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! Copyright (C) 2002 CP90 group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
MODULE input_cp
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
PUBLIC :: iosys
PUBLIC :: iosys_pseudo
PUBLIC :: read_input_file
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
! subroutines
! ----------------------------------------------
! ----------------------------------------------
SUBROUTINE read_input_file( lneb, lsmd, lwf )
USE read_namelists_module, ONLY: read_namelists
USE read_cards_module, ONLY: read_cards
USE input_parameters, ONLY: calculation
LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: lneb, lsmd, lwf
! . Read NAMELISTS ..................................................!
CALL read_namelists( 'CP' )
! . Read CARDS ......................................................!
CALL read_cards( 'CP' )
lneb = ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'neb' )
lsmd = ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'smd' )
lwf = ( TRIM( calculation ) == 'cp-wf' )
subroutine iosys_pseudo( psfile_ , pseudo_dir_ , nsp_ )
use input_parameters, only: atom_pfile, pseudo_dir, ntyp
use parameters, only: nsx
implicit none
character(len=256) :: psfile_ ( nsx ) , pseudo_dir_
integer :: nsp_
nsp_ = ntyp
psfile_= ' '
psfile_ ( 1:nsp_ ) = atom_pfile( 1:nsp_ )
pseudo_dir_ = pseudo_dir
! read in pseudopotentials and wavefunctions files
call readpp()
end subroutine
subroutine iosys( )
! this subroutine copies variables from input module to other modules
! -------------------------------------------------------------------
use input_parameters, only: &
nr1, nr2, nr3, greash, press, nr2s, nr3s, nr1s, tolp, temph, grease, &
tempw, fnoseh, amprp, greasp, tranp, atomic_positions, nelec, &
if_pos, rd_ht, trd_ht, a, b, c, cosab, cosac, cosbc, cell_symmetry, nelup, &
neldw, occupations, f_inp, pos, nr3b, pseudo_dir, &
nr1b, nr2b, sp_pos, atom_mass, atom_pfile, iprint, isave, orthogonalization, &
electron_velocities, startingwfc, ndr, ndw, ion_dynamics, ion_damping, &
cell_velocities, electron_dynamics, electron_damping, ion_velocities, &
celldm, nbnd, nspin, calculation, ntyp, ibrav, restart_mode, ion_positions, &
nstep, ecutwfc, ecutrho, ampre, ortho_eps, ortho_max, wmass, qcutz, q2sigma, &
ecfixed, ekincw, fnosep, nat, tstress, disk_io, fnosee, ion_temperature, &
cell_temperature, cell_dofree, cell_dynamics, cell_damping, electron_temperature, &
dt, emass, emass_cutoff, ion_radius, verbosity, tprnfor, &
ekin_conv_thr, etot_conv_thr, max_seconds, na_inp, rd_pos, atom_label, rd_vel, &
smd_polm, smd_kwnp, smd_linr, smd_stcd, smd_stcd1, smd_stcd2, smd_stcd3, smd_codf, &
smd_forf, smd_smwf, smd_lmfreq, smd_tol, smd_maxlm, smd_smcp, smd_smopt, smd_smlm, &
num_of_images, smd_ene_ini, smd_ene_fin, title
use constants, only: pi, scmass, factem, eps8, uma_au, terahertz
use parameters, only: natx
use io_global, only: ionode, stdout
