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L2 test details
The tests include short and long VMC runs for a 4 atom cell of NiO
with an L2 pseudopotential used for Ni.
Reference data was generated with runs the same overall length
(blocks x steps) as those included in ./qmc-ref, but using 10x more blocks
and 10x fewer steps. Using more blocks reduced the statistical error of
the error bars, but resulted in output data files that were too large
to include in the QMCPACK distribution. The reference values and error
bars were therefore computed from the higher block count runs. The
included reference runs were confirmed to be consistent with the original
higher block count runs.
Version of the code used to create the reference data:
Git commit 168a57c0e522c5ef9e0e7d96293442688198e24a
Reference data from the high block count VMC runs is found below:
LocalEnergy Variance ratio
NiO-L2-ref -371.119855 +/- 0.001945 16.541242 +/- 0.202857 0.0446
For comparison, corresponding data for the lower block count VMC
reference data found in ./qmc-ref is:
>qmca -e 2 -q ev qmc-ref/NiO-L2-ref*scalar*
LocalEnergy Variance ratio
NiO-L2-ref -371.118862 +/- 0.001859 16.427735 +/- 0.104492 0.0443
>qmca -e 2 -q ts qmc-ref/NiO-L2-ref*scalar*
NiO-L2-ref TotalSamples = 12774400.000000 +/- 0.000000
Test input files were created by reducing the number of steps from the
included reference by a factor of 10 for the "long" tests and by a
further factor of 10 for the "short" tests.
Reference values for the mean local energy and variance were taken
from the high block count reference runs. Expected error bars were
derived from the high block count data by multiplying the reference
error bars by a factor of sqrt(10+1) and sqrt(100+1) for the long
and short tests, respectively. The factor of +1 accounts for the
error bar intrinsic to the high block count runs.
The target means and error bars for long and short tests are:
refmean referr longerr shorterr
NiO-L2 energy -371.119855 0.001945 0.006451 0.019547
The number of samples expected from the long and short runs are
(with all blocks included):
NiO-L2-long 1280000
NiO-L2-short 128000
Error bars from typical long and short runs are shown below:
Typical long run results:
Energy Variance ratio
NiO-L2-long -371.126423 +/- 0.006136 16.003283 +/- 0.148233 0.0431
Typical short run results:
Energy Variance ratio
NiO-L2-short -371.123245 +/- 0.018611 15.383094 +/- 0.190840 0.0415
Rough timings for the tests on a circa 2018 Intel Skylake system are:
>grep 'Total Exe' *long*/*.out
long_test/qmc.out: Total Execution time = 1.6918e+02 secs
>grep 'Total Exe' *short*/*.out
short_test/qmc.out: Total Execution time = 1.7596e+01 secs