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.. _qmcmethods:
Quantum Monte Carlo Methods
``qmc`` factory element:
| Parent elements | ``simulation, loop`` |
| type selector | ``method`` attribute |
type options:
| vmc | Variational Monte Carlo |
| linear | Wavefunction optimization with linear method |
| dmc | Diffusion Monte Carlo |
| rmc | Reptation Monte Carlo |
shared attributes:
| **Name** | **Datatype** | **Values** | **Default** | **Description** |
| ``method`` | text | listed above | invalid | QMC driver |
| ``move`` | text | pbyp, alle | pbyp | Method used to move electrons |
| ``gpu`` | text | yes/no | dep. | Use the GPU |
| ``trace`` | text | | no | ??? |
| ``checkpoint`` | integer | -1, 0, n | -1 | Checkpoint frequency |
| ``record`` | integer | n | 0 | Save configuration ever n steps |
| ``target`` | text | | | ??? |
| ``completed`` | text | | | ??? |
| ``append`` | text | yes/no | no | ??? |
Additional information:
- ``move``: There are two ways to move electrons. The more used method
is the particle-by-particle move. In this method, only one electron
is moved for acceptance or rejection. The other method is the
all-electron move; namely, all the electrons are moved once for
testing acceptance or rejection.
- ``gpu``: When the executable is compiled with CUDA, the target
computing device can be chosen by this switch. With a regular
CPU-only compilation, this option is not effective.
- ``checkpoint``: This enables and disables checkpointing and
specifying the frequency of output. Possible values are:
- **[-1]** No checkpoint (default setting).
- **[0]** Dump after the completion of a QMC section.
- **[n]** Dump after every :math:`n` blocks. Also dump at the end of the run.
The particle configurations are written to a ``.config.h5`` file.
.. code-block::
:caption: The following is an example of running a simulation that can be restarted.
:name: Listing 42
<qmc method="dmc" move="pbyp" checkpoint="0">
<parameter name="timestep"> 0.004 </parameter>
<parameter name="blocks"> 100 </parameter>
<parameter name="steps"> 400 </parameter>
The checkpoint flag instructs QMCPACK to output walker configurations. This also
works in VMC. This outputs an h5 file with the name ``projectid.run-number.config.h5``.
Check that this file exists before attempting a restart.
To continue a run, specify the ``mcwalkerset`` element before your VMC/DMC block:
.. code-block::
:caption: Restart (read walkers from previous run).
:name: Listing 43
<mcwalkerset fileroot="BH.s002" version="0 6" collected="yes"/>
<qmc method="dmc" move="pbyp" checkpoint="0">
<parameter name="timestep"> 0.004 </parameter>
<parameter name="blocks"> 100 </parameter>
<parameter name="steps"> 400 </parameter>
``BH`` is the project id, and ``s002`` is the calculation number to read in the walkers from the previous run.
In the project id section, make sure that the series number is different from any existing ones to avoid overwriting them.
.. _vmc:
Variational Monte Carlo
``vmc`` method:
| **Name** | **Datatype** | **Values** | **Default** | **Description** |
| ``walkers`` | integer | :math:`> 0` | dep. | Number of walkers per MPI task |
| ``blocks`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 1 | Number of blocks |
| ``steps`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 1 | Number of steps per block |
| ``warmupsteps`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 0 | Number of steps for warming up |
| ``substeps`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 1 | Number of substeps per step |
| ``usedrift`` | text | yes,no | yes | Use the algorithm with drift |
| ``timestep`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 0.1 | Time step for each electron move |
| ``samples`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 0 | Number of walker samples for DMC/optimization |
| ``stepsbetweensamples`` | integer | :math:`> 0` | 1 | Period of sample accumulation |
| ``samplesperthread`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 0 | Number of samples per thread |
| ``storeconfigs`` | integer | all values | 0 | Show configurations o |
| ``blocks_between_recompute`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | dep. | Wavefunction recompute frequency |
Additional information:
- ``walkers`` The number of walkers per MPI task. The initial default number of \ixml{walkers} is one per OpenMP thread or per MPI task if threading is disabled. The number is rounded down to a multiple of the number of threads with a minimum of one per thread to ensure perfect load balancing. One walker per thread is created in the event fewer ``walkers`` than threads are requested.
- ``blocks`` This parameter is universal for all the QMC
methods. The MC processes are divided into a number of
``blocks``, each containing a number of steps. At the end of each block,
the statistics accumulated in the block are dumped into files,
e.g., ``scalar.dat``. Typically, each block should have a sufficient number of steps that the I/O at the end of each block is negligible
compared with the computational cost. Each block should not take so
long that monitoring its progress is difficult. There should be a
sufficient number of ``blocks`` to perform statistical analysis.
- ``warmupsteps`` - ``warmupsteps`` are used only for
equilibration. Property measurements are not performed during
warm-up steps.
- ``steps`` - ``steps`` are the number of energy and other property measurements to perform per block.
- ``substeps`` For each substep, an attempt is made to move each of the electrons once only by either particle-by-particle or an
all-electron move. Because the local energy is evaluated only at
each full step and not each substep, ``substeps`` are computationally cheaper
and can be used to reduce the correlation between property measurements
at a lower cost.
- ``usedrift`` The VMC is implemented in two algorithms with
or without drift. In the no-drift algorithm, the move of each
electron is proposed with a Gaussian distribution. The standard
deviation is chosen as the time step input. In the drift algorithm,
electrons are moved by Langevin dynamics.
- ``timestep`` The meaning of time step depends on whether or not
the drift is used. In general, larger time steps reduce the
time correlation but might also reduce the acceptance ratio,
reducing overall statistical efficiency. For VMC, typically the
acceptance ratio should be close to 50% for an efficient
- ``samples`` Seperate from conventional energy and other
property measurements, samples refers to storing whole electron
configurations in memory ("walker samples") as would be needed by subsequent
wavefunction optimization or DMC steps. *A standard VMC run to
measure the energy does not need samples to be set.*
.. math::
\frac{\texttt{blocks}\cdot\texttt{steps}\cdot\texttt{walkers}}{\texttt{stepsbetweensamples}}\cdot\texttt{number of MPI tasks}
- ``samplesperthread`` This is an alternative way to set the target amount of samples and can be useful when preparing a stored population for a subsequent DMC calculation.
