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! Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE read_uspp_module
! routines reading ultrasoft pseudopotentials in older formats:
! Vanderbilt's code and Andrea's RRKJ3 format
USE kinds, ONLY: DP
USE parameters, ONLY: lmaxx, lqmax
USE io_global, ONLY: stdout
USE funct, ONLY: set_dft_from_name, dft_is_hybrid, dft_is_meta, &
USE matrix_inversion
! Variables above are not modified, variables below are
USE uspp_param, ONLY: oldvan
PUBLIC :: readvan, readrrkj
subroutine readvan( iunps, is, upf )
! Read Vanderbilt pseudopotential from unit "iunps"
! for species "is" into the structure "upf"
! info on DFT level in module "funct"
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Important:
! ------------------------------------------------------
! The order of all l-dependent objects is always s,p,d
! ------------------------------------------------------
! potentials, e.g. vloc_at, are really r*v(r)
! wave funcs, e.g. chi, are really proportional to r*psi(r)
! and are normalized so int (chi**2) dr = 1
! thus psi(r-vec)=(1/r)*chi(r)*y_lm(theta,phi)
! conventions carry over to beta, etc
! charge dens, e.g. rho_atc, really 4*pi*r**2*rho
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Notes on qfunc and qfcoef:
! ------------------------------------------------------
! Since Q_ij(r) is the product of two orbitals like
! psi_{l1,m1}^star * psi_{l2,m2}, it can be decomposed by
! total angular momentum L, where L runs over | l1-l2 | ,
! | l1-l2 | +2 , ... , l1+l2. (L=0 is the only component
! needed by the atomic program, which assumes spherical
! charge symmetry.)
! Recall qfunc(r) = y1(r) * y2(r) where y1 and y2 are the
! radial parts of the wave functions defined according to
! psi(r-vec) = (1/r) * y(r) * Y_lm(r-hat) .
! For each total angular momentum L, we pseudize qfunc(r)
! inside rc as:
! qfunc(r) = r**(L+2) * [ a_1 + a_2*r**2 + a_3*r**4 ]
! in such a way as to match qfunc and its 1'st derivative at
! rc, and to preserve
! integral dr r**L * qfunc(r) ,
! i.e., to preserve the L'th moment of the charge. The array
! qfunc has been set inside rc to correspond to this pseudized
! version using the minimal L, namely L = | l1-l2 | (e.g., L=0
! for diagonal elements). The coefficients a_i (i=1,2,3)
! are stored in the array qfcoef(i,L+1,j,k) for each L so that
! the correctly pseudized versions of qfunc can be reconstructed
! for each L. (Note that for given l1 and l2, only the values
! L = | l1-l2 | , | l1-l2 | +2 , ... , l1+l2 are ever used.)
! ------------------------------------------------------
USE constants, ONLY : fpi
USE pseudo_types
implicit none
! First the arguments passed to the subroutine
TYPE (pseudo_upf) :: upf
integer &
& is, &! The number of the pseudopotential
& iunps ! The unit of the pseudo file
! Local variables
real(DP) &
& exfact, &! index of the exchange and correlation used
& etotpseu, &! total pseudopotential energy
& eloc, &! energy of the local potential
& dummy, &! dummy real variable
& rinner1, &! rinner if only one is present
& rcloc ! the cut-off radius of the local potential
real(DP), allocatable:: &
& ee(:), &! the energy of the valence states
& rc(:), &! the cut-off radii of the pseudopotential
& eee(:), &! energies of the beta function
& ddd(:,:) ! the screened D_{\mu,\nu} parameters
integer, allocatable :: &
& nnlz(:), &! The nlm values of the valence states
& iptype(:) ! more recent parameters
integer &
& iver(3), &! contains the version of generating code
& idmy(3), &! contains the date of creation of the pseudo
& ifpcor, &! for core correction, 0 otherwise
& ios, &! integer variable for I/O control
& i, &! dummy counter
& keyps, &! the type of pseudopotential. Only US allowed
& irel, &! says if the pseudopotential is relativistic
& ifqopt, &! level of Q optimization
& npf, &! as above
& nang, &! number of angular momenta in pseudopotentials
& lloc, &! angular momentum of the local part of PPs
