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/*! \page fsu2012 3D Electron Gas: A QMC Tutorial
\author Jeremy B McMinis
\author David M Ceperley
\date 2011 Jan 11
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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
\section fsuintro Introduction
In this tutorial we will show you how to run a diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo
calculation. We will be using a multi-purpose QMC code developed at UIUC,
QMCPACK, to investigate a system, the 3D HEG, covered during the lectures.
During the tutorial we will optimize a trial wave function, run VMC, then DMC
and analyze the results. The goal is to familiarize you with running a
production level code. The lab will be purposefully kept short to allow
interested students the opportunity to ask questions about QMC, the algorithms,
wave functions, observables, and potentials coded in QMCPACK, and for
developers, how to add things to the code.
\section hegA HEG Calculation: The Code
QMCPACK is an open source continuum quantum Monte Carlo code. It has been
scaled to run on the largest machines using both OpenMP and MPI. It can also be
built and compiled for GPU machines using the CUDA compiler. It is built using
cmake and several external libraries including Boost, Lapack/ACML, XML, FFTW,
and hdf5. Einspline is also a suggested package. Pre-made tool chains exist for
most large machines, where binaries are also available. More information and
tutorials are available at http://qmcpack.cmscc.org
\section hegB HEG Calculation: The System
For this tutorial we will calculating the energy of the 3D paramagnetic
(spin-balanced) electron gas for a smallish cell using a Slater-Jastrow wave
function. In atomic units, the Hamiltonian for this system is,
\hat H = -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i}\nabla^2 + \sum_{i<j}\frac{1}{r_{ij}} + C(r_s)
where the \f$\nabla^2\f$ term is the usual kinetic energy operator,
\f$\sum_{i<j}\frac{1}{r_{ij}}\f$ is the usual Coulomb potential,
\f$r_s=(\frac{3\rho}{4\pi})^{1/3}\f$ is the Wigner-Seitz radius, the density is
\f$\rho\f$, and \f$C(r_s)\f$ is an overall offset coming from the compensating
background charge.
\subsection hegBa Setting up the System: Technical and Job Related Details
We'll start From the top of the input file and work our way through it.
<project id="rs5.tut" series="0"/>
<random seed="-1"/>
<include href="heg.ptcl.xml"/>
<include href="heg.wfs.xml"/>
The structure of XML is hierarchical. The code knows to look in the <c>simulation</c>
bracket to find the information for running the calculation.
<project id="rs5.tut" series="0"/>
Here we name the project <c>id="rs5.tut"</c>. All the output files with data in
them will begin with this prefix. The <c>series="0"</c> parameter allows us to
start indexing blocks at some other number.
<random seed="-1"/>
For debugging purposes it is possible to run with the same pseudo-random number
seed. Setting it to <c>seed="-1"</c> generates a seed from the clock.
<include href="heg.ptcl.xml"/>
<include href="heg.wfs.xml"/>
Here we can include other xml input files. This is useful when some parts of
the input grow large (as the wavefunction and particle sets can).
The following sections are either included in the main xml file, or included as
separate ones (as shown above).
\subsection hegBb Setting up the System: The Simulation Cell
First we'll define the cell the calculation lives in. This is located in the
<c>heg.ptcl.xml</c> file.
<simulationcell name="global">
<parameter name="rs" condition="54">5.0</parameter>
<parameter name="bconds">p p p</parameter>
<parameter name="LR_dim_cutoff">15</parameter>
Let's consider each of these lines separately to describe what they control.
The code knows to look in this section to find the information about the
simulation cell we will proceed to define.
<parameter name="rs" condition="54">5.0</parameter>
Here we define the Wigner-Seitz radius <c>rs</c> to be 5.0 and tell the cell
that it should expect 54 electrons. This allows the code to size the cell
<parameter name="bconds">p p p</parameter>
We are working in 3D here so we must define each dimension as periodic <c>p</c>
or non-periodic <c>n</c>.
<parameter name="LR_dim_cutoff">15</parameter>
Finally we define the long range cut-off. This parameter sets the k-space cut
off for Ewald sums and other operators that live in momentum space. With \f$r_c\f$
the real space cutoff (typically half the box side), the k-space cutoff \f$k_c =
r_c^{-1}\times\f$ <c>LR_dim_cutoff</c> . For <c>LR_dim_cutoff</c> too small we get
errors in long range sums, while for too large <c>LR_dim_cutoff</c> our
calculations are slow. The choice above, \f$15\f$ is a reasonable one and need not
be changed.
\subsection hegBc Setting up the System: The Particle Sets
Next we need to define our electronic species. This is also located in the
<c>heg.ptcl.xml</c> file.
