
277 lines
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// (c) Copyright 2006- by Kris Delaney and Jeongnim Kim
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications &
// Materials Computation Center
// University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
// Urbana, IL 61801
// e-mail: jnkim@ncsa.uiuc.edu
// Supported by
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications, UIUC
// Materials Computation Center, UIUC
// -*- C++ -*-
/** @file LRHandlerTemp.h
* @brief Define a LRHandler with two template parameters
#include "LongRange/LRHandlerBase.h"
#include "LongRange/LPQHIBasis.h"
#include "LongRange/LRBreakup.h"
namespace qmcplusplus
/* Templated LRHandler class
* LRHandlerTemp<Func,BreakupBasis> is a modification of LRHandler
* and a derived class from LRHanlderBase.
* The first template parameter Func is a generic functor, e.g., CoulombFunctor.
* The second template parameter is a BreakupBasis and the default is set to LPQHIBasis.
* LRHandlerBase is introduced to enable run-time options. See RPAContstraints.h
template<class Func, class BreakupBasis=LPQHIBasis>
class LRRPABFeeHandlerTemp: public LRHandlerBase
//Typedef for the lattice-type.
typedef ParticleSet::ParticleLayout_t ParticleLayout_t;
typedef BreakupBasis BreakupBasisType;
bool FirstTime;
RealType rs;
RealType kc;
BreakupBasisType Basis; //This needs a Lattice for the constructor...
Func myFunc;
LRRPABFeeHandlerTemp(ParticleSet& ref, RealType kc_in=-1.0):
LRHandlerBase(kc_in),FirstTime(true), Basis(ref.Lattice)
//LRHandlerTemp(ParticleSet& ref, RealType rs, RealType kc=-1.0): LRHandlerBase(kc), Basis(ref.Lattice)
// myFunc.reset(ref,rs);
/** "copy" constructor
* @param aLR LRHandlerTemp
* @param ref Particleset
* Copy the content of aLR
* References to ParticleSet or ParticleLayoutout_t are not copied.
LRRPABFeeHandlerTemp(const LRRPABFeeHandlerTemp& aLR, ParticleSet& ref):
LRHandlerBase(aLR), FirstTime(true), Basis(aLR.Basis, ref.Lattice)
LRHandlerBase* makeClone(ParticleSet& ref)
return new LRRPABFeeHandlerTemp<Func,BreakupBasis>(*this,ref);
void initBreakup(ParticleSet& ref)
void Breakup(ParticleSet& ref, RealType rs_ext)
void resetTargetParticleSet(ParticleSet& ref)
void resetTargetParticleSet(ParticleSet& ref, RealType rs)
inline RealType evaluate(RealType r, RealType rinv)
RealType v=0.0;
for(int n=0; n<coefs.size(); n++)
v += coefs[n]*Basis.h(n,r);
return v;
/** evaluate the first derivative of the short range part at r
* @param r radius
* @param rinv 1/r
inline RealType srDf(RealType r, RealType rinv)
RealType df = 0.0;
//RealType df = myFunc.df(r, rinv);
for(int n=0; n<coefs.size(); n++)
df += coefs[n]*Basis.df(n,r);
return df;
/** evaluate the contribution from the long-range part for for spline
inline RealType evaluateLR(RealType r)
RealType vk=0.0;
return vk;
// for(int n=0; n<coefs.size(); n++) v -= coefs[n]*Basis.h(n,r);
/** evaluate \f$\sum_k F_{k} \rho^1_{-{\bf k} \rho^2_{\bf k}\f$
* @param kshell degeneracies of the vectors
* @param rk1 starting address of \f$\rho^1_{{\bf k}\f$
* @param rk2 starting address of \f$\rho^2_{{\bf k}\f$
* Valid for the strictly ordered k and \f$F_{k}\f$.
