
408 lines
19 KiB

Discarded 24 diffused primitive functions, 0 contracted functions
#INFO: **** input file is /home/abenali/Work/Development/QMCPACK-Benali/qmcpack/tests/solids/Al-1x1x1-Gaussian_pp_ShiftedTwist/dft_input/Al.py ****
#! /usr/bin/env python3
Gamma point post-HF calculation needs only real integrals.
Methods implemented in finite-size system can be directly used here without
any modification.
import numpy as np
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.pbc import gto, scf, dft
from pyscf import gto as Mgto
from pyscf.pbc import df
from pyscf.pbc import ao2mo
from pyscf.pbc import tools
from pyscf.pbc.tools.pbc import super_cell
from functools import reduce
import scipy.linalg as la
kmesh = [1, 1, 1]
#cell = gto.M(
# atom = '''He 0. 0. 0. ''',
cell = gto.Cell()
# .a is a matrix for lattice vectors.
cell.a = '''
4.03893 0.00000 0.00000
-0.00000 4.03893 0.00000
-0.00000 -0.00000 4.03893
cell.atom = '''
Al 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Al 2.01946 2.01946 0.00000
Al 2.01946 0.00000 2.01946
Al 0.00000 2.01946 2.01946
#Basis: Al-ccpvDz '''
cell.basis= {'Al': Mgto.parse('''
Al S
8.257944 0.003287
4.514245 -0.017168
2.467734 0.069766
1.348998 -0.183475
0.737436 -0.147133
0.403123 0.046882
0.220369 0.308423
0.120466 0.451564
0.065853 0.302904
0.035999 0.079545
Al S
0.236926 1.000000
Al P
1.570603 -0.002645
0.977752 -0.037850
0.608683 0.006636
0.378925 0.089291
0.235893 0.134421
0.146851 0.256105
0.091420 0.238970
0.056912 0.260677
0.035429 0.112350
0.022056 0.052665
Al P
0.202698 1.000000
Al D
0.192882 1.000000
cell.ecp = {'Al': Mgto.basis.parse_ecp('''
Al nelec 10
Al ul
1 5.073893 3.000000
3 8.607001 15.221680
2 3.027490 -11.165685
Al S
2 7.863954 14.879513
2 2.061358 20.746863
Al P
2 3.125175 7.786227
2 1.414930 7.109015
cell.verbose = 5
cell.spin =0
twist = np.asarray(sp_twist) / 1.0
kpts = cell.make_kpts((1,1,1), with_gamma_point=False, wrap_around=True, scaled_center=twist)
mydf = df.GDF(supcell,kpts)
mydf.auxbasis = 'weigend'
mydf._cderi_to_save = 'df_ints.h5'
mf = scf.KRHF(supcell,kpts).density_fit()
mf.with_df._cderi = 'df_ints.h5'
mf.exxdiv = 'ewald'
mf.with_df = mydf
mf.chkfile ='Al-TZ.chk'
ener = open('e_scf','w')
ener.write('%s\n' % (e_scf))
from PyscfToQmcpack import savetoqmcpack
#INFO: ******************** input file end ********************
System: ('Linux', 'abenali', '4.15.0-65-generic', '#74-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 17 17:06:04 UTC 2019', 'x86_64', 'x86_64') Threads 16
Python 2.7.15+ (default, Oct 7 2019, 17:39:04)
[GCC 7.4.0]
numpy 1.14.0 scipy 1.0.0
Date: Thu Oct 10 17:25:40 2019
PySCF version 1.7.0a
PySCF path /home/abenali/Work/src/pyscf/pyscf
GIT HEAD ref: refs/heads/dev
GIT dev branch 501bd52ce3cc3461a512f3341aac8c8be8a7369a
[CONFIG] conf_file None
[INPUT] verbose = 5
[INPUT] max_memory = 4000
[INPUT] num. atoms = 4
[INPUT] num. electrons = 12
[INPUT] charge = 0
[INPUT] spin (= nelec alpha-beta = 2S) = 0
[INPUT] symmetry False subgroup None
[INPUT] Mole.unit = A
[INPUT] 1 Al 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 AA 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 Bohr
[INPUT] 2 Al 2.019460000000 2.019460000000 0.000000000000 AA 3.816226319514 3.816226319514 0.000000000000 Bohr
[INPUT] 3 Al 2.019460000000 0.000000000000 2.019460000000 AA 3.816226319514 0.000000000000 3.816226319514 Bohr
[INPUT] 4 Al 0.000000000000 2.019460000000 2.019460000000 AA 0.000000000000 3.816226319514 3.816226319514 Bohr
[INPUT] ---------------- BASIS SET ----------------
[INPUT] l, kappa, [nprim/nctr], expnt, c_1 c_2 ...
