
551 lines
18 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple, defaultdict
import glob
import os
import sys
import demangle
import read_gcov
import merge_gcov
def get_gcov_files(dir_name):
Get list of *.gcov files in a directory. Returns list of bare filenames.
fs = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_name,'*.gcov'))
fs = [os.path.basename(f) for f in fs]
return fs
def keep_file(gcov):
Some files should not be considered in coverage.
Files to skip include system files (in /usr), the unit tests themselves
(in tests/ directories) and the unit test infrastructure (in external_codes/)
source_file = gcov.tags['Source']
path_elements = source_file.split('/')
# Only looking at specific depths of directories. This might need
# to be expanded, for example if unit test directories contain
# subdirectories.
if path_elements[-2] == 'tests':
#print 'Unit test, skipping'
return False
if path_elements[-3] == 'external_codes':
#print 'External code, skipping'
return False
except IndexError:
if source_file.startswith('/usr/'):
return False
return True
def remove_unwanted_file(gcov, fname, dir_base):
if keep_file(gcov):
if get_total_covered_lines(gcov).covered > 0:
return True
if fname.endswith('.gcov'):
print('Filter error, attempting to remove a non-gcov file: ',fname)
return False
# There are two locations for the source filename associated with each gcov
# file. First, the actual filename, without the '.gcov' suffix. If the -p
# option to gcov is used, the full path is contained in the filename, with
# the directory separator replaced with '#'.
# The second location is the 'Source:' tag inside the gcov file.
def read_and_filter_gcov_files(fnames, directory):
new_fnames = set()
gcov_map = dict()
for fname in fnames:
gcov = read_gcov.read_gcov(os.path.join(directory, fname))
keep = remove_unwanted_file(gcov, fname, directory)
if keep:
source_file = gcov.tags['Source']
gcov_map[fname] = gcov
return new_fnames, gcov_map
def merge_gcov_files_in_dir(fnames, directory, output_dir=None, src_prefix=None):
to_merge = defaultdict(list)
for fname in fnames:
# Files from 'gcov -l' have '##' to separate the two parts of the path
if '##' in fname:
original_name, src_name = fname.split('##')
if output_dir is None:
output_dir = ''
for output_fname, input_fnames in to_merge.items():
inputs = [os.path.join(directory, fname) for fname in input_fnames]
merge_gcov.merge_gcov_files(inputs, os.path.join(output_dir,output_fname),
def compare_gcov_dirs(dir_base, dir_unit):
base = set(get_gcov_files(dir_base))
unit = set(get_gcov_files(dir_unit))
base_names, base_gcov_map = read_and_filter_gcov_files(base, dir_base)
unit_names, unit_gcov_map = read_and_filter_gcov_files(unit, dir_unit)
both = unit.intersection(base_names)
only_base = base_names.difference(unit_names)
only_unit = unit_names.difference(base_names)
print('Files in both: ',len(both))
print('Files only in base: ',len(only_base))
print('Files only in unit: ',len(only_unit))
return both, only_base, only_unit, base_gcov_map, unit_gcov_map
def compare_gcov_files(both, only_base, only_unit, base_gcov_map, unit_gcov_map, dir_unit, dir_diff):
for fname in both:
gcov_base = base_gcov_map[fname]
gcov_unit = unit_gcov_map[fname]
gcov_diff = compute_gcov_diff(gcov_base, gcov_unit)
out_fname = os.path.join(dir_diff, fname)
if gcov_diff:
read_gcov.write_gcov(gcov_diff, open(out_fname, 'w'))
# completely uncovered in unit tests
# Assign all to unit tests
# Assign to diff only if some coverage in base
for fname in only_base:
gcov_base = base_gcov_map[fname]
handle_uncovered(gcov_base, fname, dir_diff)
handle_uncovered(gcov_base, fname, dir_unit, always_copy=True)
def handle_uncovered(gcov_base, fname, dir_diff, always_copy=False):
# Need to see if there are any covered lines in the file
file_coverage = get_total_covered_lines(gcov_base)
if always_copy or file_coverage.covered > 0:
gcov_diff = mark_as_uncovered(gcov_base)
out_fname = os.path.join(dir_diff, fname)
if gcov_diff:
read_gcov.write_gcov(gcov_diff, open(out_fname, 'w'))
def mark_as_uncovered(gcov_base):
diff_line_info = OrderedDict()
