nexus compatible with stampede2

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Cody Melton 2018-05-16 10:48:50 -05:00
parent d044c3e2fb
commit eda358daf5
1 changed files with 45 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1342,7 +1342,8 @@ class Supercomputer(Machine):
PD = 'waiting',
R = 'running',
S = 'suspended',
CD = 'complete'
CD = 'complete',
RD = 'held'
elif self.queue_querier=='sacct':
self.job_states=dict(CANCELLED = 'failed', #long form
@ -1588,8 +1589,10 @@ class Supercomputer(Machine):
status = None
if len(tokens)==8:
jid,loc,name,uname,status,wtime,nodes,reason = tokens
elif len(tokens)==11: # nersc squeue output
elif len(tokens)==11 and != 'stampede2': # nersc squeue output
jid,uname,acc,jname,part,qos,nodes,tlimit,wtime,status,start_time = tokens
elif len(tokens)==11 and == 'stampede2': # nersc squeue output
jid,loc,name,uname,status,wtime,nodes,reason,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3 = tokens
#end if
if status is not None:
if status in self.job_states:
@ -2857,6 +2860,45 @@ class SuperMUC(Supercomputer):
#end def write_job_header
#end class SuperMUC
class Stampede2(Supercomputer):
name = 'stampede2'
requires_account = True
batch_capable = True
#executable_subfile = True
prefixed_output = True
outfile_extension = '.output'
errfile_extension = '.error'
def write_job_header(self,job):
if job.queue is None:
job.total_hours = job.days*24 + job.hours + job.minutes/60.0 + job.seconds/3600.0
if job.total_hours > 48: # warn if job will take more than 96 hrs.
self.warn('!!! ATTENTION !!!\n the maximum runtime on {0} should not be more than {1}\n you requested: {2}'.format(job.queue,max_time,job.total_hours))
job.hours = max_time
job.minutes =0
job.seconds =0
#end if
c+='#SBATCH --job-name '+str('\n'
c+='#SBATCH --account='+str(job.account)+'\n'
c+='#SBATCH -N '+str(job.nodes)+'\n'
c+='#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node={0}\n'.format(job.processes_per_node)
c+='#SBATCH --cpus-per-task={0}\n'.format(job.threads)
c+='#SBATCH -t {0}:{1}:{2}\n'.format(str(job.hours+24*job.days).zfill(2),str(job.minutes).zfill(2),str(job.seconds).zfill(2))
c+='#SBATCH -o {0}\n'.format(job.outfile)
c+='#SBATCH -e {0}\n'.format(job.errfile)
c+='#SBATCH -p {0}\n'.format(job.queue)
return c
#end def write_job_header
#end class Stampede2
#Known machines
@ -2892,6 +2934,7 @@ Skybridge( 1848, 2, 16, 64, 1000, 'srun', 'sbatch', 'squeue', 'sc
Redsky( 2302, 2, 8, 12, 1000, 'srun', 'sbatch', 'squeue', 'scancel')
Solo( 187, 2, 18, 128, 1000, 'srun', 'sbatch', 'squeue', 'scancel')
SuperMUC( 205, 4, 10, 256, 8,'mpiexec', 'llsubmit', 'llq','llcancel')
Stampede2( 4200, 1, 68, 96, 50, 'ibrun', 'sbatch', 'squeue', 'scancel')
#machine accessor functions