.. math::
- ``stepsbetweensamples`` Because samples generated by consecutive steps are correlated, having ``stepsbetweensamples`` larger than 1 can be used to reduces that correlation. In practice, using larger substeps is cheaper than using ``stepsbetweensamples`` to decorrelate samples.
- ``storeconfigs`` If ``storeconfigs`` is set to a nonzero value, then electron configurations during the VMC run are saved to files.
- ``blocks_between_recompute`` Recompute the accuracy critical determinant part of the wavefunction
from scratch: =1 by default when using mixed precision. =0 (no
recompute) by default when not using mixed precision. Recomputing
introduces a performance penalty dependent on system size.
An example VMC section for a simple VMC run:
<qmc method="vmc" move="pbyp">
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<parameter name="walkers"> 256 </parameter>
<parameter name="warmupSteps"> 100 </parameter>
<parameter name="substeps"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="blocks"> 20 </parameter>
<parameter name="steps"> 100 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep"> 1.0 </parameter>
<parameter name="usedrift"> yes </parameter>
Here we set 256 ``walkers`` per MPI, have a brief initial equilibration of 100 ``steps``, and then have 20 ``blocks`` of 100 ``steps`` with 5 ``substeps`` each.
The following is an example of VMC section storing configurations (walker samples) for optimization.
<qmc method="vmc" move="pbyp" gpu="yes">
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<parameter name="walkers"> 256 </parameter>
<parameter name="samples"> 2867200 </parameter>
<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples"> 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="substeps"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="warmupSteps"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="blocks"> 70 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep"> 1.0 </parameter>
<parameter name="usedrift"> no </parameter>
.. _optimization:
Wavefunction optimization
Optimizing wavefunction is critical in all kinds of real-space QMC calculations
because it significantly improves both the accuracy and efficiency of computation.
However, it is very difficult to directly adopt deterministic minimization approaches because of the stochastic nature of evaluating quantities with MC.
Thanks to the algorithmic breakthrough during the first decade of this century and the tremendous computer power available,
it is now feasible to optimize tens of thousands of parameters in a wavefunction for a solid or molecule.
QMCPACK has multiple optimizers implemented based on the state-of-the-art linear method.
We are continually improving our optimizers for robustness and friendliness and are trying to provide a single solution.
Because of the large variation of wavefunction types carrying distinct characteristics, using several optimizers might be needed in some cases.
We strongly suggested reading recommendations from the experts who maintain these optimizers.
A typical optimization block looks like the following. It starts with method="linear" and contains three blocks of parameters.
<loop max="10">
<qmc method="linear" move="pbyp" gpu="yes">
<!-- Specify the VMC options -->
<parameter name="walkers"> 256 </parameter>
<parameter name="samples"> 2867200 </parameter>
<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples"> 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="substeps"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="warmupSteps"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="blocks"> 70 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep"> 1.0 </parameter>
<parameter name="usedrift"> no </parameter>
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<!-- Specify the correlated sampling options and define the cost function -->
<parameter name="minwalkers"> 0.3 </parameter>
<cost name="energy"> 0.95 </cost>
<cost name="unreweightedvariance"> 0.00 </cost>
<cost name="reweightedvariance"> 0.05 </cost>
<!-- Specify the optimizer options -->
<parameter name="MinMethod"> OneShiftOnly </parameter>
- Loop is helpful to repeatedly execute identical optimization blocks.
- The first part is highly identical to a regular VMC block.
- The second part is to specify the correlated sampling options and
define the cost function.
- The last part is used to specify the options of different optimizers,
which can be very distinct from one to another.
VMC run for the optimization
The VMC calculation for the wavefunction optimization has a strict requirement
that ``samples`` or ``samplesperthread`` must be specified because of the optimizer needs for the stored ``samples``.
The input parameters of this part are identical to the VMC method.
- Run the inclusive VMC calculation correctly and efficiently because
this takes a significant amount of time during optimization. For
example, make sure the derived ``steps`` per block is 1 and use larger ``substeps`` to
control the correlation between ``samples``.
- A reasonable starting wavefunction is necessary. A lot of
optimization fails because of a bad wavefunction starting point. The
sign of a bad initial wavefunction includes but is not limited to a
very long equilibration time, low acceptance ratio, and huge
variance. The first thing to do after a failed optimization is to
check the information provided by the VMC calculation via
``*.scalar.dat files``.
Correlated sampling and cost function
After generating the samples with VMC, the derivatives of the wavefunction with respect to the parameters are computed for proposing a new set of parameters by optimizers.
And later, a correlated sampling calculation is performed to quickly evaluate values of the cost function on the old set of parameters and the new set for further decisions.
The input parameters are listed in the following table.
``linear`` method:
| **Name** | **Datatype** | **Values** | **Default** | **Description** |
| ``nonlocalpp`` | text | yes, no | no | include non-local PP energy in the cost function |
| ``minwalkers`` | real | 0--1 | 0.3 | Lower bound of the effective weight |
| ``maxWeight`` | real | :math:`> 1` | 1e6 | Maximum weight allowed in reweighting |
Additional information:
- ``maxWeight`` The default should be good.
- ``nonlocalpp`` The ``nonlocalpp`` contribution to the local energy depends on the
wavefunction. When a new set of parameters is proposed, this
contribution needs to be updated if the cost function consists of local
energy. Fortunately, nonlocal contribution is chosen small when making a
PP for small locality error. We can ignore its change and avoid the
expensive computational cost. An implementation issue with GPU code is
that a large amount of memory is consumed with this option.
- ``minwalkers`` This is a ``critical`` parameter. When the ratio of effective samples to actual number of samples in a reweighting step goes lower than ``minwalkers``,
the proposed set of parameters is invalid.
The cost function consists of three components: energy, unreweighted variance, and reweighted variance.
<cost name="energy"> 0.95 </cost>
<cost name="unreweightedvariance"> 0.00 </cost>
<cost name="reweightedvariance"> 0.05 </cost>
QMCPACK implements a number of different optimizers each with different
priorities for accuracy, convergence, memory usage, and stability. The
optimizers can be switched among “OneShiftOnly” (default), “adaptive,”
“descent,” “hybrid,” and “quartic” (old) using the following line in the
optimization block:
<parameter name="MinMethod"> THE METHOD YOU LIKE </parameter>
OneShiftOnly Optimizer
The OneShiftOnly optimizer targets a fast optimization by moving parameters more aggressively. It works with OpenMP and GPU and can be considered for large systems.