& lp, &! counter on Q angular momenta
& l, &! counter on angular momenta
& iv, jv, ijv, &! beta function counter
& ir ! mesh points counter
character(len=20) :: title
character(len=60) fmt
! We first check the input variables
if (is <= 0) &
call errore('readvan','routine called with wrong 1st argument', 1)
if (iunps <= 0 .or. iunps >= 100000) &
call errore('readvan','routine called with wrong 2nd argument', 1)
read(iunps, *, err=100, iostat=ios ) &
(iver(i),i=1,3), (idmy(i),i=1,3)
write(upf%generated, &
"('Generated by Vanderbilt code, v. ',i1,'.',i1,'.',i1)") iver
if ( iver(1) > 7 .or. iver(1) < 1 .or. &
iver(2) > 9 .or. iver(2) < 0 .or. &
iver(3) > 9 .or. iver(3) < 0 ) &
call errore('readvan','wrong file version read',1)
read( iunps, '(a20,3f15.9)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
title, upf%zmesh, upf%zp, exfact
upf%psd = title(1:2)
if ( upf%zmesh < 1 .or. upf%zmesh > 100.0_DP) &
call errore( 'readvan','wrong zmesh read', is )
if ( upf%zp <= 0.0_DP .or. upf%zp > 100.0_DP) &
call errore('readvan','wrong atomic charge read', is )
if ( exfact < -6 .or. exfact > 6) &
& call errore('readvan','Wrong xc in pseudopotential',1)
! convert from "our" conventions to Vanderbilt conventions
call dftname_cp (nint(exfact), upf%dft)
call set_dft_from_name( upf%dft )
IF ( dft_is_meta() ) &
CALL errore( 'readvan ', 'META-GGA not implemented', 1 )
read( iunps, '(2i5,1pe19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%nwfc, upf%mesh, etotpseu
if ( upf%nwfc < 0 ) &
call errore( 'readvan', 'wrong nchi read', upf%nwfc )
if ( upf%mesh < 0 ) &
call errore( 'readvan','wrong mesh', is )
! info on pseudo eigenstates - energies are not used
ALLOCATE ( upf%oc(upf%nwfc), upf%lchi(upf%nwfc) )
ALLOCATE ( nnlz(upf%nwfc), ee(upf%nwfc) )
read( iunps, '(i5,2f15.9)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( nnlz(iv), upf%oc(iv), ee(iv), iv=1,upf%nwfc )
do iv = 1, upf%nwfc
i = nnlz(iv) / 100
upf%lchi(iv) = nnlz(iv)/10 - i * 10
read( iunps, '(2i5,f15.9)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
keyps, ifpcor, rinner1
upf%nlcc = (ifpcor == 1)
! keyps= 0 --> standard hsc pseudopotential with exponent 4.0
! 1 --> standard hsc pseudopotential with exponent 3.5
! 2 --> vanderbilt modifications using defaults
! 3 --> new generalized eigenvalue pseudopotentials
! 4 --> frozen core all-electron case
if ( keyps < 0 .or. keyps > 4 ) then
call errore('readvan','wrong keyps',keyps)
else if (keyps == 4) then
call errore('readvan','keyps not implemented',keyps)
end if
upf%tvanp = (keyps == 3)
upf%tpawp = .false.
! Read information on the angular momenta, and on Q pseudization
! (version > 3.0)
if (iver(1) >= 3) then
read( iunps, '(2i5,f9.5,2i5,f9.5)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
nang, lloc, eloc, ifqopt, upf%nqf, dummy
!!! PWSCF: lmax(is)=nang, lloc(is)=lloc
! NB: In the Vanderbilt atomic code the angular momentum goes
! from 1 to nang
if ( nang < 0 ) &
call errore(' readvan', 'Wrong nang read', nang)
if ( lloc == -1 ) lloc = nang+1
if ( lloc > nang+1 .or. lloc < 0 ) &
call errore( 'readvan', 'wrong lloc read', is )
if ( upf%nqf < 0 ) &
call errore(' readvan', 'Wrong nqf read', upf%nqf)
if ( ifqopt < 0 ) &
call errore( 'readvan', 'wrong ifqopt read', is )
! old format: no distinction between nang and nchi
nang = upf%nwfc
end if
! Read and test the values of rinner (version > 5.1)
! rinner = radius at which to cut off partial core or q_ij
ALLOCATE ( upf%rinner(2*nang-1) )
if (10*iver(1)+iver(2) >= 51) then
read( iunps, *, err=100, iostat=ios ) &
(upf%rinner(lp), lp=1,2*nang-1 )
do lp = 1, 2*nang-1
if (upf%rinner(lp) < 0.0_DP) &
call errore('readvan','Wrong rinner read', is )
else if (iver(1) > 3) then
do lp = 2, 2*nang-1
end do
end if
if (iver(1) >= 4) &
read( iunps, '(i5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) irel
! set the number of angular momentum terms in q_ij to read in
if (iver(1) == 1) then
oldvan(is) = .TRUE.
