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! Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE read_namelists_module
! ... this module handles the reading of input namelists
! ... written by: Carlo Cavazzoni
! --------------------------------------------------
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE input_parameters
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: sm_not_set = -20.0_DP
PUBLIC :: read_namelists, sm_not_set
! ... modules needed by read_xml.f90
PUBLIC :: control_defaults, system_defaults, ee_defaults, &
electrons_defaults, wannier_ac_defaults, ions_defaults, &
cell_defaults, press_ai_defaults, wannier_defaults, control_bcast, &
system_bcast, ee_bcast, electrons_bcast, ions_bcast, cell_bcast, &
press_ai_bcast, wannier_bcast, wannier_ac_bcast, control_checkin, &
system_checkin, electrons_checkin, ions_checkin, cell_checkin, &
wannier_checkin, wannier_ac_checkin, fixval
! ... end of module-scope declarations
! ----------------------------------------------
! Variables initialization for Namelist CONTROL
SUBROUTINE control_defaults( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
IF ( prog == 'PW' ) THEN
title = ' '
calculation = 'scf'
title = 'MD Simulation'
calculation = 'cp'
verbosity = 'default'
IF( prog == 'PW' ) restart_mode = 'from_scratch'
IF( prog == 'CP' ) restart_mode = 'restart'
nstep = 50
IF( prog == 'PW' ) iprint = 100000
IF( prog == 'CP' ) iprint = 10
IF( prog == 'PW' ) isave = 0
IF( prog == 'CP' ) isave = 100
tstress = .FALSE.
tprnfor = .FALSE.
tabps = .FALSE.
IF( prog == 'PW' ) dt = 20.0_DP
IF( prog == 'CP' ) dt = 1.0_DP
ndr = 50
ndw = 50
! ... use the path specified as outdir and the filename prefix
! ... to store output data
CALL get_env( 'ESPRESSO_TMPDIR', outdir )
IF ( TRIM( outdir ) == ' ' ) outdir = './'
IF( prog == 'PW' ) prefix = 'pwscf'
IF( prog == 'CP' ) prefix = 'cp'
! ... directory containing the pseudopotentials
CALL get_env( 'ESPRESSO_PSEUDO', pseudo_dir )
IF ( TRIM( pseudo_dir ) == ' ') THEN
CALL get_env( 'HOME', pseudo_dir )
pseudo_dir = TRIM( pseudo_dir ) // '/espresso/pseudo/'
refg = 0.05_DP
max_seconds = 1.E+7_DP
ekin_conv_thr = 1.E-6_DP
etot_conv_thr = 1.E-4_DP
forc_conv_thr = 1.E-3_DP
disk_io = 'default'
dipfield = .FALSE.
lberry = .FALSE.
gdir = 0
nppstr = 0
wf_collect = .FALSE.
IF( prog == 'CP' ) wf_collect = .TRUE. ! default for CP is true
printwfc = -1
lelfield = .FALSE.
nberrycyc = 1
lkpoint_dir = .TRUE.
lecrpa = .FALSE.
saverho = .TRUE.
! Variables initialization for Namelist SYSTEM
SUBROUTINE system_defaults( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
ibrav = -1
celldm = (/ 0.0_DP, 0.0_DP, 0.0_DP, 0.0_DP, 0.0_DP, 0.0_DP /)
a = 0.0_DP
b = 0.0_DP
c = 0.0_DP
cosab = 0.0_DP
cosac = 0.0_DP
cosbc = 0.0_DP
nat = 0
ntyp = 0
nbnd = 0
tot_charge = 0.0_DP
tot_magnetization = -1
ecutwfc = 0.0_DP
ecutrho = 0.0_DP
nr1 = 0
nr2 = 0
nr3 = 0
nr1s = 0
nr2s = 0
nr3s = 0
nr1b = 0
nr2b = 0
nr3b = 0
occupations = 'fixed'
smearing = 'gaussian'
degauss = 0.0_DP
nspin = 1
nosym = .FALSE.
nosym_evc = .FALSE.
force_symmorphic = .FALSE.
use_all_frac = .FALSE.
noinv = .FALSE.
ecfixed = 0.0_DP
qcutz = 0.0_DP
q2sigma = 0.01_DP
input_dft = 'none'
ecutfock = -1.0_DP
! ... set starting_magnetization to an invalid value:
! ... in PW starting_magnetization MUST be set for at least one atomic type
! ... (unless the magnetization is set in other ways)
! ... in CP starting_magnetization MUST REMAIN UNSET
starting_magnetization = sm_not_set
IF ( prog == 'PW' ) THEN
starting_ns_eigenvalue = -1.0_DP
U_projection_type = 'atomic'
lda_plus_U = .FALSE.
lda_plus_u_kind = 0
Hubbard_U = 0.0_DP
Hubbard_J = 0.0_DP
Hubbard_alpha = 0.0_DP
edir = 1
emaxpos = 0.5_DP
eopreg = 0.1_DP
eamp = 0.0_DP
! ... postprocessing of DOS & phonons & el-ph
la2F = .FALSE.
! ... non collinear program variables
lspinorb = .FALSE.
noncolin = .FALSE.
lambda = 1.0_DP
constrained_magnetization= 'none'
fixed_magnetization = 0.0_DP
B_field = 0.0_DP
angle1 = 0.0_DP
angle2 = 0.0_DP
report = 1
no_t_rev = .FALSE.
assume_isolated = 'none'
spline_ps = .false.
