Merge branch 'Unified_Driver_DMCBatched' into UnifiedDriver_branch_engine

This commit is contained in:
Peter Doak 2019-09-27 10:03:04 -04:00
commit fbc0028da0
57 changed files with 6094 additions and 1504 deletions

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@ -627,12 +627,6 @@ def superstring():
#end def superstring
def unit_converter():
#end def unit_converter
def generic_logging():
from generic import log,message,warn,error
@ -1714,6 +1708,12 @@ def developer():
def unit_converter():
#end def unit_converter
def periodic_table():
#end def periodic_table
@ -1738,9 +1738,15 @@ def hdfreader():
def xmlreader():
#end def xmlreader
def nexus_imports():
import nexus
#end def nexus_imports
@ -2544,287 +2550,96 @@ def machines():
def structure():
# divert logging function
import numpy as np
from generic import obj
from structure import Structure,Crystal
from structure import generate_structure
from structure import read_structure
def structure_same(s1,s2):
keys = ('units','elem','pos','axes','kpoints','kweights','kaxes')
o1 = s1.obj(keys)
o2 = s2.obj(keys)
return object_eq(o1,o2)
#end def structure_same
def structure_diff(s1,s2):
keys = ('units','elem','pos','axes','kpoints','kweights','kaxes')
o1 = s1.obj(keys)
o2 = s2.obj(keys)
return object_diff(o1,o2,full=True)
#end def structure_diff
s1 = Structure()
s2 = generate_structure('empty')
ref_in = obj()
ref_in.diamond_prim = obj(
units = 'A',
axes = [[1.785, 1.785, 0. ],
[0. , 1.785, 1.785],
[1.785, 0. , 1.785]],
elem = ['C','C'],
pos = [[0. , 0. , 0. ],
[0.8925, 0.8925, 0.8925]],
ref_in.diamond_conv = obj(
units = 'A',
axes = [[3.57, 0 , 0. ],
[0. , 3.57, 0. ],
[0 , 0. , 3.57]],
elem = ['C','C','C','C','C','C','C','C'],
pos = [[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
[0.8925, 0.8925, 0.8925],
[0.0000, 1.7850, 1.7850],
[0.8925, 2.6775, 2.6775],
[1.7850, 0.0000, 1.7850],
[2.6775, 0.8925, 2.6775],
[1.7850, 1.7850, 0.0000],
[2.6775, 2.6775, 0.8925]],
ref_in.wurtzite_prim = obj(
units = 'A',
axes = [[ 3.350, 0.00000000, 0.00],
[-1.675, 2.90118510, 0.00],
[ 0.000, 0.00000000, 5.22]],
elem = ['Zn','O','Zn','O'],
pos = [[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 3.26250000e+00],
[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[1.67500000e+00, 9.67061701e-01, 6.52500000e-01],
[1.67500000e+00, 9.67061701e-01, 2.61000000e+00]],
ref_in.oxygen_prim = obj(
units = 'A',
axes = [[ 2.70150000e+00, -1.71450000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[ 2.70150000e+00, 1.71450000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[-3.43801471e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 3.74799291e+00]],
elem = ['O','O'],
pos = [[ 0., 0., 0.575],
[ 0., 0., -0.575]],
ref_in.CuO_prim = obj(
units = 'A',
axes = [[ 2.34150000e+00, -1.71100000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[ 2.34150000e+00, 1.71100000e+00, 0.00000000e+00],
[-8.49894838e-01, 0.00000000e+00, 5.05708046e+00]],
elem = ['Cu','O','Cu','O'],
pos = [[ 1.17075 , 0.8555 , 0. ],
[-0.21247371, 1.430396, 1.26427011],
[ 0.74580258, 2.5665 , 2.52854023],
[ 1.70407887, 0.280604, 3.79281034]],
ref_in.Ca2CuO3_prim = obj(
units = 'A',
axes = [[ 1.885, 1.625, -6.115],
[-1.885, 1.625, 6.115],
[ 1.885, -1.625, 6.115]],
elem = ['Cu','O','O','O','Ca','Ca'],
pos = [[0.000, 0.000, 0.000],
[1.885, 0.000, 0.000],
[0.000, 0.000, 1.960],
[0.000, 0.000, 10.270],
[0.000, 0.000, 4.290],
[0.000, 0.000, 7.940]],
ref_in.La2CuO4_prim = obj(
units = 'A',
axes = [[ 1.9045, 1.9045, -6.5845],
[-1.9045, 1.9045, 6.5845],
[ 1.9045, -1.9045, 6.5845]],
elem = ['Cu','O','O','O','O','La','La'],
pos = [[ 0. , 0. , 0. ],
[ 0.95225 , 0.95225 , -3.29225 ],
[-0.95225 , 0.95225 , 3.29225 ],
[ 0.346619, -0.346619, 1.198379],
[-0.346619, 0.346619, -1.198379],
[ 0.689429, -0.689429, 2.383589],
[-0.689429, 0.689429, -2.383589]],
ref_in.graphene_prim = obj(
units = 'A',
axes = [[ 2.462, 0.00000000, 0.00],
[-1.231, 2.13215454, 0.00],
[ 0.000, 0.00000000, 15.00]],
elem = ['C','C'],
pos = [[0. , 0. , 0. ],
[1.231, 0.71071818, 0. ]],
ref = obj()
for name,inputs in ref_in.iteritems():
ref[name] = Structure(**inputs)
#end for
gen = obj()
for name,inputs in ref_in.iteritems():
gen[name] = generate_structure(**inputs)
#end for
crys = obj()
for (latt,cell),inputs in Crystal.known_crystals.iteritems():
s = generate_structure(structure=latt,cell=cell)
crys[latt+'_'+cell] = s
#end for
for name,s in ref.iteritems():
#end for
for name,s in ref.iteritems():
#end for
diag_tilings = [
(1, 1, 1),
(1, 2, 3),
(1, 2, 4),
(1, 3, 1),
(1, 3, 2),
(1, 3, 3),
(1, 5, 3),
(1, 5, 5),
(1, 5, 6),
(2, 1, 2),
(2, 1, 3),
(2, 2, 2),
(2, 3, 1),
(2, 3, 2),
(2, 3, 3),
(2, 4, 4),
(2, 5, 1),
(2, 5, 2),
(2, 5, 3),
(3, 1, 1),
(3, 1, 2),
(3, 1, 3),
(3, 2, 1),
(3, 2, 3),
(3, 3, 6),
(4, 6, 4),
(5, 5, 1),
(5, 5, 5),
(6, 2, 6),
(6, 3, 1),
(6, 3, 6),
(6, 4, 6),
(6, 6, 4),
for name,s in ref.iteritems():
for tvec in diag_tilings:
st = s.tile(tvec)
#end for
#end for
matrix_tilings = [
(-3,-2, 0,-2,-2,-3, 3, 2,-1),
(-3,-1, 3, 0, 1, 1,-3, 3,-3),
(-3, 0,-2,-3, 0, 3, 2,-3, 0),
(-3, 1, 0,-3, 3,-3, 0,-2, 1),
(-2,-1, 2, 3,-3,-3,-2, 2,-2),
(-2, 0, 3,-2, 1,-1,-3, 0, 1),
(-2, 1,-3,-3, 0, 3, 2, 0, 3),
(-2, 2,-3,-1, 0, 1,-1,-2, 3),
(-1, 3, 2,-3, 2,-2, 3,-3,-1),
(-1, 3, 3,-3, 3, 0,-3,-1, 1),
( 0,-1,-2, 2, 3, 1, 3,-2, 0),
( 0, 1, 3,-2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2),
( 0, 3,-1,-1,-1, 2, 2, 3, 2),
( 1,-3,-3,-3, 3, 0,-2, 2,-2),
( 1,-2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2,-1),
( 1, 0, 1,-3, 2, 1, 1, 2,-2),
( 1, 2, 1,-2, 1,-1,-2, 3, 2),
( 1, 2, 1, 2, 1,-1, 3, 2, 2),
( 1, 2, 2,-2, 1, 0, 1, 0,-1),
( 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1,-3, 0,-2),
( 1, 3,-1, 0, 1,-2, 1, 0, 2),
( 1, 3, 0,-1, 0,-3, 2, 0, 2),
( 1, 3, 0, 0,-2,-2,-1,-1, 1),
( 1, 3, 1,-3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2),
( 2,-3, 0, 2, 2,-3,-1,-2, 0),
( 2,-2, 1, 3, 3,-2,-2, 1,-3),
( 2,-1, 2,-1, 0,-3, 2, 0, 1),
( 2,-1, 2, 0,-2, 0,-2, 0, 0),
( 2,-1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1,-1,-3),
( 2, 1, 2, 0,-3,-2,-2,-3,-1),
( 2, 2, 1,-3,-2,-3, 2,-1,-2),
( 2, 3,-3, 1, 3, 1, 2,-2,-1),
( 3,-3, 0, 1,-2, 3, 2, 1, 1),
( 3,-2, 3, 3,-3,-3, 0, 0,-1),
( 3,-1, 2,-3, 2,-2, 3, 2,-1),
( 3, 0,-3, 0, 2,-1, 3,-2,-1),
( 3, 0, 2, 3,-2,-3,-3,-2, 1),
( 3, 1, 1,-2,-1,-3, 3, 1, 0),
( 3, 2,-3,-2, 2, 1, 1, 0,-1),
( 3, 2,-2,-1,-3,-1, 3, 3, 2),
( 3, 2, 3,-1, 2, 2, 0,-1, 0),
( 3, 3,-1, 0,-3, 2,-3,-1, 0),
( 3, 3, 1,-3,-2,-3, 2,-3, 3),
( 3, 3, 1, 1,-2, 2, 2,-2, 0),
#for name in sorted(ref.keys()):
for name in ['diamond_prim']:
s = ref[name]
npass = 0
for tmat in matrix_tilings:
tmat = np.array(tmat,dtype=int)
tmat.shape = 3,3
st = s.tile(tmat)
#end for
#end for
# call all unit tests
# restore logging function
#end def structure
def physical_system():
# call all unit tests
#end def physical_system
def basisset():
#end def basisset
def pseudopotential():
#end def pseudopotential
def nexus_base():
#end def nexus_base
def pwscf_input():
# divert logging function
@ -3465,28 +3280,32 @@ def user_examples(label):
NexusTest( versions )
NexusTest( required_dependencies )
NexusTest( optional_dependencies , optional=True)
NexusTest( nexus_imports )
NexusTest( testing )
NexusTest( execute )
NexusTest( memory )
NexusTest( plotting )
NexusTest( superstring )
NexusTest( unit_converter )
NexusTest( generic_logging )
NexusTest( generic_intrinsics )
NexusTest( generic_extensions )
NexusTest( developer )
NexusTest( unit_converter )
NexusTest( periodic_table )
NexusTest( numerics )
NexusTest( grid_functions )
NexusTest( fileio )
NexusTest( hdfreader )
NexusTest( nexus_imports )
NexusTest( settings_operation , 'settings' )
NexusTest( machines )
NexusTest( xmlreader )
NexusTest( structure )
NexusTest( physical_system )
NexusTest( basisset )
NexusTest( pseudopotential )
NexusTest( nexus_base )
NexusTest( machines )
NexusTest( pwscf_input )
NexusTest( qmcpack_input )
NexusTest( grid_functions )
NexusTest( settings_operation , 'settings' )
for label in example_information.keys():

View File

@ -65,23 +65,24 @@ class BasisSets(DevBase):
bsfiles = bsfiles[0]
#end if
bss = []
print ' Basissets'
self.log(' Basissets')
for filepath in bsfiles:
print ' reading basis: ',filepath
self.log(' reading basis: '+filepath)
ext = filepath.split('.')[-1].lower()
if ext=='gms_bas':
if ext=='gms_bas' or ext=='bas':
bs = gamessBasisFile(filepath)
bs = BasisFile(filepath)
#end if
#end for
#end def readbs
# test needed
def bases_by_atom(self,*bsfiles):
bss = obj()
for bsfile in bsfiles:
@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ def process_gaussian_text(text,format,pp=True,basis=True,preserve_spacing=False)
last_empty = True
for rline in rawlines:
line = rline.strip()
if (not line.startswith('!')) and (not line.startswith('#')) and len(line)>0:
if (not line.startswith('!')) and (not line.startswith('#')) and (not line.startswith('*')) and len(line)>0 and line!='$DATA' and line!='$END':
if last_empty:
lines = []
@ -315,7 +316,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def read
def write(self,filepath=None,format=None):
if format is None:
self.error('format keyword must be specified to write file {0}\nvalid options are: {1}'.format(filepath,self.formats))
@ -478,11 +479,13 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def write_text
# test needed
def size(self):
return len(self.basis)
#end def size
# test needed
def lset(self):
lset = set()
for bf in self.basis:
@ -492,11 +495,13 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def lset
# test needed
def lcount(self):
return len(self.lset())
#end def lcount
# test needed
def lbasis(self):
lbasis = obj()
for n in range(len(self.basis)):
@ -511,6 +516,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def lbasis
# test needed
def lsort(self):
lbasis = self.lbasis()
@ -526,6 +532,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def lsort
# test needed
def uncontracted(self):
all_uncon = True
for bf in self.basis:
@ -535,11 +542,13 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def uncontracted
# test needed
def contracted(self):
return not self.uncontracted()
#end def contracted
# test needed
def uncontract(self,tol=1e-3):
if self.uncontracted():
@ -572,6 +581,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def uncontract
# test needed
def contracted_basis_size(self):
bcount = obj()
for bf in self.basis:
@ -591,6 +601,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def contracted_basis_size
# test needed
def uncontracted_basis_size(self):
if self.uncontracted():
return self.contracted_basis_size()
@ -601,6 +612,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def uncontracted_basis_size
# test needed
def basis_size(self):
us = self.uncontracted_basis_size()
cs = self.contracted_basis_size()
@ -608,6 +620,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def basis_size
# test needed
def prim_expons(self):
if self.contracted():
self.error('cannot find primitive gaussian expons because basis is contracted')
@ -625,6 +638,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def prim_expons
# test needed
def prim_widths(self):
if self.contracted():
self.error('cannot find primitive gaussian widths because basis is contracted')
@ -642,6 +656,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def prim_widths
# test needed
def remove_prims(self,comp=None,keep=None,**lselectors):
lbasis = self.lbasis()
if comp!=None:
@ -720,6 +735,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def remove_prims
# test needed
def remove_small_prims(self,**keep):
lsel = obj()
for l,lbas in self.lbasis().iteritems():
@ -731,6 +747,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def remove_small_prims
# test needed
def remove_large_prims(self,**keep):
lsel = obj()
for l,lbas in self.lbasis().iteritems():
@ -742,6 +759,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def remove_large_prims
# test needed
def remove_small_prims_rel(self,other,**keep):
gwidths = other.prim_widths()
lsel = obj()
@ -752,6 +770,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def remove_small_prims_rel
# test needed
def remove_large_prims_rel(self,other,**keep):
gwidths = other.prim_widths()
lsel = obj()
@ -762,6 +781,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def remove_large_prims_rel
# test needed
def remove_channels(self,llist):
lbasis = self.lbasis()
for l in llist:
@ -782,6 +802,7 @@ class GaussianBasisSet(DevBase):
#end def remove_channels
# test needed
def incorporate(self,other,tol=1e-3,unique=False):
uncontracted = self.uncontracted() and other.uncontracted()
lbasis = self.lbasis()

View File

@ -542,6 +542,7 @@ class Settings(NexusCore):
settings = Settings()
# test needed
def run_project(*args,**kwargs):
if nexus_core.graph_sims:
@ -558,7 +559,7 @@ def run_project(*args,**kwargs):
# test needed
# read input function
# place here for now as it depends on all other input functions
def read_input(filepath,format=None):

View File

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class Ion(Particle):
ps.core_electrons = ps.protons - valence
return ps
#end def pseudize
#end class
#end class Ion
class PseudoIon(Ion):
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ class Particles(Matter):
return p
#end def get_particle
# test needed
def get(self,quantity):
q = obj()
for name,particle in self.iteritems():
@ -457,6 +458,11 @@ class PhysicalSystem(Matter):
#end def check_consistent
def is_valid(self):
return self.check_consistent(exit=False)
#end def is_valid
def change_units(self,units):
if self.folded_system!=None:
@ -573,47 +579,7 @@ class PhysicalSystem(Matter):
#end def get_smallest
def folded_representation(self,arg0,arg1=None):
self.error('folded_representation needs a developers attention to make it equivalent with tile')
if isinstance(arg0,PhysicalSystem):
folded_system = arg0
elif isinstance(arg0,str):
shape = arg0
tiling = arg1
if tiling is None:
tiling = (1,1,1)
#end if
if not 'generation_info' in self:
self.error('system was not formed with generate_physical_system, cannot form folded representation')
#end if
structure,element,scale,units,net_charge,net_spin,particles,valency = \
self.generation_info.tuple('structure','element','scale','units', \
folded_system = generate_physical_system(
structure = structure,
shape = shape,
element = element,
tiling = tiling,
scale = scale,
units = units,
net_charge = net_charge,
net_spin = net_spin,
particles = particles,
self.error('unrecognized inputs in folded_representation')
#end if
tilematrix,kmap = self.structure.fold(folded_system.structure,'tilematrix','kmap')
folded_system = folded_system,
tilematrix = tilematrix,
kmap = kmap
return folded_system
#end def folded_representation
# test needed
def large_Zeff_elem(self,Zmin):
elem = []
for atom,Zeff in self.valency.iteritems():
@ -625,6 +591,7 @@ class PhysicalSystem(Matter):
#end def large_Zeff_elem
# test needed
def ae_pp_species(self):
species = set(self.structure.elem)
if self.pseudized:
@ -637,6 +604,7 @@ class PhysicalSystem(Matter):
return ae_species,pp_species
#end def ae_pp_species
def kf_rpa(self):
nelecs = self.particles.electron_counts()
volume = self.structure.volume()
@ -647,6 +615,7 @@ class PhysicalSystem(Matter):
#end class PhysicalSystem
import os
from structure import generate_structure,read_structure
from copy import deepcopy
@ -799,26 +768,11 @@ def generate_physical_system(**kwargs):
#end def generate_physical_system
# test needed
def ghost_atoms(*particles):
for particle in particles:
#end for
#end def ghost_atoms
if __name__=='__main__':
from structure import generate_structure
ps = PhysicalSystem(
structure = generate_structure('diamond','sc','Ge',(2,2,2),scale=5.639,units='A'),
net_charge = 1,
net_spin = 1,
Ge = 4
print 'net_charge',ps.net_charge
print 'net_spin ',ps.net_spin
print ps.particles
#end if

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class MethodAnalyzer(QAanalyzer):
complete &= 'opt' in files
#end if
equil = request.equilibration
nblocks_exclude = -1
nblocks_exclude = 0
if isinstance(equil,int):
nblocks_exclude = equil
elif isinstance(equil,(dict,obj)):

