
2383 lines
79 KiB

diff -W 205 -urN qe-6.4_original/clib/esh5_interfaces.c qe-6.4_updated/clib/esh5_interfaces.c
--- qe-6.4_original/clib/esh5_interfaces.c 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
+++ qe-6.4_updated/clib/esh5_interfaces.c 2019-03-04 13:29:02.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 PWSCF group
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 QMCPACK developers
+ *
+ * @author Jeongnim Kim http://www.mcc.uiuc.edu/qmcpack/
+ * @brief Implements generic hdf5 interfaces for plane wave codes and qmcpack
+ *
+ * - esh5_open_file: open hdf5 file
+ * - esh5_close_file : close hdf5 file
+ * - esh5_open_eigg : open eigenstates
+ * - esh5_close_eigg : close eigenstates
+ * - esh5_open_eigr : open eigenstates_nx_ny_nz
+ * - esh5_close_eigr : close eigenstates_nx_ny_nz
+ *
+ */
+#if defined(__HDF5) || defined(__HDF5_C)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "hdf5.h"
+#include "hdf5_hl.h"
+#define F77_FUNC_(name,NAME) name ## _
+/* file handler */
+static hid_t h_file=-1;
+/* handler for electrons or atoms*/
+static hid_t h_ptcls=-1;
+/* kpoint handler */
+static hid_t h_kpoint=-1;
+/* spin handler */
+static hid_t h_spin=-1;
+/* density handler */
+static hid_t h_density=-1;
+/* number of fft grid */
+static int num_grid[3];
+/* number of real-space grids */
+static int h_ngridtot=0;
+/* check for gamma */
+static int is_gamma=0;
+/* number of atoms */
+static int num_atoms=0;
+/* number of atom species */
+static int num_species=0;
+/* number of electrons */
+static int num_els[2];
+/* number of spin channels */
+static int num_spins=1;
+/* number of kpoints */
+static int num_kpoints=1;
+/* number of bands */
+static int num_bands=0;
+/* number of gvectors */
+static int num_gvectors=0;
+/* number of gvectors */
+static int num_gvectors_max=0;
+/* igmapped */
+static int *igmapped=0;
+/* current k-point */
+static int kpoint_now=-1;
+/* is complex orbital */
+static int psi_r_is_complex=1;
+/* append data */
+static int append_h5=0;
+static int iteration=0;
+static H5E_auto_t err_func;
+static void *client_data=0;
+/** create a file and write version & application
+ * @param fname name of the output file
+ * @param length size of the file name
+ *
+ * h_file is initialized.
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_open_file,ESH5_OPEN_FILE)(const char* fname, const int* length, int* old)
+ H5Eget_auto (&err_func, &client_data);
+ H5Eset_auto (NULL, NULL);
+ append_h5=*old;
+ char * hfname = ( char * ) malloc( (*length) + 1 ) ;
+ memcpy( hfname , fname , *length ) ;
+ hfname[*length] = '\0' ;
+ if(h_file>=0) H5Fclose(h_file);
+ h_file = H5Fopen(hfname,H5F_ACC_RDWR,H5P_DEFAULT);
+ if(h_file>=0)
+ {
+ // always delete the already existing file.
+ printf("esh5 destory the existing %s\n",hfname);
+ remove(hfname);
+ h_file=-1;
+ }
+ //if((append_h5)||(iteration))
+ //{
+ // printf("esh5 open existing %s\n",hfname);
+ // h_file = H5Fopen(hfname,H5F_ACC_RDWR,H5P_DEFAULT);
+ //}
+ if(h_file<0)
+ {
+ printf("esh5 create %s\n",hfname);
+ h_file = H5Fcreate(hfname,H5F_ACC_TRUNC,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT);
+ /* impelements version 1.00 hdf5 format */
+ int version[]={2,1,0};
+ hsize_t dim=3;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_file,"version",1,&dim,H5T_NATIVE_INT,version);
+ hsize_t ns=1;
+ {
+ hid_t strtype = H5Tcopy (H5T_C_S1);
+ ret = H5Tset_size (strtype, 7); /* create string of length 5 */
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_file,"format",1,&ns,strtype,"ES-HDF");
+ }
+ hid_t h_app = H5Gcreate(h_file,"application",0);
+ {
+ hid_t strtype = H5Tcopy (H5T_C_S1);
+ ret = H5Tset_size (strtype, 8); /* create string of length 5 */
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_app,"code",1,&ns,strtype,"espresso");
+ }
+ version[0]=4;
+ version[2]=4;
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_app,"version",1,&dim,H5T_NATIVE_INT,version);
+ H5Gclose(h_app);
+ }
+ free(hfname);
+// iteration = iteration+1;
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_close_file,ESH5_CLOSE_FILE)()
+ if(h_file>=0) H5Fclose(h_file);
+ h_file=-1;
+ H5Eset_auto (err_func, client_data);
+ //clear the gmap
+ if(num_gvectors_max) free(igmapped);
+/** create electrons and create sub groups
+ * @param nels_up
+ * @param nels_down
+ * @param nspins number_of_spins
+ * @param nkpts number_of_kpoints
+ * @param nband number of electron states
+ * @param ngr 3D mesh
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_open_electrons,ESH5_OPEN_ELECTRONS)
+ ( const int* nels_up, const int* nels_down , const int* nspins
+ , const int* nkpts ,const int *nband , const int* ngr
+ )
+ //save the values
+ num_els[0]=*nels_up;
+ num_els[1]=*nels_down;
+ num_spins=*nspins;
+ num_grid[0]=ngr[0];
+ num_grid[1]=ngr[1];
+ num_grid[2]=ngr[2];
+ num_bands=*nband;
+ num_kpoints = *nkpts;
+ h_ptcls = H5Gopen(h_file,"electrons");
+ if(h_ptcls<0)
+ {
+// printf("Creating electrons\n");
+ h_ptcls = H5Gcreate(h_file,"electrons",0);
+ //save the number of up and down electrons
+ const hsize_t dim1=1;
+ const hsize_t dim2=2;
+ const hsize_t dim3=3;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"number_of_electrons",1,&dim2,H5T_NATIVE_INT,num_els);
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"number_of_spins",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,nspins);
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"number_of_kpoints",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,nkpts);
+ //20110515 psi_r_mesh is used specially
+ //ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"psi_r_mesh",1,&dim3,H5T_NATIVE_INT,ngr);
+ //ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"psi_r_is_complex",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,is_complex);
+ //create kpoint/spin/state groups
+// for(int ik=0; ik<*nkpts; ++ik)
+// {
+// char twistname[16];
+// sprintf(twistname,"kpoint_%i",ik + *kstart);
+// hid_t h1 = H5Gcreate(h_ptcls,twistname,0);
+// for(int ispin=0; ispin<num_spins; ispin++)
+// {
+// char spinname[16];
+// sprintf(spinname,"spin_%i",ispin);
+// hid_t h2 = H5Gcreate(h1,spinname,0);
+// ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h2,"number_of_states",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,nband);
+// for(int ib=0; ib<*nband; ib++)
+// {
+// char bandname[16];
+// sprintf(bandname,"state_%i",ib);
+// hid_t h3 = H5Gcreate(h2,bandname,0);
+// H5Gclose(h3);
+// }
+// H5Gclose(h2);
+// }
+// H5Gclose(h1);
+// }
+ }
+/** create electrons and create sub groups
+ * @param nels_up
+ * @param nels_down
+ * @param nspins number_of_spins
+ * @param nkpts number_of_kpoints
+ * @param nband number of electron states
+ * @param ngr 3D mesh
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_open_electrons_base,ESH5_OPEN_ELECTRONS_BASE)
+ ( const int* nels_up, const int* nels_down , const int* nspins
+ , const int* nkpts ,const int *nband , const int* ngr
+ )
+ //save the values
+ num_els[0]=*nels_up;
+ num_els[1]=*nels_down;
+ num_spins=*nspins;
+ num_grid[0]=ngr[0];
+ num_grid[1]=ngr[1];
+ num_grid[2]=ngr[2];
+ num_bands=*nband;
+ num_kpoints = *nkpts;
+ h_ptcls = H5Gopen(h_file,"electrons");
+ if(h_ptcls<0)
+ {
+// printf("Creating electrons\n");
+ h_ptcls = H5Gcreate(h_file,"electrons",0);
+ //save the number of up and down electrons
+ const hsize_t dim1=1;
+ const hsize_t dim2=2;
+ const hsize_t dim3=3;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"number_of_electrons",1,&dim2,H5T_NATIVE_INT,num_els);
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"number_of_spins",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,nspins);
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"number_of_kpoints",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,nkpts);
+ //20110515 psi_r_mesh is used specially
+ //ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"psi_r_mesh",1,&dim3,H5T_NATIVE_INT,ngr);
+ //ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"psi_r_is_complex",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,is_complex);
+// create kpoint/spin/state groups
+ for(int ik=0; ik<*nkpts; ++ik)
+ {
+ char twistname[32];
+ sprintf(twistname,"kpoint_%i",ik );
+ hid_t h1 = H5Gcreate(h_ptcls,twistname,0);
+ for(int ispin=0; ispin<num_spins; ispin++)
+ {
+ char spinname[32];
+ sprintf(spinname,"spin_%i",ispin);
+ hid_t h2 = H5Gcreate(h1,spinname,0);
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h2,"number_of_states",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,nband);
+ for(int ib=0; ib<*nband; ib++)
+ {
+ char bandname[32];
+ sprintf(bandname,"state_%i",ib);
+ hid_t h3 = H5Gcreate(h2,bandname,0);
+ H5Gclose(h3);
+ }
+ H5Gclose(h2);
+ }
+ H5Gclose(h1);
+ }
+ }
+/** create psi_r_mesh
+ * @param ngr 3D mesh for psi_r
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_psi_r_mesh,ESH5_WRITE_PSI_R_MESH)(const int* ngr)
+ const hsize_t dim3=3;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"psi_r_mesh",1,&dim3,H5T_NATIVE_INT,ngr);
+/** close electrons group
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_close_electrons,ESH5_CLOSE_ELECTRONS) ()
+ H5Gclose(h_ptcls);
+ h_ptcls=-1;
+/** open kpoint
+ * @param ik the kpoint index
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_open_kpoint,ESH5_OPEN_KPOINT)(const int* ik)
+ kpoint_now=(*ik)-1;
+ char kname[32];
+ sprintf(kname,"kpoint_%i",kpoint_now);
+ h_kpoint = H5Gopen(h_ptcls,kname);
+ if (h_kpoint < 0) {
+// fprintf (stderr, "Creating %s\n", kname);
+ h_kpoint = H5Gcreate(h_ptcls,kname,0);
+ }
+ assert (h_kpoint >= 0);
+///* close kpoint */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_close_kpoint,ESH5_CLOSE_KPOINT)()
+ H5Gclose(h_kpoint);
+/* write kpoint data */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_kpoint_data,ESH5_WRITE_KPOINT_DATA)
+(const double* xk, const double* wgt, const int* ngk_g, const int* irrep, const int* nrelated)
+// (const double* xk, const double* wgt, const int* ngk_g, const hsize_t* gints)
+ hsize_t dim3=3;
+ hsize_t dim1=1;
+ hsize_t dim_g[2];
+ dim_g[0] = *ngk_g;
+ dim_g[1] = 3;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"reduced_k",1,&dim3,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,xk);
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"weight",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,wgt);
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"symgroup",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,irrep);
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"numsym",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,nrelated);
+//20110515 ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"number_of_gvectors",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,ngk_g);
+//20110515 ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"gvectors",2,dim_g,H5T_NATIVE_INT, gints);
+/** open spin
+ * @param ispin the sin index
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_open_spin,ESH5_OPEN_SPIN)(const int* ispin)
+ char sname[32];
+ sprintf(sname,"spin_%i",(*ispin)-1);
+ h_spin=H5Gopen(h_kpoint,sname);
+ if (h_spin < 0) {
+// fprintf (stderr, "Creating %s\n", sname);
+ h_spin=H5Gcreate(h_kpoint,sname,0);
+ for(int ib=0; ib<num_bands; ib++)
+ {
+ char bandname[32];
+ sprintf(bandname,"state_%i",ib);
+ hid_t h3 = H5Gcreate(h_spin,bandname,0);
+ H5Gclose(h3);
+ }
+ }
+ assert (h_spin >= 0);
+/* close kpoint */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_close_spin,ESH5_CLOSE_SPIN)()
+ H5Gclose(h_spin);
+/* write eigen values
+ * @param ispin spin index
+ * @param eigval eigen values
+ * @param nband number of bans
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_eigvalues,ESH5_WRITE_EIGVALUES)(const double* eigval)
+ hsize_t dim3=(hsize_t)num_bands;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_spin,"eigenvalues",1,&dim3,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,eigval);
+ H5Fflush(h_spin,H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL);
+ //assert (ret >= 0);
+/* write eigen value and eigen vector for (ibnd, ispin) */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_psi_g,ESH5_WRITE_PSI_G)(const int* ibnd
+ , const double* eigv, const int* ngtot
+ )
+ char aname[64];
+ sprintf(aname,"state_%i/psi_g",(*ibnd)-1);
+ hsize_t dims[2];
+ dims[0] = (hsize_t)*ngtot;
+ dims[1] = 2;
+ // fprintf(stderr, "aname = %s ", aname);
+ // fprintf (stderr, " ngtot = %d\n", *ngtot);
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_spin,aname,2,dims,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,eigv);
+ //assert (ret >= 0);
+/* write eigen value and eigen vector for (ibnd, ispin) */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_psi_r,ESH5_WRITE_PSI_R)(const int* ibnd
+ , const double* eigr, const int* use_complex
+ )
+ static int first_time=1;
+ //need to flag this if they are not the same
+ psi_r_is_complex=*use_complex;
+ char aname[64];
+ sprintf(aname,"state_%i/psi_r",(*ibnd)-1);
+ hsize_t dims_out=(hsize_t)(psi_r_is_complex)?4:3;
+ hsize_t dims[4],dim1=1;
+ dims[0] = num_grid[0];
+ dims[1] = num_grid[1];
+ dims[2] = num_grid[2];
+ dims[3] = 2;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_spin,aname,dims_out,dims,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,eigr);
+ if(first_time)
+ {
+ first_time=0;
+ hid_t pid=H5Dopen(h_ptcls,"psi_r_is_complex");
+ if(pid<0)
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"psi_r_is_complex",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,&psi_r_is_complex);
+ else
+ ret = H5Dwrite(pid, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,&psi_r_is_complex);
+ }
+/** open density group and write its grid properties
+ * @param gint G in reduced coordinates
+ * @param ngm number of g vectors
+ * @param nr1s grid of the first direction
+ * @param nr2s grid of the second direction
+ * @param nr3s grid of the third direction
+ *
+ * The ordering of gvectors is handled by pwscf.
