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! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! Common variables for the phonon program
! The variables needed to describe the modes and the small group of q
module modes
use parameters, only : DP
integer :: irgq(48), nsymq, irotmq, nirr, nmodes
! selects the operations of the small group
! the number of symmetry of the small group
! selects the symmetry sending q <-> -q+G
! the number of irreducible representation
! contained in the dynamical matrix
! the number of modes
integer, allocatable, target :: npert (:) !3 * nat )
! the number of perturbations per IR
integer :: npertx, invs(48)
! max number of perturbations per IR
! the inver of each matrix
real (kind=DP), allocatable :: rtau (:,:,:) !3, 48, nat)
! coordinates of direct translations
real (kind=DP) :: gi(3,48), gimq(3)
! the possible G associated to each symmetry
! the G associated to the symmetry q<->-q+G
integer , parameter :: max_irr_dim = 4 ! maximal allowed dimension for
! irreducible representattions
complex (kind=DP), pointer :: u (:,:), & ! 3 * nat, 3 * nat),
ubar(:),& ! 3 * nat), &
t (:,:,:,:),& ! max_irr_dim, max_irr_dim, 48,3 * nat),
tmq (:,:,:) ! max_irr_dim, max_irr_dim, 3 * nat)
! the transformation modes patterns
! the mode for deltarho
! the symmetry in the base of the pattern
! the symmetry q<->-q in the base of the pa
logical :: minus_q
! if true there is the symmetry sending q<->-q
end module modes
! The dynamical matrix
module dynmat
use parameters, only : DP
complex (kind=DP), allocatable :: dyn00 (:,:),& ! 3 * nat, 3 * nat),
dyn (:,:) ! 3 * nat, 3 * nat)
! the initial dynamical matrix
! the dynamical matrix
real (kind=DP), allocatable :: w2 (:) ! 3 * nat)
! omega^2
end module dynmat
! The q point
module qpoint
use parameters, only : DP
integer, pointer :: igkq (:) ! npwx)
! correspondence k+q+G <-> G
integer :: nksq, npwq
! the real number of k points
! the number of plane waves for q
real (kind=DP) :: xq(3)
! the coordinates of the q point
complex (kind=DP), allocatable :: eigqts (:) ! nat)
! the phases associated to the q
end module qpoint
! The wavefunctions at point k+q
module eqv
use parameters, only : DP
complex (kind=DP), pointer :: evq (:,:)
! The variable describing the linear response problem
complex (kind=DP), allocatable :: dvpsi (:,:), dpsi (:,:)
! the product of dV psi
! the change of the wavefunctions
real (kind=DP), allocatable :: dmuxc (:,:,:) ! nrxx, nspin, nspin),
real (kind=DP), allocatable, target :: vlocq (:,:) ! ngm, ntyp)
! the derivative of the xc potential
! the local potential at q+G
end module eqv
! the variables for the electric field perturbation
module efield
use parameters, only : DP
real (kind=DP) :: epsilon (3, 3)
real (kind=DP), allocatable :: zstareu (:,:,:),& ! 3, 3, nat),
zstarue (:,:,:) ! 3, nat, 3)
! the dielectric constant
! the effective charges Z(E,Us) (E=scf,Us=bare)
! the effective charges Z(Us,E) (Us=scf,E=bare)
complex (kind=DP), allocatable :: zstareu0 (:,:),& ! 3, 3 * nat),
zstarue0 (:,:) ! 3 * nat, 3)
! the effective charges
! the effective charges
end module efield
! The variables needed for non-linear core correction
module nlcc_ph
use parameters, only : DP
complex (kind=DP), allocatable, target :: drc (:,:) ! ngm, ntyp)
! contain the rhoc (without structure fac) for all atomic types
logical :: nlcc_any
! .t. if any atom-type has nlcc
end module nlcc_ph
! The variables needed for gradient corrected calculations
module gc_ph
use parameters, only : DP
real (kind=DP), allocatable :: grho (:,:,:),& ! 3, nrxx, nspin),
dvxc_rr (:,:,:),& ! nrxx, nspin, nspin), &
dvxc_sr (:,:,:),& ! nrxx, nspin, nspin),
dvxc_ss (:,:,:),& ! nrxx, nspin, nspin), &
