
181 lines
3.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 2002 FPMD group
This file is distributed under the terms of the
GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
in the root directory of the present distribution,
or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#define MAX_INDEX 32768
struct Index { unsigned char i[8]; } ;
static struct Index * P_Index;
static int * P_IndexIndex;
static struct Index * LN;
static int * IG;
static int LN_SIZE;
int IndexCmp( struct Index * A, struct Index * B)
int i;
for(i = 7; i>=0 ; i--) {
if(A->i[i] > B->i[i] ) {
return +1;
else if(A->i[i] < B->i[i]) {
return -1;
return 0;
int index_comp(unsigned i,unsigned j)
int cmp;
cmp = IndexCmp(P_Index + i, P_Index + j);
if ( cmp > 0 ) return 1;
else if ( cmp == 0 ) return 0;
return -1;
int index_swap(unsigned i,unsigned j)
static struct Index tmp;
static int itmp;
tmp = P_Index[j] ;
P_Index[j] = P_Index[i] ;
P_Index[i] = tmp ;
itmp = P_IndexIndex[j] ;
P_IndexIndex[j] = P_IndexIndex[i] ;
P_IndexIndex[i] = itmp ;
return 1;
int IndexSort(struct Index * A, int * IndexIndex, int n)
void Qsort(unsigned n,int (*comp)(),int (*swap)());
P_Index = A;
P_IndexIndex = IndexIndex;
return 1;
int IndexSet( struct Index * A, int I1, int I2, int I3 )
unsigned int himask = 0xFF00;
unsigned int lomask = 0x00FF;
if(abs(I1)>=MAX_INDEX || abs(I2)>=MAX_INDEX || abs(I3)>=MAX_INDEX ) {
return -1;
if(I1<0) I1 += MAX_INDEX;
if(I2<0) I2 += MAX_INDEX;
if(I3<0) I3 += MAX_INDEX;
A->i[7] = (unsigned char ) 0;
A->i[6] = (unsigned char ) 0;
A->i[5] = (unsigned char ) ((himask & (unsigned int) I1)>>8);
A->i[4] = (unsigned char ) ( lomask & (unsigned int) I1);
A->i[3] = (unsigned char ) ((himask & (unsigned int) I2)>>8);
A->i[2] = (unsigned char ) ( lomask & (unsigned int) I2);
A->i[1] = (unsigned char ) ((himask & (unsigned int) I3)>>8);
A->i[0] = (unsigned char ) ( lomask & (unsigned int) I3);
return 0;
int IndexShow(struct Index A)
int i;
for(i=7;i>=0;i--) printf("%2x",A.i[i]);
return 0;
int IndexFind(struct Index * A, int n, struct Index * B)
int lb, ub, i, cmp;
lb = 0;
ub = n-1;
i = lb;
while(lb<(ub-1)) {
i = lb + (ub - lb)/2;
cmp = IndexCmp(B,&A[i]);
if(cmp>0) {
lb = i;
} else if(cmp<0) {
ub = i;
} else {
ub = lb = i;
if(lb<ub) {
cmp = IndexCmp(B,&A[lb]);
if(cmp) {
i = ub;
} else {
i = lb;
if ( IndexCmp(B,&A[i]) ) return -1;
return i;
void LN_ALLOC(int * LN_DIM)
LN = ( struct Index *) malloc ( LN_SIZE * sizeof( struct Index ));
IG = ( int *) malloc ( LN_SIZE * sizeof( int ));
void LN_DEALLOC(void )
free((void *)LN);
free((void *)IG);
void LN_SET(int * IRI1, int * IRI2, int * IRI3, int * ig)
if( *ig<1 || *ig > LN_SIZE) {
IndexSet( &LN[*ig-1], *IRI1, *IRI2, *IRI3 );
IG[*ig-1] = *ig;
return 0;
int LN_IND(int * IRI1, int * IRI2, int * IRI3)
static struct Index B;
static int ib;
ib = IndexFind(LN,LN_SIZE,&B);
if(ib>=0) return IG[ib];
return -1;