This is the first iteration in trying to implement a real space treatment of projectors in USPPs. Hopefully this will allow one to study larger systems. The modifications are done primarily keeping TDDFPT code in mind (a branch of QE, you may see detailed explanation in qe-forge which I am trying to keep tightly integrated). Please do not modify/beautify/make more elegant the corresponding subroutines without prior notice, due to their dependencies. I have tested that the current modifications do not alter the behaviour of pw.x other than designed with a number of small tests in HG1. Some Pointers: -All the new subroutines reside in PW/realus.f90 -A new flag real_space in &electrons control the implementation -tqr flag is treated seperately. -The implementation works only for (serial) gamma point single point calculations. ToDo: -I have written K point and task groups implementations of most of the corresponding routines, but did not have time to implement. -Parallelism issues are still to be checked. -The discrepancy in total energy is <0.002 eV for cutoff of 55Ry/550Ry however, there are some strange force components. I do not know how this will effect a possible optimization scheme. Other: Trying the compile CVS version in HG1 of sissa, using the "default" compiler sets, I encountered a very strange compiler bug. Please have a look at Modules/read_cards.f90 for details. Remove the stupid workaround to your liking. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@5493 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2009-04-03 00:05:09 +08:00
real_space = .false.
! ... DFT-D
london = .false.
london_s6 = 0.75_DP
london_rcut = 200.00_DP
#ifdef __ENVIRON
! ... Environ
do_environ = .false.
! ... ESM
#ifdef __ENVIRON
! Variables initialization for Namelist ENVIRON
SUBROUTINE environ_defaults( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
verbose = 0
environ_thr = 1.D-1
environ_type = 'input'
stype = 1
rhomax = 0.005
rhomin = 0.0001
tbeta = 4.8
env_static_permittivity = 1.D0
eps_mode = 'electronic'
solvationrad(:) = 3.D0
atomicspread(:) = 0.5D0
add_jellium = .false.
ifdtype = 1
nfdpoint = 2
mixtype = 'linear'
ndiis = 1
mixrhopol = 0.5
tolrhopol = 1.D-10
env_surface_tension = 0.D0
delta = 0.00001D0
env_pressure = 0.D0
cion = 0.0D0
zion = 1.0D0
rhopb = 0.0001D0
solvent_temperature = 300.0D0
! Variables initialization for Namelist EE
SUBROUTINE ee_defaults( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
ncompx = 1
ncompy = 1
ncompz = 1
mr1 = 0
mr2 = 0
mr3 = 0
ecutcoarse = 100.D0
errtol = 1.d-22
nlev = 2
itmax = 1000
whichbc = 0
! centercompx = 0.D0
! centercompy = 0.D0
! centercompz = 0.D0
! spreadcomp = -9999.D0
mixing_charge_compensation = 1.0D0
n_charge_compensation = 5
comp_thr = 1.D-4
! multipole = 'dipole'
! poisson_maxiter = 5000
! poisson_thr = 1.D-6
! comp_thr = 1.D-2
! ebc_thr = 1.D-2
! rhoionmax = 1.D0
! smoothspr = 0.25D0
! deltapot = 5.D-1
nlev = 2
! which_smoothing = 'sphere'
! Variables initialization for Namelist ELECTRONS
SUBROUTINE electrons_defaults( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
emass = 400.0_DP
emass_cutoff = 2.5_DP
orthogonalization = 'ortho'
ortho_eps = 1.E-8_DP
ortho_max = 20
electron_maxstep = 100
! ... ( 'sd' | 'cg' | 'damp' | 'verlet' | 'none' | 'diis' )
electron_dynamics = 'none'
electron_damping = 0.1_DP
! ... ( 'zero' | 'default' )
electron_velocities = 'default'
! ... ( 'nose' | 'not_controlled' | 'rescaling')
electron_temperature = 'not_controlled'
ekincw = 0.001_DP
fnosee = 1.0_DP
ampre = 0.0_DP
grease = 1.0_DP
conv_thr = 1.E-6_DP
diis_size = 4
diis_nreset = 3
diis_hcut = 1.0_DP
diis_wthr = 0.0_DP
diis_delt = 0.0_DP
diis_maxstep = 100
diis_rot = .FALSE.
diis_fthr = 0.0_DP
diis_temp = 0.0_DP
diis_achmix = 0.0_DP
diis_g0chmix = 0.0_DP
diis_g1chmix = 0.0_DP
diis_nchmix = 3
diis_nrot = 3
diis_rothr = 0.0_DP
diis_ethr = 0.0_DP
diis_chguess = .FALSE.
mixing_mode = 'plain'
mixing_fixed_ns = 0
mixing_beta = 0.7_DP
mixing_ndim = 8
diagonalization = 'david'
diago_thr_init = 0.0_DP
diago_cg_maxiter = 20
diago_david_ndim = 4
diago_full_acc = .FALSE.
sic = 'none'
sic_epsilon = 0.0_DP
sic_alpha = 0.0_DP
force_pairing = .false.
fermi_energy = 0.0_DP
n_inner = 2
rotation_dynamics = "line-minimization"
occupation_dynamics = "line-minimization"
rotmass = 0.0_DP
occmass = 0.0_DP
rotation_damping = 0.0_DP
occupation_damping = 0.0_DP
tcg = .FALSE.
maxiter = 100
passop = 0.3_DP
niter_cg_restart = 20
etresh = 1.E-6_DP
epol = 3
efield = 0.0_DP
epol2 = 3
efield2 = 0.0_DP
occupation_constraints = .false.
adaptive_thr = .false.
conv_thr_init = 0.1E-2_DP
conv_thr_multi = 0.1_DP
! Variables initialization for Namelist WANNIER_AC
SUBROUTINE wannier_ac_defaults( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
plot_wannier = .FALSE.
use_energy_int = .FALSE.
print_wannier_coeff = .FALSE.
