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.. _LCAO:
Periodic LCAO for Solids
QMCPACK implements the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) and Gaussian
basis sets in periodic boundary conditions. This method uses orders of
magnitude less memory than the real-space spline wavefunction. Although
the spline scheme enables very fast evaluation of the wavefunction, it might
require too much on-node memory for a large complex cell. The periodic
Gaussian evaluation provides a fallback that will definitely fit in
available memory but at significantly increased computational
expense. Well-designed Gaussian basis sets should be used to accurately
represent the wavefunction, typically
including both diffuse and high angular momentum functions.
The current implementation is not highly optimized for efficiency but can handle real and complex trial wavefunctions generated by PySCF :cite:`Sun2018`, but other codes such as
Crystal can be interfaced on request. Supercell tiling is handled outside QMCPACK through a proper PySCF input generated by Nexus and the Supercell geometry and coefficients of the molecular orbotals are constructed in the converter provided by QMCPACK. This is different from the plane wave/spline route where the tiling is provided in QMCPACK.
LCAO schemes use physical considerations to construct a highly
efficient basis set compared with plane waves. Typically only a few tens
of basis functions per atom are required compared with thousands of
plane waves. Many forms of LCAO schemes exist and are being
implemented in QMCPACK. The details of the already-implemented methods
are described in the following section.
**GTOs**: The Gaussian basis functions follow a radial-angular decomposition of
.. math::
:label: eq50
\phi (\mathbf{r} )=R_{l}(r)Y_{lm}(\theta ,\phi )\:,
where :math:`Y_{{lm}}(\theta ,\phi )` is a spherical harmonic, :math:`l`
and :math:`m` are the angular momentum and its :math:`z` component, and
:math:`r, \theta, \phi` are spherical coordinates. In practice, they are
atom centered and the :math:`l` expansion typically includes 13
additional channels compared with the formally occupied states of the
atom (e.g., 46 for a nickel atom with occupied :math:`s`, :math:`p`,
and :math:`d` electron shells.
The evaluation of GTOs within PBC differs slightly from evaluating GTOs
in open boundary conditions (OBCs). The orbitals are evaluated at a
distance :math:`r` in the primitive cell (similar to OBC), and then the
contributions of the periodic images are added by evaluating the orbital
at a distance :math:`r+T`, where T is a translation of the cell lattice
vector. This requires loops over the periodic images until the
contributions are orbitals :math:`\Phi`. In the current implementation,
the number of periodic images is an input parameter named ``PBCimages``,
which takes three integers corresponding to the number of periodic
images along the supercell axes (X, Y and Z axes for a cubic cell). By
default these parameters are set to ``PBCimages= 8 8 8``, but they
**require manual convergence checks**. Convergence checks can be
performed by checking the total energy convergence with respect to
``PBCimages``, similar to checks performed for plane wave cutoff energy
and B-spline grids. Use of diffuse Gaussians might require these
parameters to be increased, while sharply localized Gaussians might
permit a decrease. The cost of evaluating the wavefunction increases
sharply as ``PBCimages`` is increased. This input parameter will be
replaced by a tolerance factor and numerical screening in the future.
Generating and using periodic Gaussian-type wavefunctions using PySCF
Similar to any QMC calculation, using periodic GTOs requires the
generation of a periodic trial wavefunction. QMCPACK is currently
interfaced to PySCF, which is a multipurpose electronic structure
written mainly in Python with key numerical functionality implemented
via optimized C and C++ libraries :cite:`Sun2018`. Such a
wavefunction can be generated according to the following example for a
:math:`2 \times 1 \times 1` supercell using tiling (kpoints) and a
supertwist shifted away from :math:`\Gamma`, leading to a complex
.. code-block::
:caption: Example PySCF input for single k-point calculation for a :math:`2 \times 1 \times 1` carbon supercell.
