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! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Quantum-ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE input
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
PRIVATE ! Input Subroutines
! should be called in the following order
PUBLIC :: read_input_file ! a) This sub. should be called first
PUBLIC :: iosys_pseudo ! b) then read pseudo files
PUBLIC :: iosys ! c) finally copy variables to modules
PUBLIC :: modules_setup, set_control_flags
LOGICAL :: has_been_read = .FALSE.
SUBROUTINE read_input_file()
USE read_namelists_module, ONLY : read_namelists
USE read_cards_module, ONLY : read_cards
USE input_parameters, ONLY : calculation, title
USE control_flags, ONLY : lneb, lpath, lwf, lmetadyn, &
USE printout_base, ONLY : title_ => title
USE io_global, ONLY : meta_ionode, stdout
USE xml_input, ONLY : xml_input_dump
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog
prog = 'CP'
IF ( meta_ionode ) THEN
CALL xml_input_dump()
CALL input_from_file()
! ... Read NAMELISTS
CALL read_namelists( prog )
! ... Read CARDS
CALL read_cards( prog )
IF( TRIM( calculation ) == 'fpmd' ) program_name = 'FPMD'
IF( TRIM( calculation ) == 'fpmd-neb' ) THEN
program_name = 'FPMD'
lneb = .TRUE.
lneb = ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'neb' )
lpath = lneb
lmetadyn = ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'metadyn' )
lwf = ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'cp-wf' )
! ... Set job title and print it on standard output
title_ = title
WRITE( stdout, '(/,3X,"Job Title: ",A )' ) TRIM( title_ )
has_been_read = .TRUE.
END SUBROUTINE read_input_file
SUBROUTINE iosys_pseudo()
USE input_parameters, ONLY : atom_pfile, pseudo_dir, ntyp, nat, &
prefix, outdir, xc_type
USE control_flags, ONLY : program_name
USE parameters, ONLY : nsx
USE read_pseudo_module_fpmd, ONLY : readpp
USE io_files, ONLY : psfile_ => psfile , &
pseudo_dir_ => pseudo_dir, &
outdir_ => outdir, &
prefix_ => prefix
USE ions_base, ONLY : nsp_ => nsp, nat_ => nat
IF ( .NOT. has_been_read ) &
CALL errore( 'iosys_pseudo ', 'input file has not been read yet!', 1 )
prefix_ = TRIM( prefix )
outdir_ = TRIM( outdir )
! ... Set internal variables for the number of species and number of atoms
nsp_ = ntyp
nat_ = nat
psfile_ = ' '
psfile_(1:nsp_) = atom_pfile(1:nsp_)
pseudo_dir_ = TRIM( pseudo_dir )
! ... read in pseudopotentials and wavefunctions files
CALL readpp( xc_type )
END SUBROUTINE iosys_pseudo
USE control_flags, ONLY : fix_dependencies, program_name, &
lconstrain, lmetadyn
USE io_global, ONLY : meta_ionode, stdout
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, tau, ityp
USE constraints_module, ONLY : init_constraint
USE metadyn_vars, ONLY : init_metadyn_vars
IF ( meta_ionode ) THEN
WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
FMT = "(//,3X,'Main Simulation Parameters (from input)',/ &
& ,3X,'---------------------------------------')" )
! ... Set internal flags according to the input
CALL set_control_flags()
! ... write to stdout basic simulation parameters
CALL input_info()
! ... call the module specific setup routine
CALL modules_setup()
IF ( lconstrain ) CALL init_constraint( nat, tau, ityp, 1.D0 )
IF ( lmetadyn ) CALL init_metadyn_vars()
! ... fix values for dependencies
IF ( program_name == 'FPMD' ) THEN
IF ( lconstrain .OR. lmetadyn ) THEN
! ... Apply sort to constraints atomic index
CALL new_atomind_constraints()
CALL fix_dependencies()
! ... write to stdout input module information
CALL modules_info()
SUBROUTINE set_control_flags()
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE autopilot, ONLY : auto_check
USE autopilot, ONLY : restart_p
USE control_flags, ONLY : lcoarsegrained, ldamped, lmetadyn
USE control_flags, ONLY : program_name
USE control_flags, ONLY : ndw_ => ndw, &
ndr_ => ndr, &
iprint_ => iprint, &
isave_ => isave, &
tstress_ => tstress, &
tprnfor_ => tprnfor, &