inline RealType evaluate(const vector<int>& kshell,
const ComplexType* restrict rk1, const ComplexType* restrict rk2)
RealType vk=0.0;
for(int ks=0,ki=0; ks<MaxKshell; ks++)
RealType u=0;
for(; ki<kshell[ks+1]; ki++,rk1++,rk2++)
u += ((*rk1).real()*(*rk2).real()+(*rk1).imag()*(*rk2).imag());
vk += Fk_symm[ks]*u;
//for(int ki=0; ki<Fk.size(); ki++) {
// //vk += (rk1[ki]*rk2[minusk[ki]]).real()*Fk[ki];
// vk += (rk1[ki].real()*rk2[ki].real()+rk1[ki].imag()*rk2[ki].imag())*Fk[ki];
//} //ki
return vk;
inline RealType evalFk(RealType k)
//FatK = 4.0*M_PI/(Basis.get_CellVolume()*k*k)* std::cos(k*Basis.get_rc());
RealType FatK=myFunc.Fk(k,Basis.get_rc());
for(int n=0; n<Basis.NumBasisElem(); n++)
FatK += coefs[n]*Basis.c(n,k);
return FatK;
inline RealType evalXk(RealType k)
//RealType FatK;
//FatK = -4.0*M_PI/(Basis.get_CellVolume()*k*k)* std::cos(k*Basis.get_rc());
//return (FatK);
return myFunc.Xk(k,Basis.get_rc());
/** Initialise the basis and coefficients for the long-range beakup.
* We loocally create a breakup handler and pass in the basis
* that has been initialised here. We then discard the handler, leaving
* basis and coefs in a usable state.
* This method can be re-called later if lattice changes shape.
void InitBreakup(ParticleLayout_t& ref,int NumFunctions)
//First we send the new Lattice to the Basis, in case it has been updated.
//Compute RC from box-size - in constructor?
//No here...need update if box changes
int NumKnots(15);
//Initialise the breakup - pass in basis.
LRBreakup<BreakupBasis> breakuphandler(Basis);
// std::cout<<" finding kc: "<<ref.LR_kc<<" , "<<LR_kc<<endl;
//Find size of basis from cutoffs
kc = (LR_kc<0)?ref.LR_kc:LR_kc;
//RealType kc(ref.LR_kc); //User cutoff parameter...
//kcut is the cutoff for switching to approximate k-point degeneracies for
//better performance in making the breakup. A good bet is 30*K-spacing so that
//there are 30 "boxes" in each direction that are treated with exact degeneracies.
//Assume orthorhombic cell just for deriving this cutoff - should be insensitive.
//K-Spacing = (kpt_vol)**1/3 = 2*pi/(cellvol**1/3)
RealType kcut = (30.0)*2*M_PI*std::pow(Basis.get_CellVolume(),-1.0/3.0);
//Use 3000/LMax here...==6000/rc for non-ortho cells
RealType kmax(6000.0/ref.LR_rc);
// std::cout<<"K_STATS !!! "<<kcut<<" "<<kmax<<std::endl;
MaxKshell = static_cast<int>(breakuphandler.SetupKVecs(kc,kcut,kmax));
app_log() <<" finding kc: "<<ref.LR_kc<<" , "<<LR_kc<<endl;
app_log() << " LRBreakp parameter Kc =" << kc << endl;
app_log() << " Continuum approximation in k = [" << kcut << "," << kmax << ")" << endl;
//Set up x_k
//This is the FT of -V(r) from r_c to infinity.
//This is the only data that the breakup handler needs to do the breakup.
//We temporarily store it in Fk, which is replaced with the full FT (0->inf)
//of V_l(r) after the breakup has been done.
//Allocate the space for the coefficients.
coefs.resize(Basis.NumBasisElem()); //This must be after SetupKVecs.
breakuphandler.DoBreakup(Fk.data(),coefs.data()); //Fill array of coefficients.
void fillXk(vector<TinyVector<RealType,2> >& KList)
for(int ki=0; ki<KList.size(); ki++)
RealType k=KList[ki][0];
Fk[ki] = evalXk(k); //Call derived fn.
void fillFk(KContainer& KList)
const vector<int>& kshell(KList.kshell);
if(MaxKshell >= kshell.size())
// std::cout<<"Filling FK :"<<std::endl;
for(int ks=0,ki=0; ks<Fk_symm.size(); ks++)
RealType k=std::pow(KList.ksq[ki],0.5);
RealType uk=evalFk(k);
// std::cout<<uk<<std::endl;
while(ki<KList.kshell[ks+1] && ki<Fk.size())
//for(int ki=0; ki<KList.kpts_cart.size(); ki++){
// RealType k=dot(KList.kpts_cart[ki],KList.kpts_cart[ki]);
// k=std::sqrt(k);
// Fk[ki] = evalFk(k); //Call derived fn.
* $RCSfile$ $Author: jnkim $
* $Revision: 2301 $ $Date: 2007-11-16 13:02:40 -0600 (Fri, 16 Nov 2007) $
* $Id: LRHandlerTemp.h 2301 2007-11-16 19:02:40Z jnkim $