Moved to QMCDrivers.

git-svn-id: e5b18d87-469d-4833-9cc0-8cdfa06e9491
This commit is contained in:
Jeongnim Kim 2005-05-14 17:57:58 +00:00
parent b0c81c3f4a
commit de94bc69e5
4 changed files with 0 additions and 678 deletions

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@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
// (c) Copyright 2003- by Jeongnim Kim
// Jeongnim Kim
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications &
// Materials Computation Center
// University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
// Urbana, IL 61801
// e-mail:
// Tel: 217-244-6319 (NCSA) 217-333-3324 (MCC)
// Supported by
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications, UIUC
// Materials Computation Center, UIUC
// Department of Physics, Ohio State University
// Ohio Supercomputer Center
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "QMC/VMCMoveAll.h"
#include "Utilities/OhmmsInfo.h"
#include "Particle/MCWalkerConfiguration.h"
#include "Particle/DistanceTable.h"
#include "Particle/HDFWalkerIO.h"
#include "ParticleBase/ParticleUtility.h"
#include "ParticleBase/RandomSeqGenerator.h"
#include "Message/Communicate.h"
#include "Utilities/Clock.h"
namespace ohmmsqmc {
/// Constructor.
VMCMoveAll::VMCMoveAll(MCWalkerConfiguration& w,
TrialWaveFunction& psi,
QMCHamiltonian& h,
xmlNodePtr q):
QMCDriver(w,psi,h,q) {
RootName = "vmc";
QMCType ="vmc";
/** Run the VMCMoveAll algorithm.
* \param nblocks number of blocks
* \param nsteps number of steps
* \param tau the timestep
* Advance the walkers nblocks*nsteps timesteps.
* For each timestep:
* <ul>
* <li> Move all the particles of a walker.
* <li> Calculate the properties for the new walker configuration.
* <li> Accept/reject the new configuration.
* <li> Accumulate the estimators.
* </ul>
* For each block:
* <ul>
* <li> Flush the estimators and print to file.
* <li> (Optional) Print the ensemble of walker configurations.
* </ul>
* Default mode: Print the ensemble of walker configurations
* at the end of the run.
bool VMCMoveAll::run() {
//set the data members to start a new run
//probably unnecessary
MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator it = W.begin();
MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator it_end = W.end();
while(it != it_end) {
(*it)->Properties(WEIGHT) = 1.0;
//create an output engine
HDFWalkerOutput WO(RootName);
IndexType block = 0;
Pooma::Clock timer;
double wh=0.0;
IndexType accstep=0;
IndexType nAcceptTot = 0;
IndexType nRejectTot = 0;
do {
IndexType step = 0;
nAccept = 0; nReject=0;
do {
} while(step<nSteps);
nAcceptTot += nAccept;
nRejectTot += nReject;
LogOut->getStream() << "Block " << block << " " << timer.cpu_time() << endl;
if(pStride) WO.get(W);
nAccept = 0; nReject = 0;
} while(block<nBlocks);
<< "Ratio = "
<< static_cast<double>(nAcceptTot)/static_cast<double>(nAcceptTot+nRejectTot)
<< endl;
if(!pStride) WO.get(W);
return true;
} else {
ERRORMSG("Error with Input")
return false;
VMCMoveAll::put(xmlNodePtr q){
xmlNodePtr qsave=q;
bool success = putQMCInfo(q);
success = Estimators.put(qsave);
return success;
/** Advance all the walkers simultaneously.