[INPUT] 0 0 [8 /1 ] 8.257944 0.003287
4.514245 -0.017168
2.467734 0.069766
1.348998 -0.183475
0.737436 -0.147133
0.403123 0.046882
0.220369 0.308423
0.120466 0.451564
[INPUT] 0 0 [1 /1 ] 0.236926 1
[INPUT] 1 0 [6 /1 ] 1.570603 -0.002645
0.977752 -0.03785
0.608683 0.006636
0.378925 0.089291
0.235893 0.134421
0.146851 0.256105
[INPUT] 1 0 [1 /1 ] 0.202698 1
[INPUT] 2 0 [1 /1 ] 0.192882 1
Ewald components = 5.17065632266529e-50, -40.3520529525604, 29.5393670563905
nuclear repulsion = -10.8126858961699
number of shells = 20
number of NR pGTOs = 140
number of NR cGTOs = 52
basis = {'Al': [[0, [8.257944, 0.003287], [4.514245, -0.017168], [2.467734, 0.069766], [1.348998, -0.183475], [0.737436, -0.147133], [0.403123, 0.046882], [0.220369, 0.308423], [0.120466, 0.451564], [0.065853, 0.302904], [0.035999, 0.079545]], [0, [0.236926, 1.0]], [1, [1.570603, -0.002645], [0.977752, -0.03785], [0.608683, 0.006636], [0.378925, 0.089291], [0.235893, 0.134421], [0.146851, 0.256105], [0.09142, 0.23897], [0.056912, 0.260677], [0.035429, 0.11235], [0.022056, 0.052665]], [1, [0.202698, 1.0]], [2, [0.192882, 1.0]]]}
ecp = {'Al': [10, [[-1, [[], [[5.073893, 3.0]], [[3.02749, -11.165685]], [[8.607001, 15.22168]]]], [0, [[], [], [[7.863954, 14.879513], [2.061358, 20.746863]], []]], [1, [[], [], [[3.125175, 7.786227], [1.41493, 7.109015]], []]]]]}
CPU time: 1.09
lattice vectors a1 [7.632471536, 0.000000000, 0.000000000]
a2 [-0.000000000, 7.632471536, 0.000000000]
a3 [-0.000000000, -0.000000000, 7.632471536]
dimension = 3
low_dim_ft_type = None
Cell volume = 444.627
exp_to_discard = 0.1
rcut = 18.1851218647085 (nimgs = [3 3 3])
lattice sum = 251 cells
precision = 1e-08
pseudo = None
ke_cutoff = 207.1606219407866
= [50 50 50] mesh (125000 PWs)
ew_eta = 1.98034
ew_cut = 3.4825353084680053 (nimgs = [1 1 1])
******** <class 'pyscf.pbc.df.df.GDF'> ********
mesh = [13 13 13] (2197 PWs)
auxbasis = weigend
eta = 0.2
exp_to_discard = 0.1
_cderi_to_save = df_ints.h5
len(kpts) = 1
num shells = 68, num cGTOs = 204
Drop 8 primitive fitting functions
make aux basis, num shells = 60, num cGTOs = 188
auxcell.rcut 12.314818012510043
Num uniq kpts 1
******** <class 'pyscf.pbc.scf.khf.KRHF'> ********
initial guess = minao
damping factor = 0
level shift factor = 0
DIIS = <class 'pyscf.scf.diis.CDIIS'>
DIIS start cycle = 1
DIIS space = 8
SCF tol = 1e-07
SCF gradient tol = None
max. SCF cycles = 50
direct_scf = False
chkfile to save SCF result = Al-TZ.chk
max_memory 4000 MB (current use 202 MB)
******** PBC SCF flags ********
N kpts = 1
kpts = [[ 0.09055394 0.18934006 -0.279894 ]]
Exchange divergence treatment (exxdiv) = ewald
Ewald components = 8.84516447046245e-102, -1.11818785688414, 0.93231769241698
madelung (= occupied orbital energy shift) = 0.3717403289343113
Total energy shift due to Ewald probe charge = -1/2 * Nelec*madelung = -2.23044197361
DF object = <pyscf.pbc.df.df.GDF object at 0x14892eca5910>
Set gradient conv threshold to 0.000316228
Big error detected in the electron number of initial guess density matrix (Ne/cell = 12.0765)!