tprnsfac_ => tprnsfac, &
ampre_ => ampre, &
trane_ => trane, &
newnfi_ => newnfi, &
tnewnfi_ => tnewnfi, &
tdipole_ => tdipole, &
nomore_ => nomore, &
memchk_ => memchk, &
tpre_ => tpre, &
timing_ => timing, &
iprsta_ => iprsta, &
taurdr_ => taurdr, &
nbeg_ => nbeg, &
gamma_only_ => gamma_only, &
tchi2_ => tchi2, &
tatomicwfc_ => tatomicwfc, &
printwfc_ => printwfc, &
tortho_ => tortho, &
nstep_ => nstep
USE control_flags, ONLY : tsde_ => tsde, &
tsteepdesc_ => tsteepdesc, &
tzeroe_ => tzeroe, &
tdamp_ => tdamp, &
trhor_ => trhor, &
trhow_ => trhow, &
tksw_ => tksw, &
ortho_eps_ => ortho_eps, &
ortho_max_ => ortho_max, &
tnosee_ => tnosee
USE control_flags, ONLY : tdampions_ => tdampions, &
tfor_ => tfor, &
tsdp_ => tsdp, &
lfixatom, tconvthrs
USE control_flags, ONLY : tnosep_ => tnosep, &
tcap_ => tcap, &
tcp_ => tcp, &
tolp_ => tolp, &
tzerop_ => tzerop, &
tv0rd_ => tv0rd, &
tranp_ => tranp, &
amprp_ => amprp, &
dt_old_ => dt_old
USE control_flags, ONLY : tionstep_ => tionstep, &
nstepe_ => nstepe
USE control_flags, ONLY : tzeroc_ => tzeroc, &
tnoseh_ => tnoseh, &
thdyn_ => thdyn, &
tsdc_ => tsdc, &
tbeg_ => tbeg
USE control_flags, ONLY : ekin_conv_thr_ => ekin_conv_thr, &
etot_conv_thr_ => etot_conv_thr, &
forc_conv_thr_ => forc_conv_thr, &
ekin_maxiter_ => ekin_maxiter, &
etot_maxiter_ => etot_maxiter, &
forc_maxiter_ => forc_maxiter
USE control_flags, ONLY : force_pairing_ => force_pairing
USE control_flags, ONLY : remove_rigid_rot_ => remove_rigid_rot
USE control_flags, ONLY : iesr, tvhmean, vhrmin, vhrmax, vhasse
USE control_flags, ONLY : tprojwfc
! ... Other modules
USE cp_main_variables, ONLY : nprint_nfi
USE wave_base, ONLY : frice_ => frice
USE ions_base, ONLY : fricp_ => fricp
USE cell_base, ONLY : frich_ => frich
USE time_step, ONLY : set_time_step
USE cp_electronic_mass, ONLY : emass_ => emass, &
emaec_ => emass_cutoff
USE efield_module, ONLY : tefield_ => tefield, &
epol_ => epol, &
efield_ => efield, &
tefield2_ => tefield2, &
epol2_ => epol2, &
efield2_ => efield2
USE cvan, ONLY : nvb
USE control_flags, ONLY : ortho_para_ => ortho_para
USE input_parameters, ONLY: &
electron_dynamics, electron_damping, electron_temperature, &
ion_dynamics, ekin_conv_thr, etot_conv_thr, forc_conv_thr, ion_maxstep,&
electron_maxstep, ion_damping, ion_temperature, ion_velocities, tranp, &
amprp, ion_nstepe, cell_nstepe, cell_dynamics, cell_damping, &
cell_parameters, cell_velocities, cell_temperature, force_pairing, &
tapos, tavel, ecutwfc, emass, emass_cutoff, taspc, trd_ht, ibrav, &
ortho_eps, ortho_max, ntyp, tolp, tchi2_inp, calculation, disk_io, dt, &
tcg, ndr, ndw, iprint, isave, tstress, k_points, tprnfor, verbosity, &
tdipole_card, tnewnfi_card, newnfi_card, &
ampre, nstep, restart_mode, ion_positions, startingwfc, printwfc, &
orthogonalization, electron_velocities, nat, if_pos, phase_space, &
tefield, epol, efield, tefield2, epol2, efield2, remove_rigid_rot, &
iesr_inp, vhrmax_inp, vhrmin_inp, tvhmean_inp, vhasse_inp, saverho, &
IF ( .NOT. has_been_read ) &
CALL errore( 'iosys ', 'input file has not been read yet!', 1 )
ndr_ = ndr
ndw_ = ndw
iprint_ = iprint
isave_ = isave
tstress_ = tstress
tpre_ = tstress
gamma_only_ = ( TRIM( k_points ) == 'gamma' )
tprnfor_ = tprnfor
printwfc_ = printwfc
tchi2_ = tchi2_inp
ekin_conv_thr_ = ekin_conv_thr
etot_conv_thr_ = etot_conv_thr
forc_conv_thr_ = forc_conv_thr
ekin_maxiter_ = electron_maxstep
iesr = iesr_inp
tvhmean = tvhmean_inp
vhrmin = vhrmin_inp
vhrmax = vhrmax_inp
vhasse = vhasse_inp
remove_rigid_rot_ = remove_rigid_rot
tefield_ = tefield
epol_ = epol
efield_ = efield
tefield2_ = tefield2
epol2_ = epol2
efield2_ = efield2
! ... Set internal time step variables ( delt, twodelt, dt2 ... )
CALL set_time_step( dt )
! ... Set electronic fictitius mass and its cut-off for fourier
! ... acceleration
emass_ = emass
emaec_ = emass_cutoff
! ... set the level of output, the code verbosity
iprsta_ = 1
timing_ = .FALSE.
