add fitting capabilities: morse + jackknife

git-svn-id: e5b18d87-469d-4833-9cc0-8cdfa06e9491
This commit is contained in:
Jaron Krogel 2014-12-04 14:15:07 +00:00
parent 3751252aa2
commit c83a8bd788
3 changed files with 537 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,51 @@
import sys
import traceback
from generic import obj
exit_call = exit
devlog = sys.stdout
def log(self,*items):
for item in items:
s+=str(item)+' '
#end for
#end def log
def warn(self,message,location,header=None,post_header=' Warning:'):
pad = 4*' '
if location is None:
header = 'warning:'
header = location+' warning:'
#end if
#end def warn
def error(message,location=None,exit=True,trace=True):
pad = 4*' '
if location is None:
header = 'error:'
header = location+' error:'
#end if
if exit:
log(' exiting.\n')
if trace:
#end if
#end if
#end def error
class DevBase(obj):
user_interface_data = obj()

View File

@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class obj(AllAbilities):
#end if
#end def error
#end def warn
def class_error(cls,message,header=None,exit=True,trace=True,post_header=' Error:'):

nexus/library/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
import types as pytypes
from numpy import array,ndarray,zeros,linspace,pi,exp,sqrt,polyfit,polyval
from generic import obj
from developer import unavailable,warn,error
from unit_converter import convert
from periodic_table import pt as ptable
from debug import *
from scipy.optimize import fmin
except ImportError:
fmin = unavailable('scipy.optimize','fmin')
#end try
def numerics_error(*args,**kwargs):
#end def numerics_error
# Curve fitting #
# minimizers
least_squares = lambda p,x,y,f: ((f(p,x)-y)**2).sum()
absmin = lambda p,x,y,f: abs(f(p,x)-y).sum()
madmin = lambda p,x,y,f: abs(f(p,x)-y).max()
# curve fit based on fmin from scipy
def curve_fit(x,y,f,p0,minimizer=least_squares,optimizer='fmin'):
if optimizer=='fmin':
p = fmin(minimizer,p0,args=(x,y,f),maxiter=10000,maxfun=10000,disp=0)
numerics_error('optimizers other than fmin are not supported yet','curve_fit')
return p
#end def curve_fit
# morse potential
# V(r) = De ( (1-e^-a(r-re))^2 - 1 ) + E_infinity
morse = lambda p,r: p[2]*((1-exp(-(r-p[0])/p[1]))**2-1)+p[3]
morse_re = lambda p: p[0] # equilibrium separation
morse_a = lambda p: 1./p[1] # 'a' parameter, related to well width
morse_De = lambda p: p[2] # 'De' parameter, related to well depth
morse_Einf = lambda p: p[3] # potential energy at infinite separation
morse_width = lambda p: p[1] # well width
morse_depth = lambda p: morse_De(p) # well depth
morse_Ee = lambda p: morse_Einf(p)-morse_De(p) # potential energy at equilibrium
morse_k = lambda p: 2*morse_De(p)*morse_a(p)**2 # force constant k = d2V/dr2(r=re), Vh=1/2 k r^2
morse_params= lambda re,a,De,E_inf: (re,1./a,De,E_inf) # return p given standard inputs
# morse_reduced_mass gives the reduced mass in Hartree units
# m1 and m2 are masses or atomic symbols
def morse_reduced_mass(m1,m2=None):
if isinstance(m1,str):
m1 = ptable[m1]
#end if
if m2 is None:
m = m1
if isinstance(m2,str):
m2 = ptable[m2]
#end if
m = 1./(1./m1+1./m2) # reduced mass
#end if
return m
#end def morse_reduced_mass
# morse_freq returns anharmonic frequency in 1/cm if curve is in Hartree units
def morse_freq(p,m1,m2=None):
alpha = 7.2973525698e-3 # fine structure constant
c = 1./alpha # speed of light, hartree units
m = morse_reduced_mass(m1,m2) # reduced mass
lam = 2*pi*c*sqrt(m/morse_k(p)) # wavelength
freq = 1./(convert(lam,'B','m')*100)
return freq
#end def morse_freq
# w = \omega_e or frequency in 1/cm
def morse_w(p,m1,m2=None):
return morse_freq(p,m1,m2)