! old format: no optimization of q_ij => 3-term taylor series
else if (iver(1) == 2) then
upf%nqlc = 2*nang - 1
upf%nqlc = 2*nang - 1
end if
if ( upf%nqlc > lqmax .or. upf%nqlc < 0 ) &
call errore(' readvan', 'Wrong nqlc read', upf%nqlc )
ALLOCATE ( rc(nang) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( rc(l), l=1,nang )
! reads the number of beta functions
read( iunps, '(2i5)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%nbeta, upf%kkbeta
ALLOCATE ( upf%kbeta(upf%nbeta) )
upf%kbeta(:) = upf%kkbeta
if( upf%nbeta < 0 ) &
call errore( 'readvan','nbeta wrong', is )
if( upf%kkbeta > upf%mesh .or. upf%kkbeta < 0 ) &
call errore( 'readvan','kkbeta wrong or too large', is )
! Now reads the main Vanderbilt parameters
ALLOCATE ( upf%lll(upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%beta(upf%mesh,upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%dion(upf%nbeta,upf%nbeta), upf%qqq(upf%nbeta,upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%qfunc(upf%mesh,upf%nbeta*(upf%nbeta+1)/2) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%qfcoef(upf%nqf, upf%nqlc, upf%nbeta, upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( eee(upf%nbeta), ddd(upf%nbeta,upf%nbeta) )
do iv=1,upf%nbeta
read( iunps, '(i5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) upf%lll(iv)
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
eee(iv), ( upf%beta(ir,iv), ir=1,upf%kkbeta )
do ir=upf%kkbeta+1,upf%mesh
if ( upf%lll(iv) > lmaxx .or. upf%lll(iv) < 0 ) &
call errore( 'readvan', 'lll wrong or too large ', is )
do jv=iv,upf%nbeta
! the symmetric matric Q_{nb,mb} is stored in packed form
! Q(iv,jv) => qfunc(ijv) as defined below (for jv >= iv)
ijv = jv * (jv-1) / 2 + iv
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%dion(iv,jv), ddd(iv,jv), upf%qqq(iv,jv), &
(upf%qfunc(ir,ijv),ir=1,upf%kkbeta), &
do ir=upf%kkbeta+1,upf%mesh
! Use the symmetry of the coefficients
if ( iv /= jv ) then
upf%qqq(jv,iv) =upf%qqq(iv,jv)
end if
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
! Set additional, not present, variables to dummy values
upf%els(:) = 'nX'
upf%els_beta(:) = 'nX'
ALLOCATE(upf%rcut(upf%nbeta), upf%rcutus(upf%nbeta))
upf%rcut(:) = 0._dp
upf%rcutus(:) = 0._dp
! for versions later than 7.2
if (10*iver(1)+iver(2) >= 72) then
ALLOCATE (iptype(upf%nbeta))
read( iunps, '(6i5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
(iptype(iv), iv=1,upf%nbeta)
read( iunps, '(i5,f15.9)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
npf, dummy
end if
! read the local potential
ALLOCATE ( upf%vloc(upf%mesh) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
rcloc, ( upf%vloc(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
! If present reads the core charge rho_atc(r)=4*pi*r**2*rho_core(r)
if ( upf%nlcc ) then
ALLOCATE ( upf%rho_atc(upf%mesh) )
if (iver(1) >= 7) &
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) dummy
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( upf%rho_atc(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
! Read the screened local potential (not used)
ALLOCATE ( upf%rho_at(upf%mesh) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
(upf%rho_at(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh)
! Read the valence atomic charge
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
