labs: ppconvert now works with jobrun_vesta

git-svn-id: e5b18d87-469d-4833-9cc0-8cdfa06e9491
This commit is contained in:
Jaron Krogel 2016-05-17 14:17:31 +00:00
parent 81cc0e0d8e
commit 9e25e9beab
1 changed files with 36 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -93,15 +93,36 @@ if exe_name not in exe_names:
# generate submission command based on target executable
script = False
runstr = None
command = ''
if exe_name=='ppconvert':
# ppconvert #
convert = '/soft/applications/qmcpack/Binaries/ppconvert'
nodes = 9
time = 60
queue = 'prod'
for n in range(len(exe_arg_list)-1): # put " back on arguments
arg1 = exe_arg_list[n]
arg2 = exe_arg_list[n+1]
if arg1.startswith('--') and arg1.endswith('ref'):
if not arg2.startswith('"'):
arg2 = '"'+arg2
#end if
if not arg2.endswith('"'):
arg2 = arg2+'"'
#end if
exe_arg_list[n+1] = arg2
#end if
#end for
script = True
#exe = '/soft/applications/qmcpack/Binaries/ppconvert'
exe = '/home/yeluo/qmcdev/trunk/src/QMCTools/ppconvert/build/ppconvert'
prefix = 'ppconv'
nodes = 1
procs = 1
threads = 1
time = 120
argstr = ' '+join_args(exe_arg_list)+'\n'
runstr = exe+argstr
# script_text = '''#!/bin/sh
@ -110,12 +131,12 @@ if exe_name=='ppconvert':
#mpirun -f $COBALT_NODEFILE -n $PROCS {0} {1}
# '''.format(convert,join_args(exe_arg_list))
script_text = '#!/bin/sh\n{0} {1}\n'.format(convert,join_args(exe_arg_list))
script_file = ''
os.system('chmod +x '+script_file)
# qsub account nodes time submission_script
command = 'qsub -A {0} -n {1} -t {2} {3}'.format(account,nodes,time,script_file)
# script_text = '#!/bin/sh\n{0} {1}\n'.format(convert,join_args(exe_arg_list))
# script_file = ''
# open(script_file,'w').write(script_text)
# os.system('chmod +x '+script_file)
# # qsub account nodes time submission_script
# command = 'qsub -A {0} -n {1} -t {2} {3}'.format(account,nodes,time,script_file)
elif exe_name=='rungms':
@ -243,7 +264,11 @@ elif exe_name=='qmcpack' or exe_name=='qmcpack_comp':
if script:
script_text = cobalt_header.format(account,nodes,time,prefix)
script_text += cobalt_shape
script_text += runjob.format(nodes*procs,procs,threads,exe,argstr)
if runstr is None:
script_text += runjob.format(nodes*procs,procs,threads,exe,argstr)
script_text += runstr+'\n'
#end if
script_file = prefix+''
os.system('chmod +x '+script_file)