This method relies on the effective weight of correlated sampling rather than the cost function value to justify a new set of parameters.
If the effective weight is larger than ``minwalkers``, the new set is taken whether or not the cost function value decreases.
If a proposed set is rejected, the standard output prints the measured ratio of effective samples to the total number of samples
and adjustment on ``minwalkers`` can be made if needed.
``linear`` method:
| **Name** | **Datatype** | **Values** | **Default** | **Description** |
| ``shift_i`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 0.01 | Direct stabilizer added to the Hamiltonian matrix |
| ``shift_s`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 1.00 | Initial stabilizer based on the overlap matrix |
Additional information:
- ``shift_i`` This is the direct term added to the diagonal of the Hamiltonian
matrix. It provides more stable but slower optimization with a large
- ``shift_s`` This is the initial value of the stabilizer based on the overlap
matrix added to the Hamiltonian matrix. It provides more stable but
slower optimization with a large value. The used value is
auto-adjusted by the optimizer.
- Default ``shift_i``, ``shift_s`` should be fine.
- For hard cases, increasing ``shift_i`` (by a factor of 5 or 10) can significantly stabilize the optimization by reducing the pace towards the optimal parameter set.
- If the VMC energy of the last optimization iterations grows significantly, increase ``minwalkers`` closer to 1 and make the optimization stable.
- If the first iterations of optimization are rejected on a reasonable initial wavefunction,
lower the ``minwalkers`` value based on the measured value printed in the standard output to accept the move.
We recommended using this optimizer in two sections with a very small ``minwalkers`` in the first and a large value in the second, such as the following.
In the very beginning, parameters are far away from optimal values and large changes are proposed by the optimizer.
Having a small ``minwalkers`` makes it much easier to accept these changes.
When the energy gradually converges, we can have a large ``minwalkers`` to avoid risky parameter sets.
<loop max="6">
<qmc method="linear" move="pbyp" gpu="yes">
<!-- Specify the VMC options -->
<parameter name="walkers"> 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="samples"> 10000 </parameter>
<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples"> 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="substeps"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="warmupSteps"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="blocks"> 25 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep"> 1.0 </parameter>
<parameter name="usedrift"> no </parameter>
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<!-- Specify the optimizer options -->
<parameter name="MinMethod"> OneShiftOnly </parameter>
<parameter name="minwalkers"> 1e-4 </parameter>
<loop max="12">
<qmc method="linear" move="pbyp" gpu="yes">
<!-- Specify the VMC options -->
<parameter name="walkers"> 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="samples"> 20000 </parameter>
<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples"> 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="substeps"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="warmupSteps"> 2 </parameter>
<parameter name="blocks"> 50 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep"> 1.0 </parameter>
<parameter name="usedrift"> no </parameter>
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<!-- Specify the optimizer options -->
<parameter name="MinMethod"> OneShiftOnly </parameter>
<parameter name="minwalkers"> 0.5 </parameter>
For each optimization step, you will see
The new set of parameters is valid. Updating the trial wave function!
The new set of parameters is not valid. Revert to the old set!
Occasional rejection is fine. Frequent rejection indicates potential
problems, and users should inspect the VMC calculation or change
optimization strategy. To track the progress of optimization, use the
command ``qmca -q ev *.scalar.dat`` to look at the VMC energy and
variance for each optimization step.
Adaptive Organizer
The default setting of the adaptive optimizer is to construct the linear
method Hamiltonian and overlap matrices explicitly and add different
shifts to the Hamiltonian matrix as “stabilizers.” The generalized
eigenvalue problem is solved for each shift to obtain updates to the
wavefunction parameters. Then a correlated sampling is performed for
each shifts updated wavefunction and the initial trial wavefunction
using the middle shifts updated wavefunction as the guiding function.
The cost function for these wavefunctions is compared, and the update
corresponding to the best cost function is selected. In the next
iteration, the median magnitude of the stabilizers is set to the
magnitude that generated the best update in the current iteration, thus
adapting the magnitude of the stabilizers automatically.
When the trial wavefunction contains more than 10,000 parameters,
constructing and storing the linear method matrices could become a
memory bottleneck. To avoid explicit construction of these matrices, the
adaptive optimizer implements the block linear method (BLM) approach.
:cite:`Zhao:2017:blocked_lm` The BLM tries to find an
approximate solution :math:`\vec{c}_{opt}` to the standard LM
generalized eigenvalue problem by dividing the variable space into a
number of blocks and making intelligent estimates for which directions
within those blocks will be most important for constructing
:math:`\vec{c}_{opt}`, which is then obtained by solving a smaller, more
memory-efficient eigenproblem in the basis of these supposedly important
block-wise directions.
``linear`` method:
| **Name** | **Datatype** | **Values** | **Default** | **Description** |
| ``max_relative_change`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 10.0 | Allowed change in cost function |
| ``max_param_change`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 0.3 | Allowed change in wavefunction parameter |
| ``shift_i`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 0.01 | Initial diagonal stabilizer added to the Hamiltonian matrix |
| ``shift_s`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 1.00 | Initial overlap-based stabilizer added to the Hamiltonian matrix |
| ``target_shift_i`` | real | any | -1.0 | Diagonal stabilizer value aimed for during adaptive method (disabled if :math:`\leq 0`) |
| ``cost_increase_tol`` | real | :math:`\geq 0` | 0.0 | Tolerance for cost function increases |
| ``chase_lowest`` | text | yes, no | yes | Chase the lowest eigenvector in iterative solver |
| ``chase_closest`` | text | yes, no | no | Chase the eigenvector closest to initial guess |
| ``block_lm`` | text | yes, no | no | Use BLM |
| ``blocks`` | integer | :math:`> 0` | | Number of blocks in BLM |
| ``nolds`` | integer | :math:`> 0` | | Number of old update vectors used in BLM |
| ``nkept`` | integer | :math:`> 0` | | Number of eigenvectors to keep per block in BLM |
Additional information:
- ``shift_i`` This is the initial coefficient used to scale the diagonal
stabilizer. More stable but slower optimization is expected with a
large value. The adaptive method will automatically adjust this value
after each linear method iteration.
- ``shift_s`` This is the initial coefficient used to scale the overlap-based
stabilizer. More stable but slower optimization is expected with a
large value. The adaptive method will automatically adjust this value
after each linear method iteration.
