
169 lines
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## (c) Copyright 2015- by Jaron T. Krogel ##
# sqd.py #
# Nexus interface with the SQD atomic Hartree-Fock code shipped #
# with QMCPACK. #
# Essentially an early fork of qmcpack_input.py. #
# #
# Content summary: #
# Sqd #
# Simulation class for SQD. #
# Handles passing orbital data to QMCPACK. #
# #
# generate_spd #
# User-facing function to generate SQD simulation objects. #
# #
# #
import os
from generic import obj
from physical_system import PhysicalSystem
from simulation import Simulation
from sqd_input import SqdInput,generate_sqd_input,hunds_rule_filling
from sqd_analyzer import SqdAnalyzer
class Sqd(Simulation):
input_type = SqdInput
analyzer_type = SqdAnalyzer
generic_identifier = 'sqd'
infile_extension = '.in.xml'
application = 'sqd'
application_properties = set(['serial'])
application_results = set(['orbitals','jastrow'])
def propagate_identifier(self):
#self.input.simulation.project.id = self.identifier
self.input.simulation.project.id = self.system.structure.elem[0]
#end def propagate_identifier
def check_result(self,result_name,sim):
calculating_result = False
if result_name=='orbitals':
calculating_result = True
elif result_name=='jastrow':
calculating_result = True
self.error('ability to check for result '+result_name+' has not been implemented')
#end if
return calculating_result
#end def check_result
def get_result(self,result_name,sim):
result = obj()
analyzer = self.load_analyzer_image()
if result_name=='orbitals':
outfiles = self.input.get_output_info(list=False)
dir = self.locdir,
h5file = outfiles.h5,
qmcfile = outfiles.qmc
elif result_name=='jastrow':
rcut = analyzer.find_rcut(qcut=1e-3),
B = 1./analyzer.moment(n=1)
self.error('ability to get result '+result_name+' has not been implemented')
#end if
del analyzer
return result
#end def get_result
def incorporate_result(self,result_name,result,sim):
self.error('ability to incorporate result '+result_name+' has not been implemented')
#end def incorporate_result
def check_sim_status(self):
outfile = os.path.join(self.locdir,self.outfile)
errfile = os.path.join(self.locdir,self.errfile)
fobj = open(outfile,'r')
output = fobj.read()
fobj = open(errfile,'r')
errors = fobj.read()
outfiles = self.input.get_output_info(list=False)
files_exist = True
for file in outfiles:
file_loc = os.path.join(self.locdir,file)
files_exist = files_exist and os.path.exists(file_loc)
#end for
ran_to_end = False
if files_exist:
fobj = open(os.path.join(self.locdir,outfiles.log),'r')
log = fobj.read()
ran_to_end = 'E_tot' in log
#end if
aborted = 'Fatal Error' in errors
self.failed = aborted
self.finished = files_exist and ran_to_end and self.job.finished and not aborted
#end def check_sim_status
def get_output_files(self):
output_files = self.input.get_output_info()
return output_files
#end def get_output_files
def app_command(self):
if self.job.app_name is None:
app_name = self.app_name
app_name = self.job.app_name
#end if
return app_name+' '+self.infile
#end def app_command
#end class Sqd
def generate_sqd(**kwargs):
overlapping_kw = set(['system'])
kw = set(kwargs.keys())
sim_kw = kw & Simulation.allowed_inputs
inp_kw = (kw - sim_kw) | (kw & overlapping_kw)
sim_args = dict()
inp_args = dict()
for kw in sim_kw:
sim_args[kw] = kwargs[kw]
#end for
for kw in inp_kw:
inp_args[kw] = kwargs[kw]
#end for
if 'system' in inp_args:
sys = inp_args['system']
if isinstance(sys,str):
inp_args['system'] = str(sys)
elif isinstance(sys,PhysicalSystem):
inp_args['system'] = sys.copy()
#end if
#end if
sim_args['input'] = generate_sqd_input(**inp_args)
sqd = Sqd(**sim_args)
return sqd
#end def generate_sqd