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! Library interface for the dftd3 program.
! Copyright (C) 2016, Bálint Aradi
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
! any later version.
! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! For the GNU General Public License, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
!> This module contains the API to access DFT-D3 functionality.
module dftd3_api
use dftd3_sizes
use dftd3_common
use dftd3_core
implicit none
public :: dftd3_input, dftd3_calc
public :: dftd3_init, dftd3_set_params, dftd3_set_functional
public :: dftd3_pbc_dispersion
public :: get_atomic_number
!> Input for a dftd3 calculator.
type :: dftd3_input
!> Whether three body term should be calculated
logical :: threebody = .false.
!> Whether numerical gradients instead of analytical ones
logical :: numgrad = .false.
!> C6 min flags (or unallocated if not needed)
logical, allocatable :: minc6list(:)
!> C6 max flags (or unallocated if not needed)
logical, allocatable :: maxc6list(:)
!> Real space cutoff in atomic units.
real(wp) :: cutoff = sqrt(9000.0_wp)
!> Real space cutoff for coordination numbers in atomic units
real(wp) :: cutoff_cn = sqrt(1600.0_wp)
end type dftd3_input
!> State of a dftd3 calculator.
type :: dftd3_calc
! commented private attribute (QE 2016)
! private
logical :: noabc, numgrad
integer :: version
real(wp) :: s6, rs6, s18, rs18, alp
real(wp) :: rthr, cn_thr
integer :: rep_vdw(3), rep_cn(3)
real(wp), allocatable :: r0ab(:,:), c6ab(:,:,:,:,:)
integer, allocatable :: mxc(:)
end type dftd3_calc
!> Initializes a dftd3 calculator.
!! \note You also need to call dftd3_set_functional() or dftd3_set_params()
!! before you can make an actual calculation.
!! \param input Input parameters for the calculator.
subroutine dftd3_init(this, input)
! changed attribute out of "this" structure with inout (QE 2016)
type(dftd3_calc), intent(inout) :: this
type(dftd3_input), intent(in) :: input
logical, allocatable :: minc6list(:), maxc6list(:)
logical :: minc6, maxc6
this%noabc = .not. input%threebody
this%numgrad = input%numgrad
if (allocated(input%minc6list)) then
minc6list(:) = input%minc6list
minc6list(:) = .false.
end if
minc6 = any(minc6list)
if (allocated(input%maxc6list)) then
maxc6list(:) = input%maxc6list
maxc6list(:) = .false.
end if
maxc6 = any(maxc6list)
allocate(this%c6ab(max_elem, max_elem, maxc, maxc, 3))
call copyc6("", maxc, max_elem, this%c6ab, this%mxc, minc6, minc6list, &
& maxc6, maxc6list)
! local variables deallocated (QE 2018)
this%rthr = input%cutoff**2
this%cn_thr = input%cutoff_cn**2
allocate(this%r0ab(max_elem, max_elem))
call setr0ab(max_elem, autoang, this%r0ab)
end subroutine dftd3_init
!> Sets the parameter for the dftd3 calculator by choosing a functional.
!! \param func Name of the functional.
!! \param version Version to use.
!! \param tz Whether special TZ-parameters should be used.
subroutine dftd3_set_functional(this, func, version, tz)
type(dftd3_calc), intent(inout) :: this
character(*), intent(in) :: func
integer, intent(in) :: version
logical, intent(in) :: tz
this%version = version
call setfuncpar(func, this%version, tz, this%s6, this%rs6, this%s18, &
& this%rs18, this%alp)
end subroutine dftd3_set_functional
!> Sets the parameter for the dftd3 calculator directly.
!! \param pars Parameter to use. The 5 parameters must follow the same
!! order as when specified in the dftd3.local file for the dftd3 program.
