
207 lines
6.2 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# import Nexus functions
from nexus import settings,job,run_project,get_machine,obj
from nexus import generate_physical_system
from nexus import generate_pwscf
from nexus import generate_pw2qmcpack
from nexus import generate_qmcpack,vmc,loop,linear,dmc
# Nexus settings
pseudo_dir = './pseudopotentials',
runs = '',
results = '',
status_only = 0,
generate_only = 0,
sleep = 10,
machine = 'vesta',
account = 'QMCPACK-Training'
# allow max of one job at a time (lab only)
vesta = get_machine('vesta')
vesta.queue_size = 1
# locations of pwscf, pw2qmcpack and qmcpack executables
pwscf = '/soft/applications/qmcpack/Binaries/pw.x'
pw2qmcpack = '/soft/applications/qmcpack/Binaries/pw2qmcpack.x'
qmcpack = '/soft/applications/qmcpack/Binaries/qmcpack_comp'
# run directory and pseudopotentials
directory = 'bcc-beryllium' # directory to perform runs
dft_pps = ['Be.ncpp'] # pwscf pseudopotentials
qmc_pps = ['Be.xml'] # qmcpack pseudopotentials
# job details
dft_job = job(cores=16,minutes=10,queue="qmcpack",app=pwscf)
p2q_job = job(cores=1,minutes=10,queue="qmcpack",app=pw2qmcpack)
qmc_job = job(nodes=32,minutes=30,threads=16,queue="qmcpack",app=qmcpack)
# specify k-point grids
kgrids = [(2,2,2),(3,3,3)]
sims = []
first = True
for kgrid in kgrids:
ks = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(*kgrid)
# create conventional cell tiled from primitive one
bcc_Be = generate_physical_system(
lattice = 'cubic',
cell = 'primitive',
centering = 'I',
atoms = 'Be',
constants = 3.490,
units = 'A',
net_charge = 0,
net_spin = 0,
Be = 2,
tiling = [[a,b,c],[d,e,f],[g,h,i]],
kgrid = kgrid,
kshift = (.5,.5,.5)
# generate converged scf
if first:
scf = generate_pwscf(
identifier = 'scf',
path = directory+'/scf',
job = dft_job,
input_type = 'scf',
system = bcc_Be,
spin_polarized = False,
pseudos = dft_pps,
input_dft = 'lda',
ecut = 200,
conv_thr = 1e-8,
mixing_beta = .7,
nosym = False,
wf_collect = False,
kgrid = (8,8,8),
kshift = (0,0,0)
#end if
# nscf run to generate orbitals
nscf = generate_pwscf(
identifier = 'nscf',
path = directory+'/nscf-16at_'+ks,
job = dft_job,
input_type = 'nscf',
system = bcc_Be,
spin_polarized = False,
pseudos = dft_pps,
input_dft = 'lda',
ecut = 200,
conv_thr = 1e-8,
mixing_beta = .7,
tprnfor = False,
tstress = False,
nosym = True,
wf_collect = True,
dependencies = (scf,'charge_density')
p2q = generate_pw2qmcpack(
identifier = 'p2q',
path = directory+'/nscf-16at_'+ks,
job = p2q_job,
write_psir = False,
#dependencies = (nscf,'orbitals'),
if first:
# optimization inputs
linopt1 = linear(
energy = 0.0,
unreweightedvariance = 1.0,
reweightedvariance = 0.0,
timestep = 0.4,
samples = 8192,
warmupsteps = 50,
blocks = 64,
substeps = 4,
nonlocalpp = True,
usebuffer = True,
walkers = 1,
minwalkers = 0.5,
maxweight = 1e9,
usedrift = True,
minmethod = 'quartic',
beta = 0.0,
exp0 = -16,
bigchange = 15.0,
alloweddifference = 1e-4,
stepsize = 0.2,
stabilizerscale = 1.0,
nstabilizers = 3
linopt2 = linopt1.copy()
linopt2.samples = 16384
# optimization run
opt = generate_qmcpack(
driver = 'legacy',
identifier = 'opt',
path = directory+'/opt-16at',
job = qmc_job,
input_type = 'basic',
system = bcc_Be,
twistnum = 0,
bconds = 'ppp',
pseudos = qmc_pps,
jastrows = [('J1','bspline',8),
calculations = [loop(max=4,qmc=linopt1),
dependencies = (p2q,'orbitals')
#end if
# DMC run
ntwists = kgrid[0]*kgrid[1]*kgrid[2]
qmc = generate_qmcpack(
driver = 'legacy',
identifier = 'dmc',
path = directory+'/dmc-16at_'+ks,
job = job(nodes=ntwists,minutes=20,threads=16,queue="qmcpack",app=qmcpack,queue="R.qmc"),
input_type = 'basic',
system = bcc_Be,
bconds = 'ppp',
pseudos = qmc_pps,
jastrows = [],
calculations = [
walkers = 1,
warmupsteps = 30,
blocks = 20,
steps = 10,
substeps = 2,
timestep = .4,
samples = 2048
warmupsteps = 20,
blocks = 100,
steps = 5,
timestep = 0.04,
nonlocalmoves = True
dependencies = [(p2q,'orbitals'),(opt,'jastrow')]
first = False
#end for
# write input files and submit jobs