- ``target_shift_i`` If set greater than zero, the adaptive method will choose the
update whose shift_i value is closest to this target value so long as
the associated cost is within cost_increase_tol of the lowest cost.
Disable this behavior by setting target_shift_i to a negative number.
- ``cost_increase_tol`` Tolerance for cost function increases when selecting the best
- ``nblocks`` This is the number of blocks used in BLM. The amount of memory
required to store LM matrices decreases as the number of blocks
increases. But the error introduced by BLM would increase as the
number of blocks increases.
- ``nolds`` In BLM, the interblock correlation is accounted for by including a
small number of wavefunction update vectors outside the block. Larger
would include more interblock correlation and more accurate results
but also higher memory requirements.
- ``nkept`` This is the number of update directions retained from each block in
the BLM. If all directions are retained in each block, then the BLM
becomes equivalent to the standard LM. Retaining five or fewer
directions per block is often sufficient.
- Default ``shift_i``, ``shift_s`` should be fine.
- When there are fewer than about 5,000 variables being optimized, the
traditional LM is preferred because it has a lower overhead than the
BLM when the number of variables is small.
- Initial experience with the BLM suggests that a few hundred blocks
and a handful of and often provide a good balance between memory use
and accuracy. In general, using fewer blocks should be more accurate
but would require more memory.
<loop max="15">
<qmc method="linear" move="pbyp">
<!-- Specify the VMC options -->
<parameter name="walkers"> 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="samples"> 20000 </parameter>
<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples"> 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="substeps"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="warmupSteps"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="blocks"> 50 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep"> 1.0 </parameter>
<parameter name="usedrift"> no </parameter>
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<!-- Specify the correlated sampling options and define the cost function -->
<cost name="energy"> 1.00 </cost>
<cost name="unreweightedvariance"> 0.00 </cost>
<cost name="reweightedvariance"> 0.00 </cost>
<!-- Specify the optimizer options -->
<parameter name="MinMethod">adaptive</parameter>
<parameter name="max_relative_cost_change">10.0</parameter>
<parameter name="shift_i"> 1.00 </parameter>
<parameter name="shift_s"> 1.00 </parameter>
<parameter name="max_param_change"> 0.3 </parameter>
<parameter name="chase_lowest"> yes </parameter>
<parameter name="chase_closest"> yes </parameter>
<parameter name="block_lm"> no </parameter>
<!-- Specify the BLM specific options if needed
<parameter name="nblocks"> 100 </parameter>
<parameter name="nolds"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="nkept"> 3 </parameter>
The adaptive optimizer is also able to optimize individual excited states directly. :cite:`Zhao:2016:dir_tar`
In this case, it tries to minimize the following function:
.. math:: \Omega[\Psi]=\frac{\left<\Psi|\omega-H|\Psi\right>}{\left<\Psi|{\left(\omega-H\right)}^2|\Psi\right>}\:.
The global minimum of this function corresponds to the state whose
energy lies immediately above the shift parameter :math:`\omega` in the
energy spectrum. For example, if :math:`\omega` were placed in between
the ground state energy and the first excited state energy and the
wavefunction ansatz was capable of a good description for the first
excited state, then the wavefunction would be optimized for the first
excited state. Note that if the ansatz is not capable of a good
description of the excited state in question, the optimization could
converge to a different state, as is known to occur in some
circumstances for traditional ground state optimizations. Note also that
the ground state can be targeted by this method by choosing
:math:`\omega` to be below the ground state energy, although we should
stress that this is not the same thing as a traditional ground state
optimization and will in general give a slightly different wavefunction.
Excited state targeting requires two additional parameters, as shown in
the following table.
Excited state targeting:
| **Name** | **Datatype** | **Values** | **Default** | **Description** |
| ``targetExcited`` | text | yes, no | no | Whether to use the excited state targeting optimization |
| ``omega`` | real | real numbers | none | Energy shift used to target different excited states |
Excited state recommendations:
- Because of the finite variance in any approximate wavefunction, we
recommended setting :math:`\omega=\omega_0-\sigma`, where
:math:`\omega_0` is placed just below the energy of the targeted
state and :math:`\sigma^2` is the energy variance.
- To obtain an unbiased excitation energy, the ground state should be
optimized with the excited state variational principle as well by
setting ``omega`` below the ground state energy. Note that using the ground
state variational principle for the ground state and the excited
state variational principle for the excited state creates a bias in
favor of the ground state.
Descent Optimizer
Gradient descent algorithms are an alternative set of optimization methods to the OneShiftOnly and adaptive optimizers based on the linear method.
These methods use only first derivatives to optimize trial wave functions and convergence can be accelerated by retaining a memory of previous derivative values.
Multiple flavors of accelerated descent methods are available. They differ in details such as the schemes for adaptive adjustment of step sizes. :cite:`Otis2019`
Descent algorithms avoid the construction of matrices that occurs in the linear method and consequently can be applied to larger sets of
optimizable parameters.
Currently, descent optimization is only available for ground state calculations.
Parameters for descent are shown in the table below.
``descent`` method:
| **Name** | **Datatype** | **Values** | **Default** | **Description** |
| ``flavor`` | text | RMSprop, Random, ADAM, AMSGrad | RMSprop | Particular type of descent method |
| ``Ramp_eta`` | text | yes, no | no | Whether to gradually ramp up step sizes |
| ``Ramp_num`` | integer | :math:`> 0` | 30 | Number of steps over which to ramp up step size |
| ``TJF_2Body_eta`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 0.01 | Step size for two body Jastrow parameters |
| ``TJF_1Body_eta`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 0.01 | Step size for one body Jastrow parameters |
| ``F_eta`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 0.001 | Step size for number counting Jastrow F matrix parameters |
| ``Gauss_eta`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 0.001 | Step size for number counting Jastrow gaussian basis parameters |
| ``CI_eta`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 0.01 | Step size for CI parameters |
| ``Orb_eta`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 0.001 | Step size for orbital parameters |
Additional information and recommendations:
- It is generally advantageous to set different step sizes for
different types of parameters. More nonlinear parameters such as
those for number counting Jastrow factors or orbitals typically
require smaller steps sizes than those for CI coefficients or
traditional Jastrow parameters. There are defaults for several
parameter types and a default of .001 has been chosen for all other
- The ability to gradually ramp up step sizes to their input values is
useful for avoiding spikes in the average local energy during early
iterations of descent optimization. This initial rise in the energy
occurs as a memory of past gradients is being built up and it may be
possible for the energy to recover without ramping if there are
enough iterations in the optimization.