USE control_flags, ONLY: tconvthrs, lneb, lsmd
use control_flags, only: taurdr, tprnfor_ => tprnfor
use control_flags, only: tzerop, tzeroe, tzeroc, nbeg
use control_flags, only: &
ndr_ => ndr, &
ndw_ => ndw, &
nomore_ => nomore, &
iprint_ => iprint, &
iprsta_ => iprsta, &
isave_ => isave, &
tortho_ => tortho, &
ortho_eps_ => ortho_eps, &
ortho_max_ => ortho_max, &
trane_ => trane, &
ampre_ => ampre, &
tranp_ => tranp, &
amprp_ => amprp, &
tfor_ => tfor, &
tsdp_ => tsdp, &
tcp_ => tcp, &
tcap_ => tcap, &
tolp_ => tolp, &
trhor_ => trhor, &
trhow_ => trhow, &
tvlocw_ => tvlocw, &
tnosep_ => tnosep, &
tnosee_ => tnosee, &
tnoseh_ => tnoseh, &
tpre_ => tpre, &
thdyn_ => thdyn, &
tsde_ => tsde
use mp, only: mp_bcast
USE check_stop, ONLY: check_stop_init
USE ions_base, ONLY: ions_base_init, tau_srt, ind_srt, &
rcmax_ => rcmax, &
fricp_ => fricp, &
greasp_ => greasp
USE ions_positions, ONLY: &
tau0_ => tau0
USE cell_base, ONLY: cell_base_init, a1, a2, a3, &
press_ => press, &
frich_ => frich, &
greash_ => greash, &
wmass_ => wmass, &
thdiag_ => thdiag, &
iforceh_ => iforceh
USE cell_nose, ONLY: &
qnh_ => qnh, &
temph_ => temph
use gvecw, only: agg => ecutz, sgg => ecsig, e0gg => ecfix
USE time_step, ONLY: set_time_step, &
delt_ => delt
USE cp_electronic_mass, only: &
emass_ => emass, &
emaec_ => emass_cutoff
USE wave_base, ONLY: &
frice_ => frice, &
grease_ => grease
USE ions_nose, ONLY: &
qnp_ => qnp, &
tempw_ => tempw
USE electrons_base, ONLY: &
nupdwn_ => nupdwn, &
iupdwn_ => iupdwn, &
nel_ => nel, &
n_ => nbnd, &
nx_ => nbndx, &
f_ => f, &
ispin_ => fspin, &
nspin_ => nspin
USE electrons_nose, ONLY: &
qne_ => qne, &
ekincw_ => ekincw
USE grid_dimensions, ONLY: &
nr1_ => nr1, &
nr2_ => nr2, &
nr3_ => nr3
USE smallbox_grid_dimensions, ONLY: &
nr1b_ => nr1b, &
nr2b_ => nr2b, &
nr3b_ => nr3b
USE smooth_grid_dimensions, ONLY: &
nr1s_ => nr1s, &
nr2s_ => nr2s, &
nr3s_ => nr3s
USE io_files, ONLY: &
psfile_ => psfile, &
pseudo_dir_ => pseudo_dir
USE path_variables, ONLY: &
sm_p_ => smd_p, &
smcp_ => smd_cp, &
smlm_ => smd_lm, &
smopt_ => smd_opt, &
linr_ => smd_linr, &
polm_ => smd_polm, &
kwnp_ => smd_kwnp, &
codfreq_ => smd_codfreq, &
forfreq_ => smd_forfreq, &
smwfreq_ => smd_wfreq, &
tol_ => smd_tol, &
lmfreq_ => smd_lmfreq, &
maxlm_ => smd_maxlm, &
ene_ini_ => smd_ene_ini, &
ene_fin_ => smd_ene_fin
USE printout_base, ONLY: &
title_ => title
implicit none
! local variables
real(kind=8) :: ocp, fsum
integer :: i, ia, is, iss, in, isa
real(kind=8) :: alat_
! Subroutine body
title_ = title ! simulation title
IF( TRIM( calculation ) == 'nscf' ) trhor_ = .true.
! translate from input to internals of SMCP,
! ... SM_P
sm_p_ = num_of_images -1
! ... what to do
smcp_ = smd_smcp
smopt_ = smd_smopt
smlm_ = smd_smlm
! ... initial path info
linr_ = smd_linr
polm_ = smd_polm
kwnp_ = smd_kwnp
! ... Frequencey of wiriting
codfreq_ = smd_codf
forfreq_ = smd_forf
smwfreq_ = smd_smwf
! ... Lagrange multiplier info.