View File

@ -932,6 +932,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def has_folded_structure
# test needed
def group_atoms(self,folded=True):
if len(self.elem)>0:
order = self.elem.argsort()
@ -946,6 +947,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def group_atoms
# test needed
def rename(self,folded=True,**name_pairs):
elem = self.elem
for old,new in name_pairs.iteritems():
@ -961,6 +963,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def rename
# test needed
def reset_axes(self,axes=None):
if axes is None:
axes = self.axes
@ -974,11 +977,13 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def reset_axes
# test needed
def adjust_axes(self,axes):
#end def adjust_axes
# test needed
def reshape_axes(self,reshaping):
R = array(reshaping)
if abs(abs(det(R))-1)<1e-6:
@ -1018,6 +1023,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def corners
# test needed
def miller_direction(self,h,k,l,normalize=False):
d = dot((h,k,l),self.axes)
if normalize:
@ -1027,6 +1033,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def miller_direction
# test needed
def miller_normal(self,h,k,l,normalize=False):
d = dot((h,k,l),self.kaxes)
if normalize:
@ -1036,6 +1043,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def miller_normal
# test needed
def project_plane(self,a1,a2,points=None):
# a1/a2: in plane vectors
if points is None:
@ -1097,6 +1105,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def center_molecule
# test needed
def center_solid(self):
u = self.pos_unit()
du = (1-u.min(0)-u.max(0))/2
@ -1104,6 +1113,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def center_solid
# test needed
def permute(self,permutation):
dim = self.dim
P = empty((dim,dim),dtype=int)
@ -1141,6 +1151,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def permute
# test needed
def rotate_plane(self,plane,angle,units='degrees'):
self.pos = rotate_plane(plane,angle,self.pos,units)
if self.has_axes():
@ -1150,6 +1161,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def rotate_plane
# test needed
def upcast(self,DerivedStructure):
if not issubclass(DerivedStructure,Structure):
self.error(DerivedStructure.__name__,'is not derived from Structure')
@ -1162,12 +1174,14 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def upcast
# test needed
def incorporate(self,other):
#end def incorporate
# test needed
def clone_from(self,other):
if not isinstance(other,Structure):
self.error('cloning failed\ncan only clone from other Structure objects\nreceived object of type: {0}'.format(other.__class__.__name__))
@ -1177,6 +1191,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def clone_from
# test needed
def add_atoms(self,elem,pos):
@ -1215,6 +1230,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def all_periodic
# test needed
def distances(self,pos1=None,pos2=None):
if isinstance(pos1,Structure):
pos1 = pos1.pos
@ -1311,6 +1327,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def rinscribe
# test needed
def rwigner_cube(self,*args,**kwargs):
cube = Structure()
a = self.volume()**(1./3)
@ -1319,6 +1336,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def rwigner_cube
# test needed
def rinscribe_cube(self,*args,**kwargs):
cube = Structure()
a = self.volume()**(1./3)
@ -1337,6 +1355,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def rcell
# test needed
# scale invariant measure of deviation from cube shape
# based on deviation of face diagonals from cube
def cube_deviation(self):
@ -1352,6 +1371,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def cube_deviation
# test needed
# apply volume preserving shear-removing transformations to cell axes
# resulting unsheared cell has orthogonal axes
# while remaining periodically correct
@ -1384,6 +1404,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def unsheared_axes
# test needed
# vectors parallel to cell faces
# length of vectors is distance between parallel face planes
# note that the product of distances is not the cell volume in general
@ -1407,11 +1428,13 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def face_vectors
# test needed
def face_distances(self):
return self.face_vectors(distances=True)[1]
#end def face_distances
# test needed
def rescale(self,scale):
self.scale *= scale
self.axes *= scale
@ -1425,6 +1448,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def rescale
# test needed
def stretch(self,s1,s2,s3):
if self.dim!=3:
self.error('stretch is currently only implemented for 3 dimensions')
@ -1434,6 +1458,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def stretch
# test needed
def skew(self,skew):
axinv = inv(self.axes)
axnew = dot(self.axes,skew)
@ -1450,6 +1475,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def skew
# test needed
def change_units(self,units,folded=True):
if units!=self.units:
scale = convert(1,self.units,units)
@ -1467,6 +1493,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def change_units
# test needed
# insert sep space at loc along axis
# if sep<0, space is removed instead
def cleave(self,axis,loc,sep=None,remove=False,tol=1e-6):
@ -1534,6 +1561,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def cleave
# test needed
def translate(self,v):
v = array(v)
pos = self.pos
@ -1547,6 +1575,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def translate
# test needed
def slide(self,v,recenter=True):
v = array(v)
pos = self.pos
@ -1562,12 +1591,14 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def slide
# test needed
def zero_corner(self):
corner =
#end def zero_corner
# test needed
def locate_simple(self,pos):
pos = array(pos)
if pos.shape==(self.dim,):
@ -1578,6 +1609,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def locate_simple
# test needed
def locate(self,identifiers,radii=None,exterior=False):
indices = None
if isinstance(identifiers,Structure):
@ -1744,6 +1776,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def magnetize
# test needed
def carve(self,identifiers):
indices = self.locate(identifiers)
if isinstance(identifiers,Structure):
@ -1760,6 +1793,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def carve
# test needed
def remove(self,identifiers):
indices = self.locate(identifiers)
keep = list(set(range(len(self.pos)))-set(indices))
@ -1772,6 +1806,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def remove
# test needed
def replace(self,identifiers,elem=None,pos=None,radii=None,exterior=False):
indices = self.locate(identifiers,radii,exterior)
if isinstance(elem,Structure):
@ -1808,6 +1843,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def replace
# test needed
def replace_nearest(self,elem,pos=None):
if isinstance(elem,Structure):
cell = elem
@ -1854,6 +1890,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def replace_nearest
# test needed
def point_defect(self,identifiers=None,elem=None,dr=None):
if isinstance(elem,str):
elem = [elem]
@ -1937,6 +1974,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def point_defect
# test needed
def species(self,symbol=False):
if not symbol:
return set(self.elem)
@ -1952,6 +1990,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def species
# test needed
def ordered_species(self,symbol=False):
speclab_set = set()
species_labels = []
@ -1982,6 +2021,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def ordered_species
# test needed
def order_by_species(self,folded=False):
species = []
species_counts = []
@ -2015,6 +2055,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def order_by_species
# test needed
def reorder(self,order):
order = array(order)
self.elem = self.elem[order]
@ -2022,6 +2063,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def reorder
# test needed
# find layers parallel to a particular cell face
# layers are found by scanning a window of width dtol along the axis and counting
# the number of atoms within the window. window position w/ max number of atoms
@ -2122,6 +2164,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def layers
# test needed
def layer_composition(self,layers):
lcomp = obj()
for d,ind in layers.iteritems():
@ -2140,6 +2183,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def layer_composition
# test needed
def shells(self,identifiers,radii=None,exterior=False,cumshells=False,distances=False,dtol=1e-6):
# get indices for 'core' and 'bulk'
# core is selected by identifiers, forms core for shells to be built around
@ -2217,6 +2261,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def shells
# test needed
# find connected sets of atoms.
# indices is a list of atomic indices to consider (self.pos[indices] are their positions)
# atoms are considered connected if they are within rmax of each other
@ -2443,6 +2488,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def connected_graphs
# test needed
# returns connected graphs that are rings up to the requested order
# rings are constructed by pairing lines that share endpoints
# all vertices of a ring have degree two
@ -2508,6 +2554,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def ring_graphs
# test needed
# find the centroid of a set of points/atoms in min image convention
def min_image_centroid(self,points=None,indices=None):
if indices!=None:
@ -2527,6 +2574,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def min_image_centroid
# test needed
# find min image centroids of multiple sets of points/atoms
def min_image_centroids(self,points=None,indices=None):
cents = []
@ -2649,6 +2697,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def neighbor_table
# test needed
def min_image_norms(self,points,norms):
if isinstance(norms,int) or isinstance(norms,float):
norms = [norms]
@ -2666,6 +2715,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def min_image_norms
# test needed
# get all neighbors according to contacting voronoi polyhedra in PBC
def voronoi_neighbors(self,indices=None,restrict=False,distance_ordered=True):
if indices is None:
@ -2724,6 +2774,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def voronoi_neighbors
# test needed
# get nearest neighbors according to constrants (voronoi, max distance, coord. number)
def nearest_neighbors(self,indices=None,rmax=None,nmax=None,restrict=False,voronoi=False,distances=False,**spec_max):
if indices is None:
@ -2787,6 +2838,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def nearest_neighbors
# test needed
# determine local chemical coordination limited by constraints
def chemical_coordination(self,indices=None,nmax=None,rmax=None,restrict=False,voronoi=False,neighbors=False,distances=False,**spec_max):
if indices is None:
@ -2835,6 +2887,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def chemical_coordination
# test needed
def rcore_max(self,units=None):
nt,dt = self.neighbor_table(self.pos,distances=True)
d = dt[:,1]
@ -2846,6 +2899,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def rcore_max
# test needed
def cell_image(self,p,center=None):
pos = array(p,dtype=float)
if center is None:
@ -2863,6 +2917,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def cell_image
# test needed
def center_distances(self,points,center=None):
if center is None:
c =
@ -2877,6 +2932,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def center_distances
# test needed
def recenter(self,center=None):
if center is not None:,dtype=float)
@ -2894,6 +2950,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def recenter
# test needed
def recorner(self):
pos = self.pos
axes = self.axes
@ -2905,6 +2962,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def recorner
# test needed
def recenter_k(self,kpoints=None,kaxes=None,kcenter=None,remove_duplicates=False):
use_self = kpoints==None
if use_self:
@ -2961,6 +3019,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def recenter_k
# test needed
def inside(self,pos,axes=None,center=None,tol=1e-8,separate=False):
if axes==None:
@ -3259,6 +3318,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def check_tiling
# test needed
def kfold(self,tiling,kpoints,kweights):
if isinstance(tiling,int):
tiling = self.dim*[tiling]
@ -3284,6 +3344,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def get_smallest
# test needed
def fold(self,small,*requests):
self.error('fold needs a developers attention to make it equivalent with tile')
if self.dim!=3:
@ -3449,6 +3510,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def add_kpoints
# test needed
def clear_kpoints(self):
self.kpoints = empty((0,self.dim))
self.kweights = empty((0,))
@ -3518,6 +3580,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def kpoints_reduced
# test needed
def inversion_symmetrize_kpoints(self,tol=1e-10,folded=False):
kp = self.kpoints
kaxes = self.kaxes
@ -3542,6 +3605,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def inversion_symmetrize_kpoints
# test needed
def unique_points(self,points,axes,weights=None,tol=1e-10):
pmap = obj()
npoints = len(points)
@ -3583,6 +3647,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def unique_points
# test needed
def unique_points_fast(self,points,axes,weights=None,tol=1e-10):
# use an O(N) cell table instead of an O(N^2) neighbor table
pmap = obj()
@ -3636,6 +3701,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def unique_points_fast
# test needed
def unique_positions(self,tol=1e-10,folded=False):
pos,weights,pmap = self.unique_points(self.pos,self.axes)
if len(pos)!=len(self.pos):
@ -3648,6 +3714,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def unique_positions
# test needed
def unique_kpoints(self,tol=1e-10,folded=False):
kmap = obj()
kp = self.kpoints
@ -3703,6 +3770,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def kmap
# test needed
def select_twist(self,selector='smallest',tol=1e-6):
index = None
invalid_selector = False
@ -3737,6 +3805,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def select_twist
# test needed
def fold_pos(self,large,tol=0.001):
vratio = large.volume()/self.volume()
if abs(vratio-int(around(vratio)))>1e-6:
@ -3808,6 +3877,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def pos_to_cartesian
# test needed
def at_Gpoint(self):
kpu = self.kpoints_unit()
kg = array([0,0,0])
@ -3815,6 +3885,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def at_Gpoint
# test needed
def at_Lpoint(self):
kpu = self.kpoints_unit()
kg = array([.5,.5,.5])
@ -3822,12 +3893,14 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def at_Lpoint
# test needed
def at_real_kpoint(self):
kpu = 2*self.kpoints_unit()
return len(kpu)==1 and abs(kpu-around(kpu)).sum()<1e-6
#end def at_real_kpoint
# test needed
def bonds(self,neighbors,vectors=False):
if self.dim!=3:
self.error('bonds is currently only implemented for 3 dimensions')
@ -3866,6 +3939,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def bonds
# test needed
def displacement(self,reference,map=False):
if self.dim!=3:
self.error('displacement is currently only implemented for 3 dimensions')
@ -3883,11 +3957,13 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def displacement
# test needed
def scalar_displacement(self,reference):
return sqrt((self.displacement(reference)**2).sum(1))
#end def scalar_displacement
# test needed
def distortion(self,reference,neighbors):
if self.dim!=3:
self.error('distortion is currently only implemented for 3 dimensions')
@ -3939,6 +4015,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def distortion
# test needed
def bond_compression(self,reference,neighbors):
ref = reference
rbi,rbc,rbl = ref.bonds(neighbors)
@ -3948,6 +4025,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def bond_compression
# test needed
def boundary(self,dims=(0,1,2),dtol=1e-6):
dim_eff = len(dims)
natoms,dim = self.pos.shape
@ -4014,6 +4092,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def embed
# test needed
def shell(self,cell,neighbors,direction='in'):
if self.dim!=3:
self.error('shell is currently only implemented for 3 dimensions')
@ -4413,6 +4492,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def read_cif
# test needed
def read_fhi_aims(self,filepath):
if os.path.exists(filepath):
lines = open(filepath,'r').read().splitlines()
@ -4563,6 +4643,7 @@ class Structure(Sobj):
#end def write_poscar
# test needed
def write_fhi_aims(self,filepath=None):
s = self.copy()
@ -4904,6 +4985,7 @@ def get_structure_with_bands(
units = 'A')
#end def get_structure_with_bands
# test needed
def get_band_tiling(
structure = None,
check_standard = True,
@ -5266,6 +5348,7 @@ def interpolate_structures(struct1,struct2=None,images=None,min_image=True,recen
#end def interpolate_structures
# test needed
def structure_animation(filepath,structures,tiling=None):
path,file = os.path.split(filepath)
if not file.endswith('xyz'):
@ -6042,6 +6125,7 @@ class Crystal(Structure):
#end class Crystal
# test needed
class Jellium(Structure):
prefactors = obj()
@ -6104,6 +6188,7 @@ class Jellium(Structure):
# test needed
def generate_cell(shape,tiling=None,scale=1.,units=None,struct_type=Structure):
if tiling is None:
tiling = (1,1,1)
@ -6149,6 +6234,7 @@ def generate_structure(type='crystal',*args,**kwargs):
# test needed
def generate_atom_structure(
atom = None,
units = 'A',
@ -6177,6 +6263,7 @@ def generate_atom_structure(
#end def generate_atom_structure
# test needed
def generate_dimer_structure(
dimer = None,
units = 'A',
@ -6218,6 +6305,7 @@ def generate_dimer_structure(
#end def generate_dimer_structure
# test needed
def generate_trimer_structure(
trimer = None,
units = 'A',
@ -6299,6 +6387,7 @@ def generate_trimer_structure(
#end def generate_trimer_structure
# test needed
def generate_jellium_structure(*args,**kwargs):
return Jellium(*args,**kwargs)
#end def generate_jellium_structure
@ -6529,40 +6618,6 @@ def read_structure(filepath,elem=None,format=None):
#if __name__=='__main__':
# from numpy.random import rand
# from matplotlib.pyplot import figure,plot,show
# ax = array([[1.0,.3,.1],[.2,1.2,-.1],[.2,.1,1.]])
# #ax = array([[1.0,0,0],[0,1.,0],[0,0,1.]])
# pos = 4*(rand(50,3)-.5)
# c = (ax[0]+ax[1])/2
# elem = []
# for i in range(len(pos)):
# elem.append('Ge')
# #end for
# s = Structure(axes=ax,pos=pos,elem=elem)
# #figure()
# #plot(s.pos[:,0],s.pos[:,1],'bo')
# #plot([0,x1,x1+x2,x2,0],[0,y1,y1+y2,y2,0],'k-',lw=2)
# #s.recenter(c)
# #plot(s.pos[:,0],s.pos[:,1],'r.')
# #figure()
# #s.plot2d('bo')
# #s.recenter(c)
# #s.plot2d('r.')
# #show()
# figure()
# s.recenter(c)
# s.plot2d('bo')
# cs=s.carve(s.axes/2,
# cs.plot2d('r.')
# show()
##end if
if __name__=='__main__':

View File

@ -225,3 +225,55 @@ def setup_unit_test_output_directory(test,subtest):
return path
#end def setup_unit_test_output_directory
# class used to divert log output when desired
class FakeLog:
def __init__(self):
#end def __init__
def reset(self):
self.s = ''
#end def reset
def write(self,s):
#end def write
def close(self):
#end def close
def contents(self):
return self.s
#end def contents
#end class FakeLog
# dict to temporarily store logger when log output is diverted
logging_storage = dict()
# divert nexus log output
def divert_nexus_log():
from generic import generic_settings,object_interface
logging_storage['devlog'] = generic_settings.devlog
logging_storage['objlog'] = object_interface._logfile
logfile = FakeLog()
generic_settings.devlog = logfile
object_interface._logfile = logfile
return logfile
#end def divert_nexus_log
# restore nexus log output
def restore_nexus_log():
from generic import generic_settings,object_interface
generic_settings.devlog = logging_storage['devlog']
object_interface._logfile = logging_storage['objlog']
#end def restore_nexus_log

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class XMLelement(DevBase):
#end for
#end if
return s
#end def list
#end def _to_string
# def __str__(self):
# return self._to_string()
@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ class XMLelement(DevBase):
#end def __init__
# test needed
def condense(self):
for name,elem in self._elements.iteritems():
if isinstance(elem,XMLelement):
@ -159,6 +160,7 @@ class XMLelement(DevBase):
#end def condense
# test needed
def convert_numeric(self):
for name,attr in self._attributes.iteritems():
self[name] = string2val(attr)
@ -280,6 +282,7 @@ class XMLreader(DevBase):
#end def __init__
# test needed
def include_files(self):
pair = '<include','/>'
qpair = '<?','?>'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
import testing
from testing import value_eq,object_eq
from testing import divert_nexus_log,restore_nexus_log
associated_files = dict()
def get_filenames():
filenames = [
return filenames
#end def get_filenames
def get_files():
return testing.collect_unit_test_file_paths('basisset',associated_files)
#end def get_files
def test_files():
filenames = get_filenames()
files = get_files()
#end def test_files
def test_import():
import basisset
from basisset import BasisSets
from basisset import process_gaussian_text
from basisset import GaussianBasisSet
#end def test_import
def test_basissets():
from basisset import BasisSets
from basisset import BasisFile
from basisset import gamessBasisFile
# empty initialization
filenames = get_filenames()
files = get_files()
f = [files[fn] for fn in filenames]
# standard initialization
bf = BasisFile(f[1])
gbf = gamessBasisFile(f[0])
bs = BasisSets(f[2:]+[bf,gbf])
assert(gbf.text.endswith('1 1.3776500 1.0000000'))
for fn in filenames:
assert(fn in bs)
if fn.endswith('.bas'):
#end if
#end for
#end def test_basissets
def test_process_gaussian_text():
from basisset import process_gaussian_text
filenames = get_filenames()
files = get_files()
bs_ref = {
'Fe.aug-cc-pwcv5z-dk.0.bas' : 503,
'Fe.aug-cc-pwcv5z-dk.0.gbs' : 503,
'Fe.BFD_VQZ.bas' : 132,
'Fe.BFD_VQZ.gbs' : 132,
'Fe.stuttgart_rsc_1997.0.bas' : 38,
'Fe.stuttgart_rsc_1997.0.gbs' : 38,
pp_ref = {
'Fe.BFD_VQZ.bas' : ( 9, 132 ),
'Fe.BFD_VQZ.gbs' : ( 13, 132 ),
'Fe.stuttgart_rsc_1997.0.bas' : ( 13, 38 ),
'Fe.stuttgart_rsc_1997.0.gbs' : ( 17, 38 ),
'Fe.stuttgart_rsc_1997_ecp.0.bas' : ( 13, None ),
'Fe.stuttgart_rsc_1997_ecp.0.gbs' : ( 17, None ),
for fn in filenames:
if fn.endswith('.bas'):
format = 'gamess'
elif fn.endswith('.gbs'):
format = 'gaussian'
format = None
#end if
f = open(files[fn],'r')
text =
bs = process_gaussian_text(text,format,pp=False)
if fn in bs_ref:
#end if
pp,bs = process_gaussian_text(text,format)
if fn in pp_ref:
ppr,bsr = pp_ref[fn]
if bsr is None:
assert(bs is None)
#end if
#end if
#end for
#end def test_process_gaussian_text
def test_gaussianbasisset():
from basisset import GaussianBasisSet
filenames = get_filenames()
files = get_files()
ref = {
'Fe.aug-cc-pwcv5z-dk.0.bas' : 49,
'Fe.aug-cc-pwcv5z-dk.0.gbs' : 49,
'Fe.BFD_VQZ.bas' : 23,
'Fe.BFD_VQZ.gbs' : 23,
'Fe.stuttgart_rsc_1997.0.bas' : 15,
'Fe.stuttgart_rsc_1997.0.gbs' : 15,
gbs = dict()
for fn in filenames:
if 'ecp' not in fn:
if fn.endswith('.bas'):
format = 'gamess'
elif fn.endswith('.gbs'):
format = 'gaussian'
format = None
#end if
bs = GaussianBasisSet(files[fn],format)
text = bs.write(format=format)
text = 'header line\n'+text
bs2 = GaussianBasisSet()
#end if
#end for
#end def test_gaussianbasisset

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
Fe 26 0. 0. 0.
s 8 1.00
1 25.882657 -0.010318
2 14.037755 0.230364
3 9.007794 -0.566551
4 2.068350 0.544437
5 0.993498 0.540001
6 0.471151 0.143115
7 0.102489 0.007386
8 0.036902 0.001869
s 8 1.00
1 25.882657 0.000341
2 14.037755 -0.047646
3 9.007794 0.136465
4 2.068350 -0.153371
5 0.993498 -0.288555
6 0.471151 -0.044212
7 0.102489 0.704768
8 0.036902 0.415407
s 8 1.00
1 25.882657 -0.030967
2 14.037755 -0.034192
3 9.007794 0.383443
4 2.068350 -1.259192
5 0.993498 -0.098913
6 0.471151 1.194321
7 0.102489 0.555024
8 0.036902 -1.077563
s 8 1.00
1 25.882657 0.429968
2 14.037755 -1.786544
3 9.007794 1.482641
4 2.068350 2.684004
5 0.993498 -6.152490
6 0.471151 4.806621
7 0.102489 -2.134831
8 0.036902 0.805728
s 8 1.00
1 25.882657 1.274830
2 14.037755 -6.369131
3 9.007794 7.265762
4 2.068350 -4.893384
5 0.993498 4.859963
6 0.471151 -1.939411
7 0.102489 -0.429262
8 0.036902 1.856456
s 1 1.00
1 0.017500 1.000000
p 7 1.00
1 16.659389 0.007223
2 10.450653 -0.070315
3 4.183289 0.229161
4 2.117962 0.393199
5 1.064494 0.361596
6 0.514743 0.154139
7 0.210442 0.016498
p 7 1.00
1 16.659389 -0.005560
2 10.450653 0.063506
3 4.183289 -0.276956
4 2.117962 -0.321479
5 1.064494 -0.004808
6 0.514743 0.330833
7 0.210442 0.357095
p 7 1.00
1 16.659389 0.008185
2 10.450653 -0.125348
3 4.183289 0.657186
4 2.117962 0.505908
5 1.064494 -0.773757
6 0.514743 -0.592779
7 0.210442 0.185315
p 7 1.00
1 16.659389 0.037533
2 10.450653 0.089805
3 4.183289 -1.569597
4 2.117962 1.106861
5 1.064494 1.129157
6 0.514743 -1.167998
7 0.210442 -0.795499
p 7 1.00
1 16.659389 -0.348881
2 10.450653 0.672826
3 4.183289 1.674870
4 2.117962 -3.923602
5 1.064494 2.917359
6 0.514743 0.019595
7 0.210442 -1.965905
p 1 1.00
1 0.105000 1.000000
d 6 1.00
1 10.232413 0.081591
2 4.841151 0.263190
3 2.039827 0.342856
4 0.840565 0.338326
5 0.328485 0.240730
6 0.116926 0.088375
d 6 1.00
1 10.232413 -0.086500
2 4.841151 -0.339738
3 2.039827 -0.328882
4 0.840565 0.130025
5 0.328485 0.494941
6 0.116926 0.365933
d 6 1.00
1 10.232413 -0.101424
2 4.841151 -0.548492
3 2.039827 -0.002091
4 0.840565 0.828457
5 0.328485 -0.088206
6 0.116926 -0.590958
d 6 1.00
1 10.232413 -0.233647
2 4.841151 -0.793234
3 2.039827 1.273621
4 0.840565 -0.201388
5 0.328485 -0.821928
6 0.116926 0.641824
d 1 1.00
1 0.058000 1.000000
f 1 1.00
1 0.817020 1.000000
f 1 1.00
1 2.413470 1.000000
f 1 1.00
1 6.141057 1.000000
g 1 1.00
1 1.926033 1.000000
g 1 1.00
1 4.951166 1.000000
h 1 1.00
1 4.344918 1.000000
Fe-QMC_SC GEN 10 2
16.00000000 1 3.72075632
59.53210107 3 3.92321272
-68.75847841 2 3.89595440
112.92561163 2 10.42343546
52.55882759 2 8.41664076