:name: Listing 48
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import numpy
import h5py
from pyscf.pbc import gto, scf, dft, df
from pyscf.pbc import df
cell = gto.Cell()
cell.a = '''
3.37316115 3.37316115 0.00000000
0.00000000 3.37316115 3.37316115
3.37316115 0.00000000 3.37316115'''
cell.atom = '''
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
C 1.686580575 1.686580575 1.686580575
cell.basis = 'bfd-vdz'
cell.ecp = 'bfd'
cell.unit = 'B'
cell.drop_exponent = 0.1
cell.verbose = 5
cell.charge = 0
cell.spin = 0
sp_twist=[0.07761248, 0.07761248, -0.07761248]
kpts=[[ 0.07761248, 0.07761248, -0.07761248],[ 0.54328733, 0.54328733, -0.54328733]]
mf = scf.KRHF(cell,kpts)
mf.exxdiv = 'ewald'
mf.max_cycle = 200
ener = open('e_scf','w')
ener.write('%s\n' % (e_scf))
from PyscfToQmcpack import savetoqmcpack
Note that the last three lines of the file
from PyscfToQmcpack import savetoqmcpack
contain the title (name of the HDF5 to be used in QMCPACK) and the call
to the converter. The title variable will be the name of the HDF5 file
where all the data needed by QMCPACK will be stored. The function
*savetoqmcpack* will be called at the end of the calculation and will
generate the HDF5 similarly to the nonperiodic PySCF calculation in
:ref:`convert4qmc`. The function is distributed
with QMCPACK and is located in the qmcpack/src/QMCTools directory under
the name *PyscfToQmcpack.py*. Note that you need to specify the
supertwist coordinates that was used with the provided kpoints. The
supertwist must match the coordinates of the K-points otherwise the
phase factor for the atomic orbital will be incorrect and incorrect
results will be obtained. (For more details on how to generate tiling
with PySCF and Nexus, refer to the Nexus guide or the 2019 QMCPACK
Workshop material available on github:
https://github.com/QMCPACK/qmcpack_workshop_2019 under
For the converter in the script to be called properly, you need
to specify the path to the file in your PYTHONPATH such as
To generate QMCPACK input files, you will need to run ``convert4qmc`` exactly as specified in :ref:`convert4qmc` for both cases:
convert4qmc -pyscf C_diamond-tiled-cplx
This tool can be used with any option described in convert4qmc. Since
the HDF5 contains all the information needed, there is no need to
specify any other specific tag for periodicity. A supercell at
:math:`\Gamma`-point or using multiple k-points will work without
further modification.
Running convert4qmc will generate 3 input files:
.. code-block::
:caption: C_diamond-tiled-cplx.structure.xml. This file contains the geometry of the system.
:name: Listing 49
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<parameter name="lattice">
6.74632230000000e+00 6.74632230000000e+00 0.00000000000000e+00
0.00000000000000e+00 3.37316115000000e+00 3.37316115000000e+00
3.37316115000000e+00 0.00000000000000e+00 3.37316115000000e+00
<parameter name="bconds">p p p</parameter>
<parameter name="LR_dim_cutoff">15</parameter>
<particleset name="ion0" size="4">
<group name="C">
<parameter name="charge">4</parameter>
<parameter name="valence">4</parameter>
<parameter name="atomicnumber">6</parameter>
<attrib name="position" datatype="posArray">
0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00
1.6865805750e+00 1.6865805750e+00 1.6865805750e+00
3.3731611500e+00 3.3731611500e+00 0.0000000000e+00
5.0597417250e+00 5.0597417250e+00 1.6865805750e+00
<attrib name="ionid" datatype="stringArray">
<particleset name="e" random="yes" randomsrc="ion0">
<group name="u" size="8">
<parameter name="charge">-1</parameter>
<group name="d" size="8">
<parameter name="charge">-1</parameter>
As one can see, for both examples, the two-atom primitive cell has been
expanded to contain four atoms in a :math:`2 \times 1 \times 1` carbon
.. code-block::
:caption: C_diamond-tiled-cplx.wfj.xml. This file contains the trial wavefunction.
:name: Listing 50
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wavefunction name="psi0" target="e">
<determinantset type="MolecularOrbital" name="LCAOBSet" source="ion0" transform="yes" twist="0.07761248 0.07761248 -0.07761248" href="C_diamond-tiled-cplx.h5" PBCimages="8 8 8">
<determinant id="updet" size="8">
<occupation mode="ground"/>
<coefficient size="52" spindataset="0"/>
<determinant id="downdet" size="8">
<occupation mode="ground"/>
<coefficient size="52" spindataset="0"/>
<jastrow name="J2" type="Two-Body" function="Bspline" print="yes">
<correlation size="10" speciesA="u" speciesB="u">
<coefficients id="uu" type="Array"> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0</coefficients>
<correlation size="10" speciesA="u" speciesB="d">
<coefficients id="ud" type="Array"> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0</coefficients>
<jastrow name="J1" type="One-Body" function="Bspline" source="ion0" print="yes">
<correlation size="10" cusp="0" elementType="C">
<coefficients id="eC" type="Array"> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0</coefficients>
This file contains information related to the trial wavefunction. It is identical to the input file from an OBC calculation to the exception of the following tags:
*\**.wfj.xml specific tags:
| **tag** | **tag type** | **default** | **description** |
| ``twist`` | 3 doubles | (0 0 0) | Coordinate of the twist to compute |
| ``href`` | string | default | Name of the HDF5 file generated by PySCF and used for convert4qmc |
| ``PBCimages`` | 3 Integer | 8 8 8 | Number of periodic images to evaluate the orbitals |
Other files containing QMC methods (such as optimization, VMC, and DMC blocks) will be generated and will behave in a similar fashion regardless of the type of SPO in the trial wavefunction.
.. bibliography:: /bibs/LCAO.bib