for line in gcov_base.line_info.keys():
base_line = gcov_base.line_info[line]
Uncov_norm= '#####'
Nocode = '-'
diff_count = base_line.count
base_count = int(base_line.count)
diff_count = Uncov_norm
except ValueError:
if base_line.count == Uncov_norm:
diff_count = Nocode
diff_line_info[line] = read_gcov.LineInfo(diff_count, line, base_line.src)
return read_gcov.GcovFile(gcov_base.fname, gcov_base.tags, diff_line_info, None, None, None, gcov_base.func_ranges)
class FileCoverage:
def __init__(self, covered=0, uncovered=0, total=0):
self.covered = covered
self.uncovered = uncovered
self.total = total
def __add__(self, o):
return FileCoverage(self.covered + o.covered, self.uncovered + o.uncovered, self.total + o.total)
class CompareCoverage:
def __init__(self, base=FileCoverage(), unit=FileCoverage(), rel=FileCoverage()):
self.base = base
self.unit = unit
self.rel = rel
def __add__(self, o):
return CompareCoverage(self.base + o.base, self.unit + o.unit, self.rel + o.rel)
def get_total_covered_lines(gcov):
if not keep_file(gcov):
return FileCoverage(0, 0, 0)
total_covered_lines = 0
total_uncovered_lines = 0
total_lines = 0
Nocode = '-'
for line in gcov.line_info.keys():
base_line = gcov.line_info[line]
base_count = 0
base_count = int(base_line.count)
except ValueError:
use_line = True
if gcov.func_ranges:
funcs = gcov.func_ranges.find_func(line)
for func_name in funcs:
if func_name:
if func_name.startswith("_GLOBAL__"):
use_line = False
base_count = 0
if 'static_initialization_and_destruction' in func_name:
use_line = False
base_count = 0
if use_line:
if base_line != Nocode:
total_lines += 1
if base_count == 0:
total_uncovered_lines += 1
total_covered_lines += 1
return FileCoverage(total_covered_lines, total_uncovered_lines, total_lines)
def compute_gcov_diff(gcov_base, gcov_unit, print_diff=False, print_diff_summary=False, coverage_stats=None):
diff_line_info = OrderedDict()
if print_diff or print_diff_summary:
print('file ',gcov_base.tags['Source'])
total_base_count = 0
base_totals_total = 0
base_totals_covered = 0
base_totals_uncovered = 0
unit_totals_total = 0
unit_totals_covered = 0
unit_totals_uncovered = 0
unit_totals_rel_covered = 0
unit_totals_rel_uncovered = 0
for line in gcov_base.line_info.keys():
if line not in gcov_unit.line_info:
print('error, line not present: %d ,line=%s'%(line, gcov_base.line_info[line]))
base_line = gcov_base.line_info[line]
unit_line = gcov_unit.line_info[line]
Uncov_norm = '#####'
Uncov_exp = '====='
Uncov = [Uncov_norm, Uncov_exp]
Nocode = '-'
diff_count = None
base_count = 0
base_count = int(base_line.count)
except ValueError:
unit_count = 0
unit_count = int(unit_line.count)
except ValueError:
# Skip some compiler-added functions
# Assuming base and unit are the same
if gcov_base.func_ranges:
funcs = gcov_base.func_ranges.find_func(line)
for func_name in funcs:
if func_name:
if func_name.startswith("_GLOBAL__"):
base_count = 0
unit_count = 0
if 'static_initialization_and_destruction' in func_name:
base_count = 0
unit_count = 0
total_base_count += base_count
if base_line.count != Nocode:
base_totals_total += 1
if base_line.count in Uncov:
base_totals_uncovered += 1
if base_count > 0:
base_totals_covered += 1
if unit_line.count != Nocode:
unit_totals_total += 1
if unit_line.count in Uncov:
unit_totals_uncovered += 1
if unit_count > 0:
unit_totals_covered += 1
line_has_diff = False
# base_line.count is the string value for the count
# base_count is the converted integer value
# will be 0 for No code or uncovered
if base_line.count == Nocode and unit_line.count == Nocode:
diff_count = Nocode
# doesn't work well if one side is nocode and the other has count 0
#elif base_line.count == Nocode and unit_line.count != Nocode:
# diff_count = Nocode
# line_has_diff = True
#elif base_line.count != Nocode and unit_line.count == Nocode:
# diff_count = Nocode
# line_has_diff = True
elif base_line.count == Nocode and unit_count == 0:
diff_count = Nocode
elif base_count == 0 and unit_line.count == Nocode:
diff_count = Nocode
elif base_line.count in Uncov and unit_line.count in Uncov:
#diff_count = 9999 # special count to indicate uncovered in base?