lmfreq_ = smd_lmfreq
tol_ = smd_tol
maxlm_ = smd_maxlm
! ... if smlm
IF(smd_smlm) THEN
IF(smd_ene_ini >= 0.d0 .OR. smd_ene_fin >= 0.d0) &
& CALL errore(' start : ',' Check : ene_ini & ene_fin ', 1 )
ene_ini_ = smd_ene_ini
ene_fin_ = smd_ene_fin
! ... Set cell base module
if( .not. lneb ) then
CALL cell_base_init( ibrav , celldm , trd_ht, cell_symmetry, rd_ht, &
a, b, c, cosab, cosac, cosbc , alat_ )
end if
! ... Set ions base module
if( .not. lneb ) then
CALL ions_base_init( ntyp , nat , na_inp , sp_pos , rd_pos , rd_vel, atom_mass, &
atom_label, if_pos, atomic_positions , alat_ , a1, a2, a3 )
end if
! ... Set Values for bands and spin
n_ = nbnd * nspin
nspin_ = nspin
! ... Set Values for the cutoff
CALL ecutoffs_setup( ecutwfc, ecutrho, ecfixed, qcutz, q2sigma )
ampre_ = ampre
SELECT CASE ( restart_mode )
CASE ('from_scratch')
nbeg = -2
nomore_ = nstep
trane_ = ( startingwfc == 'random' )
if ( ampre_ == 0.d0 ) ampre_ = 0.02
CASE ('reset_counters')
nbeg = 0
nomore_ = nstep
CASE ('restart')
nbeg = 1
nomore_ = nstep
if ( ion_positions == 'from_input' ) then
taurdr = .TRUE.
nbeg = -1
end if
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown restart_mode '//trim(restart_mode), 1 )
ndr_ = ndr
ndw_ = ndw
iprint_ = iprint
IF( .NOT. lneb ) THEN
CALL check_stop_init( max_seconds )
! ... TORTHO
SELECT CASE ( orthogonalization )
CASE ('Gram-Schmidt')
tortho_ = .FALSE.
CASE ('ortho')
tortho_ = .TRUE.
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown orthogonalization '//&
trim(orthogonalization), 1 )
SELECT CASE ( electron_velocities )
CASE ('default')
CASE ('zero')
print '("Warning: electron_velocities keyword has no effect")'
CALL errore(' iosys ',' electron_velocities='// &
trim(electron_velocities)//' not implemented', 1 )
! ... TSDE
SELECT CASE ( electron_dynamics )
CASE ('sd')
tsde_ = .TRUE.
frice_ = 0.d0
CASE ('verlet')
tsde_ = .FALSE.
frice_ = 0.d0
CASE ('damp')
tsde_ = .FALSE.
frice_ = electron_damping
CASE ('none')
tsde_ = .FALSE.
frice_ = 0.d0
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown electron_dynamics '//&
SELECT CASE ( electron_velocities )
CASE ('zero')
tzeroe = .TRUE.
CASE ('default')
tzeroe = .FALSE.
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown electron_velocities '//&
! Ion velocities
SELECT CASE ( ion_velocities )
CASE ('default')
tcap_ = .false.
CASE ('random')
tcap_ = .true.
CASE ('zero')
tzerop = .TRUE.
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown ion_velocities '//trim(ion_velocities),1)
SELECT CASE ( ion_dynamics )
CASE ('sd')
tsdp_ = .TRUE.
tfor_ = .TRUE.
fricp_= 0.d0
CASE ('verlet')
tsdp_ = .FALSE.
tfor_ = .TRUE.
fricp_= 0.d0
CASE ('damp')
tsdp_ = .FALSE.
tfor_ = .TRUE.
fricp_= ion_damping
CASE ('none')
tsdp_ = .FALSE.
tfor_ = .FALSE.
fricp_= 0.d0
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown ion_dynamics '//trim(ion_dynamics), 1 )
SELECT CASE ( cell_velocities )
CASE ('default')
tzeroc = .FALSE.
CASE ('zero')
tzeroc = .TRUE.
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown cell_velocities '//trim(cell_velocities),1)
! For SMD
IF( lsmd ) THEN
SELECT CASE ( cell_dynamics )
CASE ('none')
tpre_ = .FALSE.
thdyn_= .FALSE.
frich_= 0.d0
CALL errore(' smiosys ',' cell_dynamics not implemented : '//trim(cell_dynamics), 1 )
SELECT CASE ( cell_dynamics )
CASE ('sd')
tpre_ = .TRUE.
thdyn_= .TRUE.
frich_= 0.d0
CASE ('pr')
tpre_ = .TRUE.
thdyn_= .TRUE.
frich_= 0.d0
CASE ('damp-pr')
tpre_ = .TRUE.
thdyn_= .TRUE.
frich_ = cell_damping
CASE ('none')
tpre_ = .FALSE.
thdyn_= .FALSE.
frich_= 0.d0
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown cell_dynamics '//trim(cell_dynamics), 1 )
SELECT CASE ( electron_temperature )
! temperature control of electrons via Nose' thermostat
! EKINW (REAL(DBL)) average kinetic energy (in atomic units)
! FNOSEE (REAL(DBL)) frequency (in terahertz)
CASE ('nose')
tnosee_ = .TRUE.
