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by C. Gougoussis, M. Calandra, A. Seitsonen and F. Mauri
Please if you use the following program you should cite the
following papers:
C. Gougoussis, M. Calandra, A. Seitsonen, Ch. Brouder, A. Shukla, F. Mauri
M. Taillefumier, D. Cabaret, A. M. Flank, and F. Mauri
Phys. Rev. B 66, 195107 (2002)
XSpectra is a post-processing tools that relies on the output (the charge density)
of the PWscf code (pw.x). Thus a scf calculation needs to be done before running
To simulate core-hole effects, a pseudopotential with a hole in the 1s
state needs to be generated for the absorbing atom. Some of these
pseudopotentials are available in the Xspectra examples directory.
The self-consistent calculation is then performed on a supercell including
the absorbing atom. The size of the supercell needs to be verified from
system to system, since fairly large supercells are necessary for convergence.
If core-hole effects need not to be taken into account then a calculation on
a single cell with a standard pseudopotential (i.e. without the core-hole)
is enough.
Since xspectra.x uses GIPAW reconstruction of the all electron wavefunction
the pseudopotential needs to contain informations about GIPAW reconstruction.
There is no limit to the number of GIPAW projector that can be included. Note
however that two projectors are typically enough to obtain XAS spectra
converged up to 30-40 eV from the Fermi level.
The use of a single projector is discouraged, particularly when semicore
states are present.
Once the scf charge density has been obtained the xspectra.x code can be
used as a post-processing tool. Note that the X-ray absorption spectra
can be calculated on a larger mesh, different from that used in the
PWscf scf run. Covergence need to be tested also for this second mesh.
Xspectra calculates then the XAS dipolar or quadrupolar contributions
using the lanczos method and the continued fraction.
This approach does not require the explicit calculation of empty states
and it is consequently very fast (only the charge density is needed).
The code needs the 1s radial core wavefunction (for the 1s state in the absence of a
core-hole) in input. This is necessary to calculate the XAS matrix element.
The output spectrum can be separated in its spin-up and spin-down polarizations.
DFT+U calculations and collinear magnetism are possible.
Ultrasoft pseudopotentials and non-collinear magnetism are currently
under development.
NAMELIST / input_xspectra /
calculation character (len=8) DEFAULT=''
'xanes_dipole', Perform dipolar calculation
'xanes_quadrupole', Perform quadrupolar
'fermi_level', calculate the Fermi level
of the SCF run (xreadwf=.true.
must be set in this case)
'hpsi', Perform the test H*psi=E*Psi
(debug option)
prefix character (len=256)
prefix of the pwscf output files
outdir character (len=256) DEFAULT='./'
directory tmp_dir or where the pwscf output
files are stored
verbosity character (len=4) DEFAULT='low'
'high', it checks linear dependence of PAW
projectors and write details about the
projectors. Note that GIPAW already perform a
check on the linear dependence of the
projectors even without this option.
xiabs integer DEFAULT=1
type of the absorbing atom,
(position in pwscf input)
xkvec(1:3) real(DP) DEFAULT=(1.0,0.0,0.0)
coordinates of the x-ray momentum k
xepsilon(1:3) real(DP) DEFAULT=(1.0,0.0,0.0)
coordinates of the incident x-ray
polarization vector
xcoordcrys logical DEFAULT=.true.
.true. to use crystal coordinates for
k and epsilon
ef_r real(DP) DEFAULT=0.0
Fermi energy in Rydberg. This value combined
with the option cut_occupied_states can be
used to exculde the occupiped states in a
smooth way from the final plot.
xonly_plot logical DEFAULT=.false.
.false. the continued fraction is calculated
for each k-point and at the end written
on the save file
.true. uses a previously calculated continued
fraction (x_save_file) to replot the
spectrum with different parameters
(linewidth, different ef_r, etc. etc.)
xread_wf logical DEFAULT=.false.
.true. to read the wave functions of PWscf
x_save_file character (len=256) DEFAULT=xanes.sav
save file where results of the Lanczos
calculation are written (a,b vectors, etc. etc.).
If xonly_plot=.true., the x_save_file is only
read to get the a, b vectors and other lanczos
parameters calculated in a previous run
xniter integer DEFAULT=2000
maximum number of iterations for lanczos.
