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This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
Program PWSCF v.4.1a starts ...
Today is 11Jul2009 at 9:36: 7
For Norm-Conserving or Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials or PAW
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
Current dimensions of program pwscf are:
Max number of different atomic species (ntypx) = 10
Max number of k-points (npk) = 40000
Max angular momentum in pseudopotentials (lmaxx) = 3
Waiting for input...
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
gamma-point specific algorithms are used
bravais-lattice index = 2
lattice parameter (a_0) = 25.0000 a.u.
unit-cell volume = 3906.2500 (a.u.)^3
number of atoms/cell = 1
number of atomic types = 1
number of electrons = 6.00
number of Kohn-Sham states= 6
kinetic-energy cutoff = 30.0000 Ry
charge density cutoff = 120.0000 Ry
convergence threshold = 1.0E-06
mixing beta = 0.7000
number of iterations used = 8 plain mixing
Exchange-correlation = SLA PW PBX PBC (1434)
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
celldm(1)= 25.000000 celldm(2)= 0.000000 celldm(3)= 0.000000
celldm(4)= 0.000000 celldm(5)= 0.000000 celldm(6)= 0.000000
crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of a_0)
a(1) = ( -0.500000 0.000000 0.500000 )
a(2) = ( 0.000000 0.500000 0.500000 )
a(3) = ( -0.500000 0.500000 0.000000 )
reciprocal axes: (cart. coord. in units 2 pi/a_0)
b(1) = ( -1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 )
b(2) = ( 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 )
b(3) = ( -1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 )
PseudoPot. # 1 for O read from file O.pbe-paw_kj.UPF
Pseudo is Projector augmented-wave + core cor, Zval = 6.0
Generated using "atomic" code by A. Dal Corso (espresso distribution)
Shape of augmentation charge: BESSEL
Using radial grid of 1095 points, 4 beta functions with:
l(1) = 0
l(2) = 0
l(3) = 1
l(4) = 1
Q(r) pseudized with 0 coefficients
atomic species valence mass pseudopotential
O 6.00 1.00000 O( 1.00)
48 Sym.Ops. (with inversion)
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
Cartesian axes
site n. atom positions (a_0 units)
1 O tau( 1) = ( 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 )
number of k points= 1
cart. coord. in units 2pi/a_0
k( 1) = ( 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000), wk = 2.0000000
G cutoff = 1899.7722 ( 43454 G-vectors) FFT grid: ( 64, 64, 64)
Occupations read from input
2.0000 1.3333 1.3333 1.3333 0.0000 0.0000
Largest allocated arrays est. size (Mb) dimensions
Kohn-Sham Wavefunctions 0.50 Mb ( 5425, 6)
NL pseudopotentials 0.66 Mb ( 5425, 8)
Each V/rho on FFT grid 4.00 Mb ( 262144)
Each G-vector array 0.33 Mb ( 43454)
G-vector shells 0.00 Mb ( 636)
Largest temporary arrays est. size (Mb) dimensions
Auxiliary wavefunctions 0.99 Mb ( 5425, 24)
Each subspace H/S matrix 0.00 Mb ( 24, 24)
Each <psi_i|beta_j> matrix 0.00 Mb ( 8, 6)
Arrays for rho mixing 32.00 Mb ( 262144, 8)
Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
Check: negative starting charge= -0.001740
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
starting charge 6.00001, renormalised to 6.00000
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
negative rho (up, down): 0.174E-02 0.000E+00
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
Starting wfc are 4 atomic + 2 random wfc
total cpu time spent up to now is 1.34 secs
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
per-process dynamical memory: 36.7 Mb
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
Self-consistent Calculation
iteration # 1 ecut= 30.00 Ry beta=0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 1.00E-02, avg # of iterations = 6.0
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
Threshold (ethr) on eigenvalues was too large:
Diagonalizing with lowered threshold
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 3.85E-07, avg # of iterations = 19.0
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
negative rho (up, down): 0.167E-02 0.000E+00
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
total cpu time spent up to now is 2.27 secs
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
total energy = -41.12628420 Ry
Harris-Foulkes estimate = -41.12628356 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00002393 Ry
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
iteration # 2 ecut= 30.00 Ry beta=0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 3.99E-07, avg # of iterations = 2.0
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
negative rho (up, down): 0.166E-02 0.000E+00
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
total cpu time spent up to now is 2.79 secs
total energy = -41.12628895 Ry
Harris-Foulkes estimate = -41.12629005 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00000399 Ry
iteration # 3 ecut= 30.00 Ry beta=0.70
Davidson diagonalization with overlap
ethr = 6.66E-08, avg # of iterations = 2.0
negative rho (up, down): 0.165E-02 0.000E+00
27 -2.000000 2.000000 -2.000000 0.121763E-02 0.000000E+00