nwan = 0
constrain_pot = 0.d0
plot_wan_num = 0
plot_wan_spin = 1
! Variables initialization for Namelist IONS
SUBROUTINE ions_defaults( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
! ... ( 'full' | 'coarse-grained' )
phase_space = 'full'
! ... ( 'sd' | 'cg' | 'damp' | 'verlet' | 'none' | 'bfgs' | 'beeman' )
ion_dynamics = 'none'
ion_radius = 0.5_DP
ion_damping = 0.1_DP
! ... ( 'default' | 'from_input' )
ion_positions = 'default'
! ... ( 'zero' | 'default' | 'from_input' )
ion_velocities = 'default'
! ... ( 'nose' | 'not_controlled' | 'rescaling' | 'berendsen' |
! 'andersen' | 'langevin' )
ion_temperature = 'not_controlled'
tempw = 300.0_DP
fnosep = -1.0_DP
fnosep(1) = 1.0_DP
nhpcl = 0
nhptyp = 0
ndega = 0
tranp = .FALSE.
amprp = 0.0_DP
greasp = 1.0_DP
tolp = 100.0_DP
ion_nstepe = 1
ion_maxstep = 100
delta_t = 1.0_DP
nraise = 1
refold_pos = .FALSE.
remove_rigid_rot = .FALSE.
upscale = 100.0_DP
pot_extrapolation = 'atomic'
wfc_extrapolation = 'none'
! ... BFGS defaults
bfgs_ndim = 1
trust_radius_max = 0.8_DP ! bohr
trust_radius_min = 1.E-4_DP ! bohr
trust_radius_ini = 0.5_DP ! bohr
w_1 = 0.01_DP
w_2 = 0.50_DP
sic_rloc = 0.0_DP
! ... meta-dynamics defaults
fe_step = 0.4_DP
fe_nstep = 100
sw_nstep = 10
eq_nstep = 0
g_amplitude = 0.005_DP
! Variables initialization for Namelist CELL
SUBROUTINE cell_defaults( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
cell_parameters = 'default'
! ... ( 'sd' | 'pr' | 'none' | 'w' | 'damp-pr' | 'damp-w' | 'bfgs' )
cell_dynamics = 'none'
! ... ( 'zero' | 'default' )
cell_velocities = 'default'
press = 0.0_DP
wmass = 0.0_DP
! ... ( 'nose' | 'not_controlled' | 'rescaling' )
cell_temperature = 'not_controlled'
temph = 0.0_DP
fnoseh = 1.0_DP
greash = 1.0_DP
! ... ('all'* | 'volume' | 'x' | 'y' | 'z' | 'xy' | 'xz' | 'yz' | 'xyz' )
cell_dofree = 'all'
cell_factor = 0.0_DP
cell_nstepe = 1
cell_damping = 0.0_DP
press_conv_thr = 0.5_DP
! Variables initialization for Namelist PRESS_AI
SUBROUTINE press_ai_defaults( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
abivol = .false.
abisur = .false.
pvar = .false.
fill_vac = .false.
cntr = .false.
scale_at = .false.
t_gauss = .false.
jellium = .false.
P_ext = 0.0_DP
P_in = 0.0_DP
P_fin = 0.0_DP
Surf_t = 0.0_DP
rho_thr = 0.0_DP
dthr = 0.0_DP
step_rad = 0.0_DP
delta_eps = 0.0_DP
delta_sigma = 0.0_DP
R_j = 0.0_DP
h_j = 0.0_DP
n_cntr = 0
axis = 3
! Variables initialization for Namelist WANNIER
SUBROUTINE wannier_defaults( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
wf_efield = .FALSE.
wf_switch = .FALSE.
sw_len = 1
efx0 = 0.0_DP
efy0 = 0.0_DP
efz0 = 0.0_DP
efx1 = 0.0_DP
efy1 = 0.0_DP
efz1 = 0.0_DP
wfsd = 1
wfdt = 5.0_DP
maxwfdt = 0.30_DP
wf_q = 1500.0_DP
wf_friction = 0.3_DP
!Lingzhu Kong
neigh = 48
vnbsp = 0
poisson_eps = 1.D-6
dis_cutoff = 7.0_DP
exx_ps_rcut = 5.0
exx_me_rcut = 10.0
nit = 10
nsd = 10
nsteps = 20
tolw = 1.E-8_DP
adapt = .TRUE.
calwf = 3
nwf = 0
wffort = 40
writev = .FALSE.