! The code write to files fort.8 fort.41 fort.42 fort.43
! a detailed report of subroutines timing
memchk_ = .FALSE.
! The code performs a memory check, write on standard
! output the allocated memory at each step.
! Architecture Dependent
tprnsfac_ = .FALSE.
! Print on file STRUCTURE_FACTOR the structure factor
! gvectors and charge density, in reciprocal space.
trhor_ = ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'nscf' )
trhow_ = saverho
tksw_ = ( TRIM( disk_io ) == 'high' )
SELECT CASE( TRIM( verbosity ) )
CASE( 'minimal' )
iprsta_ = 0
CASE( 'low', 'default' )
iprsta_ = 1
timing_ = .TRUE.
CASE( 'default+projwfc' )
iprsta_ = 1
timing_ = .TRUE.
tprojwfc = .TRUE.
CASE( 'medium' )
iprsta_ = 2
timing_ = .TRUE.
tprnsfac_ = .TRUE.
CASE( 'high' )
iprsta_ = 3
memchk_ = .TRUE.
timing_ = .TRUE.
tprnsfac_ = .TRUE.
tprojwfc = .TRUE.
CALL errore( 'control_flags ', &
'unknown verbosity ' // TRIM( verbosity ), 1 )
tdipole_ = tdipole_card
newnfi_ = newnfi_card
tnewnfi_ = tnewnfi_card
! ... set the restart flags
trane_ = .FALSE.
ampre_ = ampre
taurdr_ = .FALSE.
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( restart_mode ) )
CASE( 'from_scratch' )
nbeg_ = -1
nomore_ = nstep
nstep_ = nstep
trane_ = ( startingwfc == 'random' )
IF ( ampre_ == 0.D0 ) ampre_ = 0.02D0
CASE( 'reset_counters' )
nbeg_ = 0
nomore_ = nstep
nstep_ = nstep
CASE( 'restart' )
nbeg_ = 1
nomore_ = nstep
nstep_ = nstep
nprint_nfi = -2
CASE( 'auto' )
IF ( auto_check( ndr, ' ' ) ) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '("autopilot: Auto Check detects restart.xml")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(" adjusting restart_mode to restart")' )
restart_mode = 'restart'
nbeg_ = 1
! ... Also handle NSTEPS adjustment so that
! ... nomore does not include past nfi in cpr.f90
restart_p = .TRUE.
nomore_ = nstep
nstep_ = nstep
nprint_nfi = -2
IF ( ion_positions == 'from_input' ) THEN
taurdr_ = .TRUE.
nbeg_ = -1
WRITE( stdout, &
'("autopilot: Auto Check did not detect restart.xml")' )
WRITE( stdout, &
'(" adjusting restart_mode to from_scratch")' )
restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
nbeg_ = -2
IF ( ion_positions == 'from_input' ) nbeg_ = -1
nomore_ = nstep
nstep_ = nstep
trane_ = ( startingwfc == 'random' )
IF ( ampre_ == 0.d0 ) ampre_ = 0.02D0
CALL errore( 'iosys ', &
'unknown restart_mode ' // TRIM( restart_mode ), 1 )
! ... Starting/Restarting Atomic positions
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(ion_positions) )
CASE ( 'from_input' )
taurdr_ = .TRUE. ! Positions read from standard input
CASE ( 'default' )
taurdr_ = .FALSE.
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' unknown ion_positions '//TRIM(ion_positions), 1 )
! ... Electronic randomization
tatomicwfc_ = .FALSE.
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(startingwfc) )
CASE ('default','none')
trane_ = .FALSE.
CASE ('random')
trane_ = .TRUE.
CASE ('atomic')
tatomicwfc_ = .TRUE.
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' unknown startingwfc '//TRIM(startingwfc), 1 )
IF( ampre_ == 0 ) trane_ = .FALSE.
! ... TORTHO
SELECT CASE ( orthogonalization )
CASE ('Gram-Schmidt')
tortho_ = .FALSE.
CASE ('ortho')
tortho_ = .TRUE.
