mirror of https://github.com/QMCPACK/qmcpack.git
128 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File
128 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use POSIX qw/floor/;
use strict;
use FileHandle;
use Getopt::Long;
my %config = do "/gprojects/qmcpack/qmcpack/utils/setup-qmc-conf.pl";
my $gnuplot = $config{gnuplot};
my $energytool = $config{energytool};
my $epsfile;
GetOptions('eps=s' => \$epsfile);
my $template = shift || die "Must give a template file name as the first argument here\n";
my $start = shift;
(defined $start) || ($start = 0);
my $plotstart = shift @ARGV;
if (!(defined $plotstart)) {
$plotstart = 1;
$template =~ /(.*\.s)(\d\d\d)(\.scalar\.dat)/;
my $prefix = $1;
my $tnum = $2;
my $suffix = $3;
#print "prefix = $prefix, sequence number = $tnum, suffix = $suffix\n";
opendir DIR, ".";
my @files = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
my @rawfiles;
foreach my $str (@files) {
if ($str =~ /$prefix\d\d\d$suffix/) {
push @rawfiles, $str;
my @sequences;
my @energies;
my @correnergies;
foreach my $file (sort bySequence @rawfiles) {
$file =~ /(.*\.s)(\d\d\d)(\.scalar\.dat)/;
my $sequence = $2;
push @sequences, $sequence;
my $str = `$energytool $file $start | head -1`;
my @data = split(/\s+/,$str);
my $energy = "$data[2] $data[4]";
print "$sequence $energy\n";
push @energies, $energy;
# $str = `$energytool $file $start | tail -1`;
# @data = split(/\s+/,$str);
# my $correnergy = "$data[3] $data[5]";
# push @correnergies, $correnergy;
my $plotstring = "set title \"Sequence vs Energy for VMC optimization\" \n";
if ($epsfile) {
$plotstring .= "set term post color enhanced 20\n set output \"$epsfile\"\n";
$plotstring .= "set xlabel \"sequence\"; set ylabel \"energy (Ha)\"\n";
my $st = $plotstart-1.2;
my $ed = $#sequences+0.2;
my $xtics = "set xtics (";
$plotstring .= "plot [$st:$ed] \"-\" u 1:2:3 notitle w e \n";
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#sequences; $i++) {
# $plotstring .= "$i $correnergies[$i]\n";
$plotstring .= "$i $energies[$i]\n";
$xtics .= "\"$sequences[$i]\" $i";
if ($i < $#sequences) {
$xtics .= ", " ;
$xtics .= ")\n";
$plotstring .= "end \n";
unless ($epsfile) {
$plotstring .= "pause -1\n";
$plotstring = "$xtics $plotstring";
open(GPL, "|$gnuplot");
print GPL $plotstring;
unless($epsfile) {
my $redundantString = <>; # Hack to leave graph up until user hits a key
sub bySequence {
my $left = $a;
my $right = $b;
$left =~ /\.s(\d\d\d)\.scalar\.dat/;
my $leftseq = $1;
$right =~ /\.s(\d\d\d)\.scalar\.dat/;
my $rightseq = $1;
$leftseq <=> $rightseq;
sub getColumn {
my $matrix = shift;
my $colnum = shift;
my $startnum = shift;
my $end = shift;
if ($end < 0) {
$end = $#{$matrix};
$startnum || ($startnum = 0);
my @outmat;
for (my $i = $startnum+1; $i <= $end; $i++) {
push @outmat, ${$matrix}[$i][$colnum];
return @outmat;