* Broken and does not help us at all
void VMCMoveAll::advanceAllWalkers() {
// deltaR.resize(W.getTotalNum());
// WalkerSetRef Wref(W);
// Wref.resize(W.getActiveWalkers(),W.getTotalNum());
// //Pooma::Clock timer;
// RealType oneovertau = 1.0/Tau;
// RealType oneover2tau = 0.5*oneovertau;
// RealType g = sqrt(Tau);
// MCWalkerConfiguration::PropertyContainer_t Properties;
// makeGaussRandom(Wref.R);
// Wref.R *= g;
// int nptcl = W.getTotalNum();
// int iw = 0;
// MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator it = W.begin();
// while(it != W.end()) {
// const ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t& r = (*it)->R;
// for(int jat=0; jat<nptcl; jat++) {
// Wref.R(iw,jat) += r(jat) + (*it)->Drift(jat);
// }
// iw++; it++;
// }
// DistanceTable::update(Wref);
// OrbitalBase::ValueVectorType logpsi(iw), energy(iw);
// Psi.evaluate(Wref,logpsi);
// H.evaluate(Wref,energy);
// //multiply tau to convert gradient to drift term
// Wref.G *= Tau;
// iw = 0;
// it = W.begin();
// while(it != W.end()) {
// ValueType eold = Properties(LOCALENERGY);
// for(int iat=0; iat<nptcl; iat++)
// deltaR(iat) = Wref.R(iw,iat) - (*it)->R(iat) - (*it)->Drift(iat);
// //RealType forwardGF = exp(-oneover2tau*Dot(deltaR,deltaR));
// RealType logforwardGF = -oneover2tau*Dot(deltaR,deltaR);
// for(int iat=0; iat<nptcl; iat++)
// deltaR(iat) = (*it)->R(iat) - Wref.R(iw,iat) - Wref.G(iw,iat);
// ////RealType backwardGF = exp(-oneover2tau*Dot(deltaR,deltaR));
// RealType logbackwardGF = -oneover2tau*Dot(deltaR,deltaR);
// RealType logpsi=psi(iw);
// RealType g=exp(logbackwardGF-logforwardGF+2.0*(logpsi-(*it)->Properties(LOGPSI)));
// //ValueType psisq = psi(iw)*psi(iw);
// if(Random() > g) {
// ++nReject;
// (*it)->Properties(AGE) += 1;
// } else {
// (*it)->Properties(AGE) = 0;
// for(int iat=0; iat<nptcl; iat++) (*it)->R(iat) = Wref.R(iw,iat);
// for(int iat=0; iat<nptcl; iat++) (*it)->Drift(iat) = Wref.G(iw,iat);
// (*it)->Properties(PSI) = psi(iw);
// (*it)->Properties(LOGPSI) = logpsi;//log(fabs(psi));
// (*it)->Properties(LOCALENERGY) = energy(iw);
// ++nAccept;
// }
// iw++;it++;
// }
* $RCSfile$ $Author$
* $Revision$ $Date$
* $Id$

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// (c) Copyright 2003- by Jeongnim Kim
// Jeongnim Kim
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications &
// Materials Computation Center
// University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
// Urbana, IL 61801
// e-mail:
// Tel: 217-244-6319 (NCSA) 217-333-3324 (MCC)
// Supported by
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications, UIUC
// Materials Computation Center, UIUC
// Department of Physics, Ohio State University
// Ohio Supercomputer Center
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef OHMMS_QMC_VMCMoveAll_H
#define OHMMS_QMC_VMCMoveAll_H
#include "QMC/QMCDriver.h"
namespace ohmmsqmc {
/** Implements the VMCMoveAll algorithm.
* This class is just for a record. Not being used by qmcPlusPlus applications.
* Possible that we can use this class for Vector machines!
class VMCMoveAll: public QMCDriver {
/// Constructor.
VMCMoveAll(MCWalkerConfiguration& w,
TrialWaveFunction& psi,
QMCHamiltonian& h,
xmlNodePtr q);
bool run();
bool put(xmlNodePtr cur);
/// Copy Constructor (disabled)
VMCMoveAll(const VMCMoveAll& a): QMCDriver(a) { }
/// Copy operator (disabled).