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
Fe 0
s 8 1.00
25.882657 -0.010318
14.037755 0.230364
9.007794 -0.566551
2.068350 0.544437
0.993498 0.540001
0.471151 0.143115
0.102489 0.007386
0.036902 0.001869
s 8 1.00
25.882657 0.000341
14.037755 -0.047646
9.007794 0.136465
2.068350 -0.153371
0.993498 -0.288555
0.471151 -0.044212
0.102489 0.704768
0.036902 0.415407
s 8 1.00
25.882657 -0.030967
14.037755 -0.034192
9.007794 0.383443
2.068350 -1.259192
0.993498 -0.098913
0.471151 1.194321
0.102489 0.555024
0.036902 -1.077563
s 8 1.00
25.882657 0.429968
14.037755 -1.786544
9.007794 1.482641
2.068350 2.684004
0.993498 -6.152490
0.471151 4.806621
0.102489 -2.134831
0.036902 0.805728
s 8 1.00
25.882657 1.274830
14.037755 -6.369131
9.007794 7.265762
2.068350 -4.893384
0.993498 4.859963
0.471151 -1.939411
0.102489 -0.429262
0.036902 1.856456
s 1 1.00
0.017500 1.000000
p 7 1.00
16.659389 0.007223
10.450653 -0.070315
4.183289 0.229161
2.117962 0.393199
1.064494 0.361596
0.514743 0.154139
0.210442 0.016498
p 7 1.00
16.659389 -0.005560
10.450653 0.063506
4.183289 -0.276956
2.117962 -0.321479
1.064494 -0.004808
0.514743 0.330833
0.210442 0.357095
p 7 1.00
16.659389 0.008185
10.450653 -0.125348
4.183289 0.657186
2.117962 0.505908
1.064494 -0.773757
0.514743 -0.592779
0.210442 0.185315
p 7 1.00
16.659389 0.037533
10.450653 0.089805
4.183289 -1.569597
2.117962 1.106861
1.064494 1.129157
0.514743 -1.167998
0.210442 -0.795499
p 7 1.00
16.659389 -0.348881
10.450653 0.672826
4.183289 1.674870
2.117962 -3.923602
1.064494 2.917359
0.514743 0.019595
0.210442 -1.965905
p 1 1.00
0.105000 1.000000
d 6 1.00
10.232413 0.081591
4.841151 0.263190
2.039827 0.342856
0.840565 0.338326
0.328485 0.240730
0.116926 0.088375
d 6 1.00
10.232413 -0.086500
4.841151 -0.339738
2.039827 -0.328882
0.840565 0.130025
0.328485 0.494941
0.116926 0.365933
d 6 1.00
10.232413 -0.101424
4.841151 -0.548492
2.039827 -0.002091
0.840565 0.828457
0.328485 -0.088206
0.116926 -0.590958
d 6 1.00
10.232413 -0.233647
4.841151 -0.793234
2.039827 1.273621
0.840565 -0.201388
0.328485 -0.821928
0.116926 0.641824
d 1 1.00
0.058000 1.000000
f 1 1.00
0.817020 1.000000
f 1 1.00
2.413470 1.000000
f 1 1.00
6.141057 1.000000
g 1 1.00
1.926033 1.000000
g 1 1.00
4.951166 1.000000
h 1 1.00
4.344918 1.000000
Fe 0
QMC_SC 2 10
1 3.72075632 16.00000000
3 3.92321272 59.53210107
2 3.89595440 -68.75847841
2 10.42343546 112.92561163
2 8.41664076 52.55882759