- The step sizes chosen can have a substantial influence on the quality
of the optimization and the final variational energy achieved. Larger
step sizes may be helpful if there is reason to think the descent
optimization is not reaching the minimum energy. There are also
additional hyperparameters in the descent algorithms with default
values. :cite:`Otis2019` They seem to have limited
influence on the effectiveness of the optimization compared to step
sizes, but users can adjust them within the source code of the
descent engine if they wish.
- The sampling effort for individual descent steps can be small
compared that for linear method iterations as shown in the example
input below. Something in the range of 10,000 to 30,000 seems
sufficient for molecules with tens of electrons. However, descent
optimizations may require anywhere from a few hundred to a few
thousand iterations.
- In cases where a descent optimization struggles to reach the minimum
and a linear method optimization is not possible or unsatisfactory,
it may be useful to try the hybrid optimization approach described in
the next subsection.
<loop max="100">
<qmc method="linear" move="pbyp" checkpoint="-1" gpu="no">
<!-- VMC inputs -->
<parameter name="blocks">2000</parameter>
<parameter name="steps">1</parameter>
<parameter name="samples">20000</parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps">100</parameter>
<parameter name="timestep">0.05</parameter>
<parameter name="MinMethod">descent</parameter>
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<parameter name="usebuffer">yes</parameter>
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<!-- Descent Inputs -->
<parameter name="flavor">RMSprop</parameter>
<parameter name="Ramp_eta">no</parameter>
<parameter name="Ramp_num">30</parameter>
<parameter name="TJF_2Body_eta">.02</parameter>
<parameter name="TJF_1Body_eta">.02</parameter>
<parameter name="F_eta">.001</parameter>
<parameter name="Gauss_eta">.001</parameter>
<parameter name="CI_eta">.1</parameter>
<parameter name="Orb_eta">.0001</parameter>
Hybrid Optimizer
Another optimization option is to use a hybrid combination of accelerated descent and blocked linear method.
It provides a means to retain the advantages of both individual methods while scaling to large numbers of parameters beyond the traditional 10,000 parameter limit of the linear method. :cite:`Otis2019`
In a hybrid optimization, alternating sections of descent and BLM optimization are used.
Gradient descent is used to identify the previous important directions in parameter space used by the BLM, the number of which is set by the ``nold`` input for the BLM.
Over the course of a section of descent, vectors of parameter differences are stored and then passed to the linear method engine after the optimization changes to the BLM.
One motivation for including sections of descent is to counteract noise in linear method updates due to uncertainties in its step direction and allow for a smoother movement to the minimum.
There are two additional parameters used in the hybrid optimization and it requires a slightly different format of input to specify the constituent methods as shown below in the example.
``descent`` method:
| **Name** | **Datatype** | **Values** | **Default** | **Description** |
| ``num_updates`` | integer | :math:`> 0` | | Number of steps for a method |
| ``Stored_Vectors`` | integer | :math:`> 0` | 5 | Number of vectors to transfer to BLM |
<loop max="203">
<qmc method="linear" move="pbyp" checkpoint="-1" gpu="no">
<parameter name="Minmethod"> hybrid </parameter>
<optimizer num_updates="100">
<parameter name="blocks">1000</parameter>
<parameter name="steps">1</parameter>
<parameter name="samples">20000</parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps">1000</parameter>
<parameter name="timestep">0.05</parameter>
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<parameter name="Minmethod"> descent </parameter>
<parameter name="Stored_Vectors">5</parameter>
<parameter name="flavor">RMSprop</parameter>
<parameter name="TJF_2Body_eta">.01</parameter>
<parameter name="TJF_1Body_eta">.01</parameter>
<parameter name="CI_eta">.1</parameter>
<parameter name="Ramp_eta">no</parameter>
<parameter name="Ramp_num">10</parameter>
<optimizer num_updates="3">
<parameter name="blocks">2000</parameter>
<parameter name="steps">1</parameter>
<parameter name="samples">1000000</parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps">1000</parameter>
<parameter name="timestep">0.05</parameter>
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<parameter name="Minmethod"> adaptive </parameter>
<parameter name="max_relative_cost_change">10.0</parameter>
<parameter name="max_param_change">3</parameter>
<parameter name="shift_i">0.01</parameter>
<parameter name="shift_s">1.00</parameter>
<parameter name="block_lm">yes</parameter>
<parameter name="nblocks">2</parameter>
<parameter name="nolds">5</parameter>
<parameter name="nkept">5</parameter>
Additional information and recommendations:
- In the example above, the input for ``loop`` gives the total number
of steps for the full optimization while the inputs for
``num_updates`` specify the number of steps in the constituent
methods. For this case, the optimization would begin with 100 steps
of descent using the parameters in the first ``optimizer`` block and
then switch to the BLM for 3 steps before switching back to descent
for the final 100 iterations of the total of 203.
- The design of the hybrid method allows for more than two
``optimizer`` blocks to be used and the optimization will cycle
through the individual methods. However, the effectiveness of this in
terms of the quality of optimization results is unexplored.
- As the descent algorithms are currently only implemented for ground
state optimizations, this hybrid combination of them with the BLM is
also restricted to the ground state for now.
- It can be useful to follow a hybrid optimization with a section of
pure descent optimization and take an average energy over the last
few hundred iterations as the final variational energy. This approach
can achieve a lower statistical uncertainty on the energy for less
overall sampling effort compared to what a pure linear method
optimization would require.
Quartic Optimizer
*This is an older optimizer method retained for compatibility. We
recommend starting with the newest OneShiftOnly or adaptive optimizers.*
The quartic optimizer fits a quartic polynomial to 7 values of the cost
function obtained using reweighting along the chosen direction and
determines the optimal move. This optimizer is very robust but is a bit
conservative when accepting new steps, especially when large parameters
changes are proposed.
``linear`` method:
| **Name** | **Datatype** | **Values** | **Default** | **Description** |
| ``bigchange`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 50.0 | Largest parameter change allowed |
| ``alloweddifference`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 1e-4 | Allowed increase in energy |
| ``exp0`` | real | any value | -16.0 | Initial value for stabilizer |
| ``stabilizerscale`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 2.0 | Increase in value of ``exp0`` between iterations |
| ``nstabilizers`` | integer | :math:`> 0` | 3 | Number of stabilizers to try |
| ``max_its`` | integer | :math:`> 0` | 1 | Number of inner loops with same samples |
Additional information:
- ``exp0`` This is the initial value for stabilizer (shift to diagonal of H).