VMCMoveAll& operator=(const VMCMoveAll&) { return *this;}
///temporary storage for drift
ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t drift;
///temporary storage for random displacement
ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t deltaR;
void advanceAllWalkers();
* $RCSfile$ $Author$
* $Revision$ $Date$
* $Id$

View File

@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
// (c) Copyright 2003- by Jeongnim Kim
// Jeongnim Kim
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications &
// Materials Computation Center
// University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
// Urbana, IL 61801
// e-mail:
// Tel: 217-244-6319 (NCSA) 217-333-3324 (MCC)
// Supported by
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications, UIUC
// Materials Computation Center, UIUC
// Department of Physics, Ohio State University
// Ohio Supercomputer Center
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "QMC/VMCMultiple.h"
#include "Utilities/OhmmsInfo.h"
#include "Particle/MCWalkerConfiguration.h"
#include "Particle/DistanceTable.h"
#include "Particle/HDFWalkerIO.h"
#include "ParticleBase/ParticleUtility.h"
#include "ParticleBase/RandomSeqGenerator.h"
#include "Message/Communicate.h"
#include "Utilities/Clock.h"
namespace ohmmsqmc {
//This macro is a temporary one to test the efficiency of all-walker moves. So far, not as much
//as to convince JK to implement it globally.
#define MOVE_ONE
/// Constructor.
VMCMultiple::VMCMultiple(MCWalkerConfiguration& w,
TrialWaveFunction& psi,
QMCHamiltonian& h,
xmlNodePtr q):
QMCDriver(w,psi,h,q) {
RootName = "vmc";
QMCType ="vmc";
/** Run the VMCMultiple algorithm.
* \param nblocks number of blocks
* \param nsteps number of steps
* \param tau the timestep
* Advance the walkers nblocks*nsteps timesteps.
* For each timestep:
* <ul>
* <li> Move all the particles of a walker.
* <li> Calculate the properties for the new walker configuration.
* <li> Accept/reject the new configuration.
* <li> Accumulate the estimators.
* </ul>
* For each block:
* <ul>
* <li> Flush the estimators and print to file.
* <li> (Optional) Print the ensemble of walker configurations.
* </ul>
* Default mode: Print the ensemble of walker configurations
* at the end of the run.
bool VMCMultiple::run() {
//set the data members to start a new run
//probably unnecessary
MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator it = W.begin();
MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator it_end = W.end();
while(it != it_end) {
(*it)->Properties(WEIGHT) = 1.0;
nPsi=Psi1.size(); //SIMONE
IndexPsi.resize(nPsi); //SIMONE
logpsi.resize(nPsi); //SIMONE
dgrad.resize(nPsi); //SIMONE
lap.resize(nPsi); //SIMONE
sumratio.resize(nPsi); //SIMONE
invsumratio.resize(nPsi); //SIMONE
totinvsumratio.resize(nPsi); //SIMONE
//create an output engine
HDFWalkerOutput WO(RootName);
IndexType block = 0;
Pooma::Clock timer;
double wh=0.0;
IndexType accstep=0;
IndexType nAcceptTot = 0;
IndexType nRejectTot = 0;
do {
IndexType step = 0;
nAccept = 0; nReject=0;
for(int ipsi=0; ipsi< nPsi; ipsi++) //SIMONE
totinvsumratio[ipsi] = 0.0; //SIMONE
do {
} while(step<nSteps);
nAcceptTot += nAccept;
nRejectTot += nReject;
double BlockTotal=static_cast<double>(nAccept+nReject); //SIMONE
Estimators.setColumn(AcceptIndex,static_cast<double>(nAccept)/BlockTotal); //SIMONE
for(int ipsi=0; ipsi< nPsi; ipsi++) //SIMONE
Estimators.setColumn(IndexPsi[ipsi],totinvsumratio[ipsi]/BlockTotal); //SIMONE;
LogOut->getStream() << "Block " << block << " " << timer.cpu_time() << endl;
if(pStride) WO.get(W);
nAccept = 0; nReject = 0; //SIMONE - Necessary?
