
157 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use FileHandle;
use Getopt::Long;
my %config = do "/home/abenali/Work/src/qmcpack/utils/setup-qmc-conf.pl";
my $gnuplot = $config{gnuplot};
my $energytool = $config{energytool};
my $epsfile;
my $supercellsize = 1;
my $maxstepsize = 10;
my $quadratic;
GetOptions('eps=s' => \$epsfile,
'supercellsize=i' => \$supercellsize,
'maxstepsize=f' => \$maxstepsize,
'quadratic' => \$quadratic);
my $fname = shift;
my $start = shift;
$start > 0 || die "second command line argument must be the starting value at which to take data from the DMC output\n";
open (XMLFILE, "$fname") || die "Cannot open template xml file: $fname\n";
my @temdata = <XMLFILE>;
close (XMLFILE);
my $projid;
my $seriesStart;
my $counter = -1;
my $startdmcsec = 0;
my $stopdmcsec = 0;
my $largesttstep = -1.0;
my %tsteps;
my %fnames;
foreach my $line (@temdata) {
if ($line =~ /project/ && $line =~ /id/) {
$line =~ /id\s*?=\s*?"(.*?)"/;
$projid = $1;
$line =~ /series\s*?=\s*?"(.*)"/;
$seriesStart = $1;
$counter = $seriesStart;
if ($line =~ /qmc/ && $line =~ /method/) {
if ($line =~ /dmc/) {
my $prettyseries;
if ($counter < 10) {
$prettyseries = sprintf("00%d", $counter);
} elsif ($counter < 100) {
$prettyseries = sprintf("0%2d", $counter);
} else {
$prettyseries = $counter;
$fnames{$counter} = "$projid.s$prettyseries.scalar.dat";
# print "series $counter is dmc, scalars in: $projid.s$prettyseries.scalar.dat\n";
$startdmcsec = 1;
} else {
# print "series $counter is not dmc\n";
if ($startdmcsec) {
if ($line =~ /timestep/) {
$line =~ />\s*(.*?)\s*</;
my $tstep = $1;
if ($tstep > $largesttstep) {
$largesttstep = $tstep;
$tsteps{$counter} = $tstep;
# print " For series $counter the timestep is $tstep\n";
if ($line =~ /<\/qmc>/) {
$startdmcsec = 0;
if ($line =~ /<\/qmc>/) {
if ($largesttstep > $maxstepsize) {
$largesttstep = $maxstepsize;
#print "Project id = $projid\n";
#print "Starting series = $seriesStart\n";
my $gplstring = "set title \"timestep convergence of DMC\" \n";
if ($epsfile) {
$gplstring .= "set term post color enhanced 20\n set output \"$epsfile\"\n";
$gplstring .= "set xlabel \"timestep\"; set ylabel \"energy (Ha)\"\n";
##$gplstring .= "set fit quiet\n";
$gplstring .= "set print \"tsteps\"\n";
if ($quadratic) {
$gplstring .= "f(x) = a+b*x+c*x**2\n";
$gplstring .= "fit [:$maxstepsize] f(x) \"-\" u 1:2:3 via a,b,c\n";
} else {
$gplstring .= "f(x) = a+b*x\n";
$gplstring .= "fit [:$maxstepsize] f(x) \"-\" u 1:2:3 via a,b\n";
foreach my $key ( sort by_key keys %fnames ) {
my $str = `$energytool $fnames{$key} $start | head -1`;
my @data = split(/\s+/,$str);
if ($tsteps{$key} <= $maxstepsize) {
my $energy = "$tsteps{$key} " . $data[2]/$supercellsize . " " . $data[4]/$supercellsize . "\n";
$gplstring .= "$energy";
$gplstring .= "end\n";
foreach my $key ( sort by_key keys %fnames ) {
my $str = `$energytool $fnames{$key} $start | head -1`;
my @data = split(/\s+/,$str);
my $energy = "$tsteps{$key} " . $data[2]/$supercellsize . " " . $data[4]/$supercellsize;
$gplstring .= "print \"$energy\"\n ";
my $plotmax = $largesttstep*1.05;
$gplstring .= "plot [0:$plotmax] \"-\" u 1:2:3 lw 3 ps 2 pt 7 notitle w e, f(x) w l lw 3 notitle \n";
#my $xtics = "set xtics (";
foreach my $key ( sort by_key keys %fnames ) {
my $str = `$energytool $fnames{$key} $start | head -1`;
my @data = split(/\s+/,$str);
my $energy = "$tsteps{$key} " . $data[2]/$supercellsize . " " . $data[4]/$supercellsize . "\n";
$gplstring .= "$energy";
$gplstring .= "end \n";
unless($epsfile) {
$gplstring .= "pause -1\n";
open(GPL, "|$gnuplot");
print GPL $gplstring;
#print $gplstring;
unless($epsfile) {
my $redundantString = <>; # Hack to leave graph up until user hits a key
sub by_key {
return $a <=> $b;