diff_count = Nocode # Not sure of the right solution
elif base_count != 0 and unit_count == 0:
diff_count = Uncov_norm
unit_totals_rel_uncovered += 1
line_has_diff = True
elif base_count == 0 and unit_count != 0:
diff_count = Nocode
line_has_diff = True
elif base_count != 0 and unit_count != 0:
diff_count = unit_count
unit_totals_rel_covered += 1
elif base_count == 0 and unit_count == 0:
diff_count = 0
if print_diff and line_has_diff:
if gcov_base.line_info[line].src.strip() != gcov_unit.line_info[line].src.strip():
print('line diff, base: ',gcov_base.line_info[line])
print(' unit: ',gcov_unit.line_info[line])
print('%9s %9s %6d : %s'%(base_line.count, unit_line.count, line, gcov_unit.line_info[line].src))
if diff_count is None:
print('Unhandled case: ',line,diff_count,base_line.count,unit_line.count)
diff_line_info[line] = read_gcov.LineInfo(diff_count, line, base_line.src)
if print_diff_summary:
print('Base Unit')
print('%4d/%-4d %4d/%-4d covered lines'%(base_totals_covered, base_totals_total, unit_totals_covered, unit_totals_total))
print('%4d/%-4d %4d/%-4d uncovered lines'%(base_totals_uncovered, base_totals_total, unit_totals_uncovered, unit_totals_total))
print(' %4d/%-4d uncovered lines relative to base'%(unit_totals_rel_uncovered, (unit_totals_rel_uncovered+unit_totals_rel_covered)))
if coverage_stats is not None:
base_coverage = FileCoverage(base_totals_covered, base_totals_uncovered, base_totals_total)
unit_coverage = FileCoverage(unit_totals_covered, unit_totals_uncovered, unit_totals_total)
rel_coverage = FileCoverage(unit_totals_rel_covered, unit_totals_rel_uncovered, unit_totals_rel_covered + unit_totals_rel_uncovered)
cc = CompareCoverage(base_coverage, unit_coverage, rel_coverage)
coverage_stats[gcov_base.tags['Source']] = cc
if total_base_count == 0:
return None
return read_gcov.GcovFile(gcov_base.fname, gcov_base.tags, diff_line_info, None, None, None, gcov_base.func_ranges)
FunctionCoverageInfo = namedtuple('FunctionCoverageInfo',['uncovered','total','names'])
def compute_gcov_func_diff(gcov_base, gcov_unit, print_diff=False, print_diff_summary=False, func_coverage_stats=None):
if print_diff or print_diff_summary:
print('file ',gcov_base.tags['Source'])
uncovered_funcs = []
nfunc = 0
for func_line in gcov_base.function_info.keys():
base_func = gcov_base.function_info[func_line]
unit_func = gcov_unit.function_info[func_line]
nfunc += len(base_func)
if len(unit_func) == 0 :
for idx in range(len(base_func)):
# function summary not even printed. Seems to be an issue with templates
for idx in range(min(len(base_func), len(unit_func))):
if base_func[idx].called_count > 0 and unit_func[idx].called_count == 0:
nfunc_uncovered = len(uncovered_funcs)
if func_coverage_stats is not None:
func_coverage_stats[gcov_base.tags['Source']] = FunctionCoverageInfo(nfunc_uncovered,nfunc,uncovered_funcs)
def print_function_coverage(func_coverage):
print('Function coverage')
for name,fc in func_coverage.items():
for func in demangle.demangle(fc.names):
print(' ',func)
def by_uncovered(x,y):
if x[1].uncovered == y[1].uncovered:
return 0;
if x[1].uncovered > y[1].uncovered:
return -1
return 1
def print_coverage_summary(coverage_stats):
sorted_keys = sorted(coverage_stats.items(), cmp=by_uncovered)
for source,stats in sorted_keys:
percent = 0
if stats.total > 0:
percent = 100.0*stats.covered/stats.total
def summarize_coverage_summary(coverage_stats):
by_dirs = defaultdict(FileCoverage)
for source, stats in coverage_stats.items():
src = source
while True:
dirname = os.path.dirname(src)
if stats.total > 0:
#by_dirs[dirname] += stats
by_dirs[dirname] += stats
if dirname == '':
