE(la_descriptor), INTENT(OUT) :: descla
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n ! the size of this matrix
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nx ! the max among different matrixes sharing
! this descriptor or the same data distribution
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: np(2), me(2), comm, cntx
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: includeme
INTEGER :: ir, nr, ic, nc, lnode, nrcx, nrl, nrlx
INTEGER :: ip, npp
IF( np(1) /= np(2) ) &
CALL lax_error__( ' descla_init ', ' only square grid of proc are allowed ', 2 )
IF( n < 0 ) &
CALL lax_error__( ' descla_init ', ' dummy argument n less than 1 ', 3 )
IF( nx < n ) &
CALL lax_error__( ' descla_init ', ' dummy argument nx less than n ', 4 )
IF( np(1) < 1 ) &
CALL lax_error__( ' descla_init ', ' dummy argument np less than 1 ', 5 )
! find the block maximum dimensions
nrcx = ldim_block_sca( nx, np(1), 0 )
descla%cntx = cntx
nrcx = ldim_block( nx, np(1), 0 )
DO ip = 1, np(1) - 1
nrcx = MAX( nrcx, ldim_block( nx, np(1), ip ) )
descla%cntx = -1
! find local dimensions, if appropriate
IF( includeme == 1 ) THEN
CALL descla_local_dims( ir, nr, n, nx, np(1), me(1) )
CALL descla_local_dims( ic, nc, n, nx, np(2), me(2) )
lnode = 1
nr = 0
nc = 0
ir = 0
ic = 0
lnode = -1
descla%ir = ir ! globla index of the first row in the local block of lambda
descla%nr = nr ! number of row in the local block of lambda ( the "2" accounts for spin)
descla%ic = ic ! global index of the first column in the local block of lambda
descla%nc = nc ! number of column in the local block of lambda
descla%nrcx = nrcx ! leading dimension of the distribute lambda matrix
descla%active_node = lnode
! if > 0 the proc holds a block of the lambda matrix
descla%n = n ! global dimension of the matrix
descla%nx = nx ! global leading dimension
descla%npr = np(1) ! number of row processors
descla%npc = np(2) ! number of column processors
descla%myr = me(1) ! processor row index
descla%myc = me(2) ! processor column index
descla%comm = comm ! communicator
descla%mype = descla%myc + descla%myr * descla%npr
! processor index ( from 0 to desc( la_npr_ ) * desc( la_npc_ ) - 1 )
npp = np(1) * np(2)
! Compute local dimension of the cyclically distributed matrix
IF( includeme == 1 ) THEN
nrl = ldim_cyclic( n, npp, descla%mype )
nrl = 0
nrlx = n / npp + 1
descla%nrl = nrl ! number of local rows, when the matrix rows are cyclically distributed across procs
descla%nrlx = nrlx ! leading dimension
IF( nr < 0 .OR. nc < 0 ) &
CALL lax_error__( ' descla_init ', ' wrong valune for computed nr and nc ', 1 )
IF( nrcx < 1 ) &
CALL lax_error__( ' descla_init ', ' wrong value for computed nrcx ', 2 )
IF( nrcx < nr ) &
CALL lax_error__( ' descla_init ', ' nrcx < nr ', ( nr - nrcx ) )
IF( nrcx < nc ) &
CALL lax_error__( ' descla_init ', ' nrcx < nc ', ( nc - nrcx ) )
IF( nrlx < nrl ) &
CALL lax_error__( ' descla_init ', ' nrlx < nrl ', ( nrl - nrlx ) )
IF( nrl < 0 ) &
CALL lax_error__( ' descla_init ', ' nrl < 0 ', ABS( nrl ) )
END SUBROUTINE descla_init
END MODULE descriptors