CASE ('not_controlled')
tnosee_ = .FALSE.
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown electron_temperature '//&
trim(electron_temperature), 1 )
SELECT CASE ( ion_temperature )
! temperature control of ions via Nose' thermostat
! TEMPW (REAL(DBL)) frequency (in which units?)
! FNOSEP (REAL(DBL)) temperature (in which units?)
CASE ('nose')
tnosep_ = .TRUE.
tcp_ = .false.
CASE ('not_controlled')
tnosep_ = .FALSE.
tcp_ = .false.
CASE ('rescaling' )
tnosep_ = .FALSE.
tcp_ = .true.
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown ion_temperature '//&
trim(ion_temperature), 1 )
SELECT CASE ( cell_temperature )
! cell temperature control of ions via Nose' thermostat
! FNOSEH (REAL(DBL)) frequency (in which units?)
! TEMPH (REAL(DBL)) temperature (in which units?)
CASE ('nose')
tnoseh_ = .TRUE.
CASE ('not_controlled')
tnoseh_ = .FALSE.
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown cell_temperature '//&
trim(cell_temperature), 1 )
SELECT CASE ( cell_dofree )
CASE ('all')
thdiag_ =.false.
CASE ('xyz')
thdiag_ =.true.
CALL errore(' iosys ',' unknown cell_dofree '//trim(cell_dofree), 1 )
if(thdyn_) then
if(thdiag_) then
do i=1,3
! ... radii, masses
DO is = 1, ntyp
rcmax_ (is) = ion_radius(is)
IF( ion_radius(is) <= 0.d0 ) THEN
CALL errore(' iosys ',' invalid ion_radius ', is)
! compatibility between FPMD and CP90
tconvthrs%active = .FALSE.
IF( ion_dynamics == 'none' .AND. cell_dynamics == 'none' ) THEN
tconvthrs%ekin = ekin_conv_thr
tconvthrs%derho = etot_conv_thr
tconvthrs%force = 10d+10
tconvthrs%active = .TRUE.
tconvthrs%nstep = 1
isave_ = isave
tprnfor_ = tprnfor
if ( trim( verbosity ) == 'high' ) then
iprsta_ = 3
iprsta_ = 1
end if
CALL set_time_step( dt )
emass_ = emass
emaec_ = emass_cutoff
ortho_eps_ = ortho_eps
ortho_max_ = ortho_max
if ( tstress ) tpre_ = .true.
trhow_ = ( trim( disk_io ) == 'high' )
tvlocw_ = .false. ! temporaneo
qne_ = 0.0d0
qnp_ = 0.0d0
qnh_ = 0.0d0
if( fnosee > 0.0d0 ) qne_ = 4.d0*ekincw/(fnosee*(2.d0*pi)*terahertz)**2
if( fnosep > 0.0d0 ) qnp_ = 2.d0*(3*nat)*tempw/factem/(fnosep*(2.d0*pi)*terahertz)**2
if( fnoseh > 0.0d0 ) qnh_ = 2.d0*(3*3 )*temph/factem/(fnoseh*(2.d0*pi)*terahertz)**2
tempw_ = tempw
temph_ = temph
ekincw_ = ekincw
tranp_ ( 1 : ntyp ) = tranp ( 1 : ntyp )
amprp_ ( 1 : ntyp ) = amprp ( 1 : ntyp )
grease_ = grease
greasp_ = greasp
tolp_ = tolp
greash_ = greash
press_ = press
nr1_ = nr1
nr2_ = nr2
nr3_ = nr3
nr1s_ = nr1s
nr2s_ = nr2s
nr3s_ = nr3s
nr1b_ = nr1b
nr2b_ = nr2b
nr3b_ = nr3b
! set pseudopotentials file and directory
pseudo_dir_ = pseudo_dir
psfile_= ' '
psfile_ ( 1:ntyp ) = atom_pfile( 1:ntyp )
IF( lsmd ) THEN
! How to obtain the initial trial path.