#end def morse_w
# wX = \omega_e\Chi_e spectroscopic constant in 1/cm
def morse_wX(p,m1,m2=None):
ocm = 1./(convert(1.0,'B','m')*100) # 1/Bohr to 1/cm
alpha = 7.2973525698e-3 # fine structure constant
m = morse_reduced_mass(m1,m2) # reduced mass
wX = (alpha*morse_a(p)**2)/(4*pi*m)
return wX
#end def morse_wX
# ground state energy (Hartree units in and out, neglects E_infinity)
# true ground state (or binding) energy is E0-E_infinity
def morse_E0(p,m1,m2=None):
m = morse_reduced_mass(m1,m2)
E0 = .5*sqrt(morse_k(p)/m) - morse_a(p)**2/(8*m) + morse_Ee(p)
return E0
#end def morse_E0
# energy of nth vibrational level (Hartree units in and out, neglects E_infinity)
def morse_En(p,n,m1,m2=None):
m = morse_reduced_mass(m1,m2)
En = sqrt(morse_k(p)/m)*(n+.5) - morse_a(p)**2/(2*m)*(n+.5)**2 + morse_Ee(p)
return En
#end def morse_En
# morse_zero_point gives the zero point energy (always positive)
def morse_zero_point(p,m1,m2=None):
return morse_E0(p,m1,m2)-morse_Ee(p)
#end def morse_zero_point
# morse_harmfreq returns the harmonic frequency (Hartree units in and out)
def morse_harmfreq(p,m1,m2=None):
m = morse_reduced_mass(m1,m2)
hfreq = sqrt(morse_k(p)/m)
return hfreq
#end def morse_harmfreq
# morse_harmonic evaluates the harmonic oscillator fit to the morse potential
def morse_harmonic_potential(p,r):
return .5*morse_k(p)*(r-morse_re(p))**2 - morse_De(p)
#end def morse_harmonic
# morse_spect_fit returns the morse fit starting from spectroscopic parameters
# spect. params. are equilibrium bond length, vibration frequency, and wX parameter
# input units are Angstrom for re and 1/cm for w and wX
# m1 and m2 are masses in Hartree units, only one need be provided
# outputted fit is in Hartree units
def morse_spect_fit(re,w,wX,m1,m2=None):
alpha = 7.2973525698e-3 # fine structure constant
m = morse_reduced_mass(m1,m2) # reduced mass
ocm_to_oB = 1./convert(.01,'m','B')# conversion from 1/cm to 1/Bohr
w *= ocm_to_oB # convert from 1/cm to 1/Bohr
wX *= ocm_to_oB # convert from 1/cm to 1/Bohr
re = convert(re,'A','B') # convert from Angstrom to Bohr
a = sqrt(4*pi*m*wX/alpha) # get the 'a' parameter
De = (pi*w**2)/(2*alpha*wX) # get the 'De' parameter
Einf = 0.0 # zero potential at infinity
p = morse_params(re,a,De,Einf) # get the internal fit parameters
return p
#end def morse_spect_fit
# morse_fit computes a morse potential fit to r,E data
# fitting through means, E is one dimensional
# pf = morse_fit(r,E) returns fitted parameters
# jackknife statistical fits, E is two dimensional with blocks as first dimension
# pf,pmean,perror = morse_fit(r,E,jackknife=True) returns jackknife estimates of parameters
def morse_fit(r,E,p0=None,jackknife=False,minimizer=least_squares,auxfuncs=None,auxres=None,capture=None):
Edata = None
if len(E)!=E.size and len(E.shape)==2:
Edata = E
E = Edata.mean(axis=0)
#end if
pp = None
if p0 is None:
# make a simple quadratic fit to get initial guess for morse fit
pp = polyfit(r,E,2)
r0 = -pp[1]/(2*pp[0])
E0 = pp[2]+.5*pp[1]*r0
d2E = 2*pp[0]
Einf = E[-1] #0.0
# r_eqm, pot_width, E_bind, E_infinity
p0 = r0,sqrt(2*(Einf-E0)/d2E),Einf-E0,Einf
#end if
calc_aux = auxfuncs!=None and auxres!=None
capture_results = capture!=None
jcapture = None
jauxcapture = None
if capture_results:
jcapture = obj()
jauxcapture = obj()
capture.r = r
capture.E = E
capture.p0 = p0
capture.jackknife = jackknife
capture.minimizer = minimizer
capture.auxfuncs = auxfuncs
capture.auxres = auxres
capture.Edata = Edata
capture.pp = pp
elif calc_aux:
jcapture = obj()
#end if
# get an optimized morse fit of the means
pf = curve_fit(r,E,morse,p0,minimizer)
