mirror of https://github.com/QMCPACK/qmcpack.git
717 lines
26 KiB
Executable File
717 lines
26 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import argparse
import numpy as np
print('qmc-fit error: numpy is not present on your machine.\n Please install scipy and retry.')
#end try
from scipy.optimize import fmin
except ImportError:
print('qmc-fit error: scipy is not present on your machine.\n Please install scipy and retry.')
#end try
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
params = {'legend.fontsize':14,'figure.facecolor':'white','figure.subplot.hspace':0.,
plots_available = True
except (ImportError,RuntimeError):
plots_available = False
#end try
def find_nexus_modules():
import sys
nexus_lib = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__,'..','..','lib'))
#end def find_nexus_modules
def import_nexus_module(module_name):
import inspect
import importlib
return importlib.import_module(module_name)
#end def import_nexus_module
# Load Nexus modules
# Attempt specialized path-based imports.
# (The executable should still work even if Nexus is not installed)
versions = import_nexus_module('versions')
nexus_version = versions.nexus_version
del versions
generic = import_nexus_module('generic')
obj = generic.obj
log = generic.log
warn = generic.warn
error = generic.error
del generic
developer = import_nexus_module('developer')
DevBase = developer.DevBase
del developer
numerics = import_nexus_module('numerics')
jackknife = numerics.jackknife
jackknife_aux = numerics.jackknife_aux
simstats = numerics.simstats
equilibration_length = numerics.equilibration_length
curve_fit = numerics.curve_fit
least_squares = numerics.least_squares
num_eos_fit = numerics.eos_fit
morse_fit = numerics.morse_fit
morse = numerics.morse
morse_einf = numerics.morse_Einf
morse_re = numerics.morse_re
morse_De = numerics.morse_De
morse_a = numerics.morse_a
morse_width = numerics.morse_width
morse_depth = numerics.morse_depth
morse_Ee = numerics.morse_Ee
morse_k = numerics.morse_k
murnaghan = numerics.murnaghan
birch = numerics.birch
vinet = numerics.vinet
murnaghan_pressure = numerics.murnaghan_pressure
birch_pressure = numerics.birch_pressure
vinet_pressure = numerics.vinet_pressure
del numerics
# Failing path-based imports, import installed Nexus modules.
from versions import nexus_version
from generic import obj,log,warn,error
from developer import DevBase
from numerics import jackknife,jackknife_aux
from numerics import simstats,equilibration_length
from numerics import curve_fit,least_squares
#end try
# Polynomial functions
roots_n = lambda p, x: np.roots(np.polyder(p[::-1], x))
root_vals_n = lambda p, x: np.polyval(p[::-1], roots_n(p, x))
moment_n = lambda p, x: np.polyval(np.polyder(p[::-1], x), roots_n(p, x-1))
all_fit_functions = obj(
ts = obj(
linear = obj(
nparam = 2,
function = lambda p,t: p[0]+p[1]*t,
format = '{0} + {1}*t',
params = [('intercept',lambda p: p[0])],
quadratic = obj(
nparam = 3,
function = lambda p,t: p[0]+p[1]*t+p[2]*t*t,
format = '{0} + {1}*t + {2}*t^2',
params = [('intercept',lambda p: p[0])],
sqrt = obj(
nparam = 3,
function = lambda p,t: p[0]+p[1]*np.sqrt(t)+p[2]*t,
format = '{0} + {1}*sqrt(t) + {2}*t',
params = [('intercept',lambda p: p[0])],
u = obj(
quadratic = obj(
nparam = 3,
function = lambda p,t: p[0]+p[1]*t+p[2]*t*t,
format = '{0} + {1}*t + {2}*t^2',
params = [('minimum_x',lambda p: roots_n(p, 1)),
('minimum_e',lambda p: root_vals_n(p,1)),
('curvature',lambda p: moment_n(p, 2))],
cubic = obj(
nparam = 4,
function = lambda p,t: p[0]+p[1]*t+p[2]*t*t+p[3]*t*t*t,
format = '{0} + {1}*t + {2}*t^2 + {3}*t^3',
params = [('minimum_x',lambda p: roots_n(p, 1)[moment_n(p,2) > 0]),
('minimum_e',lambda p: root_vals_n(p,1)[moment_n(p,2) > 0]),
