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TODO LIST - 7 Apr 2003
- compile fftw by default for PW and CP as well
- fix shift in eigenvalues between CP/FPMD and PW
The eigenvalues must be the same!!!
- fix shift in total energy between CP, FPMD and PW
for charged systems. Total energies for charged systems
must be the same!!!
- merge diagonalization routines, use parallel diag everywhere
- start merge of input routines
- merge spherical harmonics, bessel, integration routines, etc
- variable declarations : real(kind=DP) etc everywhere
- real vs dreal, cmplx vs dcmplx, dfloat etc
- wavefunctions should be dimensioned nbnd, not nbndx
- bfgs, md : atomic positions should be written in the same
format as they are read (but this should not spoil scripts
that extract coordinates from output file)
- remove analytical PPs and related variables
- remove residual direct calls to MPI routines,
use (or merge with) existing routines in mp.f90 instead
- remove potential mixing, save and start from rho instead of V
- remove all calls to setv and to blas copy, scal
- save rho and/or V in G-space instead of R-space
- remove old punch, use new punch, add possibility to save
wavefunctions either 'distributed' or 'collected' in
parallel execution (requires identifier in the first line
of the file)
- add possibility to read atomic positions from file
- read a, b, c, cosab, cosbc, cosac instead of celldm
Use more standard choices for crystal axis
- fix problem with j'_l(x)Y_lm(x) for x -> 0 and l=1
- memory estimator tool, or memory report
- ultrasoft PP: newd and addusdens are too slow
- bands.x must either be finished or removed
- postprocessing in the parallel case and with new_punch
must be verified
- stm in non-scf calculations to be verified
- add more scripts that process output files
- dos, projected dos, etc: input data should be more uniform
- Tone: ntyp in input needed for phonon GUI ?
- better algorithm for electron-phonon (Malgorzata)
- expand, update, verify, etc
- examples for many features are missing
examples should be quicker and easier to verify
- add a list of FAQ, or AAQ (Already Answered Questions)
- find reason for differences in empty states between CP and PW
with ultrasoft pps and box grids. If it is a bug, it is serious.
- check on input ipp and pp type. Even better: remove ipp
(leave either UPF or old-format Vanderbilt)
- remove eispack routines, replace with lapack or parallel diag
- remove all calls to zero and to blas copy, scal