This can cause huge error in Fock matrix and lead to instability in SCF for low-dimensional systems.
DM is normalized wrt the number of electrons 12.0
cond(S) = [8033.08793604]
Ewald components = 8.84516447046245e-102, -1.11818785688414, 0.93231769241698
CPU time for vj and vk 1.44 sec, wall time 0.18 sec
Ewald components = 5.17065632266529e-50, -40.3520529525604, 29.5393670563905
E1 = (6.275129162510538-1.2531830782348727e-15j) E_coul = (-3.2166025005775847+1.8340790188881273e-17j)
init E= -7.75415923423691
CPU time for initialize scf 205.09 sec, wall time 34.12 sec
HOMO = 0.430408534214 LUMO = 0.477010900302
k-point mo_energy
0 ( 0.110 0.230 -0.340) [-0.58792463 -0.14706624 0.05733521 0.21484883 0.31199655 0.43040853] [0.4770109 0.53737284 0.57936993 0.63216154 0.67105682 0.67979987
0.71805832 0.71965896 0.84599879 0.9214259 0.92400051 0.99892982
1.01170004 1.05290565 1.0814844 1.1507146 1.18197535 1.21319633
1.22565857 1.25787826 1.2601097 1.32211961 1.32392687 1.38261987
1.4465516 1.48022751 1.50234168 1.53113349 1.58858935 1.61983476
4.05967892 5.25718968 5.40476661 5.45587266 5.51297052 5.55052065
5.55670532 5.58142065 5.60612891 5.63185847 5.70873949 5.73138071
6.29540334 6.5128619 6.60491681 6.66765686]
Ewald components = 8.84516447046245e-102, -1.11818785688414, 0.93231769241698
CPU time for vj and vk 1.39 sec, wall time 0.18 sec
Ewald components = 5.17065632266529e-50, -40.3520529525604, 29.5393670563905
E1 = (5.900153475272573-6.905736269791367e-16j) E_coul = (-3.107086189226503+9.622047119241821e-17j)
cycle= 1 E= -8.0196186101238 delta_E= -0.265 |g|= 0.208 |ddm|= 2.87
CPU time for cycle= 1 1.92 sec, wall time 0.25 sec
HOMO = 0.143958072169 LUMO = 0.56152755392
k-point mo_energy
0 ( 0.110 0.230 -0.340) [-0.24537884 -0.1372148 -0.03862658 0.03536718 0.07308733 0.14395807] [0.56152755 0.57763452 0.65375961 0.66710629 0.68857717 0.73222494
0.75763588 0.75791333 0.85608832 0.92606214 0.93671173 1.00368994
1.01274418 1.04343409 1.11280724 1.17667214 1.19633209 1.20921921
1.24303983 1.24440256 1.25828145 1.30085108 1.30387775 1.39152548
1.44583973 1.46030026 1.49669648 1.52781259 1.58536481 1.61854023
4.04197187 5.23483041 5.3852569 5.43519043 5.49316038 5.53220957
5.53552475 5.55865597 5.58704235 5.61056145 5.68553979 5.71129775
6.27129397 6.48808414 6.58001222 6.6428722 ]
Ewald components = 8.84516447046245e-102, -1.11818785688414, 0.93231769241698
CPU time for vj and vk 1.49 sec, wall time 0.19 sec
Ewald components = 5.17065632266529e-50, -40.3520529525604, 29.5393670563905
E1 = (5.867101031917706-6.3750400851367e-16j) E_coul = (-3.1097233318731248+2.2656298306815117e-17j)
cycle= 2 E= -8.05530819612529 delta_E= -0.0357 |g|= 0.0941 |ddm|= 0.406
