mirror of https://github.com/QMCPACK/qmcpack.git
207 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File
207 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use POSIX qw/floor/;
use strict;
use FileHandle;
use Getopt::Long;
my %config = do "/gprojects/qmcpack/qmcpack/utils/setup-qmc-conf.pl";
my $gnuplot = $config{gnuplot};
my $epsfile;
GetOptions('eps=s' => \$epsfile);
my $file = shift;
my $start = shift;
(defined $start) || ($start = 0);
my $end = shift @ARGV;
if (!(defined $end)) {
$end = -1;
open(FILE, "$file");
my @filedata;
while (defined (my $line = <FILE>)) {
my @tmp = split('\s+', $line);
push(@filedata, [@tmp]);
my $min;
my $max;
($min, $max) = getMinMax(\@filedata, 2, $start, $end);
my $enTicString = getTicString($min,$max);
my $popmin;
my $popmax;
($popmin, $popmax) = getMinMax(\@filedata, 5, $start, $end);
my $popTicString = getTicString($popmin,$popmax);
my $plotstring = "set title \"$file\"\n";
if ($epsfile) {
$plotstring .= "set term post color enhanced 20\n set output \"$epsfile\"\n";
$plotstring .= "set multiplot\n set ylabel \"Energy (Hartrees)\"\n ";
$plotstring .= "set origin 0,0.5\n set size 0.82,0.5\n";
$plotstring .= "set format x \"\"\n set ytics $enTicString \n unset y2tics\n set lmargin 12\n";
if ($end < 0) {
$plotstring .= "plot [$start:][$min:$max] \"$file\" u 1:2 w l notitle, \"\" u 1:5 lt 3 notitle w l \n";
} else {
$plotstring .= "plot [$start:$end][$min:$max] \"$file\" u 1:2 w l notitle, \"\" u 1:5 lt 3 notitle w l \n";
$plotstring .= "set format x \n unset title\n set xlabel \"DMC step\"\n set ylabel \"Population (Walkers)\"\n";
$plotstring .= "set xtics\n set ytics $popTicString\n set bmargin 4\n";
if ($end < 0) {
$plotstring .= "set origin 0,0\n plot [$start:][$popmin:$popmax] \"\" u 1:5 w l notitle\n";
} else {
$plotstring .= "set origin 0,0\n plot [$start:$end][$popmin:$popmax] \"\" u 1:5 w l notitle\n";
$plotstring .= "set format x \"\"\n";
$plotstring .= "set origin 0.8,0.5\n set size 0.2, 0.5\n set title \"histogram\"\n";
$plotstring .= "set lmargin 0\n unset xlabel\n unset ylabel \n set bmargin 1\n";
$plotstring .= "unset ytics \n set y2tics $enTicString \n set format y2 \"\"\n ";
$plotstring .= getGPLHistString(\@filedata, 2, $start, $end);
$plotstring .= "set origin 0.8,0.0\n set size 0.2, 0.5\n unset title \n set y2tics $popTicString \n";
$plotstring .= "set format y2 \"\"\n set xlabel \"counts\"\n set bmargin 4\n";
$plotstring .= getGPLHistString(\@filedata, 5, $start, $end);
$plotstring .= "unset multiplot\n";
unless($epsfile) {
$plotstring .= "pause -1\n";
open(GPL, "|$gnuplot");
print GPL $plotstring;
unless($epsfile) {
my $blah = <>; # Hack to leave graph up until user hits a key
sub getTicString {
use POSIX qw/floor ceil/;
my $low = shift;
my $high = shift;
# print " $low $high\n";
my $range = $high - $low;
my $scale = 10 ** floor(log($range)/log(10));
my $ntics = int($range/$scale);
if ($ntics == 1) {
$scale *= 0.2;
$ntics = int($range/$scale);
} elsif ($ntics == 2) {
$scale *= 0.4;
$ntics = int($range/$scale);
} elsif ($ntics == 3) {
$scale *= 0.4;
$ntics = int($range/$scale);
} elsif ($ntics == 4) {
$scale *= 0.5;
$ntics = int($range/$scale);
} elsif ($ntics == 5) {
$scale *= 0.8;
$ntics = int($range/$scale);
my $lowval = ceil($low/$scale)*$scale;
my $highval = floor($high/$scale)*$scale;
my $ticstring = "$lowval,$scale,$highval";
return $ticstring;
sub getMinMax {
my $ArrayRef = shift;
my $column = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $stop = shift;
if ($stop < 0) {
$stop = $#{$ArrayRef};
my $min = 1000000000;
my $max = -1000000000;
my $numsamples = 0;
for (my $i = $start+1; $i <= $stop; $i++) {
my $data = ${$ArrayRef}[$i][$column];
if ($data < $min) {
$min = $data;
if ($data > $max) {
$max = $data;
return ($min, $max, $numsamples);
sub getGPLHistString {
my $ArrayRef = shift;
my $column = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $stop = shift;
my $min;
my $max;
my $numsamples;
($min, $max, $numsamples) = getMinMax($ArrayRef,$column,$start,$stop);
my @arr = getColumn($ArrayRef,$column,$start,$stop);
my $numbins = floor($numsamples / 50);
my @histdata;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numbins; $i++) {
push @histdata, 0;
my $binwidth = ($max-$min)/($numbins+0.0);
my $maxcount = 0;
foreach my $i (@arr) {
my $binnum = floor(($i-$min)/$binwidth);
if ($binnum == $numbins || $binnum < 0) {
if ($histdata[$binnum] > $maxcount) {
$maxcount = $histdata[$binnum];
my $plotmax = $maxcount+2;
# my $plotstring = "unset ytics; set y2tics\n";
my $plotstring .= "plot [$plotmax:0][$min:$max] \"-\" u 1:2 w l notitle\n ";
# my $plotstring .= "plot [10:0][$min:$max] \"-\" u 1:2 w l notitle\n ";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $numbins; $i++) {
my $boxxmin = $min+$i*$binwidth;
my $boxxmax = $min+($i+1)*$binwidth;
my $boxymax = $histdata[$i];
my $tag = $i+1;
$plotstring .= "0 $boxxmin\n $boxymax $boxxmin\n $boxymax $boxxmax\n 0 $boxxmax\n";
$plotstring .= "end \n";
return $plotstring;
sub getColumn {
my $matrix = shift;
my $colnum = shift;
my $startnum = shift;
my $end = shift;
if ($end < 0) {
$end = $#{$matrix};
$startnum || ($startnum = 0);
my @outmat;
for (my $i = $startnum+1; $i <= $end; $i++) {
push @outmat, ${$matrix}[$i][$colnum];
return @outmat;