
3453 lines
112 KiB
Executable File

## (c) Copyright 2015- by Jaron T. Krogel ##
#! /usr/bin/env python
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from numpy import array,empty,identity
from generic import obj
from project import generate_physical_system
from project import generate_pwscf
from project import generate_pw2casino,generate_pw2qmcpack
from project import generate_sqd
from project import generate_qmcpack,generate_jastrow
from project import loop,vmc,dmc,linear,cslinear
from project import settings,ProjectManager,Job,Pobj
from qmcpack_calculations import basic_qmc,standard_qmc
from periodic_table import periodic_table
from unit_converter import convert
from developer import DevBase
from plotting import *
from debug import *
def remove(o,*names):
m = o.copy()
keys = list(m.keys())
for key in keys:
for name in names:
if name in key:
del m[key]
#end if
#end for
#end for
return m
#end def remove
def sort_pseudos(pps,dext=set(['ncpp','upf']),qext=set(['xml'])):
dpp = []
qpp = []
for pp in pps:
n,ext = pp.lower().rsplit('.',1)
if ext in dext:
elif ext in qext:
print 'Error: pseudopotential format could not be determined\n filename: {0}\n extensions checked: {1}'.format(pp,list(dext)+list(qext))
#end if
#end for
return dpp,qpp
#end def sort_pseudos
class ColorWheel(DevBase):
def __init__(self):
colors = 'Black Maroon DarkOrange Green DarkBlue Purple Gray Firebrick Orange MediumSeaGreen DodgerBlue MediumOrchid'.split()
styles = '- -- -. :'.split()
c = []
for style in styles:
for color in colors:
#end for
#end for
self.colors = c
self.icolor = -1
#end def __init__
def next(self):
self.icolor = (self.icolor+1)%len(self.colors)
return self.colors[self.icolor]
#end def next
def reset(self):
self.icolor = -1
#end def reset
#end class ColorWheel
color_wheel = ColorWheel()
class ValidatePPBase(DevBase):
settings = None
def performed_runs(self):
s = self.settings
return not s.generate_only and not s.status_only
#end def performed_runs
#end class ValidatePPBase
class ValidationStage(ValidatePPBase):
stage_inputs = set()
stage_dependencies = set()
stage_result = None
final_result = None
stage_type = None
data_type = None
title = None
xlabel = None
ylabel = None
xunit = None
yunit = None
def __init__(self):
name = None,
ready = False,
sims = obj(),
saved_inputs = obj(),
simlist = [],
inputs = obj(),
results = obj(),
result_sims = None
#end def __init__
def get_tags(self):
return s.title,s.xlabel,s.ylabel,s.xunit,s.yunit,s.stage_type,s.data_type
#end def get_tags
def set_name(self,name):
self.name = name
#end def set_name
def set_result_sims(self,result_sims):
self.result_sims = result_sims
#end def set_result_sims
def check_dependencies(self):
inputs = self.inputs
results = self.results
have_inputs = True
for inp in self.stage_inputs:
have_inputs = have_inputs and inp in inputs and inputs[inp]!=None
#end for
have_deps = True
for dep in self.stage_dependencies:
have_deps = have_deps and dep in results and results[dep]!=None
#end for
self.ready = have_inputs and have_deps
#end def check_dependencies
def set_stage_inputs(self,**inputs):
#end def set_stage_inputs
def set_stage_results(self,**results):
#end def set_stage_results
def check_inputs(self,inputs):
inkeys = set(inputs.keys())
if not self.stage_inputs <= inkeys:
self.error('stage inputs are missing\n inputs required: {0}\n inputs provided: {1}'.format(list(self.stage_inputs),list(inkeys)))
#end if
if not self.stage_dependencies <= inkeys:
self.error('stage dependencies are missing\n dependencies required: {0}\n dependencies provided: {1}'.format(list(self.stage_dependencies),list(inkeys)))
#end if
#end def check_inputs
def save_sims(self,sims,key,inputs,inputs_save=None):
if inputs_save is None:
inputs_save = inputs
#end if
if 'result' in sims:
if self.stage_result is None:
self.error('encountered result sim for a stage with no results')
#end if
self.result_sims[self.stage_result,key] = sims.result
del sims.result
#end if
self.sims[key] = sims
self.saved_inputs[key] = inputs_save
block = False
for dep in self.stage_dependencies:
if inputs[dep] is None:
block = True
#end if
#end for
if not block:
#end if
#end def save_sims
def get_result_sim(self,key):
if not key in self.result_sims:
self.error('attempted to retrieve non-existent stage result\n key requested: {0}\n keys present: {1}'.format(key,self.result_sims.keys()))
#end if
return self.result_sims[key]
#end def get_result_sim
def sim_list(self):
return self.simlist
#end def sim_list
def status(self,pad=' ',n=0,*args):
if self.ready:
status = 'ready'
status = 'waiting'
#end if
print n*pad+'{0:<20} {1}'.format(self.name,status)
if not self.ready or 'verbose' in args:
p = (n+1)*pad
presence = {True:'present',False:'absent'}
for name in self.stage_inputs:
print p+'{0:<20} {1}'.format(name,presence[name in self.inputs])
#end for
for name in self.stage_dependencies:
print p+'{0:<20} {1}'.format(name,presence[name in self.results])
#end for
#end if
#end def status
def make_all_sims(self,basepath):
#end def make_all_sims
def get_results(self):
#end def get_results
#end class ValidationStage
class ValidationProcess(ValidatePPBase):
allowed_stage_inputs = set()
allowed_stage_results = set()
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
self.name = None
self.stages = obj()
self.stage_order = None
self.results = obj()
si = obj()
for name in self.allowed_stage_inputs:
si[name] = None
#end for
self.stage_inputs = si
sr = obj()
for name in self.allowed_stage_results:
sr[name] = None
#end for
self.stage_results = sr
self.result_sims = obj()
for stage in self.stages:
#end for
#end def __init__
def initialize(self,**kwargs):
#end def initialize
def set_name(self,name):
self.name = name
#end def set_name
def get_stage_order(self):
if self.stage_order!=None:
stage_order = self.stage_order
stage_order = self.stages.keys()
#end if
return stage_order
#end def get_stage_order
def status(self,pad=' ',n=0,*args):
print n*pad+self.name
stage_order = self.get_stage_order()
for sname in stage_order:
#end for
print n*pad+'end '+self.name
#end def status
known_functionals = set('lda pbe pw91 hse pbe0'.split())
pp_extensions = [['upf','ncpp'],['xml']]
def check_funcs_pseudos(self,**func_pp):
ppmap = obj()
ppdir = self.settings.pseudo_dir
if not os.path.exists(ppdir):
self.error('pseudopotential directory does not exist\n directory provided: '+ppdir)
#end if
ppfiles = os.listdir(ppdir)
unknown_functionals = []
missing_pp_files = []
for functional,pseudos in func_pp.iteritems():
if not functional in self.known_functionals:
for pseudo_key in pseudos:
if isinstance(pseudo_key,str):
pseudo_prefix = pseudo_key
pp_found,pp_missing = self.findpp(pseudo_prefix,ppfiles)
elif isinstance(pseudo_key,tuple):
pseudo_tuple = pseudo_key
pp_found = []
pp_missing = []
for pseudo_prefix in pseudo_tuple:
ppf,ppm = self.findpp(pseudo_prefix,ppfiles)
#end for
#end if
ppmap[pseudo_key] = pp_found
#end for
#end for
#end if
#end for
if len(unknown_functionals)>0:
msg+='inputted functionals are unrecognized\n functionals: '+str(unknown_functionals)+'\n'
#end if
if len(missing_pp_files)>0:
msg+='pseudopotential prefixes had no corresponding files\n prefixes: '+str(missing_pp_files)+'\n extensions required: '+str(self.pp_extensions)+'\n directory searched: '+ppdir+'\n directory contents: '+str(ppfiles)+'\n'
#end if
if msg!='':
#end if
self.functionals = list(func_pp.keys())
self.func_pp = obj(**func_pp)
self.ppmap = ppmap
#end def check_funcs_pseudos
def findpp(self,pseudo_prefix,ppfiles):
pp_found = []
pp_missing = []
for pp_ext in self.pp_extensions:
pp_prefix = pseudo_prefix.lower()
for ppfile in ppfiles:
prefix,ext = ppfile.rsplit('.',1)
prefix = prefix.lower()
ext = ext.lower()
if prefix==pp_prefix and ext in pp_ext:
#end if
#end for
#end for
if len(pp_found)!=len(self.pp_extensions):
#end if
return pp_found,pp_missing
#end def findpp
def pseudo_list(self):
return list(self.ppmap.keys())
#end def pseudo_list
def add_stage(self,name,stage):
if not isinstance(stage,ValidationStage):
self.error(name+' is not a ValidationStage')
#end if
self.stages[name] = stage
#end def add_stage
def add_stages(self,**stages):
for name,stage in stages.iteritems():
#end for
#end def add_stages
def set_stage_order(self,stage_order):
stages = set(self.stages.keys())
order = set(stage_order)
if stages!=order:
self.error('stage order must account for all stages\n stages: {0} stage_order: {1}'.format(list(stages),stage_order))
#end if
self.stage_order = stage_order
#end def set_stage_order
def set_stage_inputs(self,**inputs):
inkeys = set(inputs.keys())
invalid = inkeys-self.allowed_stage_inputs
if len(invalid)>0:
self.error('invalid stage inputs encountered\n invalid inputs: {0}\n valid options are: {1}'.format(invalid,self.allowed_stage_inputs))
#end if
for stage in self.stages:
#end for
#end def set_stage_inputs
def check_stage_results(self,inkeys):
invalid = set(inkeys)-self.allowed_stage_results
if len(invalid)>0:
self.error('invalid stage results encountered\n invalid results: {0}\n valid options are: {1}'.format(invalid,self.allowed_stage_results))
#end if
#end def check_stage_results
def set_stage_results(self,**results):
for stage in self.stages:
#end for
#end def set_stage_results
def check_dependencies(self):
for stage in self.stages:
#end for
#end def check_dependencies
def pre_make_sims(self):
#end def pre_make_sims
def make_sims(self,basepath):
print 'make_sims',self.__class__.__name__
stage_order = self.get_stage_order()
for name in stage_order:
stage = self.stages[name]
path = os.path.join(basepath,name)
print ' ',name,stage.__class__.__name__,stage.ready
if stage.ready:
stage.status(' ',3,'verbose')
#end if
#end for
#end def make_sims
def sim_list(self):
sims = []
for stage in self.stages:
#end for
return sims
#end def sim_list
#end class ValidationProcess
class ValidationProcesses(ValidatePPBase):
process_type = None
def set_process_type(cls,ptype):
cls.process_type = ptype
cls.allowed_stage_inputs = ptype.allowed_stage_inputs
cls.allowed_stage_results = ptype.allowed_stage_results
#end def set_process_type
def __init__(self,**processes):
self.name = None
self.processes = obj()
for pname,pinfo in processes.iteritems():
pinfo['name'] = pname
process = self.process_type(**pinfo)
#end for
#end def __init__
def set_name(self,name):
self.name = name
#end def set_name
def status(self,pad=' ',n=0,*args):
print n*pad+self.name
pnames = self.processes.keys()
for pname in pnames:
#end for
print n*pad+'end '+self.name
#end def status
def initialize(self):
#end def initialize
def add_process(self,name,process):
if not isinstance(process,ValidationProcess):
self.error('Validation input improperly constructed\n {0} is not a ValidationProcess'.format(name))
#end if
self[name] = process
self.processes[name] = process
#end def add_process
def sim_list(self):
sims = []
for process in self.processes:
#end for
return sims
#end def sim_list
def pre_make_sims(self):
#end def pre_make_sims
def make_sims(self,basepath):
print 'make_sims',self.__class__.__name__
for name,process in self.processes.iteritems():
path = os.path.join(basepath,name)
#end for
#end def make_sims
def show_results(self,
stages = None,
quantities = None,
processes = None,
mode = 'plot',
titles = None,
xlabels = None,
ylabels = None,
xlims = None,
ylims = None,
lw = 2,
units = None,
xunits = None,
figlevel = 'quantity',
suppress = False):
if not self.performed_runs():
#end if
modes = ['plot','print','all']
figlevels = [None,'top','stage','quantity','process']
if not mode in modes:
self.error('invalid mode encountered\n you provided: {0}\n valid options are: {1}'.format(mode,modes))
#end if
if not figlevel in figlevels:
self.error('invalid figlevel encountered\n you provided: {0}\n valid options are: {1}'.format(figlevel,figlevels))
#end if
if stages is None:
self.error('results cannot be shown unless the stages variable is specified')
#end if
if isinstance(stages,str):
stages = [stages]
#end if
if quantities is None or isinstance(quantities,str):
quantities = [quantities]
#end if
if processes is None:
processes = self.processes.keys()
#end if
plotting = mode=='plot' or mode=='all'
printing = mode=='print' or mode=='all'
if printing:
print '{0} results'.format(self.name)
#end if
if figlevel=='top' and plotting:
#end if
for sname in stages:
if printing:
print ' {0} stage results'.format(sname)
#end if
if figlevel=='stage' and plotting:
#end if
for qname in quantities:
if qname!=None and printing:
print ' quantity {0} results'.format(qname)
pad = ' '
pad = ' '
#end if
if figlevel=='quantity' and plotting:
#end if
for pname in processes:
if printing:
print pad+pname
#end if
if figlevel=='process' and plotting:
#end if
if not pname in self.processes:
self.error('process {0} is unrecognized\n valid options are: {1}'.format(pname,self.processes.keys()))
#end if
process = self.processes[pname]
if not sname in process.stages:
self.error('stage {0} is not part of process {1}\n valid options are: {2}'.format(sname,process.name,process.stages.keys()))
#end if
stage = process.stages[sname]
res = stage.get_results(quantity=qname)
rkeys = res.keys()
titlet,xlabelt,ylabelt,xunitt,yunitt,stype,dtype = stage.get_tags()
if titles!=None:
ptitle = titles
ptitle = titlet
#end if
if xlabels!=None:
pxlabel = xlabels
pxlabel = xlabelt
#end if
if ylabels!=None:
pylabel = ylabels
pylabel = ylabelt
#end if
rtypes = {
('value','stat' ):'ye',
('scan' ,'scalar'):'xy',
('scan' ,'stat' ):'xye',
rtype = rtypes[stype,dtype]
convertx = xunits!=None and xunitt!=None
converty = units!=None and yunitt!=None
xunitb = ''
yunitb = ''
if convertx:
xunitb = '('+xunits+')'
elif xunitt!=None:
xunitb = '('+xunitt+')'
#end if
if converty:
yunitb = '('+units+')'
elif yunitt!=None:
yunitb = '('+yunitt+')'
#end if
if rtype=='y':
phead = '{0} {1:<4}'.format(ylabelt,yunitb)
pfmt = '{0} '
plotter = plot
elif rtype=='ye':
phead = '{0} {1:<4} {2} {3:<4}'.format(ylabelt,yunitb,'error',yunitb)
pfmt = '{0} {1}'
plotter = errorbar
elif rtype=='xy':
phead = '{0} {1:<4} {2} {3:<4}'.format(xlabelt,xunitb,ylabelt,yunitb)
pfmt = '{0} {1}'
plotter = plot
elif rtype=='xye':
phead = '{0} {1:<4} {2} {3:<4} {4} {5:<4}'.format(xlabelt,xunitb,ylabelt,yunitb,'error',yunitb)
pfmt = '{0} {1} {2}'
plotter = errorbar
#end if
keylen = 0
for key in rkeys:
keylen = max(keylen,len(str(key)))
#end for
if printing:
p = ' '
print pad+p+titlet
print pad+p+keylen*' '+phead
#end if
if stype=='value':
color,style = color_wheel.next()
#end if
for key in rkeys:
r = res[key]
x,y,yerr = None,None,None
xlen = 0
if stype=='value':
if isinstance(key,tuple):
x = key[-1] # hope this works
x = key
#end if
if dtype=='scalar':
y = r
yerr = 0
elif dtype=='stat':
y,yerr = r
#end if
x = array([x])
y = array([y])
yerr = array([yerr])
ufmt = pfmt
elif stype=='scan':
color,style = color_wheel.next()
if dtype=='scalar':
x,y = r
yerr = empty([])
elif dtype=='stat':
x,yp = r
yp = array(yp)
y = yp[:,0]
yerr = yp[:,1]
#end if
x = array(x)
y = array(y)
yerr = array(yerr)
for xv in x:
xlen = max(xlen,len(str(xv)))
#end for
ufmt = pfmt.replace('{0}','{0:<'+str(xlen)+'}')
#end if
if convertx:
x = convert(x,xunitt,xunits)
#end if
if converty:
y = convert(y, yunitt,units)
yerr = convert(yerr,yunitt,units)
#end if
if rtype=='y':
data = array([y])
pdata = array([x,y])
elif rtype=='ye':
data = array([y,yerr])
pdata = array([x,y,yerr])
elif rtype=='xy':
data = array([x,y])
pdata = data
elif rtype=='xye':
data = array([x,y,yerr])
pdata = data
#end if
if printing:
skey = str(key)
if len(skey)<keylen:
skey+=(keylen-len(skey))*' '
#end if
skey = pad+2*p+skey
nw,nl = data.shape
for i in range(nl):
print skey+ufmt.format(*tuple(data[:,i]))
skey = pad+2*p+keylen*' '
#end for
#end if
if plotting:
#end if
del x,y,yerr
#end for
if printing:
print pad+'end '+pname
#end if
#end for
if qname!=None and printing:
print ' quantity {0} results'.format(qname)
#end if
#end for
if printing:
print ' end {0} stage results'.format(sname)
#end if
#end for
if printing:
print 'end {0} results'.format(self.name)
#end if
if mode=='plot' and not suppress:
#end if
#end def show_results
#end class ValidationProcesses
class AtomicValidationStage(ValidationStage):
systypes = ['ae','pp']
systype = None
stage_type = 'scan'
data_type = 'stat'
yunit = 'Ha'
def __init__(self,**vars):
if not self.systype in self.systypes:
self.error('system type {0} is unrecognized\n valid system types are: {1}'.format(systype,self.systypes))
#end if
svars = obj(
stage_inputs = self.stage_inputs,
stage_dependencies = self.stage_dependencies
prefix = self.systype+'_'
for svar,varlist in svars.iteritems():
prefixed = True
for var in varlist:
prefixed = prefixed and var.startswith(prefix)
#end for
if not prefixed:
vars = []
for var in varlist:
if var.startswith(prefix):
#end if
#end for
self[svar] = vars
#end if
#end for
#end def __init__
def get_ae_inputs(self,iq):
inputs = obj()
pinputs = obj()
for name,value in self.inputs.iteritems():
if name.startswith('ae_'):
inputs[name.replace('ae_','')] = value[iq]
pinputs[name] = value[iq]
#end if
#end for
for name,value in self.results.iteritems():
if name.startswith('ae_'):
inputs[name.replace('ae_','')] = value[iq]
pinputs[name] = value[iq]
#end if
#end for
return inputs,pinputs
#end def get_ae_inputs
def get_pp_inputs(self,pp,iq):
inputs = obj()