! Broadcast variables values for Namelist CONTROL
SUBROUTINE control_bcast()
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
CALL mp_bcast( title, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( calculation, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( verbosity, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( restart_mode, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nstep, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( iprint, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( isave, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tstress, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tprnfor, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tabps, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( dt, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ndr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ndw, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( outdir, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( wfcdir, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( prefix, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( max_seconds, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ekin_conv_thr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( etot_conv_thr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( forc_conv_thr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( pseudo_dir, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( refg, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( disk_io, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tefield, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tefield2, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( dipfield, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( lberry, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( gdir, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nppstr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( lkpoint_dir, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( wf_collect, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( printwfc, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( lelfield, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nberrycyc, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( saverho, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( lecrpa, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( vdw_table_name,ionode_id )
! Broadcast variables values for Namelist SYSTEM
SUBROUTINE system_bcast()
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
CALL mp_bcast( ibrav, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( celldm, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( a, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( b, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( c, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cosab, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cosac, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cosbc, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nat, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ntyp, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nbnd, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tot_charge, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tot_magnetization, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ecutwfc, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ecutrho, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nr1, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nr2, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nr3, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nr1s, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nr2s, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nr3s, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nr1b, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nr2b, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nr3b, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( occupations, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( smearing, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( degauss, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nspin, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nosym, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nosym_evc, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( noinv, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( force_symmorphic, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( use_all_frac, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ecfixed, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( qcutz, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( q2sigma, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( input_dft, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nqx1, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nqx2, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nqx3, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( exx_fraction, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( screening_parameter, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( exxdiv_treatment, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( x_gamma_extrapolation, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( yukawa, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ecutvcut, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ecutfock, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( starting_magnetization, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( starting_ns_eigenvalue, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( U_projection_type, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( lda_plus_U, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( lda_plus_u_kind, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( Hubbard_U, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( Hubbard_J, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( Hubbard_alpha, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( step_pen, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( A_pen, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( sigma_pen, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( alpha_pen, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( edir, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( emaxpos, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( eopreg, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( eamp, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( la2F, ionode_id )
! ... non collinear broadcast
CALL mp_bcast( lspinorb, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( starting_spin_angle, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( noncolin, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( angle1, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( angle2, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( report, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( constrained_magnetization, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( B_field, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( fixed_magnetization, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( lambda, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( assume_isolated, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( one_atom_occupations, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( spline_ps, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( london, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( london_s6, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( london_rcut, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( no_t_rev, ionode_id )
#ifdef __ENVIRON
CALL mp_bcast( do_environ, ionode_id )
! ... ESM method broadcast
CALL mp_bcast( esm_bc, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( esm_efield, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( esm_w, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( esm_nfit, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( esm_debug, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( esm_debug_gpmax, ionode_id )
#ifdef __ENVIRON
! Broadcast variables values for Namelist ENVIRON
SUBROUTINE environ_bcast()
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
CALL mp_bcast( verbose, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( environ_thr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( environ_type, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( stype, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( rhomax, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( rhomin, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tbeta, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( env_static_permittivity, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( eps_mode, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( solvationrad, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( atomicspread, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( add_jellium, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ifdtype, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nfdpoint, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( mixtype, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ndiis, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( mixrhopol, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tolrhopol, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( env_surface_tension, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( delta, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( env_pressure, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cion, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( zion, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( rhopb, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( solvent_temperature, ionode_id )
! Broadcast variables values for Namelist EE
SUBROUTINE ee_bcast()
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
CALL mp_bcast( ecutcoarse, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( mixing_charge_compensation, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( errtol, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( comp_thr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nlev, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( itmax, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( whichbc, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( n_charge_compensation, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ncompx, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ncompy, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ncompz, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( mr1, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( mr2, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( mr3, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cellmin, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cellmax, ionode_id )
! Broadcast variables values for Namelist ELECTRONS
SUBROUTINE electrons_bcast()
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
CALL mp_bcast( emass, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( emass_cutoff, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( orthogonalization, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( electron_maxstep, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ortho_eps, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ortho_max, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( electron_dynamics, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( electron_damping, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( electron_velocities, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( electron_temperature, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( conv_thr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ekincw, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( fnosee, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( startingwfc, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ampre, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( grease, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( startingpot, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_size, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_nreset, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_hcut, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_wthr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_delt, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_maxstep, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_rot, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_fthr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_temp, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_achmix, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_g0chmix, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_g1chmix, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_nchmix, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_nrot, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_rothr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_ethr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diis_chguess, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( mixing_fixed_ns, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( mixing_mode, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( mixing_beta, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( mixing_ndim, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tqr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diagonalization, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diago_thr_init, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diago_cg_maxiter, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diago_david_ndim, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( diago_full_acc, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( sic, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( sic_epsilon , ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( sic_alpha , ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( force_pairing , ionode_id )
! ... ensemble-DFT
CALL mp_bcast( fermi_energy, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( n_inner, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( niter_cold_restart, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( lambda_cold, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( rotation_dynamics, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( occupation_dynamics,ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( rotmass, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( occmass, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( rotation_damping, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( occupation_damping, ionode_id )
! ... conjugate gradient
CALL mp_bcast( tcg, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( maxiter, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( etresh, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( passop, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( niter_cg_restart, ionode_id )
! ... electric field
CALL mp_bcast( epol, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( efield, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( epol2, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( efield2, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( efield_cart, ionode_id )
! ... occupation constraints ...
CALL mp_bcast( occupation_constraints, ionode_id )
This is the first iteration in trying to implement a real space treatment of projectors in USPPs. Hopefully this will allow one to study larger systems. The modifications are done primarily keeping TDDFPT code in mind (a branch of QE, you may see detailed explanation in qe-forge which I am trying to keep tightly integrated). Please do not modify/beautify/make more elegant the corresponding subroutines without prior notice, due to their dependencies. I have tested that the current modifications do not alter the behaviour of pw.x other than designed with a number of small tests in HG1. Some Pointers: -All the new subroutines reside in PW/realus.f90 -A new flag real_space in &electrons control the implementation -tqr flag is treated seperately. -The implementation works only for (serial) gamma point single point calculations. ToDo: -I have written K point and task groups implementations of most of the corresponding routines, but did not have time to implement. -Parallelism issues are still to be checked. -The discrepancy in total energy is <0.002 eV for cutoff of 55Ry/550Ry however, there are some strange force components. I do not know how this will effect a possible optimization scheme. Other: Trying the compile CVS version in HG1 of sissa, using the "default" compiler sets, I encountered a very strange compiler bug. Please have a look at Modules/read_cards.f90 for details. Remove the stupid workaround to your liking. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@5493 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2009-04-03 00:05:09 +08:00
! ... real space ...
