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/*! \mainpage Overview
QMCPACK, an open-source QMC simulation code written in C++, implements advanced
continuum QMC algorithms for large-scale parallel computers. Its main
applications are electronic structure calculatinos of molecular, quasi-2D and
solid-state systems. Designed with the modularity afforded by object-oriented
architecture, it makes extensive use of template metaprogramming to achieve
high computational efficiency through inlined specializations. It utilizes a
hybrid (OpenMP,CUDA)/MPI approach to parallelization to take advantage of the growing
number of cores per SMP node or GPUs. Finally, it utilizes standard file formats for
input and output in XML and HDF5 to facilitate data exchange.
\section qmcpack_about About Development
Main contributing authors are Jeongnim Kim and the past and current members of
the electronic structure group of Profs. Ceperley and Martin at University of
Illinois. To cite QMCPACK, use these references:
- J. Kim, K. P. Esler, J. McMinis, M. A. Morales, B. K. Clark, L. Shulenburger,
and D. M. Ceperley, “Hybrid algorithms in quantum monte carlo,” Journal of
Physics: Conference Series, vol. 402, no. 1, p. 012008, 2012.
- K. P. Esler, J. Kim, L. Shulenburger, and D. M. Ceperley, “Fully accelerating
quantum monte carlo simulations of real materials on gpu clusters,” Computing
in Science and Engineering, vol. 14, p. 40, 2012.
- QMCPACK, http://www.qmcpack.org/
\subpage qmc_bib : bibtex
Different parts of the code are written by different people, whose names are
usually signed at the top of each file. If you are interested in participating
in QMCPACK development, contact the developers via the qmcpack google groups site. QMCPACK
is available under University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License (OSI
approved) http://www.opensource.org/licenses/UoI-NCSA.php.
\section funding Acknowledgements
We welcome anyone who is interested in QMC development and in using QMCPACK to
their research. Contact any of the owners of this project.
The development of QMCPACK has been funded by
- Ab initio network (A.K.A. QMC glue) supported through the Predictive Theory and Modeling for
Materials and Chemical Science program by the Basic Energy Science, the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE).
- QMC Endstation, supported by Accelerating Delivery of Petascale Computing
Environment At the DOE Leadership Computing Facility at ORNL, DOE.
- PetaApps, supported by the U. S. National Science Foundation
- Materials Computational Center, supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation
We also acknowledge the OLCF and ALCF for help and support in accessing their
resources, as part of a DOE INCITE, ALCC and Director's Discretionary
allocation grants supported by US Department of Energy and NCSA, TACC and NICS
for providing resources as a part of NSF TeraGrid/XSEDE allocation grants.
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