pinputs = obj()
for name,value in self.inputs.iteritems():
if name.startswith('pp_'):
inputs[name.replace('pp_','')] = value[iq]
pinputs[name] = value[iq]
#end if
#end for
for name,value in self.results.iteritems():
if name.startswith('pp_'):
inputs[name.replace('pp_','')] = value[pp][iq]
pinputs[name] = value[pp][iq]
#end if
#end for
return inputs,pinputs
#end def get_pp_inputs
def make_all_sims(self,basepath):
print ' make_all_sims',self.__class__.__name__,self.systype
sinfo = self.system_info
if self.systype=='ae':
for iq in range(len(sinfo.q)):
q = sinfo.q[iq]
path = os.path.join(basepath,'q'+str(q))
v,vp = self.get_ae_inputs(iq)
v.path = path
v.q = q
sims = self.make_sims(v)
#end for
elif self.systype=='pp':
for functional,pplist in sinfo.func_pp.iteritems():
for pp in pplist:
pseudos = sinfo.ppmap[pp]
for iq in range(len(sinfo.q)):
q = sinfo.q[iq]
path = os.path.join(basepath,functional,pp,'q'+str(q))
v,vp = self.get_pp_inputs(pp,iq)
v.path = path
v.q = q
v.pseudos = pseudos
v.functional = functional
v.pp = pp
sims = self.make_sims(v)
#end for
#end for
#end for
#end if
#end def make_all_sims
def make_system(self,v,L=None,spin=None):
atom = self.system_info.atom
if not 'q' in v:
self.error('charge is not present, physical system cannot be made')
#end if
if self.systype=='ae':
system = generate_physical_system(
type = 'atom',
atom = atom,
net_charge = v.q,
net_spin = 'low'
elif self.systype=='pp':
if L is None:
if not 'L' in v:
self.error('box size is not present, physical system cannot be made')
#end if
L = v.L
#end if
if spin is None:
if not 'spin' in v:
self.error('total spin is not present, physical system cannot be made')
#end if
spin = v.spin
#end if
valency = {atom:v.Zeff}
system = generate_physical_system(
lattice = 'orthorhombic',
cell = 'primitive',
centering = 'P',
constants = (L,1.0000001*L,1.0000002*L),
units = 'A',
atoms = atom,
net_charge = v.q,
net_spin = spin,
kgrid = (1,1,1),
kshift = (0,0,0),
s = system.structure
#end if
return system
#end def make_system
def get_result_sim(self,v,name):
if self.systype=='ae':
key = v.q
name = 'ae_'+name
elif self.systype=='pp':
key = v.tuple('functional','pp','q')
name = 'pp_'+name
#end if
sim = ValidationStage.get_result_sim(self,(name,key))
return sim
#end def get_result_sim
def get_results(self,quantity=None):
res = obj()
sinfo = self.system_info
if self.systype=='ae':
for q in sinfo.q:
key = q
v = self.saved_inputs[key]
sims = self.sims[key]
res[key] = self.get_result(v,sims,quantity)
#end for
elif self.systype=='pp':
for functional,pplist in sinfo.func_pp.iteritems():
for pp in pplist:
for q in sinfo.q:
key = (functional,pp,q)
v = self.saved_inputs[key]
sims = self.sims[key]
res[key] = self.get_result(v,sims,quantity)
#end for
#end for
#end for
#end if
return res
#end def get_results
def make_sims(self,v):
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name):
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicValidationStage
class AtomicHFOccupationScan(AtomicValidationStage):
systype = 'ae'
stage_dependencies = set(['ae_hfjob'])
data_type = 'scalar'
title = 'Hartree-Fock energies vs. orbital occupation'
xlabel = 'Orbital occupations'
ylabel = 'HF energy'
yunit = 'Ha'
def make_sims(self,v):
sims = obj()
atom = self.make_system(v)
for occ in v.occupations:
up,down = occ
path = os.path.join(v.path,'{0}__{1}'.format(up,down))
path = path.replace(',','').replace('(','').replace(')','').replace(' ','')
hf = generate_sqd(
identifier = 'hf',
path = path,
job = v.hfjob,
system = atom,
up = up,
down = down,
grid_type = 'log',
ri = 1e-6 ,
rf = 400 ,
npts = 10001,
max_iter = 1000 ,
etot_tol = 1e-8 ,
eig_tol = 1e-12,
mix_ratio = 0.7
sims[occ] = hf
#end for
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name='E'):
occs = []
energies = []
for occ in v.occupations:
a = sims[occ].load_analyzer_image()
occs.append(occ[0]+' '+occ[1])
#end for
return occs,energies
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicHFOccupationScan
class AtomicHFCalc(AtomicValidationStage):
systype = 'ae'
stage_dependencies = set(['ae_hfjob','ae_occupation'])
stage_result = 'ae_orbitals'
final_result = 'Ehf_ae'
stage_type = 'value'
data_type = 'scalar'
title = 'Hartree-Fock energy vs. Ion charge'
ylabel = 'HF energy'
xlabel = 'Ion charge'
yunit = 'Ha'
def make_sims(self,v):
sims = obj()
atom = self.make_system(v)
up,down = v.occupation
hf = generate_sqd(
identifier = 'hf',
path = v.path,
job = v.hfjob,
system = atom,
up = up,
down = down,
grid_type = 'log',
ri = 1e-6 ,
rf = 400 ,
npts = 10001,
max_iter = 1000 ,
etot_tol = 1e-8 ,
eig_tol = 1e-12,
mix_ratio = 0.7
sims.orb = hf
sims.result = hf
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name='E'):
ha = sims.hf.load_analyzer_image()
if name=='E':
res = ha.E
elif name=='B':
res = 1./ha.moment(n=1)
self.error(name+' is not a valid quantity\n valid options are E, B')
#end if
return res
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicHFCalc
class AtomicDFTBoxScan(AtomicValidationStage):
systype = 'pp'
stage_inputs = set(['pp_Ls'])
stage_dependencies = set(['pp_dftjob','pp_Ecut0','pp_spin0','pp_assume_isolated0','pp_Zeff'])
data_type = 'scalar'
title = 'DFT energy vs. box size'
ylabel = 'DFT energy'
xlabel = 'box size'
yunit = 'Ry'
xunit = 'A'
def make_sims(self,v):
sims = obj()
dftpp,qmcpp = sort_pseudos(v.pseudos)
for L in v.Ls:
atom = self.make_system(v,L=L,spin=v.spin0)
s = atom.structure
path = os.path.join(v.path,'L_'+str(L))
scf = generate_pwscf(
identifier = 'scf',
path = path,
job = v.dftjob,
input_type = 'scf',
input_dft = v.functional,
ecut = v.Ecut0,
conv_thr = 1e-8,
mixing_beta = .7,
nosym = True,
assume_isolated = v.assume_isolated0,
pseudos = dftpp,
system = atom,
kgrid = (1,1,1),
kshift = (0,0,0),
use_folded = False
sims[L] = scf
#end for
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name='E'):
Ls = []
energies = []
for L in v.Ls:
pa = sims[L].load_analyzer_image()
#end for
return Ls,energies
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicDFTBoxScan
class AtomicDFTEcutScan(AtomicValidationStage):
systype = 'pp'
stage_inputs = set(['pp_Ecuts'])
stage_dependencies = set(['pp_dftjob','pp_p2cjob','pp_L','pp_assume_isolated','pp_spin0','pp_Zeff'])
data_type = 'scalar'
title = 'DFT energy vs. planewave energy cutoff'
ylabel = 'DFT energy'
xlabel = 'Ecut'
yunit = 'Ry'
xunit = 'Ry'
def make_sims(self,v):
sims = obj()
dftpp,qmcpp = sort_pseudos(v.pseudos)
atom = self.make_system(v,spin=v.spin0)
for ecut in v.Ecuts:
path = os.path.join(v.path,'Ecut_'+str(ecut))
scf = generate_pwscf(
identifier = 'scf',
path = path,
job = v.dftjob,
input_type = 'scf',
input_dft = v.functional,
ecut = ecut,
conv_thr = 1e-8,
mixing_beta = .7,
nosym = True,
assume_isolated = v.assume_isolated,
pseudos = dftpp,
system = atom,
kgrid = (1,1,1),
kshift = (0,0,0),
use_folded = False
p2c = generate_pw2casino(
identifier = 'p2c',
path = path,
job = v.p2cjob
sims[ecut,'E'] = scf
sims[ecut,'KE'] = p2c
#end for
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name='E'):
ecuts = []
energies = []
if not name in ['E','KE']:
self.error('quantity {0} is not computed by {1}'.format(name,self.name))
#end if
for ecut in v.Ecuts:
pa = sims[ecut,name].load_analyzer_image()
if name=='E':
elif name=='KE':
#end if
#end for
return ecuts,energies
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicDFTEcutScan
class AtomicDFTSpinScan(AtomicValidationStage):
systype = 'pp'
stage_inputs = set(['pp_spins'])
stage_dependencies = set(['pp_dftjob','pp_L','pp_Ecut','pp_assume_isolated','pp_spin0','pp_Zeff'])
data_type = 'scalar'
title = 'DFT energy vs. spin state'
ylabel = 'DFT energy'
xlabel = 'Total spin (in units of 1/2)'
yunit = 'Ry'
def make_sims(self,v):
sims = obj()
dftpp,qmcpp = sort_pseudos(v.pseudos)
for spin in v.spins:
atom = self.make_system(v,spin=spin)
path = os.path.join(v.path,'spin_'+str(spin))
scf = generate_pwscf(
identifier = 'scf',
path = path,
job = v.dftjob,
input_type = 'scf',
input_dft = v.functional,
ecut = v.Ecut,
conv_thr = 1e-8,
mixing_beta = .7,
nosym = True,
assume_isolated = v.assume_isolated,
pseudos = dftpp,
system = atom,
kgrid = (1,1,1),
kshift = (0,0,0),
use_folded = False
sims[spin] = scf
#end for
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name='E'):
spins = []
energies = []
for spin in v.spins:
pa = sims[spin].load_analyzer_image()
#end for
return spins,energies
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicDFTSpinScan
class AtomicDFTCalc(AtomicValidationStage):
systype = 'pp'
stage_dependencies = set(['pp_dftjob','pp_p2qjob','pp_Zeff','pp_L','pp_assume_isolated','pp_Ecut','pp_spin'])
stage_result = 'pp_orbitals'
final_result = 'Edft_pp'