('curvature',lambda p: moment_n(p, 2)[moment_n(p,2) > 0])],
quartic = obj(
nparam = 5,
function = lambda p,t: p[0]+p[1]*t+p[2]*t*t+p[3]*t*t*t+p[4]*t*t*t*t,
format = '{0} + {1}*t + {2}*t^2 + {3}*t^3 + {4}*t^4',
params = [('minimum_x',lambda p: roots_n(p, 1)[moment_n(p,2) > 0]),
('minimum_e',lambda p: root_vals_n(p,1)[moment_n(p,2) > 0]),
('curvature',lambda p: moment_n(p, 2)[moment_n(p,2) > 0])],
eos = obj(
morse = obj(
nparam = 4,
function = morse,
format = 'De ( (1-e^-a(r-re))^2 - 1 ) + E_infinity',
params = [('minimum_x', morse_re),
('a', morse_a),
('de', morse_De),
('einf', morse_einf),
('minimum_e' ,morse_Ee),
('morse_k' ,morse_k)]
birch = obj(
nparam = 4,
format = 'E_inf + 9*V_0*B/16*((V_0/V)**(2./3)-1)**2*( 2 + (Bp-4)*((V_0/V)**(2./3)-1) )',
function = birch,
params = [('minimum_x', lambda p: p[1]),
('e_inf', lambda p: p[0]),
('B', lambda p: p[2]),
('Bp', lambda p: p[3]),
('pressure' , lambda p, V: birch_pressure(p[1:], V))],
vinet = obj(
nparam = 4,
format = 'E_inf + 2*V_0*B/(Bp-1)**2*( 2 - (2+3*(Bp-1)*((V/V_0)**(1./3)-1))*exp(-1.5*(Bp-1)*((V/V_0)**(1./3)-1)) ) ',
function = vinet,
params = [('minimum_x', lambda p: p[1]),
('e_inf', lambda p: p[0]),
('B', lambda p: p[2]),
('Bp', lambda p: p[3]),
('pressure' , lambda p, V: vinet_pressure(p[1:], V))],
murnaghan = obj(
nparam = 4,
format = 'E_inf + B/Bp*V*((V_0/V)**Bp/(Bp-1)+1)-V_0*B/(Bp-1)',
function = murnaghan,
params = [('minimum_x', lambda p: p[1]),
('e_inf', lambda p: p[0]),
('B', lambda p: p[2]),
('Bp', lambda p: p[3]),
('pressure' , lambda p, V: murnaghan_pressure(p[1:], V))],
fit_functions = obj()
def qmcfit(q,E,fname='linear',minimizer=least_squares):
# ensure data is in proper array format
if isinstance(E,(list,tuple)):
E = np.array(E,dtype=float)
#end if
Edata = None
if len(E)!=E.size and len(E.shape)==2:
E = E.T
Edata = E
E = Edata.mean(axis=0)
#end if
# unpack fitting function information
finfo = fit_functions[fname]
fitfunc = finfo.function
auxfuncs = obj()
auxres = obj()
for name,func in finfo.params:
#end for
# setup initial guess parameters
if fname=='quartic':
pp = np.polyfit(q,E,4)
elif fname=='cubic':
pp = np.polyfit(q,E,3)
elif fname=='quadratic':
pp = np.polyfit(q,E,2)
pp = np.polyfit(q,E,1)
#end if
p0 = tuple(list(reversed(pp))+(finfo.nparam-len(pp))*[0])
# get an optimized fit of the means
pf = curve_fit(q,E,fitfunc,p0,minimizer)
# obtain jackknife mean+error estimates of fitted parameters
jcapture = obj()
pmean,perror = jackknife(data = Edata,
function = curve_fit,
args = [q,None,fitfunc,pf,minimizer],
position = 1,
capture = jcapture,
# obtain jackknife estimates of derived parameters
if len(auxfuncs)>0:
psamples = jcapture.jsamples
for auxname,auxfunc in auxfuncs.items():
auxres[auxname] = jackknife_aux(psamples,auxfunc)
#end for
#end if
return pf,pmean,perror,auxres
#end def qmcfit
# Reads scalar.dat files and extracts energy series
def process_scalar_files(scalar_files,equils=None,reblock_factors=None,series_start=None):
if len(scalar_files)==0:
error('must provide at least one scalar file')
#end if
for scalar_file in scalar_files:
if not os.path.exists(scalar_file):
error('scalar file does not exist: {0}'.format(scalar_file))
#end if
if not scalar_file.endswith('.scalar.dat'):
error('file must be of type scalar.dat: {0}'.format(scalar_file))
#end if
#end for
if series_start!=None:
for scalar_file in scalar_files:
filename = os.path.split(scalar_file)[1]
series = int(filename.split('.')[-3][1:])
if series==series_start:
scalar_files = scalar_files[n:]
#end if
#end for
#end if
if isinstance(equils,(int,np.int_)):
equils = len(scalar_files)*[equils]
elif equils is not None and len(equils)!=len(scalar_files):