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_open_density,ESH5_OPEN_DENSITY)(const int* gint
+ , const int* ngm, int *nr1s, int *nr2s, int *nr3s)
+ num_grid[0]=*nr1s;
+ num_grid[1]=*nr2s;
+ num_grid[2]=*nr3s;
+ num_gvectors=*ngm;
+ h_density = H5Gcreate(h_ptcls,"density",0);
+ hsize_t dim3=3;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_density,"mesh",1,&dim3,H5T_NATIVE_INT,num_grid);
+ // {
+ // int *ig=(int*)malloc(3*num_gvectors*sizeof(int));
+ // for(int i=0,i3=0; i<num_gvectors; ++i)
+ // {
+ // int cur=3*(igtog[i]-1);
+ // ig[i3++]=(int)g[cur++];
+ // ig[i3++]=(int)g[cur++];
+ // ig[i3++]=(int)g[cur++];
+ // }
+ // hsize_t gdims[2];
+ // gdims[0] = (hsize_t)num_gvectors;
+ // gdims[1] = (hsize_t)3;
+ // ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_density,"gvectors",2,gdims,H5T_NATIVE_INT,ig);
+ // assert (ret >= 0);
+ // free(ig);
+ // }
+ hsize_t gdims[2];
+ gdims[0] = (hsize_t)num_gvectors;
+ gdims[1] = (hsize_t)3;
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_density,"gvectors",2,gdims,H5T_NATIVE_INT,gint);
+ hsize_t dim1=1;
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_density,"number_of_gvectors",1,
+ &dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,ngm);
+/** open density group and write its grid properties
+ * @param nr1s grid of the first direction
+ * @param nr2s grid of the second direction
+ * @param nr3s grid of the third direction
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_open_density_r,ESH5_OPEN_DENSITY_R)(int *nr1s, int *nr2s, int *nr3s
+ )
+ printf("ARE YOU GONE MAD \n");
+ num_grid[0]=*nr1s;
+ num_grid[1]=*nr2s;
+ num_grid[2]=*nr3s;
+ h_density = H5Gcreate(h_ptcls,"density",0);
+ hsize_t dim3=3;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_density,"mesh",1,&dim3,H5T_NATIVE_INT,num_grid);
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_close_density,ESH5_CLOSE_DENSITY)()
+ H5Gclose(h_density);
+/* write eigen value and eigen vector for (ibnd, ispin) */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_density_r,ESH5_WRITE_DENSITY_R)(const int* ispin,const double* rho)
+ char aname[8];
+ sprintf(aname,"spin_%i",(*ispin)-1);
+ /*hid_t h2 = H5Gcreate(h_density,aname,0);*/
+ hid_t h2 = H5Gopen(h_density,aname);
+ /* write eigenvector */
+ hsize_t dims[3];
+ for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) dims[i] = num_grid[i];
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h2,"density_r",3,dims,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,rho);
+ H5Gclose(h2);
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_density_g,ESH5_WRITE_DENSITY_G)
+ (const int* ispin , const double* rhog)
+ char aname[8];
+ sprintf(aname,"spin_%i",(*ispin)-1);
+ /*hid_t h2 = H5Gopen(h_density,aname);*/
+ hid_t h2 = H5Gcreate(h_density,aname,0);
+ hsize_t dims_g[2];
+ dims_g[0]=num_gvectors;
+ dims_g[1]=2;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h2,"density_g",2,dims_g,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,rhog);
+ H5Gclose(h2);
+/** write basisset: number of plane waves, plane wave coefficients
+ */
+ void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_gvectors,ESH5_WRITE_GVECTORS)
+(const int* restrict itmp, const int* restrict igwk, int* ngk_g)
+ int ngtot=*ngk_g;
+ //printf("esh5_write_gvectors number_of_gvectors %d\n",ngtot);
+ if(ngtot>num_gvectors_max)
+ {
+ //free the space
+ if(num_gvectors_max) free(igmapped);
+ num_gvectors_max=ngtot;
+ igmapped=(int*)malloc(3*ngtot*sizeof(int));
+ }
+ for(int ig=0,i3=0; ig<ngtot; ++ig)
+ {
+ int j3=(igwk[ig]-1)*3;
+ igmapped[i3++]=itmp[j3++];
+ igmapped[i3++]=itmp[j3++];
+ igmapped[i3++]=itmp[j3++];
+ }
+ hsize_t dims[2],dim1=1;
+ dims[0] = ngtot;
+ dims[1] = 3;
+ //20110515: add number_of_gvectors here
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"number_of_gvectors",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,ngk_g);
+ //herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"gvectors",2,dims,H5T_NATIVE_INT,itmp);
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"gvectors",2,dims,H5T_NATIVE_INT,igmapped);
+ /*
+ if (iteration<2)
+ {
+ int ngtot=*ngk_g;
+ //int ng=*ngtot;
+ int *igmapped=(int*)malloc(3*ngtot*sizeof(int));
+ for(int ig=0,i3=0; ig<ngtot; ++ig)
+ {
+ int j3=(igwk[ig]-1)*3;
+ igmapped[i3++]=itmp[j3++];
+ igmapped[i3++]=itmp[j3++];
+ igmapped[i3++]=itmp[j3++];
+ }
+ //hid_t h1 = H5Gcreate(h_file,"basis",0);
+ //hsize_t dim=1;
+ //herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h1,"num_planewaves",1,&dim,H5T_NATIVE_INT,ngtot);
+ //
+ //
+ hsize_t dims[2],dim1=1;
+ dims[0] = ngtot;
+ dims[1] = 3;
+ //20110515: add number_of_gvectors here
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"number_of_gvectors",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,ngk_g);
+ //herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"gvectors",2,dims,H5T_NATIVE_INT,itmp);
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"gvectors",2,dims,H5T_NATIVE_INT,igmapped);
+ //ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h1,"planewaves",2,dims,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,gcart);
+ free(igmapped);
+ //H5Gclose(h1);
+ }
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_gvectors_k,ESH5_WRITE_GVECTORS_K)
+(const int* restrict g_red, int* ngk_g)
+ int ngtot=*ngk_g;
+// printf("esh5_write_gvectors number_of_gvectors %d\n",ngtot);
+ hsize_t dims[2],dim1=1;
+ dims[0] = ngtot;
+ dims[1] = 3;
+ //20110515: add number_of_gvectors here
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"number_of_gvectors",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,ngk_g);
+ //herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"gvectors",2,dims,H5T_NATIVE_INT,itmp);
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_kpoint,"gvectors",2,dims,H5T_NATIVE_INT,g_red);
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_supercell,ESH5_WRITE_SUPERCELL)(const double* lattice)
+ hid_t h1 = H5Gcreate(h_file,"supercell",0);
+ hsize_t dims[]={3,3};
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h1,"primitive_vectors",2,dims,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,lattice);
+ H5Gclose(h1);
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_open_atoms,ESH5_OPEN_ATOMS)(const int* nat, const int *nspecies)
+ h_ptcls = H5Gcreate(h_file,"atoms",0);
+ hsize_t dim1=1;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"number_of_atoms",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,nat);
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"number_of_species",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,nspecies);
+ num_atoms=*nat;
+ num_species=*nspecies;
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_close_atoms,ESH5_CLOSE_ATOMS)()
+ H5Gclose(h_ptcls);
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_species,ESH5_WRITE_SPECIES)(const int* itype
+ , const char* sname, const int* length
+ , const double* atomic_number, const double* valcharge)
+ char aname[16];
+ sprintf(aname,"species_%i",(*itype)-1);
+ hid_t h1 = H5Gcreate(h_ptcls,aname,0);
+ hsize_t dim1=1;
+ int int_charge = (int) round(*valcharge);
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h1,"valence_charge",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,&int_charge);
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h1,"atomic_number",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,atomic_number);
+ char species_name[8];
+ memcpy(species_name,sname,*length);
+ species_name[*length] = '\0' ;
+ hid_t strtype = H5Tcopy (H5T_C_S1);
+ ret = H5Tset_size (strtype, (*length)+1); /* create string of length 5 */
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h1,"name",1,&dim1,strtype,species_name);
+ H5Gclose(h1);
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_species_ids,ESH5_WRITE_SPEICES_IDS)(const int* ids_in)
+ int *ids=(int*)malloc(num_atoms*sizeof(int));
+ for(int i=0; i<num_atoms; ++i) ids[i]=ids_in[i]-1;
+ hsize_t dim1=num_atoms;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"species_ids",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,ids);
+ free(ids);
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_positions,ESH5_WRITE_POSITIONS)(const double* r)
+ hsize_t dims[2];
+ dims[0]=num_atoms;
+ dims[1]=3;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h_ptcls,"positions",2,dims,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,r);
+/** write basisset: number of plane waves, plane wave coefficients
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_basis,ESH5_WRITE_BASIS)(const double* g, const int* igtog, const int* ngtot)
+ int ng=*ngtot;
+ int *ig=(int*)malloc(3*ng*sizeof(int));
+ for(int i=0,i3=0; i<ng; i++)
+ {
+ int cur=3*(igtog[i]-1);
+ ig[i3++]=(int)g[cur++];
+ ig[i3++]=(int)g[cur++];
+ ig[i3++]=(int)g[cur++];
+ }
+ hid_t h_basis = H5Gcreate(h_file,"basis",0);
+ hsize_t dim=1;
+ hid_t dataspace= H5Screate_simple(1, &dim, NULL);