(upf%rho_at(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh)
! Read the logarithmic mesh (if version > 1)
ALLOCATE ( upf%r(upf%mesh), upf%rab(upf%mesh) )
if (iver(1) >1) then
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
! generate herman-skillman mesh (if version = 1)
call herman_skillman_grid &
( upf%mesh, upf%zmesh, upf%r, upf%rab )
end if
! convert vloc to the conventions used in the rest of the code
! (as read from Vanderbilt's format it is r*v_loc(r))
do ir = 2, upf%mesh
upf%vloc (ir) = upf%vloc (ir) / upf%r(ir)
upf%vloc (1) = upf%vloc (2)
! set rho_atc(r)=rho_core(r) (without 4*pi*r^2 factor,
! for compatibility with rho_atc in the non-US case)
if (upf%nlcc) then
upf%rho_atc(1) = 0.0_DP
do ir=2,upf%mesh
upf%rho_atc(ir) = upf%rho_atc(ir)/fpi/upf%r(ir)**2
end if
! Read the wavefunctions of the atom
if (iver(1) >= 7) then
read( iunps, *, err=100, iostat=ios ) i
if (i /= upf%nwfc) &
call errore('readvan','unexpected or unimplemented case',1)
end if
ALLOCATE ( upf%chi(upf%mesh, upf%nwfc) )
if (iver(1) >= 6) &
read( iunps, *, err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( (upf%chi(ir,iv), ir=1,upf%mesh), iv=1,upf%nwfc )
if (iver(1) == 1) then
! old version: read the q_l(r) and fit them with the Vanderbilt's form
call fit_qrl ( )
end if
! Here we write on output information on the pseudopotential
WRITE( stdout,200) is
200 format (/4x,60('=')/4x,'| pseudopotential report', &
& ' for atomic species:',i3,11x,'|')
WRITE( stdout,300) 'pseudo potential version', &
iver(1), iver(2), iver(3)
300 format (4x,'| ',1a30,3i4,13x,' |' /4x,60('-'))
WRITE( stdout,400) title, upf%dft
400 format (4x,'| ',2a20,' exchange-corr |')
WRITE( stdout,500) upf%zmesh, is, upf%zp, exfact
500 format (4x,'| z =',f5.0,4x,'zv(',i2,') =',f5.0,4x,'exfact =', &
& f10.5, 9x,'|')
WRITE( stdout,600) ifpcor, etotpseu
600 format (4x,'| ifpcor = ',i2,10x,' atomic energy =',f10.5, &
& ' Ry',6x,'|')
WRITE( stdout,700)
700 format(4x,'| index orbital occupation energy',14x,'|')
WRITE( stdout,800) ( iv, nnlz(iv), upf%oc(iv), ee(iv), iv=1,upf%nwfc )
DEALLOCATE (ee, nnlz)
800 format(4x,'|',i5,i11,5x,f10.2,f12.2,15x,'|')
if (iver(1) >= 3 .and. nang > 0) then
IF (nang < 4) THEN
write(fmt,900) 2*nang-1, 40-8*(2*nang-2)
write(fmt,900) 2*nang-1, 1
900 format('(4x,"| rinner =",',i1,'f8.4,',i2,'x,"|")')
WRITE( stdout,fmt) (upf%rinner(lp),lp=1,2*nang-1)
end if
WRITE( stdout,1000)
1000 format(4x,'| new generation scheme:',32x,'|')
WRITE( stdout,1100) upf%nbeta, upf%kkbeta, rcloc
1100 format(4x,'| nbeta = ',i2,5x,'kkbeta =',i5,5x,'rcloc =',f10.4,4x,&
& '|'/4x,'| ibeta l epsilon rcut',25x,'|')
do iv = 1, upf%nbeta
WRITE( stdout,1200) iv,upf%lll(iv),eee(iv),rc(lp)
1200 format(4x,'|',5x,i2,6x,i2,4x,2f7.2,25x,'|')
WRITE( stdout,1300)
1300 format (4x,60('='))
DEALLOCATE (eee, rc)
100 call errore('readvan','error reading pseudo file', abs(ios) )
subroutine fit_qrl ( )
! find coefficients qfcoef that fit the pseudized qrl in US PP
! these coefficients are written to file in newer versions of the
! Vanderbilt PP generation code but not in some ancient versions
implicit none
real (kind=DP), allocatable :: qrl(:,:), a(:,:), ainv(:,:), b(:), x(:)
integer :: iv, jv, ijv, lmin, lmax, l, ir, irinner, i,j
allocate ( a(upf%nqf,upf%nqf), ainv(upf%nqf,upf%nqf) )
allocate ( b(upf%nqf), x(upf%nqf) )