IF(smd_smopt) THEN
CALL init_path(sm_p_,kwnp_,smd_stcd,ntyp,nat,alat_,nbeg,1)
ELSEIF(smd_linr) THEN
CALL init_path(sm_p_,kwnp_,smd_stcd,ntyp,nat,alat_,nbeg,2)
ELSEIF(smd_polm .AND. (smd_kwnp < num_of_images) ) THEN
CALL init_path(sm_p_,kwnp_,smd_stcd,ntyp,nat,alat_,nbeg,3)
ELSEIF(smd_kwnp == num_of_images ) THEN
CALL init_path(sm_p_,kwnp_,smd_stcd,ntyp,nat,alat_,nbeg,4)
tau0_ = 0.0d0
tau0_ ( 1:3 , 1:nat ) = tau_srt ( 1:3 , 1:nat )
! ... Set the default value for the cell mass
wmass_ = wmass
IF( wmass_ == 0.d0 ) THEN
wmass_ = 3.d0 / (4.d0 * pi**2 ) * SUM( atom_mass(1:ntyp)*na_inp(1:ntyp) )
wmass_ = wmass_ * UMA_AU
WRITE( stdout,999) wmass_
WRITE( stdout,998) wmass_
998 format(' wmass (read from input) = ',f15.2,/)
999 format(' wmass (calculated) = ',f15.2,/)
! set occupancies
IF( nelec < 1 ) THEN
CALL errore(' iosys ',' nelec less than 1 ', int(nelec) )
IF( nint(nelec) - nelec > eps8 ) THEN
CALL errore(' iosys ',' nelec must be integer', int(nelec) )
if( mod( n_ , 2 ) .ne. 0 ) then
nx_ = n_ + 1
nx_= n_
end if
ALLOCATE( f_ ( nx_ ) )
ALLOCATE( ispin_ ( nx_ ) )
f_ = 0.0d0
ispin_ = 0
iupdwn_ ( 1 ) = 1
nel_ = 0
SELECT CASE ( TRIM(occupations) )
CASE ('bogus')
! empty-states calculation: occupancies have a (bogus) finite value
! bogus to ensure \sum_i f_i = Nelec (nelec is integer)
f_ ( : ) = nelec / n_
nel_ (1) = nint(nelec)
nupdwn_ (1) = n_
if ( nspin_ == 2 ) then
! bogus to ensure Nelec = Nup + Ndw
nel_ (1) = ( nint(nelec) + 1 ) / 2
nel_ (2) = nint(nelec) / 2
nupdwn_ (1)=nbnd
nupdwn_ (2)=nbnd
iupdwn_ (2)=nbnd+1
end if
CASE ('from_input')
! occupancies have been read from input
f_ ( 1:nbnd ) = f_inp( 1:nbnd, 1 )
if( nspin_ == 2 ) f_ ( nbnd+1 : 2*nbnd ) = f_inp( 1:nbnd, 2 )
if( nelec == 0.d0 ) nelec = SUM ( f_ ( 1:n_ ) )
if( nspin_ == 2 .and. nelup == 0) nelup = SUM ( f_ ( 1:nbnd ) )
if( nspin_ == 2 .and. neldw == 0) neldw = SUM ( f_ ( nbnd+1 : 2*nbnd ) )
if( nspin_ == 1 ) then
nel_ (1) = nint(nelec)
nupdwn_ (1) = n_
IF ( ABS (nelup + neldw - nelec) > eps8 ) THEN
CALL errore(' iosys ',' wrong # of up and down spin', 1 )
nel_ (1) = nint(nelup)
nel_ (2) = nint(neldw)
nupdwn_ (1)=nbnd
nupdwn_ (2)=nbnd
iupdwn_ (2)=nbnd+1
end if
CASE ('fixed')
if( nspin_ == 1 ) then
nel_ (1) = nint(nelec)
nupdwn_ (1) = n_
IF ( nelup + neldw /= nelec ) THEN
CALL errore(' iosys ',' wrong # of up and down spin', 1 )
nel_ (1) = nint(nelup)
nel_ (2) = nint(neldw)
nupdwn_ (1)=nbnd
nupdwn_ (2)=nbnd
iupdwn_ (2)=nbnd+1
end if
! ocp = 2 for spinless systems, ocp = 1 for spin-polarized systems
ocp = 2.d0 / nspin_
! default filling: attribute ocp electrons to each states
! until the good number of electrons is reached
do iss = 1, nspin_
fsum = 0.0d0
do in = iupdwn_ ( iss ), iupdwn_ ( iss ) - 1 + nupdwn_ ( iss )
if ( fsum + ocp < nel_ ( iss ) + 0.0001 ) then
f_ (in) = ocp
f_ (in) = max( nel_ ( iss ) - fsum, 0.d0 )
end if
fsum=fsum + f_(in)
end do
end do
CALL errore(' iosys ',' occupation method not implemented', 1 )
do iss = 1, nspin_
do in = iupdwn_(iss), iupdwn_(iss) - 1 + nupdwn_(iss)
