
252 lines
7.5 KiB

## (c) Copyright 2015- by Jaron T. Krogel ##
import os
from numpy import loadtxt,empty,array,abs
from generic import obj
from simulation import SimulationAnalyzer,Simulation
from sqd_input import SqdInput
from plotting import *
class SqdAnalyzer(SimulationAnalyzer):
channels = {0:'s',1:'p',2:'d',3:'f',4:'g',5:'h'}
def __init__(self,arg0,qcut=1e-3,analyze=False):
if isinstance(arg0,Simulation):
sim = arg0
infile = os.path.join(sim.resdir,sim.infile)
elif isinstance(arg0,str):
infile = arg0
self.error('must specify location of input file with a string\n you provided '+str(arg0))
#end if
self.info = obj(
infile = infile,
qcut = qcut
if analyze:
#end if
#end def __init__
def analyze(self):
infile = self.info.infile
qcut = self.info.qcut
if not os.path.exists(infile):
self.error('input file {0} does not exist'.format(infile))
#end if
basepath,infile_name = os.path.split(infile)
input = SqdInput(infile)
path = basepath,
infile_name = infile_name,
input = input,
atom = input.simulation.atom.name,
Z = input.simulation.atom.hamiltonian.z
e = array([])
exchange = obj(),
hartree = obj(),
r = e.copy(),
orbitals = obj(),
density = e.copy()
outfiles = self.info.input.get_output_info(list=False)
path = self.info.path
log_file = os.path.join(path,outfiles.log)
exchange_file = os.path.join(path,outfiles.exchange)
hartree_file = os.path.join(path,outfiles.hartree)
orbital_file = os.path.join(path,outfiles.orb)
#read log file
lgcont = open(log_file).read()
for line in lgcont.splitlines():
if line.count('=')==1:
name,value = line.split('=',1)
name = name.strip()
value = float(value.strip())
#end if
#end for
self.E_potential = self.V_External+self.V_Hartree+self.V_Exchange
self.E_kinetic = self.E_tot - self.E_potential
#read exchange file
exchange = self.exchange
excont = open(exchange_file).read()
for line in excont.splitlines()[1:]:
ls = line.strip()
if not ls.startswith('#'):
orb1,orb2,value = ls.split()
value = float(value)
exchange[(orb1,orb2)] = value
#end if
#end for
#read hartree file
hartree = self.hartree
hacont = open(hartree_file).read()
for line in hacont.splitlines()[1:]:
ls = line.strip()
if not ls.startswith('#'):
orb1,orb2,value = ls.split()
value = float(value)
hartree[(orb1,orb2)] = value
#end if
#end for
#read orbital file
orbitals = self.orbitals
orbcont = open(orbital_file).read()
for line in orbcont.splitlines():
ls = line.strip()
if ls.startswith('# n='):
n,l,value = ls.replace('#','').replace('n=','').replace('l=','').split()
n = int(n)
l = int(l)
value = float(value)
if not (n,l) in orbitals:
orbitals[(n,l)] = obj(
degeneracy = 0,
E = None,
psi = None
#end if
orb = orbitals[(n,l)]
orb.E = value
orb.degeneracy += 1
#end if
#end for
states = list(orbitals.keys())
data = loadtxt(orbital_file)
self.r = data[:,0]
data = data[:,1:]
if len(states)!=data.shape[1]:
self.error('number of unique eigenstates does not match the number of orbitals in orbital file: '+outfiles.orb)
#end if
for i in range(len(states)):
orbitals[states[i]].psi = data[:,i]
#end for
#calculate the density
density = 0*self.r
for orbital in self.orbitals:
density += orbital.degeneracy*orbital.psi**2
#end for
self.density = density
self.density *= self.info.Z/self.sum()
#find rcut such that int(density,rcut,infinity) = qcut
#find the first moment r1=int(r*density)/int(density)
self.r1 = self.moment(n=1)
#end def analyze
def sum(self,rmin=None,rmax=None):
r = self.r
d = self.density
imin = 0
imax = len(r)-1
sdmin = r[0]*d[0]/2
if rmin!=None and rmin>r[imin]/2:
imin = abs(r-rmin).argmin()
sdmin = 0
#end if
if rmax!=None and rmax<(r[imax]+r[imax-1])/2:
imax = abs(r-rmax).argmin()
#end if
ri = r[imin:imax+1]
di = d[imin:imax+1]
sd = ((ri[1:]-ri[:-1])*(di[1:]+di[:-1])/2).sum()
return sdmin + sd
#end def sum
def cumsum(self):
r = self.r
d = self.density
csd = 0*d
csd[0] = r[0]*d[0]/2
csd[1:] = ((r[1:]-r[:-1])*(d[1:]+d[:-1])/2).cumsum()
return csd
#end def cumsum
def moment(self,n):
r = self.r
d = r**n*self.density
m = r[0]*d[0]/2 + ((r[1:]-r[:-1])*(d[1:]+d[:-1])/2).sum()
return m/self.info.Z
#end def moment
def furthest_peak(self):
r = self.r
d = self.density
rpeak = r[-1]
for i in range(len(d)-2,-1,-1):
if d[i]<d[i+1]:
rpeak = r[i+1]
#end if
#end for
return rpeak
#end def furthest_peak
def find_rcut(self,qcut):
r = self.r
qcum = self.cumsum()
qtot = self.info.Z
icut = abs(qtot-qcum-qcut).argmin()
return r[icut]
#end def find_rcut
def set_rcut(self,qcut=1e-3):
self.info.qcut = qcut
self.rcut = self.find_rcut(qcut)
#end def set_rcut
def plot_orbitals(self,rmax=None):
if rmax is None:
rmax = self.rcut
#end if
colors = {0:'k',1:'r',2:'b',3:'g',4:'m',5:'c'}
r = self.r
for (n,l),orbital in self.orbitals.iteritems():
psi = orbital.psi
imax = psi.argmax()
#end for
title('Hartree-Fock orbitals for {0}'.format(self.info.atom))
xlabel('r (bohr)')
#end def plot_orbitals
def plot_density(self,rmax=None):
if rmax is None:
rmax = self.rcut
#end if
title('Hartree-Fock density for {0}'.format(self.info.atom))
xlabel('r (bohr)')
#end def plot_density
#end class SqdAnalyzer