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown orthogonalization '//&
TRIM(orthogonalization), 1 )
ortho_max_ = ortho_max
ortho_eps_ = ortho_eps
ortho_para_ = ortho_para
! ... Electrons initial velocity
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(electron_velocities) )
CASE ('default')
tzeroe_ = .FALSE.
CASE ('zero')
tzeroe_ = .TRUE.
IF( program_name == 'CP90' ) &
WRITE( stdout, &
'("Warning: electron_velocities keyword has no effect")' )
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' unknown electron_velocities '//TRIM(electron_velocities), 1 )
! ... Electron dynamics
tdamp_ = .FALSE.
tsteepdesc_ = .FALSE.
frice_ = 0.d0
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(electron_dynamics) )
CASE ('sd', 'default')
tsde_ = .TRUE.
CASE ('verlet')
tsde_ = .FALSE.
CASE ('cg')
tsde_ = .FALSE.
IF( program_name == 'CP90' ) THEN
tcg = .TRUE.
tortho_ = .FALSE.
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' conjugate gradient not yet implemented in FPMD ', 1 )
CASE ('damp')
tsde_ = .FALSE.
tdamp_ = .TRUE.
frice_ = electron_damping
CASE ('diis')
CALL errore( "iosys ", " electron_dynamics keyword diis not yet implemented ", 1 )
CASE ('none')
tsde_ = .FALSE.
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' unknown electron_dynamics '//TRIM(electron_dynamics), 1 )
! ... Electronic Temperature
tnosee_ = .FALSE.
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(electron_temperature) )
! temperature control of electrons via Nose' thermostat
CASE ('nose')
tnosee_ = .TRUE.
CASE ('not_controlled', 'default')
tnosee_ = .FALSE.
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' unknown electron_temperature '//TRIM(electron_temperature), 1 )
SELECT CASE( TRIM( phase_space ) )
CASE( 'full' )
lcoarsegrained = .FALSE.
CASE ( 'coarse-grained' )
lcoarsegrained = .TRUE.
IF ( lmetadyn ) lcoarsegrained = .TRUE.
! ... Ions dynamics
tdampions_ = .FALSE.
tconvthrs%active = .FALSE.
tconvthrs%nstep = 1
tconvthrs%ekin = 0.0d0
tconvthrs%derho = 0.0d0
tconvthrs%force = 0.0d0
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(ion_dynamics) )
CASE ('sd')
tsdp_ = .TRUE.
tfor_ = .TRUE.
fricp_ = 0.d0
tconvthrs%ekin = ekin_conv_thr
tconvthrs%derho = etot_conv_thr
tconvthrs%force = forc_conv_thr
tconvthrs%active = .TRUE.
tconvthrs%nstep = 1
CASE ('verlet')
tsdp_ = .FALSE.
tfor_ = .TRUE.
fricp_ = 0.d0
CASE ('cg') ! Conjugate Gradient minimization for ions
CALL errore( "iosys ", " ion_dynamics = '//TRIM(ion_dynamics)//' not yet implemented ", 1 )
CASE ('damp')
ldamped = .TRUE.
tsdp_ = .FALSE.
tfor_ = .TRUE.
tdampions_ = .TRUE.
fricp_ = ion_damping
tconvthrs%ekin = ekin_conv_thr
tconvthrs%derho = etot_conv_thr
tconvthrs%force = forc_conv_thr
tconvthrs%active = .TRUE.
tconvthrs%nstep = 1
CASE ('none', 'default')
tsdp_ = .FALSE.
tfor_ = .FALSE.
fricp_ = 0.d0
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' unknown ion_dynamics '//TRIM(ion_dynamics), 1 )
IF ( ANY( if_pos(:,1:nat) == 0 ) ) lfixatom = .TRUE.
! ... Ionic Temperature
tcp_ = .FALSE.
tnosep_ = .FALSE.
tolp_ = tolp
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(ion_temperature) )
! temperature control of ions via Nose' thermostat
CASE ('nose')
tnosep_ = .TRUE.
tcp_ = .FALSE.
CASE ('not_controlled', 'default')
tnosep_ = .FALSE.
tcp_ = .FALSE.
CASE ('rescaling' )
tnosep_ = .FALSE.
tcp_ = .TRUE.
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' unknown ion_temperature '//TRIM(ion_temperature), 1 )
! ... Starting/Restarting ionic velocities
tcap_ = .FALSE.
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(ion_velocities) )
CASE ('default')
tzerop_ = .FALSE.
tv0rd_ = .FALSE.
tcap_ = .FALSE.
CASE ('change_step')
tzerop_ = .FALSE.
tv0rd_ = .FALSE.
tcap_ = .FALSE.
dt_old_ = tolp
CASE ('zero')
tzerop_ = .TRUE.
tv0rd_ = .FALSE.
