\part{Conversion and visualization utilites for QMCPACK}\label{conversion.part} This part describes external utilities that are used to generate required input files for QMCPACK \section{Pseudopotential conversion} Although psuedopotential file formats are generally fairly simple, and some standards have been proposed, every major electronic structure code has adopted its own proprietary format for essentially the same data. To overcome this problem, we have a developed a \section{Orbital conversion} For typical materials and molecules simulations, QMCPACK requires the single-particle orbitals as input. At present, for orbitals in Gaussian bases, the bases and coefficients are input directly in QMCPACK's XML format. Alternatively, the orbitals may be represented either on a real-space mesh or a plane-wave expansion. In these latter cases, the information is stored in a cross-platform binary format known as HDF5. In particular, we have established a set of conventions for storing the atomic geometry, orbitals, and related information in and HDF5 in a format called ES-HDF. In addition, we have included tools to convert to ES-HDF from the output of a number of common electronic structure codes: \begin{table}[H] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline Source format & source basis & conversion tool & output format \\\hline ABINIT & Plane waves & wfconv & ES-HDF \\ CASINO & Plane waves & wfconv & ES-HDF \\ GAMESS & Gaussians & wfconv & ES-HDF \\ Quantum Espresso (PWscf) & Plane waves & pw2qmcpack.x & ES-HDF \\ Qbox & Real-space & wfconv & ES-HDF \\ GAUSSIAN & Gaussians & convert4qmc & XML \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \subsection{Using wfconv} \subsubsection{ABINIT} \tt{istwfk 1} \subsubsection{CASINO} \subsubsection{GAMESS} \subsubsection{Qbox} \subsection{Using the mixed-basis representation} \subsection{Converting from PWscf} \section{Visualizing orbitals with wfvis} \subsection{Building} \subsection{Basic operations} \subsection{Ray-tracing for publication-quality results}