mirror of https://github.com/QMCPACK/qmcpack.git
102 lines
3.4 KiB
102 lines
3.4 KiB
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project id="He_param_grad_load" series="0">
<parameter name="driver_version">batched</parameter>
<!-- Location of atoms -->
<particleset name="ion0" size="1">
<group name="He">
<parameter name="charge">2</parameter>
<attrib name="position" datatype="posArray">
0.0 0.0 0.0
<!-- Randomly create electrons around the atomic position -->
<particleset name="e" random="yes" randomsrc="ion0">
<group name="u" size="1">
<parameter name="charge">-1</parameter>
<group name="d" size="1">
<parameter name="charge">-1</parameter>
<!-- Trial wavefunction - use Slater determinant multiplied by a Jastrow factor -->
<wavefunction name="psi0" target="e">
<override_variational_parameters href="he_vp_opt.h5"/>
<!-- Electron-electron Jastrow using B-splines -->
<!-- For two electron system, only have up-down interaction -->
<jastrow name="Jee" type="Two-Body" function="Bspline">
<!-- 'rcut' is the cutoff (in atomic units) beyond which the jastrow factor is zero -->
<!-- 'size' is the number of knots in the spline inside the interval [0, rcut].
This should match the number of coefficients in the array -->
<correlation rcut="10" size="4" speciesA="u" speciesB="d">
<coefficients id="jud" type="Array">0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0</coefficients>
<determinantset type="MO" key="STO" transform="no" source="ion0">
<!-- Use a single Slater Type Orbital (STO) for the basis. Cusp condition is correct. -->
<atomicBasisSet type="STO" elementType="He">
<basisGroup rid="R0" n="1" l="0" m="0" type="Slater">
<radfunc exponent="2.0"/>
<determinant id="updet" spin="1" size="1">
<coefficient id="updetC" type="Array" size="1">
<determinant id="downdet" spin="-1" size="1">
<coefficient id="downdetC" type="Array" size="1">
<!-- Hamiltonian - the energy of interactions between particles -->
<hamiltonian name="h0" type="generic" target="e">
<!-- Electon-electron -->
<pairpot name="ElecElec" type="coulomb" source="e" target="e"/>
<!-- Electon-ion -->
<pairpot name="Coulomb" type="coulomb" source="ion0" target="e"/>
<!-- Ion-ion (not needed for a single atom) -->
<!--<constant name="IonIon" type="coulomb" source="ion0" target="ion0"/>-->
<!-- QMC method(s) to run -->
<loop max="10">
<qmc method="linear" move="pbyp" checkpoint="-1" gpu="no">
<optimize method="gradient_test">
<parameter name="output_param_file">yes</parameter>
<parameter name="blocks"> 100 </parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps"> 25 </parameter>
<parameter name="steps"> 10 </parameter>
<parameter name="substeps"> 20 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep"> 0.5 </parameter>
<cost name="energy"> 1.0 </cost>
<cost name="reweightedvariance"> 0.00 </cost>