error('must provide one equilibration length per scalar file\nnumber of equils provided: {0}\nnumber of scalar files provided: {1}\nequils provided: {2}\nscalar files provided: {3}'.format(len(equils),len(scalar_files),equils,scalar_files))
#end if
if isinstance(reblock_factors,(int,np.int_)):
reblock_factors = len(scalar_files)*[reblock_factors]
elif reblock_factors is not None and len(reblock_factors)!=len(scalar_files):
error('must provide one reblocking factor per scalar file\nnumber of reblock_factors provided: {0}\nnumber of scalar files provided: {1}\nreblock_factors provided: {2}\nscalar files provided: {3}'.format(len(reblock_factors),len(scalar_files),reblock_factors,scalar_files))
#end if
# extract energy data from scalar files
Edata = []
Emean = []
Eerr = []
Ekap = []
n = 0
for scalar_file in scalar_files:
fobj = open(scalar_file,'r')
quantities = fobj.readline().split()[2:]
rawdata = np.loadtxt(scalar_file)[:,1:].transpose()
qdata = obj()
for i in range(len(quantities)):
q = quantities[i]
d = rawdata[i,:]
qdata[q] = d
#end for
E = qdata.LocalEnergy
# exclude blocks marked as equilibration
if equils is not None:
nbe = equils[n]
nbe = equilibration_length(E)
#end if
if nbe>len(E):
error('equilibration cannot be applied\nequilibration length given is greater than the number of blocks in the file\nfile name: {0}\n# blocks present: {1}\nequilibration length given: {2}'.format(scalar_file,len(E),nbe))
#end if
E = E[nbe:]
mean,var,err,kap = simstats(E)
#end for
Emean = np.array(Emean)
Eerr = np.array(Eerr)
Ekap = np.array(Ekap)
# reblock data into target length
block_targets = []
if reblock_factors is None:
# find block targets based on autocorrelation time, if needed
for n in range(len(Edata)):
#end if
for n in range(len(Edata)):
#end if
#end if
bt = np.array(block_targets,dtype=int).min()
for n in range(len(Edata)):
E = Edata[n]
nbe = len(E)%bt
E = E[nbe:]
reblock = len(E)//bt
E.shape = (bt,reblock)
if reblock>1:
E = E.sum(1)/reblock
#end if
E.shape = (bt,)
Edata[n] = E
#end for
Edata = np.array(Edata,dtype=float)
return Edata,Emean,Eerr,scalar_files
#end def process_scalar_files
def stat_strings(mean,error):
d = int(max(2,1-np.floor(np.log(error)/np.log(10.))))
fmt = '{0:16.'+str(d)+'f}'
mstr = fmt.format(mean).strip()
estr = fmt.format(error).strip()
return mstr,estr
#end def stat_strings
def parse_list(opt,name,dtype,len1=False):
if opt[name]!=None:
opt[name] = np.array(opt[name].split(),dtype=dtype)
if len1 and len(opt[name])==1:
opt[name] = opt[name][0]
#end if
#end if
error('{0} list misformatted: {1}'.format(name,opt[name]))
#end try
#end def parse_list
def timestep_fit(args):
opt = obj(**args.__dict__)
scalar_files = sorted(opt.scalar_files)
if len(scalar_files)==0:
#end if
if opt.fit_function not in fit_functions:
error('invalid fitting function: {0}\nvalid options are: {1}'.format(opt.fit_function,sorted(fit_functions.keys())))
#end if
if opt.timesteps is None:
opt.timesteps = ''
#end if
# read in scalar energy data
Edata,Emean,Eerror,scalar_files = process_scalar_files(
scalar_files = scalar_files,
series_start = opt.series_start,
equils = opt.equils,
reblock_factors = opt.reblock_factors,
if len(Edata)!=len(opt.timesteps):
error('must provide one timestep per scalar file\nnumber of timesteps provided: {0}\nnumber of scalar files provided: {1}\ntimeteps provided: {2}\nscalar files provided: {3}'.format(len(opt.timesteps),len(scalar_files),opt.timesteps,scalar_files))
#end if
# perform jackknife analysis of the fit
pf,pmean,perror,auxres = qmcfit(opt.timesteps,Edata,opt.fit_function)
# print text info about the fit results
func_info = fit_functions[opt.fit_function]
pvals = []
for n in range(len(pmean)):
pvals.append('({0} +/- {1})'.format(*stat_strings(pmean[n],perror[n])))
#end for
log('\nfit function : '+opt.fit_function)
