
599 lines
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#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# for each (group of) line(s)
# read block of lines from output of diff
read_diff(); # this sets s1, s2, n1, n2, line1, line2
# check whether block can be ignored, if not, print it
while (n1 > 0 || n2 > 0)
function read_diff()
# read output of diff
read_head(); # this sets s1, s2, n1, n2
for (i=0; i<n1; i++)
getline; line1[i] = $0;
if (n1 > 0 && n2 > 0)
getline; # separator
for (i=0; i<n2; i++)
getline; line2[i] = $0;
function check_diff()
i1 = i2 = 0;
# extract block of lines with the same key
if (n1 > 0)
key1 = get_key(line1[0]);
for (i1=1; i1<n1 && get_key(line1[i1]) == key1; i1++)
if (n2 > 0)
key2 = get_key(line2[0]);
for (i2=1; i2<n2 && get_key(line2[i2]) == key2; i2++)
# choose which key comes first
if (i1 == 0)
key = key2;
else if (i2 == 0)
key = key1;
else if (key1 != key2)
# look for matching keys
for (j1=i1; j1<n1 && get_key(line1[j1]) != key2; j1++)
for (j2=i2; j2<n2 && get_key(line2[j2]) != key1; j2++)
if (j1 == n1 && j2 < n2)
# match found for key1, do key2 first
key = key2; i1 = 0;
else if (j2 == n2 && j1 < n1)
# match found for key2, do key1 first
key = key1; i2 = 0;
# either no key or both keys match
# heuristics: larger block of lines comes first
if (n1 >= n2)
key = key1; i2 = 0;
key = key2; i1 = 0;
key = key1;
# recreate output of diff
if (! check_key())
# cut away the block of lines just examined
s1 += i1;
s2 += i2;
n1 -= i1;
n2 -= i2;
for (k=0; k<n1; k++)
line1[k] = line1[k + i1];
for (k=0; k<n2; k++)
line2[k] = line2[k + i2];
function check_key()
if (key == "TIMING")
return 1;
else if (key == "PARALLEL")
# always accept
return 1;
else if (key == "FFTGRID")
# number of lines must match
if (i1 != i2)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "KWEIGHT")
tolerance = 2e-7;
# number of lines must match
if (i1 != i2)
return 0;
# all pairs of lines must match
for (j=0; j<i1; j++)
split(line1[j], x1);
split(line2[j], x2);
delta = x1[12] - x2[12];
if (delta*delta > tolerance*tolerance)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "ITERATION")
# discard everything
return 1;
else if (key == "FERMI")
tolerance = 5e-4;
# there must be exactly one line
if (i1 != 1 || i2 != 1)
return 0;
split(line1[0], x1);
split(line2[0], x2);
delta = x1[7] - x2[7];
if (delta*delta > tolerance*tolerance)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "ENERGY")
tolerance = 1e-5;
# number of lines must match
if (i1 != i2)
return 0;
# all pairs of lines must match
for (j=0; j<i1; j++)
# energy is the field after = or < (not the < prepended by diff!)
split(line1[j], x1);
split(line2[j], x2);
for (k in x1)
if (k > 2 && match(x1[k], "[=<]"))
delta = x1[k+1] - x2[k+1];
if (delta*delta > tolerance*tolerance)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "CONTRIBUTION")
tolerance = 5e-4;
# number of lines must match
if (i1 != i2)
return 0;
# all pairs of lines must match
for (j=0; j<i1; j++)
# energy is the field after =
split(line1[j], x1);
split(line2[j], x2);
for (k in x1)
if (k > 2 && match(x1[k], "="))
delta = x1[k+1] - x2[k+1];
if (delta*delta > tolerance*tolerance)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "BANDS")
tolerance = 1e-1;
# number of lines must match
if (i1 != i2)
return 0;
# all pairs of lines must match
for (j=0; j<i1; j++)
# number of eigenvalues must match
f1 = split(line1[j], x1);
f2 = split(line2[j], x2);
if (f1 != f2)
return 0;
# all eigenvalues must match
for (k in x1)
if (k > 1)
delta = x1[k] - x2[k];
if (delta*delta > tolerance*tolerance)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "PRESSURE")
tolerance = 1e-0;
# there must be exactly one line
if (i1 != 1 || i2 != 1)
return 0;
split(line1[0], x1);
split(line2[0], x2);
delta = x1[8] - x2[8];
if (delta*delta > tolerance*tolerance)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "STRESS")
tol_au = 1e-5;
tol_kbar = 1e-0;
# number of lines must match
if (i1 != i2)
return 0;
# all pairs of lines must match
for (j=0; j<i1; j++)
# all components must match
split(line1[j], x1);
split(line2[j], x2);
for (k=3; k<=5; k++)
delta = x1[k] - x2[k];
if (delta*delta > tol_au*tol_au)
return 0;
for (k=6; k<=8; k++)
delta = x1[k] - x2[k];
if (delta*delta > tol_kbar*tol_kbar)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "DDV")
tolerance = 1e-3;
