Detect srun for slurm on Crays

git-svn-id: e5b18d87-469d-4833-9cc0-8cdfa06e9491
This commit is contained in:
Paul Kent 2016-02-01 20:46:18 +00:00
parent e6eb52a4e9
commit f7c6404171
2 changed files with 80 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -290,6 +290,10 @@ ELSE(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE)
# Flags for ctest
# For slurm use srun

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@ -285,7 +285,9 @@ config directory. For example, on Cray systems these scripts might
load the appropriate modules to set the appropriate programming
environment, specific library versions etc.
An example script is given below:
An example script is given below. It is overly complex for
the sake of example:
export CXX=mpic++
export CC=mpicc
@ -309,15 +311,25 @@ cmake \
\section{Installation instructions for common workstations and
This section describes how to build QMCPACK on various common systems
including multiple Linux distributions, Apple OS X, and various
supercomputers. Note that updates to operating systems may require
small modifications to these recipes.
\subsection{Installing on Ubuntu Linux}
supercomputers. The examples should serve as good starting point for
building QMCPACK on similar machines. For example, the software
environment on modern Crays is very consistent. Note that updates to
operating systems and system software may require small modifications
to these recipes. See Section \label{sec:buildperformance} for key
points to check to obtain highest performance and
Section \label{sec:troubleshoot} for troubleshooting hints.
All the required packages are available in the
default repositories making for a quick installation. Note that for
convenience we use a generic BLAS. For production a platform optimized BLAS should be used.
\subsection{Installing on Ubuntu Linux or other apt-get based distribution}
The following is designed to obtain a working QMCPACK build on e.g. a
student laptop, starting from a basic Linux installation with none of
the developer tools installed. Fortunately, all the required packages
are available in the default repositories making for a quick
installation. Note that for convenience we use a generic BLAS. For
production a platform optimized BLAS should be used.
apt-get subversion cmake g++ openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev libboost-dev
@ -334,13 +346,15 @@ For qmca and other tools to function, we install some python libraries:
sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-matplotlib
\subsection{Installing on CentOS Linux}
\subsection{Installing on CentOS Linux or other yum based distribution}
Currently this version of CentOS (Red Hat compatible) is using gcc
4.8.2. The installation is only complicated by the need to install
another repository to obtain HDF5 packages. Note that for convenience
we use a generic BLAS. For production a platform optimized BLAS should
be used.
The following is designed to obtain a working QMCPACK build on e.g. a
student laptop, starting from a basic Linux installation with none of
the developer tools installed. CentOS 7 (Red Hat compatible) is using
gcc 4.8.2. The installation is only complicated by the need to install
another repository to obtain HDF5 packages which are not available by
default. Note that for convenience we use a generic BLAS. For
production a platform optimized BLAS should be used.
sudo yum install make cmake gcc gcc-c++ subversion openmpi openmpi-devel fftw fftw-devel boost boost-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel
@ -349,7 +363,13 @@ module load mpi
To setup repoforge as a source for the HDF5 package, go to . Install the appropriate up to date release package for your OS. By default the CentOS Firefox will offer to run the installer. The CentOS 6.5 settings were usable for HDF5 on CentOS 7 in July 2014, but use CentOS 7 versions when they become available.
To setup repoforge as a source for the HDF5 package, go to
\url{} . Install the appropriate up to date
release package for your OS. By default the CentOS Firefox will offer
to run the installer. The CentOS 6.5 settings were usable for HDF5 on
CentOS 7 in July 2014, but use CentOS 7 versions when they become
sudo yum install hdf5 hdf5-devel
@ -369,8 +389,10 @@ ls -l bin/qmcapp
\subsection{Installing on Mac OS X using Macports}
These instructions assume a fresh installation of macports
and for consistency with current Linux distributions, use the gcc 4.8.2
compiler. It is vital to ensure matching compilers/options for all
packages and to force use of what is installed in /opt/local
compiler. More recent versions are fine, but it is vital to ensure matching compilers/options for all
packages and to force use of what is installed in /opt/local. As with
the Linux examples above, this build is very good if not optimal, and
is easily good enough to learn QMCPACK or experiment on a travel laptop.