CPU time for cycle= 2 2.17 sec, wall time 0.28 sec
HOMO = 0.138276543809 LUMO = 0.562326374631
k-point mo_energy
0 ( 0.110 0.230 -0.340) [-0.24619233 -0.14193922 -0.04253114 0.03301851 0.06279833 0.13827654] [0.56232637 0.58624874 0.65593322 0.66647873 0.69442543 0.73247723
0.75953782 0.7599957 0.85570245 0.92618072 0.93796246 1.00384865
1.01362075 1.04128703 1.1146498 1.1771669 1.19599524 1.209354
1.2424797 1.24421575 1.25962595 1.2999557 1.30357088 1.39118758
1.44467482 1.46015823 1.49613635 1.52648255 1.58331388 1.61596143
4.0312 5.22143285 5.3724789 5.42295296 5.47920743 5.51707092
5.52063194 5.54666139 5.57431802 5.59701425 5.67116354 5.69717351
6.2576411 6.4737249 6.56539076 6.62817734]
Ewald components = 8.84516447046245e-102, -1.11818785688414, 0.93231769241698
CPU time for vj and vk 1.44 sec, wall time 0.18 sec
Ewald components = 5.17065632266529e-50, -40.3520529525604, 29.5393670563905
E1 = (5.851802982175749-6.111866419029197e-16j) E_coul = (-3.110019525801942-1.6222613233830775e-17j)
cycle= 3 E= -8.07090243979606 delta_E= -0.0156 |g|= 0.0266 |ddm|= 0.352
CPU time for cycle= 3 2.14 sec, wall time 0.27 sec
HOMO = 0.142244704539 LUMO = 0.562270518386
k-point mo_energy
0 ( 0.110 0.230 -0.340) [-0.24552458 -0.13844207 -0.03954205 0.03471683 0.06954741 0.1422447 ] [0.56227052 0.58113956 0.65444457 0.66754896 0.69040151 0.73206968
0.75803655 0.75842942 0.85561257 0.92568219 0.93690397 1.00338396
1.0136044 1.04142183 1.11350823 1.17638352 1.19553215 1.20901723
1.24310921 1.24393013 1.26021391 1.30083491 1.3041247 1.39114045
1.44446026 1.46095753 1.49642353 1.52685009 1.5832136 1.61522867
4.03112279 5.22056044 5.37139939 5.42259424 5.47875787 5.51640044
5.51953069 5.54700772 5.57428676 5.59601316 5.67076563 5.69687912
6.25759787 6.47367713 6.56522825 6.62775967]
Ewald components = 8.84516447046245e-102, -1.11818785688414, 0.93231769241698
CPU time for vj and vk 0.92 sec, wall time 0.12 sec
Ewald components = 5.17065632266529e-50, -40.3520529525604, 29.5393670563905
E1 = (5.849950057907114-6.107230104783061e-16j) E_coul = (-3.1095834078069884-7.538110157085542e-18j)
cycle= 4 E= -8.07231924606974 delta_E= -0.00142 |g|= 0.00867 |ddm|= 0.0859
CPU time for cycle= 4 1.29 sec, wall time 0.16 sec
HOMO = 0.140167723348 LUMO = 0.562599099183
k-point mo_energy
0 ( 0.110 0.230 -0.340) [-0.24609956 -0.14028861 -0.04105574 0.03404687 0.06560239 0.14016772] [0.5625991 0.58396787 0.65527149 0.66739188 0.69225944 0.73218567
0.75863575 0.75900129 0.85554181 0.92588711 0.93739583 1.00360649
1.01363784 1.04102138 1.1139135 1.17666454 1.1954325 1.20899006
1.24300478 1.24421059 1.26062484 1.30071154 1.30409664 1.39150313