CASE ('from_input')
tzerop_ = .TRUE.
tv0rd_ = .TRUE.
CASE ('random')
tcap_ = .TRUE.
IF( program_name == 'FPMD' ) &
WRITE(stdout) " ion_velocities = '//TRIM(ion_velocities)//' has no effects "
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' unknown ion_velocities '//TRIM(ion_velocities), 1 )
! ... Ionic randomization
tranp_ ( 1 : ntyp ) = tranp ( 1 : ntyp )
amprp_ ( 1 : ntyp ) = amprp ( 1 : ntyp )
! ... Ionic/electronic step ratio
tionstep_ = .FALSE.
nstepe_ = 1
IF( ( ion_nstepe > 1 ) .OR. ( cell_nstepe > 1 ) ) THEN
! This card is used to control the ionic step, when active ionic step are
! allowed only when the two criteria are met, i.e. the ions are allowed
! to move if MOD( NFI, NSTEP ) == 0 and EKIN < EKIN_THR .
tionstep_ = .TRUE.
nstepe_ = MAX( ion_nstepe, cell_nstepe )
IF( program_name == 'CP90' ) &
WRITE(stdout, * ) " ion_nstepe or cell_nstepe have no effects "
! Cell dynamics
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(cell_dynamics) )
CASE ('sd')
tpre_ = .TRUE.
thdyn_ = .TRUE.
tsdc_ = .TRUE.
frich_= 0.d0
CASE ( 'damp', 'damp-pr' )
thdyn_ = .TRUE.
tsdc_ = .FALSE.
frich_ = cell_damping
tpre_ = .TRUE.
CASE ('pr')
thdyn_ = .TRUE.
tsdc_ = .FALSE.
tpre_ = .TRUE.
frich_= 0.d0
CASE ('none', 'default')
thdyn_ = .FALSE.
tsdc_ = .FALSE.
frich_= 0.d0
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' unknown cell_dynamics '//TRIM(cell_dynamics), 1 )
! ... Starting/Restarting Cell parameters
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(cell_parameters) )
CASE ('default')
tbeg_ = .FALSE.
CASE ('from_input')
tbeg_ = .TRUE.
IF( program_name == 'CP90' .AND. force_pairing_) &
WRITE(stdout) " cell_parameters have no effects "
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' unknown cell_parameters '//TRIM(cell_parameters), 1 )
! ... Cell initial velocities
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(cell_velocities) )
CASE ('default')
tzeroc_ = .FALSE.
CASE ('zero')
tzeroc_ = .TRUE.
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' unknown cell_velocities '//TRIM(cell_velocities), 1 )
! ... Cell Temperature
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(cell_temperature) )
! cell temperature control of ions via Nose' thermostat
CASE ('nose')
tnoseh_ = .TRUE.
CASE ('not_controlled', 'default')
tnoseh_ = .FALSE.
CALL errore(' control_flags ',' unknown cell_temperature '//TRIM(cell_temperature), 1 )
! .. If only electron are allowed to move
! .. check for SCF convergence on the ground state
IF( ion_dynamics == 'none' .AND. cell_dynamics == 'none' ) THEN
tconvthrs%ekin = ekin_conv_thr
tconvthrs%derho = etot_conv_thr
tconvthrs%force = 1.D+10
tconvthrs%active = .TRUE.
tconvthrs%nstep = 1
! force pairing
force_pairing_ = force_pairing
IF( ( nvb > 0 ) .and. ( program_name == 'FPMD' ) ) &
CALL errore(' iosys ',' USPP not yet implemented in FPMD ',1)
! ... the 'ATOMIC_SPECIES' card must be present, check it
IF( .NOT. taspc ) &
CALL errore(' iosys ',' ATOMIC_SPECIES not found in stdin ',1)
! ... the 'ATOMIC_POSITIONS' card must be present, check it
IF( .NOT. tapos ) &
CALL errore(' iosys ',' ATOMIC_POSITIONS not found in stdin ',1)
IF( .NOT. trd_ht .AND. TRIM(cell_parameters)=='from_input' ) &
CALL errore(' iosys ',' CELL_PARAMETERS not present in stdin ', 1 )
IF( .NOT. trd_ht .AND. ibrav == 0 ) &
CALL errore(' iosys ',' ibrav = 0 but CELL_PARAMETERS not present in stdin ', 1 )
IF( .NOT. tavel .AND. TRIM(ion_velocities)=='from_input' ) &
CALL errore(' iosys ',' ION_VELOCITIES not present in stdin ', 1 )
IF( ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'smd' ) .AND. ( TRIM( cell_dynamics ) /= 'none' ) ) THEN
CALL errore(' smiosys ',' cell_dynamics not implemented : '//TRIM(cell_dynamics), 1 )
END SUBROUTINE set_control_flags
SUBROUTINE modules_setup()
USE control_flags, ONLY : program_name, lconstrain, lneb, lmetadyn, &
tpre, thdyn, tksw