ALLOCATE ( qrl(upf%kkbeta, upf%nqlc) )
do iv=1,upf%nbeta
do jv=iv,upf%nbeta
! original version, assuming lll(jv) >= lll(iv)
! lmin=lll(jv,is)-lll(iv,is)+1
! lmax=lmin+2*lll(iv,is)
! note that indices run from 1 to Lmax+1, not from 0 to Lmax
lmin = ABS( upf%lll(jv) - upf%lll(iv) ) + 1
lmax = upf%lll(jv) + upf%lll(iv) + 1
IF ( lmin < 1 .OR. lmax > SIZE(qrl,2)) &
CALL errore ('fit_qrl', 'bad 2rd dimension for array qrl', 1)
! read q_l(r) for all l
read(iunps,*, err=100) &
( (qrl(ir,l),ir=1,upf%kkbeta), l=lmin,lmax)
ijv = jv * (jv-1) / 2 + iv
do l=lmin,lmax
! reconstruct rinner
do ir=upf%kkbeta,1,-1
if ( abs(qrl(ir,l)-upf%qfunc(ir,ijv)) > 1.0d-6) go to 10
end do
10 irinner = ir+1
upf%rinner(l) = upf%r(irinner)
! least square minimization: find
! qrl = sum_i c_i r^{l+1}r^{2i-2} for r < rinner
a(:,:) = 0.0_DP
b(:) = 0.0_DP
do i = 1, upf%nqf
do ir=1,irinner
b(i) = b(i) + upf%r(ir)**(2*i-2+l+1) * qrl(ir,l)
end do
do j = i, upf%nqf
do ir=1,irinner
a(i,j) = a(i,j) + upf%r(ir)**(2*i-2+l+1) * &
end do
if (j > i) a(j,i) = a(i,j)
end do
end do
call invmat (upf%nqf, a, ainv)
do i = 1, upf%nqf
upf%qfcoef(i,l,iv,jv) = dot_product(ainv(i,:),b(:))
if (iv /= jv) upf%qfcoef(i,l,jv,iv) = upf%qfcoef(i,l,iv,jv)
end do
end do
end do
end do
deallocate ( qrl, x, b , ainv, a )
100 call errore('readvan','error reading Q_L(r)', 1 )
end subroutine fit_qrl
end subroutine readvan
SUBROUTINE herman_skillman_grid (mesh,z,r,rab)
! generate Herman-Skillman radial grid (obsolescent)
! c - 0.88534138/z**(1/3)
REAL(DP) :: z, r(mesh), rab(mesh)
REAL(DP) :: deltax,pi
INTEGER :: nblock,i,j,k
nblock = mesh/40
DO j=1,nblock
DO k=1,40
END SUBROUTINE herman_skillman_grid
subroutine readrrkj( iunps, is, upf )
! This routine reads Vanderbilt pseudopotentials produced by the
! code of Andrea Dal Corso. Hard PPs are first generated
! according to the Rabe Rappe Kaxiras Johannopoulos recipe.
! Ultrasoft PP's are subsequently generated from the hard PP's.
! Output parameters in module "uspp_param"
! info on DFT level in module "dft"
USE constants, ONLY : fpi
USE pseudo_types
implicit none
! First the arguments passed to the subroutine
TYPE (pseudo_upf) :: upf
integer :: &
is, &! The index of the pseudopotential
iunps ! the unit from with pseudopotential is read
! Local variables
integer:: iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc
integer:: &
nb,mb, ijv,&! counters on beta functions
n, &! counter on mesh points
ir, &! counters on mesh points
pseudotype,&! the type of pseudopotential
ios, &! I/O control
ndum, &! dummy integer variable
l ! counter on angular momentum
real(DP):: &
x, &! auxiliary variable
etotps, &! total energy of the pseudoatom
rdum ! dummy real variable
logical :: &
rel ! if true the atomic calculation is relativistic
character(len=75) :: &
titleps ! the title of the pseudo
integer :: &
lmax ! max angular momentum
character(len=2) :: &
adum ! dummy character variable
! We first check the input variables
if (is <= 0) &
call errore('readrrkj','routine called with wrong 1st argument', 1)
if (iunps <= 0 .or. iunps >= 100000) &
call errore('readrrkj','routine called with wrong 2nd argument', 1)
read( iunps, '(a75)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%psd = titleps(7:8)
read( iunps, '(i5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%tvanp = (pseudotype == 3)
upf%tpawp = .false.
