
209 lines
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## (c) Copyright 2015- by Jaron T. Krogel ##
# gamess.py #
# Nexus interface to the GAMESS simulation code. #
# #
# Content summary: #
# GamessInput #
# Input class for the GAMESS code. #
# Capable of reading/writing arbitrary GAMESS input files. #
# #
# generate_gamess_input #
# User function to create arbitrary GAMESS input. #
# #
# KeywordGroup #
# Represents an arbitary keyword group in the input file. #
# #
# KeywordSpecGroup #
# Base class for specialized keyword groups. #
# Derived classes enforce the keyword specification. #
# See ContrlGroup, SystemGroup, GuessGroup, ScfGroup, #
# McscfGroup, DftGroup, GugdiaGroup, DrtGroup, CidrtGroup, #
# and DetGroup #
# #
# FormattedGroup #
# Represents strict machine-formatted input groups. #
# #
import os
from numpy import array,ndarray,abs
from generic import obj
from developer import DevBase
from debug import *
from simulation import Simulation
from gamess_input import GamessInput,generate_gamess_input,FormattedGroup,KeywordGroup,GuessGroup
from gamess_analyzer import GamessAnalyzer
class Gamess(Simulation):
input_type = GamessInput
analyzer_type = GamessAnalyzer
generic_identifier = 'gamess'
application = 'gamess.x'
infile_extension = '.inp'
application_properties = set(['serial','mpi'])
application_results = set(['orbitals'])
ericfmt = None
mcppath = None
def settings(ericfmt=None,mcppath=None):
Gamess.ericfmt = ericfmt
Gamess.mcppath = mcppath
#end def settings
def post_init(self):
# gamess seems to need lots of environment variables to run properly
# nearly all of these are names of output/work files
# setup the environment to run gamess
if not isinstance(self.ericfmt,str):
self.error('you must set ericfmt with settings() or Gamess.settings()')
#end if
env = obj()
for file,unit in GamessInput.file_units.iteritems():
env[file] = '{0}.F{1}'.format(self.identifier,str(unit).zfill(2))
#end for
env.INPUT = self.infile
env.ERICFMT = self.ericfmt
env.MCPPATH = self.mcppath
#end def post_init
def check_result(self,result_name,sim):
input = self.input
if result_name=='orbitals':
calculating_result = 'contrl' in input and 'scftyp' in input.contrl and input.contrl.scftyp.lower() in ('rhf','rohf','uhf','mcscf','none')
calculating_result = False
#end if
return calculating_result
#end def check_result
def get_result(self,result_name,sim):
result = obj()
input = self.input
analyzer = self.load_analyzer_image()
if result_name=='orbitals':
result.location = os.path.join(self.locdir,self.outfile)
result.outfile = result.location
result.vec = None # vec from punch
result.norbitals = 0 # orbital count in punch
result.mos = 0 # orbital count (MO's) from log file
result.scftyp = input.contrl.scftyp.lower()
if 'counts' in analyzer and 'mos' in analyzer.counts:
result.mos = analyzer.counts.mos
#end if
if 'punch' in analyzer and 'vec' in analyzer.punch:
result.norbitals = analyzer.punch.norbitals
result.vec = analyzer.punch.vec
#end if
self.error('ability to get result '+result_name+' has not been implemented')
#end if
return result
#end def get_result
def incorporate_result(self,result_name,result,sim):
input = self.input
if result_name=='orbitals':
if result.vec is None or result.norbitals<1:
self.error('could not obtain orbitals from previous GAMESS run')
#end if
if not 'guess' in input:
input.guess = GuessGroup()
#end if
guess = 'moread',
norb = result.norbitals,
prtmo = True
input.vec = FormattedGroup(result.vec)
self.error('ability to incorporate result '+result_name+' has not been implemented')
#end if
#end def incorporate_result
def app_command(self):
if self.app_name == 'rungms':
return 'rungms '+self.infile
return self.app_name+' '+self.infile.replace('.inp','')
#end if
#end def app_command
def check_sim_status(self):
output = open(os.path.join(self.locdir,self.outfile),'r').read()
#errors = open(os.path.join(self.locdir,self.errfile),'r').read()
self.finished = self.failed or 'EXECUTION OF GAMESS TERMINATED NORMALLY' in output
#end def check_sim_status
def get_output_files(self):
output_files = []
return output_files
#end def get_output_files
def output_filename(self,name):
name = name.upper()
if name not in GamessInput.file_units:
self.error('gamess does not produce a file matching the requested description: {0}'.format(name))
#end if
unit = GamessInput.file_units[name]
filename = '{0}.F{1}'.format(self.identifier,str(unit).zfill(2))
return filename
#end def output_filename
def output_filepath(self,name):
filename = self.output_filename(name)
filepath = os.path.join(self.locdir,filename)
filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
return filepath
#end def
#end class Gamess
def generate_gamess(**kwargs):
sim_args,inp_args = Gamess.separate_inputs(kwargs,copy_pseudos=False)
if not 'input' in sim_args:
sim_args.input = generate_gamess_input(**inp_args)
#end if
gamess = Gamess(**sim_args)
return gamess
#end def generate_gamess