
165 lines
4.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

! Copyright (C) 2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
subroutine solve_ph
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
use io_files, ONLY : iunres
use pwcom
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : evc
USE becmod, ONLY : rbecp
use cgcom
#ifdef __PARA
use para
integer :: nu, i, ibnd, jbnd, info, iter, mode_done, kpoint
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: diag(:)
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: gr(:,:), h(:,:), work(:,:)
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: overlap(:,:)
logical :: orthonormal, precondition, startwith0
external A_h
call start_clock('solve_ph')
allocate ( rbecp( nkb,nbnd) )
allocate ( diag( npwx) )
allocate ( overlap( nbnd, nbnd) )
allocate ( work( npwx, nbnd) )
allocate ( gr ( npwx, nbnd) )
allocate ( h ( npwx, nbnd) )
kpoint = 1
do i = 1,npw
g2kin(i) = ( (xk(1,kpoint)+g(1,igk(i)))**2 + &
(xk(2,kpoint)+g(2,igk(i)))**2 + &
(xk(3,kpoint)+g(3,igk(i)))**2 ) * tpiba2
end do
orthonormal = .false.
precondition= .true.
if (precondition) then
do i = 1,npw
diag(i) = 1.0/max(1.d0,g2kin(i))
end do
call zvscal(npw,npwx,nbnd,diag,evc,work)
call pw_gemm ('Y',nbnd, nbnd, npw, work, npwx, evc, npwx, overlap, nbnd)
call DPOTRF('U',nbnd,overlap,nbnd,info)
if (info.ne.0) call errore('solve_ph','cannot factorize',info)
end if
WRITE( stdout,'(/" *** Starting Conjugate Gradient minimization", &
& 9x,"***")')
! check if a restart file exists
open (unit=iunres,file='restartph',form='formatted',status='unknown')
read (iunres,*,err=1,end=1) mode_done
read (iunres,*,err=1,end=1) dyn
print '(" Phonon: modes up to mode ",i3," are done")', &
& mode_done
go to 2
1 close(unit=iunres)
! restart failed or file not found
call dynmat_init
2 continue
do nu = 1, nmodes
if ( has_equivalent((nu-1)/3+1).eq.1) then
! calculate only independent modes
WRITE( stdout,'(" *** mode # ",i3," : using symmetry")') nu
goto 10
end if
if ( nu.le.mode_done) then
! do not recalculate modes already done
WRITE( stdout,'(" *** mode # ",i3," : using previous run")') nu
goto 10
end if
if ( asr .and. (nu-1)/3+1.eq.nasr ) then
! impose ASR on last atom instead of calculating mode
WRITE( stdout,'(" *** mode # ",i3," : using asr")') nu
goto 10
end if
! calculate |b> = dV/dtau*psi
call dvpsi_kb(kpoint,nu)
! initialize delta psi
dpsi(:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
! solve the linear system
! NB: dvpsi is used also as work space and is destroyed by cgsolve
call cgsolve (A_h,npw,evc,npwx,nbnd,overlap,nbnd, &
orthonormal,precondition,diag, &
startwith0,et(1,kpoint),dvpsi,gr,h, &
! < DeltaPsi | DeltaV | Psi > contribution to the dynamical matrix
call drhodv(nu)
! save partial result
#ifdef __PARA
if (me.eq.1) then
open (unit=iunres,file='restartph',form='formatted',status='unknown')
write(iunres,*) nu
write(iunres,*) dyn
#ifdef __PARA
end if
WRITE( stdout,'(" *** mode # ",i3," : ",i3," iterations")') &
& nu, iter
10 continue
end do
call stop_clock('solve_ph')
end subroutine solve_ph
subroutine set_asr(nat,nasr,dyn)
! Impose Acoustic Sum Rule on the dynamical matrix
! We assume that (3*nat-1) columns have been calculated
! and that the missing column corresponds to atom nasr
implicit none
integer nat, nasr
real(kind=8) :: dyn(3*nat,3*nat)
integer na, nb, i,j
real(kind=8) :: sum
if (nasr.le.0 .or. nasr.gt.nat) return
do j=1,3
do i=1,3
do nb=1,nat
do na=1,nat
if (na.ne.nasr) sum = sum + dyn(3*(na-1)+i,3*(nb-1)+j)
end do
dyn(3*(nasr-1)+i,3*(nb-1)+j)= -sum
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine set_asr