Paul Kent f484bd5057 ESPRESSO 2025-02-20 14:04:02 -05:00
README.rst ESPRESSO 2025-02-20 14:04:02 -05:00
diamond_lda.py nexus: all tests pass with python 3 2019-11-21 13:48:45 -05:00


Nexus QE+QMCPACK Example 1: Diamond primitive cell (DFT only)

In this example, we give an introduction to Nexus by using it to run a simple 
system (diamond) with Quantum ESPRESSO.  The Nexus script we will use is 
``diamond_lda.py`` in the current directory.

If you have not used Nexus before, we recommend you briefly read the 
*Background* section below.  Otherwise, feel free to proceed directly 
to *Running the Example*.


Each Nexus script has five main sections:

1. Module imports from Nexus (and/or other Python modules).
2. Setting variables to provide information and control Nexus' behavior.
3. Specifying the physical system (diamond in this case).
4. Specifying information for all simulation workflows (a single SCF calculation with QE here).
5. Execution of the simulation workflows.

These five sections are illustrated below using the ``diamond_lda.py`` as an 

.. code-block:: python

    # Nexus module imports
    from nexus import settings,job,run_project
    from nexus import generate_physical_system
    from nexus import generate_pwscf
    # Setting Nexus variables 
    # Physical system information
    system = generate_physical_system(
    # Simulation workflow information
    scf = generate_pwscf(
    # Execute the workflows

Before running the example, we will give a little more information about the 
Nexus functions involved in sections 2-5. 

**settings function**

Provide basic information, such as the location of pseudopotential files 
and details of the local machine (workstation or named supercomputer like 
Summit).  Also provide basic information to control Nexus, such as the 
number of seconds between polling checks on simulation run status.

.. code-block:: python

        pseudo_dir = '../../pseudopotentials', # directory with pseudo files
        results    = '',     # do not copy sim results into separate directory 
        sleep      = 3,      # poll simulation status every 3 seconds
        machine    = 'ws16', # machine is a 16 core workstation

**generate_physical_system function**

Create an object containing details of the physical system, such as the atomic 
species, and atomic positions. If applicable, also provide effective charges of 
pseudo-atoms, cell axes, tiling matrix, and cell k-point grid.  The description 
of the physical system is made once and is shared between simulations in a 
workflow.  In addition to providing the atomic and cell information explicitly, 
this information can also be loaded directly from an appropriate ``xyz``, 
``xsf``, ``POSCAR``, or ``cif`` file (use ``structure=``*filepath*``,``).

.. code-block:: python

    # physical system object is assigned to a local variable named "system"
    system = generate_physical_system(
        # distances are in Angstrom units
        units    = 'A',
        # cell axes (can also provide as 3x3 list or array)
        axes     = '''1.785   1.785   0.000
                      0.000   1.785   1.785
                      1.785   0.000   1.785''',
        # atomic species and positions
        #   can also be provided separately (elem=list/array, pos=list/array)
        elem_pos = '''
                   C  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
                   C  0.8925  0.8925  0.8925
        # pseudopotential for C has Zeff=4
        C        = 4,

**generate_pwscf function**

Create a simulation object containing details about the simulation run 
directory, input/output file prefix, job submission information, and other 
simulation-specific keywords to generate the input file.

.. code-block:: python

    scf = generate_pwscf(
        identifier   = 'scf',         # prefix in/out files with "scf"
        path         = 'diamond/scf', # run directory location
        job          = ...            # job details, see "job function" below
        input_type   = 'generic',     # use standard inputs below
        # all PW inputs are allowed
        calculation  = 'scf',         # run an scf calculation
        input_dft    = 'lda',         # use lda functional
        ecutwfc      = 200,           # 200 Ry orbital plane-wave cutoff
        conv_thr     = 1e-8,          # convergence threshold of 1e-8 Ry
        system       = system,        # atom/cell information
        pseudos      = ['C.BFD.upf'], # pseudopotential files
        kgrid        = (4,4,4),       # 4x4x4 Monkhorst-Pack grid
        kshift       = (0,0,0),       # centered at Gamma

**job function**

Create an object containing job submission information.  On a workstation this 
is primarly the number of cores and threads (mpi tasks will be set to 
#cores/#threads).  On a supercomputer, this also typically includes node count, 
wall time, and environment variable information.  On these machines job 
submission files are automatically created and executed.

.. code-block:: python

    job(cores=16,  # run on all 16 cores (16 mpi tasks)
        app='pw.x' # path to PW executable (defaults to pw.x)

**run_project function**

Execute all simulation runs.  Up to this point, the workflow information has 
been specified (e.g. via ``generate_pwscf``) but no simulation runs have been 
performed.  When this function is executed, all simulation dependencies are 
noted and simulations are executed in the order needed to satisfy all 
dependencies.  Multiple independent simulations will execute simultaneously 
(always true on a supercomputer/cluster, true on a workstation if there are 
sufficient free resources).  When executing the simulation runs, Nexus enters 
a polling loop to monitor simulation progress.  When this function completes, 
all simulation runs will also be complete.

