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Nexus QP+QMCPACK Example 1: Water molecule (RHF)
In this example, we show how to run a simple restricted Hartree-Fock
calculation with Quantum Package via Nexus for an all-electron water
Quantum Package takes a different philosophy from many electronic
structure codes. QP doesn't have a single file that serves as input.
Instead, QP uses a directory tree with single text files storing single
input variable values, as well as general program state. Also unusual,
QP presents an assemblage of executables to interact with the input
and drive stages of the calculation. Nexus wraps several of these steps
together, and in the end the Nexus interface to QP resembles its interfaces
to other Gaussian-based codes like GAMESS or PySCF.
The Nexus script for this example is ``h2o_ae_hf.py``. The contents of
the script are shown below:
.. code-block:: python
#! /usr/bin/env python3
from nexus import settings,job,run_project
from nexus import generate_physical_system
from nexus import generate_quantum_package
# note: you must source the QP config file before running this script
# source /home/ubuntu/apps/qp2/quantum_package.rc
results = '',
status_only = 0,
generate_only = 0,
sleep = 3,
machine = 'ws16',
qprc = '/home/ubuntu/apps/qp2/quantum_package.rc',
scf_job = job(cores=16,threads=16)
system = generate_physical_system(
structure = 'H2O.xyz',
scf = generate_quantum_package(
identifier = 'hf', # log output goes to hf.out
path = 'h2o_ae_hf', # directory to run in
job = scf_job,
system = system,
prefix = 'h2o', # create/use h2o.ezfio
run_type = 'scf', # qprun scf h2o.ezfio
ao_basis = 'cc-pvtz', # use cc-pvtz basis
The overall flow of the script should be familiar from the Quantum ESPRESSO
examples presented earlier. If it is not, please revisit these examples before
One important difference is how the physical system is specified. In the
prior QE examples, the atomic positions, etc., were provided explicitly
within the Nexus script. In this case we instead use an external file,
.. code-block:: bash
O 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
H 0.000000 0.757160 0.586260
H 0.000000 0.757160 -0.586260
The QP specific inputs are ``prefix``, which specifies the name of the
``ezfio`` directory (the input "file"), ``run_type``, which in this case
selects a Hartree-Fock run ('scf'), and ``ao_basis``, which selects the
Gaussian basis set.
Before running any Nexus script that involves QP (or before running QP in
general) you need to ensure that the QP executables are all visible to the
executing shell. This is done by sourcing the QP configuration file:
.. code-block:: bash
>source /home/ubuntu/apps/qp2/quantum_package.rc
Now lets run the Nexus script:
.. code-block:: bash
starting runs:
elapsed time 0.0 s memory 101.90 MB
Entering ./runs/h2o_ae_hf 0
writing input files 0 hf
Entering ./runs/h2o_ae_hf 0
source /home/ubuntu/apps/qp2/quantum_package.rc
mpirun -np 1 qp_run scf h2o.ezfio
elapsed time 3.2 s memory 142.65 MB
Project finished
The creation of the ``ezfio`` directory (via ``qp_create_ezfio`` and
``qp_edit -c``) was performed during the "writing input files" step shown
above. You will also notice that the configuration file is sourced again
by Nexus. This is done both here (local workstation) and within batch job
submission scripts on supercomputers because a new shell is entered.
Because the ``ezfio`` directory/file contents are in constant flux and
represent only current program state, Nexus stores changes it makes to the
QP input in text files as a record of these actions, partially fulfilling
the role a traditional input file would. This "input file" for the HF run
is shown below:
.. code-block:: bash
>cat runs/h2o_ae_hf/hf.in
ao_basis = cc-pvtz
end ao_basis
n_det_max = 5000
end determinants
elec_alpha_num = 5
elec_beta_num = 5
end electrons
four_idx_transform = False
postprocess = []
prefix = h2o
run_type = scf
save_for_qmcpack = False
save_natorb = False
sleep = 30
end run_control
In this case, the direct inputs are ``ao_basis``, ``elec_alpha_num``, and
``elec_beta_num``. The electron counts have been inferred from the Nexus
physical system object. The number of determinants is a default value and
is not active in the present SCF case. The contents of ``run_control``
relate to Nexus' actions with ``qp_run`` and related commands, in this case
noting the ``ezfio`` file prefix and the run type as "scf".
For the QP RHF total energy for the all electron water molecule, you
should get something very similar to the following:
.. code-block:: bash
>grep SCF runs/h2o_ae_hf/hf.out
* SCF energy -76.03027837147572
In the next example we will move beyond Hartree-Fock to perform selected-CI
(CIPSI) calculations with QP and Nexus for a spin polarized oxygen dimer.