+ hid_t dataset= H5Dcreate(h_basis, "num_planewaves", H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ hid_t ret = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,ngtot);
+ H5Sclose(dataspace);
+ H5Dclose(dataset);
+ hsize_t dims[2];
+ dims[0] = ng;
+ dims[1] = 3;
+ dataspace = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);
+ dataset = H5Dcreate(h_basis, "planewaves", H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ ret = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,ig);
+ H5Sclose(dataspace);
+ H5Dclose(dataset);
+ H5Gclose(h_basis);
+ free(ig);
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_parameters,ESH5_WRITE_PARAMETERS)(
+ const int* nelec, const int* nspin, const int* nband, const int* nk,
+ const double* ecut, const double* alat, const double* at)
+ hid_t h_param = H5Gcreate(h_file,"parameters",0);
+ hsize_t dim=1;
+ hid_t dataspace= H5Screate_simple(1, &dim, NULL);
+ hid_t dataset= H5Dcreate(h_param, "num_spins", H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ hid_t ret = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,nspin);
+ H5Sclose(dataspace);
+ H5Dclose(dataset);
+ dataspace= H5Screate_simple(1, &dim, NULL);
+ dataset= H5Dcreate(h_param, "num_electrons", H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ ret = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,nelec);
+ H5Sclose(dataspace);
+ H5Dclose(dataset);
+ dataspace= H5Screate_simple(1, &dim, NULL);
+ dataset= H5Dcreate(h_param, "num_bands", H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ ret = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,nband);
+ H5Sclose(dataspace);
+ H5Dclose(dataset);
+ dataspace= H5Screate_simple(1, &dim, NULL);
+ dataset= H5Dcreate(h_param, "num_twists", H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ ret = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,nk);
+ H5Sclose(dataspace);
+ H5Dclose(dataset);
+ int iscomplex=1;
+ dataspace= H5Screate_simple(1, &dim, NULL);
+ dataset= H5Dcreate(h_param, "complex_coefficients", H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ ret = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,&iscomplex);
+ H5Sclose(dataspace);
+ H5Dclose(dataset);
+ dataspace= H5Screate_simple(1, &dim, NULL);
+ dataset= H5Dcreate(h_param, "maximum_ecut", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ ret = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,ecut);
+ H5Sclose(dataspace);
+ H5Dclose(dataset);
+ double lattice[9];
+ for(int i=0; i<9; i++) lattice[i]=(*alat)*at[i];
+ hsize_t dims[]={3,3};
+ dataspace = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);
+ dataset = H5Dcreate(h_param, "lattice", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ ret = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,lattice);
+ H5Sclose(dataspace);
+ H5Dclose(dataset);
+ H5Gclose(h_param);
+///* open mainbody:eigenstates */
+//void F77_FUNC_(esh5_open_eigg,ESH5_OPEN_EIGG)()
+// if(h_main>=0) H5Gclose(h_main);
+// h_main = H5Gcreate(h_file,"electrons",0);
+// //h_main = H5Gcreate(h_file,"eigenstates",0);
+///* close eigenstates */
+//void F77_FUNC_(esh5_close_eigg,ESH5_CLOSE_EIGG)()
+// if(h_main>=0) H5Gclose(h_main);
+// h_main=-1;
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_rho,ESH5_WRITE_RHO)(const double* rho, const double* rhog, const int* ngm)
+ hid_t h1 = H5Gcreate(h_ptcls,"density",0);
+ hsize_t dim3=3;
+ herr_t ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h1,"mesh",1,&dim3,H5T_NATIVE_INT,num_grid);
+ hid_t h2 = H5Gcreate(h1,"spin_0",0);
+ /* write eigenvector */
+ hsize_t dims[3];
+ dims[0] = num_grid[0];
+ dims[1] = num_grid[1];
+ dims[2] = num_grid[2];
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h2,"density_r",3,dims,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,rho);
+ hsize_t dims_g[2];
+ dims_g[0]=*ngm;
+ dims_g[1]=2;
+ ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h2,"density_g",1,dims_g,H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,rhog);
+ H5Gclose(h2);
+ H5Gclose(h1);
+ /*
+ hsize_t gdims[2];
+ gdims[0]=ngm;
+ gdims[1]=2;
+ dataspace = H5Screate_simple(2, gdims, NULL);
+ dataset = H5Dcreate(h_file, "chargedensity_g", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ ret = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,rhog);
+ H5Sclose(dataspace);
+ H5Dclose(dataset);
+ */
+ /* testing with paraview/vtk
+ if(is_gamma)
+ {
+ char vtkname[32];
+ sprintf(vtkname,"band%i.vtk",(*ibnd)-1);
+ FILE *vtk=fopen(vtkname,"w");
+ fprintf(vtk,"# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n");
+ fprintf(vtk,"vtk output\n");
+ fprintf(vtk,"ASCII\n");
+ fprintf(vtk,"DIMENSIONS %i %i %i\n",h_ngrid[0],h_ngrid[1],h_ngrid[2]);
+ fprintf(vtk,"ORIGIN 0 0 0\n");
+ fprintf(vtk,"SPACING 1 1 1\n");
+ fprintf(vtk,"\nPOINT_DATA %i\n",h_ngridtot);
+ fprintf(vtk,"SCALARS scalars float\n");
+ fprintf(vtk,"LOOKUP_TABLE default\n");
+ for(int i=0,i2=0; i<h_ngridtot;i+=10)
+ {
+ for(int j=0; j<10; j++,i2+=2) fprintf(vtk,"%12.6e ",eigr[i2]*eigr[i2]);
+ fprintf(vtk,"\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(vtk,"\n");
+ fclose(vtk);
+ }
+ */
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_write_rhog,ESH5_WRITE_RHOG)(const double* rhog, const int* ngm)
+void F77_FUNC_(esh5_join_all,ESH5_JOIN_ALL)(const char* fname, const int* length, const int* npools)
+ char * hfname = ( char * ) malloc( (*length) + 1 ) ;
+ memcpy( hfname , fname , *length ) ;
+ hfname[*length] = '\0' ;
+ if(h_file>=0) H5Fclose(h_file);
+ h_file = H5Fopen(hfname,H5F_ACC_RDWR,H5P_DEFAULT);
+ h_ptcls = H5Gopen(h_file,"electrons");
+ if (h_ptcls<0)
+ {
+ printf("Something is wrong %s\n", hfname);
+ return;
+ }
+ // go through each pool and copy the datasets over in the right places
+ for( int i=1;i< *npools;i++)
+ {
+ char name2[*length+10];
+ int len2=0;
+ len2 = sprintf(name2,"%s_part%u",hfname,i);
+ char * othername = ( char * ) malloc( (len2) + 1 ) ;
+ memcpy( othername , name2 , len2 ) ;
+ othername[len2] = '\0' ;
+// printf("%s %s",name2,othername);
+ hid_t h_file2 = H5Fopen(othername,H5F_ACC_RDONLY,H5P_DEFAULT);
+ hid_t h_ptcls2 = H5Gopen(h_file2,"electrons");
+ if(h_ptcls2 < 0)
+ {
+ printf("WHOAAA!!! No electrons?!");
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // create kpoint/spin/state groups
+ for(int ik=0; ik<num_kpoints; ++ik)
+ {
+ char twistname[32];
+ sprintf(twistname,"kpoint_%i",ik);
+ if (H5Lexists( h_ptcls2, twistname, H5P_DEFAULT )<=0)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ hid_t h1 = H5Gopen(h_ptcls2,twistname);
+ h_kpoint = H5Gopen(h_ptcls,twistname);
+ for(int ispin=0; ispin<num_spins; ispin++)
+ {
+ char spinname[32];
+ sprintf(spinname,"spin_%i",ispin);
+ if (H5Lexists( h1, spinname, H5P_DEFAULT )<=0)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ hid_t h2 = H5Gopen(h1,spinname);
+ h_spin = H5Gopen(h_kpoint,spinname);
+// ocpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_OBJECT_COPY);
+// lcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_LINK_CREATE);
+// // now we have the kpoint/spin open and can write the eigenvalues
+// H5Ocopy(h2,"eigenvalues",h_spin,"eigenvalues",ocpl_id,lcpl_id);
+// ret=H5LTmake_dataset(h2,"number_of_states",1,&dim1,H5T_NATIVE_INT,num_bands);
+ for(int ib=0; ib<num_bands; ib++)
+ {
+ char bandname[32];
+ sprintf(bandname,"state_%i",ib);
+ if (H5Lexists( h2, bandname, H5P_DEFAULT )<=0)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ hid_t h3 = H5Gopen(h2,bandname);
+ hid_t h_band = H5Gopen(h_spin,bandname);
+// now we have the band open and can copy over from the _part to the .h5
+ hid_t ocpl_id=-1;
+ hid_t lcpl_id=-1;
+ ocpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_OBJECT_COPY);
+ lcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_LINK_CREATE);
+ // now we have the kpoint/spin open and can write the eigenvalues
+ H5Ocopy(h3,"psi_g",h_band,"psi_g",ocpl_id,lcpl_id);
+ H5Gclose(h3);
+ H5Gclose(h_band);
+ }
+ H5Gclose(h2);
+ H5Gclose(h_spin);
+ }
+ H5Gclose(h1);
+ H5Gclose(h_kpoint);
+ }
+ H5Gclose(h_ptcls2);
+ }
+ if(h_file2>=0) H5Fclose(h_file2);
+ remove(othername);
+ }
+ H5Gclose(h_ptcls);
+ if(h_file>=0) H5Fclose(h_file);
+ h_file=-1;
+ H5Eset_auto (err_func, client_data);
diff -W 205 -urN qe-6.4_original/clib/make.depend qe-6.4_updated/clib/make.depend
--- qe-6.4_original/clib/make.depend 2019-03-04 07:51:39.000000000 -0600
+++ qe-6.4_updated/clib/make.depend 2019-03-04 13:29:02.000000000 -0600
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
md5.o :
md5_from_file.o :
memstat.o : ../include/c_defs.h
+esh5_interfaces.o : ../include/c_defs.h
diff -W 205 -urN qe-6.4_original/clib/Makefile qe-6.4_updated/clib/Makefile
--- qe-6.4_original/clib/Makefile 2019-03-04 07:51:39.000000000 -0600
+++ qe-6.4_updated/clib/Makefile 2019-03-04 13:29:02.000000000 -0600
@@ -16,14 +16,18 @@
ptrace.o \
sockets.o \
qmmm_aux.o \
+qsort.o \
all : clib.a
-clib.a : $(OBJS)
+clib.a : $(OBJS)
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $?