1.44434807 1.46093943 1.49640364 1.52684481 1.58301496 1.61479227
4.0307214 5.21965627 5.37051441 5.42209687 5.4782528 5.51571693
5.51853523 5.54689479 5.5740593 5.59510075 5.67013635 5.6964559
6.25700935 6.47296267 6.5644518 6.62691952]
Ewald components = 8.84516447046245e-102, -1.11818785688414, 0.93231769241698
CPU time for vj and vk 0.99 sec, wall time 0.13 sec
Ewald components = 5.17065632266529e-50, -40.3520529525604, 29.5393670563905
E1 = (5.849489469200121-6.113975001672268e-16j) E_coul = (-3.1092908593156348+3.9760772100411125e-17j)
cycle= 5 E= -8.07248728628538 delta_E= -0.000168 |g|= 0.00211 |ddm|= 0.0374
CPU time for cycle= 5 1.49 sec, wall time 0.19 sec
HOMO = 0.141106786156 LUMO = 0.562557769752
k-point mo_energy
0 ( 0.110 0.230 -0.340) [-0.24598968 -0.13962474 -0.04051553 0.03432889 0.06731677 0.14110679] [0.56255777 0.58257106 0.65488092 0.66758189 0.69146104 0.73211173
0.75839957 0.75874883 0.85556013 0.9258248 0.93718722 1.00353956
1.01367918 1.0411309 1.11365655 1.17649754 1.19535007 1.20893254
1.24312061 1.2441643 1.26064466 1.30088252 1.3041808 1.39151273
1.44431423 1.46098806 1.49638858 1.52691124 1.58303143 1.61472188
4.03069892 5.21953701 5.37043746 5.4221133 5.47824142 5.51576575
5.51843042 5.54691871 5.57408531 5.59495589 5.67012108 5.69648659
6.25702903 6.47296847 6.56443969 6.62688909]
Ewald components = 8.84516447046245e-102, -1.11818785688414, 0.93231769241698
CPU time for vj and vk 1.08 sec, wall time 0.14 sec
Ewald components = 5.17065632266529e-50, -40.3520529525604, 29.5393670563905
E1 = (5.849443499309608-6.119577727571661e-16j) E_coul = (-3.1092520025428634-3.911565063195857e-18j)
cycle= 6 E= -8.07249439940312 delta_E= -7.11e-06 |g|= 0.000463 |ddm|= 0.00568
CPU time for cycle= 6 1.64 sec, wall time 0.21 sec
HOMO = 0.140722806819 LUMO = 0.562569903838
k-point mo_energy
0 ( 0.110 0.230 -0.340) [-0.24602227 -0.13986216 -0.04071409 0.03422516 0.06659622 0.14072281] [0.5625699 0.58317525 0.65505452 0.66750572 0.69177136 0.73214561
0.75848953 0.75883393 0.85554348 0.92585814 0.9372549 1.00356708
1.01366178 1.0410933 1.11375199 1.17655685 1.19536134 1.20894155
1.24307614 1.24420278 1.26065582 1.30082275 1.30414815 1.39153972
1.44430924 1.46095681 1.49637652 1.52690039 1.58302846 1.6147246
4.03068564 5.21950788 5.37041419 5.42208384 5.47822826 5.51574693
5.5183986 5.54688835 5.57407553 5.59492349 5.67008049 5.69647403
6.25700143 6.47293965 6.5644092 6.62686193]
Ewald components = 8.84516447046245e-102, -1.11818785688414, 0.93231769241698
CPU time for vj and vk 1.01 sec, wall time 0.13 sec
Ewald components = 5.17065632266529e-50, -40.3520529525604, 29.5393670563905
