
432 lines
15 KiB

import argparse
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict, OrderedDict
import difflib
import glob
import json
import os.path
import StringIO
import sys
# See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Invoking-Gcov.html or the gcov man page
# for information on the gcov file format.
FunctionSummary = namedtuple('FunctionSummary', ['name','called_count','returned','blocks_exe'])
# name - function name (mangled if C++)
# called_count - number of calls. Zero if uncovered.
# returned - percentage of calls returned - usually 0% or 100%
# blocks_exe - percentage of basic blocks executed
CallInfo = namedtuple('CallInfo', ['type','returned'])
# Basic block exits due to calls
BranchInfo = namedtuple('BranchInfo', ['type','taken','is_executed','is_fallthrough','is_throw'])
# Basic block exits due to branches
LineInfo = namedtuple('LineInfo', ['count','lineno','src'])
# count - number of times the line was executed.
# Also '-' for non-executable code or '#####' or '=====' for unexecuted code
# lineno - line number in source file
# src - source line contents
# --- Return from read_gcov
GcovFile = namedtuple('GcovFile', ['fname', 'tags', 'line_info', 'function_info', 'call_branch_info', 'branch_info','func_ranges'])
# fname - gcov file name
# tags - dict mapping tag name to value (tags['Source'] is the original source file)
# line_info - ordered dict mapping line num to LineInfo
# function_info - dict mapping line number to list of FunctionSummary
# call_branch_info -
# branch_info -
# func_ranges - FunctionRange object that maps line numbers to function name
# --- Return from summarize_all_files ---
CoverageSummary = namedtuple('CoverageSummary', ['covered_files','uncovered_files','total_files','covered_functions','uncovered_functions', 'total_functions'])
# map line #'s ranges to function
class FunctionRange(object):
def __init__(self):
self.ranges = []
def set_range(self, func, start, end):
self.ranges.append( (start,end,func))
def find_func(self, line):
funcs = []
for start,end,func in self.ranges:
if line >= start and line <= end:
return funcs
def get_keyword_value(kw, pos, parts):
Match expected keyword to a position in an array.
The array 'parts' is most likely generated from splitting a line.
Returns the item in parts after the keyword.
Some keywords can have spaces, which means they occupy multiple slots in the
parts array.
if len(parts) < pos:
print 'Not enough parts in line for kw %s'%kw
print ' line parts: %s'%parts
return ''
kws = kw.split()
offset = len(kws)
for i,kw in enumerate(kws):
if parts[pos+i] != kw:
print 'error, keyword expected:%s, found: %s'%(kw, parts[pos+i])
print ' line parts: %s'%parts
return ''
if len(parts) < pos+offset:
print 'Not enough parts to line for kw value %s'%kw
print ' line parts: %s'%parts
return ''
return parts[pos+offset]
def get_percent(s):
'''Convert strings of the form '<x>%' to integer'''
if len(s) == 0:
print 'get_percent empty string'
return 0
if not s.endswith('%'):
print 'not percent: %s'%s
return int(s)
if len(s) == 1:
return 0
return int(s[:-1])
def read_gcov(fname):
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
line_info = OrderedDict()
func_info = dict()
func_location = defaultdict(list) # which line does the function info follow?