ispin_(in) = iss
end do
end do
! --------------------------------------------------------
! print out heading
WRITE( stdout,500) nbeg , nomore_ , iprint_ , ndr_ , ndw_
WRITE( stdout,505) delt_
WRITE( stdout,510) emass_ , emaec_
if( tortho_ ) then
WRITE( stdout,511) ortho_eps_ , ortho_max_
WRITE( stdout,512)
if( tsde_ ) then
WRITE( stdout,513)
if ( tnosee_ ) frice_ = 0.
WRITE( stdout,509)
WRITE( stdout,514) frice_ , grease_
if ( trhor_ ) then
WRITE( stdout,720)
if( .not. trhor_ .and. trhow_ )then
WRITE( stdout,721)
if( tvlocw_ )then
WRITE( stdout,722)
if( trane_ ) then
WRITE( stdout,515) ampre_
WRITE( stdout,516)
do is =1, ntyp
if(tranp_(is)) WRITE( stdout,517) is, amprp_(is)
end do
if(tfor_) then
if(tnosep_) fricp_ = 0.
WRITE( stdout,520)
WRITE( stdout,521)
WRITE( stdout,522) fricp_ , greasp_
WRITE( stdout,518)
if( tfor_ ) then
if(( tcp_ .or. tcap_ .or. tnosep_ ) .and. tsdp_ ) then
call errore(' main',' t contr. for ions when tsdp=.t.',0)
if(.not. tcp_ .and. .not. tcap_ .and. .not. tnosep_ ) then
WRITE( stdout,550)
else if(tcp_ .and. tcap_ ) then
call errore(' main',' tcp and tcap both true',0)
else if(tcp_ .and. tnosep_ ) then
call errore(' main',' tcp and tnosep both true',0)
else if(tcap_ .and. tnosep_ ) then
call errore(' main',' tcap and tnosep both true',0)
else if(tcp_ ) then
WRITE( stdout,555) tempw_ , tolp_
else if(tcap_) then
WRITE( stdout,560) tempw_ , tolp_
else if(tnosep_ ) then
WRITE( stdout,562) tempw_ , qnp_
end if
if(tnosee_) then
WRITE( stdout,566) ekincw_ , qne_
end if
end if
if(tpre_) then
WRITE( stdout,600)
if(thdyn_) then
if(thdiag_) WRITE( stdout,608)
if(tnoseh_) then
WRITE( stdout,604) temph_,qnh_,press_
WRITE( stdout,602) frich_,greash_,press_
WRITE( stdout,606)
if ( agg .ne. 0.d0) then
WRITE( stdout,650) agg, sgg, e0gg
end if
WRITE( stdout,700) iprsta_
500 format(// &
& ' nbeg=',i3,' nomore=',i7,3x,' iprint=',i4,/ &
& ' reads from',i3,' writes on',i3)
505 format(' time step = ',f9.4/)
510 format(' parameters for electron dynamics:'/ &
& ' emass= ',f10.2,2x,'emaec= ',f10.2,'ry')
511 format(' orthog. with lagrange multipliers: eps=',e10.2, &
& ' max=',i3)
512 format(' orthog. with gram-schmidt')
513 format(' electron dynamics with steepest descent')
509 format(' verlet algorithm for electron dynamics')
514 format(' with friction frice = ',f7.4,' , grease = ',f7.4)
720 format(' charge density is read from unit 47',/)
721 format(' charge density is written in unit 47',/)
722 format(' local potential is written in unit 46',/)
515 format(' initial random displacement of el. coordinates with ', &
& ' amplitude=',f10.6,/ &
& ' trane not to be used with mass preconditioning')
516 format(/)
517 format(' initial random displacement of ionic coord. for species ',&
& i4,' : amplitude=',f10.6)
518 format(' ions are not allowed to move'/)
520 format(' ions are allowed to move')
521 format(' ion dynamics with steepest descent')
522 format(' ion dynamics with fricp = ',f7.4,' and greasp = ',f7.4)
550 format(' ion dynamics: the temperature is not controlled'//)