stage_type = 'value'
data_type = 'scalar'
title = 'DFT energy vs Ion charge'
ylabel = 'DFT energy'
xlabel = 'Ion charge'
yunit = 'Ry'
def make_sims(self,v):
dftpp,qmcpp = sort_pseudos(v.pseudos)
atom = self.make_system(v)
scf = generate_pwscf(
identifier = 'scf',
path = v.path,
job = v.dftjob,
input_type = 'scf',
input_dft = v.functional,
ecut = v.Ecut,
conv_thr = 1e-8,
mixing_beta = .7,
nosym = True,
assume_isolated = v.assume_isolated,
pseudos = dftpp,
system = atom,
kgrid = (1,1,1),
kshift = (0,0,0),
use_folded = False
p2q = generate_pw2qmcpack(
identifier = 'p2q',
path = v.path,
job = v.p2qjob,
write_psir = False
sims = obj(
scf = scf,
p2q = p2q,
result = p2q
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name='E'):
pa = sims.scf.load_analyzer_image()
return pa.E
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicDFTCalc
class AtomicOptJ1RcutScan(AtomicValidationStage):
systype = 'pp'
stage_inputs = set(['pp_J1_rcuts','pp_opt_calcs'])
stage_dependencies = set(['pp_Zeff','pp_L','pp_spin','pp_optjob','pp_orbitals','pp_pade_b'])
stage_result = 'pp_J1_jastrow'
title = 'Optimal VMC Energy vs. J1 rcut'
ylabel = 'Opt. Energy'
xlabel = 'J1 rcut'
yunit = 'Ha'
xunit = 'B'
def make_sims(self,v):
sims = obj()
res = obj()
dftpp,qmcpp = sort_pseudos(v.pseudos)
atom = self.make_system(v)
orb = self.get_result_sim(v,'orbitals')
bu,bd = v.pade_b
for rcut in v.J1_rcuts:
path = os.path.join(v.path,'rcut_'+str(rcut))
jastrows = [
opt = generate_qmcpack(
identifier = 'opt',
path = path,
job = v.optjob,
input_type = 'opt_jastrow',
system = atom,
bconds = 'nnn',
pseudos = qmcpp,
jastrows = jastrows,
corrections = [],
opt_calcs = v.opt_calcs
sims[rcut] = opt
res[rcut] = opt
#end for
sims.result = res
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name=None):
rcuts = []
energies = []
for rcut in v.J1_rcuts:
qa = sims[rcut].load_analyzer_image()
if 'vmc' in qa and len(qa.vmc)>0:
series = array(qa.vmc.keys())
qmc = qa.vmc[series.max()]
series = array(qa.opt.keys())
qmc = qa.opt[series.max()]
#end if
le = qmc.scalar.LocalEnergy
#end for
return rcuts,energies
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicOptJ1RcutScan
class AtomicOptCalc(AtomicValidationStage):
title = 'Opt. Energy vs. iteration #'
ylabel = 'Opt. Energy'
xlabel = 'iteration #'
yunit = 'Ha'
def make_sims(self,v):
atom = self.make_system(v)
orb = self.get_result_sim(v,'orbitals')
if self.systype=='ae':
qmcpp = None
bu,bd = v.pade_b
J3 = generate_jastrow('J3','polynomial',4,4,5.0,system=atom)
J3.source = 'atom'
jastrows = [
elif self.systype=='pp':
dftpp,qmcpp = sort_pseudos(v.pseudos)
jastrows = []
#end if
opt = generate_qmcpack(
identifier = 'opt',
path = v.path,
job = v.optjob,
input_type = 'opt_jastrow',
system = atom,
bconds = 'nnn',
pseudos = qmcpp,
jastrows = jastrows,
corrections = [],
opt_calcs = v.opt_calcs
if self.systype=='pp':
J1_jastrows = self.get_result_sim(v,'J1_jastrow')
if not v.J1_rcut in J1_jastrows:
self.error('requested rcut {0} could not be found in J1 Jastrow rcuts\n possible rcuts: {1}'.format(v.J1_rcut,J1_jastrows.keys()))
#end if
jsim = J1_jastrows[v.J1_rcut]
#end if
sims = obj(
opt = opt,
result = opt
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name='E'):
qa = sims.opt.load_analyzer_image()
series = []
energies = []
for s,opt in qa.opt.iteritems():
le = opt.scalar.LocalEnergy
#end for
return series,energies
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicOptCalc
class AtomicAEOptCalc(AtomicOptCalc):
systype = 'ae'
stage_inputs = set(['ae_opt_calcs'])
stage_dependencies = set(['ae_optjob','ae_occupation','ae_orbitals','ae_pade_b'])
stage_result = 'ae_jastrow'
#end class AtomicAEOptCalc
class AtomicPPOptCalc(AtomicOptCalc):
systype = 'pp'
stage_inputs = set(['pp_opt_calcs'])
stage_dependencies = set(['pp_Zeff','pp_L','pp_spin','pp_optjob','pp_orbitals','pp_J1_rcut'])
stage_result = 'pp_jastrow'
#end class AtomicPPOptCalc
class AtomicVMCCalc(AtomicValidationStage):
stage_type = 'value'
title = 'VMC Energy vs. Ion charge'
ylabel = 'VMC Energy'
xlabel = 'Ion charge'
yunit = 'Ha'
def make_sims(self,v):
atom = self.make_system(v)
orb = self.get_result_sim(v,'orbitals')
jastrow = self.get_result_sim(v,'jastrow')
if self.systype=='ae':
qmcpp = None
elif self.systype=='pp':
dftpp,qmcpp = sort_pseudos(v.pseudos)
#end if
vmc = generate_qmcpack(
identifier = 'vmc',
path = v.path,
job = v.vmcjob,
input_type = 'basic',
system = atom,
bconds = 'nnn',
pseudos = qmcpp,
jastrows = [],
corrections = [],
calculations = v.vmc_calcs
sims = obj(vmc=vmc)
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name='E'):
qa = sims.vmc.load_analyzer_image()
qmc = qa.qmc
vmc = qmc[len(qmc)-1]
le = vmc.scalar.LocalEnergy
return (le.mean,le.error)
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicVMCCalc
class AtomicAEVMCCalc(AtomicVMCCalc):
systype = 'ae'
stage_inputs = set(['ae_vmc_calcs'])
stage_dependencies = set(['ae_vmcjob','ae_occupation','ae_orbitals','ae_jastrow'])
final_result = 'Evmc_ae'
#end class AtomicAEVMCCalc
class AtomicPPVMCCalc(AtomicVMCCalc):
systype = 'pp'
stage_inputs = set(['pp_vmc_calcs'])
stage_dependencies = set(['pp_Zeff','pp_L','pp_spin','pp_vmcjob','pp_orbitals','pp_jastrow'])
final_result = 'Evmc_pp'
#end class AtomicPPVMCCalc
class AtomicDMCPopulationScan(AtomicValidationStage):
title = 'DMC Energy vs. Walker population'
ylabel = 'DMC Energy'
xlabel = 'Population'
yunit = 'Ha'
def make_sims(self,v):
sims = obj()
atom = self.make_system(v)
orb = self.get_result_sim(v,'orbitals')
jastrow = self.get_result_sim(v,'jastrow')
if self.systype=='ae':
qmcpp = None
elif self.systype=='pp':
dftpp,qmcpp = sort_pseudos(v.pseudos)
#end if
for population in v.populations:
calcs = deepcopy(v.dmc_calcs)
found_vmc = False
found_dmc = False
for calc in calcs:
if isinstance(calc,vmc):
if 'samplesperthread' in calc:
del calc.samplesperthread
#end if
calc.samples = population
found_vmc = True
elif isinstance(calc,dmc):
found_dmc = True
#end if
#end for
if not found_vmc or not found_dmc:
self.error('vmc and dmc blocks must be present in dmc_calcs')
#end if
path = os.path.join(v.path,'pop_'+str(population))
qmc = generate_qmcpack(
identifier = 'dmc',
path = path,
job = v.dmcjob,
input_type = 'basic',
system = atom,
bconds = 'nnn',
pseudos = qmcpp,
jastrows = [],
corrections = [],
calculations = calcs
sims[population] = qmc
#end if
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name='E'):
pops = []
energies = []
for pop in v.populations:
qa = sims[pop].load_analyzer_image()
qmc = qa.qmc
le = qmc[len(qmc)-1].dmc.LocalEnergy
#end for
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicDMCPopulationScan
class AtomicAEDMCPopulationScan(AtomicDMCPopulationScan):
systype = 'ae'
stage_inputs = set(['ae_dmc_calcs','ae_populations'])
stage_dependencies = set(['ae_dmcjob','ae_occupation','ae_orbitals','ae_jastrow'])
#end class AtomicAEDMCPopulationScan
class AtomicPPDMCPopulationScan(AtomicDMCPopulationScan):
systype = 'pp'
stage_inputs = set(['pp_dmc_calcs','pp_populations'])
stage_dependencies = set(['pp_Zeff','pp_L','pp_spin','pp_dmcjob','pp_orbitals','pp_jastrow'])
#end class AtomicPPDMCPopulationScan
class AtomicDMCTimestepScan(AtomicValidationStage):
title = 'DMC Energy vs. Timestep'
ylabel = 'DMC Energy'
xlabel = 'Timestep'
yunit = 'Ha'
xunit = '1/Ha'
def make_sims(self,v):
sims = obj()
atom = self.make_system(v)
orb = self.get_result_sim(v,'orbitals')
jastrow = self.get_result_sim(v,'jastrow')
if self.systype=='ae':
qmcpp = None
elif self.systype=='pp':
dftpp,qmcpp = sort_pseudos(v.pseudos)
#end if
calcs = deepcopy(v.dmc_calcs)
found_vmc = False
found_dmc = False
vmc_calc = None
dmc_calc = None
for calc in calcs:
if isinstance(calc,vmc):
if 'samplesperthread' in calc:
del calc.samplesperthread
#end if
calc.samples = v.population
vmc_calc = calc
found_vmc = True
elif isinstance(calc,dmc):
dmc_calc = calc
found_dmc = True
#end if
#end for
if not found_vmc or not found_dmc:
self.error('vmc and dmc blocks must be present in dmc_calcs')
#end if
calcs = [vmc_calc]
for timestep in v.timesteps:
dcalc = dmc_calc.copy()
tfac = dcalc.timestep/timestep
dcalc.warmupsteps = int(round(tfac*dcalc.warmupsteps))
dcalc.steps = int(round(tfac*dcalc.steps))
dcalc.timestep = timestep
#end for
qmc = generate_qmcpack(
identifier = 'dmc',
path = v.path,
job = v.dmcjob,
input_type = 'basic',
system = atom,
bconds = 'nnn',
pseudos = qmcpp,
jastrows = [],
corrections = [],
calculations = calcs
sims.dmc = qmc
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name='E'):
timesteps = []
energies = []
qa = sims.dmc.load_analyzer_image()
dmc = qa.dmc
for timestep in v.timesteps:
le = dmc[s].dmc.LocalEnergy
#end for
return timesteps,energies
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicDMCTimestepScan
class AtomicAEDMCTimestepScan(AtomicDMCTimestepScan):
systype = 'ae'
stage_inputs = set(['ae_dmc_calcs'])
stage_dependencies = set(['ae_dmcjob','ae_occupation','ae_orbitals','ae_jastrow','ae_population'])
#end class AtomicAEDMCTimestepScan
class AtomicPPDMCTimestepScan(AtomicDMCTimestepScan):
systype = 'pp'
stage_inputs = set(['pp_dmc_calcs'])
stage_dependencies = set(['pp_Zeff','pp_L','pp_spin','pp_dmcjob','pp_orbitals','pp_jastrow','pp_population'])
#end class AtomicPPDMCTimestepScan
class AtomicDMCCalc(AtomicValidationStage):
stage_type = 'value'
title = 'DMC Energy vs. Ion charge'
ylabel = 'DMC Energy'
xlabel = 'Ion charge'
yunit = 'Ha'
def make_sims(self,v):
atom = self.make_system(v)
orb = self.get_result_sim(v,'orbitals')
jastrow = self.get_result_sim(v,'jastrow')
if self.systype=='ae':
qmcpp = None
elif self.systype=='pp':
dftpp,qmcpp = sort_pseudos(v.pseudos)
#end if
calcs = deepcopy(v.dmc_calcs)
found_vmc = False
found_dmc = False
for calc in calcs:
if isinstance(calc,vmc):
if 'samplesperthread' in calc:
del calc.samplesperthread
#end if
calc.samples = v.population
found_vmc = True
elif isinstance(calc,dmc):
dmc_calc = calc
found_dmc = True
#end if
#end for
if found_dmc:
stepfac = calc.timestep/v.timestep
dmc_calc.warmupsteps = int(round(dmc_calc.warmupsteps*stepfac))
dmc_calc.steps = int(round(dmc_calc.steps*stepfac))
dmc_calc.timestep = v.timestep
#end if
if not found_vmc or not found_dmc:
self.error('vmc and dmc blocks must be present in dmc_calcs')
#end if
qmc = generate_qmcpack(
identifier = 'dmc',
path = v.path,
job = v.dmcjob,
input_type = 'basic',
system = atom,
pseudos = qmcpp,
jastrows = [],
corrections = [],
calculations = calcs
sims = obj(dmc=qmc)
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name='E'):
qa = sims.dmc.load_analyzer_image()
qmc = qa.qmc
dmc = qmc[len(qmc)-1]
le = dmc.dmc.LocalEnergy
return (le.mean,le.error)
#end def get_result
#end class AtomicDMCCalc
class AtomicAEDMCCalc(AtomicDMCCalc):
systype = 'ae'
stage_inputs = set(['ae_dmc_calcs'])
stage_dependencies = set(['ae_dmcjob','ae_orbitals','ae_jastrow','ae_population','ae_timestep'])
final_result = 'Edmc_ae'
#end class AtomicAEDMCCalc
class AtomicPPDMCCalc(AtomicDMCCalc):
systype = 'pp'
stage_inputs = set(['pp_dmc_calcs'])
stage_dependencies = set(['pp_Zeff','pp_L','pp_spin','pp_dmcjob','pp_orbitals','pp_jastrow','pp_population','pp_timestep'])
final_result = 'Edmc_pp'
#end class AtomicPPDMCCalc
class ValidateAtomPP(ValidationProcess):
allowed_stage_inputs = set(
['ae_occupations', 'ae_opt_calcs', 'ae_vmc_calcs', 'ae_dmc_calcs',
'ae_populations', 'ae_timesteps',
'pp_Ls', 'pp_Ecuts','pp_spins', 'pp_opt_calcs', 'pp_J1_rcuts',
'pp_vmc_calcs', 'pp_populations', 'pp_timesteps', 'pp_dmc_calcs'])
allowed_stage_results = set(
['ae_hfjob', 'ae_optjob', 'ae_vmcjob', 'ae_dmcjob', 'ae_pade_b',
'pp_dftjob', 'pp_optjob', 'pp_vmcjob', 'pp_dmcjob', 'pp_pade_b',
def initialize(self,**func_pp):
if not 'q' in func_pp:
self.error('variable q must be provided')
#end if
self.q = func_pp['q']
del func_pp['q']
ref = None
if 'ref' in func_pp:
ref = func_pp['ref']
del func_pp['ref']
#end if
if 'name' in func_pp:
self.name = func_pp['name']
del func_pp['name']
#end if
self.ref = ref
ae_occupation_scan = AtomicHFOccupationScan(),
ae_hf_calc = AtomicHFCalc(),
ae_opt_calc = AtomicAEOptCalc(),
ae_vmc_calc = AtomicAEVMCCalc(),
ae_dmc_pop_scan = AtomicAEDMCPopulationScan(),
ae_dmc_tau_scan = AtomicAEDMCTimestepScan(),
ae_dmc_calc = AtomicAEDMCCalc(),
pp_box_scan = AtomicDFTBoxScan(),
pp_ecut_scan = AtomicDFTEcutScan(),
pp_spin_scan = AtomicDFTSpinScan(),
pp_dft_calc = AtomicDFTCalc(),
pp_J1_rcut_scan = AtomicOptJ1RcutScan(),
pp_opt_calc = AtomicPPOptCalc(),
pp_vmc_calc = AtomicPPVMCCalc(),
pp_dmc_pop_scan = AtomicPPDMCPopulationScan(),
pp_dmc_tau_scan = AtomicPPDMCTimestepScan(),
pp_dmc_calc = AtomicPPDMCCalc()
info = obj(
q = self.q,
ppmap = self.ppmap,
func_pp = self.func_pp,
functionals = self.functionals,
atom = self.name
for stage in self.stages:
stage.system_info = info.copy()
#end for
#end def initialize
#end class ValidateAtomPP
class ValidateAtomPPs(ValidationProcesses):
def initialize(self):
atoms = list(self.processes.keys())
pseudos = obj()
for atom in atoms:
pseudos[atom] = self.processes[atom].pseudo_list()
#end for
pp_to_atom = obj()
for atom,pplist in pseudos.iteritems():
for pp in pplist:
pp_to_atom[pp] = atom
#end for
#end for
self.atoms = atoms
self.pseudos = pseudos
self.pp_to_atom = pp_to_atom
nqset = set()
nq = obj()
charges = obj()
for atom,process in self.processes.iteritems():
nq[atom] = len(process.q)
charges[atom] = list(process.q)
#end for
self.charges = charges
self.nq = nq
self.nq_same = len(nqset)==1
#end def initialize
def set_stage_inputs(self,**kwargs):
inputs = obj()
atoms = set(self.processes.keys())
errors = False
for name,inp in kwargs.iteritems():
input = self.expand_stage_input(inp,name)
if not atoms<=set(input.keys()):
self.error('all atoms must be specified in input variable {0}\n atoms required: {1}\n atoms specified: {2}'.format(name,list(atoms),input.keys()),exit=False,trace=False)
errors = True
#end if
inputs[name] = input
#end for
if errors:
self.error('errors encountered')
#end if
for atom,process in self.processes.iteritems():
pinputs = obj()
for name,input in inputs.iteritems():
pinputs[name] = inputs[name][atom]
#end for
pi = pinputs.copy()
pkeys = list(pi.keys())
for key in pkeys:
if key.endswith('job') or key.endswith('calcs'):
del pi[key]
#end if
#end for
#end for
#end def set_stage_inputs
def set_stage_results(self,**kwargs):
ae_res = obj()
pp_res = obj()
for name,result in kwargs.iteritems():
if name.startswith('ae_'):
ae_res[name] = self.expand_ae_stage_result(result)
elif name.startswith('pp_'):
pp_res[name] = self.expand_pp_stage_result(result)
self.error('invalid stage result variable encountered\n variable encountered {0}\n variable must be prefixed with ae_ or pp_'.format(name))
#end if
#end for
for atom,process in self.processes.iteritems():
res = obj()
for name,rcoll in ae_res.iteritems():
res[name] = deepcopy(rcoll[atom])
#end for
for name,rcoll in pp_res.iteritems():
res[name] = deepcopy(rcoll[atom])
#end for
#end for
#end def set_stage_results
def expand_stage_input(self,iin,name=None):
i = obj()
if isinstance(iin,obj):
atoms = set(iin.keys())
if len(set(self.atoms)-atoms)>0:
self.error('cannot expand stage input {0}\n information is required for all requested atoms\n atoms requested: {1}\n information provided:\n{2}'.format(name,self.atoms,iin))
#end if
for atom in self.atoms:
ainfo = iin[atom]
nq = len(self.charges[atom])
if isinstance(ainfo,list):
nlists = 0
for elem in ainfo:
if isinstance(elem,list):
#end if
#end if
nelem = len(ainfo)
if nlists==0:
i[atom] = nq*[ainfo]
elif nlists==nelem:
if nelem==nq:
i[atom] = ainfo
self.error('cannot expand stage input {0}\n number of elements provided for atom {1} does not match the number of charge states\n number of elements provided: {2}\n number of charge states: {3}'.format(name,atom,nelem,nq))
#end if
self.error('cannot expand stage input {0}\n some elements in the list provided for atom {1} are lists and some are not\n if all are lists, it is assumed that each list corresponds to a different charge state\n if none are lists, the elments are taken to be scan parameters applied the same to every charge state'.format(name,element))
#end if
self.error('invalid type for stage input {0} atom {1}\n type encountered: {2}\n valid types are: list'.format(name,atom,ainfo.__class__.__name__))
#end if
#end for
elif isinstance(iin,list):
for atom in self.atoms:
nq = len(self.charges[atom])
i[atom] = nq*[iin]
#end for
self.error('invalid type for stage input {0}\n type encountered: {1}\n valid types are: obj,list'.format(name,iin.__class__.__name__))
#end if
return i
#end def expand_stage_input
def expand_ae_stage_result(self,rin):
r = obj()
single_types = (str,int,float,tuple,type(None),Job)
wrong_type = False
if isinstance(rin,single_types):
for atom in self.atoms:
r[atom] = self.nq[atom]*[rin]
#end for
elif isinstance(rin,obj):
atoms = set(rin.keys())
if len(set(self.atoms)-atoms)>0:
self.error('cannot expand stage result\n information is required for all requested atoms\n atoms requested: {0}\n information provided:\n{1}'.format(self.atoms,rin))
#end if
for atom,ainfo in rin.iteritems():
if atom in self.atoms:
ares = None
if isinstance(ainfo,list):
if not len(ainfo)==self.nq[atom]:
self.error('stage result list for atom {0} is not the same length as the charge list\n result list: {1}\n charge list: {2}'.format(atom,ainfo,self.processes[atom].q))