USE constants, ONLY : amu_au, pi
USE input_parameters, ONLY: ibrav , celldm , trd_ht, dt, &
cell_symmetry, rd_ht, a, b, c, cosab, cosac, cosbc, ntyp , nat , &
na_inp , sp_pos , rd_pos , rd_vel, atom_mass, atom_label, if_pos, &
atomic_positions, id_loc, sic, sic_epsilon, sic_rloc, ecutwfc, &
ecutrho, ecfixed, qcutz, q2sigma, tk_inp, wmass, &
ion_radius, emass, emass_cutoff, temph, fnoseh, nr1b, nr2b, nr3b, &
tempw, fnosep, nr1, nr2, nr3, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s, ekincw, fnosee, &
tturbo_inp, nturbo_inp, outdir, prefix, &
k_points, nkstot, nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, &
xk, wk, occupations, n_inner, fermi_energy, rotmass, occmass, &
rotation_damping, occupation_damping, occupation_dynamics, &
rotation_dynamics, degauss, smearing, nhpcl, nhptyp, ndega, &
nhgrp, cell_units, restart_mode, sic_alpha , niter_cold_restart, &
USE input_parameters, ONLY: empty_states_maxstep, &
empty_states_ethr, empty_states_nbnd, &
iprnks_empty, nconstr_inp, iprnks, nprnks, &
etot_conv_thr, ekin_conv_thr, nspin, f_inp, nelup, neldw, nbnd, &
nelec, press, cell_damping, cell_dofree, tf_inp, nprnks_empty, &
refg, greash, grease, greasp, epol, efield, tcg, maxiter, conv_thr, &
passop, tot_charge, multiplicity, tot_magnetization, ncolvar_inp, &
USE input_parameters, ONLY : wf_efield, wf_switch, sw_len, efx0, efy0, &
efz0, efx1, efy1, efz1, wfsd, wfdt, maxwfdt, &
wf_q, wf_friction, nit, nsd, nsteps, tolw, &
adapt, calwf, nwf, wffort, writev, &
USE input_parameters, ONLY : abivol, abisur, pvar, fill_vac, &
scale_at, t_gauss, jellium, cntr, &
P_ext, P_in, P_fin, rho_thr, &
step_rad, Surf_t, dthr, R_j, h_j, &
delta_eps, delta_sigma, n_cntr, &
USE ions_base, ONLY : tau, ityp, zv
USE cell_base, ONLY : cell_base_init, a1, a2, a3, cell_alat
USE cell_nose, ONLY : cell_nose_init
USE ions_base, ONLY : ions_base_init, greasp_ => greasp
USE sic_module, ONLY : sic_initval
USE ions_nose, ONLY : ions_nose_init
USE wave_base, ONLY : grease_ => grease
USE electrons_nose, ONLY : electrons_nose_init
USE printout_base, ONLY : printout_base_init
USE turbo, ONLY : turbo_init
USE efield_module, ONLY : efield_init
USE cg_module, ONLY : cg_init
USE pres_ai_mod, ONLY : pres_ai_init
USE smallbox_grid_dimensions, ONLY: &
nnrbx, & ! variable is used to workaround internal compiler error (IBM xlf)
nr1b_ => nr1b, &
nr2b_ => nr2b, &
nr3b_ => nr3b
USE grid_dimensions, ONLY: &
nnrx, & ! variable is used to workaround internal compiler error (IBM xlf)
nr1_ => nr1, &
nr2_ => nr2, &
nr3_ => nr3
USE smooth_grid_dimensions, ONLY: &
nnrsx, & ! variable is used to workaround internal compiler error (IBM xlf)
nr1s_ => nr1s, &
nr2s_ => nr2s, &
nr3s_ => nr3s
USE guess, ONLY : guess_setup
USE charge_mix, ONLY : charge_mix_setup
USE kohn_sham_states, ONLY : ks_states_init
USE electrons_module, ONLY : electrons_setup, empty_init
USE electrons_base, ONLY : electrons_base_initval
USE ensemble_dft, ONLY : ensemble_initval,tens
USE wannier_base, ONLY : wannier_init
USE efield_module, ONLY : tefield
REAL(DP) :: alat_ , massa_totale
REAL(DP) :: ethr_emp_inp
! ... DIIS
INTEGER :: ia, iss
LOGICAL :: ltest
! Subroutine Body
IF( .NOT. has_been_read ) &
CALL errore( ' modules_setup ', ' input file has not been read yet! ', 1 )
! ... Set cell base module
massa_totale = SUM( atom_mass(1:ntyp)*na_inp(1:ntyp) )
CALL cell_base_init( ibrav , celldm , trd_ht, cell_symmetry, rd_ht, &
cell_units, a, b, c, cosab, cosac, cosbc , wmass, &
massa_totale, press, cell_damping, greash, &
cell_dofree )
alat_ = cell_alat()
! ... Set ions base module
CALL ions_base_init( ntyp , nat , na_inp , sp_pos , rd_pos , rd_vel, &
atom_mass, atom_label, if_pos, atomic_positions, &
alat_ , a1, a2, a3, ion_radius )
! ... Set Values for the cutoff
CALL ecutoffs_setup( ecutwfc, ecutrho, ecfixed, qcutz, q2sigma, refg )
CALL gcutoffs_setup( alat_ , tk_inp, nkstot, xk )
! ...