CALL mp_bcast( real_space, ionode_id)
CALL mp_bcast( adaptive_thr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( conv_thr_init, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( conv_thr_multi, ionode_id )
! Broadcast variables values for Namelist IONS
SUBROUTINE ions_bcast()
USE io_global, ONLY: ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY: mp_bcast
CALL mp_bcast( phase_space, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ion_dynamics, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ion_radius, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ion_damping, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ion_positions, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ion_velocities, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ion_temperature, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tempw, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( fnosep, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nhgrp, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( fnhscl, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nhpcl, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nhptyp, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ndega, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tranp, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( amprp, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( greasp, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tolp, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ion_nstepe, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( ion_maxstep, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( delta_t, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nraise, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( refold_pos, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( remove_rigid_rot, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( upscale, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( pot_extrapolation, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( wfc_extrapolation, ionode_id )
! ... BFGS
CALL mp_bcast( bfgs_ndim, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( trust_radius_max, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( trust_radius_min, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( trust_radius_ini, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( w_1, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( w_2, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( sic_rloc, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( fe_step, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( fe_nstep, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( sw_nstep, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( eq_nstep, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( g_amplitude, ionode_id )
! Broadcast variables values for Namelist CELL
SUBROUTINE cell_bcast()
USE io_global, ONLY: ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY: mp_bcast
CALL mp_bcast( cell_parameters, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cell_dynamics, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cell_velocities, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cell_dofree, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( press, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( wmass, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cell_temperature, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( temph, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( fnoseh, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( greash, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cell_factor, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cell_nstepe, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cell_damping, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( press_conv_thr, ionode_id )
! Broadcast variables values for Namelist PRESS_AI
SUBROUTINE press_ai_bcast()
USE io_global, ONLY: ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY: mp_bcast
CALL mp_bcast( abivol, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( abisur, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( t_gauss, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( cntr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( P_ext, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( Surf_t, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( pvar, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( P_in, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( P_fin, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( delta_eps, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( delta_sigma, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( fill_vac, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( scale_at, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( n_cntr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( axis, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( rho_thr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( dthr, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( step_rad, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( jellium, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( R_j, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( h_j, ionode_id )
! Broadcast variables values for Namelist WANNIER
SUBROUTINE wannier_bcast()
USE io_global, ONLY: ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY: mp_bcast
CALL mp_bcast( wf_efield, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( wf_switch, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( sw_len, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( efx0, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( efy0, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( efz0, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( efx1, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( efy1, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( efz1, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( wfsd, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( wfdt, ionode_id )
!Lingzhu Kong
CALL mp_bcast( neigh, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( poisson_eps, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( dis_cutoff, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( exx_ps_rcut, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( exx_me_rcut, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( vnbsp, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( maxwfdt, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( wf_q, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( wf_friction, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nit, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nsd, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nsteps, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( tolw, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( adapt, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( calwf, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nwf, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( wffort, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( writev, ionode_id )
! Broadcast variables values for Namelist WANNIER_NEW
SUBROUTINE wannier_ac_bcast()
USE io_global, ONLY: ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY: mp_bcast
CALL mp_bcast( plot_wannier,ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( use_energy_int,ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( print_wannier_coeff,ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( nwan, ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( plot_wan_num,ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( plot_wan_spin,ionode_id )
! CALL mp_bcast( wan_data,ionode_id )
CALL mp_bcast( constrain_pot, ionode_id )
! Check input values for Namelist CONTROL
SUBROUTINE control_checkin( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: sub_name = ' control_checkin '
LOGICAL :: allowed = .FALSE.
DO i = 1, SIZE( calculation_allowed )