#end if
ares = list(ainfo)
elif isinstance(ainfo,single_types):
ares = self.nq[atom]*[ainfo]
wrong_type = True
#end if
r[atom] = ares
#end if
#end for
elif isinstance(rin,list):
if not self.nq_same:
self.error('charge lists are not the same length for each atom\n stage results cannot be set by list provided\n list provided: '+str(rin))
#end if
for atom in self.atoms:
r[atom] = list(rin)
#end for
wrong_type = True
#end if
if wrong_type:
self.error('cannot expand stage result\n received type: {0}\n allowed_types: {1}'.format(rin.__class__.__name__,single_types))
#end if
return r
#end def expand_ae_stage_result
def expand_pp_stage_result(self,rin):
r = obj()
single_types = (str,int,float,tuple,type(None),Job)
wrong_type = False
if isinstance(rin,single_types):
for atom in self.atoms:
ares = obj()
for pp in self.pseudos[atom]:
ares[pp] = self.nq[atom]*[rin]
#end for
r[atom] = ares
#end for
elif isinstance(rin,obj):
atoms = set(rin.keys())
if len(set(self.atoms)-atoms)>0:
self.error('cannot expand stage result\n information is required for all requested atoms\n atoms requested: {0}\n information provided:\n{1}'.format(self.atoms,rin))
#end if
for atom,ainfo in rin.iteritems():
if atom in self.atoms:
ares = obj()
if isinstance(ainfo,dict):
pps = set(ainfo.keys())
if len(set(self.pseudos[atom])-pps)>0:
self.error('cannot expand stage result\n information is required for all requested pseudopotentials\n pseudopotentials requested: {0}\n information provided:\n{1}'.format(self.pseudos[atom],rin))
#end if
for pp,ppinfo in ainfo.iteritems():
if isinstance(ppinfo,list):
ares[pp] = list(ppinfo)
elif isinstance(ppinfo,single_types):
ares[pp] = self.nq[atom]*[ppinfo]
wrong_type = True
#end if
#end for
elif isinstance(ainfo,list):
if not len(ainfo)==self.nq[atom]:
self.error('stage result list for atom {0} is not the same length as the charge list\n result list: {1}\n charge list: {2}'.format(atom,ainfo,self.processes[atom].q))
#end if
for pp in self.pseudos[atom]:
ares[pp] = list(ainfo)
#end for
elif isinstance(ainfo,single_types):
for pp in self.pseudos[atom]:
ares[pp] = self.nq[atom]*[ainfo]
#end for
wrong_type = True
#end if
r[atom] = ares
#end if
#end for
elif isinstance(rin,dict):
pps = set(rin.keys())
if len(set(self.pp_to_atom.keys())-pps)>0:
self.error('cannot expand stage result\n information is required for all requested pseudopotentials\n pseudopotentials requested: {0}\n information provided:\n{1}'.format(self.pp_to_atom.keys(),rin))
#end if
for pp,atom in self.pp_to_atom.iteritems():
if pp in rin:
if not atom in r:
r[atom] = obj()
#end if
ppinfo = rin[pp]
ppres = obj()
if isinstance(ppinfo,list):
if not len(ppinfo)==self.nq[atom]:
self.error('stage result list for atom {0} is not the same length as the charge list\n result list: {1}\n charge list: {2}'.format(atom,ppinfo,self.processes[atom].q))
#end if
ppres = list(ppinfo)
elif isinstance(ppinfo,single_types):
ppres = self.nq[atom]*[ppinfo]
wrong_type = True
#end if
r[atom][pp] = ppres
#end if
#end for
elif isinstance(rin,list):
if not self.nq_same:
self.error('charge lists are not the same length for each atom\n stage results cannot be set by list provided\n list provided: '+str(rin))
#end if
for atom,pseudos in self.pseudos.iteritems():
ares = obj()
for pp in pseudos:
ares[pp] = list(rin)
#end for
r[atom] = ares
#end for
wrong_type = True
#end if
if wrong_type:
self.error('cannot expand stage result\n received type: {0}\n allowed_types: {1}'.format(rin.__class__.__name__,single_types))
#end if
return r
#end def expand_pp_stage_result
#end class ValidateAtomPPs
class DimerValidationStage(ValidationStage):
stage_type = 'scan'
data_type = 'stat'
def get_pp_inputs(self,pp):
inputs = obj()
for name,value in self.results.iteritems():
inputs[name] = value[pp]
#end for
return inputs
#end def get_pp_inputs
def make_all_sims(self,basepath):
print ' make_all_sims',self.__class__.__name__
sinfo = self.system_info
for functional,pplist in sinfo.func_pp.iteritems():
for pp in pplist:
if not isinstance(pp,tuple) or not len(pp)==2:
self.error('expected length 2 tuple key for pseudopotentials\n received: {0}'.format(pp))
#end if
pseudos = sinfo.ppmap[pp]
path = os.path.join(basepath,functional,pp[0]+'_'+pp[1])
v = self.get_pp_inputs(pp)
v.path = path
v.pseudos = pseudos
v.functional = functional
v.pp = pp
sims = self.make_sims(v)
#end for
#end for
#end def make_all_sims
def make_system(self,v,bond_length=None):
if bond_length is None:
if not 'bond_length' in v:
self.error('bond length is not present, physical system cannot be made')
#end if
bond_length = v.bond_length
#end if
if not 'L' in v:
self.error('box size is not present, physical system cannot be made')
#end if
L = v.L
self.error('varied pseudopotential Zeff has not yet been accounted for\n please contact the developer')
system = generate_physical_system(
lattice = 'orthorhombic',
cell = 'primitive',
centering = 'P',
constants = (L,1.0000001*L,1.0000002*L),
units = 'A',
atoms = self.system_info.dimer_atoms,
basis = [[0,0,0],[bond_length,0,0]],
basis_vectors = identity(3),
net_charge = 0,
net_spin = 'low',
kgrid = (1,1,1),
kshift = (0,0,0)
s = system.structure
return system
#end def make_system
def get_result_sim(self,v,name):
key = v.functional,v.pp[0],v.pp[1]
sim = ValidationStage.get_result_sim(self,(name,key))
return sim
#end def get_result_sim
def get_results(self,quantity=None):
res = obj()
sinfo = self.system_info
for functional,pplist in sinfo.func_pp.iteritems():
for pp in pplist:
key = (functional,pp[0],pp[1])
v = self.saved_inputs[key]
sims = self.sims[key]
res[key] = self.get_result(v,sims,quantity)
#end for
#end for
return res
#end def get_results
def insert_pop_tau_dmc(self,v):
calcs = deepcopy(v.dmc_calcs)
found_vmc = False
found_dmc = False
for calc in calcs:
if isinstance(calc,vmc):
if 'samplesperthread' in calc:
del calc.samplesperthread
#end if
calc.samples = v.population
found_vmc = True
elif isinstance(calc,dmc):
dmc_calc = calc
found_dmc = True
#end if
#end for
if found_dmc:
stepfac = calc.timestep/v.timestep
dmc_calc.warmupsteps = int(round(dmc_calc.warmupsteps*stepfac))
dmc_calc.steps = int(round(dmc_calc.steps*stepfac))
dmc_calc.timestep = v.timestep
#end if
return calcs
#end def insert_pop_tau_dmc
def make_sims(self,v):
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name):
#end def get_result
#end class DimerValidationStage
class DimerBondLengthScan(DimerValidationStage):
stage_dependencies = set(['bond_lengths','vmc_calcs','opt_calcs','dmc_calcs',
stage_type = 'scan'
xlabel = 'Bond length'
xunit = 'A'
tag_sets = obj(
Edft = obj(
data_type = 'scalar',
title = 'DFT energy vs bond length',
ylabel = 'DFT energy',
yunit = 'Ry'
Ekin_pw = obj(
data_type = 'scalar',
title = 'PW kinetic energy vs bond length',
ylabel = 'PW kinetic energy',
yunit = 'Ha'
Ekin_vmc = obj(
data_type = 'stat',
title = 'VMC kinetic energy vs bond length',
ylabel = 'VMC kinetic energy',
yunit = 'Ha'
Evmc_noJ = obj(
data_type = 'stat',
title = 'Jastrowless VMC energy vs bond length',
ylabel = 'Jastrowless VMC energy',
yunit = 'Ha'
Evmc = obj(
data_type = 'stat',
title = 'VMC energy vs bond length',
ylabel = 'VMC energy',
yunit = 'Ha'
Edmc = obj(
data_type = 'stat',
title = 'DMC energy vs bond length',
ylabel = 'DMC energy',
yunit = 'Ha'
def make_sims(self,v):
sims = obj()
dftpp,qmcpp = sort_pseudos(v.pseudos)
rcut = v.J1_rcut
bu,bd = v.pade_b
dmc_calcs = self.insert_pop_tau_dmc(v)
for bond_length in v.bond_lengths:
bpath = os.path.join(v.path,'bond_length_{0}'.format(bond_length))
dftpath = os.path.join(bpath,'dft')
vmcnoJpath = os.path.join(bpath,'vmc_noJ')
optJ12path = os.path.join(bpath,'opt_J12')
optJ3path = os.path.join(bpath,'opt_J3')
vmcpath = os.path.join(bpath,'vmc')
dmcpath = os.path.join(bpath,'dmc')
dimer = self.make_system(v,bond_length)
scf = generate_pwscf(
identifier = 'scf',
path = dftpath,
job = v.dftjob,
input_type = 'scf',
input_dft = v.functional,
ecut = v.Ecut,
conv_thr = 1e-8,
mixing_beta = .7,
nosym = True,
pseudos = dftpp,
system = dimer,
kgrid = (1,1,1),
kshift = (0,0,0),
use_folded = False
p2q = generate_pw2qmcpack(
identifier = 'p2q',
path = dftpath,
job = v.p2qjob,
write_psir = False
p2c = generate_pw2casino(
identifier = 'p2c',
path = dftpath,
job = v.p2cjob
vmc_noJ = generate_qmcpack(
identifier = 'vmc',
path = vmcnoJpath,
job = v.vmcjob,
input_type = 'basic',
system = dimer,
bconds = 'nnn',
pseudos = qmcpp,
jastrows = [],
corrections = [],
calculations = v.vmc_calcs
optJ12 = generate_qmcpack(
identifier = 'opt',
path = optJ12path,
job = v.optjob,
input_type = 'opt_jastrow',