$(RANLIB) $@
+esh5_interfaces.o : esh5_interfaces.c
+ $(CC) -std=c99 $(CFLAGS) -c $<
source :
co -l $(OBJS:.o=.c)
diff -W 205 -urN qe-6.4_original/install/configure qe-6.4_updated/install/configure
--- qe-6.4_original/install/configure 2019-03-04 07:51:39.000000000 -0600
+++ qe-6.4_updated/install/configure 2019-03-04 13:29:02.000000000 -0600
@@ -9659,10 +9659,10 @@
hdf5_libs=`$with_hdf5_path/bin/h5fc -show | awk -F'-L' '{$1="";$2="-L"$2; print $0}'`
try_dflags="$try_dflags -D__HDF5_SERIAL"
- hdf5_libs="-L$with_hdf5_path/lib -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5 -lrt -lz -ldl -lm -Wl,-rpath -Wl,$with_hdf5_path/lib"
+ hdf5_libs="-L$with_hdf5_path/lib -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lrt -lz -ldl -lm -Wl,-rpath -Wl,$with_hdf5_path/lib"
try_iflags="$try_iflags -I$with_hdf5_path/include"
- try_dflags="$try_dflags -D__HDF5"
+ try_dflags="$try_dflags -D__HDF5 -DH5_USE_16_API"
diff -W 205 -urN qe-6.4_original/PP/src/Makefile qe-6.4_updated/PP/src/Makefile
--- qe-6.4_original/PP/src/Makefile 2019-03-04 07:51:39.000000000 -0600
+++ qe-6.4_updated/PP/src/Makefile 2019-03-04 13:29:02.000000000 -0600
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
plan_avg.x plotband.x plotproj.x plotrho.x pmw.x pp.x projwfc.x \
pawplot.x sumpdos.x pw2wannier90.x pw2critic.x pw2gw.x \
wannier_ham.x wannier_plot.x molecularpdos.x \
- pw2bgw.x wfck2r.x fermi_velocity.x fermi_proj.x ppacf.x
+ pw2bgw.x wfck2r.x fermi_velocity.x fermi_proj.x ppacf.x pw2qmcpack.x
libpp.a : $(PPOBJS)
@@ -205,6 +205,11 @@
fermisurface.o libpp.a $(MODULES) $(LIBOBJS) $(QELIBS)
- ( cd ../../bin ; ln -fs ../PP/src/$@ . )
+pw2qmcpack.x : pw2qmcpack.o libpp.a $(MODULES) $(LIBOBJS)
+ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ \
+ pw2qmcpack.o libpp.a $(MODULES) $(LIBOBJS) $(QELIBS)
+ - ( cd ../../bin ; ln -fs ../PP/src/$@ . )
tldeps :
if test -n "$(TLDEPS)" ; then \
( cd ../.. ; $(MAKE) $(TLDEPS) || exit 1 ) ; fi
diff -W 205 -urN qe-6.4_original/PP/src/pw2qmcpack.f90 qe-6.4_updated/PP/src/pw2qmcpack.f90
--- qe-6.4_original/PP/src/pw2qmcpack.f90 1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
+++ qe-6.4_updated/PP/src/pw2qmcpack.f90 2019-03-04 13:29:02.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,1340 @@
+! Copyright (C) 2004 PWSCF group
+! This file is distributed under the terms of the
+! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
+! in the root directory of the present distribution,
+! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
+PROGRAM pw2qmcpack
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! This subroutine writes the file "prefix".pwscf.xml and "prefix".pwscf.h5
+ ! containing the plane wave coefficients and other stuff needed by QMCPACK.
+ USE io_files, ONLY : nd_nmbr, prefix, tmp_dir
+ USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
+ USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
+ USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_startup, npool, nimage, nproc_pool, nproc_file, nproc_pool_file
+ USE control_flags, ONLY : gamma_only
+ USE mp_world, ONLY : world_comm, nproc
+ USE environment,ONLY : environment_start, environment_end
+ !
+ INTEGER :: ios
+ LOGICAL :: write_psir, expand_kp, debug
+ REAL(DP) :: t1, t2, dt
+ ! directory for temporary files
+ CHARACTER(len=256) :: outdir
+ !
+ CHARACTER(LEN=256), EXTERNAL :: trimcheck
+ NAMELIST / inputpp / prefix, outdir, write_psir, expand_kp, debug
+#ifdef __MPI
+ CALL mp_startup ( )
+ CALL environment_start ( 'pw2qmcpack' )
+#if defined(__HDF5) || defined(__HDF5_C)
+ IF ( nimage > 1) &
+ CALL errore('pw2qmcpack', ' image parallelization not (yet) implemented', 1)
+ ! CALL start_postproc(nd_nmbr)
+ !
+ ! set default values for variables in namelist
+ !
+ prefix = 'pwscf'
+ write_psir = .false.
+ expand_kp = .false.
+ debug = .false.
+ CALL get_environment_variable( 'ESPRESSO_TMPDIR', outdir )
+ IF ( TRIM( outdir ) == ' ' ) outdir = './'
+ ios = 0
+ IF ( ionode ) THEN
+ !
+ CALL input_from_file ( )
+ !READ (5, inputpp, err=200, iostat=ios)
+ READ (5, inputpp, iostat=ios)
+ tmp_dir = trimcheck (outdir)
+ !
+ CALL mp_bcast( ios, ionode_id, world_comm )
+ IF ( ios/=0 ) CALL errore('pw2qmcpack', 'reading inputpp namelist', ABS(ios))
+ !
+ ! ... Broadcast variables
+ !
+ CALL mp_bcast(prefix, ionode_id, world_comm )
+ CALL mp_bcast(tmp_dir, ionode_id, world_comm )
+ CALL mp_bcast(write_psir, ionode_id, world_comm )
+ CALL mp_bcast(expand_kp, ionode_id, world_comm )
+ CALL mp_bcast(debug, ionode_id, world_comm )
+ !
+ CALL start_clock ( 'read_file' )
+ CALL read_file
+ CALL stop_clock ( 'read_file' )
+ IF ( gamma_only ) &
+ CALL errore('pw2qmcpack', 'Using gamma trick results a reduced G space that is not supported by QMCPACK &
+ & though pw2qmcpack itself still can convert the WF to an h5 file in this case (experts only). &
+ & Please run pw.x with k point 0.0 0.0 0.0 instead of gamma.',1)
+ !
+ CALL openfil_pp
+ !
+ CALL start_clock ( 'compute_qmcpack' )
+ CALL compute_qmcpack(write_psir, expand_kp, debug)
+ CALL stop_clock ( 'compute_qmcpack' )
+ !
+ IF ( ionode ) THEN
+ WRITE( 6, * )
+ !
+ CALL print_clock( 'read_file_lite' )
+ CALL print_clock( 'compute_qmcpack' )
+ !
+ WRITE( 6, '(/5x,"Called by read_file_lite:")' )
+ CALL print_clock ( 'read_pseudo' )
+ CALL print_clock ( 'read_rho' )
+ CALL print_clock ( 'fft_rho' )
+ CALL print_clock ( 'read_wave' )
+ !
+ WRITE( 6, '(/5x,"Called by compute_qmcpack:")' )
+ CALL print_clock ( 'big_loop' )
+ CALL print_clock ( 'write_h5' )
+ CALL print_clock ( 'glue_h5' )
+#error HDF5 flag neither enabled during configure nor added manually in make.inc
+ CALL errore('pw2qmcpack', ' HDF5 flag not enabled during configure',1)
+ CALL environment_end ( 'pw2qmcpack' )
+ CALL stop_pp
+END PROGRAM pw2qmcpack
+SUBROUTINE check_norm(ng, eigvec, collect_intra_pool, jks, ibnd, tag)
+ USE mp_pools, ONLY: me_pool, intra_pool_comm
+ USE mp, ONLY: mp_sum
+ !
+ !
+ COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(IN) :: eigvec(ng)
+ INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ng, jks, ibnd
+ LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: collect_intra_pool
+ CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(IN) :: tag
+ !
+ INTEGER :: ig
+ REAL(DP) :: total_norm
+ !
+ ! check normalization before writing h5
+ total_norm = 0.d0
+ !$omp parallel do reduction(+:total_norm)
+ DO ig=1, ng
+ total_norm = total_norm + eigvec(ig)*CONJG(eigvec(ig))
+ ! collect within a pool
+ IF(collect_intra_pool) CALL mp_sum ( total_norm , intra_pool_comm )
+ ! compute the norm
+ total_norm = SQRT(total_norm)
+ ! check abort if necessary
+ IF (me_pool==0 .AND. ABS(total_norm-1.d0)>1.d-6) THEN
+ WRITE(*,"(A,I3,A,I3,3A,F20.15)") "The wrong norm of k-point ", jks, " band ", ibnd, " , ", &
+ tag, ", is ", total_norm
+ IF (.NOT. collect_intra_pool) THEN
+ WRITE(*,"(3A)") "The orbitals went wrong before being written to h5 file. ", &
+ "Please first add debug=.true. in the pw2qmcpack input file to check ", &
+ "if the orbitals can be read from QE files correctly."
+ WRITE(*,"(2A)") "The orbitals read from QE files are incorrect. ", &
+ "Perhaps your QE orbital files are corrupted."
+ !