grease_ = grease
greasp_ = greasp
! ... set thermostat parameter for cell, ions and electrons
CALL cell_nose_init( temph, fnoseh )
CALL ions_nose_init( tempw, fnosep, nhpcl, nhptyp, ndega, nhgrp)
CALL electrons_nose_init( ekincw , fnosee )
! set box grid module variables
nr1b_ = nr1b
nr2b_ = nr2b
nr3b_ = nr3b
! set size for potentials and charge density
! (re-calculated automatically)
nr1_ = nr1
nr2_ = nr2
nr3_ = nr3
! set size for wavefunctions
! (re-calculated automatically)
nr1s_ = nr1s
nr2s_ = nr2s
nr3s_ = nr3s
CALL turbo_init( tturbo_inp, nturbo_inp )
IF ( .NOT. lneb ) &
CALL printout_base_init( outdir, prefix )
CALL efield_init( epol, efield )
CALL cg_init( tcg , maxiter , conv_thr , passop ,niter_cg_restart)
IF( ( TRIM( sic ) /= 'none' ) .and. ( tpre .or. thdyn ) ) &
CALL errore( ' module setup ', ' Stress is not yet implemented with SIC ', 1 )
CALL sic_initval( nat, id_loc, sic, sic_epsilon, sic_alpha, sic_rloc )
! empty states
ethr_emp_inp = ekin_conv_thr
IF( empty_states_ethr > 0.d0 ) ethr_emp_inp = empty_states_ethr
CALL empty_init( empty_states_maxstep, ethr_emp_inp )
CALL ks_states_init( nspin, nprnks, iprnks, nprnks_empty, iprnks_empty )
! kohn-sham states implies disk-io = 'high'
DO iss = 1, nspin
tksw = tksw .OR. ( nprnks(iss) > 0 )
tksw = tksw .OR. ( nprnks_empty(iss) > 0 )
CALL electrons_base_initval( zv, na_inp, ntyp, nelec, nelup, &
neldw, nbnd, nspin, occupations, f_inp, &
tot_charge, multiplicity, tot_magnetization )
CALL electrons_setup( empty_states_nbnd, emass, emass_cutoff )
CALL ensemble_initval( occupations, n_inner, fermi_energy,&
niter_cold_restart, lambda_cold, rotmass, &
occmass, rotation_damping, occupation_damping, &
occupation_dynamics, rotation_dynamics, degauss, &
smearing )
IF( ( program_name == 'CP90' ) .AND. .NOT.tcg .AND. tens ) &
CALL errore(' modules_setup ', 'Ensemble DFT implemented only with CG ', 1 )
! ... variables for constrained dynamics are set here
lconstrain = ( ncolvar_inp + nconstr_inp > 0 )
CALL wannier_init( wf_efield, wf_switch, sw_len, efx0, efy0, efz0, &
efx1, efy1, efz1, wfsd, wfdt, maxwfdt, wf_q, &
wf_friction, nit, nsd, nsteps, tolw, adapt, &
calwf, nwf, wffort, writev, wannier_index, &
restart_mode )
! ... initialize variables for clusters under pressure
CALL pres_ai_init( abivol, abisur, pvar, fill_vac, scale_at, &
t_gauss, jellium, cntr, P_ext, P_in, P_fin, &
rho_thr, step_rad, Surf_t, dthr, R_j, h_j, &
delta_eps, delta_sigma, n_cntr, axis )
END SUBROUTINE modules_setup
! --------------------------------------------------------
! print out heading
SUBROUTINE input_info()
! this subroutine print to standard output some parameters read from input
! ----------------------------------------------
USE input_parameters, ONLY: restart_mode
USE control_flags, ONLY: nbeg, iprint, ndr, ndw, nomore
USE time_step, ONLY: delt
USE cp_electronic_mass, ONLY: emass, emass_cutoff
USE io_global, ONLY: meta_ionode, stdout
IF( .NOT. has_been_read ) &
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' input file has not been read yet! ', 1 )
IF( meta_ionode ) THEN
WRITE( stdout, 500) nbeg, restart_mode, nomore, iprint, ndr, ndw
WRITE( stdout, 505) delt
WRITE( stdout, 510) emass
WRITE( stdout, 511) emass_cutoff
