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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine atomic_wfc (ik, wfcatom)
! This routine computes the superposition of atomic wavefunctions for a
! given k-point.
#include "machine.h"
use pwcom
implicit none
integer :: ik
! input: k-point
complex(kind=DP) :: wfcatom (npwx, natomwfc) ! output: atomic wavefunctions
integer :: n_starting_wfc, lmax_wfc, nt, l, nb, ir, na, m, lm, ig, iig, nw
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: q (:), ylm (:,:), chiq (:,:,:), aux (:), &
gk (:,:), vchi (:)
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: sk (:)
real(kind=DP) :: vqint, arg
complex(kind=DP) :: kphase , lphase
call start_clock ('atomic_wfc')
allocate (q(npw),chiq(npw,nchix,ntyp),gk(3,npw),aux(ndm),vchi(ndm),sk(npw))
! calculate max angular momentum required in wavefunctions
lmax_wfc = 0
do nt = 1, ntyp
do nb = 1, nchi (nt)
lmax_wfc = max (lmax_wfc, lchi (nb, nt) )
allocate(ylm (npw,(lmax_wfc+1)**2) )
do ig = 1, npw
gk (1,ig) = xk(1, ik) + g(1, igk(ig) )
gk (2,ig) = xk(2, ik) + g(2, igk(ig) )
gk (3,ig) = xk(3, ik) + g(3, igk(ig) )
q (ig) = gk(1, ig)**2 + gk(2, ig)**2 + gk(3, ig)**2
! ylm = spherical harmonics
call ylmr2 ((lmax_wfc+1)**2, npw, gk, q, ylm)
! set now q=|k+G| in atomic units
do ig = 1, npw
q (ig) = sqrt(q(ig))*tpiba
n_starting_wfc = 0
! chiq = radial fourier transform of atomic orbitals chi
do nt = 1, ntyp
do nb = 1, nchi (nt)
if (.not.newpseudo (nt) .or.oc (nb, nt) .gt.0.d0) then
l = lchi (nb, nt)
! here the first term
call sph_bes (msh (nt), r (1, nt), q (1), l, aux)
do ir = 1, msh (nt)
vchi (ir) = chi (ir, nb, nt) * aux (ir) * r (ir, nt)
call simpson (msh (nt), vchi, rab (1, nt), vqint)
chiq (1, nb, nt) = vqint
! here the other terms
do ig = 2, npw
! dirty trick to speed up calculation:
! do not recalculate if |k+G_i|=|k+G_{i-1}|
if (abs (q (ig) - q (ig - 1) ) .gt.1.0d-8) then
call sph_bes (msh (nt), r (1, nt), q (ig), l, aux)
do ir = 1, msh (nt)
vchi (ir) = chi (ir, nb, nt) * aux (ir) * r (ir, nt)
call simpson (msh (nt), vchi, rab (1, nt), vqint)
chiq (ig, nb, nt) = vqint
do na = 1, nat
arg = (xk (1, ik) * tau (1, na) + xk (2, ik) * tau (2, na) &
+ xk (3, ik) * tau (3, na) ) * tpi
kphase = DCMPLX (cos (arg), - sin (arg) )
! sk is the structure factor
do ig = 1, npw
iig = igk (ig)
sk (ig) = kphase * eigts1 (ig1 (iig), na) * eigts2 (ig2 (iig), &
na) * eigts3 (ig3 (iig), na)
nt = ityp (na)
do nb = 1, nchi (nt)
if (.not.newpseudo (nt) .or.oc (nb, nt) .gt.0.d0) then
l = lchi (nb, nt)
lphase = (0.d0,1.d0)**l
! the factor i^l MUST BE PRESENT in order to produce
! wavefunctions for k=0 that are real in real space
do m = 1, 2 * l + 1
lm = l**2 + m
n_starting_wfc = n_starting_wfc + 1
if (n_starting_wfc.gt.natomwfc) &
call error ('atomic_wfc', 'too many wfcs', 1)
do ig = 1, npw
wfcatom (ig, n_starting_wfc) = lphase * &
sk (ig) * ylm (ig, lm) * chiq (ig, nb, nt)
if (n_starting_wfc.ne.natomwfc) call error ('atomic_wfc', &
'something wrong', 1)
! normalize atomic wfcs (not a bad idea in general and necessary to
! compute correctly lda+U projections)
do nw = 1,natomwfc
call DSCAL(2*npw,fpi/sqrt(omega),wfcatom(1,nw),1)
end do
deallocate(q, chiq ,gk ,aux ,vchi ,sk ,ylm)
call stop_clock ('atomic_wfc')
end subroutine atomic_wfc