+SUBROUTINE compute_qmcpack(write_psir, expand_kp, debug)
+ USE kinds, ONLY: DP
+ USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp, tau, zv, atm
+ USE cell_base, ONLY: omega, alat, tpiba2, at, bg
+ USE constants, ONLY: tpi
+ USE run_info, ONLY: title
+ USE gvect, ONLY: ngm, ngm_g, g, ig_l2g
+ USE klist , ONLY: nks, nelec, nelup, neldw, wk, xk, nkstot
+ USE lsda_mod, ONLY: lsda, nspin, isk
+ USE scf, ONLY: rho, rho_core, rhog_core, vnew
+ USE wvfct, ONLY: npw, npwx, nbnd, g2kin, wg, et
+ USE klist, ONLY: igk_k
+ USE gvecw, ONLY : ecutwfc
+ USE control_flags, ONLY: gamma_only
+ USE becmod, ONLY: becp, calbec, allocate_bec_type, deallocate_bec_type
+ USE io_global, ONLY: stdout, ionode, ionode_id
+ USE mp_world, ONLY: world_comm, mpime
+ USE io_files, ONLY: nd_nmbr, nwordwfc, iunwfc, iun => iunsat, tmp_dir, prefix
+ USE wavefunctions, ONLY : evc, psic
+ use iotk_module
+ use iotk_xtox_interf
+ USE mp_global, ONLY: inter_pool_comm, intra_pool_comm, nproc_pool, kunit
+ USE mp_global, ONLY: npool, my_pool_id, intra_image_comm
+ USE mp_pools, ONLY: me_pool
+ USE mp, ONLY: mp_sum, mp_max, mp_bcast, mp_barrier
+ use scatter_mod, ONLY : gather_grid, scatter_grid
+ use fft_base, ONLY : dffts
+ use fft_interfaces, ONLY : invfft, fwfft
+ USE dfunct, ONLY : newd
+ USE symm_base, ONLY : nsym, s, ftau
+ LOGICAL :: write_psir, expand_kp, debug
+ LOGICAL :: pool_ionode
+ INTEGER :: ig, ibnd, ik, io, na, j, ispin, nbndup, nbnddown, &
+ nk, ngtot, ig7, ikk, iks, kpcnt, jks, nt, ijkb0, ikb, ih, jh, jkb, at_num, &
+ nelec_tot, nelec_up, nelec_down, ii, igx, igy, igz, n_rgrid(3), &
+ nkqs, nr1s,nr2s,nr3s
+ INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: indx(:), igtog(:), igtomin(:), g_global_to_local(:)
+ LOGICAL :: exst, found
+ REAL(DP) :: ek, eloc, enl, charge, etotefield
+ REAL(DP) :: bg_qmc(3,3), g_red(3), lattice_real(3,3)
+ COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: phase(:),eigpacked(:)
+ REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: tau_r(:,:),psireal(:),eigval(:) !,g_cart(:,:)
+ INTEGER :: ios, ierr, h5len,oldh5,ig_c,save_complex, nup,ndown
+ INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: atomic_number, is_complex
+ !REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: g_qmc(:,:)
+ INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: gint_den(:,:), gint_qmc(:,:)
+ COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: den_g_global(:,:)
+ REAL (DP), EXTERNAL :: ewald
+! **********************************************************************
+ INTEGER :: npw_sym
+ REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: g2kin_sym(:)
+! **********************************************************************
+ INTEGER :: nkfull,max_nk,max_sym,isym,nxxs
+ INTEGER , ALLOCATABLE :: num_irrep(:)
+ INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: xkfull_index(:,:) ! maps to sym_list and xk_full_list
+ INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sym_list(:)
+ REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: xk_full_list(:,:)
+ REAL(DP) :: t1, t2, dt
+ integer, allocatable :: rir(:)
+ COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp_evc(:)
+ CHARACTER(256) :: tmp,h5name,eigname,tmp_combo
+ CHARACTER(iotk_attlenx) :: attr
+ INTEGER :: rest, nbase, basekindex, nktot
+ REAL(DP) :: xk_cryst(3)
+ INTEGER :: npwx_tot, igk_g;
+ NULLIFY(psiRptr)
+ NULLIFY(psiCptr)
+ ! Ye Luo
+ ! define the pool level ionode
+ ! an image ionode must be pool ionode
+ if(me_pool==0) then
+ pool_ionode=.true.
+ else
+ pool_ionode=.false.
+ endif
+ ! MAMorales:
+ ! removed USPP functions
+ ! Ye Luo:
+ ! sum up npwx to npwx_tot inside a pool and maximize it among pools.
+ npwx_tot = npwx
+ CALL mp_sum ( npwx_tot, intra_pool_comm )
+ CALL mp_max ( npwx_tot, inter_pool_comm )
+ !write(*,*) mpime, ionode_id, npwx_tot, npw
+ ! this limits independent definition of ecutrho to < 4*ecutwf
+ ! four times npwx should be enough
+ ALLOCATE (indx (4*npwx_tot) )
+ ALLOCATE (igtog (4*npwx_tot) )
+ ALLOCATE (g_global_to_local(ngm_g) )
+ ALLOCATE (igtomin(4*npwx_tot) )
+ ALLOCATE (tmp_evc(npwx_tot) )
+ indx(:) = 0
+ igtog(:) = 0
+ igtomin(:) = 0
+ rest = ( nkstot - kunit * ( nkstot / kunit / npool ) * npool ) / kunit
+ nbase = nks * my_pool_id
+ IF ( ( my_pool_id + 1 ) > rest ) nbase = nbase + rest * kunit
+ !write(*,*) "debug",mpime, nks, nbase
+ IF( lsda ) THEN
+! IF( expand_kp ) &
+! CALL errore ('pw2qmcpack','expand_kp not implemented with nspin>1`', 1)
+ nbndup = nbnd
+ nbnddown = nbnd
+ nk = nks/2
+ nktot = nkstot/2
+ ! nspin = 2
+ nbndup = nbnd
+ nbnddown = 0
+ nk = nks
+ nktot = nkstot
+ ! nspin = 1
+! ! sanity check for lsda logic to follow
+! if (ionode) then
+! DO ik = 1, nktot
+! iks=ik+nktot
+! xk_cryst(:) = at(1,:)*xk(1,ik) + at(2,:)*xk(2,ik) + at(3,:)*xk(3,ik) - ( at(1,:)*xk(1,iks) + at(2,:)*xk(2,iks) + at(3,:)*xk(3,iks))
+! if (abs(xk_cryst(1))+abs(xk_cryst(2))+abs(xk_cryst(3)) .gt. 1e-12) then
+! print *,"not paired %i %i",ik,iks
+! endif
+! endif
+ !
+ ! for now, I'm assuming that symmetry rotations do not affect npw,
+ ! meaning that rotations don't displace elements outside the cutoff
+ nr1s = dffts%nr1
+ nr2s = dffts%nr2
+ nr3s = dffts%nr3
+ nxxs = dffts%nr1x * dffts%nr2x * dffts%nr3x
+ allocate (igk_sym( npwx ), g2kin_sym ( npwx ) )
+ if (ionode) then
+ if(expand_kp) then
+ max_sym = min(48, 2 * nsym)
+ max_nk = nktot * max_sym
+ ALLOCATE(num_irrep(nktot),xkfull_index(nktot,max_sym),sym_list(max_nk))
+ ALLOCATE(xk_full_list(3,max_nk))
+ ALLOCATE(rir(nxxs))
+ call generate_symmetry_equivalent_list()
+ if(ionode) print *,'Total number of k-points after expansion:',nkfull
+ else
+ ALLOCATE(num_irrep(nktot),xkfull_index(nktot,1),sym_list(nktot))
+ ALLOCATE(xk_full_list(3,nktot))
+ nkfull = nktot
+ do ik = 1, nktot
+ xk_full_list(:,ik) = xk(:,ik)
+ num_irrep(ik) = 1
+ sym_list(ik) = 1
+ xkfull_index(ik,1) = ik
+ enddo
+ endif
+ else
+ if(expand_kp) then
+ max_sym = min(48, 2 * nsym)
+ max_nk = nktot * max_sym
+ ALLOCATE(num_irrep(nktot),xkfull_index(nktot,max_sym),sym_list(max_nk))
+ ALLOCATE(xk_full_list(3,max_nk))
+ ALLOCATE(rir(nxxs))
+ else
+ ALLOCATE(num_irrep(nktot),xkfull_index(nktot,1),sym_list(nktot))
+ ALLOCATE(xk_full_list(3,nktot))
+ nkfull = nktot
+ endif
+ endif
+ CALL mp_bcast(xkfull_index, ionode_id, world_comm )
+ CALL mp_bcast(xk_full_list, ionode_id, world_comm )
+ CALL mp_bcast(sym_list, ionode_id, world_comm )
+ CALL mp_bcast(num_irrep, ionode_id, world_comm )
+ CALL mp_bcast(nkfull, ionode_id, world_comm )
+ ! IF ( nbase > 0 ) THEN
+ ! num_irrep(1:nks) = num_irrep(nbase+1:nbase+nks)
+ ! xk_full_list(:,1:nks) = xk_full_list(:,nbase+1:nbase+nks)
+ ! END IF
+ DO ik = 1, nks
+ basekindex = ik + nbase
+ CALL gk_sort (xk (1, basekindex), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npw, igk_k(:,ik), g2kin)
+ DO ig =1, npw
+ ! mapping to the global g vectors.
+ igk_g = ig_l2g(igk_k(ig,ik))
+ IF( igk_g > 4*npwx_tot ) &
+ CALL errore ('pw2qmcpack','increase allocation of index', ig)
+ indx( igk_g ) = 1
+ call mp_max(indx, world_comm)
+ ngtot = 0
+ ! igtomin maps indices from the full set of G-vectors to the
+ ! minimal set which includes the G-spheres of all k-points
+ DO ig = 1, 4*npwx_tot
+ IF( indx(ig) > 0 ) THEN
+ ngtot = ngtot + 1
+ igtog(ngtot) = ig
+ igtomin(ig) = ngtot
+ if (debug) then
+ write(6,"(A)") " pw2qmcpack found"
+ write(6,"(A,A8,2A8,4A10,1A4)") " MPI rank", "pool id", "npwx", "npw", "npwx_tot", "ngtot", "ngm", "ngm_g", "nks"
+ write(*,"(A,I9,I8,2I8,4I10,1I4)") " ", mpime, me_pool, npwx, npw, npwx_tot, ngtot, ngm, ngm_g, nks
+ endif
+ ALLOCATE (gint_qmc(3,ngtot))
+ ALLOCATE (gint_den(3,ngm_g))
+ ALLOCATE (den_g_global(ngm_g,nspin))
+ !ALLOCATE (g_qmc(3,ngtot))
+ !ALLOCATE (g_cart(3,ngtot))
+ ALLOCATE (tau_r(3,nat))
+ ! get the number of electrons
+ nelec_tot= NINT(nelec)
+ nup=NINT(nelup)
+ ndown=NINT(neldw)
+ if(nup .eq. 0) then
+ ndown=nelec_tot/2
+ nup=nelec_tot-ndown
+ endif
+ bg_qmc(:,:)=bg(:,:)/alat
+ if((npool>1) .and. (my_pool_id>0)) then
+ h5name = TRIM( prefix ) // '.pwscf.h5' // "_part"//trim(iotk_itoa(my_pool_id))
+ else
+ h5name = TRIM( prefix ) // '.pwscf.h5'
+ endif
+ eigname = "eigenstates_"//trim(iotk_itoa(nr1s))//'_'//trim(iotk_itoa(nr2s))//'_'//trim(iotk_itoa(nr3s))
+ tmp = TRIM( tmp_dir )//TRIM( h5name )
+ h5len = LEN_TRIM(tmp)
+#if defined(__HDF5) || defined(__HDF5_C)
+ ! writing to xml and hdf5
+ ! open hdf5 file
+ oldh5=0
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_open_file(tmp,h5len,oldh5)
+ if(ionode) then
+ !! create a file for particle set
+ tmp = TRIM( tmp_dir ) // TRIM( prefix )// '.ptcl.xml'
+ CALL iotk_open_write(iun, FILE=TRIM(tmp), ROOT="qmcsystem", IERR=ierr )
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","global",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "simulationcell",ATTR=attr)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","lattice",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"units","bohr")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "parameter",ATTR=attr)
+ lattice_real=alat*at
+ WRITE(iun,100) lattice_real(1,1), lattice_real(2,1), lattice_real(3,1)
+ WRITE(iun,100) lattice_real(1,2), lattice_real(2,2), lattice_real(3,2)
+ WRITE(iun,100) lattice_real(1,3), lattice_real(2,3), lattice_real(3,3)
+ CALL esh5_write_supercell(lattice_real)
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "parameter")
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","reciprocal",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"units","2pi/bohr")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "parameter",ATTR=attr)
+ WRITE(iun,100) bg_qmc(1,1), bg_qmc(2,1), bg_qmc(3,1)
+ WRITE(iun,100) bg_qmc(1,2), bg_qmc(2,2), bg_qmc(3,2)
+ WRITE(iun,100) bg_qmc(1,3), bg_qmc(2,3), bg_qmc(3,3)
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "parameter")
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","bconds",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "parameter",ATTR=attr)
+ WRITE(iun,'(a)') 'p p p'
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "parameter")
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","LR_dim_cutoff",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "parameter",ATTR=attr)
+ WRITE(iun,'(a)') '15'
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "parameter")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "simulationcell")
+ ! <particleset name="ions">
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","ion0",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"size",nat)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "particleset",ATTR=attr)
+ CALL esh5_open_atoms(nat,ntyp)
+ ! ionic species --> group
+ DO na=1,ntyp
+ tmp=TRIM(atm(na))
+ h5len=LEN_TRIM(tmp)
+ CALL esh5_write_species(na,tmp,h5len,atomic_number(tmp),zv(na))
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name",TRIM(atm(na)),first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "group",ATTR=attr)
+ ! charge
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","charge",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "parameter",ATTR=attr)
+ write(iun,"(8X, F3.1)") zv(na)
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "parameter")
+ ! atomic number
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","atomicnumber",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "parameter",ATTR=attr)
+ write(iun,"(8X, I3)") atomic_number(TRIM(atm(na)))
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "parameter")
+ !