log('fitted formula: '+func_info.format.format(*pvals))
for pname,pfunc in func_info.params:
pm,pe = stat_strings(*auxres[pname])
log('{0:<14}: {1} +/- {2} Ha\n'.format(pname,pm,pe))
#end for
# plot the fit (if available)
if plots_available and not opt.noplot:
lw = 2
ms = 10
ts = opt.timesteps
tsmax = ts.max()
E0,E0err = auxres.intercept
tsfit = np.linspace(0,1.1*tsmax,400)
Efit = func_info.function(pmean,tsfit)
plt.xlabel('DMC Timestep (1/Ha)')
plt.ylabel('DMC Energy (Ha)')
#end if
#end def timestep_fit
def hubbard_u_fit(args):
opt = obj(**args.__dict__)
scalar_files = sorted(opt.scalar_files)
if opt.fit_function not in fit_functions:
error('invalid fitting function: {0}\nvalid options are: {1}'.format(opt.fit_function,sorted(fit_functions.keys())))
#end if
# read in scalar energy data
Edata,Emean,Eerror,scalar_files = process_scalar_files(
scalar_files = scalar_files,
series_start = opt.series_start,
equils = opt.equils,
reblock_factors = opt.reblock_factors,
hubbard_u = True
if opt.hubbards is not None:
if len(Edata)!=len(opt.hubbards):
error('must provide one hubbard_u value per scalar file\nnumber of hubbard_u provided: {0}\nnumber of scalar files provided: {1}\hubbards provided: {2}\nscalar files provided: {3}'.format(len(opt.hubbards),len(scalar_files),opt.hubbards,scalar_files))
#end if
x = opt.hubbards
elif opt.exx is not None:
hubbard_u = False
if len(Edata)!=len(opt.exx):
error('must provide one hubbard_u value per scalar file\nnumber of hubbard_u provided: {0}\nnumber of scalar files provided: {1}\hubbards provided: {2}\nscalar files provided: {3}'.format(len(opt.hubbards),len(scalar_files),opt.hubbards,scalar_files))
#end if
x = opt.exx
log("\n Please provide either EXX or Hubbard_U values")
#end if
# perform jackknife analysis of the fit
pf,pmean,perror,auxres = qmcfit(x,Edata,opt.fit_function)
func_info = fit_functions[opt.fit_function]
pvals = []
for n in range(len(pmean)):
pvals.append('({0} +/- {1})'.format(*stat_strings(pmean[n],perror[n])))
#end for
log('\nfit function : '+opt.fit_function)
log('fitted formula: '+func_info.format.format(*pvals))
for pname,pfunc in func_info.params:
for i in range(len(auxres[pname][0])):
pm,pe = stat_strings(*np.array(auxres[pname])[:,i])
unit = ""
if pname == "minimum_e":
param = pname
unit = "Ha"
elif pname == "minimum_x":
if hubbard_u:
param = "U at minimum"
unit = "eV"
param = "EXX at minimum"
unit = ''
param = pname
#end if
log('root {0} {1:<14}: {2} +/- {3} {4}'.format(i+1,param,pm,pe, unit))
#end for
# plot the fit (if available)
if plots_available and not opt.noplot:
lw = 2
ms = 10
ts = x
tsmin = ts.min()
tsmax = ts.max()
tsrange = tsmax-tsmin
U_min,U_err = auxres.minimum_x
E_min,E_err = auxres.minimum_e
real_U_in_range = np.isreal(U_min) & (U_min < tsmax) & (U_min > tsmin)
U_min = np.real(U_min[real_U_in_range])
U_err = np.real(U_err[real_U_in_range])
E_min = np.real(E_min[real_U_in_range])
tsfit = np.linspace(0,1.1*tsmax,400)
Efit = func_info.function(pmean,tsfit)
plt.xlim([tsmin-0.1*tsrange,tsmax + 0.1*tsrange])
if hubbard_u:
plt.xlabel('Hubbard U (eV)')
plt.xlabel('EXX ratio')
plt.ylabel('DMC Energy (Ha)')
#end if
#end def hubbard_u_fit
def eos_fit(args):
opt = obj(**args.__dict__)
scalar_files = sorted(opt.scalar_files)
if opt.fit_function not in fit_functions:
error('invalid fitting function: {0}\nvalid options are: {1}'.format(opt.fit_function,sorted(fit_functions.keys())))
#end if
Edata,Emean,Eerror,scalar_files = process_scalar_files(
scalar_files = scalar_files,
series_start = opt.series_start,
equils = opt.equils,
reblock_factors = opt.reblock_factors,
# perform jackknife analysis of the fit
x = opt.eos
jcapture = obj()
auxfuncs = obj()
auxres = obj()
finfo = fit_functions[opt.fit_function]
if 'params' in finfo.keys():