<particleset name="e" random="yes">
<group name="u" size="27">
<parameter name="charge">-1</parameter>
<group name="d" size="27">
<parameter name="charge">-1</parameter>
<particleset name="e" random="yes">
Here we define a set of particles we'll call <c>e</c> , short for electrons. we
indicate that their starting positions are random using the <c>random="yes"</c>
<group name="u" size="27">
<parameter name="charge">-1</parameter>
We name each group and define some characteristics for it including the number
of particles and their charge. We name these two species <c>name="u"</c> and
<c>name="d"</c> anticipating that we will use a spin-\f$\frac{1}{2}\f$ trial
function. At this point the particles have no statistics.
\subsection hegBd Setting up the System: The Trial Wavefunction
We are using a trial wave function of the Slater-Jastrow form. This is a
product state with a determinant of plane waves multiplied by a bosonic two
body correlation factor. This input block is to be found in the <c>heg.wfs.xml</c> file.
<wavefunction name="psi0" target="e">
<determinantset type="electron-gas" shell="3" randomize="true">
<jastrow name="J2" type="Two-Body" function="Bspline">
<correlation speciesA="u" speciesB="u" size="6" >
<coefficients id="uu" type="Array" optimize="yes">
0 0 0 0 0 0
<correlation speciesA="u" speciesB="d" size="6" >
<coefficients id="ud" type="Array" optimize="yes">
0 0 0 0 0 0
<wavefunction name="psi0" target="e">
We name the trial wave function and assign a previously named particle set to it.
<determinantset type="electron-gas" shell="3">
For a paramagnetic electron gas calculation we use a determinant of plane
waves. The <c>"shell"=3</c> tag allows the code to determine how many plane
wave states to build. This number is indexed the ``c'' way, starting from zero
(e.g. shell:\f$N_e\f$ 0:1, 1:7, 2:19, 3:27, 4:33, etc.) It assumes that there are
as many spin up particles as there are spin down particles if only one shell is
given. Additional information is required for spin polarized calculations.
Currently, only filled shell states are allowed for the simple Slater-Jastrow
<jastrow name="J2" type="Two-Body" function="Bspline">
Here is the block for the spin dependent B-Spline Jastrow. It is a two body
term as indicated by <c>type="Two-Body"</c> . This provides correlation for like
and not like spin electrons.
<correlation speciesA="u" speciesB="d" size="6" >
The <c>speciesA="u"</c> and <c>speciesB="d" </c> tags identify which groups are
being correlated. There are <c>size="6" </c> parameters for each <c>
correlation </c> type which corresponds to <c>size </c>\f$3\f$ knots on each B-spline
(the extras ensure the cusp and boundary conditions).The default cusp and
boundary conditions for our calculation are the same as the codes defaults, so
they do not need to be changed.
<coefficients id="ud" optimize="yes">
0 0 0 0 0 0
The <c>id="ud"</c> tag identifies the parameters by name and by setting <c>optimize="yes"</c>
they are visible to the optimization algorithm. The default is
that the <c>"uu"</c> parameters are identical to the <c>"dd"</c> ones, and the
latter need not be specified in the input. The string of zeros are the starting
\subsection hegBe Setting up the System: The Hamiltonian
<hamiltonian name="h0" type="generic" target="e">
<pairpot name="ElecElec" type="coulomb" source="e" target="e"/>
The kinetic energy term is included by default. The only additional term
required is the electron electron potential. It is defined as
<c>type="coulomb"</c> and both the target and source particles are identified,
<c>source="e"</c> and <c>target="e"</c> .
\section hegC HEG Calculation: The Algorithms
In the following sections we will outline the input file structure for the
various algorithms we'll be utilizing to compute the energy of the HEG. Time
does not permit detailed descriptions of the algorithms. For the curious or
motivated several references are listed at the end of the tutorial for further
\subsection hegCa Variational Quantum Monte Carlo
In VMC we sample the square of the trial wave function and average observables
over it. We also use it to generate initial configurations for a DMC
<qmc method="vmc" move="pbyp">
<parameter name="walkers">8</parameter>
<parameter name="blocks">100</parameter>
<parameter name="steps">6</parameter>
<parameter name="timestep">5.0</parameter>
<parameter name="samples">800</parameter>
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<qmc method="vmc" move="pbyp">
Here we define the algorithm that we are going to be using, <c>method="vmc"</c>
and how particle moves are going to be made, <c>move="pbyp"</c>. It is also
possible to make <c>move="walker"</c> moves in which all electrons are moved at
the same time. Most of the time it is more efficient to move one particle at a
<parameter name="walkers">8</parameter>
The number of <c>walkers</c> you use must be evenly divisible by the number of
threads you are running on your machine (usually set by <c>OMP_NUM_THREADS</c>
). This is the number of independent random walks you are performing on your
trial wave function. For the machine on the FSU HPC cluster we'll have 8
<parameter name="blocks"> 200 </parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps"> 10 </parameter>
<parameter name="steps"> 6 </parameter>
The total number of steps the walkers will be evolved though is <c>blocks*steps+warmupsteps</c>.