The maximum number of iterations allowed must
be lower than the number of vectors in the
Hilbert space (i.e. the number of plane waves)
xcheck_conv integer DEFAULT=50
number of iterations between 2 convergence
show_status logical DEFAULT=.false.
show the status of the code
U_projection_type character(len=16) DEFAULT='atomic'
type of projection for DFT+U calculations
(see the PWscf input file for more info)
wf_collect logical DEFAULT=.false.
must be true if wf_collect is enabled
in the scf calculation
xerror real(DP) DEFAULT=0.01
convergence threshold for lanczos
calculation (eV)
NAMELIST / plot /
xnepoint integer DEFAULT=1000
number of energy points in the plot of the
XAS spectrum
xgamma real(DP) DEFAULT=0.1
linewidth to be used in the spectrum (eV)
xemax real(DP) DEFAULT=10.0
maximum energy in eV for the plot of the
XAS spectrum
xemin real(DP) DEFAULT=0.0
minimum energy in eV for the plot of the
XAS spectrum
cut_occ_states logical DEFAULT=.false.
.false. the occupied states are visualized
.true. the occupied states are smoothly cut
from the plot
terminator logical DEFAULT=.false.
.true. to use the terminator function for the
continued fraction
.false. no terminator is used.
gamma_mode character (len=256) DEFAULT='constant'
'constant' a constant linewidth is used for the
XAS spectrum.
'variable' a two step linewidth is used for the
linewidth of the XAS spectrum. In this
case the linewidth is constant and
equal to gamma_value(1) from
xemin to gamma_energy(1), constant and
equal to gamma_value(2) from
gamma_energy(2) to xemax and goes linearly
from gamma_energy(1) to gamma_energy(2)
'file' more exotical choices can be read from
a file (gamma_file).
gamma_file character (LEN=256) DEFAULT='gamma.dat'
file used for nonconstant gamma, in case
gamma_mode='file'. The file should be of the
format energy1 gamma1
energy2 gamma2
where at energy1 the linewidth is gamma1.
Then the values are connected by lines.
gamma_energy(1:2) real(DP)
energy values of the 2 points of reference for variable gamma
in case gamma_mode='variable'
gamma_value(1:2) real(DP)
gamma values of the 2 points of reference for variable gamma
in case gamma_mode='variable'
NAMELIST / pseudos /
filecore, character (len=256)
core wavefunction file
r_paw(1:...) real(DP) DEFAULT=1.5*rc
paw radii to be used in paw reconstruction.
A good choice to avoid linearly dependent
projectors is 3*r_pseudo/2 or grater.
In order to cut the occupied states, the program performs an integration
over the variable t in ] 0, infinity [.
See ref. Ch. Brouder, M. Alouani, K. H. Bennemann, Phys. Rev. B 54 (1996) p.7334-49.
The integration is done with t going in two opposite directions,
from the start value cut_startt. So, the integration
is done over ]cut_tinf,cut_startt] at least with step cut_stepl, and
over [cut_startt,cut_tsup[ at least with step cut_stepu. There are two arrays of size
cut_nmeml and cut_nmemu in order to save green functions values. There is an area near
the fermi level f size cut_desmooth (in eV) where the cross section is interpolated
in order to avoid a divergence.
NAMELIST / cut_occ /
cut_ierror real(DP) DEFAULT=1.d-7
convergence tolerance for one step in the integral
cut_stepu real(DP) DEFAULT=1.d-2
integration initial step, upper side
cut_stepl real(DP) DEFAULT=1.d-3
integration initial step, lower side
cut_startt real(DP) DEFAULT=1.d0
integration start value of the t variable
cut_tinf real(DP) DEFAULT=1.d-6
maximum value of the lower integration boundary
cut_tsup real(DP) DEFAULT=100.d0
minimum value of the upper integration boudary
cut_desmooth real(DP) DEFAULT=1.d-2
size of the interval near the fermi energy
in which cross section is smoothed
cut_nmemu integer DEFAULT=100000
size of the memory of the values of the
green function, upper side
cut_nmeml integer DEFAULT=100000
size of the memory of the values of the
green function, lower side