View File

@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
! Basis Set Exchange
! Version v0.8.9
! Basis set: aug-cc-pwCV5Z-DK
! Description: V5ZPD All-electron Douglas-Kroll Core-Valence
! Quintuple Zeta + Polarization
! Role: orbital
! Version: 0 (Data from the original Basis Set Exchange)
S 28
1 1.497690E+08 9.531119E-06
2 2.672250E+07 2.300510E-05
3 5.959000E+06 6.533733E-05
4 1.593610E+06 1.539246E-04
5 4.934640E+05 3.441447E-04
6 1.717900E+05 7.285032E-04
7 6.562090E+04 1.517001E-03
8 2.696560E+04 3.152876E-03
9 1.173530E+04 6.646998E-03
10 5.343430E+03 1.421791E-02
11 2.522500E+03 3.045407E-02
12 1.226430E+03 6.326536E-02
13 6.112690E+02 1.217368E-01
14 3.113080E+02 2.031899E-01
15 1.616240E+02 2.639911E-01
16 8.537670E+01 2.217772E-01
17 4.579110E+01 9.737963E-02
18 2.486770E+01 4.984019E-02
19 1.362020E+01 8.424513E-02
20 7.481060E+00 6.965248E-02
21 4.088170E+00 1.953405E-02
22 2.199050E+00 1.411159E-03
23 1.148150E+00 -3.351105E-05
24 5.772650E-01 -6.461351E-05
25 1.976350E-01 -5.426027E-07
26 1.089860E-01 9.196538E-06
27 5.321600E-02 8.539820E-06
28 2.557100E-02 3.106496E-06
S 28
1 1.497690E+08 -4.913763E-06
2 2.672250E+07 -1.186149E-05
3 5.959000E+06 -3.369390E-05
4 1.593610E+06 -7.940325E-05
5 4.934640E+05 -1.776260E-04
6 1.717900E+05 -3.763323E-04
7 6.562090E+04 -7.847577E-04
8 2.696560E+04 -1.634599E-03
9 1.173530E+04 -3.458929E-03
10 5.343430E+03 -7.445276E-03
11 2.522500E+03 -1.613255E-02
12 1.226430E+03 -3.424328E-02
13 6.112690E+02 -6.867767E-02
14 3.113080E+02 -1.241129E-01
15 1.616240E+02 -1.879234E-01
16 8.537670E+01 -2.035676E-01
17 4.579110E+01 -8.676264E-02
18 2.486770E+01 1.846239E-01
19 1.362020E+01 4.648402E-01
20 7.481060E+00 3.903679E-01
21 4.088170E+00 1.090655E-01
22 2.199050E+00 7.382610E-03
23 1.148150E+00 -1.537976E-03
24 5.772650E-01 -7.905751E-04
25 1.976350E-01 -6.577098E-05
26 1.089860E-01 8.549943E-05
27 5.321600E-02 3.097134E-05
28 2.557100E-02 2.023587E-05
S 28
1 1.497690E+08 1.145921E-06
2 2.672250E+07 2.766402E-06
3 5.959000E+06 7.859110E-06
4 1.593610E+06 1.852562E-05
5 4.934640E+05 4.145544E-05
6 1.717900E+05 8.789446E-05
7 6.562090E+04 1.834278E-04
8 2.696560E+04 3.827944E-04
9 1.173530E+04 8.117003E-04
10 5.343430E+03 1.756160E-03
11 2.522500E+03 3.832022E-03
12 1.226430E+03 8.263218E-03
13 6.112690E+02 1.700162E-02
14 3.113080E+02 3.230925E-02
15 1.616240E+02 5.300739E-02
16 8.537670E+01 6.470433E-02
17 4.579110E+01 2.828077E-02
18 2.486770E+01 -9.137907E-02
19 1.362020E+01 -2.999505E-01
20 7.481060E+00 -3.644776E-01
21 4.088170E+00 -1.915949E-02
22 2.199050E+00 4.570656E-01
23 1.148150E+00 5.657498E-01
24 5.772650E-01 2.232925E-01
25 1.976350E-01 1.356199E-02
26 1.089860E-01 -2.894495E-03
27 5.321600E-02 2.889479E-03
28 2.557100E-02 1.159783E-04
S 28
1 1.497690E+08 -2.499184E-07
2 2.672250E+07 -6.033367E-07
3 5.959000E+06 -1.714026E-06
4 1.593610E+06 -4.040379E-06
5 4.934640E+05 -9.041239E-06
6 1.717900E+05 -1.916995E-05
7 6.562090E+04 -4.000594E-05
8 2.696560E+04 -8.349108E-05
9 1.173530E+04 -1.770532E-04
10 5.343430E+03 -3.830627E-04
11 2.522500E+03 -8.361335E-04
12 1.226430E+03 -1.803028E-03
13 6.112690E+02 -3.713337E-03
14 3.113080E+02 -7.060540E-03
15 1.616240E+02 -1.161964E-02
16 8.537670E+01 -1.421996E-02
17 4.579110E+01 -6.293242E-03
18 2.486770E+01 2.055029E-02
19 1.362020E+01 6.959376E-02
20 7.481060E+00 8.869390E-02
21 4.088170E+00 4.909512E-04
22 2.199050E+00 -1.299238E-01
23 1.148150E+00 -2.097213E-01
24 5.772650E-01 -1.737261E-01
25 1.976350E-01 1.060750E-01
26 1.089860E-01 4.180125E-01
27 5.321600E-02 4.927516E-01
28 2.557100E-02 1.478611E-01
S 28
1 1.497690E+08 -5.057064E-07
2 2.672250E+07 -1.220404E-06
3 5.959000E+06 -3.469376E-06
4 1.593610E+06 -8.167834E-06
5 4.934640E+05 -1.832321E-05
6 1.717900E+05 -3.866489E-05
7 6.562090E+04 -8.138991E-05
8 2.696560E+04 -1.674412E-04
9 1.173530E+04 -3.628889E-04
10 5.343430E+03 -7.617575E-04
11 2.522500E+03 -1.728858E-03
12 1.226430E+03 -3.554612E-03
13 6.112690E+02 -7.758713E-03
14 3.113080E+02 -1.373763E-02
15 1.616240E+02 -2.493160E-02
16 8.537670E+01 -2.593594E-02
17 4.579110E+01 -1.941813E-02
18 2.486770E+01 5.554122E-02
19 1.362020E+01 1.214082E-01
20 7.481060E+00 2.442000E-01
21 4.088170E+00 -9.045983E-02
22 2.199050E+00 -2.628125E-01
23 1.148150E+00 -7.631501E-01
24 5.772650E-01 3.326928E-01
25 1.976350E-01 1.404621E+00
26 1.089860E-01 -4.692165E-02
27 5.321600E-02 -5.871979E-01
28 2.557100E-02 -5.175077E-01
S 28
1 1.497690E+08 -8.093468E-07
2 2.672250E+07 -1.952950E-06
3 5.959000E+06 -5.553066E-06
4 1.593610E+06 -1.306815E-05
5 4.934640E+05 -2.934013E-05
6 1.717900E+05 -6.181847E-05
7 6.562090E+04 -1.304882E-04
8 2.696560E+04 -2.672449E-04
9 1.173530E+04 -5.831799E-04
10 5.343430E+03 -1.212784E-03
11 2.522500E+03 -2.786404E-03
12 1.226430E+03 -5.647232E-03
13 6.112690E+02 -1.255431E-02
14 3.113080E+02 -2.178032E-02
15 1.616240E+02 -4.077901E-02
16 8.537670E+01 -4.054708E-02
17 4.579110E+01 -3.465794E-02
18 2.486770E+01 9.685341E-02
19 1.362020E+01 2.002373E-01
20 7.481060E+00 4.769334E-01
21 4.088170E+00 -2.581863E-01
22 2.199050E+00 -9.230158E-01
23 1.148150E+00 -9.809175E-01
24 5.772650E-01 2.397220E+00
25 1.976350E-01 3.264145E-01
26 1.089860E-01 -2.193316E+00
27 5.321600E-02 3.872588E-01
28 2.557100E-02 8.823095E-01
S 28
1 1.497690E+08 1.009555E-06
2 2.672250E+07 2.438973E-06
3 5.959000E+06 6.919803E-06
4 1.593610E+06 1.635306E-05
5 4.934640E+05 3.641348E-05
6 1.717900E+05 7.794704E-05
7 6.562090E+04 1.599140E-04
8 2.696560E+04 3.433745E-04
9 1.173530E+04 6.974589E-04
10 5.343430E+03 1.602278E-03
11 2.522500E+03 3.239062E-03
12 1.226430E+03 7.683257E-03
13 6.112690E+02 1.414236E-02
14 3.113080E+02 3.109497E-02
15 1.616240E+02 4.257946E-02
16 8.537670E+01 7.133516E-02
17 4.579110E+01 2.183397E-03
18 2.486770E+01 -3.611419E-02
19 1.362020E+01 -4.667594E-01
20 7.481060E+00 -4.745196E-01
21 4.088170E+00 3.405478E-01
22 2.199050E+00 2.965055E+00
23 1.148150E+00 -3.124263E+00
24 5.772650E-01 -7.678803E-01
25 1.976350E-01 4.549504E+00
26 1.089860E-01 -3.555516E+00
27 5.321600E-02 -7.601738E-01
28 2.557100E-02 1.387333E+00
S 28
1 1.497690E+08 -1.171395E-06
2 2.672250E+07 -2.828050E-06
3 5.959000E+06 -8.033704E-06
4 1.593610E+06 -1.894135E-05
5 4.934640E+05 -4.237323E-05
6 1.717900E+05 -8.991028E-05
7 6.562090E+04 -1.874489E-04
8 2.696560E+04 -3.920043E-04
9 1.173530E+04 -8.294306E-04
10 5.343430E+03 -1.802024E-03
11 2.522500E+03 -3.921863E-03
12 1.226430E+03 -8.517307E-03
13 6.112690E+02 -1.752690E-02
14 3.113080E+02 -3.380397E-02
15 1.616240E+02 -5.606095E-02
16 8.537670E+01 -7.105126E-02
17 4.579110E+01 -3.324306E-02
18 2.486770E+01 1.098520E-01
19 1.362020E+01 4.989928E-01
20 7.481060E+00 1.180867E+00
21 4.088170E+00 -2.682314E+00
22 2.199050E+00 -1.995422E+00
23 1.148150E+00 8.024293E+00
24 5.772650E-01 -7.388690E+00
25 1.976350E-01 3.656810E+00
26 1.089860E-01 5.149325E-01
27 5.321600E-02 -3.554667E+00
28 2.557100E-02 1.997451E+00
S 1
1 6.622400E+00 1.000000E+00
S 1
1 2.214000E+00 1.000000E+00
S 1
1 2.557100E-02 1.000000E+00
S 1
1 0.0122900 1.0000000
P 20
1 8.694730E+04 2.100000E-05
2 2.125400E+04 6.500000E-05
3 6.741140E+03 2.530000E-04
4 2.557160E+03 8.630000E-04
5 1.093510E+03 2.880000E-03
6 5.061610E+02 8.871000E-03
7 2.471390E+02 2.510200E-02
8 1.254150E+02 6.332100E-02
9 6.565120E+01 1.358630E-01
10 3.530790E+01 2.327030E-01
11 1.942600E+01 3.046360E-01
12 1.084380E+01 2.687880E-01
13 6.043590E+00 1.273450E-01
14 3.302450E+00 2.283300E-02
15 1.763890E+00 -1.141000E-03
16 9.213860E-01 -2.029000E-03
17 4.603730E-01 -8.150000E-04
18 1.837720E-01 -5.400000E-05
19 7.583300E-02 -2.000000E-06
20 3.109900E-02 -1.000000E-06
P 20
1 8.694730E+04 -7.000000E-06
2 2.125400E+04 -2.300000E-05
3 6.741140E+03 -8.900000E-05
4 2.557160E+03 -3.050000E-04
5 1.093510E+03 -1.021000E-03
6 5.061610E+02 -3.160000E-03
7 2.471390E+02 -9.040000E-03
8 1.254150E+02 -2.325300E-02
9 6.565120E+01 -5.143700E-02
10 3.530790E+01 -9.133900E-02
11 1.942600E+01 -1.258840E-01
12 1.084380E+01 -1.069500E-01
13 6.043590E+00 4.101900E-02
14 3.302450E+00 2.708820E-01
15 1.763890E+00 4.012450E-01
16 9.213860E-01 3.176300E-01
17 4.603730E-01 1.157220E-01
18 1.837720E-01 1.016500E-02
19 7.583300E-02 -1.700000E-04
20 3.109900E-02 2.000000E-04
P 20
1 8.694730E+04 1.000000E-06
2 2.125400E+04 5.000000E-06
3 6.741140E+03 1.800000E-05
4 2.557160E+03 6.200000E-05
5 1.093510E+03 2.060000E-04
6 5.061610E+02 6.410000E-04
7 2.471390E+02 1.823000E-03
8 1.254150E+02 4.724000E-03
9 6.565120E+01 1.040000E-02
10 3.530790E+01 1.867000E-02
11 1.942600E+01 2.558200E-02
12 1.084380E+01 2.223100E-02
13 6.043590E+00 -1.184000E-02
14 3.302450E+00 -6.396100E-02
15 1.763890E+00 -1.027460E-01
16 9.213860E-01 -8.752100E-02
17 4.603730E-01 1.970400E-02
18 1.837720E-01 3.183820E-01
19 7.583300E-02 5.417010E-01
20 3.109900E-02 2.560760E-01
P 20
1 8.694730E+04 2.000000E-06
2 2.125400E+04 8.000000E-06
3 6.741140E+03 3.000000E-05
4 2.557160E+03 1.010000E-04
5 1.093510E+03 3.450000E-04
6 5.061610E+02 1.044000E-03
7 2.471390E+02 3.062000E-03
8 1.254150E+02 7.685000E-03
9 6.565120E+01 1.753200E-02
10 3.530790E+01 3.016100E-02
11 1.942600E+01 4.422700E-02
12 1.084380E+01 3.394600E-02
13 6.043590E+00 -1.352500E-02
14 3.302450E+00 -1.194880E-01
15 1.763890E+00 -1.621650E-01
16 9.213860E-01 -1.665290E-01
17 4.603730E-01 1.323570E-01
18 1.837720E-01 6.424150E-01
19 7.583300E-02 3.670330E-01
20 3.109900E-02 1.163200E-02
P 20
1 8.694730E+04 5.000000E-06
2 2.125400E+04 1.600000E-05
3 6.741140E+03 6.400000E-05
4 2.557160E+03 2.050000E-04
5 1.093510E+03 7.420000E-04
6 5.061610E+02 2.112000E-03
7 2.471390E+02 6.608000E-03
8 1.254150E+02 1.552500E-02
9 6.565120E+01 3.812900E-02
10 3.530790E+01 5.988300E-02
11 1.942600E+01 1.016430E-01
12 1.084380E+01 6.563800E-02
13 6.043590E+00 -8.619000E-03
14 3.302450E+00 -3.943080E-01
15 1.763890E+00 -4.130690E-01
16 9.213860E-01 8.383000E-03
17 4.603730E-01 1.195480E+00
18 1.837720E-01 -8.571000E-02
19 7.583300E-02 -7.319400E-01
20 3.109900E-02 -9.115000E-03
P 20
1 8.694730E+04 7.000000E-06
2 2.125400E+04 2.200000E-05
3 6.741140E+03 7.500000E-05
4 2.557160E+03 2.990000E-04
5 1.093510E+03 8.360000E-04
6 5.061610E+02 3.150000E-03
7 2.471390E+02 7.347000E-03
8 1.254150E+02 2.347700E-02
9 6.565120E+01 4.108700E-02
10 3.530790E+01 9.755200E-02
11 1.942600E+01 9.084200E-02
12 1.084380E+01 2.145040E-01
13 6.043590E+00 -2.163130E-01
14 3.302450E+00 -6.998590E-01
15 1.763890E+00 -5.724700E-01
16 9.213860E-01 2.128303E+00
17 4.603730E-01 -6.883840E-01
18 1.837720E-01 -1.235466E+00
19 7.583300E-02 1.097960E+00
20 3.109900E-02 2.099000E-02
P 20
1 8.694730E+04 9.000000E-06
2 2.125400E+04 2.900000E-05
3 6.741140E+03 1.090000E-04
4 2.557160E+03 3.970000E-04
5 1.093510E+03 1.230000E-03
6 5.061610E+02 4.171000E-03
7 2.471390E+02 1.095300E-02
8 1.254150E+02 3.129800E-02
9 6.565120E+01 6.292500E-02
10 3.530790E+01 1.287670E-01
11 1.942600E+01 1.531790E-01
12 1.084380E+01 3.717700E-01
13 6.043590E+00 -8.112890E-01
14 3.302450E+00 -1.554388E+00
15 1.763890E+00 2.844491E+00
16 9.213860E-01 -3.331810E-01
17 4.603730E-01 -2.070494E+00
18 1.837720E-01 2.197026E+00
19 7.583300E-02 -1.047747E+00
20 3.109900E-02 -7.557600E-02
P 1
1 1.001280E+01 1.000000E+00
P 1
1 3.186900E+00 1.000000E+00
P 1
1 3.109900E-02 1.000000E+00
P 1
1 0.0127500 1.0000000
D 12
1 5.184160E+02 1.600000E-04
2 1.528190E+02 1.455000E-03
3 5.858690E+01 8.031000E-03
4 2.545640E+01 2.971400E-02
5 1.178680E+01 8.223200E-02
6 5.718610E+00 1.721170E-01
7 2.824170E+00 2.605020E-01
8 1.379850E+00 2.998410E-01
9 6.561600E-01 2.711060E-01
10 2.996090E-01 1.810280E-01
11 1.293610E-01 7.104300E-02
12 5.115500E-02 7.823000E-03
D 12
1 5.184160E+02 -1.770000E-04
2 1.528190E+02 -1.610000E-03
3 5.858690E+01 -8.916000E-03
4 2.545640E+01 -3.317100E-02
5 1.178680E+01 -9.400200E-02
6 5.718610E+00 -1.993290E-01
7 2.824170E+00 -2.718150E-01
8 1.379850E+00 -1.664290E-01
9 6.561600E-01 1.583620E-01
10 2.996090E-01 4.350360E-01
11 1.293610E-01 3.719440E-01
12 5.115500E-02 7.954900E-02
D 12
1 5.184160E+02 -2.540000E-04
2 1.528190E+02 -2.339000E-03
3 5.858690E+01 -1.299300E-02
4 2.545640E+01 -4.910900E-02
5 1.178680E+01 -1.441260E-01
6 5.718610E+00 -3.047430E-01
7 2.824170E+00 -2.717250E-01
8 1.379850E+00 2.521590E-01
9 6.561600E-01 6.338040E-01
10 2.996090E-01 1.322800E-02
11 1.293610E-01 -6.003050E-01
12 5.115500E-02 -1.874510E-01
D 12
1 5.184160E+02 -3.410000E-04
2 1.528190E+02 -3.247000E-03
3 5.858690E+01 -1.768300E-02
4 2.545640E+01 -6.901000E-02
5 1.178680E+01 -2.130540E-01
6 5.718610E+00 -4.729490E-01
7 2.824170E+00 8.417800E-02
8 1.379850E+00 1.019310E+00
9 6.561600E-01 -3.538990E-01
10 2.996090E-01 -8.589280E-01
11 1.293610E-01 5.806560E-01
12 5.115500E-02 2.904510E-01
D 12
1 5.184160E+02 -4.710000E-04
2 1.528190E+02 -4.007000E-03
3 5.858690E+01 -2.411700E-02
4 2.545640E+01 -8.928600E-02
5 1.178680E+01 -3.436340E-01
6 5.718610E+00 -5.125270E-01
7 2.824170E+00 1.246333E+00
8 1.379850E+00 -2.830500E-02
9 6.561600E-01 -1.483245E+00
10 2.996090E-01 1.390922E+00
11 1.293610E-01 -1.698910E-01
12 5.115500E-02 -5.211150E-01
D 1
1 7.098200E+00 1.000000E+00
D 1
1 4.277200E+00 1.000000E+00
D 1
1 5.115500E-02 1.000000E+00
D 1
1 0.0202300 1.0000000
F 1
1 1.104710E+01 1.000000E+00
F 1
1 4.854100E+00 1.000000E+00
F 1
1 2.132900E+00 1.000000E+00
F 1
1 9.372000E-01 1.000000E+00
F 1
1 3.141000E-01 1.000000E+00
F 1
1 0.1052700 1.0000000
G 1
1 7.547500E+00 1.000000E+00
G 1
1 3.673700E+00 1.000000E+00
G 1
1 1.788100E+00 1.000000E+00
G 1
1 6.564000E-01 1.000000E+00
G 1
1 0.2409600 1.0000000
H 1
1 6.926300E+00 1.000000E+00
H 1
1 3.252700E+00 1.000000E+00
H 1
1 1.296400E+00 1.000000E+00
H 1
1 0.5166900 1.0000000
I 1
1 7.056900E+00 1.000000E+00
I 1
1 1.3776500 1.0000000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
! Basis Set Exchange
! Version v0.8.9
! Basis set: aug-cc-pwCV5Z-DK
! Description: V5ZPD All-electron Douglas-Kroll Core-Valence
! Quintuple Zeta + Polarization
! Role: orbital
! Version: 0 (Data from the original Basis Set Exchange)
Fe 0
S 28 1.00
1.497690D+08 9.531119D-06
2.672250D+07 2.300510D-05
5.959000D+06 6.533733D-05
1.593610D+06 1.539246D-04
4.934640D+05 3.441447D-04
1.717900D+05 7.285032D-04
6.562090D+04 1.517001D-03
2.696560D+04 3.152876D-03
1.173530D+04 6.646998D-03
5.343430D+03 1.421791D-02
2.522500D+03 3.045407D-02
1.226430D+03 6.326536D-02
6.112690D+02 1.217368D-01
3.113080D+02 2.031899D-01
1.616240D+02 2.639911D-01
8.537670D+01 2.217772D-01
4.579110D+01 9.737963D-02
2.486770D+01 4.984019D-02
1.362020D+01 8.424513D-02
7.481060D+00 6.965248D-02
4.088170D+00 1.953405D-02
2.199050D+00 1.411159D-03
1.148150D+00 -3.351105D-05
5.772650D-01 -6.461351D-05
1.976350D-01 -5.426027D-07
1.089860D-01 9.196538D-06
5.321600D-02 8.539820D-06
2.557100D-02 3.106496D-06
S 28 1.00
1.497690D+08 -4.913763D-06
2.672250D+07 -1.186149D-05
5.959000D+06 -3.369390D-05
1.593610D+06 -7.940325D-05
4.934640D+05 -1.776260D-04
1.717900D+05 -3.763323D-04
6.562090D+04 -7.847577D-04
2.696560D+04 -1.634599D-03
1.173530D+04 -3.458929D-03
5.343430D+03 -7.445276D-03
2.522500D+03 -1.613255D-02
1.226430D+03 -3.424328D-02
6.112690D+02 -6.867767D-02
3.113080D+02 -1.241129D-01
1.616240D+02 -1.879234D-01
8.537670D+01 -2.035676D-01
4.579110D+01 -8.676264D-02
2.486770D+01 1.846239D-01
1.362020D+01 4.648402D-01
7.481060D+00 3.903679D-01
4.088170D+00 1.090655D-01
2.199050D+00 7.382610D-03
1.148150D+00 -1.537976D-03
5.772650D-01 -7.905751D-04
1.976350D-01 -6.577098D-05
1.089860D-01 8.549943D-05
5.321600D-02 3.097134D-05
2.557100D-02 2.023587D-05
S 28 1.00
1.497690D+08 1.145921D-06
2.672250D+07 2.766402D-06
5.959000D+06 7.859110D-06
1.593610D+06 1.852562D-05
4.934640D+05 4.145544D-05
1.717900D+05 8.789446D-05
6.562090D+04 1.834278D-04
2.696560D+04 3.827944D-04
1.173530D+04 8.117003D-04
5.343430D+03 1.756160D-03
2.522500D+03 3.832022D-03
1.226430D+03 8.263218D-03
6.112690D+02 1.700162D-02
3.113080D+02 3.230925D-02
1.616240D+02 5.300739D-02
8.537670D+01 6.470433D-02
4.579110D+01 2.828077D-02
2.486770D+01 -9.137907D-02
1.362020D+01 -2.999505D-01
7.481060D+00 -3.644776D-01
4.088170D+00 -1.915949D-02
2.199050D+00 4.570656D-01
1.148150D+00 5.657498D-01
5.772650D-01 2.232925D-01
1.976350D-01 1.356199D-02
1.089860D-01 -2.894495D-03
5.321600D-02 2.889479D-03
2.557100D-02 1.159783D-04
S 28 1.00
1.497690D+08 -2.499184D-07
2.672250D+07 -6.033367D-07
5.959000D+06 -1.714026D-06
1.593610D+06 -4.040379D-06
4.934640D+05 -9.041239D-06
1.717900D+05 -1.916995D-05
6.562090D+04 -4.000594D-05
2.696560D+04 -8.349108D-05
1.173530D+04 -1.770532D-04
5.343430D+03 -3.830627D-04
2.522500D+03 -8.361335D-04
1.226430D+03 -1.803028D-03
6.112690D+02 -3.713337D-03
3.113080D+02 -7.060540D-03
1.616240D+02 -1.161964D-02
8.537670D+01 -1.421996D-02
4.579110D+01 -6.293242D-03
2.486770D+01 2.055029D-02
1.362020D+01 6.959376D-02
7.481060D+00 8.869390D-02
4.088170D+00 4.909512D-04
2.199050D+00 -1.299238D-01
1.148150D+00 -2.097213D-01
5.772650D-01 -1.737261D-01
1.976350D-01 1.060750D-01
1.089860D-01 4.180125D-01
5.321600D-02 4.927516D-01
2.557100D-02 1.478611D-01
S 28 1.00
1.497690D+08 -5.057064D-07
2.672250D+07 -1.220404D-06
5.959000D+06 -3.469376D-06
1.593610D+06 -8.167834D-06
4.934640D+05 -1.832321D-05
1.717900D+05 -3.866489D-05
6.562090D+04 -8.138991D-05
2.696560D+04 -1.674412D-04
1.173530D+04 -3.628889D-04
5.343430D+03 -7.617575D-04
2.522500D+03 -1.728858D-03
1.226430D+03 -3.554612D-03
6.112690D+02 -7.758713D-03
3.113080D+02 -1.373763D-02
1.616240D+02 -2.493160D-02
8.537670D+01 -2.593594D-02
4.579110D+01 -1.941813D-02
2.486770D+01 5.554122D-02
1.362020D+01 1.214082D-01
7.481060D+00 2.442000D-01
4.088170D+00 -9.045983D-02
2.199050D+00 -2.628125D-01
1.148150D+00 -7.631501D-01
5.772650D-01 3.326928D-01
1.976350D-01 1.404621D+00
1.089860D-01 -4.692165D-02
5.321600D-02 -5.871979D-01
2.557100D-02 -5.175077D-01
S 28 1.00
1.497690D+08 -8.093468D-07
2.672250D+07 -1.952950D-06
5.959000D+06 -5.553066D-06
1.593610D+06 -1.306815D-05
4.934640D+05 -2.934013D-05
1.717900D+05 -6.181847D-05
6.562090D+04 -1.304882D-04
2.696560D+04 -2.672449D-04
1.173530D+04 -5.831799D-04
5.343430D+03 -1.212784D-03
2.522500D+03 -2.786404D-03
1.226430D+03 -5.647232D-03
6.112690D+02 -1.255431D-02
3.113080D+02 -2.178032D-02
1.616240D+02 -4.077901D-02
8.537670D+01 -4.054708D-02
4.579110D+01 -3.465794D-02
2.486770D+01 9.685341D-02
1.362020D+01 2.002373D-01
7.481060D+00 4.769334D-01
4.088170D+00 -2.581863D-01
2.199050D+00 -9.230158D-01
1.148150D+00 -9.809175D-01
5.772650D-01 2.397220D+00
1.976350D-01 3.264145D-01
1.089860D-01 -2.193316D+00
5.321600D-02 3.872588D-01
2.557100D-02 8.823095D-01
S 28 1.00
1.497690D+08 1.009555D-06
2.672250D+07 2.438973D-06
5.959000D+06 6.919803D-06
1.593610D+06 1.635306D-05
4.934640D+05 3.641348D-05
1.717900D+05 7.794704D-05
6.562090D+04 1.599140D-04
2.696560D+04 3.433745D-04
1.173530D+04 6.974589D-04
5.343430D+03 1.602278D-03
2.522500D+03 3.239062D-03
1.226430D+03 7.683257D-03
6.112690D+02 1.414236D-02
3.113080D+02 3.109497D-02
1.616240D+02 4.257946D-02
8.537670D+01 7.133516D-02
4.579110D+01 2.183397D-03
2.486770D+01 -3.611419D-02
1.362020D+01 -4.667594D-01
7.481060D+00 -4.745196D-01
4.088170D+00 3.405478D-01
2.199050D+00 2.965055D+00
1.148150D+00 -3.124263D+00
5.772650D-01 -7.678803D-01
1.976350D-01 4.549504D+00
1.089860D-01 -3.555516D+00
5.321600D-02 -7.601738D-01
2.557100D-02 1.387333D+00
S 28 1.00
1.497690D+08 -1.171395D-06
2.672250D+07 -2.828050D-06
5.959000D+06 -8.033704D-06
1.593610D+06 -1.894135D-05
4.934640D+05 -4.237323D-05
1.717900D+05 -8.991028D-05
6.562090D+04 -1.874489D-04
2.696560D+04 -3.920043D-04
1.173530D+04 -8.294306D-04
5.343430D+03 -1.802024D-03
2.522500D+03 -3.921863D-03
1.226430D+03 -8.517307D-03
6.112690D+02 -1.752690D-02
3.113080D+02 -3.380397D-02
1.616240D+02 -5.606095D-02
8.537670D+01 -7.105126D-02
4.579110D+01 -3.324306D-02
2.486770D+01 1.098520D-01
1.362020D+01 4.989928D-01
7.481060D+00 1.180867D+00
4.088170D+00 -2.682314D+00
2.199050D+00 -1.995422D+00
1.148150D+00 8.024293D+00
5.772650D-01 -7.388690D+00
1.976350D-01 3.656810D+00
1.089860D-01 5.149325D-01
5.321600D-02 -3.554667D+00
2.557100D-02 1.997451D+00
S 1 1.00
6.622400D+00 1.000000D+00
S 1 1.00
2.214000D+00 1.000000D+00
S 1 1.00
2.557100D-02 1.000000D+00
S 1 1.00
0.0122900 1.0000000
P 20 1.00
8.694730D+04 2.100000D-05
2.125400D+04 6.500000D-05
6.741140D+03 2.530000D-04
2.557160D+03 8.630000D-04
1.093510D+03 2.880000D-03
5.061610D+02 8.871000D-03
2.471390D+02 2.510200D-02
1.254150D+02 6.332100D-02
6.565120D+01 1.358630D-01
3.530790D+01 2.327030D-01
1.942600D+01 3.046360D-01
1.084380D+01 2.687880D-01
6.043590D+00 1.273450D-01
3.302450D+00 2.283300D-02
1.763890D+00 -1.141000D-03
9.213860D-01 -2.029000D-03
4.603730D-01 -8.150000D-04
1.837720D-01 -5.400000D-05
7.583300D-02 -2.000000D-06
3.109900D-02 -1.000000D-06
P 20 1.00
8.694730D+04 -7.000000D-06
2.125400D+04 -2.300000D-05
6.741140D+03 -8.900000D-05
2.557160D+03 -3.050000D-04
1.093510D+03 -1.021000D-03
5.061610D+02 -3.160000D-03
2.471390D+02 -9.040000D-03
1.254150D+02 -2.325300D-02
6.565120D+01 -5.143700D-02
3.530790D+01 -9.133900D-02
1.942600D+01 -1.258840D-01
1.084380D+01 -1.069500D-01
6.043590D+00 4.101900D-02
3.302450D+00 2.708820D-01
1.763890D+00 4.012450D-01
9.213860D-01 3.176300D-01
4.603730D-01 1.157220D-01
1.837720D-01 1.016500D-02
7.583300D-02 -1.700000D-04
3.109900D-02 2.000000D-04
P 20 1.00
8.694730D+04 1.000000D-06
2.125400D+04 5.000000D-06
6.741140D+03 1.800000D-05
2.557160D+03 6.200000D-05
1.093510D+03 2.060000D-04
5.061610D+02 6.410000D-04
2.471390D+02 1.823000D-03
1.254150D+02 4.724000D-03
6.565120D+01 1.040000D-02
3.530790D+01 1.867000D-02
1.942600D+01 2.558200D-02
1.084380D+01 2.223100D-02
6.043590D+00 -1.184000D-02
3.302450D+00 -6.396100D-02
1.763890D+00 -1.027460D-01
9.213860D-01 -8.752100D-02
4.603730D-01 1.970400D-02
1.837720D-01 3.183820D-01
7.583300D-02 5.417010D-01
3.109900D-02 2.560760D-01
P 20 1.00
8.694730D+04 2.000000D-06
2.125400D+04 8.000000D-06
6.741140D+03 3.000000D-05
2.557160D+03 1.010000D-04
1.093510D+03 3.450000D-04
5.061610D+02 1.044000D-03
2.471390D+02 3.062000D-03
1.254150D+02 7.685000D-03
6.565120D+01 1.753200D-02
3.530790D+01 3.016100D-02
1.942600D+01 4.422700D-02
1.084380D+01 3.394600D-02
6.043590D+00 -1.352500D-02
3.302450D+00 -1.194880D-01
1.763890D+00 -1.621650D-01
9.213860D-01 -1.665290D-01
4.603730D-01 1.323570D-01
1.837720D-01 6.424150D-01
7.583300D-02 3.670330D-01
3.109900D-02 1.163200D-02
P 20 1.00
8.694730D+04 5.000000D-06
2.125400D+04 1.600000D-05
6.741140D+03 6.400000D-05
2.557160D+03 2.050000D-04
1.093510D+03 7.420000D-04
5.061610D+02 2.112000D-03
2.471390D+02 6.608000D-03
1.254150D+02 1.552500D-02
6.565120D+01 3.812900D-02
3.530790D+01 5.988300D-02
1.942600D+01 1.016430D-01
1.084380D+01 6.563800D-02
6.043590D+00 -8.619000D-03
3.302450D+00 -3.943080D-01
1.763890D+00 -4.130690D-01
9.213860D-01 8.383000D-03
4.603730D-01 1.195480D+00
1.837720D-01 -8.571000D-02
7.583300D-02 -7.319400D-01
3.109900D-02 -9.115000D-03
P 20 1.00
8.694730D+04 7.000000D-06
2.125400D+04 2.200000D-05
6.741140D+03 7.500000D-05
2.557160D+03 2.990000D-04
1.093510D+03 8.360000D-04
5.061610D+02 3.150000D-03
2.471390D+02 7.347000D-03
1.254150D+02 2.347700D-02
6.565120D+01 4.108700D-02
3.530790D+01 9.755200D-02
1.942600D+01 9.084200D-02
1.084380D+01 2.145040D-01
6.043590D+00 -2.163130D-01
3.302450D+00 -6.998590D-01
1.763890D+00 -5.724700D-01
9.213860D-01 2.128303D+00
4.603730D-01 -6.883840D-01
1.837720D-01 -1.235466D+00
7.583300D-02 1.097960D+00
3.109900D-02 2.099000D-02
P 20 1.00
8.694730D+04 9.000000D-06
2.125400D+04 2.900000D-05
6.741140D+03 1.090000D-04
2.557160D+03 3.970000D-04
1.093510D+03 1.230000D-03
5.061610D+02 4.171000D-03
2.471390D+02 1.095300D-02
1.254150D+02 3.129800D-02
6.565120D+01 6.292500D-02
3.530790D+01 1.287670D-01
1.942600D+01 1.531790D-01
1.084380D+01 3.717700D-01
6.043590D+00 -8.112890D-01
3.302450D+00 -1.554388D+00
1.763890D+00 2.844491D+00
9.213860D-01 -3.331810D-01
4.603730D-01 -2.070494D+00
1.837720D-01 2.197026D+00
7.583300D-02 -1.047747D+00
3.109900D-02 -7.557600D-02
P 1 1.00
1.001280D+01 1.000000D+00
P 1 1.00
3.186900D+00 1.000000D+00
P 1 1.00
3.109900D-02 1.000000D+00
P 1 1.00
0.0127500 1.0000000
D 12 1.00
5.184160D+02 1.600000D-04
1.528190D+02 1.455000D-03
5.858690D+01 8.031000D-03
2.545640D+01 2.971400D-02
1.178680D+01 8.223200D-02
5.718610D+00 1.721170D-01
2.824170D+00 2.605020D-01
1.379850D+00 2.998410D-01
6.561600D-01 2.711060D-01
2.996090D-01 1.810280D-01
1.293610D-01 7.104300D-02
5.115500D-02 7.823000D-03
D 12 1.00
5.184160D+02 -1.770000D-04
1.528190D+02 -1.610000D-03
5.858690D+01 -8.916000D-03
2.545640D+01 -3.317100D-02
1.178680D+01 -9.400200D-02
5.718610D+00 -1.993290D-01
2.824170D+00 -2.718150D-01
1.379850D+00 -1.664290D-01
6.561600D-01 1.583620D-01
2.996090D-01 4.350360D-01
1.293610D-01 3.719440D-01
5.115500D-02 7.954900D-02
D 12 1.00
5.184160D+02 -2.540000D-04
1.528190D+02 -2.339000D-03
5.858690D+01 -1.299300D-02
2.545640D+01 -4.910900D-02
1.178680D+01 -1.441260D-01
5.718610D+00 -3.047430D-01
2.824170D+00 -2.717250D-01
1.379850D+00 2.521590D-01
6.561600D-01 6.338040D-01
2.996090D-01 1.322800D-02
1.293610D-01 -6.003050D-01
5.115500D-02 -1.874510D-01
D 12 1.00
5.184160D+02 -3.410000D-04
1.528190D+02 -3.247000D-03
5.858690D+01 -1.768300D-02
2.545640D+01 -6.901000D-02
1.178680D+01 -2.130540D-01
5.718610D+00 -4.729490D-01
2.824170D+00 8.417800D-02
1.379850D+00 1.019310D+00
6.561600D-01 -3.538990D-01
2.996090D-01 -8.589280D-01
1.293610D-01 5.806560D-01
5.115500D-02 2.904510D-01
D 12 1.00
5.184160D+02 -4.710000D-04
1.528190D+02 -4.007000D-03
5.858690D+01 -2.411700D-02
2.545640D+01 -8.928600D-02
1.178680D+01 -3.436340D-01
5.718610D+00 -5.125270D-01
2.824170D+00 1.246333D+00
1.379850D+00 -2.830500D-02
6.561600D-01 -1.483245D+00
2.996090D-01 1.390922D+00
1.293610D-01 -1.698910D-01
5.115500D-02 -5.211150D-01
D 1 1.00
7.098200D+00 1.000000D+00
D 1 1.00
4.277200D+00 1.000000D+00
D 1 1.00
5.115500D-02 1.000000D+00
D 1 1.00
0.0202300 1.0000000
F 1 1.00
1.104710D+01 1.000000D+00
F 1 1.00
4.854100D+00 1.000000D+00
F 1 1.00
2.132900D+00 1.000000D+00
F 1 1.00
9.372000D-01 1.000000D+00
F 1 1.00
3.141000D-01 1.000000D+00
F 1 1.00
0.1052700 1.0000000
G 1 1.00
7.547500D+00 1.000000D+00
G 1 1.00
3.673700D+00 1.000000D+00
G 1 1.00
1.788100D+00 1.000000D+00
G 1 1.00
6.564000D-01 1.000000D+00
G 1 1.00
0.2409600 1.0000000
H 1 1.00
6.926300D+00 1.000000D+00
H 1 1.00
3.252700D+00 1.000000D+00
H 1 1.00
1.296400D+00 1.000000D+00
H 1 1.00
0.5166900 1.0000000
I 1 1.00
7.056900D+00 1.000000D+00
I 1 1.00
1.3776500 1.0000000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
! Basis Set Exchange
! Version v0.8.9
! Basis set: Stuttgart RSC 1997
! Description: Stuttgart RSC 1997 ECP + Valence basis
! Role: orbital
! Version: 0 (Data from the original Basis Set Exchange)
S 3
1 20.5130280 0.2347140
2 9.7767920 -0.8775270
3 4.5735990 -0.3416360
S 1
1 1.9499100 1.0000000
S 1
1 0.7664880 1.0000000
S 1
1 0.1007980 1.0000000
S 1
1 0.0375160 1.0000000
S 1
1 0.0100000 1.0000000
P 2
1 63.1253260 0.0271470
2 11.6568550 -1.0118750
P 2
1 5.1786610 0.2151680
2 2.0355320 0.8250950
P 1
1 0.7088180 1.0000000
P 1
1 0.1101680 1.0000000
P 1
1 0.0294440 1.0000000
D 4
1 33.6667900 0.0365290
2 10.2356950 0.1828250
3 3.4664880 0.4370690
4 1.1272960 0.5751780
D 1
1 0.3082470 1.0000000
D 1
1 0.0800000 1.0000000
F 1
1 2.0000000 1.0000000
1 ----- f-ul potential -----
0.000000000 2 1.000000000
2 ----- s-f potential -----
253.749588000 2 20.930000000
37.922845000 2 9.445000000
2 ----- p-f potential -----
161.036812000 2 21.760000000
27.651298000 2 9.178000000
2 ----- d-f potential -----
-24.431276000 2 25.900000000
-1.434251000 2 8.835000000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
! Basis Set Exchange
! Version v0.8.9
! Basis set: Stuttgart RSC 1997
! Description: Stuttgart RSC 1997 ECP + Valence basis
! Role: orbital
! Version: 0 (Data from the original Basis Set Exchange)
Fe 0
S 3 1.00
20.5130280 0.2347140
9.7767920 -0.8775270
4.5735990 -0.3416360
S 1 1.00
1.9499100 1.0000000
S 1 1.00
0.7664880 1.0000000
S 1 1.00
0.1007980 1.0000000
S 1 1.00
0.0375160 1.0000000
S 1 1.00
0.0100000 1.0000000
P 2 1.00
63.1253260 0.0271470
11.6568550 -1.0118750
P 2 1.00
5.1786610 0.2151680
2.0355320 0.8250950
P 1 1.00
0.7088180 1.0000000
P 1 1.00
0.1101680 1.0000000
P 1 1.00
0.0294440 1.0000000
D 4 1.00
33.6667900 0.0365290
10.2356950 0.1828250
3.4664880 0.4370690
1.1272960 0.5751780
D 1 1.00
0.3082470 1.0000000
D 1 1.00
0.0800000 1.0000000
F 1 1.00
2.0000000 1.0000000
FE 0
FE-ECP 3 10
f potential
2 1.000000000 0.000000000
s-f potential
2 20.930000000 253.749588000
2 9.445000000 37.922845000
p-f potential
2 21.760000000 161.036812000
2 9.178000000 27.651298000
d-f potential
2 25.900000000 -24.431276000
2 8.835000000 -1.434251000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
! Basis Set Exchange
! Version v0.8.9
! Basis set: Stuttgart RSC 1997 ECP
! Description: Stuttgart RSC 1997 ECP
! Role: orbital
! Version: 0 (Data from the original Basis Set Exchange)
1 ----- f-ul potential -----
0.000000000 2 1.000000000
2 ----- s-f potential -----
253.749588000 2 20.930000000
37.922845000 2 9.445000000
2 ----- p-f potential -----
161.036812000 2 21.760000000
27.651298000 2 9.178000000
2 ----- d-f potential -----
-24.431276000 2 25.900000000
-1.434251000 2 8.835000000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
! Basis Set Exchange
! Version v0.8.9
! Basis set: Stuttgart RSC 1997 ECP
! Description: Stuttgart RSC 1997 ECP
! Role: orbital
! Version: 0 (Data from the original Basis Set Exchange)
FE 0
FE-ECP 3 10
f potential
2 1.000000000 0.000000000
s-f potential
2 20.930000000 253.749588000
2 9.445000000 37.922845000
p-f potential
2 21.760000000 161.036812000
2 9.178000000 27.651298000
d-f potential
2 25.900000000 -24.431276000
2 8.835000000 -1.434251000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
import testing
from testing import value_eq,object_eq
from testing import divert_nexus_log,restore_nexus_log
def test_import():
import nexus_base
from nexus_base import nexus_core,nexus_noncore,nexus_core_noncore
from nexus_base import NexusCore
#end def test_import
def test_namespaces():
from nexus_base import nexus_core,nexus_core_defaults
from nexus_base import nexus_noncore,nexus_noncore_defaults
from nexus_base import nexus_core_noncore,nexus_core_noncore_defaults
assert('runs' in nexus_core_defaults)
assert('basis_dir' in nexus_noncore_defaults)
assert('pseudo_dir' in nexus_core_noncore_defaults)
#end def test_namespaces
def test_empty_init():
from nexus_base import NexusCore
nc = NexusCore()
#end def test_empty_init
def test_write_splash():
from nexus_base import NexusCore
log = divert_nexus_log()
nc = NexusCore()
assert(not nc.wrote_splash)
assert('Nexus' in log.contents())
assert('Please cite:' in log.contents())
#end def test_write_splash
def test_enter_leave():
import os
from nexus_base import NexusCore
tpath = testing.setup_unit_test_output_directory('nexus_base','test_enter_leave')
cwd = os.getcwd()
log = divert_nexus_log()
nc = NexusCore()
tcwd = os.getcwd()
assert('Entering' in log.contents())
assert(tpath in log.contents())
#end def test_enter_leave