The actual value of stabilizer is :math:`10^{\textrm{exp0}}`.
- For hard cases (e.g., simultaneous optimization of long MSD and
3-Body J), set ``exp0`` to 0 and do a single inner iteration (max its=1) per
sample of configurations.
<!-- Specify the optimizer options -->
<parameter name="MinMethod">quartic</parameter>
<parameter name="exp0">-6</parameter>
<parameter name="alloweddifference"> 1.0e-4 </parameter>
<parameter name="nstabilizers"> 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="bigchange">15.0</parameter>
General Recommendations
- All electron wavefunctions are typically more difficult to optimize
than pseudopotential wavefunctions because of the importance of the
wavefunction near the nucleus.
- Two-body Jastrow contributes the largest portion of correlation
energy from bare Slater determinants. Consequently, the recommended
order for optimizing wavefunction components is two-body, one-body,
three-body Jastrow factors and MSD coefficients.
- For two-body spline Jastrows, always start from a reasonable one. The
lack of physically motivated constraints in the functional form at
large distances can cause slow convergence if starting from zero.
- One-body spline Jastrow from old calculations can be a good starting
- Three-body polynomial Jastrow can start from zero. It is beneficial
to first optimize one-body and two-body Jastrow factors without
adding three-body terms in the calculation and then add the
three-body Jastrow and optimize all the three components together.
Optimization of CI coefficients
When storing a CI wavefunction in HDF5 format, the CI coefficients and
the :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` components of each CI are not in
the XML input file. When optimizing the CI coefficients, they will be
stored in HDF5 format. The optimization header block will have to
specify that the new CI coefficients will be saved to HDF5 format. If
the tag is not added coefficients will not be saved.
<qmc method="linear" move="pbyp" gpu="no" hdf5="yes">
The rest of the optimization block remains the same.
When running the optimization, the new coefficients will be stored in a *.sXXX.opt.h5 file, where XXX coressponds to the series number. The H5 file contains only the optimized coefficients. The corresponding *.sXXX.opt.xml will be updated for each optimization block as follows:
<detlist size="1487" type="DETS" nca="0" ncb="0" nea="2" neb="2" nstates="85" cutoff="1e-2" href="../LiH.orbs.h5" opt_coeffs="LiH.s001.opt.h5"/>
The opt_coeffs tag will then reference where the new CI coefficients are
When restarting the run with the new optimized coeffs, you need to
specify the previous hdf5 containing the basis set, orbitals, and MSD,
as well as the new optimized coefficients. The code will read the
previous data but will rewrite the coefficients that were optimized with
the values found in the \*.sXXX.opt.h5 file. Be careful to keep the pair
of optimized CI coefficients and Jastrow coefficients together to avoid
.. _dmc:
Diffusion Monte Carlo
Main input parameters are given in :numref:`table9`, additional in :numref:`table10`.
``dmc`` method:
.. _table9:
.. table::
| **Name** | **Datatype** | **Values** | **Default** | **Description** |
| ``targetwalkers`` | integer | :math:`> 0` | dep. | Overall total number of walkers |
| ``blocks`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 1 | Number of blocks |
| ``steps`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 1 | Number of steps per block |
| ``warmupsteps`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 0 | Number of steps for warming up |
| ``timestep`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 0.1 | Time step for each electron move |
| ``nonlocalmoves`` | string | yes, no, v0, v1, v3 | no | Run with T-moves |
| ``branching_cutoff_scheme`` | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | string | classic/DRV/ZSGMA/YL | classic | Branch cutoff scheme |
| ``maxcpusecs`` | real | :math:`\geq 0` | 3.6e5 | Maximum allowed walltime in seconds |
| ``blocks_between_recompute`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | dep. | Wavefunction recompute frequency |
.. centered:: Table 9 Main DMC input parameters.
.. _table10:
.. table::
| **Name** | **Datatype** | **Values** | **Default** | **Description** |
| ``energyUpdateInterval`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 0 | Trial energy update interval |
| ``refEnergy`` | real | all values | dep. | Reference energy in atomic units |
| ``feedback`` | double | :math:`\geq 0` | 1.0 | Population feedback on the trial energy |
| ``sigmaBound`` | 10 | :math:`\geq 0` | 10 | Parameter to cutoff large weights |
| ``killnode`` | string | yes/other | no | Kill or reject walkers that cross nodes |
| ``warmupByReconfiguration`` | option | yes,no | 0 | Warm up with a fixed population |
| ``reconfiguration`` | string | yes/pure/other | no | Fixed population technique |
| ``branchInterval`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 1 | Branching interval |
| ``substeps`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 1 | Branching interval |
| ``MaxAge`` | double | :math:`\geq 0` | 10 | Kill persistent walkers |
| ``MaxCopy`` | double | :math:`\geq 0` | 2 | Limit population growth |
| ``maxDisplSq`` | real | all values | -1 | Maximum particle move |
| ``scaleweight`` | string | yes/other | yes | Scale weights (CUDA only) |
| ``checkproperties`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 100 | Number of steps between walker updates |
| ``fastgrad`` | text | yes/other | yes | Fast gradients |
| ``storeconfigs`` | integer | all values | 0 | Store configurations |
| ``use_nonblocking`` | string | yes/no | yes | Using nonblocking send/recv |
.. centered:: Table 10 Additional DMC input parameters.
Additional information:
- ``targetwalkers``: A DMC run can be considered a restart run or a new
run. A restart run is considered to be any method block beyond the
first one, such as when a DMC method block follows a VMC block.
Alternatively, a user reading in configurations from disk would also
considered a restart run. In the case of a restart run, the DMC
driver will use the configurations from the previous run, and this
variable will not be used. For a new run, if the number of walkers is
less than the number of threads, then the number of walkers will be
set equal to the number of threads.
- ``blocks``: This is the number of blocks run during a DMC method
block. A block consists of a number of DMC steps (steps), after which
all the statistics accumulated in the block are written to disk.
- ``steps``: This is the number of DMC steps in a block.
- ``warmupsteps``: These are the steps at the beginning of a DMC run in
which the instantaneous average energy is used to update the trial
energy. During regular steps, E\ :math:`_{ref}` is used.