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "group")
+ ! <attrib name="ionid"/>
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","ionid",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"datatype","stringArray")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "attrib",ATTR=attr)
+ write(iun,'(a)') (TRIM(atm(ityp(na))),na=1,nat)
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "attrib")
+ ! <attrib name="position"/>
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","position",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"datatype","posArray")
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"condition","0")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "attrib",ATTR=attr)
+ ! write in cartesian coordinates in bohr
+ ! problem with xyz ordering inrelation to real-space grid
+ DO na = 1, nat
+ tau_r(1,na)=alat*tau(1,na)
+ tau_r(2,na)=alat*tau(2,na)
+ tau_r(3,na)=alat*tau(3,na)
+ WRITE(iun,100) (tau_r(j,na),j=1,3)
+ !write(iun,100) tau
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "attrib")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "particleset")
+ !cartesian positions
+ CALL esh5_write_positions(tau_r)
+ CALL esh5_write_species_ids(ityp)
+ CALL esh5_close_atoms()
+ ! </particleset>
+ ! <particleset name="e">
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","e",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"random","yes")
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"random_source","ion0")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "particleset",ATTR=attr)
+ ! <group name="u" size="" >
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","u",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"size",nup)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "group",ATTR=attr)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","charge",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "parameter",ATTR=attr)
+ write(iun,*) -1
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "parameter")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "group")
+ ! <group name="d" size="" >
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","d",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"size",ndown)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "group",ATTR=attr)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","charge",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "parameter",ATTR=attr)
+ write(iun,*) -1
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "parameter")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "group")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "particleset")
+ CALL iotk_close_write(iun)
+ !! close the file
+ !!DO ik = 0, nk-1
+ ik=0
+ ! NOT create a xml input file for each k-point
+ ! IF(nk .gt. 1) THEN
+ ! tmp = TRIM( tmp_dir ) // TRIM( prefix ) //TRIM(iotk_index(ik))// '.wfs.xml'
+ ! ELSE
+ ! tmp = TRIM( tmp_dir ) // TRIM( prefix )// '.wfs.xml'
+ tmp = TRIM( tmp_dir ) // TRIM( prefix )// '.wfs.xml'
+ CALL iotk_open_write(iun, FILE=TRIM(tmp), ROOT="qmcsystem", IERR=ierr )
+ ! <wavefunction name="psi0">
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","psi0",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"target","e")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "wavefunction",ATTR=attr)
+ write(iun,'(a)') '<!-- Uncomment this out to use plane-wave basis functions'
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"type","PW",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"href",TRIM(h5name))
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"version","1.10")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "determinantset",ATTR=attr)
+ write(iun,'(a)') '--> '
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"type","bspline",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"href",TRIM(h5name))
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"sort","1")
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"tilematrix","1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1")
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"twistnum","0")
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"source","ion0")
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"version","0.10")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "determinantset",ATTR=attr)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"ecut",ecutwfc/2,first=.true.)
+ ! basisset to overwrite cutoff to a smaller value
+ !CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "basisset",ATTR=attr)
+ ! ! add grid to use spline on FFT grid
+ ! CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"dir","0",first=.true.)
+ ! CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"npts",nr1s)
+ ! CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"closed","no")
+ ! CALL iotk_write_empty(iun, "grid",ATTR=attr)
+ ! CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"dir","1",first=.true.)
+ ! CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"npts",nr2s)
+ ! CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"closed","no")
+ ! CALL iotk_write_empty(iun, "grid",ATTR=attr)
+ ! CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"dir","2",first=.true.)
+ ! CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"npts",nr3s)
+ ! CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"closed","no")
+ ! CALL iotk_write_empty(iun, "grid",ATTR=attr)
+ !CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "basisset")
+ !CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"href",TRIM(h5name),first=.true.)
+ !CALL iotk_write_empty(iun, "coefficients",ATTR=attr)
+ ! write the index of the twist angle
+ !!!! remove twistIndex and twistAngle
+ !using determinantset@twistnum
+ !CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","twistIndex",first=.true.)
+ !CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "h5tag",ATTR=attr)
+ !write(iun,*) ik
+ !CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "h5tag")
+ !CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","twistAngle",first=.true.)
+ !CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "h5tag",ATTR=attr)
+ !g_red(1)=at(1,1)*xk(1,ik+1)+at(2,1)*xk(2,ik+1)+at(3,1)*xk(3,ik+1)
+ !g_red(2)=at(1,2)*xk(1,ik+1)+at(2,2)*xk(2,ik+1)+at(3,2)*xk(3,ik+1)
+ !g_red(3)=at(1,3)*xk(1,ik+1)+at(2,3)*xk(2,ik+1)+at(3,3)*xk(3,ik+1)
+ !!write(iun,100) xk(1,ik+1),xk(2,ik+1),xk(3,ik+1)
+ !write(iun,100) g_red(1),g_red(2),g_red(3)
+ !CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "h5tag")
+ !write(iun,'(a)') '<!-- Uncomment this out for bspline wavefunctions '
+ !!CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","eigenstates",first=.true.)
+ !!CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "h5tag",ATTR=attr)
+ !!write(iun,'(a)') TRIM(eigname)
+ !!CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "h5tag")
+ !write(iun,'(a)') '--> '
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "slaterdeterminant")
+ ! build determinant for up electrons
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"id","updet",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"size",nup)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "determinant",ATTR=attr)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"mode","ground",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"spindataset",0)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "occupation",ATTR=attr)
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "occupation")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "determinant")
+ ! build determinant for down electrons
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"id","downdet",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"size",ndown)
+ IF( lsda ) CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"ref","updet")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "determinant",ATTR=attr)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"mode","ground",first=.true.)
+ IF( lsda ) THEN
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"spindataset",1)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"spindataset",0)
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "occupation",ATTR=attr)
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "occupation")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "determinant")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "slaterdeterminant")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "determinantset")
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ! two-body jastro
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","J2",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"type","Two-Body");
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"function","Bspline");
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"print","yes");
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "jastrow",ATTR=attr)
+ ! for uu
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"speciesA","u",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"speciesB","u")
+ !CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"rcut","10")
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"size","8")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "correlation",ATTR=attr)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"id","uu",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"type","Array")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "coefficients",ATTR=attr)
+ write(iun,*) "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "coefficients")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "correlation")
+ ! for ud
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"speciesA","u",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"speciesB","d")
+ !CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"rcut","10")
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"size","8")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "correlation",ATTR=attr)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"id","ud",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"type","Array")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "coefficients",ATTR=attr)
+ write(iun,*) "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "coefficients")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "correlation")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "jastrow")
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ! one-body jastro
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"name","J1",first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"type","One-Body");
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"function","Bspline");
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"source","ion0");
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"print","yes");
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "jastrow",ATTR=attr)
+ DO na=1,ntyp
+ tmp=TRIM(atm(na))
+ tmp_combo='e'//TRIM(atm(na))
+ !h5len=LEN_TRIM(tmp)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"elementType",TRIM(tmp),first=.true.)
+ !CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"rcut","10")
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"size","8")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "correlation",ATTR=attr)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"id",TRIM(tmp_combo),first=.true.)
+ CALL iotk_write_attr (attr,"type","Array")
+ CALL iotk_write_begin(iun, "coefficients",ATTR=attr)
+ write(iun,*) "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "coefficients")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "correlation")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "jastrow")
+ CALL iotk_write_end(iun, "wavefunction")
+ CALL iotk_close_write(iun)
+ endif ! ionode
+ g_global_to_local(:)=0
+ DO ig=1,ngm
+ g_global_to_local(ig_l2g(ig))=ig
+ gint_qmc(:,:) = 0
+ DO ig=1, ngtot
+ ig_c = g_global_to_local(igtog(ig))
+ if (ig_c>0) then
+ !g_cart(1,ig)=tpi/alat*g(1,ig_c)
+ !g_cart(2,ig)=tpi/alat*g(2,ig_c)
+ !g_cart(3,ig)=tpi/alat*g(3,ig_c)
+ !g_qmc(1,ig)=at(1,1)*g(1,ig_c)+at(2,1)*g(2,ig_c)+at(3,1)*g(3,ig_c)
+ !g_qmc(2,ig)=at(1,2)*g(1,ig_c)+at(2,2)*g(2,ig_c)+at(3,2)*g(3,ig_c)
+ !g_qmc(3,ig)=at(1,3)*g(1,ig_c)+at(2,3)*g(2,ig_c)+at(3,3)*g(3,ig_c)
+ gint_qmc(1,ig)=NINT(at(1,1)*g(1,ig_c)+at(2,1)*g(2,ig_c)+at(3,1)*g(3,ig_c))
+ gint_qmc(2,ig)=NINT(at(1,2)*g(1,ig_c)+at(2,2)*g(2,ig_c)+at(3,2)*g(3,ig_c))
+ gint_qmc(3,ig)=NINT(at(1,3)*g(1,ig_c)+at(2,3)*g(2,ig_c)+at(3,3)*g(3,ig_c))
+ !WRITE(io,'(3(1x,f20.15))') g_cart(1,ig),g_cart(2,ig),g_cart(3,ig)
+ endif
+ call mp_sum(gint_qmc, intra_pool_comm)
+ gint_den(:,:) = 0
+ DO ig=1,ngm
+ gint_den(1,ig_l2g(ig))=NINT(at(1,1)*g(1,ig)+at(2,1)*g(2,ig)+at(3,1)*g(3,ig))
+ gint_den(2,ig_l2g(ig))=NINT(at(1,2)*g(1,ig)+at(2,2)*g(2,ig)+at(3,2)*g(3,ig))
+ gint_den(3,ig_l2g(ig))=NINT(at(1,3)*g(1,ig)+at(2,3)*g(2,ig)+at(3,3)*g(3,ig))
+ DO ispin=1,nspin
+ den_g_global(:,ispin) = 0.d0
+ DO ig=1,ngm
+ den_g_global(ig_l2g(ig),ispin) = rho%of_g(ig,ispin)
+ call mp_sum(gint_den, intra_pool_comm)
+ call mp_sum(den_g_global, intra_pool_comm)
+ n_rgrid(1)=nr1s
+ n_rgrid(2)=nr2s
+ n_rgrid(3)=nr3s
+ save_complex=0
+ if(ionode) then
+ DO ik = 1, nktot
+ !! evaluate the phase
+ !phase(:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
+ !if ( ig_(ik,ib)>0) phase( dffts%nl(ig_(ik,ib)) ) = (1.d0,0.d0)
+ g_red(1)=at(1,1)*xk_full_list(1,ik)+at(2,1)*xk_full_list(2,ik)+at(3,1)*xk_full_list(3,ik)
+ g_red(2)=at(1,2)*xk_full_list(1,ik)+at(2,2)*xk_full_list(2,ik)+at(3,2)*xk_full_list(3,ik)
+ g_red(3)=at(1,3)*xk_full_list(1,ik)+at(2,3)*xk_full_list(2,ik)+at(3,3)*xk_full_list(3,ik)
+ IF(g_red(1)*g_red(1)+g_red(2)*g_red(2)+g_red(3)*g_red(3)>1e-12) THEN
+ save_complex=1
+ endif
+ CALL mp_bcast(save_complex, ionode_id, world_comm )
+! WRITE(io,'(A10,3(1x,i6))') 'ngrid: ',n_rgrid(1:3)
+ !CALL esh5_open_electrons(nup, ndown,nspin,nk,nbnd,n_rgrid)!, save_complex)
+ !CALL esh5_open_electrons(nup, ndown, nspin, nkfull, nbnd, n_rgrid)!, save_complex)
+ if(pool_ionode) then
+ if(ionode) then
+ CALL esh5_open_electrons_base(nup, ndown, nspin, nkfull, nbnd, n_rgrid)!, save_complex)
+ else
+ CALL esh5_open_electrons(nup, ndown, nspin, nkfull, nbnd, n_rgrid)!, save_complex)
+ endif
+ endif
+! IF (write_psir) THEN
+! CALL esh5_write_psi_r_mesh(n_rgrid)
+ !!CALL esh5_write_basis(g_qmc,g_cart,ngtot)
+ !!CALL esh5_write_parameters(nelec_tot,nspin,nbnd,nkfull,ecutwfc/2,alat,at)
+ !