555 format(' ion dynamics with rescaling of velocities:'/ &
& ' temperature required=',f10.5,'(kelvin)',' tolerance=', &
& f10.5//)
560 format(' ion dynamics with canonical temp. control:'/ &
& ' temperature required=',f10.5,'(kelvin)',' tolerance=', &
& f10.5//)
562 format(' ion dynamics with nose` temp. control:'/ &
& ' temperature required=',f10.5,'(kelvin)',' nose` mass = ',&
& f10.3//)
566 format(' electronic dynamics with nose` temp. control:'/ &
& ' elec. kin. en. required=',f10.5,'(hartree)', &
& ' nose` mass = ',f10.3//)
600 format(' internal stress tensor calculated')
602 format(' cell parameters dynamics with frich = ',f7.4, &
& ' and greash = ',f7.4,/ &
& ' external pressure = ',f11.7,'(gpa)'//)
604 format(' cell parameters dynamics with nose` temp. control:'/ &
& ' cell temperature required = ',f10.5,'(kelvin)', &
& ' nose` mass = ',f10.3,/ &
& ' external pressure = ',f11.7,'(gpa)'//)
606 format(' cell parameters are not allowed to move'//)
608 format(' frozen off-diagonal cell parameters'//)
650 format(' modified kinetic energy functional, with parameters:'/ &
& ' agg = ',f8.4,' sgg = ', f7.4,' e0gg = ',f6.2)
700 format(' iprsta = ',i2/)
end subroutine
All namelists and cards moved to Modules/input_parameters.f90 . From now on, all new input variables should be added to this module, and then copied to the code internal variables in the input.f90 subroutine The namelists and cards parsers are in : Modules/read_namelists.f90 and Modules/read_cards.f90 files input_parameters.f90 read_namelists.f90 read_cards.f90 are shared by all codes, while each code has its own version of input.f90 ( used to copy input values into internals variables ). EXAMPLE: suppose you need to add a new input variable called "pippo" to the namelist control, then: 1) add pippo to the input_parameters.f90 file containing the namelist control INTEGER :: pippo = 0 NAMELIST / control / ....., pippo remember: always set an initialization value! 2) add pippo to the control_default subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_default( prog ) ... IF( prog == 'PW' ) pippo = 10 ... end subroutine this routine set the default value for pippo, that could vary with the code 3) add pippo to the control_bcast subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_bcast( ) ... call mp_bcast( pippo ) ... end subroutine 4) add pippo to the control_checkin subroutine ( cantained in module read_namelists.f90 ) subroutine control_checking( prog ) ... IF( pippo < 0 ) & CALL error(' control_checkin ',' variable pippo less than 0 ', 1 ) ... end subroutine 5) Copy the value of pippo in the code internal variables ( file input.f90 ) subroutine iosys() use input_parameters, only: ...., pippo use pwcom, only: ....., myvar ... call read_namelists( 'PW' ) ... myvar = pippo ... end subroutine git-svn-id: http://qeforge.qe-forge.org/svn/q-e/trunk/espresso@282 c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
2003-07-31 21:24:20 +08:00
END MODULE input_cp