- ``timestep``: The ``timestep`` determines the accuracy of the
imaginary time propagator. Generally, multiple time steps are used to
extrapolate to the infinite time step limit. A good range of time
steps in which to perform time step extrapolation will typically have
a minimum of 99% acceptance probability for each step.
- ``checkproperties``: When using a particle-by-particle driver, this
variable specifies how often to reset all the variables kept in the
- ``maxcpusecs``: The default is 100 hours. Once the specified time has
elapsed, the program will finalize the simulation even if all blocks
are not completed.
- ``energyUpdateInterval``: The default is to update the trial energy
at every step. Otherwise the trial energy is updated every
``energyUpdateInterval`` step.
.. math::
\textrm{refEnergy}+\textrm{feedback}\cdot(\ln\texttt{targetWalkers}-\ln N)\:,
where :math:`N` is the current population.
- ``refEnergy``: The default reference energy is taken from the VMC run
that precedes the DMC run. This value is updated to the current mean
whenever branching happens.
- ``feedback``: This variable is used to determine how strong to react
to population fluctuations when doing population control. See the
equation in energyUpdateInterval for more details.
- ``useBareTau``: The same time step is used whether or not a move is
rejected. The default is to use an effective time step when a move is
- ``warmupByReconfiguration``: Warmup DMC is done with a fixed
- ``sigmaBound``: This determines the branch cutoff to limit wild
weights based on the sigma and ``sigmaBound``.
- ``killnode``: When running fixed-node, if a walker attempts to cross
a node, the move will normally be rejected. If ``killnode`` = “yes,"
then walkers are destroyed when they cross a node.
- ``reconfiguration``: If ``reconfiguration`` is “yes," then run with a
fixed walker population using the reconfiguration technique.
- ``branchInterval``: This is the number of steps between branching.
The total number of DMC steps in a block will be
``BranchInterval``\ \*Steps.
- ``substeps``: This is the same as ``BranchInterval``.
- ``nonlocalmoves``: Evaluate pseudopotentials using one of the
nonlocal move algorithms such as T-moves.
- no(default): Imposes the locality approximation.
- yes/v0: Implements the algorithm in the 2006 Casula
paper :cite:`Casula2006`.
- v1: Implements the v1 algorithm in the 2010 Casula
paper :cite:`Casula2010`.
- v2: Is **not implemented** and is **skipped** to avoid any confusion
with the v2 algorithm in the 2010 Casula
paper :cite:`Casula2010`.
- v3: (Experimental) Implements an algorithm similar to v1 but is much
faster. v1 computes the transition probability before each single
electron T-move selection because of the acceptance of previous
T-moves. v3 mostly reuses the transition probability computed during
the evaluation of nonlocal pseudopotentials for the local energy,
namely before accepting any T-moves, and only recomputes the
transition probability of the electrons within the same
pseudopotential region of any electrons touched by T-moves. This is
an approximation to v1 and results in a slightly different time step
error, but it significantly reduces the computational cost. v1 and v3
agree at zero time step. This faster algorithm is the topic of a
paper in preparation.
The v1 and v3 algorithms are size-consistent and are important advances over the previous v0 non-size-consistent algorithm. We highly recommend investigating the importance of size-consistency.
- ``scaleweight``: This is the scaling weight per Umrigar/Nightengale.
CUDA only.
- ``MaxAge``: Set the weight of a walker to min(currentweight,0.5)
after a walker has not moved for ``MaxAge`` steps. Needed if
persistent walkers appear during the course of a run.
- ``MaxCopy``: When determining the number of copies of a walker to
branch, set the number of copies equal to min(Multiplicity,MaxCopy).
- ``fastgrad``: This calculates gradients with either the fast version
or the full-ratio version.
- ``maxDisplSq``: When running a DMC calculation with particle by
particle, this sets the maximum displacement allowed for a single
particle move. All distance displacements larger than the max are
rejected. If initialized to a negative value, it becomes equal to
- ``sigmaBound``: This determines the branch cutoff to limit wild
weights based on the sigma and ``sigmaBound``.
- ``storeconfigs``: If ``storeconfigs`` is set to a nonzero value, then
electron configurations during the DMC run will be saved. This option
is disabled for the OpenMP version of DMC.
- ``blocks_between_recompute``: See details in :ref:`vmc`.
- ``branching_cutoff_scheme:`` Modifies how the branching factor is
computed so as to avoid divergences and stability problems near nodal
- classic (default): The implementation found in QMCPACK v3.0.0 and
:math:`E_{\rm cut}=\mathrm{min}(\mathrm{max}(\sigma^2 \times \mathrm{sigmaBound},\mathrm{maxSigma}),2.5/\tau)`,
where :math:`\sigma^2` is the variance and
:math:`\mathrm{maxSigma}` is set to 50 during warmup
(equilibration) and 10 thereafter. :math:`\mathrm{sigmaBound}` is
default to 10.
- DRV: Implements the algorithm of DePasquale et al., Eq. 3 in
:cite:`DePasqualeReliable1988` or Eq. 9 of
:math:`E_{\rm cut}=2.0/\sqrt{\tau}`.
- ZSGMA: Implements the “ZSGMA” algorithm of
:cite:`ZenBoosting2016` with :math:`\alpha=0.2`.
The cutoff energy is modified by a factor including the electron
count, :math:`E_{\rm cut}=\alpha \sqrt{N/\tau}`, which greatly
improves size consistency over Eq. 39 of
:cite:`Umrigar1993`. See Eq. 6 in
:cite:`ZenBoosting2016` and for an application to
molecular crystals :cite:`ZenFast2018`.
- YL: An unpublished algorithm due to Ye Luo.
:math:`E_{\rm cut}=\sigma\times\mathrm{min}(\mathrm{sigmaBound},\sqrt{1/\tau})`.
This option takes into account both size consistency and
wavefunction quality via the term :math:`\sigma`.
:math:`\mathrm{sigmaBound}` is default to 10.
.. code-block::
:caption: The following is an example of a very simple DMC section.
:name: Listing 44
<qmc method="dmc" move="pbyp" target="e">
<parameter name="blocks">100</parameter>
<parameter name="steps">400</parameter>
<parameter name="timestep">0.010</parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps">100</parameter>
The time step should be individually adjusted for each problem. Please refer to the theory section
on diffusion Monte Carlo.