+ ALLOCATE (eigpacked(ngtot))
+ ALLOCATE (eigval(nbnd))
+!ionode writes all k-point and ev data
+ if(ionode)then
+ DO ik = 1, nkstot
+ basekindex = ik + nbase
+ ispin = 1
+ if (basekindex > nktot) then
+ ispin = 2
+ basekindex = basekindex - nktot
+ endif
+ DO iks = 1,num_irrep(basekindex)
+ jks = xkfull_index(basekindex,iks)
+ g_red(1)=at(1,1)*xk_full_list(1,jks)+at(2,1)*xk_full_list(2,jks)+at(3,1)*xk_full_list(3,jks)
+ g_red(2)=at(1,2)*xk_full_list(1,jks)+at(2,2)*xk_full_list(2,jks)+at(3,2)*xk_full_list(3,jks)
+ g_red(3)=at(1,3)*xk_full_list(1,jks)+at(2,3)*xk_full_list(2,jks)+at(3,3)*xk_full_list(3,jks)
+ CALL esh5_open_kpoint(jks)
+ CALL esh5_write_kpoint_data(g_red,wk(basekindex)/num_irrep(basekindex),ngtot,iks,num_irrep(basekindex))
+ ! only the 1 index kpoint will write this g vectors
+ if(ik == 1) then
+ CALL esh5_write_gvectors_k(gint_qmc,ngtot)
+ endif
+! if (lsda) then
+! ispin = isk(ik)
+! else
+! ispin=1
+! endif
+ CALL esh5_open_spin(ispin)
+ DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
+ eigval(ibnd)=0.5*et(ibnd,ik)
+ CALL esh5_write_eigvalues(eigval)
+ CALL esh5_close_spin()
+ CALL esh5_close_kpoint()
+ else
+ DO ik = 1, nks
+ basekindex = ik + nbase
+ if (basekindex > nktot) then
+ basekindex = basekindex - nktot
+ ispin=2
+ else
+ ispin=1
+ endif
+ DO iks = 1,num_irrep(basekindex)
+ jks = xkfull_index(basekindex,iks)
+ g_red(1)=at(1,1)*xk_full_list(1,jks)+at(2,1)*xk_full_list(2,jks)+at(3,1)*xk_full_list(3,jks)
+ g_red(2)=at(1,2)*xk_full_list(1,jks)+at(2,2)*xk_full_list(2,jks)+at(3,2)*xk_full_list(3,jks)
+ g_red(3)=at(1,3)*xk_full_list(1,jks)+at(2,3)*xk_full_list(2,jks)+at(3,3)*xk_full_list(3,jks)
+ !! open kpoint
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_open_kpoint(jks)
+! CALL esh5_write_kpoint_data(g_red,wk(ik)/num_irrep(basekindex),ngtot)
+! if (lsda) then
+! ispin = isk(ik)
+! else
+! ispin=1
+! endif
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_open_spin(ispin)
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_close_spin()
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_close_kpoint()
+ endif
+100 FORMAT (3(1x,f20.15))
+ if(save_complex /=1 .and. write_psir) ALLOCATE(psireal(nxxs))
+ if(write_psir .or. expand_kp) then
+ ALLOCATE(psitr(nxxs))
+ IF(nproc_pool > 1) ALLOCATE(tmp_psic(nxxs))
+ endif
+! if(ionode) print *,'PW2QMCPACK npw=',npw,'ngtot=',ngtot
+ ! open real-space wavefunction on FFT grid
+ !!CALL esh5_open_eigr(nr1s,nr2s,nr3s)
+ !DO ik = 1, nk
+ CALL start_clock ( 'big_loop' )
+ if(nks .eq. 1) then ! treat 1 kpoint specially
+ if(pool_ionode) write(*,"(A,I8,A)") ' k pool ', my_pool_id, ' has only 1 Kpoint. Bypass everything '
+ ik=1
+ basekindex = ik + nbase
+ if (basekindex > nktot) then
+ basekindex = basekindex - nktot
+ ispin=2
+ else
+ ispin=1
+ endif
+ if(debug) write(6,*) " starting davcio!"
+ CALL davcio (evc, 2*nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik, - 1)
+ if(debug) write(6,*) " davcio ends!"
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_open_kpoint(basekindex)
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_open_spin(ispin)
+ DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
+ eigpacked(:)=(0.d0,0.d0)
+ eigpacked(igtomin(ig_l2g(igk_k(1:npw,ik))))=evc(1:npw,ibnd)
+ IF (debug) CALL check_norm(npw, evc(1,ibnd), .true., jks, ibnd, "before collection")
+ if (debug) write(6,"(A,1I5)") " collecting band ", ibnd
+ CALL mp_sum ( eigpacked , intra_pool_comm )
+ if (debug) write(6,"(A,1I5)") " writing band ", ibnd
+ if (pool_ionode) THEN
+ CALL check_norm(ngtot, eigpacked, .false., jks, ibnd, "after collection before writing")
+ CALL esh5_write_psi_g(ibnd,eigpacked,ngtot)
+ enddo
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_close_spin()
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_close_kpoint()
+ else ! nk .neq. 1
+ DO ik = 1, nks
+ basekindex = ik + nbase
+ if (basekindex > nktot) then
+ basekindex = basekindex - nktot
+ ispin=2
+ else
+ ispin=1
+ endif
+ DO iks = 1,num_irrep(basekindex)
+ jks = xkfull_index(basekindex,iks)
+ isym = sym_list(jks)
+ if(expand_kp) then
+ call generate_symmetry_rotation(isym)
+ endif
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_open_kpoint(jks)
+! if(ionode) print *,'PW2QMCPACK ik,iks=',ik,iks
+! DO ispin = 1, nspin
+! ikk = ik + nk*(ispin-1)
+! if (lsda) then
+! ispin = isk(ik)
+! else
+! ispin=1
+! endif
+ !!! MAM: This could be outside the num_irrep group is ispin = 1,
+ !!! can I switch the order of esh5_open_spin and
+ !!! esh5_open_kpoint???
+ CALL gk_sort (xk (1:3, ik), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npw, igk_k(:,ik), g2kin)
+ CALL davcio (evc, 2*nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik, - 1)
+ CALL gk_sort (xk_full_list (1:3, jks), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npw_sym, igk_sym, g2kin_sym)
+ if(npw .ne. npw_sym ) then
+ write(*,*) 'Warning!!!: npw != npw_sym: ',npw,npw_sym
+ endif
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_open_spin(ispin)
+ DO ibnd = 1, nbnd !!transform G to R
+! I should be able to do the rotation directly in G space,
+! but for now I'm doing it like this
+ IF(expand_kp) then
+ psic(:)=(0.d0,0.d0)
+ psitr(:)=(0.d0,0.d0)
+ tmp_evc(:) = (0.d0,0.d0)
+ IF(nproc_pool > 1) THEN
+ !
+ psic(dffts%nl(ig_l2g(igk_k(1:npw,ik))))=evc(1:npw,ibnd)
+! call errore ('pw2qmcpack','parallel version not fully implemented.',2)
+ if(gamma_only) then
+ call errore ('pw2qmcpack','problems with gamma_only, not fully implemented.',2)
+ endif
+ !
+ CALL invfft ('Wave', psic, dffts)
+ !
+! call cgather_smooth(psic,psitr)
+ call gather_grid(dffts,psic,psitr)
+ tmp_psic(1:nxxs) = psitr(rir(1:nxxs))
+! call cscatter_smooth(tmp_psic,psic)
+ call scatter_grid(dffts,tmp_psic,psic)
+ !
+ ! at this point, I have the rotated orbital in real space, might
+ ! want to keep it stored somewhere for later use if write_psir
+ !
+ CALL fwfft ('Wave', psic, dffts)
+ !
+ tmp_evc(1:npw_sym)=psic(dffts%nl(ig_l2g(igk_sym(1:npw_sym))))
+ !
+ ELSE ! nproc_pool <= 1
+ !
+ psic(dffts%nl(ig_l2g(igk_k(1:npw,ik))))=evc(1:npw,ibnd)
+ if(gamma_only) then
+ call errore ('pw2qmcpack','problems with gamma_only, not fully implemented.',2)
+ endif
+ !
+ CALL invfft ('Wave', psic, dffts)
+ !
+ psitr(1:nxxs) = psic(rir(1:nxxs))
+ ! temporary hack to see if I have problems with inversion
+ ! symmetry
+ if(isym.lt.0 .AND. iks.gt.1 .AND. abs(isym).eq.abs(sym_list(xkfull_index(basekindex,iks-1))) ) then
+ psitr(1:nxxs) = CONJG(psitr(1:nxxs))
+ endif
+ !psitr(:) = psic(:)
+ !
+ CALL fwfft ('Wave', psitr, dffts)
+ !
+ tmp_evc(1:npw_sym)=psitr(dffts%nl(ig_l2g(igk_sym(1:npw_sym))))
+ !
+ ENDIF ! nprocpool
+ !mapping is different with expand_kp, revert to the slow method
+ DO ig=1, ngtot
+ ! now for all G vectors find the PW coefficient for this k-point
+ found = .FALSE.
+ !!! MMORALES: This is very inefficient, create a mapping in the beggining from g
+ !!! to the g grid used in qmcpack, and just set to -1 the elements
+ !!! outside the cutoff
+ DO ig7 = 1, npw_sym
+ IF( ig_l2g(igk_sym(ig7)) == igtog(ig) )THEN
+ !!! FIX FIX FIX, In parallel, this is completely incorrect since each proc only
+ !has limited data, you have to do a sum reduce at the very end to the head node
+ eigpacked(ig)=tmp_evc(ig7)
+ found = .TRUE.
+ GOTO 18
+ ENDDO ! ig7
+ ! if can't find the coefficient this is zero
+ 18 IF( .NOT. found ) eigpacked(ig)=(0.d0,0.d0)
+ ENDDO ! ig
+ ELSE ! expandkp = false
+ !