500 FORMAT( 3X,'Restart Mode = ',I7, 3X, A15, /, &
3X,'Number of MD Steps = ',I7, /, &
3X,'Print out every ',I7, ' MD Steps',/ &
3X,'Reads from unit = ',I7, /, &
3X,'Writes to unit = ',I7)
505 FORMAT( 3X,'MD Simulation time step = ',F10.2)
510 FORMAT( 3X,'Electronic fictitious mass (emass) = ',F10.2)
511 FORMAT( 3X,'emass cut-off = ',F10.2)
509 FORMAT( 3X,'Verlet algorithm for electron dynamics')
502 FORMAT( 3X,'An initial quench is performed')
! ----------------------------------------------------------------
SUBROUTINE modules_info()
USE input_parameters, ONLY: electron_dynamics, electron_temperature, &
USE control_flags, ONLY: program_name, tortho, tnosee, trane, ampre, &
trhor, tksw, tfor, tnosep, iprsta, &
thdyn, tnoseh
USE electrons_nose, ONLY: electrons_nose_info
USE electrons_module, ONLY: empty_print_info
USE sic_module, ONLY: sic_info
USE wave_base, ONLY: frice, grease
USE ions_base, ONLY: fricp
USE ions_nose, ONLY: ions_nose_info
USE cell_nose, ONLY: cell_nose_info
USE cell_base, ONLY: frich
USE efield_module, ONLY: tefield, efield_info, tefield2, efield_info2
USE io_global, ONLY: meta_ionode, stdout
IF( .NOT. has_been_read ) &
CALL errore( ' iosys ', ' input file has not been read yet! ', 1 )
IF( meta_ionode ) THEN
CALL cutoffs_print_info( )
IF( tortho ) THEN
CALL orthogonalize_info( )
WRITE( stdout,512)
IF( TRIM(electron_dynamics) == 'sd' ) THEN
WRITE( stdout,513)
ELSE IF( TRIM(electron_dynamics) == 'verlet' ) THEN
WRITE( stdout,510)
frice = 0.d0
ELSE IF( TRIM(electron_dynamics) == 'damp' ) THEN
tnosee = .FALSE.
WRITE( stdout,509)
WRITE( stdout,514) frice, grease
ELSE IF( TRIM(electron_dynamics) == 'cg' ) THEN
WRITE( stdout,511)
CALL errore(' input_info ', ' unknown electron dynamics ', 1 )
IF( tnosee ) THEN
WRITE( stdout,590)
CALL electrons_nose_info()
WRITE( stdout,535)
IF( trane ) THEN
WRITE( stdout,515) ampre
CALL electrons_print_info( )
CALL exch_corr_print_info( )
IF ( trhor ) THEN
WRITE( stdout,720)
IF( tksw )THEN
WRITE( stdout,722)
IF( program_name == 'FPMD' ) THEN
CALL empty_print_info( stdout )
IF( tfor .AND. tnosep ) fricp = 0.0d0
CALL ions_print_info( )
IF( tfor .AND. tnosep ) CALL ions_nose_info()
CALL constraint_info( )
IF( thdyn .AND. tnoseh ) frich = 0.0d0
CALL cell_print_info( )
IF( thdyn .AND. tnoseh ) CALL cell_nose_info()
IF ( program_name == 'FPMD' ) THEN
CALL potential_print_info( stdout )
CALL sic_info()
IF(tefield) call efield_info( )
IF(tefield2) call efield_info2( )
WRITE( stdout,700) iprsta
509 FORMAT( 3X,'verlet algorithm for electron dynamics')
510 FORMAT( 3X,'Electron dynamics with newton equations')
511 FORMAT( 3X,'Electron dynamics with conjugate gradient')
512 FORMAT( 3X,'Orthog. with Gram-Schmidt')
513 FORMAT( 3X,'Electron dynamics with steepest descent')
514 FORMAT( 3X,'with friction frice = ',f7.4,' , grease = ',f7.4)
515 FORMAT( 3X,'initial random displacement of el. coordinates with ', &
' amplitude=',f10.6)
535 FORMAT( 3X,'Electron dynamics : the temperature is not controlled')
590 FORMAT( 3X,'Electron temperature control via nose thermostat')
700 FORMAT( /,3X, 'Verbosity: iprsta = ',i2,/)
720 FORMAT( 3X, 'charge density is read from file')
722 FORMAT( 3X, 'Wavefunctions will be written to file as Kohn-Sham states')
END SUBROUTINE modules_info