} while(block<nBlocks);
<< "Ratio = "
<< static_cast<double>(nAcceptTot)/static_cast<double>(nAcceptTot+nRejectTot)
<< endl;
if(!pStride) WO.get(W);
return true;
} else {
ERRORMSG("Error with Input")
return false;
VMCMultiple::put(xmlNodePtr q){
xmlNodePtr qsave=q;
bool success = putQMCInfo(q);
//check <estimator>'s
success = Estimators.put(qsave);
for(int ipsi=0; ipsi< Psi1.size(); ipsi++){
char cname[6];
int jpsi=sprintf(cname,"WPsi%d",ipsi);
return success;
/** Advance all the walkers one timstep.
Propose a move for each walker from its old
position \f${\bf R'}\f$ to a new position \f${\bf R}\f$
{\bf R'} + {\bf \chi} +
\tau {\bf v_{drift}}({\bf R'}) = {\bf R},
where \f$ {\bf \chi} \f$ is a 3N-diminsional Gaussian
of mean zero and variance \f$ \tau \f$ and
\f$ {\bf v_{drift}} \f$ is the drift velocity
{\bf v_{drift}}({\bf R'}) = {\bf \nabla}
\ln |\Psi_T({\bf R'})| = \Psi_T({\bf R'})^{-1}
{\bf \nabla} \Psi_T({\bf R'}).
Metropolis accept/reject with probability
P_{accept}(\mathbf{R'}\rightarrow\mathbf{R}) =
where \f$ G \f$ is the drift-diffusion Green's function
G(\mathbf{R'} \rightarrow
\mathbf{R}) = (2\pi\tau)^{-3/2}\exp \left[ -
(\mathbf{R}-\mathbf{R'}-\tau \mathbf{v_{drift}}
(\mathbf{R'}))^2/2\tau \right].
If the move is accepted, update the walker configuration and
properties. For rejected moves, do not update except for the
Age which needs to be incremented by one.
/**@ingroup advanceWalkersVMCMultiple
* \brief Loop through the walkers and advance one at a time.
VMCMultiple::advanceWalkerByWalker() {
//Pooma::Clock timer;
RealType oneovertau = 1.0/Tau;
RealType oneover2tau = 0.5*oneovertau;
RealType g = sqrt(Tau);
MCWalkerConfiguration::PropertyContainer_t Properties;
int nh = H.size()+1; //SIMONE - What is this?
MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator it = W.begin();
MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator it_end = W.end();
while(it != it_end) {
//copy the properties of the working walker
Properties = (*it)->Properties; //SIMONE - Necessary?
//save old local energy
ValueType eold = Properties(LOCALENERGY); //SIMONE - Necessary?
//create a 3N-Dimensional Gaussian with variance=1
W.R = g*deltaR + (*it)->R + (*it)->Drift;
//update the distance table associated with W
//evaluate wave function
//ValueType psi = Psi.evaluate(W);
//Properties(LOGPSI) =log(fabs(psi));
//Properties(PSI) = psi;
//update the properties: note that we are getting
//\f$\sum_i \ln(|psi_i|)\f$ and catching the sign separately
for(int ipsi=0; ipsi< nPsi;ipsi++) { //SIMONE
logpsi[ipsi]=(Psi1[ipsi]->evaluateLog(W)); //SIMONE
dgrad[ipsi]=W.G; //SIMONE
sumratio[ipsi]=1.0; //SIMONE
// Compute the sum over j of Psi^2[j]/Psi^2[i] for each i //SIMONE
for(int ipsi=0; ipsi< nPsi; ipsi++) { //SIMONE
for(int jpsi=ipsi+1; jpsi< nPsi; jpsi++){ //SIMONE
RealType ratioij=exp(2.0*(logpsi[jpsi]-logpsi[ipsi])); //SIMONE
sumratio[ipsi] += ratioij; //SIMONE
sumratio[jpsi] += 1.0/ratioij; //SIMONE
for(int ipsi=0; ipsi< nPsi; ipsi++) //SIMONE
invsumratio[ipsi]=1.0/sumratio[ipsi]; //SIMONE
// Only these properties need to be updated //SIMONE
// Using the sum of the ratio Psi^2[j]/Psi^2[iwref] //SIMONE
// because these are number of order 1. Potentially //SIMONE