# obtain jackknife (mean+error) estimates of fitted parameters and/or fitted curves
pmean = None
perror = None
if jackknife:
if Edata is None:
numerics_error('cannot perform jackknife fit because blocked data was not provided (only the means are present)','morse_fit')
#end if
pmean,perror = numerics_jackknife(data = Edata,
function = curve_fit,
args = [r,None,morse,pf,minimizer],
position = 1,
capture = jcapture)
# compute auxilliary jackknife quantities, if desired (e.g. morse_freq, etc)
if calc_aux:
psamples = jcapture.jsamples
for auxname,auxfunc in auxfuncs.iteritems():
auxcap = None
if capture_results:
auxcap = obj()
jauxcapture[auxname] = auxcap
#end if
auxres[auxname] = jackknife_aux(psamples,auxfunc,capture=auxcap)
#end for
#end if
#end if
if capture_results:
capture.pmean = pmean
capture.perror = perror
capture.jcapture = jcapture
capture.jauxcapture = jauxcapture
#end if
# return desired results
if not jackknife:
return pf
return pf,pmean,perror
#end if
#end def morse_fit
# morse_fit_fine: fit data to a morse potential and interpolate on a fine grid
# compute direct jackknife variations in the fitted curves
# by using morse as an auxilliary jackknife function
def morse_fit_fine(r,E,p0=None,rfine=None,both=False,jackknife=False,minimizer=least_squares,capture=None):
if rfine is None:
rfine = linspace(r.min(),r.max(),400)
#end if
auxfuncs = obj(
Efine = (morse,[None,rfine])
auxres = obj()
res = morse_fit(r,E,p0,jackknife,minimizer,auxfuncs,auxres,capture)
if not jacknife:
pf = res
pf,pmean,perror = res
#end if
Efine = morse(pf,rfine)
if not jackknife:
if not both:
return Efine
return pf,Efine
#end if
Emean,Eerror = auxres.Efine
if not both:
return Efine,Emean,Eerror
return pf,pmean,perror,Efine,Emean,Eerror
#end if
#end if
#end def morse_fit_fine
# equation of state
murnaghan = lambda p,V: p[0] + p[2]/p[3]*V*((p[1]/V)**p[3]/(p[3]-1)+1)-p[1]*p[2]/(p[3]-1)
birch = lambda p,V: p[0] + 9*p[1]*p[2]/16*((p[1]/V)**(2./3)-1)**2*( 2 + (p[3]-4)*((p[1]/V)**(2./3)-1) )
vinet = lambda p,V: p[0] + 2*p[1]*p[2]/(p[3]-1)**2*( 2 - (2+3*(p[3]-1)*((V/p[1])**(1./3)-1))*exp(-1.5*(p[3]-1)*((V/p[1])**(1./3)-1)) )
murnaghan_pressure = lambda p,V: p[1]/p[2]*((p[0]/V)**p[2]-1)
birch_pressure = lambda p,V: 1.5*p[1]*(p[0]/V)**(5./3)*((p[0]/V)**(2./3)-1)*(1.+.75*(p[2]-1)*((p[0]/V)**(2./3)-1))
vinet_pressure = lambda p,V: 3.*p[1]*(1.-(V/p[0])**(1./3))*(p[0]/V)**(2./3)*exp(1.5*(p[2]-1)*(1.-(V/p[0])**(1./3)))
# Statistics #
# jackknife
# data: a multi-dimensional array with blocks as the first dimension
# nblocks = data.shape[0]
# function: a function that takes an array for one block (e.g. data[0])
# and returns an array or a tuple/list of scalars and arrays
# ret = function(*args,**kwargs)
# args: a list-like object of positional input arguments
# kwargs: a dict-like object of keyword input arguments
# position: location to place input_array in input arguments
# if integer, will be placed in args: args[position] = input_array
# if string , will be placed in kwargs: kwargs[position] = input_array
# capture: an object that will contain most jackknife info upon exit
def jackknife(data,function,args=None,kwargs=None,position=None,capture=None):
capture_results = capture!=None
if capture_results: = data
capture.function = function
capture.args = args
capture.kwargs = kwargs
capture.position = position
capture.jdata = []
capture.jsamples = []
#end if
# check the requested argument position
argpos,kwargpos,args,kwargs,position = check_jackknife_inputs(args,kwargs,position)
# obtain sums of the jackknife samples
nblocks = data.shape[0]
nb = float(nblocks)
jnorm = 1./(nb-1.)