28 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 0.121763E-02 0.000000E+00
29 -2.000000 -2.000000 2.000000 0.121763E-02 0.000000E+00
30 -2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 0.121763E-02 0.000000E+00
total cpu time spent up to now is 3.28 secs
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
End of self-consistent calculation
k = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ( 5425 PWs) bands (ev):
-23.7509 -8.8672 -8.8672 -8.8672 -0.5478 1.9246
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
highest occupied, lowest unoccupied level (ev): -8.8672 -0.5478
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
! total energy = -41.12628986 Ry
Harris-Foulkes estimate = -41.12628987 Ry
estimated scf accuracy < 0.00000030 Ry
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
total all-electron energy = -149.887036 Ry
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
The total energy is the sum of the following terms:
one-electron contribution = -38.80272756 Ry
hartree contribution = 20.73935801 Ry
xc contribution = -6.48336809 Ry
ewald contribution = -6.60220143 Ry
one-center paw contrib. = -9.97735080 Ry
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
convergence has been achieved in 3 iterations
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
Writing output data file pwscf.save
PWSCF : 3.37s CPU time, 3.50s wall time
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
init_run : 1.10s CPU
electrons : 1.94s CPU
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
Called by init_run:
wfcinit : 0.03s CPU
potinit : 0.28s CPU
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
Called by electrons:
c_bands : 0.60s CPU ( 4 calls, 0.151 s avg)
sum_band : 0.36s CPU ( 4 calls, 0.089 s avg)
v_of_rho : 0.73s CPU ( 4 calls, 0.182 s avg)
newd : 0.17s CPU ( 4 calls, 0.042 s avg)
mix_rho : 0.04s CPU ( 4 calls, 0.010 s avg)
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
Called by c_bands:
init_us_2 : 0.02s CPU ( 9 calls, 0.002 s avg)
regterg : 0.59s CPU ( 4 calls, 0.147 s avg)
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
Called by *egterg:
h_psi : 0.53s CPU ( 34 calls, 0.016 s avg)
s_psi : 0.00s CPU ( 34 calls, 0.000 s avg)
g_psi : 0.01s CPU ( 29 calls, 0.001 s avg)
rdiaghg : 0.01s CPU ( 32 calls, 0.000 s avg)
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
Called by h_psi:
add_vuspsi : 0.01s CPU ( 34 calls, 0.000 s avg)
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
General routines
calbec : 0.01s CPU ( 38 calls, 0.000 s avg)
cft3 : 0.26s CPU ( 50 calls, 0.005 s avg)
cft3s : 0.41s CPU ( 120 calls, 0.003 s avg)
davcio : 0.00s CPU ( 3 calls, 0.000 s avg)
This is a quite complex check-in, but actually not very much is done. Changelog follows. LP UPF file format updated completely, UPFv2 introduced: * ld1.x can still produce old format, with the switch upf_v1_format=.true. in inputp this is disabled by default, but we can discuss if it should be the opposite. * pw.x cp.x and all utilities should notice no difference * some utilities in upftools still need to be updated, anyway conversion UPFv1 to UPFv2 is very easy, so this should be no big issue * starting from now to produce an UPF file you need to fill the pseudo_upf derivedd type and feed it to write_upf woutine in upf_module (Modules/upf.f90) * extensive use of iotk I have tried to make the new format as self contained as possible, e.g. there should be minimal need for post-processing after the data is read, no more reconstruction of known quantities, and no more odd syntax to save negligible quantity of space. Also the human readable section is a bit richer, all the rest is more machine readable. I hope this will not cause any throuble, and tried really hard to, all examples and all tests works as fine as before and gives (what really looks like) the same results. Other changes that I needed to make: * radial grids are now allocatable, they management is a bit less of a hack too * paw and uspp augmentation are stored in the same place * paw print total all-electron energy if all atoms are paw, not very useful, but nice * most of the pseudopotential-writing reading files have been renamed to some more logical name, I spare you the list. E.g. read_oldpseudo -> read_pseudo_rrkj3 * paw_t derived type was only used in atomic, so I have put it there (as the pseudo_type module take ages to recompile it was awkward to leave it there). PAW tests inserted in test/ there are 6 of them, as a consequence I have also put 5 paw pseudopotentials in the pseudo/ directory. I will update the PAW scf examples soon, by deleting them (as running a pw with a PAW pseudopotential requires no option at all). PAW generation examples should be updated. A lot of small bugfixes here & there mostly uninitialized variables or unallocated pointers used as subrotuine arguments. git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@4769 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2008-04-03 23:50:43 +08:00
PAW routines
PAW_pot : 0.26s CPU ( 4 calls, 0.066 s avg)
PAW_ddot : 0.00s CPU ( 6 calls, 0.001 s avg)
PAW_symme : 0.00s CPU ( 5 calls, 0.000 s avg)