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This directory contains the LaTeX source for the QMCPACK manual. The PDF manual is not currently created by the build process and must be created manually. An HTML version can also be created, using additional tools.

  • A script, build_manual.sh provides the current "best" version of the manual.
  • A TeX Live installation of 2017-01-20 or later including the xetex-collection is suggested to build the PDF manual.
  • An up to date TeX Live installation is suggested to build the HTML version of the manual.


If you have a TeX Live installation predating the 2017-01-20 release or not including the xetex collection use the build for legacy tex installs. The content is the same but various formatting issues exist. The manual can be built with only the files in the manual directory, consider building it somewhere with a current tex distribution.



  • Do not use packages, features, or fonts not included in texlive 2017 unless you insure they degrade reasonably for 2017.
  • Don't use deprecated packages.
  • In fact don't add packages unless they are bringing great value and are supported by tex4ht.
  • Tex files and Bib files are UTF8 encoded, do not save them in other encodings. Some may report being ASCII encoded since they contain no unicode characters.
  • Unicode rules:
    • Do not use characters for which well established latex idiom exists, especially dashes, quotes, and apostrophes.
    • Use math mode markup instead of unicode characters for equations.
    • Be cautious of WYSIWYG word processors, cutting and pasting can pickup characters promoted to unicode by the program.
    • Take a look at your text multibyte expanded i.e. open in (emacs and esc-x toggle-enable-multibyte-characters), see any unicode you didn't intend?


For OS X, MacTex equivalent to TeX Live(1/20/2017) release or later is suggested. You should also symlink the TeX Live truetype fonts in so xetex can find them:

ln -s /usr/local/TeX Live/2018/texmf-dist/fonts/truetype/ ~/Library/Fonts/texlive-truetype


In addition to the suggestion of up-to-date TeX Live (do not assume anything is broken unless you have it). pdf2svg is required, your system package manager may supply it, homebrew on OSX, and spack on linux are also options.

Recipes for pdf2svg and other tools


Assuming don't have an up to date texlive and for some reason haven't installed homebrew. If you are still using macports I strongly suggest moving your install tree and giving homebrew a try.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew cask (re)install mactex
brew install pdf2svg
tlmgr update -all


It is assumed you have spack to assist in dealing with package management. Yum is used to install packages that should (or must poppler-glib-devel) be available at the system level.

    yum install gcc-c++
    yum install environment-modules
    yum install bzip2
    spack install curl
    spack load curl
    sudo yum install libstdc++-static.x86_64
    spack install gcc@7.3.0 +binutils +piclibs
    spack load gcc@7
    sudo yum install cairo-devel.x86_64
    sudo yum install poppler-glib-devel.x86_64
    spack install pdf2svg%gcc@7.3.0
    tlmgr update make4ht