.. code-block::
:caption: The following is an example of running a simulation that can be restarted.
:name: Listing 45
<qmc method="dmc" move="pbyp" checkpoint="0">
<parameter name="timestep"> 0.004 </parameter>
<parameter name="blocks"> 100 </parameter>
<parameter name="steps"> 400 </parameter>
The checkpoint flag instructs QMCPACK to output walker configurations.
This also works in VMC. This will output an h5 file with the name
``projectid.run-number.config.h5``. Check that this file exists before
attempting a restart. To read in this file for a continuation run,
specify the following:
.. code-block::
:caption: Restart (read walkers from previous run).
:name: Listing 46
<mcwalkerset fileroot="BH.s002" version="0 6" collected="yes"/>
BH is the project id, and s002 is the calculation number to read in the walkers from the previous run.
Combining VMC and DMC in a single run (wavefunction optimization can be combined in this way too) is the standard way in which QMCPACK is typically run. There is no need to run two separate jobs since method sections can be stacked and walkers are transferred between them.
.. code-block::
:caption: Combined VMC and DMC run.
:name: Listing 47
<qmc method="vmc" move="pbyp" target="e">
<parameter name="blocks">100</parameter>
<parameter name="steps">4000</parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps">100</parameter>
<parameter name="samples">1920</parameter>
<parameter name="walkers">1</parameter>
<parameter name="timestep">0.5</parameter>
<qmc method="dmc" move="pbyp" target="e">
<parameter name="blocks">100</parameter>
<parameter name="steps">400</parameter>
<parameter name="timestep">0.010</parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps">100</parameter>
<qmc method="dmc" move="pbyp" target="e">
<parameter name="warmupsteps">500</parameter>
<parameter name="blocks">50</parameter>
<parameter name="steps">100</parameter>
<parameter name="timestep">0.005</parameter>
.. _rmc:
Reptation Monte Carlo
Like DMC, RMC is a projector-based method that allows sampling of the
fixed-node wavefunciton. However, by exploiting the path-integral
formulation of Schrödingers equation, the RMC algorithm can offer some
advantages over traditional DMC, such as sampling both the mixed and
pure fixed-node distributions in polynomial time, as well as not having
population fluctuations and biases. The current implementation does not
work with T-moves.
There are two adjustable parameters that affect the quality of the RMC
projection: imaginary projection time :math:`\beta` of the sampling path
(commonly called a “reptile") and the Trotter time step :math:`\tau`.
:math:`\beta` must be chosen to be large enough such that
:math:`e^{-\beta \hat{H}}|\Psi_T\rangle \approx |\Phi_0\rangle` for
mixed observables, and
:math:`e^{-\frac{\beta}{2} \hat{H}}|\Psi_T\rangle \approx |\Phi_0\rangle`
for pure observables. The reptile is discretized into
:math:`M=\beta/\tau` beads at the cost of an :math:`\mathcal{O}(\tau)`
time-step error for observables arising from the Trotter-Suzuki breakup
of the short-time propagator.
The following table lists some of the more practical
``vmc`` method:
| **Name** | **Datatype** | **Values** | **Default** | **Description** |
| ``beta`` | real | :math:`> 0` | dep. | Reptile project time :math:`\beta` |
| ``timestep`` | real | :math:`> 0` | 0.1 | Trotter time step :math:`\tau` for each electron move |
| ``beads`` | int | :math:`> 0` | 1 | Number of reptile beads :math:`M=\beta/\tau` |
| ``blocks`` | integer | :math:`> 0` | 1 | Number of blocks |
| ``steps`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 1 | Number of steps per block |
| ``vmcpresteps`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 0 | Propagates reptile using VMC for given number of steps |
| ``warmupsteps`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 0 | Number of steps for warming up |
| ``maxAge`` | integer | :math:`\geq 0` | 0 | Force accept for stuck reptile if age exceeds ``maxAge`` |
Additional information:
Because of the sampling differences between DMC ensembles of walkers and
RMC reptiles, the RMC block should contain the following estimator
declaration to ensure correct sampling:
``<estimator name="RMC" hdf5="no">``.
- ``beta`` or ``beads``? One or the other can be specified, and from
the Trotter time step, the code will construct an appropriately sized
reptile. If both are given, ``beta`` overrides ``beads``.
- **Mixed vs. pure observables?** Configurations sampled by the
endpoints of the reptile are distributed according to the mixed
:math:`f(\mathbf{R})=\Psi_T(\mathbf{R})\Phi_0(\mathbf{R})`. Any
observable that is computable within DMC and is dumped to the
``scalar.dat`` file will likewise be found in the ``scalar.dat`` file
generated by RMC, except there will be an appended ``_m`` to alert
the user that the observable was computed on the mixed distribution.
For pure observables, care must be taken in the interpretation. If
the observable is diagonal in the position basis (in laymans terms,
if it is entirely computable from a single electron configuration
:math:`\mathbf{R}`, like the potential energy), and if the observable
does not have an explicit dependence on the trial wavefunction (e.g.,
the local energy has an explicit dependence on the trial wavefunction
from the kinetic energy term), then pure estimates will be correctly
computed. These observables will be found in either the
``scalar.dat``, where they will be appended with a ``_p`` suffix, or
in the ``stat.h5`` file. No mixed estimators will be dumped to the h5
- **Sampling**: For pure estimators, the traces of both pure and mixed
estimates should be checked. Ergodicity is a known problem in RMC.
Because we use the bounce algorithm, it is possible for the reptile
to bounce back and forth without changing the electron coordinates of
the central beads. This might not easily show up with mixed
estimators, since these are accumulated at constantly regrown ends,
but pure estimates are accumulated on these central beads and so can
exhibit strong autocorrelations in pure estimate traces.
- **Propagator**: Our implementation of RMC uses Moronis DMC link
action (symmetrized), with Umrigars scaled drift near nodes. In this
regard, the propagator is identical to the one QMCPACK uses in DMC.
- **Sampling**: We use Ceperleys bounce algorithm. ``MaxAge`` is used
in case the reptile gets stuck, at which point the code forces move
acceptance, stops accumulating statistics, and requilibrates the
reptile. Very rarely will this be required. For move proposals, we
use particle-by-particle VMC a total of :math:`N_e` times to generate
a new all-electron configuration, at which point the action is
computed and the move is either accepted or rejected.
.. bibliography:: /bibs/methods.bib