Note that we utilize the Apple provided Accelerate framework for optimized BLAS.
@ -418,12 +440,26 @@ export FFTW_HOME=/opt/local
cd build
cmake ..
make -j 6 # Adjust for available core count
ls -l bin/qmcapp
\subsection{Installing on ANL ALCF Mira IBM BGQ}
\subsection{Installing on ORNL OLCF Titan Cray XK7 (NVIDIA GPU
Titan is a GPU accelerated supercomputer at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory's Oak Ridge Leadship Computing Facility (ORNL OLCF). Each
compute node has a 16 core AMD 2.2GHz Opteron 6274 (Interlagos) and an
NVIDIA Kepler accelerator. The standard Cray software environment is
available, with libraries accessed via modules. The only extra
settings required to build the GPU version are the cudatoolkit module
and specifiying -DQMC_CUDA=1 on the cmake configure line.
Note that on Crays the compiler wrappers ``CC'' and ``cc'' are
used. The build system checks for these and does not (should not) use
the compilers directly.
module swap PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-gnu # Use gnu compilers
module load cudatoolkit # CUDA for GPU build
@ -435,9 +471,13 @@ module load boost
mkdir build_titan_gpu
cd build_titan_gpu
cmake -DQMC_CUDA=1 .. # Must enable CUDA capabilities
ls -l bin/qmcapp
\subsection{Installing on ORNL OLCF Titan Cray XK7 (CPU version)}
As noted in Section\ref{sec:titanbuildgpu} for the GPU, building on
Crays requires only loading the appropriate library modules.
module swap PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-gnu # Use gnu compilers
module unload cudatoolkit # No CUDA for CPU build
@ -449,9 +489,14 @@ module load boost
mkdir build_titan_cpu
cd build_titan_cpu
cmake ..
ls -l bin/qmcapp
\subsection{Installing on ORNL OLCF Eos Cray XC30}
Eos is Cray XC30 with 16 core Intel Xeon E5-2670 processors connected
by the Aries interconnect. The build process is identical to titan,
except that we use the default Intel programming environment. This is
usually preferred to gnu.
module load cray-hdf5
module load cmake
@ -461,10 +506,14 @@ module load boost
mkdir build_eos
cd build_eos
cmake ..
ls -l bin/qmcapp
\subsection{Installing on NERSC Edison Cray XC30}
Edison is a Cray XC30 with dual 12-core Intel "Ivy Bridge" nodes
installed at NERSC. The build settings are identical to eos.
module load cray-hdf5
module load cmake
@ -474,6 +523,7 @@ module load boost
mkdir build_edison
cd build_edison
cmake ..
ls -l bin/qmcapp
When the above was tested on 1 February 2016, the following module and
software versions were present:
@ -490,19 +540,25 @@ Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
8) cray-libsci/13.3.0 16) alps/5.2.3-2.0502.9295.14.14.ari 24) altd/2.0
\subsection{Installing on NERSC Cori Cray XC40}
\subsection{Installing on NERSC Cori (Phase 1) Cray XC40}
Cori is a Cray XC40 with 16-core Intel "Haswell" nodes
installed at NERSC. The build settings are identical to eos.
module load cray-hdf5
module load cmake
module load fftw
module load boost
mkdir build_edison
cd build_edison
mkdir build_cori
cd build_cori
cmake ..
ls -l bin/qmcapp
When the above was tested on 1 February 2016, the following module and
software versions were present:
qmcpack@cori05:trunk> module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
@ -543,6 +599,7 @@ Most recent C++ compiler
Optimized BLAS. Vector math library.
\section{Troubleshooting the installation}
Build on a workstation you control
Verbose builds