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This is the distribution of the Quantum-ESPRESSO suite of codes (ESPRESSO:
opEn-Source Package for Research in Electronic Structure, Simulation,
and Optimization), promoted by the DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center
of the Italian INFM (http://www.democritos.it). It contains the following
codes for density-functional theory calculations of electronic structure,
based on plane waves and pseudopotentials:
- the PWscf package, developed by Stefano Baroni, Stefano de Gironcoli,
Andrea Dal Corso (SISSA, Trieste), Paolo Giannozzi (Scuola Normale,
Pisa) and others: see http://www.pwscf.org for more information
- the CP code, developed by Alfredo Pasquarello (IRRMA, Lausanne),
Kari Laasonen (Oulu), Andrea Trave (LLNL), Roberto Car
(Princeton), Paolo Giannozzi, Nicola Marzari (MIT),
Carlo Cavazzoni (CINECA, Bologna), Sandro Scandolo (ICTP, Trieste),
Guido Chiarotti (SISSA, Trieste), Paolo Focher,
Gerardo Ballabio (CINECA, Bologna) and others,
for Car-Parrinello variable-cell molecular dynamics
Several utilities are also included, in particular:
- a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for generating input data files,
written by Anton Kokalj (IJS Ljubljana) (for more info, see
http://www-k3.ijs.si/kokalj/pwgui , http://www-k3.ijs.si/kokalj/guib/)
- the pseudopotential generation code "atomic", written by Andrea Dal Corso
- the Input/Output Toolkit "iotk", written by Giovanni Bussi (S3 Modena)
(for more info, see http://www.s3.infm.it/iotk)
This distribution is a step in the ongoing work aiming at a full
integration and interoperability of these codes. This project is
part of a cooperative effort involving DEMOCRITOS, CINECA, Princeton
University, MIT.
Directory structure of the common part of the three packages:
Modules/ Source file for modules that are common to all programs
include/ files *.h included by fortran source files
clib/ external libraries written in C
flib/ external libraries written in Fortran
install/ machine-dependent makefiles and tools for compilation
and installation
pseudo/ pseudopotential files used by examples
upftools/ Source files for converters to unified pseudopotential
format (UPF)
examples/ Contains sample input and output files
Doc/ Documentation
Directory structure of the PWscf package:
PW/ Source files for scf calculations (pw.x)
PH/ Source files for phonon calculations (ph.x)
PP/ Source files for post-processing of pw.x data file
Gamma/ Source files for Gamma-only phonon calculation (phcg.x)
D3/ Source files for third-order derivative calculations (d3.x)
PWCOND/ Source files for conductance calculations (pwcond.x)
pwtools/ Source files for post-processing of ph.x results,
miscellaneous analysis programs
CPV/ Source files for CP
GUI/ or PWgui-*/ Source files for the GUI (GUI/ for CVS sources, while
PWgui-*/ for the tarball *.tar.gz).
atomic/ Source files for the pseudopotential generation package
atomic_doc/ Documentation, tests and examples for the above
iotk/ Input/Output Toolkit
All the material included in this distribution is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.