IF( TRIM(calculation) == calculation_allowed(i) ) allowed = .TRUE.
IF( .NOT. allowed ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' calculation '''// &
& TRIM(calculation)//''' not allowed ',1)
IF( ndr < 50 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' ndr out of range ', 1 )
IF( ndw > 0 .AND. ndw < 50 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' ndw out of range ', 1 )
IF( nstep < 0 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' nstep out of range ', 1 )
IF( iprint < 1 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' iprint out of range ', 1 )
IF( prog == 'PW' ) THEN
IF( isave > 0 ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name,' isave not used in PW ' )
IF( isave < 1 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' isave out of range ', 1 )
IF( dt < 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' dt out of range ', 1 )
IF( max_seconds < 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' max_seconds out of range ', 1 )
IF( ekin_conv_thr < 0.0_DP ) THEN
IF( prog == 'PW' ) THEN
CALL infomsg( sub_name,' ekin_conv_thr not used in PW ')
CALL errore( sub_name,' ekin_conv_thr out of range ', 1 )
IF( etot_conv_thr < 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' etot_conv_thr out of range ', 1 )
IF( forc_conv_thr < 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' forc_conv_thr out of range ', 1 )
IF( prog == 'CP' ) THEN
IF( dipfield ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name,' dipfield not yet implemented ')
IF( lberry ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name,' lberry not implemented yet ')
IF( gdir /= 0 ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name,' gdir not used ')
IF( nppstr /= 0 ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name,' nppstr not used ')
IF( prog == 'PW' .AND. TRIM( restart_mode ) == 'reset_counters' ) THEN
CALL infomsg ( sub_name, ' restart_mode == reset_counters' // &
& ' not implemented in PW ' )
IF( refg < 0 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' wrong table interval refg ', 1 )
#ifdef __LOWMEM
IF( wf_collect .EQ. .true. ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' wf_collect = .true. is not allowed with LOWMEM build ', 1 )
IF( prog /= 'CP' ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' LOWMEM not available in '//prog//' yet ', 1 )
! Check input values for Namelist SYSTEM
SUBROUTINE system_checkin( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: sub_name = ' system_checkin '
LOGICAL :: allowed
IF( ( ibrav /= 0 ) .AND. (celldm(1) == 0.0_DP) .AND. ( a == 0.0_DP ) ) &
CALL errore( ' iosys ', &
& ' invalid lattice parameters ( celldm or a )', 1 )
IF( nat < 0 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name ,' nat less than zero ', MAX( nat, 1) )
IF( ntyp < 0 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name ,' ntyp less than zero ', MAX( ntyp, 1) )
IF( ntyp < 0 .OR. ntyp > nsx ) &
CALL errore( sub_name , &
& ' ntyp too large, increase NSX ', MAX( ntyp, 1) )
IF( nspin < 1 .OR. nspin > 4 .OR. nspin == 3 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name ,' nspin out of range ', MAX(nspin, 1 ) )
IF( ecutwfc <= 0.0_DP ) &
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
CALL errore( sub_name ,' ecutwfc out of range ',1)
IF( ecutrho < 0.0_DP ) &
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
CALL errore( sub_name ,' ecutrho out of range ',1)
IF( prog == 'CP' ) THEN
IF( degauss /= 0.0_DP ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name ,' degauss is not used in CP ')
IF( ecfixed < 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name ,' ecfixed out of range ',1)
IF( qcutz < 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name ,' qcutz out of range ',1)
IF( q2sigma < 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name ,' q2sigma out of range ',1)
IF( prog == 'CP' ) THEN
IF( ANY(starting_magnetization /= SM_NOT_SET ) ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name ,&
& ' starting_magnetization is not used in CP ')
! IF( lda_plus_U ) &
! CALL infomsg( sub_name ,' lda_plus_U is not used in CP ')
IF( la2F ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name ,' la2F is not used in CP ')
! IF( ANY(Hubbard_U /= 0.0_DP) ) &
! CALL infomsg( sub_name ,' Hubbard_U is not used in CP ')
IF( ANY(Hubbard_alpha /= 0.0_DP) ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name ,' Hubbard_alpha is not used in CP ')
IF( nosym ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name ,' nosym not implemented in CP ')
IF( nosym_evc ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name ,' nosym_evc not implemented in CP ')
IF( noinv ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name ,' noinv not implemented in CP ')
! ... control on SIC variables
IF ( sic /= 'none' ) THEN
IF (sic_epsilon > 1.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, &
& ' invalid sic_epsilon, greater than 1.',1 )
IF (sic_epsilon < 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, &
& ' invalid sic_epsilon, less than 0 ',1 )
IF (sic_alpha > 1.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, &
& ' invalid sic_alpha, greater than 1.',1 )
IF (sic_alpha < 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, &
& ' invalid sic_alpha, less than 0 ',1 )
IF ( .NOT. force_pairing ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, &
& ' invalid force_pairing with sic activated', 1 )
IF ( nspin /= 2 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, &
& ' invalid nspin with sic activated', 1 )
IF ( tot_magnetization /= 1._DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, &
& ' invalid tot_magnetization_ with sic activated', 1 )
! ... control on EXX variables
DO i = 1, SIZE( exxdiv_treatment_allowed )
IF( TRIM(exxdiv_treatment) == exxdiv_treatment_allowed(i) ) allowed = .TRUE.
IF( .NOT. allowed ) CALL errore(sub_name, &
' invalid exxdiv_treatment: '//TRIM(exxdiv_treatment), 1 )
IF ( TRIM(exxdiv_treatment) == "yukawa" .AND. yukawa <= 0.0 ) &
CALL errore(sub_name, ' invalid value for yukawa', 1 )
IF ( TRIM(exxdiv_treatment) == "vcut_ws" .AND. ecutvcut <= 0.0 ) &
CALL errore(sub_name, ' invalid value for ecutvcut', 1 )
IF ( x_gamma_extrapolation .AND. ( TRIM(exxdiv_treatment) == "vcut_ws" .OR. &
TRIM(exxdiv_treatment) == "vcut_spherical" ) ) &
CALL errore(sub_name, ' x_gamma_extrapolation cannot be used with vcut', 1 )
! Check input values for Namelist ELECTRONS
SUBROUTINE electrons_checkin( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: sub_name = ' electrons_checkin '
LOGICAL :: allowed = .FALSE.
DO i = 1, SIZE(electron_dynamics_allowed)
IF( TRIM(electron_dynamics) == &
electron_dynamics_allowed(i) ) allowed = .TRUE.
IF( .NOT. allowed ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' electron_dynamics '''//&
& TRIM(electron_dynamics)//''' not allowed ',1)
IF( emass <= 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' emass less or equal 0 ',1)
IF( emass_cutoff <= 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' emass_cutoff less or equal 0 ',1)
IF( ortho_eps <= 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' ortho_eps less or equal 0 ',1)
IF( ortho_max < 1 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' ortho_max less than 1 ',1)
IF( fnosee <= 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' fnosee less or equal 0 ',1)
IF( ekincw <= 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' ekincw less or equal 0 ',1)
IF( occupation_constraints ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' occupation_constraints not yet implemented ',1)
! Check input values for Namelist IONS
SUBROUTINE ions_checkin( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: sub_name = ' ions_checkin '
LOGICAL :: allowed = .FALSE.
DO i = 1, SIZE( phase_space_allowed )
IF( TRIM( phase_space ) == phase_space_allowed(i) ) allowed = .TRUE.
IF ( .NOT. allowed ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' phase_space '''// &
& TRIM( phase_space )// ''' not allowed ', 1 )
allowed = .FALSE.
DO i = 1, SIZE(ion_dynamics_allowed)
IF( TRIM(ion_dynamics) == ion_dynamics_allowed(i) ) allowed = .TRUE.
