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! Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! Copyright (C) 2009 Brian Kolb, Timo Thonhauser - Wake Forest University
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
MODULE kernel_table
! This module is used to read in the kernel table file
! "vdW_kernel_table" and store some of the important parameters. The top
! of the vdW_kernel_table file holds the number of q points, the number
! of radial points (r) used in the kernel generation, the maximum value
! of r used (r is the parameter in the kernel function d=q*r where q is
! defined in DION equation 11), and the values of the q points used.
! These parameters are stored as public parameters for use in various
! routines. This routine also reads the tabulated values of the Fourier
! transformed kernel function for each pair of q values (see SOLER
! equations 3 and 8). Since these kernel functions need to be
! interpolated using splines, the second derivatives of the Fourier
! transformed kernel functions (phi_alpha_beta) are also tabulated in
! the vdW_kernel_table and are read in here.
! This is done in a module because there are quite a few subroutines in
! xc_vdW_DF.f90 that require knowledge of the number (identity) of q
! points, the maximum value of the radius, and, of course, the tabulated
! kernel function and its second derivatives (for spline interpolation).
! Putting this routine in a module meas that those routines can just use
! kernel_table rather than passing variables around all over the place.
USE kinds, ONLY : dp
USE io_files, ONLY : pseudo_dir, pseudo_dir_cur
USE constants, ONLY : pi
use wrappers, ONLY : md5_from_file
implicit none
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Variables to be used by various routines in xc_vdW_DF.f90, declared
! public so they can be seen from outside
public :: Nqs, Nr_points, r_max, q_mesh, q_cut, q_min, dk
public :: kernel, d2phi_dk2
public :: initialize_kernel_table
public :: vdw_table_name, kernel_file_name
public :: vdw_kernel_md5_cksum
integer :: Nqs, Nr_points ! The number of q points and radial points
! used in generating the kernel phi(q1*r, q2*r)
! (see DION 14-16 and SOLER 3-5).
real(dp) :: r_max, q_cut, q_min, dk ! The maximum value of r, the maximum and minimum
! values of q and the k-space spacing of grid points.
! Note that, during a vdW run, values of q0 found
! larger than q_cut will be saturated (SOLER 5) to
! q_cut.
real(dp), allocatable :: q_mesh(:) ! The values of all the q points used.
real(dp), allocatable :: kernel(:,:,:) ! A matrix holding the Fourier transformed kernel
! function for each pair of q values. The ordering
! is kernel(k_point, q1_value, q2_value).
real(dp), allocatable :: d2phi_dk2(:,:,:) ! A matrix holding the second derivatives of the
! above kernel matrix at each of the q points.
! Stored as d2phi_dk2(k_point, q1_value, q2_value).
character(len=256) :: vdw_table_name = ' ' ! If present from input use this name.
character(len=1000) :: kernel_file_name ! The path to the kernel file.
! Although this name must be
! "vdW_kernel_table", this variable
! is used to hold the entire path
! since we check 3 places for it.
character(LEN=30) :: double_format = "(1p4e23.14)"
character(len=32) :: vdw_kernel_md5_cksum = 'NOT SET'
integer, external :: find_free_unit
! ####################################################################
! | |
! |___________________________|
! Subroutine that actually reads the kernel file and stores the
! parameters. This routine is called only once, at the start of a vdW
! run.
subroutine initialize_kernel_table(inlc)
integer, INTENT(IN) :: inlc
integer :: q1_i, q2_i ! Indexing variables.
integer :: kernel_file ! The unit number for the kernel file.
logical :: file_exists ! A variable to say whether
! needed file exists.
CHARACTER(len=256) :: root_dir = ' '
CHARACTER(len=256), EXTERNAL :: trimcheck
kernel_file = find_free_unit()
if (TRIM(vdw_table_name)==' ') then
if (inlc==3) then
if (allocated(kernel)) return
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
! First we check the current directory for the vdW_kernel_table
! file. If it is not found there, it is looked for in the
! pseudopotential directory. If it's not therein, ESPRESSO_ROOT is tried.
! If none of those exist the code crashes.
inquire(file=kernel_file_name, exist=file_exists)
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
! If the file is found in the current directory we use that one.
if (.not. file_exists) then
! ---------------------------------------------------------------
! No "vdW_kernel_table" file in the current directory. Try the
! pseudopotential directory.
kernel_file_name = trim(pseudo_dir)//vdw_table_name
inquire(file=kernel_file_name, exist=file_exists)
end if
IF (.NOT. file_exists) THEN
! Try the pseudopotential current directory.
kernel_file_name = trim(pseudo_dir_cur)//vdw_table_name
INQUIRE(FILE=kernel_file_name, EXIST = file_exists)
IF (.NOT. file_exists) THEN
! Try ESPRESSO_ROOT directory
CALL get_environment_variable('ESPRESSO_ROOT', root_dir)
IF ( trim(root_dir) /= ' ' ) THEN
root_dir = trimcheck(root_dir)
kernel_file_name = trim(root_dir)//vdw_table_name
INQUIRE(FILE=kernel_file_name, EXIST = file_exists)
IF ( .NOT. file_exists) CALL errore('read_kernel_table', &
TRIM(vdw_table_name)//' file not found',1)
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
! Generates the md5 file.
CALL md5_from_file(kernel_file_name, vdw_kernel_md5_cksum)
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
! Open the file to read.
open(unit=kernel_file, file=kernel_file_name, status='old', form='formatted', action='read')
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
! Read in the number of q points used for this kernel file, the
! number of r points, and the maximum value of the r point.
read(kernel_file, '(2i5)') Nqs, Nr_points
read(kernel_file, double_format) r_max
allocate( q_mesh(Nqs) )
allocate( kernel(0:Nr_points,Nqs,Nqs), d2phi_dk2(0:Nr_points,Nqs,Nqs) )
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
! Read in the values of the q points used to generate this kernel.
read(kernel_file, double_format) q_mesh
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
! For each pair of q values, read in the function phi_q1_q2(k).
! That is, the fourier transformed kernel function assuming q1 and
! q2 for all the values of r used.
do q1_i = 1, Nqs
do q2_i = 1, q1_i
read(kernel_file, double_format) kernel(0:Nr_points, q1_i, q2_i)
kernel(0:Nr_points, q2_i, q1_i) = kernel(0:Nr_points, q1_i, q2_i)
end do
end do
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
! Again, for each pair of q values (q1 and q2), read in the value of
! the second derivative of the above mentiond Fourier transformed
! kernel function phi_alpha_beta(k). These are used for spline
! interpolation of the Fourier transformed kernel.
do q1_i = 1, Nqs
do q2_i = 1, q1_i
read(kernel_file, double_format) d2phi_dk2(0:Nr_points, q1_i, q2_i)
d2phi_dk2(0:Nr_points, q2_i, q1_i) = d2phi_dk2(0:Nr_points, q1_i, q2_i)
end do
end do
! ------------------------------------------------------------------
! Define a few more vaiables useful to some of the subroutines in
! xc_vdW_DF.f90.
q_cut = q_mesh(Nqs)
q_min = q_mesh(1)
dk = 2.0D0*pi/r_max
end subroutine initialize_kernel_table
end MODULE kernel_table