!! (see the documentation of the dftd3 program for details)
!! \param version Version to use. Note, that depending on the version the
!! five parameters may have different (or no) meaning.
subroutine dftd3_set_params(this, pars, version)
type(dftd3_calc), intent(inout) :: this
real(wp), intent(in) :: pars(:)
integer, intent(in) :: version
if (size(pars) /= 5) then
write(*,*) 'Invalid number of custom parameters'
stop 1
end if
this%s6 = pars(1)
this%rs6 = pars(2)
this%s18 = pars(3)
this%rs18 = pars(4)
this%alp = pars(5)
this%version = version
end subroutine dftd3_set_params
!> Calculates the dispersion for a given periodic configuration.
!! \param coords Coordinates of the atoms in atomic units. Shape: [3, nAtom].
!! \param izp Atomic number of each atom. Shape: [nAtom]. You can determine
!! the atomic number using the get_atomic_number() function.
!! \param latvecs Lattice vectors in atomic units. Shape: [3, 3].
!! \param disp Calculated dispersion energy in atomic units.
!! \param grads Calculated gradiens in atomic units, if present.
!! \param stress Calculated stress tensor in atomic units, if present.
subroutine dftd3_pbc_dispersion(this, coords, izp, latvecs, disp, grads, &
& stress)
type(dftd3_calc), intent(in) :: this
real(wp), intent(in) :: coords(:,:)
integer, intent(in) :: izp(:)
real(wp), intent(in) :: latvecs(:,:)
real(wp), intent(out) :: disp
real(wp), optional, intent(out) :: grads(:,:), stress(:,:)
integer :: natom
real(wp) :: s6, s18, rs6, rs8, rs10, alp6, alp8, alp10
real(wp) :: e6, e8, e10, e12, e6abc, gnorm, disp2
real(wp) :: rtmp3(3)
integer :: rep_cn(3), rep_vdw(3)
if (present(grads) .neqv. present(stress)) then
write(*,*) "!!! Error in dftd3_pbc_dispersion"
write(*,*) "Either both grads and stress must be present or none of them"
end if
natom = size(coords, dim=2)
s6 = this%s6
s18 = this%s18
rs6 = this%rs6
rs8 = this%rs18
rs10 = this%rs18
alp6 = this%alp
alp8 = alp6 + 2.0_wp
alp10 = alp8 + 2.0_wp
call set_criteria(this%rthr, latvecs, rtmp3)
rep_vdw(:) = int(rtmp3) + 1
call set_criteria(this%cn_thr, latvecs, rtmp3)
rep_cn(:) = int(rtmp3) + 1
call pbcedisp(max_elem, maxc, natom, coords, izp, this%c6ab, this%mxc, &
& r2r4, this%r0ab, rcov, rs6, rs8, rs10, alp6, alp8, alp10, &
& this%version, this%noabc, e6, e8, e10, e12, e6abc, latvecs, &
& this%rthr, rep_vdw, this%cn_thr, rep_cn)
disp = -e6 * this%s6 - e8 * this%s18 - e6abc
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if (present(grads)) then
grads(:,:) = 0.0_wp
call pbcgdisp(max_elem, maxc, natom, coords, izp, this%c6ab, this%mxc, &
& r2r4, this%r0ab, rcov, s6, s18, rs6, rs8, rs10, alp6, alp8, alp10, &
& this%noabc, this%numgrad, this%version, grads, disp2, gnorm, &
& stress, latvecs, rep_vdw, rep_cn, this%rthr, .false., this%cn_thr)
2021-06-28 15:14:42 +08:00
! Note, the stress variable in pbcgdisp contains the *lattice derivatives*
! on return, so it needs to be converted to obtain the stress tensor.
stress(:,:) = -matmul(stress, transpose(latvecs))&
& / abs(determinant(latvecs))
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end if
end subroutine dftd3_pbc_dispersion
!> Returns the atomic number for a given species.
!! \param species Chemical symbol of the species.
!! \return Atomic number.
elemental function get_atomic_number(species) result(izp)
character(*), intent(in) :: species
integer :: izp
call elem(trim(species), izp)
end function get_atomic_number
end module dftd3_api