IF( .NOT. allowed ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' ion_dynamics '''// &
& TRIM(ion_dynamics)//''' not allowed ',1)
IF( tempw <= 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' tempw out of range ',1)
IF( fnosep( 1 ) <= 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' fnosep out of range ',1)
IF( nhpcl > nhclm ) &
CALL infomsg ( sub_name,' nhpcl should be less than nhclm')
IF( nhpcl < 0 ) &
CALL infomsg ( sub_name,' nhpcl out of range ')
IF( ion_nstepe <= 0 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' ion_nstepe out of range ',1)
IF( ion_maxstep < 0 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' ion_maxstep out of range ',1)
IF (sic /= 'none' .and. sic_rloc == 0.0_DP) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' invalid sic_rloc with sic activated ', 1 )
! Check input values for Namelist CELL
SUBROUTINE cell_checkin( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: sub_name = ' cell_checkin '
LOGICAL :: allowed = .FALSE.
DO i = 1, SIZE(cell_dynamics_allowed)
IF( TRIM(cell_dynamics) == &
cell_dynamics_allowed(i) ) allowed = .TRUE.
IF( .NOT. allowed ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' cell_dynamics '''// &
TRIM(cell_dynamics)//''' not allowed ',1)
IF( wmass < 0.0_DP ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' wmass out of range ',1)
IF( prog == 'CP' ) THEN
IF( cell_factor /= 0.0_DP ) &
CALL infomsg( sub_name,' cell_factor not used in CP ')
IF( cell_nstepe <= 0 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name,' cell_nstepe out of range ',1)
! Check input values for Namelist WANNIER
SUBROUTINE wannier_checkin( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: sub_name = 'wannier_checkin'
IF ( calwf < 1 .OR. calwf > 5 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' calwf out of range ', 1 )
IF ( wfsd < 1 .OR. wfsd > 3 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' wfsd out of range ', 1 ) !
! Check input values for Namelist WANNIER_NEW
SUBROUTINE wannier_ac_checkin( prog )
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: sub_name = 'wannier_new_checkin'
IF ( nwan > nwanx ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' nwan out of range ', 1 )
IF ( plot_wan_num < 0 .OR. plot_wan_num > nwan ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' plot_wan_num out of range ', 1 )
IF ( plot_wan_spin < 0 .OR. plot_wan_spin > 2 ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' plot_wan_spin out of range ', 1 )
! Set values according to the "calculation" variable
SUBROUTINE fixval( prog )
USE constants, ONLY : e2
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: sub_name = ' fixval '
SELECT CASE( TRIM( calculation ) )
CASE ('scf')
IF( prog == 'CP' ) THEN
electron_dynamics = 'damp'
ion_dynamics = 'none'
cell_dynamics = 'none'
CASE ('nscf', 'bands')
IF( prog == 'CP' ) occupations = 'bogus'
IF( prog == 'CP' ) electron_dynamics = 'damp'
CASE ( 'cp-wf' )
IF( prog == 'CP' ) THEN
electron_dynamics = 'damp'
ion_dynamics = 'damp'
IF ( prog == 'PW' ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' calculation ' // &
& TRIM( calculation ) // ' not implemented ', 1 )
!Lingzhu Kong
CASE ( 'cp-wf-nscf','cp-wf-pbe0','pbe0-nscf' )
IF( prog == 'CP' ) THEN
occupations = 'fixed'
electron_dynamics = 'damp'
ion_dynamics = 'damp'
IF ( prog == 'PW' ) &
CALL errore( sub_name, ' calculation ' // &
& TRIM( calculation ) // ' not implemented ', 1 )
CASE ('relax')
IF( prog == 'CP' ) THEN
electron_dynamics = 'damp'
ion_dynamics = 'damp'
ELSE IF( prog == 'PW' ) THEN
ion_dynamics = 'bfgs'
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
CASE ( 'md', 'cp' )
IF( prog == 'CP' ) THEN
electron_dynamics = 'verlet'
ion_dynamics = 'verlet'
ELSE IF( prog == 'PW' ) THEN
ion_dynamics = 'verlet'
CASE ('vc-relax')
IF( prog == 'CP' ) THEN
electron_dynamics = 'damp'
ion_dynamics = 'damp'
cell_dynamics = 'damp-pr'
ELSE IF( prog == 'PW' ) THEN
ion_dynamics = 'bfgs'
cell_dynamics= 'bfgs'
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
CASE ( 'vc-md', 'vc-cp' )
IF( prog == 'CP' ) THEN
electron_dynamics = 'verlet'
ion_dynamics = 'verlet'
cell_dynamics = 'pr'
ELSE IF( prog == 'PW' ) THEN
ion_dynamics = 'beeman'
CALL errore( sub_name,' calculation '// &
& TRIM(calculation)//' not implemented ', 1 )
IF ( prog == 'PW' ) THEN
IF ( calculation == 'nscf' .OR. calculation == 'bands' ) THEN
startingpot = 'file'
startingwfc = 'atomic+random'
ELSE IF ( restart_mode == "from_scratch" ) THEN
startingwfc = 'atomic+random'
startingpot = 'atomic'
startingwfc = 'file'
startingpot = 'file'
ELSE IF ( prog == 'CP' ) THEN
startingwfc = 'random'
startingpot = ' '
IF ( TRIM( sic ) /= 'none' ) THEN
force_pairing = ( nspin == 2 .AND. ( tot_magnetization==0._dp .OR. &
tot_magnetization==1._dp ) )
! Namelist parsing main routine
SUBROUTINE read_namelists( prog, unit )
! this routine reads data from standard input and puts them into
! module-scope variables (accessible from other routines by including
! this module, or the one that contains them)
! ----------------------------------------------
! ... declare modules