+ !tmp_evc(:) = evc(:,ibnd)
+ eigpacked(:)=(0.d0,0.d0)
+ eigpacked(igtomin(ig_l2g(igk_k(1:npw,ik))))=evc(1:npw,ibnd)
+ IF (debug) CALL check_norm(npw, evc(1,ibnd), .true., jks, ibnd, "before collection")
+ !
+ ENDIF ! expandkp
+ CALL mp_sum ( eigpacked , intra_pool_comm )
+ if (pool_ionode) THEN
+ CALL check_norm(ngtot, eigpacked, .false., jks, ibnd, "after collection before writing")
+ CALL esh5_write_psi_g(ibnd,eigpacked,ngtot)
+ IF (write_psir) THEN
+ psic(:)=(0.d0,0.d0)
+ psic(dffts%nl(ig_l2g(igk_sym(1:npw_sym))))=tmp_evc(1:npw_sym)
+ if(gamma_only) psic(dffts%nlm(ig_l2g(igk_sym(1:npw_sym)))) = CONJG(tmp_evc(1:npw_sym))
+ !
+ CALL invfft ('Wave', psic, dffts)
+ !
+ IF(nproc_pool > 1) THEN
+ !
+ tmp_psic=psic
+! call cgather_smooth(psic,tmp_psic)
+ call gather_grid(dffts,psic,tmp_psic)
+ psiCptr => tmp_psic
+ !
+ !
+ psiCptr => psic
+ !
+ !
+ IF(save_complex .eq. 1) THEN
+ !
+ !psic(:)=psic(:)/omega
+ ii=1
+ DO igx=1,nr1s
+ DO igy=0,nr2s-1
+ DO igz=0,nr3s-1
+ psitr(ii)=psiCptr(igx+nr1s*(igy+igz*nr2s))/omega
+ ii=ii+1
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_write_psi_r(ibnd,psitr,save_complex)
+ !
+ !
+ ii=1
+ DO igx=1,nr1s
+ DO igy=0,nr2s-1
+ DO igz=0,nr3s-1
+ psireal(ii)=real(psiCptr(igx+nr1s*(igy+igz*nr2s)))/omega
+ ii=ii+1
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_write_psi_r(ibnd,psireal,save_complex)
+ !
+ ENDIF ! write_psir
+ !! conversion and output complete for each band
+ ENDDO ! ibnd
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_close_spin()
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_close_kpoint()
+ ENDDO ! iks
+ ENDDO ! ik
+endif ! nk
+CALL stop_clock( 'big_loop' )
+ ! write charge density
+ ! ignore spin for the time being
+ !CALL esh5_write_rho(rho,rhog(1,1),ngm)
+#if defined(__HDF5) || defined(__HDF5_C)
+ CALL start_clock( 'write_h5' )
+ if(ionode) then
+ CALL esh5_open_density(gint_den,ngm_g,nr1s,nr2s,nr3s)
+ DO ispin = 1, nspin
+ CALL esh5_write_density_g(ispin,den_g_global(1,ispin))
+ CALL esh5_close_density()
+ endif
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_close_electrons()
+ if(pool_ionode) CALL esh5_close_file()
+ CALL mp_barrier( intra_image_comm )
+ CALL stop_clock( 'write_h5' )
+! glue h5 together
+ CALL start_clock( 'glue_h5' )
+ if(ionode) then
+ if(npool>1) then
+ h5name = TRIM( prefix ) // '.pwscf.h5'
+ tmp = TRIM( tmp_dir )//TRIM( h5name )
+ h5len = LEN_TRIM(tmp)
+ call esh5_join_all(tmp,h5len,npool)
+ endif
+ endif
+ CALL stop_clock( 'glue_h5' )
+ IF( ALLOCATED(igtog) ) DEALLOCATE (igtog)
+ IF( ALLOCATED(igtomin) ) DEALLOCATE (igtomin)
+ IF( ALLOCATED(eigpacked) ) DEALLOCATE (eigpacked)
+ !IF( ALLOCATED(g_qmc) ) DEALLOCATE (g_qmc)
+ !IF( ALLOCATED(g_cart) ) DEALLOCATE (g_cart)
+ IF( ALLOCATED(psireal) ) DEALLOCATE (psireal)
+ IF( ALLOCATED(psitr) ) DEALLOCATE (psitr)
+ IF( ALLOCATED(tmp_psic) ) DEALLOCATE (tmp_psic)
+ IF( ALLOCATED(num_irrep) ) DEALLOCATE (num_irrep)
+ IF( ALLOCATED(xkfull_index) ) DEALLOCATE (xkfull_index)
+ IF( ALLOCATED(sym_list) ) DEALLOCATE (sym_list)
+ IF( ALLOCATED(xk_full_list) ) DEALLOCATE (xk_full_list)
+ IF( ALLOCATED(igk_sym) ) DEALLOCATE (igk_sym)
+ IF( ALLOCATED(g2kin_sym) ) DEALLOCATE (g2kin_sym)
+ !DEALLOCATE (phase)
+ SUBROUTINE generate_symmetry_equivalent_list()
+ !
+ ! Code taken mostly from PW/exx.f90
+ !
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ USE kinds, ONLY: DP
+ USE cell_base, ONLY : at
+ USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
+ USE klist, ONLY : xk
+ USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
+ !
+ USE klist, ONLY : nkstot
+ USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
+ USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, npwx, npw, wg, et
+ USE klist, ONLY : wk, ngk, nks
+ USE symm_base, ONLY : nsym, s, ftau
+ USE lsda_mod, ONLY: lsda
+ use fft_base, ONLY : dffts
+! use fft_interfaces, ONLY : invfft
+ !
+ !
+ integer :: is, ik, ikq, iq, ns , nktot
+ logical :: xk_not_found
+ real (DP) :: sxk(3), dxk(3), xk_cryst(3), xkk_cryst(3)
+ logical :: exst
+ REAL (DP) :: eps =1.d-8
+ !
+ ! find all k-points equivalent by symmetry to the points in the k-list
+ !
+ if(lsda)then
+ nktot=nkstot/2
+ else
+ nktot=nkstot
+ endif
+ nkfull = 0
+ do ik =1, nktot
+ !
+ num_irrep(ik) = 0
+ !
+ ! isym=1 is the identity
+ do is=1,nsym
+ xk_cryst(:) = at(1,:)*xk(1,ik) + at(2,:)*xk(2,ik) + at(3,:)*xk(3,ik)
+ sxk(:) = s(:,1,is)*xk_cryst(1) + &
+ s(:,2,is)*xk_cryst(2) + &
+ s(:,3,is)*xk_cryst(3)
+ ! add sxk to the auxiliary list if it is not already present
+ xk_not_found = .true.
+ do ikq=1, nkfull
+ if (xk_not_found ) then
+ dxk(:) = sxk(:)-xk_full_list(:,ikq) - nint(sxk(:)-xk_full_list(:,ikq))
+ if ( abs(dxk(1)).le.eps .and. &
+ abs(dxk(2)).le.eps .and. &
+ abs(dxk(3)).le.eps ) xk_not_found = .false.
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (xk_not_found) then
+ nkfull = nkfull + 1
+ num_irrep(ik) = num_irrep(ik) + 1
+ xkfull_index(ik,num_irrep(ik)) = nkfull
+ xk_full_list(:,nkfull) = sxk(:)
+ sym_list(nkfull) = is
+ end if
+ sxk(:) = - sxk(:)
+ xk_not_found = .true.
+ do ikq=1, nkfull
+ if (xk_not_found ) then
+ dxk(:) = sxk(:)-xk_full_list(:,ikq) - nint(sxk(:)-xk_full_list(:,ikq))
+ if ( abs(dxk(1)).le.eps .and. &
+ abs(dxk(2)).le.eps .and. &
+ abs(dxk(3)).le.eps ) xk_not_found = .false.
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (xk_not_found) then
+ nkfull = nkfull + 1
+ num_irrep(ik) = num_irrep(ik) + 1
+ xkfull_index(ik,num_irrep(ik)) = nkfull
+ xk_full_list(:,nkfull) = sxk(:)
+ sym_list(nkfull) = -is
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ !
+ ! transform kp list to cartesian again
+ do ik=1,nkfull
+ dxk(:) = bg(:,1)*xk_full_list(1,ik) + &
+ bg(:,2)*xk_full_list(2,ik) + &
+ bg(:,3)*xk_full_list(3,ik)
+ xk_full_list(:,ik) = dxk(:)
+ enddo
+ !
+! if(ionode) then
+! print *,'Symmetry Inequivalent list of k-points:'
+! print *,'Total number: ',nkstot
+! do ik =1, nkstot
+! WRITE(*,'(i6,3(1x,f20.15))') ik, xk(1:3,ik)
+! enddo
+! print *,'Full list of k-points (crystal):'
+! print *,'Total number of k-points: ',nkfull
+! print *,'IRREP, N, SYM-ID, KP: '
+! do ik =1, nkstot
+! do ns=1,num_irrep(ik)
+! WRITE(*,'(i6,i6,i6,3(1x,f20.15))') ik,ns,sym_list(xkfull_index(ik,ns)) &
+! ,xk_full_list(1:3,xkfull_index(ik,ns))
+! enddo
+! enddo
+! endif
+ !
+ ! check symm operations
+ !
+! do ikq =1,nkfull
+! is = abs(sym_list(ikq))
+! if ( mod (s (2, 1, is) * dffts%nr1, dffts%nr2) .ne.0 .or. &
+! mod (s (3, 1, is) * dffts%nr1, dffts%nr3) .ne.0 .or. &
+! mod (s (1, 2, is) * dffts%nr2, dffts%nr1) .ne.0 .or. &
+! mod (s (3, 2, is) * dffts%nr2, dffts%nr3) .ne.0 .or. &
+! mod (s (1, 3, is) * dffts%nr3, dffts%nr1) .ne.0 .or. &
+! mod (s (2, 3, is) * dffts%nr3, dffts%nr2) .ne.0 ) then
+! call errore ('generate_symmetry_equivalent_list',' problems with grid',is)
+! end if
+! end do
+ END SUBROUTINE generate_symmetry_equivalent_list
+ !
+ SUBROUTINE generate_symmetry_rotation(is0)
+ USE kinds, ONLY: DP
+ USE klist, ONLY : xk
+ USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
+ !
+ USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
+ USE symm_base, ONLY : nsym, s, ftau
+ use fft_base, ONLY : dffts
+ !
+ !
+ integer, intent(in) :: is0
+ !
+ integer :: i,j,k, ir, ri, rj, rk, is
+ logical :: exst
+ REAL (DP) :: eps =1.d-6
+ !
+ do ir=1, nxxs
+ rir(ir) = ir
+ end do
+ is = abs(is0)
+ do k = 1, dffts%nr3
+ do j = 1, dffts%nr2
+ do i = 1, dffts%nr1
+ call ruotaijk (s(1,1,is), ftau(1,is), i, j, k, &
+ dffts%nr1,dffts%nr2,dffts%nr3, ri, rj , rk )
+ ir = i + ( j-1)*dffts%nr1x + ( k-1)*dffts%nr1x*dffts%nr2x
+ rir(ir) = ri + (rj-1)*dffts%nr1x + (rk-1)*dffts%nr1x*dffts%nr2x
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ !
+ END SUBROUTINE generate_symmetry_rotation
+ !
+END SUBROUTINE compute_qmcpack