E1 = (5.849441466804805-6.142983100788869e-16j) E_coul = (-3.109250326227598-9.56922899015235e-18j)
cycle= 7 E= -8.07249475559266 delta_E= -3.56e-07 |g|= 0.00017 |ddm|= 0.0011
CPU time for cycle= 7 1.56 sec, wall time 0.20 sec
HOMO = 0.140882232049 LUMO = 0.562567424179
k-point mo_energy
0 ( 0.110 0.230 -0.340) [-0.24601 -0.13976745 -0.0406347 0.03427056 0.06688635 0.14088223] [0.56256742 0.58292692 0.65498547 0.66753958 0.69164124 0.73213302
0.75845328 0.75879553 0.85554938 0.92584685 0.93722861 1.0035593
1.01367092 1.04110933 1.11371197 1.17652775 1.19535639 1.20893632
1.24309551 1.24419028 1.26065551 1.30084782 1.30416234 1.39152605
1.44430915 1.46097474 1.49638265 1.52690979 1.58303713 1.61472711
4.03069404 5.21952177 5.37042957 5.4220977 5.47824606 5.51576631
5.51841248 5.54689904 5.57409161 5.59493496 5.67009357 5.69649257
6.25701541 6.47295668 6.56442571 6.6268791 ]
Ewald components = 8.84516447046245e-102, -1.11818785688414, 0.93231769241698
CPU time for vj and vk 0.86 sec, wall time 0.11 sec
Ewald components = 5.17065632266529e-50, -40.3520529525604, 29.5393670563905
E1 = (5.849437162509817-6.112424666680996e-16j) E_coul = (-3.109246090974233-3.959706974846443e-18j)
cycle= 8 E= -8.07249482463428 delta_E= -6.9e-08 |g|= 6.61e-05 |ddm|= 0.000605
CPU time for cycle= 8 1.40 sec, wall time 0.18 sec
HOMO = 0.140846876134 LUMO = 0.562568954265
k-point mo_energy
0 ( 0.110 0.230 -0.340) [-0.24601314 -0.13978983 -0.04065323 0.03426073 0.06682108 0.14084688] [0.56256895 0.5829812 0.65500107 0.66753261 0.69167036 0.73213603
0.75846205 0.75880363 0.85554783 0.92584984 0.93723498 1.00356217
1.01366968 1.04110557 1.11372064 1.17653294 1.19535782 1.20893732
1.24309124 1.24419355 1.26065628 1.30084229 1.30415913 1.39152794
1.44430877 1.46097191 1.49638128 1.52690894 1.5830368 1.614727
4.03069043 5.21951697 5.37042395 5.42209174 5.4782428 5.51576183
5.51840702 5.54689405 5.57408859 5.59493019 5.67008784 5.69648897
6.25701011 6.47295138 6.56442037 6.62687358]
Ewald components = 8.84516447046245e-102, -1.11818785688414, 0.93231769241698
CPU time for vj and vk 0.84 sec, wall time 0.11 sec
Ewald components = 5.17065632266529e-50, -40.3520529525604, 29.5393670563905
E1 = (5.84943721268546-6.143188241580782e-16j) E_coul = (-3.109246147329901-4.724723310004886e-19j)
Extra cycle E= -8.07249483081431 delta_E= -6.18e-09 |g|= 4.17e-05 |ddm|= 9.03e-05
CPU time for scf_cycle 219.93 sec, wall time 36.01 sec
CPU time for SCF 220.17 sec, wall time 36.07 sec
converged SCF energy = -8.07249483081431
('e_scf', -8.072494830814307)
Using Python 2.x
Wavefunction successfully saved to QMCPACK HDF5 Format
Use: "convert4qmc -pyscf Al-DZ.h5" to generate QMCPACK input files