#call_branch_location = defaultdict(list)
branch_location = defaultdict(list)
tags = OrderedDict()
lines_with_info = set()
current_src_line = 0
current_function = None
func_ranges = FunctionRange()
prev_function_start_line = 0
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
if line.startswith('function'):
parts = line.split()
func_name = get_keyword_value('function', 0, parts)
called_count = int(get_keyword_value('called', 2, parts))
ret_percent = get_percent(get_keyword_value('returned', 4, parts))
block_exe_percent = get_percent(get_keyword_value('blocks executed', 6, parts))
prev_function_end_line = current_src_line
if current_function:
# Empty functions, like static initializers
tmp_end = prev_function_end_line
if prev_function_end_line < prev_function_start_line:
tmp_end = prev_function_start_line
func_ranges.set_range(current_function, prev_function_start_line, tmp_end)
current_function = func_name
prev_function_start_line = current_src_line + 1
fs = FunctionSummary(func_name, called_count, ret_percent, block_exe_percent)
func_info[func_name] = fs
if line.startswith('call'):
parts = line.split()
exed = 0
if 'returned' in line:
exed = get_percent(get_keyword_value('returned', 2, parts))
elif 'never executed' not in line:
print "Unexpected value in call branch info: %s"%parts
branch_location[current_src_line].append(CallInfo('call', exed))
if line.startswith('branch'):
parts = line.split()
taken = 0
is_executed = True
is_fallthrough = 'fallthrough' in line
is_throw = 'throw' in line
if 'taken' in line:
taken = get_percent(get_keyword_value('taken', 2, parts))
elif 'never executed' in line:
is_executed = False
print "Unexpected value in branch info: %s"%parts
branch_location[current_src_line].append(BranchInfo('branch', taken, is_executed, is_fallthrough, is_throw))
parts = line.split(':')
exe_count = parts[0]
# Lines in .gcov files:
# Normal tag line (marked by line number is zero)
# -: 0:Source:sample.cpp
# Error message in tags
# -: 0:Source is newer than graph
# Normal line
# 1: 26: int j = 0;
if len(parts) > 1:
line_no = int(parts[1])
if line_no == 0:
if parts[2] == 'Source is newer than graph':
tag = 'error'
value = parts[2]
tag = parts[2]
value = parts[3]
tags[tag] = value
parts = line.split(':',2)
current_src_line = line_no
line_info[line_no] = LineInfo(exe_count, line_no, parts[2])
print 'Unhandled line: ',parts
# Last function in the file
if current_function:
func_ranges.set_range(current_function, prev_function_start_line, current_src_line+1)
return GcovFile(fname, tags, line_info, func_location, None, branch_location, func_ranges)
def write_gcov(gcov, f=sys.stdout):
for t,v in gcov.tags.iteritems():
if t == 'error':
print >>f, '%8s-:%5d:%s'%(' ', 0, v)
print >>f, '%8s-:%5d:%s:%s'%(' ', 0, t, v)
for line_no, line_info in gcov.line_info.iteritems():
assert(line_no == line_info.lineno)
print >>f, '%9s:%5d:%s'%(line_info.count, line_no, line_info.src)
#if line_no in gcov.call_branch_info:
# for i,cb in enumerate(gcov.call_branch_info[line_no]):
# if cb.returned == 0:
# print 'call %d never executed'%i
# else:
# print 'call %d returned %d%%'%(i, cb.returned)
if gcov.branch_info and line_no in gcov.branch_info:
for i,br in enumerate(gcov.branch_info[line_no]):
if br.type == 'call':
if br.returned == 0:
print >>f, 'call %d never executed'%i
print >>f, 'call %d returned %d%%'%(i, br.returned)
elif br.type == 'branch':
if not br.is_executed:
print >>f, 'branch %d never executed'%i
ft = ''
if br.is_fallthrough:
ft = ' (fallthrough)'
if br.is_throw:
ft = ' (throw)'
print >>f, 'branch %d taken %d%%%s'%(i, br.taken, ft)
print 'unknown branch info type: ',br.type
if gcov.function_info and line_no in gcov.function_info:
for f1 in gcov.function_info[line_no]:
print >>f, 'function %s called %d returned %d%% blocks executed %d%%'%(f1.name, f1.called_count, f1.returned, f1.blocks_exe)
def read_gcov_files_glob(target_dir):
flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(target_dir,'*.gcov'))
return read_gcov_files(flist)
def read_gcov_files(flist):
all_files = dict()
for fname in flist:
#func_info, tags, line_info = read_gcov(fname)
gcov = read_gcov(fname)
source = gcov.tags['Source']
all_files[source] = gcov
return all_files
def summarize_all_files(all_files):
covered_file = set()
uncovered_file = set()
covered_func = set()
uncovered_func = set()
total_files = 0
total_func = 0
for fname, val in all_files.iteritems():
total_files += 1
file_touched = False
for f_line_no,func_infos in val.function_info.iteritems():
for func_info in func_infos:
total_func += 1
if func_info.called_count == 0:
if func_info.name not in covered_func:
if func_info.name in uncovered_func:
file_touched = True
if file_touched:
return CoverageSummary(covered_file, uncovered_file, total_files, covered_func, uncovered_func, total_func)
def print_summary(cov_sum):
print 'Total files: %d Touched files: %d Uncovered files:%d'% \
(cov_sum.total_files, len(cov_sum.covered_files), len(cov_sum.uncovered_files))
print 'Total func: %d Touched func: %d Uncovered func:%d'% \
(cov_sum.total_functions, len(cov_sum.covered_functions), len(cov_sum.uncovered_functions))
def export_as_json(all_files, export_name='export.json'):
Write JSON in same format as llvm-cov export.