system = dimer,
bconds = 'nnn',
pseudos = qmcpp,
jastrows = [
corrections = [],
opt_calcs = v.opt_calcs
optJ3 = generate_qmcpack(
identifier = 'opt',
path = optJ3path,
job = v.optjob,
input_type = 'opt_jastrow',
system = dimer,
bconds = 'nnn',
pseudos = qmcpp,
jastrows = [
corrections = [],
opt_calcs = v.opt_calcs
vmc = generate_qmcpack(
identifier = 'vmc',
path = vmcpath,
job = v.vmcjob,
input_type = 'basic',
system = dimer,
bconds = 'nnn',
pseudos = qmcpp,
corrections = [],
calculations = v.vmc_calcs
qmc = generate_qmcpack(
identifier = 'dmc',
path = dmcpath,
job = v.dmcjob,
input_type = 'basic',
system = dimer,
bconds = 'nnn',
pseudos = qmcpp,
corrections = [],
calculations = dmc_calcs
p2q.depends( scf,'orbitals')
p2c.depends( scf,'orbitals')
optJ12.depends( scf,'orbitals')
optJ3.depends( (scf,'orbitals'),(optJ12,'jastrow'))
vmc.depends( (scf,'orbitals'),(optJ3, 'jastrow'))
qmc.depends( (scf,'orbitals'),(optJ3, 'jastrow'))
sims[bond_length,'scf' ] = scf
sims[bond_length,'p2q' ] = p2q
sims[bond_length,'p2c' ] = p2c
sims[bond_length,'vmc_noJ'] = vmc_noJ
sims[bond_length,'optJ12' ] = optJ12
sims[bond_length,'optJ3' ] = optJ3
sims[bond_length,'vmc' ] = vmc
sims[bond_length,'dmc' ] = qmc
#end for
return sims
#end def make_sims
def get_result(self,v,sims,name='Edmc'):
if not name in self.tag_sets:
self.error('requested unrecognized result\n you requested: {0}\n valid options are: {1}'.format(name,self.tag_sets.keys()))
#end if
tags = self.tag_sets[name]
bond_lengths = []
energies = []
for bond_length in v.bond_lengths:
if name=='Edft':
a = sims[bond_length,'scf'].load_analyzer_image()
energy = a.E
elif name=='Ekin_pw':
a = sims[bond_length,'p2c'].load_analyzer_image()
energy = a.energies.Kinetic
elif name=='Ekin_vmc':
a = sims[bond_length,'vmc_noJ'].load_analyzer_image()
ke = a.vmc.last().scalar.Kinetic
energy = ke.mean,ke.error
elif name=='Evmc_noJ':
a = sims[bond_length,'vmc_noJ'].load_analyzer_image()
le = a.vmc.last().scalar.LocalEnergy
energy = le.mean,le.error
elif name=='Evmc':
a = sims[bond_length,'vmc'].load_analyzer_image()
le = a.vmc.last().scalar.LocalEnergy
energy = le.mean,le.error
elif name=='Edmc':
a = sims[bond_length,'dmc'].load_analyzer_image()
le = a.dmc.last().dmc.LocalEnergy
energy = le.mean,le.error
#end if
#end for
return bond_lengths,energies
#end def get_result
#end class DimerBondLengthScan
class ValidateDimerPP(ValidationProcess):
allowed_stage_results = set(
def initialize(self,**func_pp):
if 'name' in func_pp:
self.name = func_pp['name']
del func_pp['name']
#end if
bond_length_scan = DimerBondLengthScan()
info = obj(
ppmap = self.ppmap,
func_pp = self.func_pp,
functionals = self.functionals,
dimer = self.name,
dimer_atoms = self.read_dimer_atoms()
for stage in self.stages:
stage.system_info = info.copy()
#end for
#end def initialize
def read_dimer_atoms(self):
dimer = self.name
atoms = []
while i<len(dimer):
if dimer[i].isupper():
if i+1<len(dimer) and dimer[i+1].islower():
#end if
self.error('cannot read dimer string: '+dimer)
#end if
#end for
if len(atoms)!=2:
self.error('dimer string {0} contains {1} atoms ({2}), but should contain exactly 2'.format(dimer,len(atoms),atoms))
#end if
return tuple(atoms)
#end def read_dimer_atoms
#end class ValidateDimerPP
class ValidateDimerPPs(ValidationProcesses):
def initialize(self):
dimers = list(self.processes.keys())
pseudos = obj()
for dimer,process in self.processes.iteritems():
pseudos[dimer] = process.pseudo_list()
#end for
self.dimers = dimers
self.pseudos = pseudos
#end def initialize
def set_stage_inputs(self,**kwargs):
#end def set_stage_inputs
def set_stage_results(self,**kwargs):
results = obj()
for name,result in kwargs.iteritems():
results[name] = self.expand_stage_result(result)
#end for
for dimer,process in self.processes.iteritems():
res = obj()
for name,rcoll in results.iteritems():
res[name] = deepcopy(rcoll[dimer])
#end for
#end for
#end def set_stage_results
def expand_stage_result(self,rin):
r = obj()
single_types = (str,int,float,tuple,list,dict,type(None),Job)
wrong_type = False
wrong_class = None
if isinstance(rin,single_types):
for dimer in self.dimers:
dres = obj()
for pp in self.pseudos[dimer]:
dres[pp] = deepcopy(rin)
#end for
r[dimer] = dres
#end for
elif isinstance(rin,obj):
dimers = set(rin.keys())
if len(set(self.dimers)-dimers)>0:
self.error('cannot expand stage result\n information is required for all requested dimers\n dimers requested: {0}\n information provided:\n{1}'.format(self.dimers,rin))
#end if
for dimer,dinfo in rin.iteritems():
if dimer in self.dimers:
dres = obj()
if isinstance(dinfo,dict):
pps = set(dinfo.keys())
if len(set(self.pseudos[dimer])-pps)>0:
self.error('cannot expand stage result\n information is required for all requested pseudopotentials\n pseudopotentials requested: {0}\n information provided:\n{1}'.format(self.pseudos[dimer],rin))
#end if
for pp,ppinfo in dinfo.iteritems():
if isinstance(ppinfo,single_types):
dres[pp] = deepcopy(ppinfo)
wrong_type = True
wrong_class = ppinfo.__class__.__name__
#end if
#end for
elif isinstance(dinfo,single_types) or isinstance(dinfo,obj):
for pp in self.pseudos[dimer]:
dres[pp] = deepcopy(dinfo)
#end for
wrong_type = True
wrong_class = dinfo.__class__.__name__
#end if
r[dimer] = dres
#end if
#end for
wrong_type = True
wrong_class =rin.__class__.__name__
#end if
if wrong_type:
self.error('cannot expand stage result\n received type: {0}\n allowed_types: {1}'.format(wrong_class,single_types))
#end if
return r
#end def expand_stage_result
#end class ValidateDimerPPs
class ValidatePPs(ValidatePPBase):
test_order = ['atoms','dimers']
def __init__(self,settings=None,atoms=None,dimers=None):
if not isinstance(settings,Pobj):
self.error('input variable settings must be the settings object from the Project Suite')
#end if
ValidatePPBase.settings = settings
if atoms!=None:
if not isinstance(atoms,(obj,dict)):
self.error('input variable atoms must be of type dict or obj\n you provided: '+atoms.__class__.__name__)
#end if
self.atoms = ValidateAtomPPs(**atoms)
#end if
if dimers!=None:
if not isinstance(dimers,(obj,dict)):
self.error('input variable dimers must be of type dict or obj\n you provided: '+dimers.__class__.__name__)
#end if
self.dimers = ValidateDimerPPs(**dimers)
#end if
tests = obj()
for name,test in self.iteritems():
if test!=None:
tests[name] = test
#end if
#end for
self.tests = tests
#end def __init__
def sim_list(self):
sims = []
for test in self.tests:
#end for
return sims
#end def sim_list
def make_sims(self):
print 'make_sims',self.__class__.__name__
for name,test in self.tests.iteritems():
#end for
return self.sim_list()
#end def make_sims
def status(self,*args):
pad=' '
print n*pad+'ValidatePPs status'
for name in self.test_order:
if name in self.tests:
#end if
#end for
print n*pad+'end ValidatePPs status'
if not 'continue' in args:
#end if
#end def status
#end class ValidatePPs
def validate_qmc_pp(**kwargs):
return ValidateQMCPPs(**kwargs)
#end def validate_qmc_pp
if __name__=='__main__':
pseudo_dir = './pseudopotentials',
status_only = 0,
generate_only = 1,
sleep = .3,
machine = 'node32'
v = ValidatePPs(
settings = settings,
atoms = obj(
#C = obj(
# q = [0,1,2],
# lda = ['C.BFD'],
# pbe = ['C.BFD']
# ),
O = obj(
q = [0,1],
lda = ['O.6_lda']
dimers = obj(
CO = obj(
lda = [('C.BFD','O.6_lda')],
pbe = [('C.BFD','O.6_lda')]
CuO = obj(
lda = [('Cu.17_lda' ,'O.6_lda'),
ae_occupations = obj( #varies w/ a,q
C = [[('He2s2p(-1,0)','He2s'), # 0
('He2s2p( 0,1)','He2s'),
('He2s2p(-1)' ,'He2s2p(-1)'),
('He2s2p( 0)' ,'He2s2p( 0)'),
('He2s2p( 1)' ,'He2s2p( 1)'),
('He2s2p(-1)' ,'He2s2p( 0)'),
('He2s2p(-1)' ,'He2s2p( 1)')
[('He2s2p(-1)' ,'He2s'), # 1
('He2s2p( 0)' ,'He2s'),
('He2s2p( 1)' ,'He2s'),
('He2s2p(-1)' ,'He2p(-1)')
[('He2s' ,'He2s'), # 2
('He2s' ,'He2p(-1)')
O = [#[('He2s2p','He2s2p'), # -2
# ('He2s2p','He2s2p(-1,0)3s'),
# ],
#[('He2s2p','He2s2p(-1,0)'),# -1
# ('He2s2p','He2s2p(-1,1)'),
# ('He2s2p','He2s2p( 0,1)'),
# ('He2s2p','He2p')
# ],
[('He2s2p','He2s2p(-1)'), # 0
('He2s2p','He2s2p( 0)'),
('He2s2p','He2s2p( 1)'),
('He2s2p(-1,0)','He2s2p( 0,1)'),
('He2s2p( 0,1)','He2s2p(-1,0)'),
('He2s2p(-1,1)','He2s2p( 0,1)'),
('He2s2p( 0,1)','He2s2p(-1,1)')
[('He2s2p','He2s'), # 1
('He2s2p(-1,1)','He2s2p(0)' ),
('He2s2p(-1,0)','He2s2p(1)' ),
('He2s2p(-1)' ,'He2s2p(0,1)' ),
('He2s2p(-1,0)','He2s2p(-1)' ),
('He2s2p(-1,1)','He2s2p(-1)' ),
('He2s2p(-1)' ,'He2s2p(-1,0)'),
('He2s2p(-1)' ,'He2s2p(-1,1)'),
#[('He2s2p(-1,0)','He2s'), # 2
# ('He2s2p(-1,1)','He2s'),
# ('He2s2p( 0,1)','He2s'),
# ('He2s2p(-1)' ,'He2s2p(-1)'),
# ('He2s2p( 0)' ,'He2s2p( 0)'),
# ('He2s2p( 1)' ,'He2s2p( 1)'),
# ('He2s2p(-1)' ,'He2s2p( 0)'),
# ('He2s2p(-1)' ,'He2s2p( 1)')
# ]
#pp_Ls = [10,15,20], #same for all a,q,pp