Statistics will not be kept during the warm up.
<parameter name="timestep"> 5 </parameter>
This is the timestep used to evolve the walkers in imaginary time. We typically
choose a time step where the accept rate is about 50%. The optimal chose is
the one that maximizes the diffusion of the walkers through phase space, and
thus minimizes the autocorrelation time. The total amount of imaginary time the
system is evolved through will then be <c>(blocks*steps+warmupsteps)*timestep</c>.
<parameter name="samples">800</parameter>
<c>samples</c> are generated to use for the following step (usually DMC).
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
This line tells the code to write the output to a text file. It will be called
[PROJECT NAME].s000.scalar.dat and contain all the observables in the
Hamiltonian plus some additional information. If we want the output written to
hdf5 then we simply change the <c>hdf5="no"</c> label.
\subsection hegCb Running the Optimization
QMCPACK uses the linearized method adapted to QMC by Umrigar and co-workers.
This algorithm works by expanding the trial wave function in the basis of the
derivatives of the trial wave function with respect to its parameters. After
computing the overlap and Hamiltonian matrices during a VMC run, we solve a
linear system to find the direction the best parameters lie in. We can choose
to minimize the energy, variance, or some linear combination of them both.
Following is an example code block for the optimization. In fact, there are
many other parameters in the algorithm, however their use requires a fair
amount of knowledge of exactly how the calculation is performed.
<loop max="2">
<qmc method="linear" move="pbyp">
<!-- VMC parameters -->
<parameter name="walkers">8</parameter>
<parameter name="blocks"> 200 </parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps"> 10 </parameter>
<parameter name="steps"> 6 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep"> 5 </parameter>
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<!-- VMC parameters -->
<!-- Optimization Parameters -->
<cost name="energy"> 0.0 </cost>
<cost name="unreweightedvariance"> 0.0 </cost>
<cost name="reweightedvariance"> 1.0 </cost>
<parameter name="samples"> 48000 </parameter>
<parameter name="beta"> 0.0 </parameter>
<parameter name="bigchange">2.0</parameter>
<parameter name="nstabilizers"> 6 </parameter>
<parameter name="max_its"> 2 </parameter>
<!-- Optimization Parameters -->
<loop max="2">
This sets up the code to loop over the optimization routine <c>max="2"</c> times.
<qmc method="linear" move="pbyp">
Again, we define the algorithm that we are going to be using, <c>
method="linear"</c> and how particle moves are going to be made.
<!-- VMC parameters -->
Comments are included in XML blocks through the use of
<!-- your comments -->
The VMC parameters in this section are identical to the ones we previously discussed.
<cost name="energy"> 0.0 </cost>
<cost name="unreweightedvariance"> 0.0 </cost>
<cost name="reweightedvariance"> 1.0 </cost>
<parameter name="samples"> 48000 </parameter>
These parameters control the line minimization part of the optimization
algorithm. Once the parameter directions are obtained from the eigenvalue
equation, we perform a line minimization on <c>name="samples"</c> generated
during the VMC run and minimize a cost function containing a linear combination
of <c>energy</c> ,<c>unreweightedvariance</c> , and <c>reweightedvariance</c>.
<parameter name="beta"> 0.0 </parameter>
By changing <c>beta</c> we change the Hamiltonian matrix to include some of the
variance. This allows the eigenvalue problem to lead us in the right direction
for the line search. Typical values of this are 0.0 - 0.1.
<parameter name="bigchange">2.0</parameter>
It is possible for the eigenvalue equation or the lineminimization to fail.
Sometimes when it does so a very large step is taken. <c>name="bigchange"</c>
prevents parameter changes larger than it's value from being accepted.
<parameter name="max_its"> 2 </parameter>
<c>name="max_its"</c> controls the maximum number of iterations a set of
samples is used to optimize the parameters before the new parameters are
accepted and the next block is begun.
\subsection hegCc Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo
<qmc method="dmc" move="pbyp">
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<parameter name="warmupsteps"> 10 </parameter>
<parameter name="blocks">100</parameter>
<parameter name="steps">100</parameter>
<parameter name="targetWalkers">48000</parameter>
<parameter name="timestep">0.01</parameter>
The DMC block structure is the same as the VMC one, only now we have the
additional parameter <c>targetWalkers</c> which controls the size of the target
population through the branching control loop. Branching is done differently
for the first <c>warmupsteps</c> steps due to the energy transient. There is
also a conceptual difference between the VMC and DMC walkers. In VMC we sample
a stream of <c>independent</c> random walkers. In DMC these random walks are
correlated through branching/death process.