if ( upf%tvanp ) then
upf%generated = &
"RRKJ3 Ultrasoft PP, generated by Andrea Dal Corso code"
upf%generated = &
"RRKJ3 norm-conserving PP, generated by Andrea Dal Corso code"
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
read( iunps, '(2l5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
rel, upf%nlcc
read( iunps, '(4i5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc
! workaround to keep track of which dft was read
! See also upf2internals
write( upf%dft, "('INDEX:',4i1)") iexch,icorr,igcx,igcc
call set_dft_from_indices(iexch,icorr,igcx,igcc, 0) ! Cannot read nonlocal in this format
read( iunps, '(2e17.11,i5)') &
upf%zp, etotps, lmax
if ( upf%zp < 1 .or. upf%zp > 100 ) &
call errore('readrrkj','wrong potential read',is)
read( iunps, '(4e17.11,i5)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%xmin, rdum, upf%zmesh, upf%dx, upf%mesh
if ( upf%mesh < 0) &
call errore('readrrkj', 'wrong mesh',is)
read( iunps, '(2i5)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
upf%nwfc, upf%nbeta
if ( upf%nbeta < 0) &
call errore('readrrkj', 'wrong nbeta', is)
if ( upf%nwfc < 0 ) &
call errore('readrrkj', 'wrong nchi', is)
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( rdum, nb=1,upf%nwfc )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( rdum, nb=1,upf%nwfc )
ALLOCATE ( upf%oc(upf%nwfc), upf%lchi(upf%nwfc), upf%lll(upf%nwfc) )
do nb=1,upf%nwfc
read(iunps,'(a2,2i3,f6.2)',err=100,iostat=ios) &
adum, ndum, upf%lchi(nb), upf%oc(nb)
! oc < 0 distinguishes between bound states from unbound states
if ( upf%oc(nb) <= 0.0_DP) upf%oc(nb) = -1.0_DP
ALLOCATE ( upf%kbeta(upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%dion(upf%nbeta,upf%nbeta), upf%qqq(upf%nbeta,upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%beta(upf%mesh,upf%nbeta) )
ALLOCATE ( upf%qfunc(upf%mesh,upf%nbeta*(upf%nbeta+1)/2) )
upf%kkbeta = 0
do nb=1,upf%nbeta
read ( iunps, '(i6)',err=100, iostat=ios ) upf%kbeta(nb)
upf%kkbeta = MAX ( upf%kkbeta, upf%kbeta(nb) )
read ( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( upf%beta(ir,nb), ir=1,upf%kbeta(nb))
do ir=upf%kbeta(nb)+1,upf%mesh
do mb=1,nb
! the symmetric matric Q_{nb,mb} is stored in packed form
! Q(nb,mb) => qfunc(ijv) as defined below (for mb <= nb)
ijv = nb * (nb - 1) / 2 + mb
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
if (pseudotype == 3) then
read(iunps,'(1p4e19.11)',err=100,iostat=ios) &
read(iunps,'(1p4e19.11)',err=100,iostat=ios) &
if ( mb /= nb ) then
end if
! reads the local potential
ALLOCATE ( upf%vloc(upf%mesh) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)',err=100, iostat=ios ) &
rdum, ( upf%vloc(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
! reads the atomic charge
ALLOCATE ( upf%rho_at(upf%mesh) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( upf%rho_at(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
! if present reads the core charge
if ( upf%nlcc ) then
ALLOCATE ( upf%rho_atc(upf%mesh) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
( upf%rho_atc(ir), ir=1,upf%mesh )
! read the pseudo wavefunctions of the atom
ALLOCATE ( upf%chi(upf%mesh, upf%nwfc) )
read( iunps, '(1p4e19.11)', err=100, iostat=ios ) &
! set several variables for compatibility with the rest of the code
if ( upf%nqlc > lqmax .or. upf%nqlc < 0 ) &
call errore(' readrrkj', 'Wrong nqlc', upf%nqlc )
ALLOCATE ( upf%rinner(upf%nqlc) )
do l=1,upf%nqlc
! compute the radial mesh
ALLOCATE ( upf%r(upf%mesh), upf%rab(upf%mesh) )
do ir = 1, upf%mesh
x = upf%xmin + DBLE(ir-1) * upf%dx
upf%r(ir) = EXP(x) / upf%zmesh
upf%rab(ir) = upf%dx * upf%r(ir)
end do
! set rho_atc(r)=rho_core(r) (without 4*pi*r^2 factor)
if ( upf%nlcc ) then
do ir=1,upf%mesh
upf%rho_atc(ir) = upf%rho_atc(ir)/fpi/upf%r(ir)**2
end if
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
! Set additional, not present, variables to dummy values
upf%els(:) = 'nX'
upf%els_beta(:) = 'nX'
allocate(upf%rcut(upf%nbeta), upf%rcutus(upf%nbeta))
upf%rcut(:) = 0._dp
upf%rcutus(:) = 0._dp
100 call errore('readrrkj','Reading pseudo file',abs(ios))
end subroutine readrrkj
end module read_uspp_module