data_sum = data.sum(axis=0)
array_return = False
for b in xrange(nblocks):
jdata = jnorm*(data_sum-data[b])
if argpos:
args[position] = jdata
elif kwargpos:
kwargs[position] = jdata
#end if
jsample = function(*args,**kwargs)
if b==0:
# determine the return type from the first sample
# and initialize the jackknife sums
array_return = isinstance(jsample,ndarray)
if array_return:
jsum = jsample.copy()
jsum2 = jsum**2
jsum = []
jsum2 = []
for jval in jsample:
#end for
#end if
# accumulate the jackknife sums
if array_return:
jsum += jsample
jsum2 += jsample**2
for c in xrange(len(jsample)):
jsum[c] += jsample[c]
jsum2[c] += jsample[c]**2
#end for
#end if
#end if
if capture_results:
#end if
#end for
# get the jackknife mean and error
if array_return:
jmean = jsum/nb
jerror = sqrt( (nb-1.)/nb*(jsum2-jsum**2/nb) )
jmean = []
jerror = []
for c in xrange(len(jsum)):
jval = jsum[c]
jval2 = jsum2[c]
jm = jval/nb
je = sqrt( (nb-1.)/nb*(jval2-jval**2/nb) )
#end for
#end if
if capture_results:
capture.data_sum = data_sum
capture.nblocks = nblocks
capture.array_return = array_return
capture.jsum = jsum
capture.jsum2 = jsum2
capture.jmean = jmean
capture.jerror = jerror
#end if
return jmean,jerror
#end def jackknife
numerics_jackknife = jackknife
# get jackknife estimate of auxiliary quantities
# jsamples is a subset of jsamples data computed by jackknife above
# auxfunc is an additional function to get a jackknife sample of a derived quantity
def jackknife_aux(jsamples,auxfunc,args=None,kwargs=None,position=None,capture=None):
# unpack the argument list if compressed
if type(auxfunc)!=pytypes.FunctionType:
if len(auxfunc)==1:
auxfunc = auxfunc[0]
elif len(auxfunc)==2:
auxfunc,args = auxfunc
elif len(auxfunc)==3:
auxfunc,args,kwargs = auxfunc
elif len(auxfunc)==4:
auxfunc,args,kwargs,position = auxfunc
numerics_error('between 1 and 4 fields (auxfunc,args,kwargs,position) can be packed into original auxfunc input, received {0}'.format(len(auxfunc)))
#end if
#end if
# check the requested argument position
argpos,kwargpos,args,kwargs,position = check_jackknife_inputs(args,kwargs,position)
capture_results = capture!=None
if capture_results:
capture.auxfunc = auxfunc
capture.args = args
capture.kwargs = kwargs
capture.position = position
capture.jdata = []
capture.jsamples = []
#end if
nblocks = len(jsamples)
nb = float(nblocks)
for b in xrange(nblocks):
jdata = jsamples[b]
if argpos:
args[position] = jdata
elif kwargpos:
kwargs[position] = jdata
#end if
jsample = auxfunc(*args,**kwargs)
if b==0:
jsum = jsample.copy()
jsum2 = jsum**2
jsum += jsample
jsum2 += jsample**2
#end if
if capture_results:
#end if
#end for
jmean = jsum/nb
jerror = sqrt( (nb-1.)/nb*(jsum2-jsum**2/nb) )
if capture_results:
capture.nblocks = nblocks
capture.jsum = jsum
capture.jsum2 = jsum2
capture.jmean = jmean
capture.jerror = jerror
#end if
return jmean,jerror
#end def jackknife_aux
def check_jackknife_inputs(args,kwargs,position):
argpos = False
kwargpos = False
if position!=None:
if isinstance(position,int):
argpos = True
elif isinstance(position,str):
kwargpos = True
numerics_error('position must be an integer or keyword, received: {0}'.format(position),'jackknife')
#end if
elif args is None and kwargs is None:
args = [None]
argpos = True
position = 0
elif kwargs is None and position is None:
argpos = True
position = 0
numerics_error('function argument position for input data must be provided','jackknife')
#end if
if args is None:
args = []
#end if
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = dict()
#end if
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = dict()
#end if
return argpos,kwargpos,args,kwargs,position
#end def check_jackknife_inputs