// the sum of Psi^2[j] can get very big //SIMONE
Properties(LOGPSI) =logpsi[0]; //SIMONE
Properties(SUMRATIO) = sumratio[0]; //SIMONE
RealType logGf = -0.5*Dot(deltaR,deltaR);
ValueType scale = Tau; // ((-1.0+sqrt(1.0+2.0*Tau*vsq))/vsq); //SIMONE
for(int ipsi=0; ipsi< nPsi ;ipsi++) { //SIMONE
drift += dgrad[ipsi]*invsumratio[ipsi]; //SIMONE
drift *= scale; //SIMONE
deltaR = (*it)->R - W.R - drift;
RealType logGb = -oneover2tau*Dot(deltaR,deltaR);
RealType g= Properties(SUMRATIO)/(*it)->Properties(SUMRATIO)* //SIMONE
exp(logGb-logGf+2.0*(Properties(LOGPSI)-(*it)->Properties(LOGPSI))); //SIMONE
if(Random() > g) {
} else {
Properties(AGE) = 0;
(*it)->R = W.R;
(*it)->Drift = drift;
(*it)->Properties = Properties;
for(int ipsi=0; ipsi< nPsi; ipsi++){ //SIMONE
W.L = lap[ipsi];
W.G = dgrad[ipsi]; //SIMONE
RealType eloc=H1[ipsi]->evaluate(W); //SIMONE
H1[ipsi]->copy((*it)->getEnergyBase(ipsi),invsumratio[ipsi]); //SIMONE
//for(int jp=0; jp< np; jp++) //SIMONE - define np
// (*it)->PsiProperty[jp][ipsi] *= invsumratio[ipsi]; //SIMONE
for(int ipsi=0; ipsi<nPsi; ipsi++) //SIMONE
totinvsumratio[ipsi] += invsumratio[ipsi]; //SIMONE
* $RCSfile$ $Author$
* $Revision$ $Date$
* $Id$

View File

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// (c) Copyright 2003- by Jeongnim Kim
// Jeongnim Kim
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications &
// Materials Computation Center
// University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
// Urbana, IL 61801
// e-mail:
// Tel: 217-244-6319 (NCSA) 217-333-3324 (MCC)
// Supported by
// National Center for Supercomputing Applications, UIUC
// Materials Computation Center, UIUC
// Department of Physics, Ohio State University
// Ohio Supercomputer Center
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef OHMMS_QMC_VMCMultiple_H
#define OHMMS_QMC_VMCMultiple_H
#include "QMC/QMCDriver.h"
namespace ohmmsqmc {
/** Implements the VMCMultiple algorithm.
class VMCMultiple: public QMCDriver {
/// Constructor.
VMCMultiple(MCWalkerConfiguration& w,
TrialWaveFunction& psi, // SIMONE - Is this needed if we
QMCHamiltonian& h, // are goint to use Psi1 ?
xmlNodePtr q);
void advanceWalkerByWalker();
bool run();
bool put(xmlNodePtr cur);
/// Copy Constructor (disabled)
VMCMultiple(const VMCMultiple& a): QMCDriver(a) { }
/// Copy operator (disabled).
VMCMultiple& operator=(const VMCMultiple&) { return *this;}
///temporary storage for drift
//ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t drift; //SIMONE
typedef ParticleSet::ParticlePos_t ParticlePos_t; //SIMONE
typedef ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t ParticleGradient_t; //SIMONE
typedef ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t ParticleLaplacian_t; //SIMONE
ParticlePos_t drift; //SIMONE
///temporary storage for random displacement
ParticlePos_t deltaR;
///temporary storage
int nPsi; //SIMONE
vector<IndexType>IndexPsi; //SIMONE
vector<RealType> logpsi; //SIMONE
vector<ParticleGradient_t> dgrad; //SIMONE
vector<RealType> sumratio; //SIMONE
vector<ParticleLaplacian_t> lap; //SIMONE
vector<RealType> invsumratio; //SIMONE
vector<RealType> totinvsumratio; //SIMONE
* $RCSfile$ $Author$
* $Revision$ $Date$
* $Id$