
193 lines
5.3 KiB

## (c) Copyright 2015- by Jaron T. Krogel ##
from machines import Workstation,Job
from simulation import Simulation,NullSimulationInput,NullSimulationAnalyzer
class SimulationBundleInput(NullSimulationInput):
#end class SimulationBundleInput
class SimulationBundleAnalyzer(NullSimulationAnalyzer):
#end class SimulationBundleAnalyzer
class SimulationBundle(Simulation):
input_type = SimulationBundleInput
analyzer_type = SimulationBundleAnalyzer
generic_identifier = 'bundle'
image_directory = 'bundle'
preserve = Simulation.preserve & set(['sims'])
def __init__(self,*sims,**kwargs):
if len(sims)==1 and isinstance(sims[0],list):
sims = sims[0]
#end if
if len(sims)==0:
self.error('attempted to bundle 0 simulations\n at least one simulation must be provided to bundle')
#end if
for sim in sims:
if not isinstance(sim,Simulation):
self.error('attempted to bundle non-simulation object: '+sim.__class__.__name__)
#end if
#end for
relative_paths = False
if 'relative' in kwargs:
relative_paths = kwargs['relative']
del kwargs['relative']
#end if
self.sims = sims
self.system = None
if not 'path' in kwargs:
kwargs['path'] = self.sims[0].path
#end if
if not 'job' in kwargs:
kwargs['job'] = self.job
#end if
self.infile = None
if isinstance(self.job.get_machine(),Workstation):
self.outfile = None
self.errfile = None
#end if
#sims in bundle should not submit jobs
for sim in sims:
sim.skip_submit = True
#end for
#end def __init__
#def init_job(self):
# None # this is to override the default behavior of Simulation
##end def init_job
def bundle_dependencies(self):
deps = []
for sim in self.sims:
for d in sim.dependencies:
#end for
#end for
#end def bundle_dependencies
def bundle_jobs(self,relative=False):
jobs = []
job0 = self.sims[0].job
time = Job.zero_time()
nodes = 0
cores = 0
threads = job0.threads
queue = job0.queue
same_threads = True
same_queue = True
machine_names = set()
for sim in self.sims:
job = sim.job
nodes += job.nodes
cores += job.cores
same_threads = same_threads and threads==job.threads
same_queue = same_queue and queue==job.queue
time = job.max_time(time)
machine = job.get_machine()
#end for
if not same_threads:
self.error('bundling jobs with different numbers of threads is not yet supported',trace=False)
#end if
if not same_queue:
self.error('bundling jobs with different queues is not allowed',trace=False)
#end if
machine_names = list(machine_names)
if len(machine_names)!=1:
self.error('attempted to bundle jobs across these machines: '+str(machine_names)+'\n jobs may only be bundled on the same machine',trace=False)
#end if
self.job = Job(
bundled_jobs = jobs,
relative = relative,
queue = queue,
nodes = nodes,
cores = cores,
threads = threads,
machine = machine_names[0],
#end def bundle_jobs
def pre_write_inputs(self,save_image):
for sim in self.sims:
if not sim.setup:
#end if
#end for
#end def pre_write_inputs
def pre_send_files(self,enter):
for sim in self.sims:
if not sim.sent_files:
#end if
#end for
#end def pre_send_files
def post_submit(self):
for sim in self.sims:
sim.submitted = True
#end for
#end def post_submit
def pre_check_status(self):
if self.job.finished:
for sim in self.sims:
sim.job.finished = True
#end for
#end if
for sim in self.sims:
#end for
#end def pre_check_status
def check_sim_status(self):
finished = True
for sim in self.sims:
finished = finished and sim.finished
#end for
self.finished = finished
#end def check_sim_status
def get_output_files(self):
return list()
#end def get_output_files
def app_command(self):
return None
#end def app_command
#end class SimulationBundle
def bundle(*sims,**kwargs):
return SimulationBundle(*sims,**kwargs)
#end def bundle