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
def test_imports():
import nexus
from nexus import settings,job,run_project
from nexus import ppset
from nexus import read_structure,read_input
from nexus import generate_structure
from nexus import generate_physical_system
from nexus import generate_qmcpack,generate_convert4qmc
from nexus import generate_pwscf,generate_pw2qmcpack
from nexus import generate_gamess
from nexus import generate_pyscf
from nexus import generate_quantum_package
from nexus import generate_vasp
from nexus import ci,error
#end def test_imports

View File

@ -1,34 +1,519 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
def example_structure_h4():
# hydrogen at rs=1.31
from structure import Structure
natom = 4
alat = 3.3521298178767225
axes = alat*np.eye(3)
elem = ['H']*natom
pos = np.array([
[0, 0, 0], [alat/2., 0, 0], [0, alat/2, 0], [0, 0, alat/2]
s1 = Structure(axes=axes, elem=elem, pos=pos, units='B')
return s1
#end def example_structure_h4
import numpy as np
import testing
from testing import value_eq,object_eq,object_diff,print_diff
from test_structure import structure_same
def system_same(s1,s2,pseudized=True,tiled=False):
same = True
keys = ('net_charge','net_spin','pseudized','particles')
o1 = s1.obj(keys)
o2 = s2.obj(keys)
qsame = object_eq(o1,o2)
vsame = True
if pseudized:
vsame = s1.valency==s2.valency
#end if
ssame = structure_same(s1.structure,s2.structure)
fsame = True
if tiled:
fsame = system_same(s1.folded_system,s2.folded_system)
#end if
same = qsame and vsame and ssame and fsame
return same
#end def system_same
def test_import():
import physical_system
from physical_system import Matter,Particle,Ion,PseudoIon,Particles
from physical_system import PhysicalSystem,generate_physical_system
#end def test_import
def test_particle_initialization():
from generic import obj
from physical_system import Matter,Particle,Ion,PseudoIon,Particles
from physical_system import PhysicalSystem,generate_physical_system
# empty initialization
p = Particle()
i = Ion()
pi = PseudoIon()
def check_none(v,vfields):
for f in vfields:
assert(f in v)
assert(v[f] is None)
#end for
#end def check_none
pfields = 'name mass charge spin'.split()
ifields = pfields + 'protons neutrons'.split()
pifields = ifields+['core_electrons']
# matter
elements = Matter.elements
assert('Si' in elements)
pc = Matter.particle_collection
for e in elements:
assert(e in pc)
#end for
assert('up_electron' in pc)
assert('down_electron' in pc)
u = pc.up_electron
d = pc.down_electron
si = pc.Si
# test get_particle
si1 = si.copy() = 'Si1'
#end def test_particle_initialization
def test_physical_system_initialization():
import os
from generic import obj
from structure import generate_structure
from physical_system import generate_physical_system
from physical_system import PhysicalSystem
tpath = testing.setup_unit_test_output_directory('physical_system','test_physical_system_initialization')
d2 = generate_structure(
structure = 'diamond',
cell = 'prim',
d2_path = os.path.join(tpath,'diamond2.xsf')
d8 = generate_structure(
structure = 'diamond',
cell = 'conv',
d8_path = os.path.join(tpath,'diamond8.xsf')
d8_tile = d2.tile([[ 1, -1, 1],
[ 1, 1, -1],
[-1, 1, 1]])
d8_tile_pos_ref = np.array([
[0. , 0. , 0. ],
[0.25, 0.25, 0.25],
[0.5 , 0.5 , 0. ],
[0.75, 0.75, 0.25],
[0. , 0.5 , 0.5 ],
[0.25, 0.75, 0.75],
[0.5 , 0. , 0.5 ],
[0.75, 0.25, 0.75]])
direct_notile = generate_physical_system(
units = 'A',
axes = [[3.57, 0.00, 0.00],
[0.00, 3.57, 0.00],
[0.00, 0.00, 3.57]],
elem = 8*['C'],
posu = [[0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[0.25, 0.25, 0.25],
[0.00, 0.50, 0.50],
[0.25, 0.75, 0.75],
[0.50, 0.00, 0.50],
[0.75, 0.25, 0.75],
[0.50, 0.50, 0.00],
[0.75, 0.75, 0.25]],
C = 4,
direct_tile = generate_physical_system(
units = 'A',
axes = [[1.785, 1.785, 0. ],
[0. , 1.785, 1.785],
[1.785, 0. , 1.785]],
elem = 2*['C'],
posu = [[0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[0.25, 0.25, 0.25]],
tiling = [[ 1, -1, 1],
[ 1, 1, -1],
[-1, 1, 1]],
C = 4,
struct_notile = generate_physical_system(
structure = d8,
C = 4,
struct_tile = generate_physical_system(
structure = d2,
tiling = [[ 1, -1, 1],
[ 1, 1, -1],
[-1, 1, 1]],
C = 4,
read_notile = generate_physical_system(
structure = d8_path,
C = 4,
read_tile = generate_physical_system(
structure = d2_path,
tiling = [[ 1, -1, 1],
[ 1, 1, -1],
[-1, 1, 1]],
C = 4,
gen_notile = generate_physical_system(
lattice = 'cubic', # cubic tetragonal orthorhombic rhombohedral
# hexagonal triclinic monoclinic
cell = 'conventional', # primitive, conventional
centering = 'F', # P A B C I R F
constants = 3.57, # a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma
units = 'A', # A or B
atoms = 'C', # species in primitive cell
basis = [[0,0,0], # basis vectors (optional)
C = 4,
gen_tile = generate_physical_system(
lattice = 'cubic', # cubic tetragonal orthorhombic rhombohedral
# hexagonal triclinic monoclinic
cell = 'primitive', # primitive, conventional
centering = 'F', # P A B C I R F
constants = 3.57, # a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma
units = 'A', # A or B
atoms = 'C', # species in primitive cell
basis = [[0,0,0], # basis vectors (optional)
tiling = [[ 1, -1, 1],
[ 1, 1, -1],
[-1, 1, 1]],
C = 4,
lookup_notile = generate_physical_system(
structure = 'diamond',
cell = 'conv',
C = 4,
lookup_tile = generate_physical_system(
structure = 'diamond',
cell = 'prim',
tiling = [[ 1, -1, 1],
[ 1, 1, -1],
[-1, 1, 1]],
C = 4,
pref = obj(
C = obj(
charge = 4,
core_electrons = 2,
count = 8,
mass = 21894.7135906,
name = 'C',
neutrons = 6,
protons = 6,
spin = 0,
down_electron = obj(
charge = -1,
count = 16,
mass = 1.0,
name = 'down_electron',
spin = -1,
up_electron = obj(
charge = -1,
count = 16,
mass = 1.0,
name = 'up_electron',
spin = 1,
# check direct system w/o tiling
ref = direct_notile
sref = ref.structure
# check direct system w/ tiling
ref = direct_tile
sref = ref.structure
ref = direct_tile.folded_system
sref = ref.structure
pref.C.count = 2
pref.down_electron.count = 4
pref.up_electron.count = 4
ref_notile = direct_notile
ref_tile = direct_tile
assert(system_same(read_notile ,ref_notile))
assert(system_same(gen_notile ,ref_notile))
assert(system_same(read_tile ,ref_tile,tiled=True))
assert(system_same(gen_tile ,ref_tile,tiled=True))
systems_notile = [
read_notile ,
gen_notile ,
systems_tile = [
read_tile ,
gen_tile ,
systems = systems_notile+systems_tile
for sys in systems:
#end for
# test has_folded
for sys in systems_notile:
assert(not sys.has_folded())
#end for
for sys in systems_tile:
#end for
# test copy
for sys in systems:
c = sys.copy()
#end for
# test load
for i,sys in enumerate(systems):
path = os.path.join(tpath,'system_{}'.format(i))
sys2 = PhysicalSystem()
#end for
# test particle counts
p = direct_notile.particles
#end def test_physical_system_initialization
def test_change_units():
from physical_system import generate_physical_system
sys = generate_physical_system(
units = 'A',
axes = [[3.57, 0.00, 0.00],
[0.00, 3.57, 0.00],
[0.00, 0.00, 3.57]],
elem = 8*['C'],
posu = [[0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[0.25, 0.25, 0.25],
[0.00, 0.50, 0.50],
[0.25, 0.75, 0.75],
[0.50, 0.00, 0.50],
[0.75, 0.25, 0.75],
[0.50, 0.50, 0.00],
[0.75, 0.75, 0.25]],
C = 4,
s = sys.structure
#end def test_change_units
def test_rename():
from generic import obj
from physical_system import generate_physical_system
sys = generate_physical_system(
units = 'A',
axes = [[1.785, 1.785, 0. ],
[0. , 1.785, 1.785],
[1.785, 0. , 1.785]],
elem = ['C1','C2'],
posu = [[0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[0.25, 0.25, 0.25]],
tiling = [[ 1, -1, 1],
[ 1, 1, -1],
[-1, 1, 1]],
C1 = 4,
C2 = 4,
ref = sys
ref = sys.folded_system
ref = sys
ref = sys.folded_system
#end def test_rename
def test_tile():
from physical_system import generate_physical_system
d2_ref = generate_physical_system(
units = 'A',
axes = [[1.785, 1.785, 0. ],
[0. , 1.785, 1.785],
[1.785, 0. , 1.785]],
elem = 2*['C'],
posu = [[0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[0.25, 0.25, 0.25]],
C = 4,
d8_ref = generate_physical_system(
units = 'A',
axes = [[1.785, 1.785, 0. ],
[0. , 1.785, 1.785],
[1.785, 0. , 1.785]],
elem = 2*['C'],
posu = [[0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
[0.25, 0.25, 0.25]],
tiling = [[ 1, -1, 1],
[ 1, 1, -1],
[-1, 1, 1]],
C = 4,
d8 = d2_ref.tile([[ 1, -1, 1],
[ 1, 1, -1],
[-1, 1, 1]])
#end def test_tile
def test_kf_rpa():
from physical_system import generate_physical_system
s1 = example_structure_h4()
ps = generate_physical_system(
structure = s1,
net_charge = 1,
net_spin = 1,
H = 1
kfs = ps.kf_rpa()
assert np.isclose(kfs[0], 1.465, atol=1e-3)
assert np.isclose(kfs[1], 1.465/2**(1./3), atol=1e-3)
from test_structure import example_structure_h4
from physical_system import generate_physical_system
s1 = example_structure_h4()
ps = generate_physical_system(
structure = s1,
net_charge = 1,
net_spin = 1,
H = 1
kfs = ps.kf_rpa()
assert np.isclose(kfs[0], 1.465, atol=1e-3)
assert np.isclose(kfs[1], 1.465/2**(1./3), atol=1e-3)
#end def test_kf_rpa
if __name__ == '__main__':
#end __main__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
import testing
from testing import value_eq,object_eq
from testing import divert_nexus_log,restore_nexus_log
associated_files = dict()
def get_filenames():
filenames = [
return filenames
#end def get_filenames
def get_files():
return testing.collect_unit_test_file_paths('pseudopotential',associated_files)
#end def get_files
def test_files():
filenames = get_filenames()
files = get_files()
#end def test_files
def test_import():
import pseudopotential
from pseudopotential import Pseudopotentials
from pseudopotential import PseudoFile
from pseudopotential import gamessPPFile
from pseudopotential import PPset
from pseudopotential import Pseudopotential
from pseudopotential import SemilocalPP
from pseudopotential import GaussianPP
from pseudopotential import QmcpackPP
from pseudopotential import CasinoPP
#end def test_import
def test_pp_elem_label():
from pseudopotential import pp_elem_label
ppfiles = [
('C' , 'C' , 'C.BFD.xml' ),
('C2' , 'C' , 'C2.ONCV.upf' ),
('C' , 'C' , 'C_ONCV.upf' ),
('C' , 'C' , 'C-ONCV.upf' ),
('Co' , 'Co' , 'Co.BFD.xml' ),
('Co2', 'Co' , 'Co2.ONCV.upf'),
('Co' , 'Co' , 'Co_ONCV.upf' ),
('Co' , 'Co' , 'Co-ONCV.upf' ),
for reflabel,refsymbol,ppfile in ppfiles:
label,symbol,is_elem = pp_elem_label(ppfile)
#end for
#end def test_pp_elem_label
def test_pseudopotentials():
from pseudopotential import Pseudopotentials
from pseudopotential import PseudoFile
from pseudopotential import gamessPPFile
filenames = get_filenames()
files = get_files()
filepaths = [files[fn] for fn in filenames]
# empty initialization
# standard initialization
pps = Pseudopotentials(filepaths)
for fn in filenames:
assert(fn in pps)
pp = pps[fn]
if fn.endswith('.gms'):
#end if
#end for
basis_ref = '''s 9 1.00
1 0.051344 0.013991
2 0.102619 0.169852
3 0.205100 0.397529
4 0.409924 0.380369
5 0.819297 0.180113
6 1.637494 -0.033512
7 3.272791 -0.121499
8 6.541187 0.015176
9 13.073594 -0.000705
s 1 1.00
1 0.098302 1.000000
s 1 1.00
1 0.232034 1.000000
s 1 1.00
1 0.744448 1.000000
s 1 1.00
1 1.009914 1.000000
p 9 1.00
1 0.029281 0.001787
2 0.058547 0.050426
3 0.117063 0.191634
4 0.234064 0.302667
5 0.468003 0.289868
6 0.935757 0.210979
7 1.871016 0.112024
8 3.741035 0.054425
9 7.480076 0.021931
p 1 1.00
1 0.084047 1.000000
p 1 1.00
1 0.216618 1.000000
p 1 1.00
1 0.576869 1.000000
p 1 1.00
1 1.006252 1.000000
d 1 1.00
1 0.206619 1.000000
d 1 1.00
1 0.606933 1.000000
d 1 1.00
1 1.001526 1.000000
d 1 1.00
1 1.504882 1.000000
f 1 1.00
1 0.400573 1.000000
f 1 1.00
1 1.099564 1.000000
f 1 1.00
1 1.501091 1.000000
g 1 1.00
1 0.797648 1.000000
g 1 1.00
1 1.401343 1.000000
h 1 1.00
1 1.001703 1.000000'''
pp_ref = '''C-QMC GEN 2 1
4.00000000 1 8.35973821
33.43895285 3 4.48361888
-19.17537323 2 3.93831258
22.55164191 2 5.02991637'''
pp = pps['C.BFD.gms']
#end def test_pseudopotentials
def test_ppset():
from generic import obj
from pseudopotential import ppset
ppset_ref = obj(
pseudos = obj(
bfd = obj(
gamess = obj(C='C.BFD.gms'),
pwscf = obj(C='C.BFD.upf'),
qmcpack = obj(C='C.BFD.xml'),
label = 'bfd',
gamess = ['C.BFD.gms'],
pwscf = ['C.BFD.upf'],
qmcpack = ['C.BFD.xml'],
o = ppset.to_obj()
# need to add test for get() method
# depends on PhysicalSystem
#end def test_ppset
def test_pseudopotential_classes():
import os
import numpy as np
from pseudopotential import SemilocalPP
from pseudopotential import GaussianPP
from pseudopotential import QmcpackPP
from pseudopotential import CasinoPP
tpath = testing.setup_unit_test_output_directory('pseudopotential','test_pseudopotential_classes')
files = get_files()
# empty initialization
qpp = QmcpackPP(files['C.BFD.xml'])
# SemilocalPP attributes/methods
assert( is None)
assert(qpp.rcut is None)
assert(not qpp.has_L2())
vnl = qpp.get_nonlocal()
rc = qpp.find_rcut()
# below follows by virtue of being numeric
qpp.assert_numeric('some location')
vcomp = qpp.components
vloc = qpp.evaluate_local(rpow=1)
vnonloc = qpp.evaluate_nonlocal(l='s',rpow=1)
vs = qpp.evaluate_channel(l='s',rpow=1)
vp = qpp.evaluate_channel(l='p',rpow=1)
r,vsn = qpp.numeric_channel(l='s',rpow=1)
r,vpn = qpp.numeric_channel(l='p',rpow=1)
# QmcpackPP attributes/methods
qpp_fake = qpp.copy()
r = np.linspace(0,10,6)
vloc = 0*r + qpp.Zval
vnl = 0*r
qpp_fake.r = r
qpp_fake.components.s = vnl
qpp_fake.components.p = vloc
qtext_ref = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pseudo version="0.5">
<header symbol="C" atomic-number="6" zval="4" relativistic="unknown"
polarized="unknown" creator="Nexus" flavor="unknown"
core-corrections="unknown" xc-functional-type="unknown"
<grid type="linear" units="bohr" ri="0.0" rf="10.0" npts="6"/>
<semilocal units="hartree" format="r*V" npots-down="2" npots-up="0" l-local="1">
<vps principal-n="0" l="s" spin="-1" cutoff="10.0" occupation="unknown">
<grid type="linear" units="bohr" ri="0.0" rf="10.0" npts="6"/>
4.00000000000000e+00 4.00000000000000e+00 4.00000000000000e+00
4.00000000000000e+00 4.00000000000000e+00 4.00000000000000e+00
<vps principal-n="0" l="p" spin="-1" cutoff="10.0" occupation="unknown">
<grid type="linear" units="bohr" ri="0.0" rf="10.0" npts="6"/>
4.00000000000000e+00 4.00000000000000e+00 4.00000000000000e+00
4.00000000000000e+00 4.00000000000000e+00 4.00000000000000e+00
qtext = qpp_fake.write_qmcpack()
ctext_ref = '''C pseudopotential converted by Nexus
Atomic number and pseudo-charge
6 4.0
Energy units (rydberg/hartree/ev):
Angular momentum of local component (0=s,1=p,2=d..)
NLRULE override (1) VMC/DMC (2) config gen (0 ==> input/default value)
0 0
Number of grid points
R(i) in atomic units
r*potential (L=0) in Ha
r*potential (L=1) in Ha
ctext = qpp_fake.write_casino()
# tests for GaussianPP
gpp = GaussianPP(files['C.BFD.gms'],format='gamess')
assert(gpp.Zcore == 2 )
assert(gpp.Zval == 4 )
assert(gpp.core == 'He')
assert(gpp.element == 'C' )
assert(gpp.lmax == 1 )
assert(gpp.local == 'p' )
assert( is None)
nterms_ref = [9,1,1,1,1,9,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
nterms = []
for n in range(len(gpp.basis)):
#end for
# check cross-format write/read
gamess_file = os.path.join(tpath,'C.BFD.gamess')
gaussian_file = os.path.join(tpath,'C.BFD.gaussian')
qmcpack_file = os.path.join(tpath,'C.BFD.qmcpack')
casino_file = os.path.join(tpath,'')
gpp_gamess = GaussianPP(gamess_file,format='gamess')
gpp_gaussian = GaussianPP(gaussian_file,format='gaussian')
qpp_qmcpack = QmcpackPP(qmcpack_file)
# tests for CasinoPP
cpp = CasinoPP(casino_file)
qo = qpp.to_obj()
co = cpp.to_obj()
del qo.rmin
del qo.rmax
qmcpack_from_casino_file = os.path.join(tpath,'C.BFD.qmcpack_from_casino')
qpp_casino = QmcpackPP(qmcpack_from_casino_file)
#end def test_pseudopotential_classes