Only works for function summaries.
No source ranges.
root = dict()
root['version'] = '2.0.0'
root['type'] = 'convert.gcov.json.export'
file_list = []
func_list = []
for fname, gcov in all_files.iteritems():
file_entry = dict()
file_entry['filename'] = fname
file_entry['expansions'] = []
file_entry['segments'] = []
count = 0
covered = 0
func_entry = dict()
for func, called in gcov.function_info.iteritems():
func_entry['name'] = func
func_entry['count'] = called
func_entry['filenames'] = [fname]
func_entry['regions'] = []
count += 1
if called > 0:
covered += 1
percent_covered = 0
if count > 0:
percent_covered = 100*covered/count
func_summary = {'count':count,'covered':covered, 'percent':percent_covered}
file_entry['summary'] = {'functions':func_summary}
root['data'] = [{'files':file_list, 'functions':func_list}]
fout = open(export_name, 'w')
json.dump(root, fout, indent=2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
desc = """
Read gcov files.
The --action (-a) option specifies what action to take:
summarize (s) - print summary of covered/uncovered lines and functions (default)
write (w) - write gcov file to <input_base>.out.gcov
test (t) - compare initial gcov file with file after read/write to ensure idempotency
export (e) - export to json file (unfinished)
dump (d) - Print sections of file to stdout
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc,formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
summarize_action = ['summarize','s']
write_action = ['write','w']
export_action = ['export','e']
dump_action = ['dump','d']
test_action = ['test','t']
actions = summarize_action + write_action + export_action + dump_action + test_action
args = parser.parse_args()
print 'input files = ', args.input_files
if args.action in summarize_action:
all_files = read_gcov_files(args.input_files)
cov_sum = summarize_all_files(all_files)
if args.action in export_action:
export_file = 'export.json'
if args.output:
export_file = args.output
all_files = read_gcov_files(args.input_files)
export_as_json(all_files, export_file)
if args.action in write_action:
output = '.out'
if args.output:
output = args.output
for input_file in args.input_files:
gcov = read_gcov(input_file)
output_name = input_file.replace('.gcov',output + '.gcov')
if input_file == output_name:
print 'Would overwrite input file, skipping:',input_file
write_gcov(gcov, open(output_name, 'w'))
if args.action in test_action:
for input_file in args.input_files:
gcov = read_gcov(input_file)
output_buf = StringIO.StringIO()
write_gcov(gcov, output_buf)
#output_buf.write('extra') # how to test the diff
output_name = input_file.replace('.gcov','out.gcov')
input_buf = open(input_file,'r')
diff = difflib.context_diff(input_buf.readlines(), output_buf.readlines(),input_file,output_name)
for d in diff:
print d,
if args.action in dump_action:
fname = args.input_files[0]
gcov = read_gcov(fname)
print '** File tags **'
for k,v in gcov.tags.iteritems():
print k,v
print '** Function info **'
for f,c in gcov.function_info.iteritems():
print f,c
print '** line info **'
for lineno, c in gcov.line_info.iteritems():
print lineno, c