\section hegD HEG Calculation: Data Analysis
Once the code starts to produce data, we can begin to analyze the results. If
you have your own favorite data tool, feel free to use it. Otherwise you can
use the <c>stats</c> program provided in the QMCPACK folder. It is a command
line c++ code to compute averages, variances, and errors. Data correlations are
taken care of by blocking. It's use is illustrated as follows,
<c>START</c> is indexed like c++, starting from 0. <c>BLOCKING</c> tells the
code how many adjacent data points to average together before computing
statistics. Both these parameters are optional and default to 0, and 1.
\subsection hegDa Files Generated
The code generates a [<c>project</c> <c>id</c> ].s[block number].scalar.dat file
for each block and an additional [<c>project</c> <c>id</c> ].s[block
number].dmc.dat for each DMC block. Each file has a header that begins with a
<c>#</c> and the column titles. Column 1 is always the block index and column 2
is always the energy. If you want to plot the trace of the first blocks data
you would be able to do so in gnuplot as,
> plot `rs5.tut.s000.scalar.dat' u 1:2
\subsection hegDb Optimization
We can tell the optimization is working when the wave function energy/variance
improves from step to step. Typically, we see the biggest improvement on the
first step with additional steps gaining less and less. After several
iterations the parameters will jitter back and forth due to the statistical
noise inherit in the optimization and the QMC run. You can plot the energy and
variance as a function of optimization step and observe how it converges to a
\subsection hegDc Thermalization
The DMC data will have a transient period where the energy decays from the VMC
to the DMC data. This period depends on the quality of the trial wave function
and the gap from the ground to first excited state. It is necessary to truncate
it when averaging energies or other observables. An example transient is shown
in @ref trtime "Fig. 6.1". When doing a time step extrapolation to zero time step it
is important to take this into account.
\anchor trtime
\image html e_trace.png "Trace of the energy during a DMC run. The transient is clearly visible on the left"
\image latex e_trace.pdf "Trace of the energy during a DMC run. The transient is clearly visible on the left" width=10cm
\subsection hegDd Auto-correlation
The error bars computed using <c>stats</c> do not compute autocorrelation
times. It is necessary to perform the blocking analysis to determine when
correlations have been eliminated from the data. You can automatically do a
blocking analysis on the energy trace using the stats program provided as,
It should produce a .png file with the energy blocking analysis as illustrated
in @ref actime "Fig. 6.2". The error bars should grow to some value and then level
off. If you look at the data you are doing the blocking analysis, how does the
number of blocks compare to what you think the autocorrelation time is?
\anchor actime
\image html e_block.png "Blocking analysis of the energy during a DMC run."
\image latex e_block.pdf "Blocking analysis of the energy during a DMC run." width=10cm
\subsection hegDe Extrapolations
Although time does not permit it, there are other extrapolations that should be
performed for high quality results. The results must be finite size, and finite
time step extrapolated. You must also be sure you are using enough walkers that
finite population size is not an issue. The issues are addressed in the
literature listed at the end of the tutorial.
\section hegE References
<li> "Ground State of the Electron Gas by a Stochastic Method," <a
href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.45.566">Phys. Rev. Lett. 45,
566569 (1980)</a>
<li> "Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of solids,", <a href="http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/RevModPhys.73.33">
Rev. Mod. Phys. 73, 3383 (2001)</a>
<li> "Optimization of quantum Monte Carlo wave functions by energy minimization,"
<a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2437215"> J. Chem. Phys.Phys. 126, 084102 (2007)</a>
<li> "Strategies for improving the efficiency of quantum Monte Carlo calculations,"
<a href="http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.83.066706">Phys. Rev. E 83, 066706 (2011)</a>
<li> QMCPACK code suite, http://qmcpack.cmscc.org
\section hegF Problems for Fun
<li> If you have a fixed amount of computing time, what is the optimal balance of time spent on optimization, and on computing quantities?
<li> How does the energy error in VMC depend on the trial wave function?
<li> How does an observable's error in DMC depend on the trial wave function?
\section hegG What Next?
<li> Change the potential from coulomb to modified poschl-teller. How do the optimized trial functions change?
<li> Add a k-space Jastrow and re-optimize. How does the VMC energy change? The variance? How about those two things in DMC?
<li> Comment out the determinant part of the wave function. Now you are using bosonic statistics. How does the Jastrow change? How do the energies change?