# there must be exactly one line
if (i1 != 1 || i2 != 1)
return 0;
split(line1[0], x1);
split(line2[0], x2);
delta = x1[10] - x2[10];
if (delta*delta > tolerance*tolerance)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "DIELECTRIC")
tolerance = 1e-6;
# number of lines must match
if (i1 != i2)
return 0;
# all pairs of lines must match
for (j=0; j<i1; j++)
# all components must match
split(line1[j], x1);
split(line2[j], x2);
for (k=4; k<=6; k++)
delta = x1[k] - x2[k];
if (delta*delta > tolerance*tolerance)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "OMEGA")
tol_thz = 1e-2;
tol_cm = 2e-1;
# number of lines must match
if (i1 != i2)
return 0;
# all pairs of lines must match
for (j=0; j<i1; j++)
split(line1[j], x1);
split(line2[j], x2);
for (k in x1)
if (k > 2 && match(x1[k], "THz"))
delta1 = x1[k-1] - x2[k-1];
delta2 = x1[k+2] - x2[k+2];
if (delta1*delta1 > tol_thz*tol_thz \
|| delta2*delta2 > tol_cm*tol_cm)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "FORCE")
tolerance = 1e-4;
# number of lines must match
if (i1 != i2)
return 0;
# all pairs of lines must match
for (j=0; j<i1; j++)
# all components must match
split(line1[j], x1);
split(line2[j], x2);
for (k=9; k<=11; k++)
delta = x1[k] - x2[k];
if (delta*delta > tolerance*tolerance)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "TFORCE")
tol_force = 1e-4;
tol_scf = 1e-4;
# there must be exactly one line
if (i1 != 1 || i2 != 1)
return 0;
split(line1[0], x1);
split(line2[0], x2);
delta1 = x1[6] - x2[6];
delta2 = x1[11] - x2[11];
if (delta1*delta1 > tol_force*tol_force \
|| delta2*delta2 > tol_scf*tol_scf)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "TEMPERATURE")
tol_ekin = 1e-6;
tol_t = 2e-1;
tol_etot = 1e-5;
# there must be exactly one line
if (i1 != 1 || i2 != 1)
return 0;
split(line1[0], x1);
split(line2[0], x2);
delta1 = x1[5] - x2[5];
delta2 = x1[9] - x2[9];
delta3 = x1[13] - x2[13];
if (delta1*delta1 > tol_ekin*tol_ekin || delta2*delta2 > tol_t*tol_t \
|| delta3*delta3 > tol_etot*tol_etot)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "POSITIONS")
tolerance = 1e-3;
# number of lines must match
if (i1 != i2)
return 0;
# all pairs of lines must match
for (j=0; j<i1; j++)
# all components must match
split(line1[j], x1);
split(line2[j], x2);
for (k=4; k<=6; k++)
delta = x1[k] - x2[k];
if (delta*delta > tolerance*tolerance)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "EFINAL")
tolerance = 1e-6;
# there must be exactly one line
if (i1 != 1 || i2 != 1)
return 0;
split(line1[0], x1);
split(line2[0], x2);
delta = x1[7] - x2[7];
if (delta*delta > tolerance*tolerance)
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
else if (key == "CHECKPOINT")
return 1;
# no key
# number of lines must match
if (i1 != i2)
return 0;
# all pairs of lines must match
for (j=0; j<i1; j++)
split(line1[j], x1);
split(line2[j], x2);
for (k in x1)
if (k > 1 && x1[k] != x2[k])
return 0;
# check passed
return 1;
function print_diff()
# recreate output of diff
for (i=0; i<i1; i++)
print strip_key(line1[i]);
if (i1 > 0 && i2 > 0)
print "---";
for (i=0; i<i2; i++)
print strip_key(line2[i]);
function read_head()
# read a header line from output of diff
# s1 is the first non-matching line in the first file
# n1 is the number of non-matching lines
# s2, n2 are the same things for the second file
type = $0; gsub("[0-9,]", "", type);
split($0, x, type);
if (type == "a")
s1 = x[1]; n1 = 0;
else if (match(x[1], ","))
split(x[1], y, ",");
s1 = y[1]; n1 = y[2] - s1 + 1;
s1 = x[1]; n1 = 1;
if (type == "d")
s2 = x[2]; n2 = 0;
else if (match(x[2], ","))
split(x[2], y, ",");
s2 = y[1]; n2 = y[2] - s2 + 1;
s2 = x[2]; n2 = 1;
function print_head()
# o1, o2 must be given as command line arguments
if (i1 == 0)
if (i2 == 0)
; # nothing
else if (i2 == 1)
printf("%da%d\n", s1+o1, s2+o2);
printf("%da%d,%d\n", s1+o1, s2+o2, s2+o2+i2-1);
else if (i1 == 1)
if (i2 == 0)
printf("%dd%d\n", s1+o1, s2+o2);
else if (i2 == 1)
printf("%dc%d\n", s1+o1, s2+o2);
printf("%dc%d,%d\n", s1+o1, s2+o2, s2+o2+i2-1);
if (i2 == 0)
printf("%d,%dd%d\n", s1+o1, s1+o1+i1-1, s2+o2);
else if (i2 == 1)
printf("%d,%dc%d\n", s1+o1, s1+o1+i1-1, s2+o2);
printf("%d,%dc%d,%d\n", s1+o1, s1+o1+i1-1, s2+o2, s2+o2+i2-1);
function get_key(line)
if (match(line, "@.*@"))
split(line, x, "@");
return x[2];
return "";
function strip_key(line)
sub("@.*@ ", "", line);
return line;