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
C 6 0. 0. 0.
s 9 1.00
1 0.051344 0.013991
2 0.102619 0.169852
3 0.205100 0.397529
4 0.409924 0.380369
5 0.819297 0.180113
6 1.637494 -0.033512
7 3.272791 -0.121499
8 6.541187 0.015176
9 13.073594 -0.000705
s 1 1.00
1 0.098302 1.000000
s 1 1.00
1 0.232034 1.000000
s 1 1.00
1 0.744448 1.000000
s 1 1.00
1 1.009914 1.000000
p 9 1.00
1 0.029281 0.001787
2 0.058547 0.050426
3 0.117063 0.191634
4 0.234064 0.302667
5 0.468003 0.289868
6 0.935757 0.210979
7 1.871016 0.112024
8 3.741035 0.054425
9 7.480076 0.021931
p 1 1.00
1 0.084047 1.000000
p 1 1.00
1 0.216618 1.000000
p 1 1.00
1 0.576869 1.000000
p 1 1.00
1 1.006252 1.000000
d 1 1.00
1 0.206619 1.000000
d 1 1.00
1 0.606933 1.000000
d 1 1.00
1 1.001526 1.000000
d 1 1.00
1 1.504882 1.000000
f 1 1.00
1 0.400573 1.000000
f 1 1.00
1 1.099564 1.000000
f 1 1.00
1 1.501091 1.000000
g 1 1.00
1 0.797648 1.000000
g 1 1.00
1 1.401343 1.000000
h 1 1.00
1 1.001703 1.000000
4.00000000 1 8.35973821
33.43895285 3 4.48361888
-19.17537323 2 3.93831258
22.55164191 2 5.02991637

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#(C) 2019 by FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure. All rights reserved.
_database_code_ICSD 69312
_audit_creation_date 1992-08-20
_audit_update_record 2006-04-01
_chemical_name_systematic 'Dilanthanum cuprate'
_chemical_formula_structural 'La2 (Cu O4)'
_chemical_formula_sum 'Cu1 La2 O4'
_chemical_name_structure_type La2CuO4
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 7.12
_cell_measurement_temperature 10.
'Neutron and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study of La2 Cu O4+d'
primary 'Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics' 1990 42 6332
'Zolliker, P.'
'Cox, D.E.'
'Parise, J.B.'
'McCarron, E.M.'
'Farneth, W.E.'
_cell_length_a 5.3300(6)
_cell_length_b 5.4126(6)
_cell_length_c 13.105(2)
_cell_angle_alpha 90.
_cell_angle_beta 90.
_cell_angle_gamma 90.
_cell_volume 378.07
_cell_formula_units_Z 4
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'B m a b'
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number 64
_refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.097
1 '-x, y+1/2, -z+1/2'
2 '-x, -y+1/2, z+1/2'
3 '-x, y, z'
4 '-x, -y, -z'
5 'x, -y+1/2, z+1/2'
6 'x, y+1/2, -z+1/2'
7 'x, -y, -z'
8 'x, y, z'
9 '-x+1/2, y+1/2, -z'
10 '-x+1/2, -y+1/2, z'
11 '-x+1/2, y, z+1/2'
12 '-x+1/2, -y, -z+1/2'
13 'x+1/2, -y+1/2, z'
14 'x+1/2, y+1/2, -z'
15 'x+1/2, -y, -z+1/2'
16 'x+1/2, y, z+1/2'
La3+ 3
Cu2+ 2
O2- -2
La1 La3+ 8 f 0 -.0078(7) 0.3621(5) -.2(1) 1. 0
Cu1 Cu2+ 4 a 0 0 0 -.2(1) 1. 0
O1 O2- 8 e 0.25 0.25 -.0098(5) 0.1(1) 1. 0
O2 O2- 8 f 0 0.0434(9) 0.1841(6) -.2(2) 1. 0
#End of TTdata_69312-ICSD

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
C 5.5321 -0.5000 0.0000
C 4.6660 -1.0000 0.0000
C 5.5321 0.5000 0.0000
C 3.8000 -0.5000 0.0000
C 4.6660 1.0000 0.0000
C 3.8000 0.5000 0.0000
C 6.4260 -1.0347 0.0000
C 4.6821 -2.0415 0.0000
C 6.4421 1.0068 0.0000
C 2.9061 -1.0347 0.0000
C 4.6821 2.0415 0.0000
C 2.9061 1.0347 0.0000
C 7.3321 -0.5208 0.0000
C 5.5480 -2.5693 0.0000
C 6.4501 -2.0484 0.0000
C 2.0000 -0.5208 0.0000
C 3.7841 2.5693 0.0000
C 6.4501 2.0484 0.0000
C 2.0000 0.5208 0.0000
C 5.5480 2.5693 0.0000
C 7.3321 0.5208 0.0000
C 2.8820 2.0484 0.0000
C 3.7841 -2.5693 0.0000
C 2.8820 -2.0484 0.0000
H 7.8678 -0.8329 0.0000
H 5.5406 -3.1892 0.0000
H 6.9907 -2.3521 0.0000
H 1.4643 0.8329 0.0000
H 3.7864 3.1893 0.0000
H 7.8653 0.8372 0.0000
H 5.5406 3.1892 0.0000
H 1.4643 -0.8329 0.0000
H 3.7864 -3.1893 0.0000
H 6.9882 2.3564 0.0000
H 2.3414 2.3521 0.0000
H 2.3414 -2.3521 0.0000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
import testing
from testing import value_eq,object_eq
associated_files = dict()
def get_files():
return testing.collect_unit_test_file_paths('xmlreader',associated_files)
#end def get_files
def test_files():
filenames = [
files = get_files()
#end def test_files
def test_import():
import xmlreader
from xmlreader import XMLreader,readxml
#end def test_import
def test_read():
from generic import obj
from xmlreader import readxml,XMLelement
ref = obj(
simulation = obj(
project = obj(
id = 'vmc',
series = '0',
application = obj(
class_ = 'serial',
name = 'qmcpack',
role = 'molecu',
version = '1.0',
qmc = obj(
method = 'vmc',
move = 'pbyp',
parameter1 = obj(
name = 'walkers',
text = '1',
parameter2 = obj(
name = 'warmupSteps',
text = '20',
parameter3 = obj(
name = 'blocks',
text = '200',
parameter4 = obj(
name = 'steps',
text = '10',
parameter5 = obj(
name = 'subSteps',
text = '2',
parameter6 = obj(
name = 'timestep',
text = '0.4',
qmcsystem = obj(
hamiltonian = obj(
name = 'h0',
target = 'e',
type = 'generic',
estimator = obj(
name = 'KEcorr',
psi = 'psi0',
source = 'e',
type = 'chiesa',
pairpot1 = obj(
name = 'ElecElec',
source = 'e',
target = 'e',
type = 'coulomb',
pairpot2 = obj(
name = 'IonIon',
source = 'ion0',
target = 'ion0',
type = 'coulomb',
pairpot3 = obj(
format = 'xml',
name = 'PseudoPot',
source = 'ion0',
type = 'pseudo',
wavefunction = 'psi0',
pseudo = obj(
elementType = 'C',
href = 'C.BFD.xml',
pairpot4 = obj(
ecut = '60.0',
name = 'MPC',
physical = 'no',
source = 'e',
target = 'e',
type = 'MPC',
particleset1 = obj(
name = 'e',
random = 'yes',
group1 = obj(
mass = '1.0',
name = 'u',
size = '32',
parameter1 = obj(
name = 'charge',
text = '-1',
parameter2 = obj(
name = 'mass',
text = '1.0',
group2 = obj(
mass = '1.0',
name = 'd',
size = '32',
parameter1 = obj(
name = 'charge',
text = '-1',
parameter2 = obj(
name = 'mass',
text = '1.0',
particleset2 = obj(
name = 'ion0',
group = obj(
mass = '21894.7135906',
name = 'C',
size = '16',
attrib = obj(
condition = '0',
datatype = 'posArray',
name = 'position',
text = \
'''6.74632230 6.74632230 0.00000000
1.68658057 1.68658057 1.68658058
3.37316115 3.37316115 0.00000000
5.05974173 5.05974172 1.68658058
0.00000000 3.37316115 3.37316115
1.68658058 5.05974172 5.05974173
3.37316115 6.74632230 3.37316115
5.05974173 8.43290287 5.05974173
3.37316115 0.00000000 3.37316115
5.05974172 1.68658057 5.05974173
6.74632230 3.37316115 3.37316115
8.43290287 5.05974172 5.05974173
10.11948345 10.11948345 6.74632230
5.05974173 5.05974172 8.43290287
6.74632230 6.74632230 6.74632230
8.43290287 8.43290287 8.43290287''',
parameter1 = obj(
name = 'charge',
text = '4',
parameter2 = obj(
name = 'valence',
text = '4',
parameter3 = obj(
name = 'atomicnumber',
text = '6',
parameter4 = obj(
name = 'mass',
text = '21894.7135906',
simulationcell = obj(
parameter1 = obj(
name = 'lattice',
text = \
'''6.74632230 6.74632230 0.00000000
0.00000000 6.74632230 6.74632230
6.74632230 0.00000000 6.74632230''',
units = 'bohr',
parameter2 = obj(
name = 'bconds',
text = 'p p p',
parameter3 = obj(
name = 'LR_dim_cutoff',
text = '15',
wavefunction = obj(
name = 'psi0',
target = 'e',
determinantset = obj(
slaterdeterminant = obj(
determinant1 = obj(
group = 'u',
id = 'updet',
size = '32',
sposet = 'spo_ud',
determinant2 = obj(
group = 'd',
id = 'downdet',
size = '32',
sposet = 'spo_ud',
sposet_builder = obj(
href = 'MISSING.h5',
meshfactor = '1.0',
precision = 'float',
source = 'ion0',
tilematrix = '2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2',
truncate = 'no',
twistnum = '0',
type = 'bspline',
version = '0.10',
sposet = obj(
name = 'spo_ud',
size = '32',
spindataset = '0',
type = 'bspline',
files = get_files()
x = readxml(files[''])
o = x.to_obj()
#end def test_read

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project id="vmc" series="0">
<application name="qmcpack" role="molecu" class="serial" version="1.0"/>
<parameter name="lattice" units="bohr">
6.74632230 6.74632230 0.00000000
0.00000000 6.74632230 6.74632230
6.74632230 0.00000000 6.74632230
<parameter name="bconds">
p p p
<parameter name="LR_dim_cutoff" > 15 </parameter>
<particleset name="e" random="yes">
<group name="u" size="32" mass="1.0">
<parameter name="charge" > -1 </parameter>
<parameter name="mass" > 1.0 </parameter>
<group name="d" size="32" mass="1.0">
<parameter name="charge" > -1 </parameter>
<parameter name="mass" > 1.0 </parameter>
<particleset name="ion0">
<group name="C" size="16" mass="21894.7135906">
<parameter name="charge" > 4 </parameter>
<parameter name="valence" > 4 </parameter>
<parameter name="atomicnumber" > 6 </parameter>
<parameter name="mass" > 21894.7135906 </parameter>
<attrib name="position" datatype="posArray" condition="0">
6.74632230 6.74632230 0.00000000
1.68658057 1.68658057 1.68658058
3.37316115 3.37316115 0.00000000
5.05974173 5.05974172 1.68658058
0.00000000 3.37316115 3.37316115
1.68658058 5.05974172 5.05974173
3.37316115 6.74632230 3.37316115
5.05974173 8.43290287 5.05974173
3.37316115 0.00000000 3.37316115
5.05974172 1.68658057 5.05974173
6.74632230 3.37316115 3.37316115
8.43290287 5.05974172 5.05974173
10.11948345 10.11948345 6.74632230
5.05974173 5.05974172 8.43290287
6.74632230 6.74632230 6.74632230
8.43290287 8.43290287 8.43290287
<wavefunction name="psi0" target="e">
<sposet_builder type="bspline" href="MISSING.h5" tilematrix="2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2" twistnum="0" source="ion0" version="0.10" meshfactor="1.0" precision="float" truncate="no">
<sposet type="bspline" name="spo_ud" size="32" spindataset="0"/>
<determinant id="updet" group="u" sposet="spo_ud" size="32"/>
<determinant id="downdet" group="d" sposet="spo_ud" size="32"/>
<hamiltonian name="h0" type="generic" target="e">
<pairpot type="coulomb" name="ElecElec" source="e" target="e"/>
<pairpot type="coulomb" name="IonIon" source="ion0" target="ion0"/>
<pairpot type="pseudo" name="PseudoPot" source="ion0" wavefunction="psi0" format="xml">
<pseudo elementType="C" href="C.BFD.xml"/>
<pairpot type="MPC" name="MPC" source="e" target="e" ecut="60.0" physical="no"/>
<estimator name="KEcorr" type="chiesa" source="e" psi="psi0"/>
<qmc method="vmc" move="pbyp">
<parameter name="walkers" > 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="warmupSteps" > 20 </parameter>
<parameter name="blocks" > 200 </parameter>
<parameter name="steps" > 10 </parameter>
<parameter name="subSteps" > 2 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep" > 0.4 </parameter>

View File

@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ public:
ParticlePos_t R;
///SoA copy of R
VectorSoaContainer<RealType, DIM> RSoA;
///internal spin variables for dynamical spin calculations
ParticleScalar_t spins;
///gradients of the particles
ParticleGradient_t G;
///laplacians of the particles
@ -516,6 +518,7 @@ public:
TotalNum = numPtcl;
@ -535,6 +538,7 @@ public:
TotalNum = 0;
@ -582,12 +586,15 @@ public:
//add basic attributes

View File

@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ struct Walker
/** array of particles */
typedef typename p_traits::ParticlePos_t ParticlePos_t;
/** array of scalars */
typedef typename p_traits::ParticleScalar_t ParticleScalar_t;
/** array of gradients */
typedef typename p_traits::ParticleGradient_t ParticleGradient_t;
/** array of laplacians */
@ -126,6 +128,9 @@ struct Walker
/** The configuration vector (3N-dimensional vector to store
the positions of all the particles for a single walker)*/
ParticlePos_t R;
//Dynamical spin variable.
ParticleScalar_t spins;
/** \f$ \nabla_i d\log \Psi for the i-th particle */
ParticleGradient_t G;
@ -263,6 +268,7 @@ struct Walker
inline void resize(int nptcl)
#ifdef QMC_CUDA
@ -287,6 +293,7 @@ struct Walker
if (R.size() != a.R.size())
R = a.R;
spins = a.spins;
G = a.G;
L = a.L;