for name,func in finfo.params:
#end for
if opt.fit_function == 'morse':
_, pmean, perror = morse_fit(x, np.transpose(Edata), jackknife=True, auxfuncs=auxfuncs, auxres=auxres, capture=jcapture)
_, pmean, perror = eos_fit(x, np.transpose(Edata), type = opt.fit_function, jackknife=True, auxfuncs=auxfuncs, auxres=auxres, capture=jcapture)
func_info = fit_functions[opt.fit_function]
pvals = []
for n in range(len(pmean)):
pvals.append('({0} +/- {1})'.format(*stat_strings(pmean[n],perror[n])))
#end for
log('\nfit function : '+opt.fit_function)
log('fitted formula: '+func_info.format.format(*pvals))
if 'params' in func_info.keys():
for pname,pfunc in func_info.params:
pm,pe = stat_strings(*np.array(auxres[pname]))
log('{0}: {1} +/- {2} '.format(pname,pm,pe))
#end for
# plot the fit (if available)
if plots_available and not opt.noplot:
lw = 2
ms = 10
ts = x
tsmin = ts.min()
tsmax = ts.max()
tsrange = tsmax-tsmin
x_min,x_err = auxres.minimum_x
if 'minimum_e' in auxres.keys():
e_min,e_err = auxres.minimum_e
e_min = func_info.function(pmean, x_min)
#end if
tsfit = np.linspace(tsmin,1.1*tsmax,400)
Efit = func_info.function(pmean,tsfit)
plt.xlim([tsmin-0.1*tsrange,tsmax + 0.1*tsrange])
if opt.fit_function == 'morse':
plt.xlabel('Distance (A)')
plt.xlabel('Volume (A^3)')
#end if
plt.ylabel('DMC Energy (Ha)')
#end if
#end def eos_fit
def parse_args():
"""This utility provides a fit to the one-dimensional parameter scans of QMC
observables. Currently, the functionality in place is to fit linear/quadratic polynomial
fits to the timestep VMC/DMC studies and single parameter optimization of trial wavefunctions
using DMC local energies and quadratic, cubic and quartic fits.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=parse_args.__doc__,
parser.add_argument('fit_type', choices=['ts', 'u', 'eos'], default = 'ts',
help='One dimensional parameter used to fit QMC local energies. Options are ts for timestep and u for hubbard_u parameter fitting'
valid_fit_functions = set([j for i in all_fit_functions.keys() for j in all_fit_functions[i].keys()])
help='Fitting function, options are {0}.'.format(sorted(valid_fit_functions))
# List of 1-D parameters, mutually exclusive
parameters = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
help='Timesteps corresponding to scalar files, excluding any prior to --series_start'
help='Hubbard U values (eV)'
help='EXX ratios'
help='Structural parameter for EOS fitting'
parser.add_argument('-s', '--series_start',dest='series_start',type=int, default=None,
help='Series number for first DMC run. Use to exclude prior VMC scalar files if they have been provided'
help='Equilibration lengths corresponding to scalar files, excluding any prior to --series_start. Can be a single value for all files. If not provided, equilibration periods will be estimated.'
help='Reblocking factors corresponding to scalar files, excluding any prior to --series_start. Can be a single value for all files. If not provided, reblocking factors will be estimated.'
help='Do not show plots.'
parser.add_argument('scalar_files', nargs='+',
help='Scalar files used in the fit. An explicit list of scalar files with space or a wildcard (e.g. dmc*/dmc.s001.scalar.dat) is acceptable.'
args = parser.parse_args()
return parser, args
if __name__=='__main__':
fit_types = sorted(all_fit_functions.keys())
parser, args = parse_args()
if len(args.scalar_files) == 0:
log('\n'+'Please provide scalar files'+'\n')
#end if
fit_type = args.fit_type
if fit_type in fit_types:
error('unknown fit type: {0}\nvalid options are: {1}'.format(fit_type,fit_types))
#end if
if fit_type=='ts':
elif fit_type == 'u':
elif fit_type == 'eos':
error('unsupported fit type: {0}'.format(fit_type))
#end if
#end if |