.. code-block:: python

    # run the simulation workflows specified earlier

Running the Example

First run the Nexus script with the ``status_only`` flag set.  This will show 
the queue of jobs that Nexus is managing, including their current status.

.. code-block:: bash

    >./diamond_lda.py --status_only
      cascade status 
        setup, sent_files, submitted, finished, got_output, analyzed, failed 
        000000  0  ------    scf     ./runs/diamond/scf  
        setup, sent_files, submitted, finished, got_output, analyzed, failed 

The QE SCF run will be performed in ``./runs/diamond/scf`` and the input and 
output files will be prefixed with ``scf`` (scf.in and scf.out).  The status
flags, represented as ``0`` or ``1`` are described below:

**0**\ 00000  0  ------  **setup**: Input files (have/have not) been written.

0\ **0**\ 0000  0  ------  **sent_files**: Additional files (e.g. pseudopotentials) (have/have not) been copied in locally.

00\ **0**\ 000  0  ------  **submitted**: Job (has/has not) been submitted.

000\ **0**\ 00  0  ------  **finished**: Simulation (is/is not) finished.

0000\ **0**\ 0  0  ------  **got_output**: Output data (has/has not) been copied.

00000\ **0**  0  ------  **analyzed**: Output data (has/has not) been analyzed.

000000  **0**  ------  **failed**: Simulation (has/has not) failed.

000000  0  **------**  **job_id**: Job submission and/or process id of the simulation.

Now run the Nexus script, allowing it to submit and manage the SCF calculation:

.. parsed-literal::



    starting runs:
    elapsed time 0.0 s  memory 102.13 MB 
      Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 0 
        **writing input files**  0 scf       **\# write input file**  
      Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 0 
        **sending required files**  0 scf    **\# copy in pseudo files**
        **submitting job**  0 scf            **\# submit the job**
      Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 0 
          **export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1**       **\# local execution**
          **mpirun -np 16 pw.x -input scf.in** 
    **elapsed time 3.0 s**  memory 102.23 MB     **\# single monitoring poll, short run** 
      Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 0 
        **copying results**  0 scf           **\# copy output files** 
      Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 0 
        **analyzing**  0 scf                 **\# analyze output data**
    **Project finished**                     **\# all simulations finished**

Check the status of the run.  Each simulation step should have a status of 
``1`` and ``failed`` should have a status of ``0``.  The process id should 
also be populated.

.. code-block:: bash

    >./diamond_lda.py --status_only
    cascade status 
      setup, sent_files, submitted, finished, got_output, analyzed, failed 
      111111  0  14724     scf     ./runs/diamond/scf  
      setup, sent_files, submitted, finished, got_output, analyzed, failed 

The QE run should have completed successfully in ``./runs/diamond/scf``:

.. parsed-literal::

    >ls -lrt runs/diamond/scf/
    total 352
    -rw-r--r-- 1 j1k users 326149 Apr 17 14:08 C.BFD.upf       **\# BFD PP copied locally**
    -rw-r--r-- 1 j1k users     89 May  7 12:05 scf.struct.xyz  **\# atomic structure file**
    -rw-r--r-- 1 j1k users    264 May  7 12:05 scf.struct.xsf  **\# atomic structure file**
    -rw-r--r-- 1 j1k users    780 May  7 12:05 scf.in          **\# QE input file**
    -rw-r--r-- 1 j1k users      0 May  7 12:05 scf.err         **\# stderr output from QE**
    -rw-r--r-- 1 j1k users  10611 May  7 12:05 scf.out         **\# stdout output from QE**
    drwxr-xr-x 3 j1k users   4096 May  7 12:05 pwscf_output    **\# QE outdir**
    drwxr-xr-x 2 j1k users   4096 May  7 12:05 sim_scf         **\# Nexus sim state file**

Check the generated input file:

.. code-block:: bash

    >cat runs/diamond/scf/scf.in 
       calculation     = 'scf'
       outdir          = 'pwscf_output'
       prefix          = 'pwscf'
       pseudo_dir      = './'
       celldm(1)       = 1.0
       ecutwfc         = 200
       ibrav           = 0
       input_dft       = 'lda'
       nat             = 2
       nspin           = 1
       ntyp            = 1
       tot_charge      = 0
       conv_thr        = 1e-08
       C  12.011 C.BFD.upf
       C        0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000 
       C        1.68658058       1.68658058       1.68658057 
    K_POINTS automatic
       4 4 4  0 0 0 
             3.37316115       3.37316115      -0.00000000 
             0.00000000       3.37316115       3.37316115 
             3.37316115       0.00000000       3.37316115 

The total energy for the LDA SCF run should be similar to the following:

.. code-block:: bash

    >grep '!  ' runs/diamond/scf/scf.out 
    !    total energy              =     -22.75252416 Ry