View File

@ -92,4 +92,66 @@ TEST_CASE("read_particleset_xml", "[particle_io][xml]")
REQUIRE(electrons.R[1][2] == Approx(-0.0128914));
REQUIRE(electrons.getName() == "e");
TEST_CASE("read_dynamic_spin_eset_xml", "[particle_io][xml]")
OHMMS::Controller->initialize(0, NULL);
const char* particles = "<tmp> \
<particleset name=\"e\"> \
<group name=\"e\" size=\"3\"> \
<parameter name=\"charge\">-1</parameter> \
<attrib name=\"position\" datatype=\"posArray\"> \
-0.28 0.0225 -2.709 \
-1.28 1.0225 -1.709 \
-2.28 2.0225 -0.709 \
</attrib> \
<attrib name=\"spins\" datatype=\"scalarArray\"> \
1.0 \
0.2 \
3.0 \
</attrib> \
</group> \
</particleset> \
</tmp> \
Libxml2Document doc;
bool okay = doc.parseFromString(particles);
xmlNodePtr root = doc.getRoot();
xmlNodePtr part1 = xmlFirstElementChild(root);
Tensor<int, 3> tmat; // assuming OHMMSDIM==3
tmat(0, 0) = 1;
tmat(1, 1) = 1;
tmat(2, 2) = 1;
ParticleSet electrons;
XMLParticleParser parse_electrons(electrons, tmat);
REQUIRE(electrons.groups() == 1);
REQUIRE(electrons.R.size() == 3);
REQUIRE(electrons.R[0][0] == Approx(-0.28));
REQUIRE(electrons.R[0][1] == Approx(0.0225));
REQUIRE(electrons.R[0][2] == Approx(-2.709));
REQUIRE(electrons.R[1][0] == Approx(-1.28));
REQUIRE(electrons.R[1][1] == Approx(1.0225));
REQUIRE(electrons.R[1][2] == Approx(-1.709));
REQUIRE(electrons.R[2][0] == Approx(-2.28));
REQUIRE(electrons.R[2][1] == Approx(2.0225));
REQUIRE(electrons.R[2][2] == Approx(-0.709));
REQUIRE(electrons.spins[0] == Approx(1.0));
REQUIRE(electrons.spins[1] == Approx(0.2));
REQUIRE(electrons.spins[2] == Approx(3.0));
REQUIRE(electrons.getName() == "e");
} // namespace qmcplusplus

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ std::string ParticleTags::tensortype_tag = "tensorArray";
std::string ParticleTags::xmoltype_tag = "xmolArray";
std::string ParticleTags::position_tag = "position";
std::string ParticleTags::spins_tag = "spins";
std::string ParticleTags::id_tag = "id";
std::string ParticleTags::ionid_tag = "ionid";
std::string ParticleTags::trajectory_tag = "trajectory";

View File

@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ struct ParticleTags
///the name for position attribute
static std::string position_tag;
///the name for spins attribute
static std::string spins_tag;
///the name for id attribute
static std::string id_tag;

View File

@ -76,10 +76,13 @@ TEST_CASE("QMCDriverFactory create VMC_CUDA Driver", "[qmcapp]")
std::string target("e");
MCWalkerConfiguration* qmc_system = particle_pool.getWalkerSet(target);
MCPopulation population(comm->size(), particle_pool.getParticleSet("e"), wavefunction_pool.getPrimary(),
std::unique_ptr<QMCDriverInterface> last_driver;
std::unique_ptr<QMCDriverInterface> qmc_driver;
qmc_driver = driver_factory.newQMCDriver(std::move(last_driver), 0, node, das, *qmc_system, particle_pool,
wavefunction_pool, hamiltonian_pool, comm);
wavefunction_pool, hamiltonian_pool, population, comm);
REQUIRE(qmc_driver != nullptr);

View File

@ -106,12 +106,11 @@ LatticeDeviationEstimator::Return_t LatticeDeviationEstimator::evaluate(Particle
const auto& d_table = P.getDistTable(myTableID_);
// temp variables
RealType r2;
RealType r, r2;
PosType dr;
int nsite(0); // site index
int cur_jat(-1); // target particle index
#ifndef ENABLE_SOA
for (int iat = 0; iat < spset.getTotalNum(); iat++)
{ // for each desired source particle
if (sspecies.speciesName[spset.GroupID[iat]] == sgroup)
@ -121,8 +120,14 @@ LatticeDeviationEstimator::Return_t LatticeDeviationEstimator::evaluate(Particle
if (tspecies.speciesName[tpset.GroupID[jat]] == tgroup)
// distance between particle iat in source pset, and jat in target pset
r = d_table.Distances[jat][iat];
int nn = d_table.loc(iat, jat); // location where distance is stored
r2 = std::pow(d_table.r(nn), 2);
r = d_table.r(nn);
r2 = r*r;
Value += r2;
if (hdf5_out & !per_xyz)
@ -132,7 +137,11 @@ LatticeDeviationEstimator::Return_t LatticeDeviationEstimator::evaluate(Particle
if (per_xyz)
dr = d_table.Displacements[jat][iat];
dr = d_table.dr(nn);
for (int idir = 0; idir < OHMMS_DIM; idir++)
RealType dir2 = dr[idir] * dr[idir];
@ -151,7 +160,6 @@ LatticeDeviationEstimator::Return_t LatticeDeviationEstimator::evaluate(Particle
nsite += 1; // count the number of sites, for checking only
} // found desired species (source particle)
if (nsite != num_sites)

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@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ SET(JASTROW_SRCS

View File

@ -13,20 +13,24 @@
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/IonOrbital.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/LatticeGaussianProduct.h"
namespace qmcplusplus
typedef IonOrbital::ValueType ValueType;
typedef IonOrbital::GradType GradType;
typedef LatticeGaussianProduct::ValueType ValueType;
typedef LatticeGaussianProduct::GradType GradType;
IonOrbital::IonOrbital(ParticleSet& centers, ParticleSet& ptcls) : CenterRef(centers)
LatticeGaussianProduct::LatticeGaussianProduct(ParticleSet& centers, ParticleSet& ptcls) : CenterRef(centers)
Optimizable = false;
ClassName = "IonOrbital";
ClassName = "LatticeGaussianProduct";
NumTargetPtcls = ptcls.getTotalNum();
NumCenters = centers.getTotalNum();
myTableID = ptcls.addTable(CenterRef, DT_SOA);
myTableID = ptcls.addTable(CenterRef, DT_AOS);
@ -34,14 +38,14 @@ IonOrbital::IonOrbital(ParticleSet& centers, ParticleSet& ptcls) : CenterRef(cen
LastAddressOfdU = FirstAddressOfdU + dU.size() * OHMMS_DIM;
IonOrbital::~IonOrbital() {}
LatticeGaussianProduct::~LatticeGaussianProduct() {}
//evaluate the distance table with P
void IonOrbital::resetTargetParticleSet(ParticleSet& P) {}
void IonOrbital::checkInVariables(opt_variables_type& active) {}
void IonOrbital::checkOutVariables(const opt_variables_type& active) {}
void IonOrbital::resetParameters(const opt_variables_type& active) {}
void IonOrbital::reportStatus(std::ostream& os) {}
void LatticeGaussianProduct::resetTargetParticleSet(ParticleSet& P) {}
void LatticeGaussianProduct::checkInVariables(opt_variables_type& active) {}
void LatticeGaussianProduct::checkOutVariables(const opt_variables_type& active) {}
void LatticeGaussianProduct::resetParameters(const opt_variables_type& active) {}
void LatticeGaussianProduct::reportStatus(std::ostream& os) {}
*@param P input configuration containing N particles
@ -57,13 +61,15 @@ void IonOrbital::reportStatus(std::ostream& os) {}
*such that \f[ G[i]+={\bf \nabla}_i J({\bf R}) \f]
*and \f[ L[i]+=\nabla^2_i J({\bf R}). \f]
IonOrbital::RealType IonOrbital::evaluateLog(ParticleSet& P,
LatticeGaussianProduct::RealType LatticeGaussianProduct::evaluateLog(ParticleSet& P,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& G,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& L)
const auto& d_table = P.getDistTable(myTableID);
int icent = 0;
LogValue = 0.0;
RealType dist = 0.0;
PosType disp = 0.0;
for (int iat = 0; iat < NumTargetPtcls; iat++)
U[iat] = 0.0;
@ -72,15 +78,18 @@ IonOrbital::RealType IonOrbital::evaluateLog(ParticleSet& P,
RealType a = ParticleAlpha[iat];
if (a > 0.0)
#ifndef ENABLE_SOA
dist = d_table.Distances[iat][icent];
disp = -1.0*d_table.Displacements[iat][icent];
int index = d_table.M[icent] + iat;
RealType dist = d_table.r(index);
PosType disp = d_table.dr(index);
dist = d_table.r(index);
disp = d_table.dr(index);
LogValue -= a * dist * dist;
U[iat] += a * dist * dist;
G[iat] -= 2.0 * a * disp;
L[iat] -= 6.0 * a;
@ -91,71 +100,83 @@ IonOrbital::RealType IonOrbital::evaluateLog(ParticleSet& P,
* @param P active particle set
* @param iat particle that has been moved.
ValueType IonOrbital::ratio(ParticleSet& P, int iat)
ValueType LatticeGaussianProduct::ratio(ParticleSet& P, int iat)
const auto& d_table = P.getDistTable(myTableID);
int icent = ParticleCenter[iat];
if (icent == -1)
return 1.0;
#ifndef ENABLE_SOA
int index = d_table.M[icent] + iat;
RealType newdist = d_table.Temp_r[icent];
RealType newdist = d_table.Temp[icent].r1;
curVal = ParticleAlpha[iat] * (newdist * newdist);
curVal = ParticleAlpha[iat] * (newdist * newdist);
return std::exp(U[iat] - curVal);
GradType IonOrbital::evalGrad(ParticleSet& P, int iat)
GradType LatticeGaussianProduct::evalGrad(ParticleSet& P, int iat)
const auto& d_table = P.getDistTable(myTableID);
int icent = ParticleCenter[iat];
if (icent == -1)
return GradType();
RealType a = ParticleAlpha[iat];
PosType newdisp = -1.0*d_table.Temp_dr[icent];
PosType newdisp = d_table.Temp[icent].dr1;
curGrad = -2.0 * a * newdisp;
return curGrad;
// GradType
// IonOrbital::evalGradSource
// LatticeGaussianProduct::evalGradSource
// (ParticleSet& P, ParticleSet& source, int isrc,
// TinyVector<ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t, OHMMS_DIM> &grad_grad,
// TinyVector<ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t,OHMMS_DIM> &lapl_grad)
// {
// }
ValueType IonOrbital::ratioGrad(ParticleSet& P, int iat, GradType& grad_iat)
ValueType LatticeGaussianProduct::ratioGrad(ParticleSet& P, int iat, GradType& grad_iat)
const auto& d_table = P.getDistTable(myTableID);
int icent = ParticleCenter[iat];
if (icent == -1)
return 1.0;
RealType a = ParticleAlpha[iat];
RealType newdist = d_table.Temp_r[icent];
PosType newdisp = -1.0*d_table.Temp_dr[icent];
RealType newdist = d_table.Temp[icent].r1;
PosType newdisp = d_table.Temp[icent].dr1;
curVal = a * newdist * newdist;
curGrad = -2.0 * a * newdisp;
grad_iat += curGrad;
return std::exp(U[iat] - curVal);
void IonOrbital::restore(int iat) {}
void LatticeGaussianProduct::restore(int iat) {}
void IonOrbital::acceptMove(ParticleSet& P, int iat)
void LatticeGaussianProduct::acceptMove(ParticleSet& P, int iat)
U[iat] = curVal;
dU[iat] = curGrad;
d2U[iat] = curLap;
void IonOrbital::evaluateLogAndStore(ParticleSet& P,
void LatticeGaussianProduct::evaluateLogAndStore(ParticleSet& P,
ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& dG,
ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& dL)
const auto& d_table = P.getDistTable(myTableID);
RealType dist = 0.0;
PosType disp = 0.0;
int icent = 0;
LogValue = 0.0;
U = 0.0;
@ -166,24 +187,27 @@ void IonOrbital::evaluateLogAndStore(ParticleSet& P,
RealType a = ParticleAlpha[iat];
if (a > 0.0)
#ifndef ENABLE_SOA
dist = d_table.Distances[iat][icent];
disp = -1.0*d_table.Displacements[iat][icent];
int index = d_table.M[icent] + iat;
RealType dist = d_table.r(index);
PosType disp = d_table.dr(index);
dist = d_table.r(index);
disp = d_table.dr(index);
LogValue -= a * dist * dist;
U[iat] += a * dist * dist;
dU[iat] -= 2.0 * a * disp;
d2U[iat] -= 6.0 * a;
dG[iat] -= 2.0 * a * disp;
dL[iat] -= 6.0 * a;
/** equivalent to evalaute with additional data management */
void IonOrbital::registerData(ParticleSet& P, WFBufferType& buf)
void LatticeGaussianProduct::registerData(ParticleSet& P, WFBufferType& buf)
evaluateLogAndStore(P, P.G, P.L);
// Add U, d2U and dU. Keep the order!!!
@ -192,7 +216,7 @@ void IonOrbital::registerData(ParticleSet& P, WFBufferType& buf)
buf.add(FirstAddressOfdU, LastAddressOfdU);
IonOrbital::RealType IonOrbital::updateBuffer(ParticleSet& P, WFBufferType& buf, bool fromscratch = false)
LatticeGaussianProduct::RealType LatticeGaussianProduct::updateBuffer(ParticleSet& P, WFBufferType& buf, bool fromscratch = false)
evaluateLogAndStore(P, P.G, P.L);
buf.put(U.first_address(), U.last_address());
@ -207,16 +231,16 @@ IonOrbital::RealType IonOrbital::updateBuffer(ParticleSet& P, WFBufferType& buf,
*copyFromBuffer uses the data stored by registerData
void IonOrbital::copyFromBuffer(ParticleSet& P, WFBufferType& buf)
void LatticeGaussianProduct::copyFromBuffer(ParticleSet& P, WFBufferType& buf)
buf.get(U.first_address(), U.last_address());
buf.get(d2U.first_address(), d2U.last_address());
buf.get(FirstAddressOfdU, LastAddressOfdU);
WaveFunctionComponentPtr IonOrbital::makeClone(ParticleSet& tqp) const
WaveFunctionComponentPtr LatticeGaussianProduct::makeClone(ParticleSet& tqp) const
IonOrbital* j1copy = new IonOrbital(CenterRef, tqp);
LatticeGaussianProduct* j1copy = new LatticeGaussianProduct(CenterRef, tqp);
j1copy->ParticleAlpha = ParticleAlpha;
j1copy->ParticleCenter = ParticleCenter;
return j1copy;

View File

@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
/** @file IonOrbital.h
/** @file LatticeGaussianProduct.h
* @brief Simple gaussian functions used for orbitals for ions
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/WaveFunctionComponent.h"
#include "Particle/DistanceTableData.h"
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace qmcplusplus
/** A composite Orbital
struct IonOrbital : public WaveFunctionComponent
struct LatticeGaussianProduct : public WaveFunctionComponent
ParticleAttrib<RealType> U, d2U;
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ public:
std::vector<RealType> ParticleAlpha;
std::vector<int> ParticleCenter;
IonOrbital(ParticleSet& centers, ParticleSet& ptcls);
LatticeGaussianProduct(ParticleSet& centers, ParticleSet& ptcls);
/** check out optimizable variables

View File

@ -12,17 +12,17 @@
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/IonOrbitalBuilder.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/IonOrbital.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/LatticeGaussianProductBuilder.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/LatticeGaussianProduct.h"
#include "OhmmsData/AttributeSet.h"
namespace qmcplusplus
IonOrbitalBuilder::IonOrbitalBuilder(ParticleSet& p, TrialWaveFunction& psi, PtclPoolType& psets)
LatticeGaussianProductBuilder::LatticeGaussianProductBuilder(ParticleSet& p, TrialWaveFunction& psi, PtclPoolType& psets)
: WaveFunctionComponentBuilder(p, psi), ptclPool(psets)
bool IonOrbitalBuilder::put(xmlNodePtr cur)
bool LatticeGaussianProductBuilder::put(xmlNodePtr cur)
ParticleSet& p = targetPtcl;
// initialize widths to zero; if no user input, then abort
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ bool IonOrbitalBuilder::put(xmlNodePtr cur)
if (nameOpt == "")
app_warning() << " IonOrbitalBuilder::put does not have name " << std::endl;
app_warning() << " LatticeGaussianProductBuilder::put does not have name " << std::endl;
std::map<std::string, ParticleSet*>::iterator pa_it(ptclPool.find(sourceOpt));
if (pa_it == ptclPool.end())
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ bool IonOrbitalBuilder::put(xmlNodePtr cur)
app_error() << "Could not file source ParticleSet " << sourceOpt << " for ion wave function.\n";
ParticleSet* sourcePtcl = (*pa_it).second;
IonOrbital* orb = new IonOrbital(*sourcePtcl, targetPtcl);
LatticeGaussianProduct* orb = new LatticeGaussianProduct(*sourcePtcl, targetPtcl);
int num_nonzero = 0;

View File

@ -12,20 +12,20 @@
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/WaveFunctionComponentBuilder.h"
namespace qmcplusplus
class OrbitalConstraintsBase;
/** IonOrbital IonOrbital Builder with constraints
/** LatticeGaussianProduct LatticeGaussianProduct Builder with constraints
class IonOrbitalBuilder : public WaveFunctionComponentBuilder
class LatticeGaussianProductBuilder : public WaveFunctionComponentBuilder
IonOrbitalBuilder(ParticleSet& p, TrialWaveFunction& psi, PtclPoolType& psets);
LatticeGaussianProductBuilder(ParticleSet& p, TrialWaveFunction& psi, PtclPoolType& psets);
bool put(xmlNodePtr cur);
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ private:
///particleset pool to get ParticleSet other than the target
PtclPoolType& ptclPool;
///index for the jastrow type: 1, 2, 3
int IonOrbitalType;
int LatticeGaussianProductType;
std::string nameOpt;

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/WaveFunctionFactory.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/Jastrow/JastrowBuilder.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/Fermion/SlaterDetBuilder.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/IonOrbitalBuilder.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/LatticeGaussianProductBuilder.h"
#include "QMCWaveFunctions/ExampleHeBuilder.h"
#if !defined(QMC_COMPLEX)
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ bool WaveFunctionFactory::build(xmlNodePtr cur, bool buildtree)
else if (cname == WaveFunctionComponentBuilder::ionorb_tag)
IonOrbitalBuilder* builder = new IonOrbitalBuilder(*targetPtcl, *targetPsi, ptclPool);
LatticeGaussianProductBuilder* builder = new LatticeGaussianProductBuilder(*targetPtcl, *targetPsi, ptclPool);
success = builder->put(cur);
addNode(builder, cur);

View File

@ -45,6 +45,18 @@ if (add_test)
set(latdev_free_python_reqs numpy;h5py)
CHECK_PYTHON_REQS(latdev_python_reqs estimator-latdev-free add_test)
if (add_test)
1 16
set(sofk_python_reqs numpy;pandas;h5py)
CHECK_PYTHON_REQS(sofk_python_reqs estimator-sofk add_test)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import h5py
import numpy as np
def corr(trace):
""" calculate the autocorrelation of a trace of scalar data
correlation time is defined as the integral of the auto-correlation
function from t=0 to when the function first reaches 0.
trace (list): should be a 1D iterable array of floating point numbers
float: correlation_time, the autocorrelation time of this trace of scalars
mu = np.mean(trace)
stddev = np.std(trace, ddof=1)
if np.isclose(stddev, 0): # easy case
return np.inf # infinite correlation for constant trace
correlation_time = 0.
for k in range(1, len(trace)):
# calculate auto_correlation
auto_correlation = 0.0
num = len(trace)-k
auto_correlation =[:num]-mu, trace[k:]-mu)
auto_correlation *= 1.0/(num*stddev**2)
if auto_correlation > 0:
correlation_time += auto_correlation
correlation_time = 1.0 + 2.0*correlation_time
return correlation_time
def get_latdev_me(fh5, nequil):
# get raw data
fp = h5py.File(fh5, 'r')
data = fp['latdev/value'][()]
nb, ncol = data.shape
npt = nb-nequil
# calculate mean
ym = data[nequil:, :].mean(axis=0)
# calculate standard error
yc = np.array([corr(data[nequil:, icol]) for icol in range(ncol)])
neff = npt/yc
ye = data[nequil:, :].std(ddof=1, axis=0)/neff**0.5
return ym, ye
def check_latdev(w1, w2, ym, ye, ndim=3):
expect = np.array([w1**2/2.]*ndim + [w2**2/2.]*ndim)
zscore = abs(ym-expect)/ye
fail = np.any(zscore > 3.)
success = ~fail
return success, zscore
if __name__ == '__main__':
# calculate <x^2> <y^2> <z^2>
nequil = 6
fh5 = 'mt.s000.stat.h5'
ym, ye = get_latdev_me(fh5, nequil)
# check answers
w1 = 0.3
w2 = 0.5
success, zscore = check_latdev(w1, w2, ym, ye)
if not success:
if success:
# end __main__

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
<project id="mt" series="0"/>
<parameter name="lattice" units="bohr">
10 0 0
0 10 0
0 0 10
<parameter name="bconds">
p p p
<particleset name="e">
<group name="m5" size="2">
<parameter name="mass"> 5.0 </parameter>
<attrib name="position" datatype="posArray" condition="0">
1.0001 1.0001 1.0002
6.0001 6.0001 6.0002
<particleset name="trap_center">
<group name="center" size="2">
<attrib name="position" datatype="posArray" condition="0">
1 1 1
6 6 6
<particleset name="measure_center">
<group name="origin" size="2">
<attrib name="position" datatype="posArray" condition="0">
1 1 1
6 6 6
<wavefunction target="e" id="psi0">
<ionwf name="ionwf" source="trap_center" width="0.3 0.5"/>
<hamiltonian name="h0" type="generic" target="e">
<estimator name="skinetic" type="specieskinetic"/>
<estimator type="latticedeviation" name="latdev" hdf5="yes" per_xyz="yes" target="e" tgroup="m5" source="measure_center" sgroup="origin"/>
<estimator name="dens" type="density" delta="0.04 0.04 0.04" x_min="0" x_max="10" y_min="0" ymax="10" z_min="0" z_max="10"/>
<qmc method="vmc" move="whatever">
<parameter name="blocks"> 16 </parameter>
<parameter name="steps"> 1024 </parameter>
<parameter name="substeps"> 8 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep"> 0.3 </parameter>

