
118 lines
2.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

! Copyright (C) 2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine cg_setup
#include "machine.h"
USE kinds, only: DP
use pwcom
USE atom, ONLY: nlcc
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY: evc
use io_files, only: prefix, iunpun, iunres
use cgcom
use funct
implicit none
integer :: i, l, nt, kpoint
logical :: exst
character (len=256) :: filint
real(kind=DP) :: rhotot, dmxc
external dmxc
call start_clock('cg_setup')
! convert masses to atomic units
call DSCAL(ntyp,amconv,amass,1)
! sum self-consistent part (vr) and local part (vltot) of potential
call set_vrs(vrs,vltot,vr,nrxx,nspin,doublegrid)
! allocate memory for various arrays
allocate (dmuxc( nrxx))
allocate (dvpsi( npwx, nbnd))
allocate ( dpsi( npwx, nbnd))
allocate ( auxr( nrxx))
allocate ( aux2( nrxx))
allocate ( aux3( nrxx))
! allocate memory for gradient corrections (if needed)
if (igcx.ne.0 .or. igcc.ne.0) then
allocate ( dvxc_rr(nrxx,nspin,nspin))
allocate ( dvxc_sr(nrxx,nspin,nspin))
allocate ( dvxc_ss(nrxx,nspin,nspin))
allocate ( dvxc_s (nrxx,nspin,nspin))
allocate ( grho (3, nrxx, nspin))
end if
! initialize structure factor array
call struc_fact ( nat, tau, ntyp, ityp, ngm, g, bg, &
& nr1, nr2, nr3, strf, eigts1, eigts2, eigts3 )
! compute drhocore/dtau for each atom type (if needed)
nlcc_any = .false.
do nt=1,ntyp
nlcc_any = nlcc_any .or. nlcc(nt)
end do
!!! if (nlcc_any) call set_drhoc(xq)
! local potential
call init_vloc
call init_us_1
call newd
! derivative of the xc potential
dmuxc(:) = 0.d0
do i = 1,nrxx
rhotot = rho(i,current_spin)+rho_core(i)
if ( rhotot.gt. 1.d-30 ) dmuxc(i)= dmxc( rhotot)
if ( rhotot.lt.-1.d-30 ) dmuxc(i)=-dmxc(-rhotot)
end do
! initialize data needed for gradient corrections
call cg_setupdgc
! open the wavefunction file (already existing)
filint = trim(prefix) //'.wfc'
call diropn(iunpun,filint,lrwfc,exst)
if(.not.exst) call errore('main','file '//filint//' not found',1)
! read wave functions and calculate indices
call davcio(evc,lrwfc,iunpun,kpoint,-1)
call gk_sort (xk(1,kpoint),ngm,g,ecutwfc/tpiba2,npw,igk,g2kin)
! Kleinman-Bylander PPs
call init_us_2 (npw, igk, xk(1,kpoint), vkb)
call stop_clock('cg_setup')
end subroutine cg_setup