dvxc_s (:,:,:) ! nrxx, nspin, nspin)
! gradient of the unpert. density
! derivatives of the E_xc functiona
! r=rho and s=|grad(rho)|
end module gc_ph
! These are additional variables needed for the linear response
! program with the US pseudopotentials
module phus
use parameters, only : DP
real (kind=DP), allocatable :: alphasum (:,:,:,:),&! nhm*(nhm+1)/2,3,nat,nspin)
! used to compute modes
dpqq(:,:,:,:) ! dipole moment of each Q
complex (kind=DP), allocatable :: &
int1 (:,:,:,:,:),& ! nhm, nhm, 3, nat, nspin),&
int2 (:,:,:,:,:),& ! nhm, nhm, 3,nat, nat),&
int3 (:,:,:,:,:),& ! nhm, nhm, 3, nat, nspin),&
int4 (:,:,:,:,:),& ! nhm*(nhm+1)/2, 3, 3, nat, nspin),&
int5 (:,:,:,:,:) ! nhm*(nhm+1)/2, 3, 3, nat, nat),&
complex (kind=DP), allocatable, target :: &
becp1 (:,:,:), & ! nkbtot, nbnd, nksq),&
alphap (:,:,:,:) ! nkbtot, nbnd, 3, nksq)
! integrals of dQ and V_eff
! integrals of dQ and V_loc
! integrals of Q and dV_Hxc
! integrals of d^2Q and V
! integrals of dQ and dV_lo
! the becq used in ch_psi
! the derivative of the bec
end module phus
! the variables needed for partial computation of dynamical matrix
module partial
use parameters, only : DP
integer, allocatable :: comp_irr (:),& ! 3 * nat ),
ifat (:),& ! nat),
done_irr (:),& ! 3 * nat), &
list (:),& ! 3 * nat),
atomo (:) ! nat)
! if 1 this representation has to be computed
! if 1 this matrix element is computed
! if 1 this representation has been done
! a list of representations
! which atom
integer :: nat_todo, nrapp
! number of atoms to compute
! The representation to do
logical :: all_comp
! if true all representation have been computed
end module partial
! the variable controlling the phonon run
module control_ph
use parameters, only : DP, maxter, npk
integer :: niter_ph, nmix_ph, nbnd_occ(npk), irr0, iter0, maxirr
! maximum number of iterations
! mixing type
! occupated bands in metals
! starting representation
! starting iteration
! maximum number of representation
real (kind=DP) :: tr2_ph, alpha_mix(maxter), time_now, alpha_pv
! convergence threshold
! the mixing parameter
! CPU time up to now
! the alpha value for shifting the bands
logical :: lgamma, convt, epsil, trans, elph, zue, recover
! if true this is a q=0 computation
! if true the phonon has converged
! if true computes dielec. const and eff. c
! if true computes phonons
! if true computes electron-phonon interact
! if true computes eff.cha. with ph
! if true the run restart
end module control_ph
! a character common for phonon
module char_ph
character(len=75) :: title_ph! * 75
! title of the phonon run
end module char_ph
! the units of the files and the record lengths
module units_ph
integer :: iuwfc, lrwfc, iuvkb, iubar, lrbar, iudwf, iupsir, &
lrdwf, iudrhous, lrdrhous, iudyn, iupdyn, iunrec, iudvscf, iudrho, &
! iunit with the wavefunctions
! the length of wavefunction record
! unit with vkb
! unit with the part DV_{bare}
! length of the DV_{bare}
! unit with D psi
! unit with evc in real space
! length of D psi record
! the unit with the products
! the lenght of the products
! the unit for the dynamical matrix
! the unit for the partial dynamical matrix
! the unit with the recover data
! the unit where the delta Vscf is written
! the unit where the delta rho is written
! the length of the deltarho files
end module units_ph
! the name of the files
module output
character (len=14) :: fildyn, filelph, fildvscf, fildrho
! output file for the dynamical matrix
! output file for electron-phonon coefficie
! output file for deltavscf
! output file for deltarho
end module output
module phcom
use modes
use dynmat
use qpoint
use eqv
use efield
use nlcc_ph
use gc_ph
use phus
use partial
use control_ph
use char_ph
use units_ph
use output
end module phcom