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
<particleset name="trap_center" size="1">
<group name="center">
<particleset name="trap_center">
<group name="center" size="1">
<attrib name="position" datatype="posArray" condition="0">
0 0 0

View File

@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ SUBDIRS("FeCO6_b3lyp_gms")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Deterministic test for QMC optimizer
1 1 -s 1 -p det_He_opt -r qmc-ref/det_He_opt.s001.opt.xml
LIST(APPEND He_VMC_SCALARS "totenergy" "-3.25291030 0.000001")
1 1
MESSAGE_VERBOSE("Skipping optimizer deterministic tests in mixed precision (QMC_MIXED_PRECISION=1)")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
from optparse import OptionParser
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import sys
import os
def exit_fail(msg=None):
if msg!=None:
#end if
print('Test status: fail')
#end def exit_fail
def exit_pass(msg=None):
if msg!=None:
#end if
print('Test status: pass')
#end def exit_pass
# Open the XML file and return the jud_b value
def get_jud_b(file):
tree = ET.parse(file)
root = tree.getroot()
for elem in root.iterfind('wavefunction/jastrow/correlation/'):
return [float(i) for i in elem.text.split()]
#end def get_jud_b
passfail = {True:'pass',False:'fail'}
def run_opt_test(options):
prefix_file = options.prefix+'.s'+str(options.series).zfill(3)+'.opt.xml'
# Set default for the reference
ref_file = './qmc-ref/{0}'.format(prefix_file) if options.ref is None else options.ref
if not os.path.exists(prefix_file):
exit_fail("Test not found:" + prefix_file)
if not os.path.exists(ref_file):
exit_fail("Reference not found:" + ref_file)
output = get_jud_b(prefix_file)
reference = get_jud_b(ref_file)
if len(output) != len(reference):
exit_fail('Number of coefficient in test({0}) does not match with the reference({1})'.format(len(output),len(reference)))
success = True
tolerance = 1e-06
deviation = []
for i in range(len(output)):
quant_success = deviation[i] <= tolerance
if quant_success is False:
success &= quant_success
#end if
#end for
msg='\n Testing Series: {0}\n'.format(options.series)
msg+=' reference coefficients : {0}\n'.format(reference)
msg+=' computed coefficients : {0}\n'.format(output)
msg+=' pass tolerance : {0: 12.6f}\n'.format(tolerance)
msg+=' deviation from reference : {0}\n'.format(deviation)
msg+=' status of this test : {0}\n'.format(passfail[success])
return success, msg
#end def run_opt_test
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = OptionParser(
usage='usage: %prog [options]',
help='Print help information and exit (default=%default).'
help='Prefix for output files (default=%default).'
help='Output series to analyze (default=%default).'
help='Reference to check output files (default=./qmc-ref/$PREFIX).'
options,files_in = parser.parse_args()
#end if
success,msg = run_opt_test(options)
if success:
#end if

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project id="det_He_opt" series="0"/>
<random seed="509"/>
<!-- Location of atoms -->
<particleset name="ion0" size="1">
<group name="He">
<parameter name="charge">2</parameter>
<attrib name="position" datatype="posArray">
0.0 0.0 0.0
<!-- Randomly create electrons around the atomic position -->
<particleset name="e" random="yes" randomsrc="ion0">
<group name="u" size="1">
<parameter name="charge">-1</parameter>
<group name="d" size="1">
<parameter name="charge">-1</parameter>
<!-- Trial wavefunction - use Slater determinant multiplied by a Jastrow factor -->
<wavefunction name="psi0" target="e">
<!-- Electron-electron Jastrow of Pade form -->
<!-- For two electron system, only have up-down interaction -->
<jastrow name="Jee" type="Two-Body" function="pade">
<correlation speciesA="u" speciesB="d">
<var id="jud_b" name="B">0.821683</var>
<determinantset type="MO" key="STO" transform="no" source="ion0">
<!-- Use a single Slater Type Orbital (STO) for the basis. Cusp condition is correct. -->
<atomicBasisSet type="STO" elementType="He">
<basisGroup rid="R0" n="1" l="0" m="0" type="Slater">
<radfunc exponent="2.0"/>
<determinant id="updet" spin="1" size="1"/>
<determinant id="downdet" spin="-1" size="1"/>
<!-- Hamiltonian - the energy of interactions between particles -->
<hamiltonian name="h0" type="generic" target="e">
<!-- Electon-electron -->
<pairpot name="ElecElec" type="coulomb" source="e" target="e"/>
<!-- Electon-ion -->
<pairpot name="Coulomb" type="coulomb" source="ion0" target="e"/>
<!-- Ion-ion (not needed for a single atom) -->
<!--<constant name="IonIon" type="coulomb" source="ion0" target="ion0"/>-->
<!-- QMC method(s) to run -->
<!-- Optimize parameters - in this case only the B value on the Jastrow is adjustable -->
<loop max="2">
<qmc method="linear" move="pbyp" checkpoint="-1" gpu="yes">
<parameter name="blocks"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps"> 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples"> 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="substeps"> 2 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep"> 1.0 </parameter>
<parameter name="walkers"> 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="samples"> 5 </parameter>
<parameter name="minwalkers"> 1e-3 </parameter>
<parameter name="useDrift"> no </parameter>
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<parameter name="MinMethod">OneShiftOnly</parameter>
<qmc method="vmc" move="pbyp">
<estimator name="LocalEnergy" hdf5="no"/>
<parameter name="walkers" > 1 </parameter>
<parameter name="blocks" > 3 </parameter>
<parameter name="steps" > 3 </parameter>
<parameter name="subSteps" > 2 </parameter>
<parameter name="timestep" > 0.3 </parameter>
<parameter name="warmupSteps" > 3 </parameter>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
Input file(s): det_He_opt.xml
(c) Copyright 2003- QMCPACK developers
Please cite:
J. Kim et al. J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 30 195901 (2018)
Global options
MPI Nodes = 1
MPI Nodes per group = 1
MPI Group ID = 0
OMP 1st level threads = 1
OMP nested threading disabled or only 1 thread on the 2nd level
Precision used in this calculation, see definitions in the manual:
Base precision = double
Full precision = double
Input XML = det_He_opt.xml
Project = det_He_opt
date = 2019-09-26 12:54:24 CDT
host = hshin
Random Number
Offset for the random number seeds from input file (mod 1024): 509
Range of prime numbers to use as seeds over processors and threads = 3659-3671
Particle Set
Name: ion0
All the species have the same mass 1
Particle set size: 1
Particle Set
Name: e
All the species have the same mass 1
Particle set size: 2
Wavefunction setup:
Name: psi0
Distance table for similar particles (A-A):
source/target: e
Using array-of-structure (AoS) data layout (less efficient than SoA)
Distance computations use open boundary conditions in 3D.
RadialJastrowBuilder adds a functor with cusp = -0.5
Created SPOSet builder named 'MO' of type mo
Distance table for dissimilar particles (A-B):
source: ion0 target: e
Using array-of-structure (AoS) data layout (less efficient than SoA)
Distance computations use open boundary conditions in 3D.
AO BasisSet for He
Spherical Harmonics DO NOT contain (-1)^m factor
Angular momentum m expanded according to Gaussian
R(n,l,m,s) 1 0 0 0
Expanding Ylm according to Gaussian98
Slater Component (n,zeta,c)= 0 2 1
Adding 1 spherical orbitals for l= 0
Maximu Angular Momentum = 0
Number of Radial functors = 1
Basis size = 1
Reuse SPOSetBuilder "MO" type MO
Building SPOSet '' with '' basis set.
Creating LCOrbitalSet with the Identity coefficient
Using Identity for the LCOrbitalSet
Reuse SPOSetBuilder "MO" type MO
Building SPOSet '' with '' basis set.
Creating LCOrbitalSet with the Identity coefficient
Using Identity for the LCOrbitalSet
Creating a determinant updet group=0 sposet=updet
Reusing a SPO set updet
Using DiracDeterminant
Using rank-1 Sherman-Morrison Fahy update
Creating a determinant downdet group=1 sposet=downdet
Reusing a SPO set downdet
Using DiracDeterminant
Using rank-1 Sherman-Morrison Fahy update
FermionWF = SlaterDet
QMCHamiltonian::addOperator Kinetic to H, physical Hamiltonian
QMCHamiltonian::addOperator ElecElec to H, physical Hamiltonian
QMCHamiltonian::addOperatorType added type coulomb named ElecElec
QMCHamiltonian::addOperator Coulomb to H, physical Hamiltonian
QMCHamiltonian::addOperatorType added type coulomb named Coulomb
QMCHamiltonian::add2WalkerProperty added
3 to P::PropertyList
0 to P::Collectables
starting Index of the observables in P::PropertyList = 9
<init source="ion0" target="e">
Initialization Execution time = 0.005507 secs
Summary of QMC systems
ParticleSetPool has:
ParticleSet e : 0 1 2
u 4.6333976634e-01 3.0608863347e-01 4.9310967804e-01
d -6.7785341780e-01 5.0185440135e-01 2.4719705737e-01
ParticleSet ion0 : 0 1
He 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00
Hamiltonian h0
Kinetic Kinetic energy
ElecElec CoulombAA source/target e
Coulomb CoulombAB source=ion0
Loop execution max-interations = 2
Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
File Root det_He_opt.s000 append = no
Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 12
Adding 1 walkers to 0 existing sets
Total number of walkers: 1.0000000000e+00
Total weight: 1.0000000000e+00
Start VMC
File Root det_He_opt.s000 append = no
Using the current 1 walkers.
Total number of walkers: 1.0000000000e+00
Total weight: 1.0000000000e+00
Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 12
<vmc function="put">
qmc_counter=0 my_counter=0
time step = 1.0000000000e+00
blocks = 5
steps = 1
substeps = 2
current = 0
target samples = 5.0000000000e+00
walkers/mpi = 1
stepsbetweensamples = 1
<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">5</parameter>
<parameter name="blocks_between_recompute" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">5.0000000000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="samples" condition="real">5.0000000000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">5.0000000000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">2</parameter>
<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">2</parameter>
<parameter name="tau" condition="au">1.0000000000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">1.0000000000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">1.0000000000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">1</parameter>
DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
Using QMCCostFunction::QMCCostFunction
Using Default Cost Function: Cost = <|E-E_ff|^2>
<vmc stage="main" blocks="5">
Initial partition of walkers 0 1
Using Particle by Particle moves
Walker moves without drift
Total Sample Size =5
Walker distribution on root = 0 1
===== Memory Usage after the buffer registration =====
Available memory on node 0, free + buffers : 26914 MB
Memory footprint by rank 0 on node 0 : 14 MB
Anonymous Buffer size per walker : 736 Bytes.
MEMORY increase 0 MB VMC::resetRun
SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
QMC counter = 0
time step = 1
reference energy = -3.15245
reference variance = 4.3192e-16
Execution time = 1.4246e-02
<opt stage="setup">
Reading configurations from h5FileRoot det_He_opt.s000
QMCCostFunction is created with 1 threads.
Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: no
Number of samples loaded to each thread : 5
VMC Eavg = -3.0577e+00
VMC Evar = 2.3921e-02
Total weights = 5.0000e+00
Execution time = 1.7555e-04
<opt stage="main" walkers="5">
Building overlap and Hamiltonian matrices
Among totally 1 optimized parameters, largest LM parameter change : 4.0057e-01 at parameter 0
Init Cost = -2.7495e+00 New Cost = -2.6597e+00 Delta Cost = 8.9775e-02
The new set of parameters is valid. Updating the trial wave function!
Applying the update for shift_i = 1.0000e-02 and shift_s = 2.5000e-01
Execution time = 1.5065e-02
<optVariables href="det_He_opt.s000.opt.xml">
jud_b 4.2112e-01 0 1 ON 0
Restore the number of walkers to 1, removing 0 walkers.
QMC Execution time = 1.7985e-02 secs
Reusing QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
Using QMCCostFunction::QMCCostFunction
Using Default Cost Function: Cost = <|E-E_ff|^2>
Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
File Root det_He_opt.s001 append = no
Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 12
Start VMC
File Root det_He_opt.s001 append = no
Using existing walkers
Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 12
<vmc function="put">
qmc_counter=1 my_counter=1
time step = 1.0000e+00
blocks = 5
steps = 1
substeps = 2
current = 0
target samples = 5.0000e+00
walkers/mpi = 1
stepsbetweensamples = 1
<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">5</parameter>
<parameter name="blocks_between_recompute" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">5.0000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000e+05</parameter>
<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="samples" condition="real">5.0000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">5.0000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">2</parameter>
<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">2</parameter>
<parameter name="tau" condition="au">1.0000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">1.0000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">1.0000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">1</parameter>
DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
EstimatorManagerBase::add replace LocalEnergy estimator.
EstimatorManagerBase::add replace LocalEnergy estimator.
<vmc stage="main" blocks="5">
Cannot make clones again. Use existing 1 clones
Initial partition of walkers 0 1
Using Particle by Particle moves
Walker moves without drift
Total Sample Size =5
Walker distribution on root = 0 1
===== Memory Usage after the buffer registration =====
Available memory on node 0, free + buffers : 26913 MB
Memory footprint by rank 0 on node 0 : 15 MB
SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
QMC counter = 1
time step = 1
reference energy = -3.16985
reference variance = 5.45454e-16
Execution time = 1.6388e-02
<opt stage="setup">
Reading configurations from h5FileRoot det_He_opt.s001
QMCCostFunction is created with 1 threads.
Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: no
Number of samples loaded to each thread : 5
VMC Eavg = -3.0508e+00
VMC Evar = 9.4500e-03
Total weights = 5.0000e+00
Execution time = 1.2194e-04
<opt stage="main" walkers="5">
Building overlap and Hamiltonian matrices
Among totally 1 optimized parameters, largest LM parameter change : 5.0577e-01 at parameter 0
Init Cost = -2.7448e+00 New Cost = -2.3147e+00 Delta Cost = 4.3005e-01
The new set of parameters is valid. Updating the trial wave function!
Applying the update for shift_i = 1.0000e-02 and shift_s = 6.2500e-02
Execution time = 1.6797e-02
<optVariables href="det_He_opt.s001.opt.xml">
jud_b -8.4651e-02 0 1 ON 0
Restore the number of walkers to 1, removing 0 walkers.
QMC Execution time = 1.9497e-02 secs
Start VMC
File Root det_He_opt.s002 append = no
Using the current 1 walkers.
Total number of walkers: 1.0000e+00
Total weight: 1.0000e+00
Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 12
<vmc function="put">
qmc_counter=0 my_counter=0
time step = 3.0000e-01
blocks = 3
steps = 3
substeps = 2
current = 0
target samples = 0.0000e+00
walkers/mpi = 1
stepsbetweensamples = 12
<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">3</parameter>
<parameter name="blocks_between_recompute" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">0.0000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000e+05</parameter>
<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">12</parameter>
<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">12</parameter>
<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="samples" condition="real">0.0000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">0.0000e+00</parameter>
<parameter name="steps" condition="int">3</parameter>
<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">12</parameter>
<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">2</parameter>
<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">2</parameter>
<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000e-01</parameter>
<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000e-01</parameter>
<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000e-01</parameter>
<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">yes</parameter>
<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">yes</parameter>
<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">3</parameter>
<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">3</parameter>
DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
Walker Samples are dumped every 12 steps.
EstimatorManagerBase::add replace LocalEnergy estimator.
Cannot make clones again. Use existing 1 clones
Initial partition of walkers 0 1
Using Particle by Particle moves
Walker moves with drift
Total Sample Size =0
Walker distribution on root = 0 1
===== Memory Usage after the buffer registration =====
Available memory on node 0, free + buffers : 26913 MB
Memory footprint by rank 0 on node 0 : 16 MB
Anonymous Buffer size per walker : 736 Bytes.
MEMORY increase 0 MB VMC::resetRun
SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
QMC counter = 2
time step = 0.3
reference energy = -2.99109
reference variance = 7.11317e-16
QMC Execution time = 1.0857e-02 secs
Total Execution time = 7.6159e-02 secs
A new xml input file : det_He_opt.s002.cont.xml

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wavefunction name="psi0" target="e">
<!-- Electron-electron Jastrow of Pade form -->
<!-- For two electron system, only have up-down interaction -->
<jastrow name="Jee" type="Two-Body" function="pade">
<correlation speciesA="u" speciesB="d">
<var id="jud_b" name="B">4.2111744884e-01</var>
<determinantset type="MO" key="STO" transform="no" source="ion0">
<!-- Use a single Slater Type Orbital (STO) for the basis. Cusp condition is correct. -->
<atomicBasisSet type="STO" elementType="He">
<basisGroup rid="R0" n="1" l="0" m="0" type="Slater">
<radfunc exponent="2.0"/>
<determinant id="updet" spin="1" size="1"/>
<determinant id="downdet" spin="-1" size="1"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# index LocalEnergy LocalEnergy_sq LocalPotential Kinetic ElecElec Coulomb BlockWeight BlockCPU AcceptRatio
0 -2.8693692504e+00 8.2332798953e+00 -4.1807725966e+00 1.3114033461e+00 1.0080398665e+00 -5.1888124630e+00 1.0000000000e+00 3.4207012504e-05 0.0000000000e+00
1 -2.8693692504e+00 8.2332798953e+00 -4.1807725966e+00 1.3114033461e+00 1.0080398665e+00 -5.1888124630e+00 1.0000000000e+00 2.8225127608e-05 0.0000000000e+00
2 -3.1985684964e+00 1.0230840426e+01 -4.1513564400e+00 9.5278794362e-01 5.6852958937e-01 -4.7198860294e+00 1.0000000000e+00 1.9866041839e-05 2.5000000000e-01
3 -3.1985684964e+00 1.0230840426e+01 -4.1513564400e+00 9.5278794362e-01 5.6852958937e-01 -4.7198860294e+00 1.0000000000e+00 1.0584015399e-05 0.0000000000e+00
4 -3.1524513516e+00 9.9379495240e+00 -4.3231470478e+00 1.1706956962e+00 5.8159544275e-01 -4.9047424905e+00 1.0000000000e+00 1.1848052964e-05 2.5000000000e-01

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wavefunction name="psi0" target="e">
<!-- Electron-electron Jastrow of Pade form -->
<!-- For two electron system, only have up-down interaction -->
<jastrow name="Jee" type="Two-Body" function="pade">
<correlation speciesA="u" speciesB="d">
<var id="jud_b" name="B">-8.4650968808e-02</var>
<determinantset type="MO" key="STO" transform="no" source="ion0">
<!-- Use a single Slater Type Orbital (STO) for the basis. Cusp condition is correct. -->
<atomicBasisSet type="STO" elementType="He">
<basisGroup rid="R0" n="1" l="0" m="0" type="Slater">
<radfunc exponent="2.0"/>
<determinant id="updet" spin="1" size="1"/>
<determinant id="downdet" spin="-1" size="1"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# index LocalEnergy LocalEnergy_sq LocalPotential Kinetic ElecElec Coulomb BlockWeight BlockCPU AcceptRatio
0 -2.9714189034e+00 8.8293302995e+00 -4.2003228042e+00 1.2289039007e+00 6.4666378233e-01 -4.8469865865e+00 1.0000000000e+00 2.6641180739e-05 0.0000000000e+00
1 -2.9714189034e+00 8.8293302995e+00 -4.2003228042e+00 1.2289039007e+00 6.4666378233e-01 -4.8469865865e+00 1.0000000000e+00 2.7853995562e-05 0.0000000000e+00
2 -2.9714189034e+00 8.8293302995e+00 -4.2003228042e+00 1.2289039007e+00 6.4666378233e-01 -4.8469865865e+00 1.0000000000e+00 1.1723954231e-05 0.0000000000e+00
3 -3.1698500253e+00 1.0047949183e+01 -3.1885487562e+00 1.8698730834e-02 4.5885480920e-01 -3.6474035654e+00 1.0000000000e+00 1.8547056243e-05 5.0000000000e-01
4 -3.1698500253e+00 1.0047949183e+01 -3.1885487562e+00 1.8698730834e-02 4.5885480920e-01 -3.6474035654e+00 1.0000000000e+00 9.1879628599e-06 0.0000000000e+00

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# index LocalEnergy LocalEnergy_sq LocalPotential Kinetic ElecElec Coulomb BlockWeight BlockCPU AcceptRatio
0 -2.7703289496e+00 7.7103975692e+00 -4.3416072316e+00 1.5712782820e+00 5.6775267621e-01 -4.9093599078e+00 3.0000000000e+00 5.6974822655e-05 5.8333333333e-01
1 -2.8507266854e+00 8.3076044433e+00 -6.2424199435e+00 3.3916932580e+00 1.0075119406e+00 -7.2499318840e+00 3.0000000000e+00 5.7344790548e-05 7.5000000000e-01
2 -3.2529102977e+00 1.1144096729e+01 -5.7307184049e+00 2.4778081071e+00 1.5127657526e+00 -7.2434841574e+00 3.0000000000e+00 3.6464072764e-05 5.8333333333e-01