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode, ionode_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
! ... declare variables
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: prog ! ... specify the calling program
! prog = 'PW' pwscf
! prog = 'CP' cpr
INTEGER, INTENT(IN), optional :: unit
! ... declare other variables
INTEGER :: ios
INTEGER :: unit_loc=5
! ... end of declarations
! ----------------------------------------------
IF(PRESENT(unit)) unit_loc = unit
IF( prog /= 'PW' .AND. prog /= 'CP' ) &
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
CALL errore( ' read_namelists ', ' unknown calling program ', 1 )
! ... default settings for all namelists
IF( prog == 'PW' .OR. prog == 'CP') THEN
CALL control_defaults( prog )
CALL system_defaults( prog )
CALL electrons_defaults( prog )
CALL ions_defaults( prog )
CALL cell_defaults( prog )
#ifdef __ENVIRON
CALL environ_defaults( prog )
CALL ee_defaults( prog )
! ... Here start reading standard input file
! ... CONTROL namelist
IF(prog == 'PW' .OR. prog == 'CP' ) THEN
ios = 0
IF( ionode ) THEN
READ( unit_loc, control, iostat = ios )
CALL mp_bcast( ios, ionode_id )
IF( ios /= 0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' read_namelists ', &
& ' reading namelist control ', ABS(ios) )
CALL control_bcast( )
CALL control_checkin( prog )
! ... fixval changes some default values according to the value
! ... of "calculation" read in CONTROL namelist
CALL fixval( prog )
! ... SYSTEM namelist
ios = 0
IF( ionode ) THEN
READ( unit_loc, system, iostat = ios )
CALL mp_bcast( ios, ionode_id )
IF( ios /= 0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' read_namelists ', &
& ' reading namelist system ', ABS(ios) )
CALL system_bcast( )
CALL system_checkin( prog )
! CALL allocate_input_ions( ntyp, nat )
! ... ELECTRONS namelist
ios = 0
IF( ionode ) THEN
READ( unit_loc, electrons, iostat = ios )
CALL mp_bcast( ios, ionode_id )
IF( ios /= 0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' read_namelists ', &
& ' reading namelist electrons ', ABS(ios) )
CALL electrons_bcast( )
CALL electrons_checkin( prog )
! ... IONS namelist
ios = 0
IF ( ionode ) THEN
IF ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'relax' .OR. &
TRIM( calculation ) == 'md' .OR. &
TRIM( calculation ) == 'vc-relax' .OR. &
TRIM( calculation ) == 'vc-md' .OR. &
TRIM( calculation ) == 'cp' .OR. &
TRIM( calculation ) == 'vc-cp' .OR. &
TRIM( calculation ) == 'smd' .OR. &
TRIM( calculation ) == 'cp-wf-nscf' .OR. & !Lingzhu Kong
TRIM( calculation ) == 'cp-wf-pbe0' .OR. & !Lingzhu Kong
TRIM( calculation ) == 'pbe0-nscf' .OR. & !Lingzhu Kong
TRIM( calculation ) == 'cp-wf' ) READ( 5, ions, iostat = ios )
CALL mp_bcast( ios, ionode_id )
IF( ios /= 0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' read_namelists ', &
& ' reading namelist ions ', ABS(ios) )
CALL ions_bcast( )
CALL ions_checkin( prog )
! ... CELL namelist
ios = 0
IF( ionode ) THEN
IF( TRIM( calculation ) == 'vc-relax' .OR. &
TRIM( calculation ) == 'vc-cp' .OR. &
TRIM( calculation ) == 'vc-md' .OR. &
TRIM( calculation ) == 'vc-md' ) THEN
READ( unit_loc, cell, iostat = ios )
CALL mp_bcast( ios, ionode_id )
IF( ios /= 0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' read_namelists ', &
& ' reading namelist cell ', ABS(ios) )
CALL cell_bcast()
CALL cell_checkin( prog )
ios = 0
IF( ionode ) THEN
if (tabps) then
READ( unit_loc, press_ai, iostat = ios )
end if
CALL mp_bcast( ios, ionode_id )
IF( ios /= 0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' read_namelists ', &
& ' reading namelist press_ai ', ABS(ios) )
CALL press_ai_bcast()
#ifdef __ENVIRON
! ... ENVIRON namelist
IF ( do_environ ) THEN
ios = 0
IF( ionode ) READ( 5, environ, iostat = ios )
CALL mp_bcast( ios, ionode_id )
IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL errore( ' read_namelists ', &
& ' reading namelist environ ', ABS(ios) )
CALL environ_bcast()
! ... EE namelist
IF ( TRIM( assume_isolated ) == 'dcc' ) THEN
ios = 0
IF( ionode ) READ( unit_loc, ee, iostat = ios )
CALL mp_bcast( ios, ionode_id )
IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL errore( ' read_namelists ', &
& ' reading namelist ee ', ABS(ios) )
CALL ee_bcast()
CALL wannier_defaults( prog )
ios = 0
IF( ionode ) THEN
IF( TRIM( calculation ) == 'cp-wf' .OR. & ! Lingzhu Kong
TRIM( calculation ) == 'cp-wf-nscf' .OR. & ! Lingzhu Kong
TRIM( calculation ) == 'cp-wf-pbe0' .OR. & ! Lingzhu Kong
TRIM( calculation ) == 'pbe0-nscf' ) THEN ! Lingzhu Kong
READ( unit_loc, wannier, iostat = ios )
CALL mp_bcast( ios, ionode_id )
IF( ios /= 0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' read_namelists ', &
& ' reading namelist wannier ', ABS(ios) )
CALL wannier_bcast()
CALL wannier_checkin( prog )
CALL wannier_ac_defaults( prog )
ios = 0
IF( ionode ) THEN
IF( use_wannier ) THEN
READ( unit_loc, wannier_ac, iostat = ios )
CALL mp_bcast( ios, ionode_id )
IF( ios /= 0 ) THEN
CALL errore( ' read_namelists ', &
& ' reading namelist wannier_new ', ABS(ios) )
CALL wannier_ac_bcast()
CALL wannier_ac_checkin( prog )
END SUBROUTINE read_namelists
END MODULE read_namelists_module