if os.path.basename(src) in ['src','/','build']:
if src == '/':
src = dirname
print('\n by Dir \n')
ordered = OrderedDict()
for k in sorted(by_dirs.keys()):
ordered[k] = by_dirs[k]
def compare_gcov(fname, dir_base, dir_unit, dir_diff=None):
gcov_base = read_gcov.read_gcov(os.path.join(dir_base, fname))
gcov_unit = read_gcov.read_gcov(os.path.join(dir_unit, fname))
gcov_diff = compute_gcov_diff(gcov_base, gcov_unit)
if dir_diff and gcov_diff:
out_fname = os.path.join(dir_diff, fname)
read_gcov.write_gcov(gcov_diff, open(out_fname, 'w'))
def print_gcov_diff(both, only_base, only_unit, base_gcov_map, unit_gcov_map):
coverage_summary = dict()
func_coverage_summary = dict()
for fname in both:
gcov_base = base_gcov_map[fname]
gcov_unit = unit_gcov_map[fname]
compute_gcov_diff(gcov_base, gcov_unit, print_diff_summary=False, print_diff=False, coverage_stats=coverage_summary)
#print 'Function Info'
compute_gcov_func_diff(gcov_base, gcov_unit, print_diff=False, func_coverage_stats=func_coverage_summary)
print('\nCompletely uncovered files (relative to base)\n')
for fname in only_base:
gcov_base = base_gcov_map[fname]
base_coverage = get_total_covered_lines(gcov_base)
if base_coverage.covered > 0:
unit_coverage = FileCoverage(0, 0, 0)
rel_coverage = FileCoverage(0, base_coverage.covered, base_coverage.covered)
src_name = gcov_base.tags['Source']
if True:
print(src_name,'%4d/%-4d'%(base_coverage.covered, base_coverage.total))
coverage_summary[src_name] = CompareCoverage(base_coverage, unit_coverage, rel_coverage)
rel_coverage_summary = {src_name:x.rel for src_name,x in coverage_summary.items()}
func_coverage_summary2 = {src_name:FileCoverage(x.total-x.uncovered, x.uncovered, x.total) for src_name,x in func_coverage_summary.items()}
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compare GCOV files")
# Compare gcov files in base and unit directories and write results to output directory
# This is used to generate the gcov files for the CDash report
compare_action = ['compare','c']
# Just delete unwanted files from directory
process_action = ['process','p']
# Compare gcov files in base and unit directories and print results
diff_action = ['diff','d']
# Merge files with same source (from gcov -l)
merge_action = ['merge','m']
actions = compare_action + process_action + diff_action + merge_action
help="Directory containing the input base gcov files")
help="Directory containing the input unit test (target) gcov files")
help="Directory to write the difference gcov files")
help="Limit analysis to single file")
help="Source prefix to add when merging files")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.action in compare_action:
if not args.unit_dir:
print('--unit-dir required for compare')
if not args.output_dir:
print('--output-dir required for compare')
both, only_base, only_unit, base_gcov_map, unit_gcov_map = compare_gcov_dirs(args.base_dir, args.unit_dir)
compare_gcov_files(both, only_base, only_unit, base_gcov_map, unit_gcov_map, args.unit_dir, args.output_dir)
if args.action in process_action:
base = set(get_gcov_files(args.base_dir))
read_and_filter_gcov_files(base, args.base_dir)
if args.action in merge_action:
base = set(get_gcov_files(args.base_dir))
merge_gcov_files_in_dir(base, args.base_dir, args.output_dir, args.prefix)
if args.action in diff_action:
if not args.unit_dir:
print('--unit-dir required for diff')
if args.file:
compare_gcov(args.file, args.base_dir, args.unit_dir)
both, only_base, only_unit, base_gcov_map, unit_gcov_map = compare_gcov_dirs(args.base_dir, args.unit_dir)
print_gcov_diff(both, only_base, only_unit, base_gcov_map, unit_gcov_map)