#pp_Ecuts = [100,150,200,250,300], #same for all a,q,pp
pp_spins = obj(
C = [[0,2],[1,3],[0,2]],
O = [[0,2],[1,3]]
pp_J1_rcuts = [3,4,5,6,7], #same for all a,q,pp
ae_populations = [500,1000,2000], #same for all a,q
pp_populations = [500,1000,2000], #same for all a,q,pp
ae_timesteps = [.008,.004,.002,.001], #same for all a,q
pp_timesteps = [.08,.04,.02,.01,.005], #same for all a,q,pp
ae_opt_calcs = [
qmc = linear(
energy = 0.0,
unreweightedvariance = 1.0,
reweightedvariance = 0.0,
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 200,
blocks = 500,
timestep = 0.1,
usedrift = True,
samples = 16000,
stepsbetweensamples = 100,
minwalkers = 0.0,
bigchange = 15.0,
alloweddifference = 1e-4
qmc = linear(
energy = 0.5,
unreweightedvariance = 0.0,
reweightedvariance = 0.5,
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 200,
blocks = 500,
timestep = 0.1,
usedrift = True,
samples = 32000,
stepsbetweensamples = 100,
minwalkers = 0.0,
bigchange = 15.0,
alloweddifference = 1e-4
ae_vmc_calcs = [
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 50,
blocks = 1000,
steps = 10,
substeps = 10,
timestep = 0.1,
usedrift = True
ae_dmc_calcs = [
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 20,
blocks = 100,
steps = 10,
substeps = 10,
timestep = 0.1,
usedrift = True,
samples = 1000
warmupsteps = 24,
blocks = 1000,
steps = 12,
timestep = 0.004
pp_opt_calcs = [
qmc = linear(
energy = 0.0,
unreweightedvariance = 1.0,
reweightedvariance = 0.0,
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 50,
blocks = 500,
timestep = 0.4,
usedrift = True,
samples = 16000,
stepsbetweensamples = 10,
minmethod = 'quartic',
minwalkers = 0.5,
bigchange = 2.0,
alloweddifference = 1e-4,
maxweight = 1e9,
beta = 0.025,
exp0 = -16,
stepsize = 0.2,
stabilizerscale = 1.0,
nstabilizers = 3,
nonlocalpp = True,
usebuffer = True
qmc = linear(
energy = 0.5,
unreweightedvariance = 0.0,
reweightedvariance = 0.5,
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 50,
blocks = 500,
timestep = 0.4,
usedrift = True,
samples = 32000,
stepsbetweensamples = 10,
minmethod = 'quartic',
minwalkers = 0.5,
bigchange = 2.0,
alloweddifference = 1e-4,
maxweight = 1e9,
beta = 0.025,
exp0 = -16,
stepsize = 0.2,
stabilizerscale = 1.0,
nstabilizers = 3,
nonlocalpp = True,
usebuffer = True
pp_vmc_calcs = [
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 50,
blocks = 1000,
steps = 20,
substeps = 3,
timestep = 0.4,
usedrift = True
pp_dmc_calcs = [
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 50,
blocks = 1000,
steps = 20,
substeps = 3,
timestep = 0.4,
usedrift = True,
samples = 1000,
warmupsteps = 12,
blocks = 1000,
steps = 4,
timestep = 0.04,
nonlocalmoves = True
ae_hfjob = Job(cores=1),
ae_optjob = Job(cores=16),
ae_vmcjob = Job(cores=16),
ae_dmcjob = Job(cores=16),
pp_dftjob = Job(cores=16),
pp_p2cjob = Job(cores=1),
pp_p2qjob = Job(cores=1),
pp_optjob = Job(cores=16),
pp_vmcjob = Job(cores=16),
pp_dmcjob = Job(cores=16),
pp_Ecut0 = 150,
pp_spin0 = obj(
C = 2,
O = 2
#ae_occupation = obj(
# C = [('He2s2p(-1,0)','He2s' ),
# ('He2s2p(-1)' ,'He2s' ),
# ('He2s' ,'He2s' )],
# O = [('He2s2p' ,'He2s2p(-1,0)'),
# ('He2s2p' ,'He2s2p(-1)' ),
# ('He2s2p' ,'He2s' ),
# ('He2s2p(-1,0)','He2s' )]
# ),
pp_L = 10,
pp_Ecut = obj(
C = 150,
O = 150
#pp_spin = obj(
# C = 0,
# O = 2
# ),
#ae_orbitals = 'finished',
#pp_orbitals = 'finished',
#ae_pade_b = (4.,4.),
#pp_pade_b = (4.,4.),
#pp_J1_rcut = obj(
# C = {'C.BFD' : [5, 4, 3]},
# O = 4
# ),
#ae_jastrow = 'finished',
#pp_jastrow = 'finished',
#ae_population = obj(
# C = 1000,
# O = 2000
# ),
#pp_population = obj(
# C = [2000,3000,4000],
# O = [1500,2500,3500,4500]
# ),
#ae_timestep = 1e-3,
#pp_timestep = {
# 'C.BFD' : .01,
# 'O.6_lda' : .02
# }
#bond_lengths = obj(
# CO = [2,3,4,5,6],
# #CuO = [2.5,3.5,4.5,5.5]
# ),
dftjob = Job(cores=16),
optjob = Job(cores=16),
vmcjob = Job(cores=16),
dmcjob = Job(cores=16),
L = obj(
CO = 20,
CuO = 20,
Ecut = obj(
CO = 200,
CuO = {
('Cu.17_lda' ,'O.6_lda') : 200,
('Cu.19_lda_opt','O.6_lda') : 300
population = obj(
CO = 1000,
CuO = 1500
timestep = obj(
CO = .02,
CuO = {
('Cu.17_lda' ,'O.6_lda') : .01,
('Cu.19_lda_opt','O.6_lda') : .005
J1_rcut = obj(
CO = obj(C =4,O=4.5),
CuO = obj(Cu=5,O=4.5)
pade_b = obj(
CO = (3,4),
CuO = (5,6)
opt_calcs = [
qmc = linear(
energy = 0.0,
unreweightedvariance = 1.0,
reweightedvariance = 0.0,
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 50,
blocks = 500,
timestep = 0.4,
usedrift = True,
samples = 16000,
stepsbetweensamples = 10,
minmethod = 'quartic',
minwalkers = 0.5,
bigchange = 2.0,
alloweddifference = 1e-4,
maxweight = 1e9,
beta = 0.025,
exp0 = -16,
stepsize = 0.2,
stabilizerscale = 1.0,
nstabilizers = 3,
nonlocalpp = True,
usebuffer = True
qmc = linear(
energy = 0.5,
unreweightedvariance = 0.0,
reweightedvariance = 0.5,
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 50,
blocks = 500,
timestep = 0.4,
usedrift = True,
samples = 32000,
stepsbetweensamples = 10,
minmethod = 'quartic',
minwalkers = 0.5,
bigchange = 2.0,
alloweddifference = 1e-4,
maxweight = 1e9,
beta = 0.025,
exp0 = -16,
stepsize = 0.2,
stabilizerscale = 1.0,
nstabilizers = 3,
nonlocalpp = True,
usebuffer = True
vmc_calcs = [
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 50,
blocks = 1000,
steps = 20,
substeps = 3,
timestep = 0.4,
usedrift = True
dmc_calcs = [
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 50,
blocks = 1000,
steps = 20,
substeps = 3,
timestep = 0.4,
usedrift = True,
samples = 1000,
warmupsteps = 12,
blocks = 1000,
steps = 4,
timestep = 0.04,
nonlocalmoves = True
# make the simulations
sims = v.make_sims()
pm = ProjectManager()
# stages = 'pp_box_scan',
# mode = 'print',
# units = 'eV',
# xunits = 'B'
# )
stages = 'ae_occupation_scan',
mode = 'print'
#v = ValidatePPs(
# settings = settings,
# atoms = obj(
# Cu = obj(
# ref = (0,'lda','Cu.pz'),
# q = [0,1,2],
# lda = ['Cu.17_lda','Cu.17_lda_f','Cu.19_lda_opt'],
# pbe = ['Cu.17_lda']
# ),
# Zn = obj(
# q = [0,1,2],
# lda = ['Zn.lda.pp5','Zn.lda.pp6'],
# pbe = ['Zn.lda.pp6']
# ),
# #Co = obj(
# # q = [0,1,2],
# # pbe = ['Co.pbe'],
# # hse = ['Co.pbe','Co.pbe2']
# # )
# ),
# #dimers = obj(
# # CuO = obj(
# # lda = ['Cu.pz','O.pz'],
# # pbe = ['Cu.pbe','O.pbe']
# # ),
# # ZnO = obj(
# # lda = ['Zn.pz','Zn.pz']
# # ),
# # CoO = obj(
# # lda = ['Co.pz','O.pz'],
# # pbe = ['Co.pbe','O.pbe']
# # )
# # )
# )
# hfjob = Job(cores=1),
# dftjob = Job(cores=16),
# optjob = Job(cores=16),
# vmcjob = Job(cores=16),
# dmcjob = Job(cores=16),
# ae_occupations = obj( #varies w/ a,q
# Cu = [('abc1','def')],
# Zn = [('abc2','def')],
# Co = [('abc3','def')]
# ),
# ae_opt_calcs = [], #same for all a,q
# ae_vmc_calcs = [], #same for all a,q
# ae_populations = [], #same for all a,q
# ae_timesteps = [], #same for all a,q
# ae_dmc_calcs = [], #same for all a,q
# pp_Ls = [], #same for all a,q,pp
# pp_Ecuts = [], #same for all a,q,pp
# pp_opt_calcs = [], #same for all a,q,pp
# pp_J1_rcuts = [], #same for all a,q,pp
# pp_vmc_calcs = [], #same for all a,q,pp
# pp_dmc_populations = [], #same for all a,q,pp
# pp_dmc_timesteps = [], #same for all a,q,pp
# pp_dmc_calcs = [] #same for all a,q,pp
# )
## ae_occupation = obj( #varies w/ a,q
## Cu = [],
## Zn = [],
## Co = []
## ),
## ae_population = 1000, #can vary or be same
## ae_timestep = .0001, #can vary or be same
## pp_L = 20, #can vary or be same
## pp_Ecut = 300, #will vary w/ a,pp
## pp_J1_rcut = obj( #will vary w/ a,q,pp
## Cu = {'Cu.pz' : [3.4, 4.5, 3.6],
## 'Cu.pbe': [3.5, 3.4, 4.2]},
## Co = {}
## ),
## pp_population = 2000, #can vary or be same
## pp_timestep = .01 #can vary or be same
## )
# ae_occupation = obj( #varies w/ a,q
# Cu = [('up','down'),('up','down'),('up','down')],
# Zn = [('up','down'),('up','down'),('up','down')],
# Co = []
# ),
# ae_orbitals = 'finished',
# ae_jastrow = 'finished',
# ae_population = obj(
# Cu = 1000, #can vary or be same
# Zn = 2000
# ),
# ae_timestep = [1e-4,2e-4,3e-4], #can vary or be same
# pp_Ecut0 = 200, #same for all a,q,pp
# pp_L = 20, #can vary or be same
# pp_Ecut = obj(
# Cu = 150,
# Zn = 200
# ), #will vary w/ a,pp
# pp_orbitals = 'finished',
# pp_jastrow = 'finished',
# pp_J1_rcut = obj( #will vary w/ a,q,pp
# Cu = {'Cu.17_lda' : [3.4, 4.5, 3.6],
# 'Cu.17_lda_f' : [3.5, 3.4, 4.2],
# 'Cu.19_lda_opt': 5.0 },
# Zn = 2.7,
# Co = {}
# ),
# pp_population = obj(
# Cu = [2000,3000,4000], #can vary or be same
# Zn = [2500,3500,4500]
# ),
# pp_timestep = { #can vary or be same
# 'Cu.17_lda' :.01,
# 'Cu.17_lda_f' :.02,
# 'Cu.19_lda_opt':.001,
# 'Zn.lda.pp5':.005,
# 'Zn.lda.pp6':.006
# }
# )
#end if